HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-27, Page 5T DAY ' mom 0 imaa.aaaaaaaaaa.....aaao 44tIoloi°4-14-34++++++++t-l• " College at Horne' t. -Nhousands of' ambitions young ' p1are fast DrePari14, to( 4- I *heir own, homes to occuPYtlue- a, e pos one an stenograPh- * es bookkeepers telegraph- 4., ers., -civil servants 'in fact every althere ef buttiness activities. ".• You may finish at College if + 4; -Tr "..r. you so wish Positions, guaratt- teed. Enter tolle+ge any day. 4, Individual instruction. Ex. 4r," 4. pert teaehers, 'Thirtylyeara experience. Largest trainers, In Canada. Seve r% oollegen 4., Special couree for teachers, 4. tel^ Affiliated with Commercial Bilk I" motional Association of 'Canada 4. Summer School at Famous Spot a- boneilsine,5,.5 Colleze Loudon. * NO VACATION Clinton BusinessCollege Q. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal THE B Li Es s N �F momr. HOOD Healthy Mothers and Chit dren Make Happy Mines Motherhood is Woman's highest sphere ill life. It is the fruition of her dearest hopes and greateat desires; yet thou- sands of noble womei through some de- rangement havebeen, denied this blessing. many hornes once childlesa there are now children because of the fact that Lydia+E.PildrhallesVegetable Compound makeswomennormal,healthyaodstrong. This is evidenced by the followingletters which are genlline and truthful: London, Ont --"I Wish to thee you for the belleat 1receined by taking your famous medicine, Lydia E Pin/thanes - Vegetable Com. pound, Before ray baby was born1 Was so ill .1 eMild net stand long or walk any distance- 1had to lie doWn nearly aU the time. After I took your medicine felt hire a neN7 Wo- lnaln T. could work M mottling till night BRA was happy lad well. I certainly think it relieves sin at childbirth and reeeMniend it to vetryWOMan Who is Pregnant. Yog may Uao thia teatime/4.0%K you like, It may help flaine ether COttALN, I32 Adelaide St, Londe; Ont. WAS ailing all the time and did uot know WhattluktugttRr wa,s- I vigatail a baby but my bealth would not pem 1 WriallerVena, ny side ached and I was, all ran down. heard that lorlinE.Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound was good and took the medi- cine. 1 hays aow a beautiful baby and Your ConaPOland has hopo mo in. every way." -gra, J. J. STAWAIIZ 299 DIM" bot SL BrOrtillp, lgrYr to. ainioa * de CONLAiiat 40,116.1.1 TELEOR4 All Duea aro thorow4 etical Teachers are ex. e 4 graduates ere !Played tp, We 4ive irldiy4 trntQ1 tZd Etta* 40 elite+ may ate at a»y tinge, 44' Ykrrite 'tortae ttatte 2 at once. I .;;1' • I). A. xorn.• **** ********* (jouL D , 0 OGI'llY ONE 47. PILES URED Absorpton !to slater, from 1,e4j blind o pro UIQ our aress.t -ott ilQW to gate y i*oue by the absorption trea.tnurnt and 1611 also sett somo of tis home treatment 'oz trial, with: references 'on your own locality if re. quested; Immediate relief and jernarnrn cure IISS'ilr0(1.^ Sena o money, but tell. otlicra of this offer: NYrite to -day to Mrs.; �. Summers, Box P 8413VindSort Otto " ELIBIVILLE On Friday last to tieVore avindstortn, ssecl' through this viainity blow - id barn roofs nod IvreolcioW unditI3S and tome foutdatione. Al- most every termer .for +mileis; around had scone &image done. A two ,puitip ;no mills got wrecked ond some pole. er inills i;ot entirely triaaratld to a Hallett. air. F. Anderson of Fullortoo %nut &twiny with his lgrand u'aretta hEri ancl Ills, D. flicks. 1iszennie parkir.son is visitinZ with friends at St. 1Xary.s. S. S, No. & ISTE,PHEN- 4th class 300 marks-Verouiea Han- over '223 Irene Ma.whinne.y 222. Wil- bcrt Hartman 1.99 Peter lia,gier .182. 3rd 'class 300 marks--Bertlia Hart- mann 190, Catharir.e 'McDonald 139 lic-rbert Willert 113 Edgar Mawhin- ney 97; 2nd class 250 marks, John Hanover 199; Tillie lffamaelier 129. lst 'elaSs-- 200 marks -Edward Hart wan 103 AlPhon 'Hartman 89; Pri- mo- 105 marks Alice Neek,HIS; Vera Mau Money 91; Ethel Wild 39,t• Flor- eoce Hanover .82. J. 0-, Tolland tea - 'The :f011owing is the report of ex-- aaainatierts held ir. S. S. No, 5 Unbor- Oa. IV., claSs Thelma Ford, On by Nestle 64; Maggie ..5loodie B3; 1.",e‘t. rol IligginS 05," Garnet. acFalw, 55; Harold Moir 47; 111 claSn'' Boit Per- kins Zi3; Albert Boulter 55; Arnold Ford 52; Gordon Perkins Oa 11 etas* May Ford 95; Cnarkta Fisher 57; Laura Dicks 54; Amy Fisber:' ; Or Moir 43, -Geo, Mawson teacher DASLI WOOD Mr, John Brehereshire of tear 13rnssels visited here for a few dais, Mr W. Musser hair; returned and asceTonte.d PoSition with Eelt&rman The 1+19 Inane farm of' Mra. ;Chas. Willert jr, 94 the 16th was offered for saie lost week fat Zinaanierla hotel The highest hid 'Was $3o. a -he farm was "got sold, -M/Ss gthel Roller/Mao wb i.s t fltendirrff 0411gge i.TOrtfrite ,E4 the Roster holidays lth ter tempi dos'Wambold sPent a few Nvith',friendsn Sazinew Met- Ilet$Sie ,,l3aherQ ,o)cgitoxia, ria - rent. Mr, aud 3Irs, P. 'e Oeiger who has 'been omdsc,t. Theltles+ has 4. • rnbrt Keller Man /eft Friday Owas to visit his sister'1I wbo , S' very ser:ottsly W. death*Poured on Tuhada'l a Mra. Chrti. Alitien at. ars, Sal had been otinie time but waa until 'recently when uft we. eased 1wr a highly TesPeared poialro,t4044141zor atlaurf.y., ra Um. Vh44 1.Cp3. 11, RAdoe ROY and I t of Stephen and fUN9VzlinntrAri;3telaV ehildren wh MOAT r . rho funeral too ,lace on Y OrnitOg /00 LI, lir cent P., LJ nuske special y of IU. amity Orders, Thi e des we deliver to you re the beat to Imbed and the ewo09k are the loweat Si r bring your naxt or- der to ua end ba convinced tint this s theRightStore to buy your eirOnotiusnittl, PeCo Vit110119., IIIE IEA AND COFP4. WORE T11)-Oholee Butter ar Fresh Eggs. Dr, de Vat's Female Pills Aft reliable French regulator ; never fails. These plib are exceedingly powerful in regulating the zenerative •portion of the female system. Refuse iftcheap imitations, Dr. de Van** are sold at box..or three tor 310. Mailed to any address 'he Scobell Drag Co., Eit. Catharines, Ont. Every,Wonian is Interested and aholdkuor abouttbowoadoriel mart,‘,1 Whirling Spray Douchb druggist for lit1 ha =mot supply She 15LARVIllfs accept no either,, bat Seta strunp for Illus. *steel book-aested. it gives fall sartletilars and directions -invaluable. SIP LidleetWINDSOR S OPPET 00..Windsor. One General Armes for Crusade.. Experienced' mothers say- Zam-Buk is best for chit - 4 en's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal—no poisonous mineral 'coloting: It is antiseptic—prevents cuts and burns taking the wrong way - it is sciothing-o-ends pain quickly. It In'eals every tinae. ust as good for grown- Soid es and triwgista.' azartio'O err BENSALL Mr. Jas, ;fohnston was, ira Toronto last week. Mrs, Lorne Scott aPent the .13astfe,r holidays in Toronto. Mrs, M. R. Bennie ivaa"ia London over the holidays'. Mr. and Mrs, .Tas:%;White visited in Stratford last week. Mrs, I/avid rilIcLean visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. IL 'Little has rented. IL Ingo rams house and will. move, in 'about the first of "April. Mr.. T. Weelands is visiting with relatives in Toronto' and Brarapton Mr. nnd Mrs, Rug% McMartin. a -e - .turned to AVinr.iPeoa" leaf, "week- aft.- er visiting with relatives. hrese., Mr. Joe. 'Burnie, 'blacksmith ceived a very painful accident nently. Wbile,corking a shoe a Pined of the hot„iron, broke off.. atriking+ him in the koinholi: arid Working its way down. His stomach anca leg were tadlyfined'ancl! ha' Was laid. off worlr, for a few days; Mr, R. Drysdale. recently rea ceiVed the (sad ' that hiis brother-Id:dew whom he had re- cently visited in Marlette+ Mich was dead. Mr and Mrs, PeterMcMart:n who have spent the winter here lea ast week .for Beamsville, Prior. ro Ye- turnin,x to their borne" in Winnipeg Mr. and arra, Wm. -Buchanarr very pleasantly and quietly isper.t their ''olden wedding anniversary on Thurs. -ay. Members oftheir family. oro so Inattered it,twas uot .poSsible to have a family gathering but Mr. .and Mrs, Buchanan werei.ot forgotten by their absent ones. Thbir on Rev. David ;Buchanan who has beiin a,Mi....qsionary in South Arnerie-a but Is now in tharge of a aiiissian at (lal- edonia Lspent the day with /them, INCREASED GRAIN -CROP ONE THIRD) Mr. Peter Cook St. Thomas Ont. writes. "I had a third more oats where 1 used the Homestead Bone Black Fertilizeir. Ths f know 'cause left -the Fertiliznr off,niart of the field .Also the grain was fa great dear taller where the F,,rtilizel; Was used thus giVIlag a greater amount of ,straw. , Homestead l'ortilizers are manu- factured and aold by the Alichiegan Carbon Works, iletroi I, Michigan and will Viail free to any farmer their book en 1!..rkilizer.r1 wit4 a handsome lider,-nastlge' paid.; They want agents wl-eve;,..;003' ate;11,0t1 mew re - or cacnteACISINgss A, in Va r ban Cry NUBS Too at tor ast weak . Wm. Abbott en ettni d bis ass of yawn., people to tea (Amide week, MI enjoyeld a Ple'llSatt Tile choir of Olantlehoyor and 'Meant iethodiat ,olturch was entertaitied az Tonday evenicx by Bev. and Zirs. corx.e. The evening was spent in Ingo and iganaeS niter which a daintY luncheon was served. AU enjoyed a nlensant time. lilts. Thomas Collina has lourobased a ifine new orpt. Dlr. and Mrs. COMM or 11),,x artb- wst are visitina at the borne of David Collins. Mrs. lierbert, who hos been HI I' able to be around tgain, About 75 trienda of Mr..) and i-41frs,* lindoins gathered at their home on ThursdaY evening. ot last wtoOla to °bid farewell before leavina' for the west. During the evenir.g. Mrs. Iforigina was Ipresented with a stilt case and Mr. Bodgins a club -bag. Ilfr, and Mrs. Hodgins leave to -day for the west to reside. The ,eltair entertained Mr, and Mrs. nod -gins to an oyster. Isupper fast week. The *WM.% held a aewing bee. in the 'basement of the "Ohurchf on 'rues - girt of this week. " On [Friday of last week the mEm- hers of the -choir drove out to tne, home of Mr. "Arthur Elliott' and en- tertained them to an oyster supper. Mr. and Mrs,, Elliott inter.d leuving for the avast in a few weeks to rt,. - side. A: Pleasant ciinnir.g was spent by all. +- Mr, John Gaiser has urchased the 50 acre ,farra from Frank Clark on the 9th concession. i For ,Hair Health It Retain 4493" Hair Tonic does liot improve the health of your scalp and, hair, Nye will pay for .what you use during the trial. , :We could not so stronkly endorse Reaall.!:,93" Hair Tonic and continue toniell it to the same people if it did not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely satisfactory our cus- tomers would lose faith in us, we would lose -their patronage, and our business would suffer. If your hair is falling out or you suffer any scalptrouble we believe Reinall "93" Hair Tonic will do name to eradicate the dandruff, give health to the scalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature bald- ness than any other human agency - We want you to make us prove this. We ask you to risk no money whatever. Buy a bottle of Resell, "93" Hair Tonic,use it according to , directions for thirty days; then if you are not entirely satis&ed, come , and tell us and we will promptly hand back the money you paid us dor it. ; We..woa't ask jou to sign any- thing, nor even to bring the bottle back. We won't obligste you in any way. We will take your nacre word. Could anything be more fair? Could we do anything more to prove our belief in Itexall "93" Hair Tonic, and our honesty of purpose in recom- mending it to you?. Reacall "93" Hair:Tonic isas pleas- ant to use as spring water and has but'a faint, pleasing odor. It comes in two sizes of bottles, 50c and $1.00. You can buy Rexall "03" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: W. S. COLE. Exeter The Ca.s.=4322 Slurs Ontario ' There is a Recall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill -- each especially designed for the particular di Joel/14cl, itja recommended - ).?ores are ZURICR Miss Ma Wnrm of Detroit In Via* iting in towt, for a few weeks, Mrs, Weitenmeier of MinneSote" daughter of Mr, Henry dsle formutr. ly a resident bere Ls vitoitina eer sisters and relativen Mr. V. Wagner who sliPpeol and fen heavily on the $idelwalk is jr 4 'Critical coodition. Mr, Jacob Kennel of; who had the raisfortune re-tont/yr of 'hav- ing his riwelting and +:ontents, des- troyed by fire desines to nincerely thank those who ihave donated to a fund amounting to about two hund- red doltars. 'In the death of Mr, Abraham Leh- man Our village loses one oa its °M- eat and most reapoeted citizens. l'he denenned Wa's in his mane), health ap to a short tinle ago and had reaohed the age of over einghty two years He is eurvioed to' Ms widow two Eons William -of London and Abraham:- of Michigan and bolls dlanghters wino have the sincere sYrOlPathy in their loss. The funeral took 'place Good Friday the interment it.. tba BreriSOO 14ine cemetery. GRANTON Mra, Elizabeth Waddell 15 Yell VI at her home, fier daughtera MrS, Weod is la a ttendat.oe upon, rher. Miss Sarah Falieyblank barn+ Ter turned to Stratford after being% la, ttendance tor "a nol/Ple- Of arVeks n her sister, 31o47 n',1+19, 5 DOW Or.11 way to recovery, Goidon and Albert Bea tsar. have left or the !west Oo,rdon wiflancoaly rezualn in tile west. but Albart will re after tronsitettoz aorne` 1444, fNTelooti .Kirk, had a ...rather ex eLtext_ enienne reewhile- antly re ing liver 'aerobe where he ba ed SQM4 heef. While dr/villa' Orrthe.0tb nen. er ZOladen. Town ship a rennin oftbinen deroomhtd his y. OAP veto he aragort and Mr. Kirk etrook him blow in the,' face and knocked him ff the wagon, The merr v *hots from revolvers; but to no got. Coat A Wen- 4ays a e re 'for tbe sum of 'bundred I id Torty.star debars and vo cents tozether with a aasurhi.4-, roe that tilifs expression ot eve and good 'will by or member oe nu- ,frionds. la in carisideratiow of the act that they helieve ilfatl my al TIM ado to the James Stfoot official oard for the 'payment or pulpit sup - lies, daring my' alttess for the Cor. erenee year of 1011 and. 12 Wdli leg- ltmte and rinrht neeording to the tow arid IntlfatZa ot the Methodist' ahurab." r Nevertheless they assure me that tbn above remittance titles not. in ,aily e Te release the Qitarterly OffiniaI Boord from its obligation. This is the thrld great and «tang- ible token ot the !profound nYmPaillY ti the 3101143 Street rongregatiou, with their former frtaster„*hielt haS dOrte; imore to loin him or One of the lairdest !places or lais, tikUrt be tan find language to lexiirW. It seems that a great dual of mis- understanding has trisen out oil the nutter of nay claim upon tho lames Street Quarterly Official Board for tbe !payment of pulpit supply during rny illncss of lost •STati. nthich by your !permission Mr Editor. 1 wou'd like to corrolat. We have in the -anfe'rer.ca What is called the coutin;er.t fund. Col- lectiors are taken up or. a T the cir- cuits in the Conterer.oe enn-ry year to 'pay medical expense, funeral mei:tenses, 'pulpit, supplies etc. Sub- ject of course to certain regulationa (See +Minutes of Contelinee) I made no aPplication to the cor.ference, or any bell) whatever, from this fund Though I think the "special. neceas- ities' ot my case -would have olightly entitled me to 'some help" from this fund. But 1 based my plaint \upon the following regufatioos. No .6. That in the ease of' necefsMrY and authorized ministrative supply 'on account of affliction or death, 'whore the -circuits are competant thie ex- tienscs of,,linch supply shall be paid by the circuits. that no claim for leds than Iouraweelcs be allowed,\ and in I)0- case the Committee consider a 'claina for Inore than four, dollars' a week and. travelling exper.ses. thought all that would be lioness-, ary would be to ealr the attention of the.Recording Steward to this parag- raph and as the circuit had abun- dance on hand from thd weiekly of- ferings to itay me what. I had act- ually paid out for the supply of the pulpit. which as Chairman et Vie district, It was 'my duty to do' tt should also be ii•emembered in tbs, very nature of thins that the sup- ply of the pulpit has the first cl<to cn the weekly offering fur.d4.4. How- er nothing was done. I assured the Recording Stewart that if ;my claim was not Ssettled beforb I left the circuit It would be 'compelled to pass the matter over into the handl, ,of the new Pastor and Chairmar. of the -district. This I was forced to'. do much against my o%vn will. lie right ly Presented -my claim to the- Quar- terly Official Board and it was imov- ed and aeconded that the pulpit sun, 'ply claim be paid, buts 'Thisi proposi- tion was voted down. The r.exti ,sten in order was totgivo the whole matt- er into the hands of the Presider.t of the 1Conference. This 1 did and be 'assured me +bat the „ranfoln Street Board refused in entertain my, 'laim , This is where the matter reisfs to -day And why it should rest at a Poink like this s the quefstion? pur $000 dollars to the Board from the Weekly Offering Fund. after meet- ing- is first claimla is mora than 'L eln understand Other chargeSi pay - in -2; a larger Salary than James St. -ry for their pulpit supply during he 0/floss of their Pastors. The law of the ,conietrance states that- -‘ whore the e'r Pits a ,cout. petent, the expensea of isucli aupply shall be paid by the circuits"'" ond surely James 'Street is comipetant, confess that it did Seem hand in view of all thact4 io tile 'ease that 'I should have to pay for /the sonolor of the James Street" fpulpit durinT my illness, riay their travelling ex- penses and entertain the. Alto my medical ,eirpenses and toll other ex Penses incident to Ooy afflietion, have tried to serve 4.3od and the Metb. odist church might and main,' body soul and atilistanae for forty years, and this is the firs land only claim upon any fond or provis;oth of ite church that 1 have eV.ar' Made I gin exceedingly sorry that' it Ca ir4;" Mt render ar, offKil acknowledge«, - meet of the tonnty -eL-6.wr.1, from my Exeter friends heeairse it has aior neen officially tendered. And there- fore ray nflielal claim at l stands. and Must stand Mail Offic;allY settied„ Truly Exeter can never be "forgot- ten by me, it being! the,'Scer.e 'of my first love in rhe tGospell ministry ar.d paciaah4" ray last, Richard Bobbs--' 35 Bowden Ave Toraoto. ata THE SHOPID CHILD i is awfttl elever reals ,fer weirieen't; rights. Its for hooka, and never aneb Owe ;lamatar', nights, She ba.sso many, dnarnr They- .nearlY drive h.--tr wil- Bnt most et all 1 'tether Aer. 'PM Snell a stupid child, fe;,thor is a lawyeV„ KV, tee; owat be VeryIitenIt c, lielc so Muoh to .40. I o, stodies eVerYeVeittin3" fileeks thntli Mei thick n'whert Task thin/ tiant them Ile says; Don't 144 ;1'tiSpffl InCk? (e'3 n1Vretty $Zip bai ri, ot of. beaux. ll'a pretty good to her.. e many clothes tZLt iomeUraci when I'm lonesome And bog _her fround the zeck, o says; Get out, yen 44Pi4. MOM made too look a wreok. awful being stutiaV ' don't have any fur,, teacher's alwrays seolklin;ou or work Otot isn't tIone. e 'boys** blg. alitera hel0 tbn homework, every ,1413.4.--, goureethey'a'e clever boy tau hardly bright. Art A Puz Ilena Coach Howe told at the Iale inining table a, football story, 'Tho English," be began, "are trazie overfootball than we are, Why, ibete wfl sometimes be nenrly 100,000 Eug dsh at a single football guree. "Two Englishwomen of the lower UlOSS were drinking `four ale' in nelf one ufternoon. the matter with 'ee, eald the flrst woman. " puzzled,' said the second. "'What about, Bess?' Well, ye see. lnY George'S on the football team, an' when tbe team wins be treats ree to fried fish en' the movies, but when it loses be gives me a beatire up.' "Well, 33ess. I know all about that But what's puzzlin' thee? That's what I asked.' "'Well, you see, today's match ended in a draw!"-Allunenpolis Journal. The Latter Day Diety. The ancients gavo 'worship to Deity Ve4 nus Because of her vonderous beauty and norm, But knew they but ono of my loved one's great beauty Then Vents deserted had been and for. lorn, Tho ancients gave o'ring to Goddess Mi- nerva When wisdom and knowledge and learn - Mg they sought. But knew they.but one of my loved one's great talent. Minerva then by them a schoolgirl were thought Jud so if in Rome or In Belies my loved one Bad lived long ago during history's mists The Romans and Greeks had forsaken their worships In that early day to be monotheists! -Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Opening. The editor of this particular paper was busy. His temper is one of the best, but he did not like the look of the seedy individual with the hair who had invaded hi S sanctum unannounced, "Well?" the editor snapped. "1 should like to know," began the seedy one, with dignity, "if there is an opening here?" "There is," interrupted the editor grimly. "An ingenious carpenter, fore- seeing your visit, has provided an ex- cellent opening. You will find it over there. Turn the knob to the right and mind you don't fall over the mat as you go out." -London Weekly Tele- graph. The Discreet Lover. flip breast was all aflame with love, And when they had to part fie slyly took her dainty glove And wore it near his heart., • Of all the fair she was the fairest, ' or so she seemed to be; ner beansyas the 'richest, rarest; _tier ud,, ,,ave him glee. He 'took her dainty little glove And pressed it to his lips. With tenderest and deepest rove He kissed the finocr tips. With passion such as knights of yore Were nobly agitated . He kissed her glove -but not beacon . .Ho had It furnigated -45 •--Ohicago..tecer,d- he Blue Amberol is a New Record for the Edison Phonograph It is not only proof against injury, but will never be worn out by constant playing But the most wonderful thing about the Blue Am - hero' is its perfect tone and the lifelike quality of its production. III thh ect alone it or to any onograph Pe oth record you can buy, You must hear a Blue Amberol to appreciate its true worth. Your Edon itlaler will play some for you onan Edison Phonograph. Ask, him today. Edison, Ine.„1,00 halcesitio Ave., °ramp, Nal, U. S. A, e of EdiamaBlionogreplai W44 Bee-PO*1,1M be fon is Powell Maw reel; Mell to Fill Good Positions Trained Men are wanted everywhere; in fact, they are rairl) wanted, for the demand is greater thou the supply. This demand is ot for the roan Who is able to earn only two or three dollarii'a-TTir at bard manual labor and who can work only under the'ditation sonae one else, but for the man who is able to plan mod direct the work of others --the man whose traiuing has qualitied him to com- petently bold positions of responsibility. * • The INTERNATIONAL CORRESPoxr)mmu ScriooLo, that great institution that ha,' done so much, in the past and is doing so much every minute for working men and women, offers you an easy way to become a trained man -to secure a good position in the trade or profession that best suits your taste and ambition. The I. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right. where you are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without chaeging positions untit you are ready to step into the one you desire; without obligating you to pay more than your present salary will afford, no matter how small it is. Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment through this great plan. Every 'month an average of 300 voluntarily tell us of such advancement. You can *• do the same as these men have ItTrot** Ztit'O.Ai.0 • *******c;;crto • done. - ;Boa 79P,. Strillakere, Pa. If You really 'want a good Posi- • cca lqtlity tor a in -r lfrr *A a 44ee! • • tion, a larger salary, and a suc- • cleat to am position ticioto ,t-Itrier I have marked Ift • • cessful life, find out how you can . • • • secure it in the surest and most practical way in the world by • marking and mailing this cou- pon, This puts you under no . obligation. It is simply a re- quest for further information. Clip, mark, and mail it NOW. tp • Name Act Writer Show -Card Writer Window trimMer 0,1 astyloo Exams. Ornamentat Designer M•chanlcal Engineer Mechanical Oratteman Foreman Machinist Electrical Engineer Electrician Power -Station Supt. Architect Architooturat Draftsman Structural Engineer StrueturalDrartareen Contractor and Builder Foreman PlUrnher Chrll Englneet R. R. ConetrUctiOn .Eng. Sutveyor Mining Engineer Chemist Bookkeeper Stenographer e • • • • Street at& No •• 4 C1ZY State le 0 0 0 0 * 0+ 4 0."" 000001010 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Colonist Rates On Sale Daily MUM 15 1(1 ADM 15 ifiCIMe From Exeter to Vancouver B. 0, 46 Victoria' B. B 0. Seatle, 'Wash. , 75 / Spokane, Wagh, San Francisco; Cal. }s4675 San Diego. Cal. Los Angeles, -Cal. Mexico City, MEN, ' Proportunath IOW rates to othe points in Arizona, British. Columbia. California. Inaho,„ Mexico, Montana Nevado, Oregon,Utah, Washington etc. from all stations in Ontario, Ask Grand Trunk', Agents for full particularm, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway h the shortest.. and quickest route be - ween W innipeg-Saskatoon-Edroontoz flomeseeker Excursions To Manitoba Saskatchewan andAlberta Each Tuesday March to. October inclusive via Chicago and St Paul Through coaches. and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars will leave Toronto II p, m. an above clatee for Winnipeg. • NO CHANGE OF ()ARS Winnipeg and. return....... $35.00 Edmonton and return ........543.00 Tickets good for 60 days. Pro- portunate rates to other points. Settlers Lxcursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan March I sth. and every TUESDAY thereafter until April 29th. inclusive from itations in Ontario. Peterboro, Por BOPe and West, LOW est. LRATES Thraugh Coaches and Touris Sleepers to Winnipeg without abanoe, leaving Toronto 11.00 p m an above dates, Berth Reservations, Literature and Full Inforraatio From Any Grand. Trunk Agent -f,"7"44PRNO-- "". "