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Tames and Success4
...- S
als.ear. •••aaa
Tithes and, McClute's Magazin .45
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"Times and Designer
Tunes and Everybody's 4 "* *
• 2 40
and ,Chr staan Guardian4,0
Times and,Capada Monthl •-aa fir.
SSt s
in advance,
'Fos 'Years estoredto Healti
etablo ComPotuti)Y:
Canadian woriferi a•r. centinnallY w'rrt,
ing us such lettors as The two following.
Which are heartfelt expressions of ki.sti,„
tude for restored. health,
Glsafera Station, Oat -"I have ta-
ken Lydia E„Finichnni's Vegetable Com -
and never
found any medicine
eomPare `with it.
had ulcers and fall-
iag of worielt and
electors did me no
good. 1 suffered
dreadfully for years
begeen takinc,
yourrnedierne. 1 ar-
se recommend it for
4142,e;Ve:uilemeesand f
Glanford Station.
Mr, aad "Wesley ;Mills Me
. anti Mrs. ,e4trther Rundle '-'ave
his week ,for the we4t 'We -rat
ey oer /O:4,a174,ykt btubteNirvie4herhaermtur:very star.
oeSs in their news. `hon.:: at •Medicine
Before leaving l'arnoa:ham 7a1rs.W.
l'31v vna stlicI;Lse4,te41,ana:i1.:1.:r;11.0r.f TL 3,
embereacte. The, are -• •vas as
ollawas.• To .1.r,s1;kiealey Woo*
ham Ont.!" Dear 'Friend, It is with
foei'atags 9f 'great regret that ,we ae
42.s.trred that yo d 'are al.olt: tde
your de'parture from us..., 'Vey /lave
over taken an ,:tetive irterest 1-a our
W. Ti, S. meetiogs. Your servlot ad
,aas .1;-•• ar.
pirattion to us. The 'poet hes said
ferenoe to the 'brook; Men', may
come 'and Men may go. But 1. ao.
n forever. Life may bring to as its
leehaaeneilublat:79atuer$ far'llie4ndvS34ie.dae ETTEU REBA.P.K THAN' SOER
and ;zeparkline; as the broOk ill its
sunny hours has neVer eated and
we trust that Tecrocated frierid,
ship may never keow douht
an-te. LongfellOw: ila kis E•vfmget-
.said. "Talk not of' wasted
• VON ;
ot with standio'g' the downpour of
in Etat day the annual pring Fair
w s great a success as in any year
0 its history. The attendance was
undoubtedly heist down' bY the wea.-
th4t and judging had to be done an,
the Main Street as the Assoriatioo
has no ;building as yet but .51rs A. J.
McMurray Treasurer stated that the,
ut was a nomplete success And the
number of. entri* iferhaPS a trifle'
over ht,ssai Year. Irk,ono class or heavy
horses tbvre were ,e111 ar,-
other agricultural class there, 5sle:re
7 and tha had their work vat
out to decide in the face, of such
keen competition Enrol: is note,4
for its fine class of tenvy horses and
roine of the hest we,ae shon-a- here on
Wednesday. Light horses were not
O inteler0Us ant rattle a jess
ant feature. .11,e4nest it.:erest was
shown all day,
affection, affection reVer Was wast -
'11 it enrich not the lk"art of
another its waters retUrninl, 4,4.elit
to their ispriaTs like' the totti 'gall
estervilie, Ont. - "I beard you id them full of refreslimOnt. That
t..laich the fountain semis faarth T
"eines laiglaly praised, andayear egtnrits aa'ain to -the fonkthin,
that in, your net* Wane. or
amen' ' 0/ :riz:e1:1*:-07:a„si;e 'atulaile:ft 1 et“ ,'..w;i1 ' 5 g•nlari.ta rnhaigti.a
began taing them for fallinga womb t, pet for 4-ood may be ls tb?
au,a, m°vyleapt rdryllo me an the tinu .treania cr. re,treshm?..nt. Wo desire (7:7, aail'a.Va;10:;ts,.4,1,,:Pit.rr;oit‘ .:1,ici;1(,4";an:Anntit
d .aist before my periods which ,p,,pro, yen to take Ivith yon as a Sli4ht to,, v.; I s,,m1 free fu any former their
book. an ter tit iz cra*i will'? 4 handsome
14:113allit 1444nall cleat4erliet WP:14111.,cielall 7474: ' 'rtlintl t/011104ir ttil:ts1Pti aeopViadip::::1?:°:10tfti: Pat ts Iv! ere t Loy are not !law re.
hag and I would be so nervous some- 491104, 5.,vent collorkg. ow metntarS or arzeented, Aadvess LV,reigatt Caihon
tunes that I could not bear to see goy
would float before my eyes and T was Ai. s re
ottlicbe:Is';I:CtleeP:t?ier ;S‘;geret"1. 4111'r:144%1 .go°ikt414:7,1tifjefifIsli:Iiiri4gtvfofrlieir"-M44,1-
Oneerhearsay one speak. Little specks
always constipated, :Valls, 'Secretary Mrs.
"I Cannot say too ranch for Lydia hi. MbIltictnerieroef''It3'he 1V, 'M. f.i. for the fgr. ,TOS' eell Scott DE It, extiorp; 51c,,
finlrbanres Vegetable Compound gain4 .rnisla' 3'‘,'-ar were elected as follows ERlop tjas placed at our disnosul 4
t)verli0for terll womernlci ivlirck,idmeaivltt,krsu.idl:It.ii4:4edav4cri:illrus!.ils.ityd:0130ttbksthet.Ihavela:Aezti
c°uoendVern toa.Ybamu,:ipa0ti.u:erieriftroxiltkli4e4:targ;:e. 4:ar-
leo, Rorarago, Mrs,,,, la. W. Raker 1643'4' 'n w" t'14°` V"Pert'Y °I; l'4
Paltsh Ibis testilnOnial." -.lb& STafal.. lagorilittz 515;orotgAry 1,./r4„ U. Coon other the late 17441:e10 8ZOtt': It lea
Irmsr 3, Mearrn, Cbesterviiis, Ontario, corrovotvai4; am %.•ws. Brettgor toted aild Vehlished by Sutherl_a
Cimads. OA zunist Mrs. NeNaughtora.'
- '$1.60 tt Is a. valuate of 1
ttacra ot lincraoll la a.
Tarn', IlleVonnell of Vatentla
4 ell printed nod =oily hut
been viSiting ut the bov0
anal ars lii„ Vera.
iOt etlif 4'19ot tepter4cse"rv'atintuil; 1
Mr, Frank MoNoughten blrn
red frcort itis recent illocsas WU o It?Pel:;141:4terre%Qtri.x4Itintr:r.-
Mrs. A. R. rollick visited-. 4
arsonege Saturday and 5u1dur.
riutIty a:tat ten"Terl tett,:
IlTr4;, Creit#14tx. 41r..„ luta beeni indi
atad for aortae time.
IltbD ant Qcz'oirnityt',ridnvat.
Remember the Zpwortb
v villages , ' olio, e
rid Sabbath Scheel Tftatitnte b
ca„ v naMeit .pr the
rt Id at Woodburn on Npril talt
ao$ net reveue reath.e,
TIIAALES .1/0 Al) :, teed
h mem, e Canadian Paz -
'T re is alto a list
0 d enteate Out.
Sabbath Be". T. 'W. Plate
d ( but two
oftvttro , be, 'pulpit in Bet
Canab. or On ri: On alto
to and Low -
'ogling 'bees 'have beer. nemeroti
U)" . the lit
round here lately. , ,
b ot, rliament we
he estate or the later ),V,,,tte, Pybus co 'ill
. one laugh 'Itame o
wooed up last week., weetr the'.
enxyrancis ' •now living. The
was i,sild to ZIr, Il
- r corepoeed, of 0 ment• a medium figure.. .I.,a
e :cm or:per 'Charade and
Zifiss Ruby rassmore oWirs the
a elee rorn Lower Canada. Be.
tarLttletetwoo.E3th.er epeeist Nisei Ilth ttila Sate
Conaellions appointed 'for life and 24
'ides this ere WAS '24 Leiz;ulature
elective from, Upper Canada. end the
woNeEnrur; DISCOVER nto nUtober from Lower Gattada.
Government waaa, eorn'posed at
An eminent tselentist, the other day Uoo. John Salurneld l'Iltiponald At'
744Ve his opinion that the most Won- tor"Y General 'Vet; 11011A- A. 'Dor'
ion; Attorney General Eng; lloos,
derful. discovorY of reeent yoartt .was
the VOvery of Zam-Buk Just W. P. Howland. BeeeiVer 'General; a
think 1 As mon as a single thin ley. FeeXitsoe :Blair. Provincial Secretary
er of Zrain4luk is aPplied' to *a Over Ilewat rostaltister General;
mr 0. J.,mwelich of the loval i‘srl.?;5111,1nrelervi-tilxtinasttsubrleo,otreklhoisointill,ry, ., is WiTliarti Mellou3a1I 'Commielloner et
e ZURTOPI one, eteoies of microbe ban heen fotit 07°11%fillanIcear;d16:;71..Dirinlirolintunntl, 'ICIoilltntiesr-
,sioner et Publis Works; 'Isadore Tb, -
branch to the of -the Morsons Meek. ebee 'Then agate. e:As soot Its Zfluk.
that Zara -1111k does rtot kilt.
is arpolio to tcs,ore, ee a 6at. ex' to Letelliere de St, Just. Alinister, 0
badeau President 'of 'Council; lau,a
'ThorXxriculture; Lew 'Walbridge, Sole
Drench end bort- for ithat. Matt, 'eon skin 'iliseaSe. ,if ettefet tbe smarting
Isday: last •- ., • That is whi= ehlItir.n. re, such, friendS jeuer General West L. S. liuntiagdon
Union Times is slated for the ingoort% the is4licate of the' thine. ell, fhey SoliThe Clinton Courier wa:s published. . E. Tifacic'editar of .the Muffalo of Zarn-Buk They, ra ee rething 'for
ant ,,osiffee or eeeleeehdoe. or tkos. know i,s amt. it. stops tio...t. pan by bboyokG ersotro,gr:. LTaezeocukan.e.a.lidoianalso Empire :Uthrairval-OMII:tz'aclik7eirfaobr1);emsPatrneleV, iiiiielerirmssuo".iltailhill:it 'aiNpl°111;t1:ineedirna..t 8o:Ah-af°511‘1;cd.runnnedvaesorr Zit°Darilt);.P.Bt'lldlih.slesaLsi...- aTthnheorallovallasl:ipiNCluet)b.11r Lisherne7atihiVnaer:D.Z0Zrdeirilleull, 114: ,
10rentis, on the 12th cor, and his old a 0 art , -al a ,c01141`bdheath the% akiee' tee its descreption of the CountS'or
IriendO in West iWilliania will` _ be finiraee are re...4.tiontrittea 'that new
mittee during tire Iiiiit Fresidentall (511e •
,tfritro 'below. ;is, Zam-lanles`.' secrelt
,Iti.ajthY . tieseeeis quickly ,. • forme& nuton it ;saes. Tie Huron tract was
unfinished buildiogs. in the whole
'pleaSed to •hear:'itif Ials-preferment; to
try'S serviee. qtr. Mack •was eare- eiPlored in 11$27; in 1S2S there were
lso imPortant a'pOsition iL his coun-
tary of the Depaocrate.,$ationaI Cora*, Thi(-3*:foi:Ini.n. of, fre'sh ;healthy tis- only three miserable huts and. two
c,anoiiin..., .iif ,Iy.;.. ,T., 53,rsan toxii:.,.6ii., of , healio z. The use thiyirfOrtlibd
of. State in PresidenteeWilstirese.pah. .ie eeorkcd tfp to 'the surface and lit.: tract' and in Ism the, Townehip or
tkiit. .., ..,... .. eraity., eststs 01,;(tb, disead ti,,,,ane Goderich ccintainecP a dittle oVer 300
every two -weeks between Godericti
inhabitants land a post run gcross
'Fit* 1,1/.015 filsoWered shOrtly 4after '11115.11'11Tikai'l.•1v1317' ' -Z6141-Eni'g
idence of Mrs, Pranit'L-ii. iCiir 'of.,thm,;tni J TtC.03y tisn.thilEr. Cee ereeleed.leeem
'°it;ck 'Thneed.4, noon at tee-ereee' .701nlvttrilelefAlotnrhneibeit'd'ay'91.1' r. '''''.1‘'f'.4 rah' ca.!'
-new `publiCescheel,, „The. -blaze gained ' :',q114"
e tteteenelotinder AV., Montreail called and EuelPb. In 1834 the Canada Co,
'deviiii to' a bar w.hich was formed ,by
built a isteaniboat, in Goderich !but
!Citir,ilderakle' headway .before it wee,.. fleet forl'over Amentrilive'eveare, • he land virer , the steamer was unable
it one tin),,tigic,..„0z.1:p...c.1:::.Et;eyoji. tile Wind in, the mouth of the Malt.,
Zot under -contre.1.-24r-d much .-dalie44e . :.lit11.74-413,..nri'' : "'''''''tYr.' to leave the harbor during the whole
•was..4.10116. "f.i the -furniture ar.tf inoide Ilan( ',' ' -1'-' • summer., which raised the iprice' of
Aar the bonding'. .The fire-Ao.s ,,:= ig. with', isores „that he had to *Ph •‘!" flour from five to nine dollars. Ilm.
about .$5g0-,..,net.,..e.erered:,,:tis,, , eeeeeeeee .ajovi.s.. Pour Year.s ae,Ztli??''131?kwras migration to thils country reacheA Its
„The aminal lineetir,:g of. tha Evan. .month s it cured Eirri4Plid.,E4i,ere' hitilehesotdIriliralltiinratii8orun shiaLsce fltuhcetnuntthed
Tfie, ori;ein .4.4 unk.imi4. „, .., ... introduced to him and. in .
ternoon 31X1',.Magea Geiger ,was 'elect- return of 'thc,,,enze Ma . •
,mddr.t,.1 jusnetnebe±.woreiadotle„ ,Nrvizs:ox1e41,tabire.,ii9eizeeed•, 50A:c!Lbo.d.triliffi':%t'es 1%5°11111- 4eZnatill-...14.72,r tr' I-ari It.' .1tv''9eectrattl, -1)E110°C1111116ipeiaetri:o7:01 differenttabeeeidlanotit a I. cn.ca'utr:hti
this '•ild"..t2-se-me91 county are 4.815 the anionn? of acres'.
tzelleal, cliiirch Iheld".1aSt keindaY* at. --itane' of any
eierjeeitor ,t?. the ehoieh Inn tan‘thei laex if you eent,
,,,,_ ,. ,, , ,,. ,., , ,,, t, i ,,,,, :aid a One cer.f ist'amP to Uwe' returo or land held by them ,,,i 332.324; the
' Cf14 -number 'of acrc,s under acultivattion
11ri116.1,,ein,, :,,, 3,i. riliisincuo‘b4m,hrn,.3uvrit:y. 0.41,.;06,„tyT,eills.: frost:lige..., Address ,,Zare-Bult
Voiennto ' " ' ' ' 4 i,"f r-
.. . 2,ID,325; the ,eaelh value or farms ' is
,$.14.980,., 458 ;_ The number of aeres
tenderie•OCthe Missions- in 4 al3,44 of „ . , .
the Igvanizelical - chi/rob, tendered his . The, following is the eorrece'rePoe
' W e. olhe eikturd of Missiots ofe'S,i, Ise !Toe ,q,,,X,49.,r,'9.6;f9P7,Ffm.'.4 ,,,4,,•is.i404itterz..ra,i.k,Ii:c.sewFitee,ielithclin2n41.118mafinlbe'rmer'haoreari:fei. ..a,,eboreuei.s..3.;
illiii.in.ieetriiratiell'Coiiiiikr:a.;1d4:jr•'s.ometi,,,II, e' '04,7413ner:0‘%'•'i''e:•",71.4‘ a. •;:)`411''cl'x;' `..0"14-- netz`n-l'iiir''.• •-t1-114-6 • aefrint *heat was ,74.881e eliv.
• eMre 'teeter Lew -epee -tee teen, °Celle kin Elaine' Stewrirt. Ethel MePopald ,ii,761'en, , werea erg17.25°If. 2a0erehriu5,thIntldserl'e?rbaniVe;
and' Mals !Charles ,Lamporte of' Drys... 31,r.„.17-Charlic Turnbull GliidYe ,eieipe, ma average ef ee, 1.2aeb'eebeie
,assie left on.,Tned4y, foi.. witlyipel? Dun-in'Garfield lireee, Ch'aflie Cot, bee, 4,,ra. There are 144.: : .:60rnmon
where •fie )exlpectae to Tomtit- with leis tel ' john [Cottelleeo'Se. 1ii.- Violet schools in , the, county. ,,.The , number
elecee, •geetor Apia ,als mail, carrier qteWart Winnie Kti•tht.'-l'arne'8. H'c'd-.
-tetwee,n Kepp)en "i: 'd' 16:44.[Ia1e '...ii for ;.Re-it,'.E,,,Williarnis ,Trt",11,1' Victor ad-- °t teacherr•s as' e0010,tt5 in - these
or 120 male4na. 14
Atte 4-..arst:.roair years. . - fvev Millie -Pollen .Edda RollenChar-' .s:tetn.171Iess,•.ar.,:er•hlett)n; „were three niala and
Mr. 'W. V Wagner. • heleet'aken',Ieos- 'Ale jeffreY;• Ulrie.,Soell :N-eilis'eln IPle--1
tiOnary Stare :!besides'handli,tg a cull len Etbleon Kay, wiiekv'Tii•it!-Ii:611.
session or (Mrs. McCormick's ' C0nteci, kin.' Sr, 11 EISieEini;Vat,, rieta. ,poi:' Ith!e female'. teachers', ie Godeirich
... Clinton, : The 'highest salary :;:uitl. a.
lard, one' male far.d one fetmlae in
• , • ...
- , • . . • •
liee or ,cpeOlieS, oranges etc he is Ceell. Stewart 'Arthur :Puerile iNndee ,IT,:ii,e,, ttheea0Ij49ewretisni: ,is,):38d4'.• co, Tuhnety was $410
'handling ' bread. . Everything of the Donee', Sr.: Ist''fie-rtre, Ste:waft 1)0.
bet ,zinality, , ' • , ',. othy Arzn.strOng Carman' .1)0‘1,15e.; Jr-
, -
, 4 tilbe,tix,:g; will he, hold ,,at, the hm.1.1.6., "1st Anna 1-JefTreY",,a1Wa Rr.i?:11:t ;'r.. 'WA l' °C'.11 ' :1-'aie 'teacher n'Itilcmt
ella Ilunkin Gordon, ' bloat' d w.a' '''.•''''' .'' ad -the ,averagd §51-
lo'..i.hfh:1:11\;::11'1'43r1;Le'il:''arorf'ilrC•01,1):4:,t:I:hililinz':itn'13'.1a.alce'tn:- El's:- *".i T.M. 1 e:'31 -13:a1( ';nr[1..al d ti '' ALT, Caa : ob t‘13t lee: Belis e Number ,jro'r.t irr0171. board Fii1;86. .‘ The higfiest salsrY paid
M i - - ' l ' a„ry, laid ,f e male . teachers without
!--44stitute,. ' ..1",; is t,ris institut•P officers 38 a`rerari-e'''atteridancr•-' 31 i!"'I. ,';' .'11:'• 1-inuizil.k'tlehet:?:laiztlAtt.inaraWaP3d;.("iTthileir:as. ,.,i50a9s
are ,.eCetTed to be Present, All lad- (3°w''`tra 'tlaner'' . only. one.'lliZ.1-,i,,' sch'61 ir- the CountY--,-
'titend4',''' ' ' ' ' ' ' '''' ';' '''
ids :int erCS terci„ang,... cetdially invitetr' to
, ,,
-A .
e .3IP ikis :time' ti, t vG,odie147:th. a ..a, :t:90.doa;ce. iT:
34. 0C "which, only 'sever. 'came
mai the county outside , Ooderie,b.
Oti.)20,40, in,
- OR ‘'',The _o•elive ee , wa
litiron. Extreiter,
G. A, Vield off Sartfa Co writ
ave tried five diffexent laimFertl`r• 0
iliattr all my .garde tt farm tb1b,
arid an recommezd as h-o1Y4`4
Wit by a long way, the
tead brand which I bought of'
Yates. Tt ,ga,rege.i.icad se(ts
1 do tiotsay this as an advertisemeraA
fiat :simply to ,letry friend.s know
tte. hot hind to „:,tet taarause f know
illiVaaa a lot to fai.ant c`cd care for
rep and thim bairg it torn out
-r sn boy tiro lioanastearl, and
1,4185 Alma 1iA is visiting in Lon
Ikirs.Russell fluxtable, of flauUt
'vboba beam visiting her moth
turned tether home,
Norman ittaitzraan has left
Saskatoon after visiting his pa
einclaa Christmas, '
Mr. Simon Morlock, Of Morrie
visited friends in town last week
Pars. Viortheott, of blseter.is visiting
relatives in town,
Miss Kate Zwieher and nuke Rate.
of Loudon, are Visiting 0, Zwiciter
,Bliss Orme. NV110 has heed visiting i
ondon for the past few tireeke has re-
orned borne,
lilies Marlette TrevethiCit le vicitin
friends in,London, ,
W. .Wenzel spent Sthdty at`
home bore
A load of our young Men drove to
Dashwood labt Friday evening and en-
joyed a sidentlid coueert given there.
Mrs. Marry Rattan 44tOtt MiS8
Rienzi° were in Landoneon Saturday,
Mrs. Obrist. Heist and daughter
Gertie spent a few days in Strotfortl
The servieee ie the Methodist church
on Sunday last ware in the inteeeab of
the Sunday school. The pastor. Bev.
Jaff arson, preached an extellont set.
In011 tothe children in the, morning
ar:tal to thpnreutHin tbe'neveninpe
to Fill Good Posiflo
Trafaed rueu are wanted, everywhere; in fact, :hey are always
wanted, for the tlernnad is greater than, the supply. This de:nand
not for the man who is able to eara only two or three dotlans-L-i1a
t hard manual labor and who can War% arrlY uader the di:era-10n or
sorao one else, hot for the man NitQ br able t+D Plan ?.r.C1 direct die
ork of ottaer*the matt avinase training ht.a-r: iikatts con.
Uy id positions 9t responsibility,
The UNATION'AJ, rORRASIatilMft-,N,cr: Setwons, famt great
izistititiea that bus dorm so much in the prist. and is doing so
h every minute fOr Warking" ne and women, ot1aM. raa
y to become a trained Mau' -4q SecPre a good position.
tradu •or profes$404 that best itsyour taste' 411/4 abibitieD.
The 1, C, $. Flan enables yout help yotmelf right tvhere
you are withanat losing an boor of vorh .4:or a dollar oE pay;
without cbanging positions until 'on are reZtlflare into
01441. you' desire; witlteut obligattan
your present salary loin afford, 214 zuttte bew sniaU it is,
Thousands of Meti bavo sceured ugh tbis
great plan. Bpaary ratnnth an nveragn
edlosauen,11. advAncenannt. YOU eatl.
do the game 4,5 thec =en have • toil us
If you ent good post-
tieu, a larger sal re., nod a sue-
cossfolUe, 61701QUt 110INT914 can
tiebOre it iu the ttre5t aud mot
practical wayi the 'world by
Marking and mailing this 'cou-
pon. This puts yoo tinder no
obligation. ft is empty
quest for 'fnrthr informatient.
Clip, I; II it IfOlg,
Low Round* Trip Rates each Tnesd*Y;
atarcla to October hieloslvi
WitlEtIpeg and Returtt $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
et int* in re LA utt,„1"gP°c ths,P P°rtiPr
pre anon
?DURUM SLZEP114442 *Ant
oo i1J =unions. Comfortable berths, filar
ecuinred with beddlot can be ieeured at
moderate tato ths0141411170=1=4.
VillItleare Toronto
la& liir..SDAT
Ca .4.P.I1)
0,20 a,
*ousb Colabin,
Home Seekers° Trains Leave Toronto 10.20p.m. dnrIngittarebs,
Apr11, September and October, Raid. at «I p.m. and
• 10.20 p.mh during linty, June July and..A.uguat.
Throuth Trains Toronto to ii:teratped area West
Full partku1ar, frani any C.P.R. Agent or write M
District Passenger Agent. Toronto
ait el ean a l
tsabotc..or thriOdr:$
* Seiltell Drug Co., St. t;V
R aii6
hiss. Ona,
, 1 0,
T, Murdock is luttin a mew" o f Cause for Alarm
on hie livery barn.
Will More or. London ep- eet a few, Loss of appetite or distress atter
da in town this week. 4 ting -a sYrntrotorn Oat should
Cohn 11°44°n ha8 mcrreti itt°' the t1T2t7isdnotstregardwitatyceudea%butwhatYour .
residened lbeRogritg to B. Drysdale
on ,QUeen Strebt. '' digest and assimilate that does you
der Street cOmmittee Councillors fe°s43t(LperactSwanse oaref thematodtm4"eratet' btealatethrs.'
Litielson lush inteld commencieg Nothing -will cause mere trouble t,han
operations on our 1iot,t Street at
a disordered stomach, and many
4rWaniea nianclesoris:aerado people contract serious maladies
'f ththaet. tat:erro:rnadlilat4-g; 111rQugh diaxagard °I. abuse of
We urge all who suffer from. ineli.
Bev. elfr. Ford Preeident Lontlor. Dagtat'sPePd::oarthTdaaYtbsPiw:PtSe'SiNalvnal.tthhrthertinulaRde-zdteah,r11;
villagets. , •
Confeience*reaches anniVerSary aer- money paid is 'without question or,
mons fox^ the Spwortla LesaA•ue, next formality, if after use you are not
Sunday. perfectly satisfied with result?. , N
V• S. Farewell; B. a., B. Ai off -Tor- We recommend Iterall D " ipstts
onto will' conduct a Sur.da.y Schcod Tablets to customers every ay, -and
(Institute here Imre on 'the alst awcher., e_e_have yet to hear of one who has not!
to asaist. , be without equal. They eV* prompt
severalleothe6ereenMillanSaketrSe are back stars
us:unviaben, efitetdow• We heligmetiveoth7tutet:
hi)atWdhhtiahler-medsiti-fettlarctedunMre t'ohAloo, 11:9!1" CP:tefttiltr: thartz6eitirefs4lloteenadinnothtogetperfilio gneaeceutittrvnealizuctr;:cancia'dt;:
Mg and tall to the bottom ritceivitg tiorrectunhealthy symptoms. Three
--a "severe shock and sozne ''' biuistas sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00.
aliou,gh doneitierably shaken up we You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
at e pleatsed to state that, he is able in this community only at our store:
to go around,
The school board met on Saturday
Fermi' 1Gorapany interel *staging that stmach'
night arid Ipaissed the accouats of the
thweerksatcheneor-palt orelmo,, wtaeatrid,i nc tots: tthc:oeixi Eztf:ttbeii.re is an."store nv°eryattogvewitEq"
3C°Nviie4i345n of ,the'' three ceillng(s, yras OdY
1621giariedgrgi.t° TUhletrdi218rtedlif2r AZ11
for nearly „every ordinary human all -
only 150 dollars. The job is an excel.. "ch-t81)°°iallY de°49aeddtb° 72Arti°111°
tor whionit is recommened.
lent one aa.d: was done in raeord time
at is beliwied that a gre.att sa.vuig' /12° ItcF41/4 gtheittons'Am'al'ee
of fuel will be, affecheld by -• the"
change and the ,pupils made ' moript
Mr. a'heS:Itell youngest son of Mr.
William Sell arrived- here front the
We an Saturday eeednir.g. Mar 29
beieg summoned byewi'reewieg to
the very Serious illneste iffehie father
etre. Mel‘lorian and MrayAe.derson
daughters are also 'h6ro
cafgo attending , at the bedside
their father who, continues to Igromi-,„
weal:cox. •
The Ili oast week has been eavorbate
for Sugar making and the farmers were here recently visiting relatives
in s'ection have bear, taking ad- and, si•itntis ir. nensai; nee. ei-egeree,
vantage -of it. - Mr, E. Drake has purchased bad_
Mr, and Airs. Peter Douglas' vho meat business from -Messrs 3Ieride.0
have been -rest 01 our, all and S"). ,rus 3r,tet) earryin, opi
- •-
(OX Ile4rIY a year lett here on Wed-. Oe eeeeeeeieeere eeeee• eauseeetio
sex, ' ,as'r, re urne
ea nt' trif) With
plaCe•S and s'epOrts blii
'pleasant time,
Naming to Hensall lived X eal%
and are weJ1knor. a 'thou gel Icorninel
here from the hvnist about, a gear
Mr, George Joynt secured zfirst
erige at the Seaforth Pair for hiO
entire eolt in the face 'of keen coital
Mr, ,aed errs. 3, W,. F. Paterson of
Toronto and 'formerly of this village
Vgt'y'" cted 11 V i
missed ty a e of
tives and friend§ having previous "to