HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-12-18, Page 14CLASSIFIE' RATES & DATA: . DEAOlrl .f'. f 'f S r I 12 NOON TUESDAY, Too late to classify; ods will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. UlfoRD aAssiF11 3 RATES: '4.50 min./22 words 20' ea. additional word thereafter. In Memoriam; '4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cord of Thanks; '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6' for ea. additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Consecutive Insertions; 10% discounts available for word ads running 3 weeks or more with no copy change, Prompt Payment; 5011 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.). Available only on word ads running 1 or 2 weeks. $3.50 Thursdays, Display classified; rates available on request. IT'S EASY! To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM-5:OOPM 5 24 -26 1 Address mall correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Star, P.O. Box 220, lnduatriaai Goderich. N7A 4B6 4 Signal - Pork, 1. Articles for sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street. Goderich.. 1 tfar ONE GIRLS winter coat, turquoise, $10.00. One blue snow pants, $10.00. Both size 5. Best offer. Phone 524-7830. 48tlnx EXCELLENT GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS - Radio Shock TRS80 colour computer plus colour computer cassette. all cords and manuals included, one TRS80 colour LOGO. Great start for beginners $150.00.526-7504.•---50-52 BRAND NEW BENCH GRINDERS - 8" Models $99 00, 6' Models 579.00. Ideal Christmas gifts 524 2352. 50.51x 1976 MONARCH 302 Ford motor transmission. 5275 00 or best offer Phone between 9 a m 3 p m 524 4348 51 FOR SALE Console Stereo in working condition older model $50.00 Twin cement laundry tub 510 00 524 7028before2p m 51 52 Olnx PORCHPOSTS give me a call Maybe lust what you are looking for 5248889 34tfnx FOR SALE •'78 Polaris 340SS •'78 Elan Twin •177 TNT 340 •'76 Massey 3 cylinder liquid cooled • '74 Nordic 640 Electric start & reverse •'69 Olympic electric start "74 Olympic • '77 Ski Doo RV assortment of used parts 1. Articles for sale COMPUTERS - IBM and Apple Compatible; printers, monitors; and accessories. Affordably priced. C W COMPUTERS and SUPPLIES, 732 QUEEN STREET, KINCARDINE, 396-3114 (Authorized dealers ' for Zenith Data System.)-39tf OVEN READY DUCKS for Christmas. Four to five pounds, frozen. Phone 524-4757.-50,51x MUSCLE BUILDER - like new, York Multi Purpose, wide stance, adjustable press bench, plus a 31" and two 15" bars and sixty pounds of weight. 575.00.524-9132.--50,51 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS • a new Westinghouse apartment size automatic washer and dryer. Full warranty. Priced to sell, 524.2384 otter 6 p.m. -50,51 BIRD FEEDERS make a lasting Christmas Gift. Several sizes available. Can be hung or mounted on pole or tree trunk. Prices start at $12.95. Call 524.8754. -50tf INTERNATIONAL 350 tractor utility gas, 38 hp, power steering, live P,T.O., remotes. $1850.00. 482-7490,--50,51 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Maple and ash $26.00 a unit (12' x 4' x 8') picked up. Phone Andy 524- 4149.-51,52 G.E.17 CU. FT. frost•free fridge with freezer and matching 30" self-cleaning stove, harvest gold. To be sold as pair 482-3006.---51 CANON 514XL-S Sound Movie Camera $175.00. Phone 524-8898.-51 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL • oven ready chickens, 8 to 10 lbs., $1.15 per lb. Call 524.6427.-51,52 MODERN DESIGN easy chair, oak veneer coffee and end tables. Asking $350.00 for everything. Will sell separately. Excellent condition. Call before 5 p.m. ask for Kris 524.4976.-51,52nx 1 PAIR LINED drapes, Autumn shades. Length 76 width 200", $40; two white vinyl head- boards, twin size, $10. each. Phone 524- 8944. - 51 USED BOND PHOTOCOPIERS • Xerox, 3M, Savin also electrostatic copiers, from $225.00; Rex - rotary duplicator $10.00: Used office dividers $35.00,and up. 524.2648. -50, 51 or OLD DOLLS; some soft heads; some hard heads. Phone 526.7719. 51 RED, ONE PIECE snowsuit. Size 16. Like new. Phone 526-7719. -51 99.9% FUEL EFFICIENT & SAFE There is only N one... KEROSU W BRAND PORTABLE KEROSENE HEATERS *THE BEST* *BUILT TO LAST! with Porcelain Enamel and Stainless Steel. COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY/ *BUILT TO SAVE! Bums up to 39 hrs. on 1 tilling. •WITH 9 MODELS, WE HAVE ONE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS EXACTLY! OPEN DAILY 8-5 SATURDAY 8-12 EDWARD FUELS 202 ANGLESEA ST., GODERICH JUST PAST CASHWAY LUMBER 524-8386 Come in for a demonstration today! Place youra e,N it our early and EE THURSDAYS ONLY 22 WORDS OR LESS ONLY $350 Reg. 54.50 NAME 1. Discount applies to all word classified ads which are submitted in person on Thursdays Only. Regular rate will be charged to all phoned in ads. 2. Pay '3. 50 for all word ads containing 22 words or Tess (Add 20' for each additional word) 1. Payment must he made when placing ad. 4.'3.50 rate is in effect every THURSDAY and ONLY THURSDAY. (UST PRINT ((LEARLY) your classified ad below... 1 - Ads must he paid when submitted - DROP YOUR AD INTO OUR OFFICE THURSDAY 8 am - S pm _j 1. Articles for sole PINE SPRUCE AND BALSAM CHRISTMAS TREES, 5'10'. Contact Neil Edgar,, Highway 86, east of Whitechurch, 357-2440.--49-51 FOR SALE: One poir of girl's figure skates "Lange", size 11. Like new condition. Best offer. Phone 524-2202.-51 STOVE AND FRIDGE. Phone 524.2576, 51 • 1800 GALLON water tank for power washer or li quid tank. Call 402.7150. - 51 , 52ar CUSTOM made waterbeds to snatch your bedroom outfit. Starting at $225.00, Call Don Fisher 524-9446, --41 tf STEEL BUILDINGS. Limited quantity of steel available. Beat the price increase order now for immediate or spring delivery, For savings and for quality call Miracle Span 1.800-387.4910. 0-49- 51 ELECTROLUX SHAMPOOER - repossessed. Please call 524-8889.--50,51 nx REPOSSESSED ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner. Please call 524.8889. -50, 51 n x WATER PROBLEMS? New technology • eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water'' coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganes. , hardness. chemical contamination and snore - fully automatic, tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations, no messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine - FREE 6 Month Trial Offer. See for yourself. If you want Better Water for Better Country Living call Toll Free 1-800-268.2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, No. 203 1030 Kamoto Road, Mississauga, Ont. L4W 4B6. The "Lowest" Cost System that "Really - Works. -0-51 KNECHTEL FIVE PIECE dining set, Early Settler Styling. In Briartone Brown Color, $250.00. Phone 524-8812 -51x 2 PAIRS OF children's skiis, boots and poles. suitable for 7 or 8 year old. $50.00 per set. Call 524-2805 after 5 p.m: • 51 Still a good selection left! CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, In the lot beside Verbeek's Farm and Gorden Centre noivl SPONSORED BY CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB OPEN: 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Six days a week 482-9333 $10. lisEIZ5S:ts:YSziP tE4c1MiS"sMYD'SRZIU SSZT54mac", MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM AUBURN CO-OP Look what we have... TOYS•TOYS•TOYS• 'Great Shape' Barbie Dolls Reg. $9.25 Now $6.51 Masters of the Universe Reg. $8.49 Now $5.88 Princess of Power Reg. $9,59 Now $6.72 Farm Tractors & Equipment 3O'% O F F OPEN \ton to Fri 8 111 Sit 90(1 12 DO W C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/7 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades For Television from Around The World Cali LARRY FISHER 524-9595 SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 10' Fiberglass disk (5 yr. warranty) Polar Mount Uniden 1000 Receiver O5 Degree L.N.A. Polorotor $1995. or $ 69. per mon/to SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 6' Perforated DIA tnsS. i.d 2000 Unldon Receiver $ 17 9 9 and more Completely Installed ris e.r eeonet. • Monthly Leasing Available • Horne Demonstrations Value for your money - Backed by Service TV 4 STEREO SYSTEMS. SALES & SERVICE CHOICE OF COLOUR L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Coll Day or Night 524-9S9S • 1. Articles for sale CHILD'S CROSS COUNTRY skiis, boots, size 2 and poles $25,00. Phone 524.8482. 51 FREEZER - Kennmore 7.4 cubic Foot chest style, 4 years old, like new. Asking $225.00. Phone 524- 6581. (previously advertised incorrectly as 12.5 cubic ft.) 50,51 PORTABLE COLOUR T,V., 595.00, in good condi tion. Phone 524-8713. 51 PONY FOR SALE • good riding pony for children, 5150.00 complete with saddle, bridle, brushes. Call 524.8555. 51 ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. All Steel, straight slant half round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and 'answers, Wally (416) 626 1794. Leave Message or collect evenings and weekends. 0-32tf PIANOS. Apt.•size, w bench, $995; uprights, 52 - inch, $495. Pianos refinished from $995. We buy. restore, refinish pianos. Village Piano Shop, (behind Kentucky Fried Chicken), Elmira. (519) 669 2280. 0 51 VANTAGE AVENGER ELECTRIC GUITAR with case $200.00. Phone 524.4673. 49,50,51 TECHNICS portable stereo system 60 watts R.M.S. 7 bond graphic equalizer music search, Dolby N.R. AM FM radio. MX tape head linear phases speakers 5650 00 Phone 529 7974. 4ltfnx -Used Appliances - Inglis 31" range and 1? cu. ft. frost -free refrigerator, almond, excellent condition, 1930. for pair or best of. far. 482-7190 1A. Snowmobiles 1974 SKIDOO Silver Bullet 294 twin carbs, in good condition, 5350.00. Utility trailer $150.00. Phone 524-6659. 50,51 1977 POLARIS 340 TX and 1979 John Deere 440 Trailfire. both in good running order and ready for winter. Phone 524 7108 or 526- 7732. 51,52nx 1978 SCORPION WHIP 400 new track, excellent condition $750.00. Phone 524.2845. 51 ar SNOWMOBILE. 1979 Moto Ski Futuro. electric start, .excellent condition. Family used. Best of- fer. 527 ffer.527 1367. 51 1975 MERCURY 340 S•R. 1976 Boa Ski 292 MK2. Also for sole Clare Hecla Gas Furnace, 4 cylinder wood splitter to complete; 8 foot fiber glass truck topper. 10 foot slide• in 'truck camper • self contained: Allen Tronic Igo. Scope. 786-4076 (Forest). 51 5. Cars for sale 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO approx. 75,000 original miles never winter driven up on blocks. runs great surf roof needs some body work Phone 4823514 after 5 p m Best offer 49tfnx 1974 TOYOTA CELICA 4 speed with sunroof many new parts Only needs exhaust pipe to pass safety 5500 00. 524 9529. 50tfnx 1979 FORD THUNDERBIRD 8 cylinder automatic in good condition with new brakes Call 524 8363 or 482 5442 alter 5 p m 50 51 1980 FORD PINTO Good condition As is $2 200 00 Call 529 7852 50 51 52 1974 MUSTANG II 6 r7linder good condition $500 00 as is 1975 Kawasaki KH100 S200 00 os is 526 7582 after 5 00 p rn 51 1979 CHEV four wheel dnve One owner Phone 529 7650 51x WINTER CLEARANCEE "We'd rather sell them than clean them off" 1902 FORD MUSTANG - 4 cylinder. 4 speed AM radio, may wheels. T -bar roof. P S 1' B.. only 29,700 miles. 14,400. 1981 FORD ESCORT STATION WAGON - 4 cylinder. 4 speed. P.S P B . AM radio. only 61.000 miles '4,300. 1981 PLYMOUTH RELIANT - 4 cylinder 4 speed. P S.. AM FM cassette. '3,900. 1980 CHRYSLER CORDOBA - 318 V8 automatic. P.S., P B. AM FM radio, bucket seats and console interior finished in leather. only 60.000 miles '14,200. 1980 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME - 304 V8 automatic PS PB AM radio. '5,400- 1979 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE - 318 V8 automatic P S P B Jir conditioning, only 44 000 miles '3,500. 1979 OLDSMOBILE 88 ROYALE - V8 automatic PS PB AM FM radio. air conditioning etc 94,200. 1979 PONTIAC PARISIEi- 9 automatic PS. PB AM rl '3,500. 1979 PONTIAC LoMANS - V6 outor ii< P S P 8 only 60 000 miles 13,900. 1978 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - V8 automatic PS. P B , art conditioning. power seats, power windows. AM 'FM stereo etrNO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SALES i LEASING OOder fah'r Onterla' 355 BAYFIELD ROAD ( all: Peter Parent or Poe Essex 524-4664 6. Trucks for sale 1983 CHEVY 510 DURANGO 58 000 Km Ex reflent rondrtron 37 300 00 Coll Hugh 529 3186 51 1984 FORD RANGER, 60,000 Km. Price negotiable. Call 524-2377. --51 1983 FORD F150 EXPLORER 4x4, low mileage, ex., cellent condition. Phone 482-3855. 51 8. Marine FOR SALE Mirage 24 ft.. excellent condition, race and cruise equipped, 7.5 Eninrude, long shaft, many extras, stable, fast boat $15,000. C & C 25 ft., loaded, race or cruise, new main, new No. 1, stereo, VHF shore power, 7.5 Johnson plus many more, $24,000. C & C 35 ft., MK. III (1983) in ex• cellent condition, silva electronics, fully cruise and race equipped, excellent race record, 1985 boat of the year, comfortable, roomy cruiser. Phone 519.337-7127.---49tfnx 9. Automotive DAILY CAR RENTAL Best rates, best cars available. McGEE PONTI AC-BUICK-CADILL AC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 BATTERIES ALL TYPES! ALL SIZES! OPEN DAILY 8-5 SATURDAY 8-12 EDWARD FUELS 202 ANGLESEA ST., GODERICH JUST PAST CASHWAY LUMBER 524.8386 Nile Garage Motor Vehicle Inspection Station • General Repairs to all makes specializing in GM Diesels, overhauls and tune-ups. Propane Licence Gasoline* Lubrication * Brakes * Tires * Shocks Pronto Muffler Centre Pipe Bender Lifetime guarantee warranty on muf- flers. 2 yr warranty on custom mode pipes. 1 yr warranty on pipes from factory Installation extra. 529-7355 ' RR6 GODERICH Our Location Saves You Money 10. Pets for sale LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups Register pure breed yellows Shots. wormed tattooed Good stock $225 00 1 235.2473 50tf COLLIE PUPPIES for sole - Purebred Lassie type 10 weeks old. immunized and dewormed Males 3100 00 females 5150.00. Phone 524 2453 51 x . 14A. Vacations Four Island Farmers HAWAIIAN Holiday Tour Februory 19th to March 5th with CLARE BURT TRAVEL Features tourist attractions and special agricultural visits Call Collect '416) 451 4944. 0.51 16. for rent MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent 540 00 per day Phone 524-4877 after 6 p m 42tfnx SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS Lawn and garden concrete automotive moving. painting clean ing sanders 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9 Phone 395.2685. 421f 100 ACRES OF FARM LAND Phone 529 7888 51tf FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 give yourself a lift in one of our fine cars vans trucks prices start at "weekly & weekend rates available -20' van'truck available $2425 INCLUDING FREE 100 KM ON CARS ONLY • 12' van truck available 524-8411 TRICKLAND 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent ONE AND TWO Bedroom aportrnents Tike new condition central location in Blyth references 482 9210 40tf ONE BEDROOM apartment. $325 00 per month includes heat. Hydro extra. Call 524-2111 49tf 4