HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-4-17, Page 3LORD KITCHENER1S LAUDED NAME -SHOULD BE AN INCEN- TIVE TD EGYPT., Keeps Peace, Built Up the Lad the -Drainage and the Banking. No explanatieu of the government cif Egypt, -writes Clayton S. Coop- er, is adequate i'vithout the presen- tation of the name of Lord Kitchen- er who since his appointment le British agent October ot 191,14ms been increasingly the unique_ and ynarnic force behind all the gov- ernment agencies alike the protec- tor ,of Imperial Englisla interests and, the humanitarian regenerator of4e and be loves. ), came to Egypt to assist in thecompletion of the spleudid work of regeneration commericed by Lord °realer, He himself had laeforo contributed to the problem as the soldier -leader in Khartoum, the coaqueaor of the Elialifa, sweePing out of tho sudvi the fanatical der- Vishea, 0or did he arrive one mo - meet too soon to alliO4t OW tide that was surely currying Egypt backward from the high arid suPorb ateteemanshiP of Lord Cromer's re- gime, Already officials we beeianiug to manifest a political 'Shortaight- edness that made them more or less uaeonscious or neglectful Qf the plaiu needs and oecurrence$ about them; already under the easier sway of Sir Eldon Gorst the old-time COn,. flet between the Copts and the Mos- lem had grown in intensity and had euhninated ht the assassination of the Coptie Prime Minister, Bout- rous Pasha Ohali r; already bad the words "malaish" (never mind) and "baksheesh" begun to assume thei old-time influence amongst the p plc. The Man for the Job. The presence of an iron band WA needed and not a, few of Egypt's leaders were unconsciously turning in their luinds t,oward Kitchener, as the conversation of a, certain Egypt. - Ian officers who commanded a bri- gade at Omdurman infers: ,„"Lord Kitchener is a soldier.. Ho is a. ma of iron. Ile made a clean sweep o the Sudan. He is just, but he is not o be trifled with. There is not tionttlist in Fagypt who would not bury hinagelf in the sand if Lord Kitchener came to Cairo. Ile is the man for the job." A ruler who is almest as diplo- matic as the easterner himself, he stretches out to Pashadom and fol- laheen alike the gloved hand that all iron and steel. Iiitehencr's Strategy. An amusing instance of his ming- led strategy and resourcefulness oc- curred when certain chiefs of Be - down tribes came to him, express- ing., their determined wish to gather a number of their warlike brethren and join forces with their fellow Mussulinans in guerilla 'warfare in Tripoli: Now it amst be remember. ed that the Egyptian for good and sufficient reason dreads conscrip- tion in the army more than all other ills eombined, and the no- inads have been exempt front try service. Upon receiving this announcement therefore the soldi- er of Khartoum faced thee Be- douins, solemnly saying that he was sorry that he lia.d heretofore over- looked their warlike and soldierly propensities, that he would immedi- ately see that Egypt -would not lose these heroes thirsting ler glory uponathe battlefield, but would have .them all 'enrolled at once in the Egyplian "army under the Sanie ,con- ditions as the fellaheen. It is stated on presumably good authority that the dust that rose from beneath the flying feet of those Bedouin chiefs, was like unto that which sometimes covers Cairo from a thick "Khan-:- seen"—the wind that blows in blind- ing deeds the sands of the Sahara,. Another. Napoleon. 4' It iis to be hoped that this effici- ent OiPTEt1 who commands an army t;9, lhe name 'Kitchener!' is nn meitrve similar to tharo-f the -Napoleon" to the oldguarid and ;who in ,a comparatively brief timei has gained- the confidence of the EgyptiaaseWlio have most at heart the e9OX-rntty;s`„,go.pq, will re- ceive the unstinted, support of the home goveinment' in the progres- sive and highlY:utililarian measures which he is'ilow jrinnhlgating for the new Egypt._ ri. '70 .tiberia Growing Wealthy. Siberia, ;with its valuable timber .aavaiting the hand of the ciatiyatrar-,, , another Canada, and Must, :ty ke! .01}6P,e,.d„ up sti'P more to We ' fru, traven * .,. ' , j{-10,..1V.aigazine; . Only tisays ttilsieonleYthr'inl4' ribbon .Of 'steel,' ruriacross 'he riCh. l'aaa a.a ,;.,.s.,,,,..:''i'', and as...f."4i.lai'lLE!'..!,T'ais„ 0,LI 1,, 1 in,g, 60', '11"te rf<')8r1C-1(leoVf.a1091,1 'e - „ti, '''',° 77, (;,,'ay, ),,„ws when 'n,'n' , .S.,) ' 04,00 .--lenV i • e'n . the., tiet_ ti .11 railway, he in '' ' - ''''''"e' o',Old vs -Lein ,of =', l''!'St re-§P"rt'te- ..,psbing, won-, e 'a Yatem' in it,self, bt,..t„, still , .. ,. . , 'PIMP of date.-Gre,at imd, ,. . . , 'wns exist ,in Siberia „flop' ,,a37,' ,froalfihe.,‘,r way . IMPURE BLOOD - IIN TIIE SPRING Ito Passing of -Winter Loaves Poo - 18 Weak and DePressod .As winter passes away it leaves many people feeling weak, de- pressed and easily tired. .The body lacks that vital force and energy whieh Pure hlood alone eon give, Da, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all -year-round blood builder and •nerve tonic, hut they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood. -Returning strength tommenees with their use and- the vigor and cheerfulness of good health quickly follows. There is just one cure for lack of blood and that is more bleed. E004 ie the material front -which blood is made, but Dr, Williams'- Pink Pills double the value of the food we eat, They give strength, tone up the stomach and weak digestion, elear the complexion of pimples, eruptions and boils, and drive out rheumatic poispos, If yen are pale and sallow, if you feel tentinually tied out., breath- less after slight exertion, if you have headaches or backaches, if you irritable and nervous, if your joints ache, if your appetite fails end food t 003iiot nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr, "Williams' Pink :Pins will make you well and strong. To build up the blood is the special purpose of Dr, 'WilliamsPink Pills and that is why they are the best spring medicine, If you feel the need of a tonic at this season give Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and yen will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy, Do not let the trying weather of sununo. And you weak and ailing, 'Build Yenrself up now with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—the pills that strengthen. Ask for Dr. Williams'. Pink Pine fo Pale People and do not be per - nailed to take something else, If our dealer does not keep these Pills they will be sent by mail, post, paid, at nO'cents a box or six boxes' for $2.50 by writing Tho Dr.WI llama' Medicine Co., Brockvill Ont. TUBERCULOSIS CATTLE. The Lost Shipinate. Somewhere he failed me, somewhere he slipped away— Youth, in his ignorant faith and his bright arra. The tidesgo ot; the tides come flooding in; Still the old years die and the tie ,begin; But Youth?— Somewhere e lost each other, last year or yesterday, Somewhere he failed me. Down at the harb0E-s/de I waited for him a little, ;where the anchored argosies ride thoeght he came—the steady "trade» blew free— " I thought he came; 'twas but the shawod of me And Teeth ?— Somewhere he turned and left me about the turn of the tide. Perhaps I shall find him. It may be • he waits for nae, Sipping those wines we knew, be- side some tropic sea. The tides': still serve, and 1 am out and away To search the spicy harbors of z).restereloy, For Youth, Where tlie lamps of the town ;44e1low beyond the lamps o the quay. $emewhere he failed me, somewhere e aUpped AAA ay --- 'Youth, with his ignorant heart and his bright array. W4,4 it in Badosl God, 1 woul pay to know I Was it ort Spanish Hill, where the roses blow Ah, YoutJ Shall I hear your laughter to -mer - row, in painted Olivio Somewhere 1 failed 1ii111, 071r4 where I let him depart,— in who would only sleep for the neorn's fresh start, The tides slipped out, tho tdes washed out and in, And Youth and I rejoiced in their wastrel din. louth Shall I find yon south of the Gulf I --or are you dead in my heart? 0, —Theodore Goodridge Robert; in April Canadian Magazine., Sore Back No Fun, 4tn Expert sari It is the Most common Disease or Cattle. In a. paper read before the Bri- ish National A.F.eociation for the Prevention of Consumption Dr, Sheridan Delepino emphasized the need of a systematic inspection of dairy'eattlo. He said ho believed that infection from cattle caused fully a quarter of the cases of tn- berthilosis among children under five years of age. The Lancet, which prints .extracts from Doctor Delepine's paper, also quotes a re-• eeet report of the veterinary alit - Oen of the city of Glasgow, who said that teboreulosis was the most (gammon disease tha.t, affected cattle,' Out of 71,145 British, cattle slaugh- tered, no less than 8,932, or more than twelve per cent., proved to be tuberculous. The prevalence of ta- therculosis in Milch -cattle is further shown by the fact that the veteri- nary surgeon reje.oted no less than forty outaof ninety-eight cows that he tested with tuberculin before admitting them to the herds that supply milk to the fever hospitals. "An alarming proportion;" says the report., "when we consider that those were .all good-looking beasts that had received the critical atten- tion of the dairy -owner beforehand, in the full. knowle.clge that they were to be -tested." BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can giye her lit- tle one. They act as a gentle laxa- tive, sweeten the'stoma,ch, break up colds and make teething easy. Con- cerning them IVIrs. Alp onse Lan- dry, Upperearaquet, N. 13 says: "Ba. ‘iy,e.rc_21f Feat rky Lid I *cliiTcl advise all mothers NVit,11 aiekly chil- dren to give them a trial.", The' Tablets are 'sdld at 25 cents a box from The Dr. winiams' medicine Co Brockville Ont. • . The fools are not all dead, infact, lots of thenf haven't been born yet. MInard's LInlinent Cures •Carget in Cows. ." Mr. Sap1eigh-7-I And it 'deuced hard to collect my thoughts, you know, Miss. Keen—Father SaYs it's alwaysdiffiCult to, 'collect 'sniall -.VA^ rea.s.ar-61'i o t • n' eaise.ae-oa,„ CAA' 444141/Riff Cure It To -Day, Rub on "Nerviline 11.,11MON WM Stop Tour Aelting Bite Stop Your Suffering, Keep You Well. ek Sufferers, Read 11010W, "X am Just so delighted with the coin. tort Norviline brought mo that I Want to talk about it all the time.” 'elites .T. 0, Caughlan, of Saskatoon, "For ogee I have been subject to an aaing, dragging feel- in,a at the base of the Spine. ISIlea rattle on it made nay 'whole body ads*, It appeared as if I had taken eold and a soreness developed ai through my muscular system, When in Winnipeg ono day a friend Spoke to me of and I boright a 50e. bottle. TIlat WAG tho best- half -dollar X ever enent. It did so much for me. It is hard to convince 'tonic People of what a really good, medicine can do. but there will be no sceptics aftor they try out Nerviline. I use it for every- thing now. It's fine for Rheurnatism and Neuralgia and all sorts of muscular pain it cures quickly. But internally. if pos- sible. Nerviline is even 'better. It cures a cramp in ten Seconds. and. as for gas and upset ex' sour stexnaeh. nothing -could excel Nerviline. 1 think it shotzld be kept in every homci as a' protection agalbst sudden ills, and also to cure ills that re- sist other treatments." Pamily size bottle. 50e.; trial size, 2.5e.; at all storekeepers and druggists, or The , Catarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. A. ROW to Ile Happy. Mrs. Naggs—John, have you read "How to be Happy Though Mar- ried ?" Naggs—Of course. not. I know how without reading at. Mrs. Naggs--Well, how. Naggs—Get a divorce • Ce Popular Young Farmer Talks TELLS WHAT DODD'S KIDNL PILLS tlID POR HO'S at Work Again After Suffering, from the Pains, Nerye Ousuesa and Depressioa that Only Kidney 'Disease Can 'Bring, Point Alexander, out., April (Special).—Mr, D. A, Proncare, a well-known and popular young far- mer, living near here, who has been sullerer from kidney disease for some time past, is back at work again, and he says, without hesita,. tion, that his Cure is dee to Dodd'a Kidney Pills, "I was always tired and nerv- 044," Mr. Froncaire says, in Mepee& g of his illness. "I auffered from backache and neuralgia, and my Weep was broken and unrefreshing. My eyes were puffed and there were dark red circles around them, "My Muscles would eransp. Tleit heavy and sleepy afterward; 41114 was depressed and low-spirited, 'while shortness of -breath and diZZY pens served to make life yet more miserable for me, "I was always thirsty; ray h were heavy; and I had a dragg nsation across the loins, "My symptoms led me to believ 1 "lad ladeey disease, and I started to uee Dodd's Eidae,ePaha 1 btwi e taken eight boxes n all, and / am "lif11`,V grateiti/ for the benefit I have received from, tliem." If the disease is of •tbie kidneys Or from the kidneys, Dethl's id - nay rib will 'cure iv. .4. To intyProVO Ifauging. Staggosielug that our motile imiging is not the most, pabtl and humane, the London Lan rgest the adoption of the soigne t. tal (under the chin) knot in place the suhaural (below tho ear) knot, 'It is admitted that there is a ten. deney for ,P4 kllOtt to aUp tPORI, 'OW 1)0.4111, Of the chin, and to obviate tins Lieutonant-Colonel Marshall has invented a. 'elan trough,' which holds the rope in position, The question whielt should now pre- nt itself to the authorities is, granting that. the submental knot is the most 11111114110„ what, is the best tunthod of ensuring the rope being retained at the point of the Chin lt Whole limn on He Arm. Some time ago a woman entered a well-known London (England)i hospital, and the nurses discovered , that the upper part of the right arm was entirely occupied with al pictorial representation of "The Rock of Ages," while on the lower part of the arm was the scene o the Crucifixion. No Alimony—Just a Separation Peaceful. Quiet sew:ration, no damage done, everybody happy tiVall—that's the eituation when you divorce your oorne With Putnenz's Corn Extractor. Atte like magic—don't use any but Putnam's'— Ite best. 25e, at all dealers. YABIC�SEYEINS Broke. Into, Sore, Itched and Burned So Badly ,Could. Scarcely Sleept! Bed and Infamed, entleitra,Saap .and 0intibeat Entirely Cured. 217 gree,111700d Ara.. TOP:tato. Oateri0.—e ""..MY trouble eta*. Tarlease veine above pr ;ewe. it to -oke tato a sore which wasps:In. The !sera itched and berPed stobdi that't, wad *titicoly 8eep. the we, Owed it was ed and lanateed, 1 op,eti no 'wear 4 she for eight weeks, I tried severat nine -- punts hut they dithetersora to do IS astir good. Thee. I was recommended' to 1,tee Otifliniret Seali and Ointmene. 1 bathed VriVi the putt, cora noap and put a Ifttfo. CartoOro. Otni, moot on and they gov4 the gre,*t*. rf.tlat, In a few" Weeks 0 -afore W34 eatirely cured't (Signed)Mrs7,21,1acOrregor gef 21, 11012,, SALT .RHEUM ON BAC3r$ HEAD Woodstock, Yamittoath tiptv as about throo weeks old 101m 4 had se4 rheum 04 42 4404 044 (omtio44. IP Ategaa fa or Boo' rtt4.4. ea amiro ottgot.t.4 fointoo4 riti formed e. bard, brew CO* A looko terIt4e. 444 tt min; hothore4 ttrn o a int. es he wood net steep, 1aite4 wai.stil him with the fiatiftern Bop and, efer end pat th* Cut/cora, Ointment oe, aod mu oroo tt.tit tioo And fore. Ow, 1 coal. 4P.ea4teelaglee er PaikersaPlanaiait gait Outicura Soap," (Signed) hfra. OtergetL Aligte NOY, At, Ant, alt-lcumfig0anCa.Pleora. Ohnipent aro .6-41411. 4r4itUtig 444 0,41ellf 01047ViteDit, A oleglo sot is elwo gaMooul. aaratde 0 etaeh mailed free, vilth az.p. sum Boon Address poot pAnt rims* Mem. ()ow.. Depr, leEtee.. U, S., 4. PIUNCE ED1,,....,YAKD ISLAND. OW the Parmera Rguow Timir hat14-ted. ittle ErOVil4e0 Of Prince B4 - 'and whioli lies in the Olaf wrenco'and close to the b s f hoth ,1"..Zova Scotia and New '44 has many leAtureS almost wholly, peculiar . The sniallost Province °million, yet sho ia unique fa she possess Cii 'tit* densest lationt is the only Canadian d having a provincial status, 1 4,lio only one with o. Inliform and unaltered geological formation. The soil of Prince Edward Island however, while naturally fertile, somewhat deficient in lime, and the 010,ps coon exhaust tho scanth sup- ply of nature. ut a remedy is pro- vided by tho ciepo5it8 of dead oys- ters from one end of tho island to. the other. This deposit is the most superior lime fertilizer extant, /111(1 a valuable dressing for some soils, espeeially for bay and grain crops. Moreover, it requires no treatment of any kind before being applied to f e e,onsitianerod, te.T.tse n epttblic ydnroeyse rar and any man is free to seleet the hest location he tan, He reoeives no offieial reeognition of his claim, and only holds it while his machine - is over the spot. The depth of some of 1,11,CSO old &hell beds is extra- ordniar,v, Thirty feet of solid oys- ter hells is aaid to have existed in certain places, The siz of tho shells in. some eases is fully 15 inch- es long, 4 ieohes wide, and an inch thick at talie butt end. It will thus be seen that shells of this deserip- tion must contain a. large amount of pure limo. TOMATO CIJLTURE. Almo,„ st anyone with a garden or farm la a temperate einna.-0 can grew tomatoes with greater or less auccesss, but there is ft great differ - epee betweeo the extent and qua- lity of the crops grown by differeut Pertials in the same locality, ''..rhese differeneeS are due to Several causes among which the varieties grown and methods of cultivation praetis- ed are perhaps the chief. According to experiments carried 04 or years at the Experiment4 Farm at Ottawa. Earliaea, of Which there are several strales, is the hest early sort, but Bonny Best, Chalks' Early Jewel are also good early kinds. Of later varietios Matchless Tropkv, Livingston's Globe and Plentiinl rank high, - It is the....early fruit that makes 'he proflt, In growing plants what should be aimed at is the produc- tion of a stock, sturdy plant which hetthoaeViteilasottnhee Asoff4rUpeouanIt: chief work is cultivations, should be done both ways in the frrn palini:etailt:;:ht!lvdhLiCeb rtelpiWteclarlyt In order to protect, tomato _plants ser ed, even when quite yonag, svith Boratela,pouxraiinxt.,zw4i ro.eTte se and 1,13anyoover primtieallY the -whole Seiel of toma to eulture ill the green house a U ft in the gardee arra lleid, are jStheCettragte(II ENillitePriturilDePulltarelti;lorm1p0o ve! pared by the Dominion Ilerticidter- st, Mr, W. T., Maeoun. Thin work for free distribution to all who Indy for tt to tho Pulilications anal of tho Department ,to Agri - at Ottawa, Gamediu We g Mgesfton Restored„ calth Rcuewcd TRY IT N YOU' You will find it wonderfu refreshing LIPTON TEA It sustelns and cheers ilioNimilme~~400100.111 ,1jtI LU frQui tho XR'g•tmh COrt-41*W4:1. 474 Pinto Broachwhh a Ratitari Pose; 4,4d Peitiving Niro have msad horeprops eh -pular of thts remaaie brcaco wi.gt Os, tr.zttous ot hs gatins, $ent, freo appttcati op to apy reader of thttipper. This is the meat fttmens eirenier ever pfzaed to the FrIglish langao!cre than . 1.7.4 a ;rat:PA nalift4 TraVtit acly '.ken. 4144440 te. ar!veraso Pinto MOO rottco. blieri. Fes a Festal te UUflSO1 BAY KNITTING 'COg Caea' 1"tgert Move as Of Wit ilteistre, MONTREAL, stranta4, 000 STOCM wit, Three Rous; - be Fold outeir, Prir - • • ETERAT. DE$TRABZ 31eauf.teba, Alborto sod flstkat 0.4tibt t,,,utrbt- worth tht U190 IN Il.N7L ov on tortos to dttforout y 141, It 701A igg'4ot 1.7 frkara avenr loaurz - fair; ball a-4410 4 tlobaugo for Orr isltb geed tato Excb Many of the misfortunes from whiclz wo suffer most are those we never experiende. They are the misfortunes of the imagination. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "Was your daughter's musical education a profitable venture ?" "Yoe bet! I bought the houses on either side of us at half their value." Only One "BROM° QUININE" That le LAXATIVE BROMO CIDININE Look for the eignature of E. W. GROVE. Cures it Cold in One Day. Cures Grip ta Two Days. 25e. A WOMAN'S SELF-CONTROL. How She Kept Her Head Under Tryin g Ciromusta aces. An Englishinam-travelling through *Ylon deseribe,s in the London, Tel- raph a. startling experienceithat fell his hostess at a, dinner .in incomalee_ The dinner was excellent, but when :it was about half -over -I was startled by hearing my,' hostess tell the native servant -to place a bawl 01 milk 011 deerskin near her elin4r.• Although she spoke as'ealrnly as if giving an ordinary order, I knew at once that there was it snake somewhere in the room, for these creatures prefer milk to anything OlSe. A5 a hasty mo-ventent Might 'MVO meant Certain death, Vi'le add sat dike isqatues; but for all that., our eyes were inspecting every nook and corner of 'the room. Ho-wever, it was not until the milk- was placed onthe deerskin that the snake ap- peared:- And, then, to our amaze- ment, a large cobra uncoiled itself from my hostess's ankle, and glided thward. the bowl, where, of course, it was immediately killed, „Imagine the nerve of the woman, although she fainted when the snake lay dead on the floor. How many could have remained mohoa- leas under such circumstances 1 )1. ... Time. . Mrs. Knicker—This 'Creation. Knicker--Does that . mean it was made in six days, or that it: will take me several hundred million years to pay for it? eg be frock is a Tx When Tour Eyes Nem! care Try Murine Ee'Reme y. No Smarting ---Feels Finer-1-Aate ulekly. Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Grannlated Eyelids. Inns. trate& Book in 'each Package: . Murine , . compounded, by our Oculists-ot a "Patent Med. loine",-, but usedin .successfut PhysICIans' nits- -Doe. for, many, yearti, Now dedicated to tho Pub., lic and sold by Druggists at 25o andstYlo per Bottle. Murine Eke blalve in Aseptic, Tubes,- 250 and 50e.: Whirine EYe Flernedy-Co., Chicago . „ Thibet's Legend of Eden. ,The follo-wers of the Dalai Lama, itt Thiliet,'haVe4 legend that in'the il.rSt,.‘ great Garden a sweet-4•Tasting plant „grew out.of the ground. One .man tasted -of this plant, and the. other, did likewise when all ,vir- tue -and "good ,fortune ceased. Ages ,passed, and- this plant - grew no Mankind fed Upon -a kind of ;red „ butter,- ' then upon grass„ and • .,last :they had to celtivate the • Virtue- had deParted froin'the earth; violence, murder and, faith- , leksness'increased.ten , himvote th cisc- go men, a mac !i• Quickly steps caught, tures eoldg. and heals the throat and lungs. zrU 25 cents. Quite Another Thing. Hobbs—So you've struck it rich and are now able to keep several servants 7 Dobbs—Alas, no—only to hire them. Mlnard's , Liniment Cures Distemper. A Terrible Silence Followed. The Bachelor—Oh,' is . this the baby 7 Can it talk yet? Proud Mother—No, indeed. He isn't eld enough yet. Is 'on, mam- ma's precious darling? The Bachelor ---Ah, and at what age, now, will he begin to get pret- ty and cunning? tr %.) ,Naw and Second- , hand, for beating ‘and power purposes. ' TANKS AND SPi.OKE. STACKS, Agents ,for'S.turtte. vast youillating aol tlooun g gysterel. Pi3LS014,1?q,' TORGITO LiNitT4.-„D . „ Eosinea and Shipbuilders ." ED 0 1 That 0 II o Pill a 1 it perded loot swrsaer thethought d exaltod Nellie " wrIto 0, A. Dodge. eff ..,the t had -made um tiott bit for feed rttlimitt um ial.afarvatIon amd brou et nerveue collapse, k r liters an settse l (00. biro told mu rwy liver 41141 kidnorit vfsro both ut :unit, but the, wed!. eines they gave me wera tee Severe and ireduced MY strength ea that I bad tO abixraton them. At the euggehtiOn of it friend who bad been cured of blood and , skin trouble, I began the live of Dr. II1111- ilteit'S 1'.111s. Tito differeace I firat aoticed was, that while they eieansed the SYstem, instead of fettling wealter I felt, better after taking thou, Indeed their activity WAS Pe mild it was easy la forget I land taken them at all; they seemed to go right to the liver, end in a very brief time not ott/y did all setae%) of nousca disappear. but I began to crave food and I digostod it reasonably well. Then I be- an to nut on weight until within ihrro menthe I was brought to a t'ondition of good health. I urge Dr. liantiltou's Pills for all who are in poor health." Cot tide best of all medicines to -day and refuso a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake ind Butternut. Sold by all druggitte and storekeepers, 25e. per box or five for $1..00. Sent post- paid by The Catarrhozorie Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. and Eingsten. Canada. *It Saved By Poverty. Poverty has saved tbe life of many a young fellow who would have bought bin:melt' a shotgun or a sail- boat if he only had had the money. consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot, badly jammed lately. I bathed it well -with ViNARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Your very truly, G. MeMULLEN.. Transferred. He told the shy maid of his love, The color left her cheeks. But on the shoulder of his coat It showed for several weeks. PILES CURED IN 6 TO -14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50o. An ounce. of done is worth -0 than a ton of going to do, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta, Czar Buys Clothes itt Itiis„,,la The Czar keeps about 40 suns in wear, 'and wears each perhaps a dozen it.inies before it is put out of the viardro.bes. The C.,,ar buys all his clothes in Russia, and each suit costs him from $10 to $60, 'while for ' frock coats and waistcoats he pays $75. On some of the Czar's uniforms the gold ornamentation and braid- ing are wertia alone $1000. This ornamentation is never used tiwice, but when a new uniform is ordered the ornamentation is good for about one-third of its original cost, 1, s 9". 0 5?, 61 IPT 1 Meat fo conti itatify Fond for i' ex E., Tr STAMPS Ann ODIN Lucland-ilUN Suroat Forutan scamps. Ibtim, teals SEITZ] Conte, moony, Toronto, legue. amp PAISOELLANE0tJS., BLOTCRES. ON P T orloved wire' vrino ' 4111.,ertiRld .beroro; dm, ite xupolv thibOrP, "irlIngton Ave., IVeutznoullt, Ilontrem. CANCER, TUMORS. Luny -i, r.ra. internal and externel, tinted wall— eat pain by our borne treatalertt. Write ns before too late, Dr. Bolivian Medical .L1Tritf.d, 'rolling:1.mnd, Oat dl.l. tiTONEN. X1USF.,1" ANA nI,AD. VI- der Stones, Realty trouble, Gravel, Lumbago nod Icindred ailmeate poortivolif cured with the new 'German Remedr. "linnet" price $1.50. Another new reined, for Diribetor-Mnilitun, and sere cure, ie "SanoTs Antl-Dlabetes." Price 5.200 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manures. tnring Company of Councils, Limited. Winnipeg. Man. M(151C1 MUSICH MUSIC lft On tho Mississippi. We've Rad n That 015 Girl (titans, When the lilLinight Choc. When X Lost, You, Theu 1.11 Stop L Toni At the Devil's DIAL That's Dow 1Need Yon. And liundreds of other I•op. Songs a ft 1 Irattrumenf tats. Ise each, 7 t r $1,0o; postrexid. I can En orders for Standard Son, Operatic Vet cal and Pians Music, Albums, fitters, Sox Quick DlipAtcli, Bottom Prices. Cadi with, Order. Chas..1. Chureber, 1012 Duricha St. Toronto. The Soul of a Piano lathe Action, Insist on the —OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Maypole Soap AND NDys Gives rich clowing , colors, fadeless in sun or suds. DyescotIon, silk, woolormixtures. Use it yourself at home. No trouble— no MIMS. 24 colors— will give any shade. ColorslOc,biack 15c, at your dealer's ot postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from F. L BENEDICT & CO Malicious. Gladys—I refused Fred two -weelo, ago, and he has been drinking heatv ily ever since. Ethel—Isn't it about time stopped celebrating? married Woman's description ideal man isn't anything like he one she got. ' The ha'rning,'stirtglilg, smart - 1 pain is euded the bleeding stopped aid a petmansut cure effected by use of ZIk MVO lt a fair tdal Druggiate and Stoma, 406,F°x"' a