HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-12-18, Page 211
We would like to wish all of our
friends, relatives and neighbors
o Very Merry Christmas and a
Healthy, Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
—Larry and Lenore
Harrison. -51,52
We would like to wish our
friends and relatives a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
—Carman, Ila and Larry
To all our friends and relatives,
Best Wishes for o Merry
Christmas and a Happy New '
Marg and Howard Aitken and
We would like to wish our
friends and neighbors and
relatives a very Merry
Christmas and Best Wishes for a
Healthy and Happy 1986.
--Bill and Betty Helesic and
We wish all our relatives,
friends and neighbors a very
Merry Christmas and a pro-
sperous New Year.
• Ken and Ruth Oke 51 52nx
We wish to take this opportuni-
ty to wish relatives and friends
in the area a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
—Charlie and Millie
Johnston. — 51 .52nx
We would like to wish all our
friends, neighbors and relatives
the merriest Christmos ever and
all the best in the New Year
- Ron, Carol, Andrea and Rhon
do Horton. 51,52n x
I would like to take this oppor
tunity to wish relatives and
friends a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year
Mary Ellen and Lillian
Lynn 51 52nx
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Yeor to all our friends
neighbors and relatives
Paul Sharon Christopher
and Nicole Steep 51 52nx
Merry Christmas and o Happy
New Year to all our friends
neighbors and relatives
Brenda George Kelly and
Kyle Vanderburgh 51 52nx
Best Wishes for o Blessed
Christmas and a Hoppy and Pro
sperous New Year
John Diane Joanne Mat
thew Buchanan 51 52nx
The Infant King come to save us
from our sins nt CHRISTmas
May oll our wonderful relatives
neighbors and friends enjoy His
love now and throughout 1986
Ken Shirley and Jim
Keller 51 52nx
We would like to take this op
portunity to wish everyone a
Merry Christmos and a Pro
sperous New Year
Marcel Ruth and Karin
Buchonon 51 52x
Best Wishes to all my friends for
a Very Merry Christmos a
Healthy Hoppy and Prosperous
New Yeor
Sincerely Mare A
LeBlanc 51 52nx
We would like to wish all our
friends and relatives a Blessed
Christmas and a Happy New
David Anne and Rebecca
Harrison 51 52nx
We take this opportunity to
wish everyone the blessings of
the Christmas Season, and
health and happiness in the
New Year.
—Bob and Phyllis
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to all .our friends,
neighbors and relatives.
Evelyn Vanderburgh.
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to our friends,
neighbors and relatives.
-Diana, Paul, Tanya and
Alesha. --51 , 52nx
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our friends,
neighbors and relatives.
--Keith, Pat, and Lynn
Good. --51 , 52nx
Patrick, Leslie and Stephanie
King and family wish all their
friends a very safe and merry
festive season and o Happy
New Year. - 51 ,52nx
Wishing friends and neighbours
a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
. Joe Rumig. 51
Cliff and Charity McDonald send
greetings for Christmas and
best wishes for the New Year to
all our friends and
acquaintances 51.52x
Warmest Holiday Wishes to our
friends. In lieu of sending
Christmas Cards we have con-
tributed to the Huron County
Christmas Bureau
Harold and Jean Bettger and
family 51.52nx
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our friends
neighbors and relatives
Lloyd Doug and Grant
Lounsbury 51 52nx
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to wish my husband and
kids a Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. I love
you all. Also Seasons
Greetings to our relatives and
friends Hoppy Holidays
Evelyn Shand 51 52nx
We would like to wish our fami
ly relatives friends and
neighbors a Merry Christmas
and o Happy New Year
Arnold and Velma
Vint 51 52x
We would like to take this op
portunity to wish relatives
neighbours and friends a Merry
Christmas and o Happy New
Elmer and Sharon
Anstoy 51 52
Wishing all of our friends and
relatives a very Merry
Christmos and a Healthy and
Happy New Year
George Bobbie Michael and
Christopher Moffat 51 52nx
We want to wish all our friends
neighbours and relatives A
Merry Christmos and a Pro
sperous New Year
Ed Mary and Amanda
Johnston 51 52nx
WE WOULD LIKE to take this op
portunity to wish our dnnrest
friends relatives a n d
neighbours o Very Merry
Christmas and most prosperous
New Year Have a safe and
Happy Holiday and may all your
Christmas dreams come true
Marlowe and Dehh,e
Austin 52nx
Best wishes for a very Merry
Christmas and the happiest of
New Years.
Ron and Mary Helen
Blue -51 ,52nx
I would like to wish all' my
friends in Goderich and
especially Maitland Manor a
Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
--Dolly Bruce. --51,52
Merry Christmas and Best
Wishes for a happy and pro-
sperous New Year • to all our
friends, neighbours and
—Don, Dian & Pamela
Kellestine - 51,52nx
Best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a very pro-
sperous New Year to all our
friends, neighbours and
Ann & Terry
Schoemaker. - 51 ,52nx
Clare and Ida McGowan wish all
our many friends EVERY BLESS-
ING for the Christmas Season
and all throughout the whole
New Year 1986. --51,52
To my friends and neighbours -
my Christmas card funds are go-
ing to Unicef, but I hope you
may all be blessed with every
happiness at Christmas and
throughout the New Year.
Ruth Walker. 51 ,52x
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our friends,
neighbors and relatives.
Jim. Marg & Heather
Blackwell. 51,52x
Som and Miriam Anderson wish
their friends and neighbours all
the joys of the season. 51
Volumes of best wishes are sent
to you from the staff of the
Goderich Branch Library. .
Marg. Isabel. Elaine. Michelle
&Reg 51,52x
To all our friends and
neighbours we would like to
wish you the Merriest of
Christmas and the Happiest
New Year
Eileen & Earl
Harrison 51.52x
We would like to wish all our
friends and family a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
Ron Michele Catherine &
Heather Brindley &
Licorice 51 52x
I would like to wish my friends
brt asand a
Christmas Happy
Naw Yeor
May Ervine 51 52
Wishing all our friends and
relatives a Merry Christmas and
a Hoppy New Year A Special
Christmas wish to all my new
tound friends and co workers at
the Goderich Signal Star for
then recent support and kihd
Koen Rob Tanya Ryon and
Justin Koestler 51 52nx
most blessed time of year to all
our friends neighbours and
family Hove a safe and happy
John 'JockJoanne Brian
Sandy & Jackie
Chambers 52nx
Best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
Year to our friends neighbors
and relatives
Doug and Donna
Sowerby 51 52nx
We would like to wish all our
friends and relatives o Very
Merry Christmas and a pro-
sperous New Year.
Hugh and Willetta
McWhinney -51,52x
I want to take this opportunity
to wish my friends, neighbors
and relatives a "Merry
Christmas" and all Best Wishes
for New Year.
—Harvey Lassaline.•--51,52x
May your Christmas be loving
and 1986 fullfil all your dreams
and hopes.
Jean Adams. --51,52x
Wishing a Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous
New Year to our relatives and
-Leonard, Dorie & Tristan
Kolkman. - 51,52x
Wishing everyone the happiest
of Holiday Seasons. Remember
drive safely.
-From Barry, Sheila and
Michael Sullens. 51 ,52nx
W would like to' take this op-
poiunity to wish all our
re•I•atives, friends and
neighbours a Very Merry
Christmas and a Healthy and
Happy New Year.
Dave, Becky, Kristine and
Candice Mclvor. 51,52
To relatives, friends and
neighbours. Season's greetings
and all the best in next year.
Mr and Mrs Ted
Baechler. 51 .
To our friends, and relatives
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
Wayne. Dawn, Billy & Jen-
nifer Tucker 51,52x
A very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Healthy New Year to
our many friends in Goderich
and Clinton May God bless you
Sincerely Dick and Anna
Berryman 51 52
Season s Greetings to all Hop
py New Year
Joyce and Joan
Naegele 51 52
I would like to take this oppor•
tunity to wish friends and
relatives a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year Special
thanks for visits flowers cards
and many kind deeds during the
AlmaMacEwon 51 52x
We would Ike to wish all our
relatives & friends a Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous
Nnw Yeor
Dan Dorothy Derek Mero
Kevin & MaryLynn
Willis 51 52x
We would like to wish our fame
Iv and friends o Merry
Christmos and a Hoppy New
Glenda & Ron Deleary and
Mike Hoelscher 51 52x
Christmas dreams that all come
true that s our special wish for
Trim Janet Steven and Brod
Graham 51 52nx
We would like to wish all our
friends and relatives o Very
Merry Christmas rind a healthy
hnppy and safe New Yeor
lames Clo re Tracy and
Trevor Cook 51 52nx
Merry Christmas and Happy
Now Year to all our relatives
n',d friends
Dole Norm Erira'and Ashley
Fnbertson 51
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous
New Year.
—Margery Farley. -51,52x
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Yeor to relatives and
— Albert Powell. --51 ,52
Merry Christmas and a Hoppy
New Year to all our friends,
relatives and neighbours.
— Ross and Alice
Season's Greetings to all. Hap-
py New Year.
---Joyce and Joan
We would like to wish everyone
in Goderich a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.
--Lou, Gerry and Tom Pitre,
Listowel -Ont. 51 ,52x
Season's Greetings to all our
friends and relatives.
- Sincerely Bruce, Florence and
Ron. -51,52x
We would like to take this op-
portunity to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and Happy
Holidays. A big thank you to our
customers and hope your holi-
day is o safe one.
Lakeshore Chimney Sweep
and Harold, Dionne and Dwane
Leddy, 51,52x
May all your Christmas
moments be filled with magic.
Merry Christmos and best
wishes to you and yours.
Lots of love, Twinkles the Elf.
alias Joanne Doherty. 51 .52nx
Merry Christmas to friends and
From Michelle Long and
David Sallows. 51 .52nx
To all our Relatives Friends and
Legion Comrades we wish a
Joyous Christmas and 0 Happy
New Year.
Esther and • Alvin
Blackwell 51.52x
Mr. & Mrs. J H Johnstone wish
their beloved family dear
relatives, friends and
neighbours a Joyous Holy
Christmas 51 52x
May all our family and friends
find love and lay to surround
them during this Christmas
Season and all through the New
Best Wishes Gerry Judy
Mike and Scott Durst 51 52nx
WE WOULD LIKE to wish all our
friends. neighbours and
relatives o very Merry
Christmas and o Prosperous
New Year
Reg Carole Paul & Angie
Good 51 52x
and neighbours may you hove a
very Merry Christmos and pro
sperous New Year Have a safe
and happy holiday
Ron and Sandy Willis 52nx
Best wishes to all my friends for
o Very Merry Christmos o
Healthy Hoppy and Prosperous
New Year
Mel Timms 51 52nx
I would like to take this oppor
tunity to wish my relatives and
friends who have been so
thoughtful and kind a very hap
py Christmas and prosperous
New Year
Jean Steep 51 52nx
A cookie is not just a cookie! With a little
imagination, they can be transformed into
novel decorations and favors, or .used to
make quick and delicious bake or no -bake
elegant desserts.
The new crispy, chewy cookies which
Canadians are devouring by the millions
(Canadians consume 4.6 million Duncan
Hines Cookies a day) can be used to create a
table decoration for special occasions such
as children's birthday parties or holiday
celebrations like Christmas, Valentine's
Day or Easter. Cookie Christmas trees, jolly
cookie lollipops, cookie choo choo trains and
cookie placecards are just some examples
of easy to assemble "Cookie Creations" that
look and taste great.
Why not plan a "Cookie Jamboree" as
either a simple family activity, or a fun par-
ty at home or in the classroom and create all
sorts of cookie wonders.
Duncan Hines' home economists have
developed a whole collection of cookie crea-
tions, time -saving dessert ideas and bake
and no -bake regional recipes in a booklet en-
titled Cookie Magic, available free from
Duncan Hines Consumer Service, Box 355,
Station 'A', Toronto, Ontario, M5W 105.
Here's a recipe for fun holiday table
decorations - Jolly Cookie Lollies.
Cookies decorated with all sorts of funny
faces and crafty designs, sandwiched
together and attached to one end of a popsi-
cle stick make fanciful lollie treats for kids
at birthday parties.
Supplies to have on hand to make Cookie
Monsters and other Incredible Edibles:
1 pkg Duncan Hines crispy, chewy cookies
in any Oatmeal or Peanut Butter flavor 11
pkg makes 16 lollies )
Decorating Frosting ( see recipe following
Popsicle sticks
Assorted food colors
Colored Gum Drops, Jelly Beans, Ju-jubes
and Smarties
Large and small marshmallows
Assorted cake trimmings
To Make Cookie Lollies:
Attach two cookies with Decorating
Frosting placing end of posicle stick in
between. Set aside for about 30 minutes to
dry completely.
Prepare and set out an assortment of can-
dy decorations and decorator bags. Spread
plain frosting on one side of Cookie Lollie,
then use yellow or brown frosting along the
top of the cookie for curly or straight hair.
Make eyes, nose, hats, etc., with other col-
ored frosting or candies. Decorate back of
cookies with small amount of frosting to
represent hair.
Stands for Cookie lollies:
Layer three Duncan Hines cookies using
Decorating Frosting to attach. Push Cookie
Lollie stick through middle of cookies to
make stand.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Setting time: 30 minutes
In a bowl, beat together '2 cup (120 m1)
Duncan Hines Creamy Frosting and 1
medium egg white. Stir in 21'2 cups (625 ml )
icing sugar until thick enough to hold a
mounded shape but still thin enough to pipe
through a decorator tip. Divide frosting
among several small dishes. Stir in drops of
food coloring to obtain the colored frostings
desired for decorating cookies. Makes 2'2
cups (625 ml) frosting.
with Kahlua
• Entice and enchant your guests during the
holidays with these entertaining thoughts,
Kahlua style. Some are new ideas, some
traditional. All can he prepared in advance,
ready to help make the season merry for
family, friends...and for you!
Kahlua Triple Cheese Ball
A gutsy cheese mix - when flavours
mellow, the Kahlua comes out nicely...has
very, fine grainy quality typical of cheese
blends. Goes well with apples. Recipe
makes 1 large, 2 medium, or 4 dozen small
balls. Individual balls may be rolled in a
variety of coatings, if desired.
14 cup Kahlua (50 mL)
2 cups finely grated white cheddar (500 rel. )
2 cups finely grated provolone 1500 m1.1
1 cup cold pack cheese food (250 ml, )
1/3 cup soft butter (80 mi.)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise ( 30 ml. )
2 teaspoons sweet -hot mustard (10 m1,1
Finely chopped toasted almonds or other
nuts, toasted pine nuts or sesame seed, or
finely chopped parsley for coating.
Mix Kahlua with cheeses. Add butter,
mayonnaise and mustard and heat until well
blended. Chill, then shape into one large or
two medium balls ! or into 4 dozen individual
balls 1. Cover and chill several hours or
overnight to mellow flavour. Roll in desired
coating before serving. Mixture will he firm
after refrigeration but will soften at room
temperature. Serve with wedges of crisp ap-
ple and assorted crackers.
Mandarin Kahlua Chicken
in Lettuce
This deliciously different appetizer can
also be served as a spread and spooned on to
crackers or squares of firm dark or whole
grain bread.
1 large whole chicken breast, boned and
1 teaspoon soy sauce i5mI,I
1 teaspoon Kahlua ! 5 rnf.1
1 tablespoon oil (15 ml,)
12 cup finely chopped cooked ham i 125 ml,)
1 cup finely chopped fresh mushrooms 250
12 cup finely chopped green or mild onion
1 cup finely chopped canned water chestnuts
Endive or small rornaine spears
Prepare Kahlua Seasoning Sauce
below ). Chop chicken meat fine and mix
with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) each soy sauce and
Kahlua. Let stand while assembling other
ingredients, then stir -fry chicken in hot oil
for 1 minute. Add ham and cook 1 minute.
Stir in mushrooms, onion and water
chestnuts. Add Kahlua Seasoning Sauce,
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