HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-27, Page 4E
TIIVRSDAT VIA Me 1011r 1,;1,
Record of progress tQr Five Years—x906-)94*
1906 agt
CeOPITAL . '')'('` 4,000A0Q0
-P-9ANS AND VESVBNTS, „ 27,457:990, $8"Sf1
T014.11 33,690,19 4S,M2,3-.1e
:gee Bralloaao to fenoerla„ god Avenee, aQespqnIeto in all
toe. pe„,ne:oal °Wee ;ri the World.
A oeueial Banking riusittess Transacted t
Savings Bank Department 3:
At all Eranelsea, laterest, alieW da4 Befebest alurreut Eatea.
Pioklelialt 4 Carltngl En114ters, Ii1311DON Manager
ii44.44,4++++,. ++4.4, 4•4,44.444,4•4*
.. SS
Ger al Ikta er
"n„T •"'•
-01-111411:111elsel ref
1,-O.Tee rkosittexte
Asitut Penoral Manager
000,000 REST, $12,500,000
hy Ti Cndinx Bonk of Certmolerete enable the traveller to
- 'lay at each point a his jnurney in
inoxpz.tsive manner. They are issued payable in every
y the rid in depominations of
$10, $20, $50, $1.00, $200
a t equivalent in eli rnonevs of the print:loot reP sta4
atienCil cheque. The are eCQuomical, aboolotely iteaelf-
ind eaally negotiated. S.3
Exeler Branch—G. L, WAUGH Manager
QW to bu
eI Gates
A Moe
14ft. Lup t
ed Cedar Feuce Posts
to at, top ?1 at
5 to 5hrt top nt20o.
Oaftorcul up tQp end 2„aic
rgs Anchor Posts on Hand
Have City
(II '1(rligt
Review? that Pete -
'Dent, drateaahty
angerous and of-
leteive out-of-doors
eldest eviet.
door closet which
;1j eaquixes tono neiVer,
finishiter, oyse
em„ Have city convenier.ces ire your
Cane. Safegua d Family ,liealth by
Sanitary and Odorlaso
"Dreed" closets ettri be installed, it
the lea.tbroorri, -cellar. or ny other
ceefere=ier.t place indooree merely et-
obi/tiro* to be oulatected by a pfere !or
verstillation with a ohimney hole
`'TweeeLiqued Chemical; used in
co,reaection with Tweed',Closets is beta
deodoratt 'and diebefectant.
Maxey tuudeedo of Tweed, Closets,I
beive been Gold in Cetaci•a„ Send eor
illustra,ted "price
leroolier Apr, G 191'4, Dear Six; The
Viteeraleal Cloaet 1 brut from you on
an fith t9T2 is perfect. 1' did mot
empty it, till Drexel,. 29th Thexe are'
three in the family. and car leave the
lid :up and no particle, of. odor car.. be
ToUnd I would not hsk for ;ar.ything
better, Yours Truly E. Wevaels
1f0110 111111 hillCil 1118 00. II NI
Agent;— W.J. fiearnan
Mr. William Clemmen one or the
Pioneers of Huron County. died' ore
March 7th at the home of eis son-
in-law. Mr. Jas.. Puicell. of the 3rd
concession of McKillop. The cleceas
•ed was fi8 years of Age.
WIessrs IL L. Stceeart mare Eloi
• Grose have taken over the St. Marys
Argus, The former has been con
•treated in a Mechanical nod report-
• orial capacity with the Agus for the
•oast twelve years and tee latter hoe
been mechanical Supetineerdent of
the .Tonroal for six years.
or Infants a
6 Yoo ;iavo
Thei She $d Na.
Ut 'ou aro o14 oxtughto be ID
rbb we
re ftIforte
ivay OUe rc
iast ono prom
Ofte1 veep Into Beauties When the
Pace Is Fully Grown, ;
Let no parent despair of a plain
child. Beauty so far from being "skin
deep" largely depends npon the propor-
tion between the different parts of the
faceand this depends -upon, their rate
o .rovilb, Before a boy's o1ee brealts
eni y have a very defective chin, a
serious blemish for our ideal of manly
beauty. But that cbitt may be destined
to grow just when tbe boy's beard be-
gins to grow and may transform hizn.
saw the other day an old sabool fel-
low lobo= 1 could scarcely -recognize,
so aastly improoed was be since his
young boyhood by the acquisition o/
that chin, which anatomists tell us is a
peculiarity (and therefore a beauty) of
our species, Robert Southey was de
sorbed by his taurse as a "great -ugly
boy" wheu he was born, but he grew
to be so handsome that Byron said he
would be almost content to father
Southea's poetry if he might have it's
author's head and shoulders.
I cannot say what percentage of -ugly
clailelren turn out bandsome later In
life, but certainly many do partly be-
cause in earlier life the variotts parts
of the face have deveioped at some.
what unequal rates and partly because
of the influence of another factor of
beauty, in which Southey was rich.
Its old fashionetibut familiar name is
the soul. -Dr. C. W. Saleeby in Strand
Its Remarkable Display of Cunning In
Seeurimg a Meal.
In a field of feeding bares foxes have
been observed to approach with a slow,
limping motion and holding down their
heads, as if eating clover, until they
were near enough to secure their prey.
The following is an extraordinary in-
stance of fox cunning: One week when
the ground was frozen. but bare of
snow, a farmer placed u hen ander a
strong, heavy chicken coop. The coop
was boarded on one side and lathed On
the other, the lower lath within an inch
of the grataud, wbich was smooth, but t
sloping, with a furrow -like depression
a few inches in depth about two feet
up tbe slope.
In tbe morning •the hen was gone.
A Grewsome Toy.
War and bloodshed seem always to
have reacted on, Vie nursery. In 1793,
for instance, the German, child was he -
tooted with a toy goillotine for Christ-
mas, and Goethe wrote to his mother
at Frankfort astiog her to seed orte
of these little instruments for a boy
friend. lime Coothe was Inclement
"Dear emo" she wrote, "1 bave only
one desire, mad that is to give Tea
pleasure. 1 will eoecote any command,
but buy such an info/nous maciame of
slaughter 1 will tot iu any circum-
stances. If t could would arrest the
makers nod burn such toys by the ex-
She Hada% Thought of That
°Marriage brings its aweleenloge,"
eXes," sighed the other lady, 41 re-
member that 1 as a bride was thunder,
struck to dud that ma httsballd, after
a libatted tereettent of going to piok tea'
and matinees, lied to go back to work
and eupport. the pair oe us." -Pitts-
burgh Post.
A Good Enough Reason.
"I am surprised, Ethel, that yoa
Iowed that hand-solne Italian couut to
ss yeu. lest eveulaga"
1 molly coalan't help it,"
Why couldn't your
use 1 capato speak a word of
I I a -St, Louis Post -Dispatch.
AH Constorong,
eagerly awollowed every word
zo stowed 011 1)111). 40 fed upon be
eveylook, tie lived upon tho stones
Mn."slo re "That's What 1call
an afl c011SUMill ilaaalaalr-Tiudge,
ho faese?
Porler---Eiave you lot sogtbtng
sir7 Sandee-AYe, ASO, Illit t' trda
--only tile threepenny bit 9' gille
ma about to give ye for rn
-London Ootoiora
Children Cry
flunking Caps
!rile Pet.16,
C' terry will,
'11 1.!"ebrzkary 1.13M
, wili5keY IartS in udze
Man' -Il .7.4
reout o the baots
were eatt e*cent focof
lectiori whe ruflPM araal,
tw bot a or 4 ' (.1;$t104 ,
'VW Porlioraeot oti 1is
svd a hilorbiddb tbe rnJe
wine, beer. and zsTrirituo j1
the Parliameotary xestaurant,
as expected that ,a prohibition,
may he ..enaetedbefore long.
Completely Cured by 6IN PILLS
Mr. W. G„ Reid, of Hamiiton, Onto
one of the hest known and most laigaY
reaPactea Peonmereial teavellers 111
Canada, eves a cripple froneRbettmatism
and angered ternbly, GIN PuaS
mad him, Mr. Reid writes as follows;
"I have beeo for the last two year a
cripple with Muscular and, Iutimernatory
leheumisito 1 tried almost everything
knewn to medical sciezece to relieve me
of the intense pain and inflammation -
1 sought change of climate in leentucieT
and olilerSouthern points without relief,
Your manager in this eitY recommended
GIN PILLS and I have since taken, eight
boxes and am now cured. I consider
GIN PILLS the conquer of Rheu-
matism and Kidney Diseases."
Gia Pills is so/d with a poeitive
guarantee to cure or money promptly
refunded, aoo. a box, 6 for az,50,„
Smaple free f you write Natiooal Drug
and Chemical Co, of Canada, Liroited,
For Sale
skati43-, k tore dwelling Ixouse
ipt, 614q. rink 1$0x89;
hat anCi 49VeTe1 with vutiated
vanized iron; built in the West'
oved methods of corwerd,•uce;
store 4040 ia fair state or rcalir;
dwellioq house one and a. t$tory
frOnte enntalning 10 rooms,, alma atd
40ft water., rgood cellar under tb.
• bocce. aVlo Good Tenuir 040 a ichcace"
building lot 100x801t, !The above
property will be sold altogethrtr cr
aelzarately to at purobaser, Sttis
factory weacons siverl for tielling.
For lurther Partteulars opoly
ither of the undersigned.
T,,eavitt ill, S. phillips
BeuEstate A3eat
ws rent)y held i
" zerlantl composed at re
ex f yarioua world's
teno toietks and it Was decided
at 'same n loanifesto airOteatina
aInst 'projected increasea of !4'1.rta
raeuts by the European: powiyrs.
ia Meibodi,sts, by the
the eiteirmen et the
coaLereneo, rolodex:wool compulsory
military training. It is to be ,,,deplor-
ed. that the ambassadors of too
Prince of Peace are not "all corsitent
enOligh to vote as tliev, en:atoll anti
On Februat.Y »O. COVerm( Cleele,larea
J utter, was ellicharged from tbe Lon
den rolite Ce „rte Leo. in 'the after
moorof the same day ..his body was
taken from the River Thamtas. Ile
had been drinkir„; Berivily, Rut then
he is only one, of tate railitiotia of
drink victims.
Tbe Iona State Senete Oilseed the
woroan suffrege aneentimett on Mar-
ch 7 by a vote ot 31 to 15. more ellen
two to one. The /louseor Repreaen-
tatives lpassed it some woeks ago.
The amendment will coma before
the nexteregislature and then aoro to
the voters. , )
Equal suffrage in North Dakota
peon aglorious victory on March 6
and 71 eel:ten a bill in 'River oe- !give
in; the women the suffrage: passed
by an overwhelming vote. ' Woman
suffrage had already received a fay -
arable Passage in the.Sepate Ard lthe
question is to be submitted, to the
voters of the State.
Clinton's local ontior by-law was
carried by three votes over ithe Three
fifths. Jude Dolt, who finally' as.
posed of tbe case statell' that some
evil disposed persons had tampered
with the ballots lo St. John's ward
by erasine tre ,cross ii Tavor of loc-
al Option and alacitacrosaesagiglst
A court in which the casesofde-
local Option.
timptent girls well have private hear.
ins has just been ePerool in Chi-
cago in conr_ection with Lhe juvenile
Court. Mies M. M. deartelme has
been. appointed 'presiding. rnagis-
rate. The Pureose is to shiead from
publicity, }girls brought before court
All the court officers are women.
_Recently Fred Lamb or The Hotel
Lamb 'Toronto was arrested on A
charge of consirracy to procure girls
for immoral 'purposes. Sonae hours
later An !alleged accompliCe. James
Ferris a retired 'broker of .Thinve-
r,an. Road, Was apprehended by Der
ectives Archibald and Newton. Tios
must be a ease of evolves in Lamb's
eldthing. There are many nf them
Mothers and daughters hewa."-rie.
To New -York on 'February 2eth
The coop stood inaniediately over the
depression, tbe laths bearing numerous e
impressions of an animal's teeth. and
the small one at the apex was smote!). • 3.
ed by its claws.
The fox had wasted no strength on
tbe board loving to push the coop over
in an uphill direetIon. but be tried his
est on the other sideFaiting in this„
be bit and tore at the laths to break
them and fieany drew the eoop alp lhe
bib over he honovv, dragged out tie
hen aee neade on% issiivi.ag no b100d
very few fentlx,rs and out, tlzree of Id ,
en ate Ladet'*atikrs Weekly
George A. •Crandon a mild tittle
lerlo. and exst-tv.hil,e choir Oneeer:
was !sentenced toeSirgeSing for seven
ears and six months as a "whete
slaverHe -;vaeo,convicteel of during
voung e;irls .to an netaremero. he had
fit led up in Harlem. "You deserv,i
death more than any cold iblooded
murderer who 'ever appeared': befo..-e
me" said Jud ;re O'Sullivan ui 1:ass
ing Sento:Lee.
Since January lst 19.13 ter. TT.ni e{1
States Legislatures have votedb.
large majorities to IsubmIt constout
ional ememdnert to a vote of the
electcrat,e, whereby., if carried. woman
euffrage wall become, a part ote tee
c000tetutiotte eel
e wo
!payable. notes
t on 1ewLt
s and etc.
anit and rostagef
Law tosts •
School omapoaca
Fire Protection
County Rate
Street Lighting
Town Hall
Street waterlog
Eleetion Expenees •
Error in lIentea
Water works
.Total Receiipts
'Total Expenditure,
105 $
52 45
' 9 Off
14 OR
97 $5
' 1459 66
lot* 39
1* 45
/590, elci
14 01
9E126 04
g t73 50
40016 54
Thorobred Yorkshire
Sows for Sale
Mro 'Thos. Barrie bete A nuraberi Of
'XItortattehbred Yorkshire. Sowte
he is offering .forc sale. 'The,Se are
a choice lot and lanyore wishing god
bteeder,s Eshould tsee these at once,
Thos, I.Iarris Hay,. F.,. 0.
3-27-2fP: r
For Sale
Gotta:,zp. ou- the lCornen ;cifs. VictOrla
and M.aitt Street eoresisting Of tear
hedroopap,arlor. dining room, kit-
chen waaaroom, pantry, oral, NY000.15A0ei.
Cellar noder all. Bard and zsoft
ter' Apply to D.: Meek, •
Entire Stock and
Harness Horses
arnua1 6prmn ow of Sta,
arneas Horses and. Bulls ut‘der
' ices of the SoUtb. Huron. Ita-
sooletY wtil ;he had, in
.EllitICE134B D
MIZE 7,41SX.
t Stallima 1014
T r Id draft Stallion 6 4 13.
Aged 1?ex'ronotallion 4 e
bee year ohl Eret4rocibone1o1, vi
Aged carriaze stallion 10
hands and over 5 3 2
3 yr old earrier,re otellion 4 2
-toadcter Stallion 0 3 2
Sborthorl4tatitri, $6 4
horthorn bu1 celvt-d atter
$elit 1st 100 '0
thorn bull CAlved, After
SePt 1st, 1011 6
errs draft team $0 4
draft ,hread mare
„fool 6 4
e e old bleary draft
1o -,eldirt&L, 3 '2
oid cavy draft Silly
zolding 5 0
lver Medal will be gifonf
•Pstakes /or the hesta henv
filly or gelding' any «go
own on halter.,
Itural team
old gAeigdzrilueol.gdlivillya o
aro. lilly or
era! Purpose team
r old general purpose flfly
teadster tea al
inTle Iloadster 4
No horse or horses to lac shown in,
more than one class except for Sweep
takes Prize, without the consent; of
the Direotors.
MI the exhibitors must heCOM}ei
iembers of tbe Society by Payirre
one dollar to the Secretary. En-
tries can be made with the Seercaary
at 'Walker' toteuntil 11 o'olook
an the Morning of the saw lerfze
money will be paid by thd. Seeretary
at Walker's loll after the' award..
Lave been made by the' ilIdges. Ar.
raozemeuts win be made to have
article accomodation for all horacs.
ALEX MUSTARD alrucefield
alcLEAN Seaforth
1026 2
'137 7
C2 4
5.15 Oq
a 193617
, ; 1203 Z3
t 332a3„ 44
4.zsi 40
' 914D5
4 t bi 70
L , 1158 49
360 30
283 85
4379 a8
120 74
5715 14
37594 57.
40616" 50
37592 57
3023 93
Prom the Present t1on1ij
Clinton Spriog 'Fair set for Tettirs-
dayA,Pril 3rd, will ,lee.one of the beet
that has yet been thedd. There; are
many fine horses and 'cattle it; thile
and the adjacent counties this tear
and the general expression or ion is is that many of' these win be
seen in Clinton on April -3rd. Many
ood prizes are offered for Clydes-,
dale Shire Perehoron, Roadster and
Hackney etaBions, he well as beaee
draft, agricultural and ;general pin. -
'Pose horses, together with Shor'te
horn. Hereford. Polled Angus. dairy
and fat cattle. This Fair is; known
throtegbout Western Ontario as one
of the best Spring 'Fairs held. Thir-
teen Opecial prizes are offered in
401.0 ‘Cola and in additioo the Assoc-
iation wilt also give thirty dollars In
erect for,,o counties competition open
to the counties of Huron .Perth.
Bruce and Middlesex for the. best
'Three heave draft 'horses, !stallions
barred, shown in halter. not oecese
sariler the !properety of any one man
but must be owned inthe; courity
reeresented not' more than two er.,
tries from any one county, and 'two
counties must be represented to make
a competition • the first two entries
received accepted but entries must
be in the hands of the geeretary not
later than Saturday March 29th.
Send for a prize list and oeserve
April 3rd for the (Clinton, Snrinz Fair
•Oicationle woman euffta.ee will
anount to a tidal wave in the repub-
ec. The tide of [r„uhlic sentiment ear -
no longer be held back ard now
sIN eepinz over all bar„riense
I The lode-gnat:or. of 'all, TiIgiLLhink-
irxr bas been aroused ir. the United
States and the, evorld L large af ilic
oirge-ace;u1 (behavior of the Oleasitirei-
ton police during ,the recer_t woman
suffrage fparade in Waal-lino:tot.< The
senate appointed a ronamitter_er to
113y the end of" the first
tidy the tcornauttee litelre convinced
itt conditions due to the poilee
were ,depIorable if rot Dutra germs.
It was made clear that tile Police' not
only 'oermittedot er 1.4 ieir.-
(eurazed audju1edi
A 'ark
3 yea
For Sale
That desirable Property known as
Powell's fruit Gardens situated 010
the corner of Carling and Victoria
Streets, Exeter; is for sale Good
storey and a aa/f frame house in
xend repair, stable, hen house etc
and excellent fruit garden of 1 14
acres. Good :well and town- water.
near depot, sohool, and ohurclees ale"
ply to S. Powell Exeter., or ttogla
Pbillipa Beal Estate tazentt
arm for Sale
IN/acre larro Lot 114 Con r/ Town
ship of Hay OA, Lordon need g..)0 14
miles *rove Exeter Anil
frau ifeosall. Apply to le; ee„ Roes
lirroo Ont,
For Sale
I DR G F D.OUVel'ON L. D S. D -D
desi,rable dwelling house on Wil,
team Street, large and roomy. romtaina
ing lutnae,,,, and electric Boat% Good
aatd and soft slater, the land
prises tree taree lots witia n large number
of Fruit trees, For further Dartio-
ours ay to r, 1, Atecaitout gzo,.
er or to )3, b. Phdlios Auctioneer
Honor 'Graduate of Torouto UAW
aity Office over lliokson twait.
r!".'g's Law office. Closed Wed:neat
stay afternoens. Phone Office iete
Residence 5 b.,
itonor Graduate of Toronto 1Jaapa
Teeth extracted witbout pain.
any bad effects. Office oVer Glode
Man 4 staubury's ,Offi,ce gabs 13.4
gos P. S. Oraduate Victoria Usallataa
sity Office and resiaence Dominion:
Labratory.. Exeter,
;Associate Coroner of Huron
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries- Caro
eeeancer_s gerandesieners, 0011101071,,
for the olsous Bank etc, t
Money to Loan at 'moot ratesi
f.„ Id. Coding E. Ao 11.
ouse and Lot for Satel have a large amount of
mopie,s. 0 od a 07%alleowlur4'rotreoel. ,Vrlay !at
fax.4115vberTyitg e .1',04gistrt3
gurs and etc, this is
VerY dekahe ppl'ty, 1.4 acre of
lond mad' will be goalari reasor,able
ff)a ',for fartber Varticulars erte
quire oa tbeVremloo.a to 7. M.. Ekb-,
er or Real Estate 61Tent
Canning Factory
Ilrepared to traot
4,TOW Pena and eo
er Canningto
ry SSA.
Can bt
Auction Sale
The undersiened Auctioneer haa
been instructed to sell by public arm
tlon on the Premises on Tueoday
April id. 1913 at two o'clock, p, nae
the following .Property.
REAL -ESTATE -Part Lot TWenty:
three., 'Concession Six. Ueborne-Towne
shipontaining _three acres of'. lard,
more or ]es i being the. 'ruroperty
the late WO, Pybus. • On this proper:.
ty he a comfortable 1 1-2 storey briek
bouso with frame eummer kitchen
and,woodshecl. There Is a]so,,ii good
stable with brick foundation hen
bouae - apple orchard. hard aDd
Soft IN'atO7. This is a desirable res-
ided:111cl TiPTLl
• r°I'ert4-1.0FERTY-- IConsiSt-
Ing of chairs, Tables. 1Burean. cup-
board, Loenges; 4 Hedstea.da wash-
stands ipictit es; 1 open buggy cutter
Single Oneness Robes and Holies
Blanketse heelbarrow. ladders. colon
tity of apples and potatoes.. About 2
tons Hay, 8 10 10 cor-ds Hardwood
split ready for Istove),; 12 cook 'stoves
1 clothes ho. -..se; 1.-• eyoad heating
stove 2 kitchen tables; 2 nedroom
stands; ca •pets. rags.- lace curtains.
one shot gun; I Ill& &LW, :
new goat robe; a goetntity of lumber '
and cedar postsr and orther Orticles
too nuinerou.s to naentitert. •
TERMS 01? SALEte-Real E,stete-20
per cent deposit a.nd b ne. a aExeectl:teors.
days. Chattels -cash.
.For further Particulars apply to
T. Cameron Gla(InTan Stanbury
Auctioneer Solicitors for
• For Infuts and Claildren.
rile Kind You UavaAIwa
Bears the
Sale by Tender
r 'win be voteived by Thos.
Auet. Farquhar P. CI, up to
'ril 2nd 1913 for the pore/mac
ef ibat south 'half Lot 23. con. 12 Cp.
ot ullatton containit;.00 acres. On
thlsrroperty ' is an up -.to' -date
trell finished brick dwellin; with
fnrnaee. frame barn, horse ma cat-
tia Wes., orchard. 3 nores cie
bush 2 pever failirk; wells; 4 acres
of loll wheat, 18 acres of in -ass; bal-
ance ready Lor sPring• crop. -This pro
perty in well fencod and drained and
is in a first class state et cultivation
conveniently situated to aohool atd
siturohes, with phone and rural mail
andtatiat he sold as roprititor brio to
move onto his other Inrm. Easy
terms of payment and possoseion at
any time. For terms and Xartie-
Wars taPply to J. D. 'Russell deuesel-
dale P. 0. or to T. Cameron Auce
Farquhar, Phone by way ofExeter.
House & Lot For Sale
irrante house on John St. contair.-
ing 8 ;rooms, hard and soft water.
a. number of fruit trees all in good
state , of x-epair. This property will
be sold reasortable. aPply to 3. s„
tondo to lean On ;arra roui
properties at lQwest 4°00
e t.
Barristers, Solicitors, Alain
A ,5,1111) Ww
L0,41411 VO44
01 aohing pop
t uhtorr,
OAT :01011,111S
JOUN EssErtr Exeter. aw
and Diddulph.
OLIVER 1141,ItRIS Afunro agent for
ibbert Fullerton and Logan.
•Secy.Treae. Farquhar
Solicitors. Exeter.
Anyono rending a sketch and deamintiors mar
quickly accertaln our *Banton Trea whether lak
Invention Ad probably patentable. Commtvalca.
Lions lad ctly aontalenttal. HANDBOOK on Patontil
sent free. OlOest agency for mecum); oatents. •
Patents taken tbrough Munn Co. reedy&
'pedal notice. 'without. charge, la the
$cieuftlie iimericaltN,
handsomely iliattrad weekly. Lamest cis -
ciliation or any ccienttne journal. 2'crrns IOC
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