HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-12-04, Page 577.:;."„"gtiv.. • (7 .1. t•-•;.••;•,,.. •-•!' •?•••-N;t. 0110,:'"newapaper to dO With ORM* September 21, tootriir leading, newspaper of New on,'elgl* te4.1•M: 14‘.was torn between the doubts placed h her thind by. Of to helpspread.joy ti gthe world. TO:Settle e .matter, she poed thO 00,014 to the editgroftheSu Francis Phaitelliii Murch replied as follows: "Is there a Santa Claus? "We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of the Sun: • "DearEditalt-• "1 ani elght years �ld, Some of my lit4e 0. ears frien riftSelcithatii72 iniathilanta, WOC11440.1P'Ptal: tell inesays t447 they -77 , is there a .Santa Claus? Virginia on, 115 West OSthStreet. .947.40 your little friends are Wrong. Ufa biklte ileen affected by the. skePticit" at a skeptical : age, They do not believe ex- cept what they see;They think that nothing gailb4.Which is not comprehensible by their little.Minds, All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of- ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists ascertaiflly as Ionaand generosity and devotion exlst, and you know that they abound and 864 to yourllfeits highest hcoa- • ty and joy. Alas! how dreary wouldbe the world if there iivere`no Santa Claus! It would he as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no chlldlike faith then, poetry, no roinance to make inlerajg,etbeWi' existence We shouldhave no enjoyment, • except in sense and slght. The eternal light with which , world would be extinguished. 4,, "Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairfesl You might get your Papa to hire men to watch in ail the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus. The most real 1 A WELCOME AND APPRECIATED GIFT THAT WILL PLEASE ANYONE p. XtWt.4.!,i0t5olkOtimsociotsio 61: MR & MRS JOHN DOE /-41112- Ckrifirnas To THIS GIFT CERTIFICATE, WHEN PRESENTED Al ANY ZEHRS MARKET, tj1/4? AND ENDORSED BY THE RECEIPIENT, WILL BE REDEEMED FOR: 5 p1/4 MERCHANDISE TO THE VALUE OF: XXX DOLLARS THE ABC COMPANY LIMITED From 8181 1 4zehrslii Rectipiena Signature • 40*grtA44 4jrntrt0 WitSriter 4044rin FOR FRIENOS,RELATIVES,NEIGHBOURS,EMPLOYEES A GREAT WAY TO SAY "THANK YOU" AVAILABLE IN ANY DENOMINATION. ASK OUR MANAGER FOR DETAILS 011 PHONE ZEHRMART 519 653-8200 9Xe AO • • / • .641.6.444,4%. zehrs fine markets ,• of fine foods WM. -wOrld are thele that nelther -;• cblldren nor *en gnome. Didlou ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Ot'cottMe not, but that's no proof -that they are not,there; Nobody can conceive or Imagine all the wonders there are unseen and towable in ,the world. "You tear apart the baby's rattle and see - what makes the ILO* inside, but there Ian. veil coveriagthe unseen world which not the strongest xiialti not even the strength • of all the ***gest men that met lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry,,, love, romance, can push aside the curtain 7' and view and picture the supernatural beau- ty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else more real and ablding "No Santa Claus! T1ankGodhelives, and he lives forever. A housand years from now, Virginia, nay, tei thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood." A little quiz for Yuletide A littl illetide quiz: Which of the follow- ing wi• yliu expect to find on a Christmas tree? 1. Heavy metal chains (the kind punks wear to concerts). 2. Plastic tubes (the kind some hospital patients simply can't live without - literal- ly). 3. Plastic cocktail glasses (the kind - Alcoholics Anonymous put cocktail peanuts 4. A partridge (the sort found in a pear tree). 5. All of the above. The answer, as un -Santa and unsleigh bells as it might be, is No.5 - All of the above. Christmas trees aren't - and are - what they used to be. Traditional trees festooned with ribbons and bows, gingerbread people, lace, dried and fresh flowers, bundles of pot- pourri, angels and other things nostalgic are the majority. But there are other decorations that take a decidedly avant-garde approach to the season of mistletoe and holly. Entries in a collegiate design -a -tree contest give the non -conformist several ideas for trimming his tree. One tree built around a hardware store theme was decorated with non -edible candy canes. The decorations were four -inch aluminum plumbing sleeves wrapped with red glitter -covered pipe cleaners with pipe cleaner hooks at the top. Clear intravenous tubes were stuffed with the red glitter pipe cleaners and spiraled over the tips of the branches. A new -wave theme tree was spray - painted black then decorated with bluish - silver chains and geometric, three- dimensional ornaments. Clear plastic drink cups and an oven were the basic ingredients of another tree. To make the decorations, preheat an oven to 400 F, line cookie sheets with foil, then place the plastic cups right side up on the sheets. Tuck colored plastic beads in the centers of the bottoms of the cups, then pop them into the oven for two minutes. The cups will melt and collapse on themselves creating crinkled shiny decora- tions with colored -bead centers. When the ornaments come out of the oven, punch a hole in each with a heated nail and tie with ribbon for hanging. The plastic cups look very much like expensive crystal oranaments. The 12 days of Christmas was the theme, and gold and white the color scheme of the tree decorated with plastic calling birds, white ceramic geese, foam swans trimmed in gold, ladies dancing, maids -a -milking and lords -a -leaping. The tree was finished with white ribbon bows.