HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-4-10, Page 3VlltIMECOV[R$FARTIijARF GROWING IN
China and. India Are 'EspeciallY
fortuiiat Frew lFleed Dise
'Earthqu ko floods a,re frequentlY
ASSCeiated with great losg
• Thousands. perished in such a
aster hefel Lisbon, Portugal,
5_5. Alest ai-disastrous was,
the great rush of sea waves over
the land cans• -ed by the eruption, of growing in favor with the people of
Krakatoa, August 26, 1883, Quebec. JUSt to quote an exam -Pie,
Waves aecomPanYing eivelelles Aniable Pinard of this place says,
are 54metimes very disastrous, one
41 all interview :
in the delta- of the Ganges, India, "1"51ead, Kidney Pills helpe-d iny
reaching a height of 40 feet and de- rheumatism, backache, gravel, and
str'oying moro than 100,900, persons, heart disease, from which I suffered
The. destruction of Galveston,. Tex- for twenty YearS,
asp 1K07, 3/000 PcMheil. "They have not Yet cured rae
Irtt$ due to a sar causecompletely, but they did completel
In 1570, 40,000 perished in Rol, cure my nephew, iyho suffered fro
lard when a, storm broke the dykes, kidney disease,”
Reservoir floods through the Dotld's Kidney Pills always c
FA-111,4LX. M-M4101NE,
gitebee ?gait Tells Row 'They Ite1ped
Uiw and Cured 'Ttis cpliew
Iiiiluey Disease.
Vain, Wolfe co., Que,,
Afir.il 7 (Special).—There is fresh •
proef every day that as. a family
medicine, Dodd' s Kidney Pills are
bursting of. dams are very (Jima,
trouts, perhaps qbe .w.'st notable- he,
g the loss of 2,.500 lives at,
stown, Pa,, in 16S9. The bursting
ot the dam near Austin., Pa., not
two years ago, COSt Several hvirdred
liveS 4111(14=1/.0y/A the town, S-
te -w,, Eng, miffered' greatly in 1W,
and in 1M, 500 'natives Perished in
Mods in Indm and China,
which tholisandS Perish, are not in-
frequent,. Ix), China, between 1851 -
and 1866,Unisperiehed.
The'llipen floods, due to rainfall,
317.1 4-134 the lforay fiends in
Seotland 1820, 41"C iliStOrical.
rriniN falitO 41M enaoree, and
four yore ago Paris euffered great
damage. rrena Mexico, too, coin
oecosionaL reports or cities being
yastated by floods, with hundreds
The United States
need givat 00045 r
thp Ohio, ME,F,01113
pp i rivers. Only last ye
sands NVOTO driven from their
in 01011‘411100118 StilteS "WWII
ii.vra and their tributaries
Autry wena. drowned
k;firtey disease, They we.1 cora-
I te ‘rnabl Pinerd'e cure because
P -g
There le Danger Ahead For -the
Man ,That Neglects Nature's
- Warning.
DYsPePsia Tondencies are Serious and
Should he Treated AqcordinslY
Wife of the Canadian who
Iinister of the Interior in the Pre-
sident Wilson Cabinet, Mrs. Lane
was born in Elmira, N,Y„ her dis-
thagnizhed husband in Prittee Ed-
ward Island,
all the diseases Mairtion-cf are the
results of kidney disease. They
reel the young inaer's kidney ediS-
se quickly, beeatiee it was ta'400
n its garlY - stages. Aniable
ard's troubles are of twenty years'
standing, and take a loriger treat -
merit. -
The moral is, that if you ewe
Your kidney diSeft,50 early with
Dodd's KidneY Pille, you will never
be troubled evith rheumatism gram -
el, and other diecesea that are
used by sick kielneye failhig to de
heir work.
Over Conscientious,
mpleton "You're e
daughter to a faebioniiht
eheol, aren't you r
Wit Blumer ---"Yes."
"1 -Tow does ehe like
"Fairly well, but elle eamplio
t she has no time to stalely,
ore have 00 many
en inundeted nor has
L. life and damage to
heel that now re-
1210—Norciland, Norway lake
burst; 30,000 people perished,
1.128—Friesland; invaaten of
100,000 livea lost,.
lives lost by
""ntZ10)3141,,, Spain; 15,000 per-
ished in flood.
Cbaifong, China; 300,000
4-8—In1ia; 15,000 lives lost by
floods in N. W. Provinces *net
791—Cuba 110-0( s frbm extessive
rain; 3 000 drOWned
1813 --Poland, 4,000; Silesia, 6,000;
perished in floods caused by
1824—St. Petersburg; .10,000 lives
lest througlCoverflow of River
1875—Tou1ouse, Prance; 1,000 live
lost by rising of the Garonne.
1833—Ontario; Thames floods"; 30
lives lot-.
1887--China;overflowing of the
Iloang Ho; 1,500 populous
villages destroyed; naillions of
people perished.
1888—China; flood in Canton River ;
3:000 lives lost.
1889—Johnstown, Pa. • reservoir
• burst; 2e500 lives l•ost.:
1894-1•Quebec; 6vorflow of River
Noir, caused by landslide; 20
deaths., •
1900—Galveston, Texas; 3,000 lives
, lost, b.y tidal wave.
1911—Austin, Pa. ; 150 lives lost
through collapse° of. dam.
1911 --China; 100,000 drowned in
Yangtze River flood.
SPIDETIS AS Ellaptoyts:.
Pay'ot Jaauds,
I was cured of 'Facial Neuralgia
Springhill, N. S. WI. DANIELS,
1 was ciTod of Chroulo ithouniatism
Albert Co., l`t, 13. (IE0. TINGLEY.
IV hen to
January bride „ to be-
come widows ar v. February
hrides will -11.61,•er have very happy
married liveti. ;March brides will
Probably make ,their homes abroad,
April brides will liave lives of
,hange, and ex,perienee many ups
and down*, May brides will enter.
Jain many strangers, "jute hridee
will find life a long lioneYnr9u.,
July brides have bitter-sweet mem
lee, August, brides are lueky
tiding a real friend in their bits -
MOS. September brings a temooth
emelt, future to its brides. Cte-
o.nly Om a future cif toil and
November brides 'will bk.
t4Ppz And these who, AVM1'4111R
he rhyme, marry "in December'
find that "Love's star
5 brighter from year to year.'
There is a strong moral in the 0atement
3gnw Pehrtim. Pea; etneet"
nth, S, Like thousands of'De0.
8 fa:Wag in health bes•ause
digestive ora cs 01-0,
Ui vitality Wtt43 slipping away;
irn awe 14sing ground every day.
"1 could not have held oft much longer,
waa WAS tP2- away eimplY bs,rause
edY 1 -used gave lona and strength t
stomach. The vital forceo of sys,
feni were flOytd, 1 ryas advised IQ try -Dr,
Pins. Ncritat bladen woalinQ
isy searched OUt 1 don't iltiow, but in
iraeuloce way they have ruatio a new
it ine. My al t.oznaelt troubles are
via, wood now rues -through PY
Veft1P—eleAr Bide and uninistaable 00-
dence,s of health- aud vigor 1 feel overy
daY, Dr, Ilanaillon's Pills have certainly
raesieree eeeeet, ot curing the sioltlY
enervated PAP and 1 strongly 'urge every-
one in failing lost health, to use tide
Ilnaniiton's Pills of 1'a in
nut are purely vegetable -25e, pei
zee ter $Lt9. dragadata 5i,41r,
erP. Or Peaty:aid frnre the Catnrcheron
Co., Buffalo, N, Xingsfet. Ont.
3' MI
arks About ;Nourishing Po I Ian I ii i
"A physician's wife gave in
1 ,,The Prince of ' lee's p
o of Grape -Nuts. ono day, !visit to Germany is to be tho. fir
e remark that rho was sure l of two visits, the second to taJ
Id find the food very bene-iplaee during the long vacation,
fie both for my own nee and for 1 when it is probable that he will visit
my patient% I, was particularly Berne As well 115 miet.,klenbufg.stre.
attracted to the food, as at that; lite, The Princes German le, fairly
trine the weather was very bet and gorritqable, but it le loss so than
I appreciated the faet that Grape- mil Frena, -
Nets requires no eookmg, 1This is natural eugh, for de -
"The food was deliciously crisp, 1 spite his aneestry the Queen has ne-,
and most inviting to 'the appetite. 1 ver carried 'his German edueatlen
After making use of it twice a day very fax, the reason probably be -
for three or four weeks, T discover- lug that her ',Gorman governess
ed that it was a 1110St wonderful in -J proved antipathetic, z, while her
pression of spirits, My work •had the moat frequent guest at the, *la
been very. tryang at times and.hadi- private dinntrs at the palaee, whin gestion had set in, ' the tonversation.is eiarried en n
"ROW 1 ani always well and
ready for any amount of work, PrTehtlechicing,e French, as is wail
have an abundance of active came /known, is net very i Q0(1, nor is his
eerfulness and Mental poise.
1 have prove to my entire that Xing George determined
subis_ German remarkabi
le. It s under -
faction. that this change has been stood
brought about by Grape -Nuts food. tii_ate thconanPar,ince of Wales, when his
should be trained in
"The fact that it is predigested is tin
that he eould follow
a very desirable feature. I have languages
King Edward in the rind of Enro-
lled many remarkable results in ____ „„,,,,,,,i4,.. ,
feeding Grape -Nuts to my patients, i''''-' '' '
and'. f cannot speak too highly of the
food. My friends constantly com-
ment on the change in my appear-
ance. 1 have' kained.9 pounds since ',',.-What you.; need rnost," said the
beginning the use of this food." physician after he had examined the
little book, PTlie,e. Road
„"There's a ',reason!! Bead the patient, 'is- plenty of ventilation."
to Weil- "Gee, doctor," the sick man re-
ville," in pkgs. - .• pPed, "you must be mistaken. I've
genuine, true, and fuliot ,numan interest, pbaert yo'epaelr.aatnecd1 on ee i es i e
a ltrf.” tihes th
apEgearrzetardonithteramb:ovteo iteitnitoer.2 Amneeyin IT:
efdis.tiggreln ds
zesults from tlie neglee
eetiens. In the prevention and treat-
raent a minor eruptions and in the
PrOrriolien of p ermaneet, shin asdbair
health, Cuticura Soap and Cutictua,
Oietment are absolutely nerivaled.
Cute arA soap end Oletinent nes soltl thiseutaieut
nAWOrgl, A InKTOI K14441)40ei Mdt,idTott ni)44.
V49;130- Sgi the CATO anti treetturut et the etle023
post-ttee. A44resie retUr Dm; gLent,
Inerentling Teu4eey to More
Tlio nienial report, on the
rants' Iefoemativn Ofilee eta
hat, f1S 153 letters were revolved
tleeteaw of 0,9 per ee
„,to the. Unit
s decreased by 14.8 per een
only 1.4 per, eent. ot t e
of enquiries recciva,
et movein nt from the
m for plaees ut of
p0 f
ii� in 1912, as c0rnj1ar4 with
09 in 1911, The ne,t,
80 passe
VUiO1.1S countries wore as fel-
191.94 1911„
Canada 33.531 434,765
Australia 08,638 00,337
New Zealand 11,054, 0,4.3..,
United StAtes . 45,647 49,732
South Africa, 4,233 7,521
There is an increasing eleney,
the report says, on the part of Bri-
tish cniigrante to proeeed to other
Fire Jars of Gold Dug UP Ia Sur-
rey Is Reported.
A story of buried treasure on
arge scale -conies from- ilasnemere
, A Surbitonresident, writing in a
Surrey newspaper, is rcspoasible
or the details,
Cortaht information," hn
"regMdg some private prporty
in the vicinity ci; Itaslemere ban re-
cently come into my possession
vhicli I think ehoud be made pub-
• lic.
"Some• years ao my informant,
wh3e working oi some land, ue-
ea.rthed a large earthenware jar, se-
curely sealed. On aeceunt of the
great weight and curious design he
at onee took it. to ideenaPloYen, the
owner of the preporty. Together
they opened it, sad 4'01.ind it to be
fulicif gold -coins,
'The owner, reali
greab value of this ind o bin de,
pended on se,erecI, promised ray
lend a third of this and any other
tr-easure they iplgnt find,
"A fence was put PP. and
la have been quietly 'carried eri
ring the night until reeentlY,
suiting in the discovery- of five tuer
jars of gold and two containing an-
tienth1ewellery. of inetnenio-'!value,
In one of the. Jars a (1001111VIAt was-
fonnd written in Latin giviIng
cconut. of the treasure, and stat -
ng that .6rty jars altogether of j,e-w-
Tea when you are tired,
particularly if Ws
Gees farthest for tbe ono
If you' art: 1s,cideg,, for a pair of
ri,PvCS. tha 2.4'0 asta7r.tgt, as 4 iiaa
Sazke wit'.p and that \via gavra you
ft:A Ca atn Org mew pair fres
el -c your &ler for
, . •
are the heat wenring" gloves
ever turncd e,741 frc,r4 a fseto7, .Semd
tnr ihterereng 4i'ery "The. Pinto's
Canada's Expert Glove -sad onu, Maker;
eis and gold were 441den, 1 000 ST
buried in tho form, of a circle." with
ee A e
Nev4trient▪ e:171 11Q° i.AThOP21It'F-'.r ?V:4
Now' et
(114°:4r.poP$1.n. figre^ront, feetieine
Advocated ifAirR
.lin, It YOU want A fai.m o9
For Bronchitis
5nooess, ti,nd
.r.a et treat-
She Was e1ured-
Hee-7"Will you arry me 1"
She ---,"You must seniak. 111Wallna
Tre—"But you sax she has gone
away for a irionthi,'
She -'-Yes, but sho left her consent
in the phenograph."
tillnard's 1.1nimont Cures colds, Eto.
"Do you think a woman believes
you when you: tell, her she is the
first, girl you ever loved'?"
"Yes, if you're the first liar she
• Thei't Work .11elps to Construe -the
• • Pananie
• Si* largo spiders., are' ineliuded in
the huge staff: cmployed, in.the. con-
struction -.Panama- Canal,
r They. are n,dtn the -wages' list•,and
they hayq`.rto Union- schedule.
of Nearking-' hours, But 'they do.".'a
eery va.lnable,„ .work, and 'belated
• -word- of reenernitien•.-is.' thein,
in an . official notice ,`,-eceentli,i,sine,d
by Colehielff who', 18.: in
• 'eliatge- of the ,great. enterprizee '
FrOitin;:-.thel . .,WebS•splifl
by these indetatientble WOrker'S'f .th• e
insti-riment makers ,!take threads for-
, use i.n all the engineers" transits,
the. thread's 'taking -et -he 'PlaCe r
tinerin . • , •-
Theiee, is, of conrse,
in this Proeedare. _Spidente'e
• are Ainilarly',ased;".tor 'insfateee,,a-e-
the 'Rey:al e,,Observatory;
act on. i:ge, ,p,urmi?c,e,s
n:yeters' The tiire
for thc purpose
Take LAXATIVE'lat0510 Quinbse Tablets,
Druggists refund nionoy It it falls to cure.
E, W. OltOVE'S eignature is oa each box.
kaill Strain.
"Renee, inhere Arthur, you -are the
son of gentleman. Try to behave'
like. one for just one day."
spoil the whole day for me."
"Alb- right, ,......_rnother, 'btit it will
weiwu Iry Murme Eye liemedy
- No Smarting—Feols l'ine-,Acts Quickly.,
rry it Pr Ited,Usalt,1Vatory 1iyes nod
v5L N— Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated Book
10 each, Package, IIIMINE is cern-
- pounded by`our Oculists—not V`Vatent
,aa• ,blediuthe" but used in suceussrulTb7ol-
Kee d' VcItratfclicticL7PP=. 7rietrabg
, ihests.a3.5040cpor bo.tle. Diurine
Eye) Salve in Aseptic Tubes, '250-50c,
' E.ve Pealed!? Co ' Chicago
. ,
The man -who stands on his dig--
eity !level' gets so tired -as he makes
other peop.le. ' •
Itinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
• The Easiest Task.
Probably the easiest task is for a
poor man to tell 'what a rich -man
ld de -with hiSmoney.
•.go into this clepartnient
, ,
store tint.itthensliower is over -;I
prefer, thiS, liarneSs 'sh'ep,•'-'' said her
_husband. • You Wen't see:. so 'Man
things von
ThOroughly 'Ventilated.
"Did yeti over tell -that young man.
-that late hours were bad for one 1"
ask -ed the father at the breakfast
table. "Wellfather," replied' the
wise daughter, "late hours ;may be
bad for ono, but they're ail right
PILES CURED IN 6.113 14 DAYS. „,
Your druggist will refund snoney if .15-A.Z0
OINTMENT fails to cure any caseof
ing, Blind, l3leecling nrotrucueg•Piles in
6 to 14 days. 50e. s
Hips -on --I've nearly ` forirte,en
thousanddollars saved. Nipper—
What are yOu. avIng for? • iii3-)son
te build a ten -thousand -
house. ,
Minard's Liniment cures Distemper.
,FhulNeil: Silk Worm.
•'„ A world has ,been fowl -a, in East
Africea. -which prodnces in the wild
-state quantities of 'silk, and fan,
t -cries hrP bed10,411;'. llp ',to u iz
this -silk. The, worm in question is
'the l•arva,Of the an aphe moth. From
'a dozen, t.o a hundred of _thein inake
aefiest id common and thus the 'co -
;coo ns ,are Produ eed ona wholesale
Says:the". “Pathtieeler.') 'When
butterfly i liatch,cd it seceetea
.t '111d \V 1110l un•scals-the cocoon and
'A,theri 'escapes yith<ut injuring, tam
silk.- Thus 'the amount of human
labor involee,d ho Mach'. leso. than
with „the Apia:tie' silkworM;
. e d for 40 y are." A never
f.1:11Pe 'PrelleittYFriend and Whooping Cough.
From Noventher Until Feb. 14 No
"Ray Folletr4tes the Valley.
In the, valley of the Lyn. near
;LYinitiontht,- North Devon, England,
there :is a,qoiettitt1s hamlet called
,11,Itddleham, w•here for three months
in the yek,the 'sun is not seen.
The eljaster, Of houses forming the
hamlet is surrounded on all sides-
bYhlib a'e :steep and high that from
Novomher until February:the 'sun
doses: nee' rise high enotigh to be
seen ove.r their tops. , ,
,The fixst appearance of the sun
leoked „fon,eacnd• -a's it is
fir•St, seen onl'Ech,,14.-e'the inhabi-
tants call it theireeealentine.
If th,e `day sliruid. be -F,`tc^'^,y or
hl.ondY, so that at cannot be ,seen,
there is great diSappointment, espe-
cially among thaechildren.
For the. first .f ew days after the
14th the sun is seen only for a very
short tinia, but as the sun rises
higher in the heaven8 the time. it is
in sight increases daily until , its
height is reached; it hen it gradual-
ly begins to fade from view until in
N OVOID ber it entirely vanishes from
eight for another three , m -o '
4431sted.., in
ports of the Fannie° rather than to
foreign countries.
The number of immigrants enter
ing Canada, increased from 350,374
in 1911 to 895,804 in 1912, Of the
latter 145,859 were of British origin,
140,143 were Arnerieans, and 100,-
802 Were Of Other nationalities.
Thirty-four per cent, of" the Araeri-
can settlers were of the farming
arei the actual 1\Talth
brought. into Canada by American
immigrants exeeeded 14,800,000
during 1919.
The young daughter of Mrs, T. S.
Dougall, 528 Flora Avenue, Winni-
peg, was arranging sonic of her
doll's washing on a clothes rack,
beside the stove, when she fell, and
her hand came in.contact with the
hot stove. She sustained a, serious
burn, and her screams brought her
mother quickly to the spot,
"I sent to the druggist for the
best remedy he had for bitrns," she
says, "and he 'Sent back a box of
Zam-Buk.-He said that there was
nothing to equal it. I applied this,
and it soothed the pain 80 quickly
that the child laughed through her
tears. I bound up the hand in
Zam-Buk, and' each clay applied
Zara-Buk frequently and liberally,
until the" le;een Was quite cured.
"The little °fig -yes soon able to
go on with her play, and we had no
trouble 'vith her during the time
the burn -was being healed."
All druggists and stores sell
„Zarn-Buk at fifty cents box; and
Soap at 25e. ‚tablet. , Post free from
Zam-Buk Co. Toronto for price
Refuse harmful- imitations.
A woman visithig a butcher shop
called -for a piece of beef. _The
butcher, in weighing it, had his
.11:and on'theseal-e8. -The lady; pick-
ing-- .
up a sharp, kmfe and handing it
to, „ the -Gutcher, remarked :
„lia+Crifteany vise for it, but you may
cut it 'off,- and I'll take' if along,
anyhow." "Cut it off „ Cut what
off r- asked the butcher. "Your
hand; you weighed it.''
Conquered by GIN PI LLS
Mr. W. G. Reid, .lantilton, Ont., wtites:'
. have been for, the last two years a
cripple! with Muscular and Inflammatory
Alaeuniatism..-1-tried almost eVarything
known to medical.kience and sought
change of elimate.With,out relief. Your
manager in this eitirOtairtniancl:,:d din
fleead,1, have'siti"d4dIt4ight boxes
'and4gritt how'. curCAO,tP14 consider Gin
• ,PArseconr�Ithetunatism and
every oval 1
es bathed vi
4 aa1hag t6lotn4Nts (hat la
ronchitis, 1.h.reat 'trOubttl',;':Pr
tiabitte anThts trupoTaWiltr. - lintkItIsT .1)
cth-e ton r5; 1..t.r:a1,11(:3nur' “e.re. el0117%kwtd In -
aeto ati: oTw1LCIplunide.":004"17.-0,etc,
vatted QA,TA.11AUOZ0144. It ", tee_ for h r ',ter rutro'Atuutleo.11140.
(1513etatoegAltenvItintug 0 trol-qaeirtmr otaur tidy to ell
4g651161 1
1%10 thine et nee, rougide etui b
t140, "very aii you brnat
of bronebiga or vatarrbal
Ilammation. A rente0 PeWerfol enough, t
bill germ llto and, yet so litaling' that!
41sru;aysetltvwsionhefotra erneal.
a wander
Lunlit it hue won its 'P'ItY. suni hisatford-
gruzi'd results to sufferers, from ceictc,
catarth, throat weahReas, aothuut- aud
bronchitis. There la no offerer treat
rionr cote or ane winter ne eleti; wexeti
euro in Catarrhozone, which is en.1
loyed 1Yr physicians, ministera, lw.v$ora
ttai public men througliont reanY fore:Eu
LarRe ahso lasts -two moutim and
eoSts-$2.130 and is gazarantus1; small also
SDe.. samplo nine 25O., all storekeepers and
Lilo, N. 37., and N.Ingston, Canada.
druggists, Tho C.1,atarrhozonc Co., But -
German, Substitute Is Fungus
Growth On Gelatine.
Ono of the latest German patents
protects a method of preparing a
substance which it is asserted can I
be used as a. substitute Lox leather.
This "ail leather" subSta.nee is
prepared from a special mildew or
fungus grown on gelatine or a,
lar siilistance. Various kinds of
fungi ean be- grown by planting
their spores on the gelatine surface
• and then keeping the surface wet.
Some of the growths are colo.rle,ss,
others have red, brown, gray -or
even bluish tints, and all the jighter
shades seem capable of taking dye.
The leather produced up to now
has been thin, very soft and rather
The inventors are, however, now
working to get a stronger material
by the addition of white of, egg or
glue by means of which it is hoped
that „several thin layers of the new
product , may be. tanned together
and that ,ele're will be no limit to
the thickness -of the -hew-material.
The New Way.
„ Clara—',`They say that one even-
ing's dance is 'equivalent to walking
10 miles."
"Maud—"That ,was tlie 'old style.
' Now it's equivalent to clinabing
about 100 trees." '
55.'i''.3t. 1144
intern:1A aridcured I h.
n ut pain hy. ottr 1-terne tr , tnirnt. Writs .
no beforts too 10 5' Dr. Ttellniart 110'dlos1
1 imitoit, roilitlotvend 001
i414; t):qt2t,,. 1+:11/NI2Y bban-
s7r dor Stones. Kidney tretthle,,
1.11tritilpcx 55 nd 11ndrst1 n iltaenlr; tine4,1,".‘eilf
rifted with 1115 Pew Oecul nomad,.
"Stinni " price 51.51. Another nprr teiand?
rcr tttltif•tt_lrf_a. It
''Fatiol's A ntl.Dtahetes.' Prier, nua TIPA3
tiritggists nr (lireet -rho n:kkkkg ltikkknr*D.
tlring r(anaany ot Canada, 1.tutite1.
11 fl
Is In a eb.35 by It...III-the easiest
running, tl:a rarst substantially butit.
the Trost 5211s5actory 'v.•acher. ever
Cab" washer worked with crank
• handle at side as A•ve:1 ozme lever-atta
the only Catii Whera the whole top
tveas up.
Ask your dealer 10 show you the
"Champion" 'Washer.
"Favatuo" Churn is the warld's
• best churn. Write
for catalogue.
"e le;
P \
. Comparative Values.
Knicker—A bird in the hand is
worth kqe--7,-„Rethe bush.
Rocker,—And" -417-111-r4 in the bush
ise worth two in the
, , ,
It takes some peopl:e so ,long to 1.)e
Sure they are right that they ney'er*
MInard's Liniment cures ,Carget CGIVX
Why They
ciu(chzly„stops coughs:” cures ,colds,and heals ,
, the throat and lungs. 23 .cents . get
i:".Aaah:0-,a-ed•of bee-epee:en g;
'With a cLeigfltIiU liabit coming
M an Who Had 100 Pipes.
A wife whe obtained aj
, udicial
,separation frenr tsr husband- told
& eurions story at the'. Sou th-'•
western, (Lendon,, England,) police
court,. She, was Annie Traves, of 15
Parlow Road, Putney, and 'she
Stated that her huSband, a- master
carpenter, wehld. only , allow her
twoPence, a day, tO, eget denier,
thenghhe had ..abeut ,Pso, the.
bank. '` "'What .does',he dowith ltd
money 1" .inquir•ed the Magistrate;
• "He.e spend's' it inecle,thes,-;pipes aijci
other thin " Tie'replz
home to roost,.
Dr. Horse's
Indian Root
are just' the right medicine for the
children. When they are constipated
—when their kidne-ys ale out ot order
—when over-hiclulgence in some
favorite food giV03 them indigestion
—Dr. Morse's Indian`Root Pills will
quickly and surely put them right.
Purely vegeta,, they rteitheneic Icen,
weaken er griAelAike harsh. tir,gatives