HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-11-13, Page 5-a� con.. ., towards.. pelil 1, ° 1, -w tions WO an�f,�e 1 11 1 : and y fac- tions, e .9 t S i S o b P 4L gi, , We are aware ' AL Wonen of Canada are . llao ii) "ml organized cam- paign to ports ,, f organizations as anti-famil ` A e believe to be a total zYlisrepresentat� ion of the,erganized move- ment for equality for women in Canada. Without exception, groups like ours which consider themselves part of the Canadian women's movement and, define themselves as feminist, stand`firmly committed to two principles: choice and.. equality. We believe that neither principle can exist In- dependent1v of the other. But, it has worked equally hard to obtain The right to choose -to marry or tgremmin legislation of benefit to women as mothers single, to become a parent or to retrain on reproductive hazards in the workplace, People with rare disorder contact group ed six times a year, a registry enabling that will tell CMTers wanting children if researchers to locate large populations of their offspring will be affected. (MTers for their work and a scholarship' Anyone with this disease who would like to fund enabling those whose careers have be counted in, or anyone in the helping pro - been interrupted to retrain and youths with fessions interested in further information CMT to obtain a good education before they maywrite to me at: 34-B Bayview Dr., St. go into the work force. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 4Y6. Many of us have a reef deal of trouble I have heard from more than 1,000 people g living all over North America and Europe to walking and balancing having lost the feel- date, and most letters have the same theme, ipg and/or movement from the knees down a cry of joy in finding someone else with and the elbows down or a portion of these. which to share.. . There is no cure and there is little treatment Your help in spreading the word across available. Canada will be most appreciated. In finding more people with CMT, we hope Regards, to attract and initiate more research in hope Mrs. Linda Crabtree, of eventually finding a cure or even a test Founder/Editor childless, to work inside or outside paid. labor force—is the cornerstone of the Cana- dian women's movement upon which all demands for equality are based. Discrimination against women in Canada takes many forms. The women's movement in Canada has focussed its energies on achieving equality for all women. It has worked hard to obtain legislation of direct concern to women as workers such as affirmative action, equal pay for work of equal value and sexual harassment. milt 0131 The women'smofiement onada the past 20 years. lays contitalOtAffrOYfa to receive increasingly ponder suppert 01 because it truly, reflects the opinions aind. concerns of the vast majority of Canadian women regardlessof age, economic or marital Status.' . As feminists, board members of Women Today rejecr,anyinsinuattons that there is any conflict between women's rights and, human rights. We will continue to work towards a future that , contains the possibility of choice, equality and peace for all Canadians,. Yours sincerely, Debbie Selkirk, president Women Today. 2 Dear editor: I am writing to ask your help in locating people in your area with an inherited pro- gressively debilitating neuro -muscular disorder called Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease or Peroneal Muscular Atrophy. For 40 years I lived with this disease, not knowing anyone else with it and not being able to share the frustrations and worries I felt as the disease eventually robbed me of my livelihood as a journalist and directed me toward a wheelchair and a whole new career working with people. In August, 1984, I decided to find a few pen pals. That modest endeavour has turned in- to a full-fledged organization called CMT In- ternational, featuring a newsletter publish - What choice for drinking drivers? Dear Editor, I have been reading in the paper recently about drinking and driving, and I agree it is a very real problem, but what other alter- natives do the people of Goderich have? Do you know you can't get a cab in this town after 11 p.m.? I called Goderich Taxi and B&B Taxi and both close at 11 p.m. Secondly, I called four of the more popular drinking establishments in town to see if they had a policy for providing rides home for their customers and all said "No". Lastly, I called the Police Department. Even the "Boys in Blue" won't drive you home. They do not provide a taxi service. How are responsible citizens supposed to get home if they have had a few drinks and don't feel they should drive their car? Maybe if there was an alternative means of transportation available past 11 p.m., we would have fewer drinking drivers on our streets. Karen Finnie School plans June reunion Dear editor: Kapuskasing District High School will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary June 27, 28 and 29, 1986. All former students and staff are invited to participate in this happy homecoming celebration and can obtain a registration form from : The Homecoming '86, Kapuskasing District High School, 61 Devonshire Avenue, Kapuskasing, Ontario. P5N 105. Sincerely, Pat Butcher, Chairman, Homecoming Committee. TEEN DANCE R & D Tunes Presents SOCK HOP at Goderich Arena Saturday, Nov. 16, 1985 from 8 p.m. to 12:00 Featuring all your favourite Rock Tunes Doors Open at 1:30 p.m. Admission S 2.00 with student card, 53.00 without Spot Dances & Special Prises throughout the night 1 You are Invited to some and worship with us 94 PICTON ST. W. Sundays 9:4 5 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Worship Service GODERICH FREE ETHODIST CHURCH Special Speakers: NOV. 17 - Communion Service NOV. 24 - Rev. Arthur Scott 'Moir. IF$ 41,30"omm4�430 pm Eve. df W..k.Ad by appt. Tie Sarnia . Wollacbbvra 'Noiustadt 004911th No Charge 111 Feige D.T. GODERICH IMMO* Ori' ptione:. Pi 9)33.4 SU (S 1 .27-0034 01191141•7111i, 05.71110,. (519)524-66884 100-403-1.415 ByAPPo • DENTURE WEARERS Did yew MI ow<.. that it Is important to have your dentures examined regularly? Your mouth is one of the most Important areas of your body, but often the most neglected when dentures are worn. 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