HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-10-30, Page 10The flltlllnistry Of Itural[,R,MNIlIccos has th.E following paresis of lead availal it. for tease fora Nye Year term commaiajagJunuary 1,19110: 31 if>rlrtrtz �r!p.lfaeld, Pai offnot4; Lake Road Concession Township of Stanley, County of Huron 4 acres crop land Lots 11,18,19 and 20 East and West of Arthur Street Township of Ashfield, County of Huron Port Albert, Ontario Tender doses November 21, 1985 at 3:00 p.m. Tenders open November 22, 1933 at 9:00 a.m. For complete tender documents or more Information contact George Booth at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hwy, 4, R.R. 3, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 or phone 1-800.265-3003 or519-357-3131. Ontario Ministry'of Natural Resources 30. Employment wanted EXPERIENCED...and mature person desires typist, receptionist/ clerk position in Goderich. References provided. Reply to Drawer No. 64, Gode, lch Signal Star.-44nx 31. Service directory FOR YOUR carpets and linoleum installations. Free estimates. CaII Norm 524-6482,-41.44 MACLYN CAR OILING - Choose from old oil, new oil or a combination. Open Monday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Two miles north of Amberley, West of Highway 21. Phone 395- 3352. 40tfn CHIMNEY repairs, cleaning, rebuilt, roofing, small dump service and odd jobs done. Call Even- ings after 6:30 p.m. or before 7:30 a.m. 523- 4801. 42-45 CONTACT PHILIP BRECKLES 232 OXFORD ST. - GODERICH 524-9538 FOR ALL YOUR LAWN MOWER, AUTOMOTIVE, AND AUTOMOTIVE MR CONDITIONING SERVICE AND REPAIRS All your work performed by a Licensed Mechanic. Over 20 years experience D 1 ENTERPRISES *Renovations & Home Repair Work ...Inside & Out. * Kitchen Cabinets & Vanities available FREE ESTIMATES Call Dennis 524-6257 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE No Job too Big or Small GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 LAKESHORE CHIMNEY SWEEPING Are You Burning Wood? Cut down on Creosote Build-up Have your chimney Cleaned Today CALL Harold Leddy 524-7237 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all •WHIRIPOOI • INGLIS •5PEED QUEEN • ADMIR AI •SIMPIICIlY •HOTPOINT A ppllancos HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston 5t. Goderich JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including: Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister 31. Service directory 1 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 13 years PHONE Clinton Seaforth 482-33201 327-0284 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 NEED WORK DONE? • Renovations• Roofing• •Siding•Dry Wall* and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES ' We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? Al -Anon can help. For time of meetings call 524- 6001.-24tfnx DATES GALORE. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acqua/gtances Call, Toll Free 1-800-263- 9163 Hours Noorritill 8 p.m. -0-44 LOSE WEIGHT easity. Have you tried many diets? Failed because of will -power? Cybernetics is the answer. Results guaranteed! Write for brochure. Cybernetics, 760 Brant St. No. 42A, Burlington, Ont. L7R 488. (416) 639.6080.--0.44 35. Notice to creditors 1 ti llllluII11II1111111111111111111111IIli1iiiiii11t111R111tlulu11101/11111111111111 BILL'S ,E., ▪ Small Engine Repair & Service Lawnmowers, Tillers, Chainsaws, etc. ▪ 52 East Street GODERICH g Res: 524-4154 Aussoni1111111111iuii111111111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiii8111111111111iuiii11nufc NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Lillian Maud Summers, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 11th day of September, 1985, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 16th day of November, 1985, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario. this 17th day of Oc- tober, atober, 1985. PREST and EGENER. Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH. Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate. 43-45 36. Announcements, notices THE DINING LOUNGE at Ernie's Roadhouse, (The Park House), 168 West St. Goderich. Ont /s open Wednesday to Saturday from 5 p m to 10 p m for your dining pleasure. Call 524-4431 for your reservations 43.44 THE HUMANITARIAN Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos O0oldeston 524.9623 or Fred Fritzley. 524-7217. 3eowx Who Cares. Vote For Peter Parent For Council NOVEMBER 12, 1985 Peso% A^i.e.. _ /% A A./ 48.14 A /►- /\ 0% _-. A 14 - i•► 70•16.1% .A. ROBERTSON FARM. GRAN * CUSTOM CORN DRYER * STORAGE * MARKETING We can weigh straight or Tandem Trucks 500 Bushel Wagons to rent for hauling 524-6658 Notice Is hors' (t! l tri In + 111 electors of e Township of Colborne 1 That a poll will be held on the date and at the places stated in this notice for the election of: One Member to the Public School Board of the Huron County Board of Education for the combined areas of the 'Township of Colborne and the Township of Goderich. -ADVANCE POLLS-- will OLLS-- will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 2, 1985 at the Colborne Township Community Hall at Carlow, Ontario - REGULAR P01LS - will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 12, 1985 at the following places: PoII No. 1: Canadian Foresters Hall, Benmiller, Ontario. Poll No. 2: Saltford Valley Hall, Saltford, Ontario. Poll No. 3: Colborne Township Community Hall, Carlow, Ontario. Poll No. 4: Sunset Golf Club, Lot 5, Lake Road West Concession. PROXY APPLICATION: A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the pollli g subdivision in which the person appoin- ting the voting proxy Is entitled to vote. Dated this 24th day of October, 1985. Hudson Milburn RETURNING OFFICER Township of Colborne. 38. Auction sale Ontario's Largest FARM Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, November 8, 1985 10 a.m. (Soles conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424- 9998 or , (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. --O-44 LARGE AUCTION SALE Modern appliances, furniture, an- tiques, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for the Estate of Eva Forsythe of Egmon- dvilie, Mrs. Brown of Seaforth, Mrs. Girvin from the Nile. SATURDAY, NOV. 2 AT 10 A.M. 2 matching Kroehler Colonial Brown plaid love seats. Electrohomo 19" por- table colour TV 1 yr. old, modern Mc - Clary square model fridge, Modern 30" electric stove, small upright freezer nearly new, small Westinghouse chest freezer, older fridge, 24" electric stove, old wringer washer, antique chest of drawers, an- tique drop front secretary desk, com- bination sideboard and china cabinet. Gingerbread clock. blanket box, 9 piece dining room suite, modern maple corner hutch, oak buffet w/ mirror, 2 -three piece bedroom suites, chesterfield & chair, 3 odd chests of drawers, Continental single bed, antique dresser w/ mirror, modern davenport couch, swivel rocker, modern chrome table & 4 choirs: open washstand, rollaway bed, wardrobe w/ mirror door & drawers, wardrobe w/ 2 mirror doors, magazine stand, card table & 4 chairs, oil lamp, wall magazine holder, china cabinet, bunk beds, gas barbecue, pedestal plant stand, round wicker fern stand, pole lamp, humidifer, small parlour tables, small appliances, 8 place set- ting of dishes, dishes & glassware, pots & pans, 3-1878 bells, 30 cups & saucers, barrel press, leg vise, buggy lack, small wood lathe, old 2 wheel trailer, gas lawn mower, electric heater, plus our usual large offering. TERMS:CASH Auctioneer RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482.7898 39. Educational FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn -at home correspondence Diploma Courses Accounting. Art, Bookkeeping Business Management. Clerk Typist Secretary. Journalism Television Servic• ing. Travel Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide St West Toronto 1 800-268 1121 0.44 BFCOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 hours instruction Novi clns November 16 24 Southwestern On - tar '• School of Auctioneering Box 145. Innerkip. ren' Np l IMO (519) 469.3936. (519) 537-2115. 0- .a EARN i VTRA MONEY' Leorn to prepare Income Tax Returns by correspondence. Local franchise available V. rite Tax Time Services Ltd.. 1304 Speers Rd Oakville Ont. 161- 2X4 0.39.44 You con learn to play ALL KEYBOARDS (Piano. Organ etc ) 'Chord Method' with our 90 page book, 3 cassettes. toped demonstrations. FREE details. Cali Ken s Keyboard Kourse 1 800 258 6364. 0.44 40. Lost a Found LOST Small brown leather purse Sunday even- ing /n vicinity of Regent, Cambridge Sts. and Square Money not important' want sunglasses LI 0 back Phone 52 7901 Reward 43 44nx 4- 40. Lost & Found LOST: At Robertson School yard, one child's baby book and several school books. Great sentimen- tal value. Reward. Phone 524-8715 after 5 p.m. -44 FOUND: Fluffy orange male cat with flea collar. Hos been around approximately 3 weeks. Cali 524-2598 anytime. -44 FOUND: Grey and Black tiger striped kitten, has been litter -trained. Found St. Mary's School. Kit- ten must be given away if owner do. s not clailQ her. Call 524-2598 abytime.-44 41. To give away 3 YEAR OLD brown female Doberman Pischer to good home. Phone 526-7237.----44 I AM giving away an old barn and a house in Goderich Twp. Hos to be dismantled and moved away this fall. Call George for more details in evenings. 524-8378.-44x MALE, black Lab, one year old. House trained and good with kids. Phone 524-4480 or 482- 3158. --44 43. Miscellaneous IF YOU WOULD like a ride to London on Sunday, return on Friday. Cali. 524-7157 or 4349955 after 6 p.m.-43.44nx RIDE required from Goderich to Clinton or Huron Pork Sunday through Thursday from 9 30 p.m. Phone 524.6847 44 46. In memoriam RIEHL In loving memory of o dear father and grand• father Don who passed away October 27 1979 Its been another year Dad Since you left us that sod day. No words could possibly soy how much we love and miss you in every way. You had o special quality that rarely comes along. You left a love filled home empty since you've been gone. We remember that warm and gentle smile. That shone with love, you could see for a mile. We remember your face bronzed by the summer sun From work that never seemed done Hands that were all worn and cracked so much Your gentle arms too sore to touch. Always giving of yourself For everyone of us. These are some of the reasons Dad we all love and miss you so much. When we're feeling sod and very blue and our spirits need a lift. Our thoughts go straight to the dearest Dod. From God our greatest gift. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son Jim, daughter•in•law Joanne, grandchildren. Debbie, Jimmy, Barry and Scott. 44nx 47. Card of thanks MACDONALD I wish to sincerely thank everyone for the lovely flowers, gifts and cheery visits and cards I receiv- ed while in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to all at home and to Don Hackett for doing my bus route. Thanks to all again. Beryl MacDonald. -44 SHEAR®0WN We the family of the late David Sheardown, wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to our relotives, neighbours and friends. Special thanks to all the nurses and doctors of A & M Hospital, in particular first floor nursing, Dr. David Walker and Father Joseph Hardy. Thank you for all the love and support during David's illness and death. God bless all of you. Sincerely, Dan and Maureen Sheardown and family. --44 Brenda CherYlPeagaudit i t ir.`'of John and. Phyllis Feagan, graduated Oct_,w. 1 , ..,' �Ir, from Wilfrid Laurier University, ►tt aer,t with an Honours Bachelor of gills,- " ministration degree: Bots -Ross Carla Johanna Bots, of Edmonton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bots, of Sherwood Park, Alberta and William Robert Ross, of Edmonton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jermyn, of 150 Sunset Drive, Goderich were married Saturday, Aug. 17, 1985 at MacDougall United Church, Edmon- ton with Rev. Donald Clark officiating. Maid of honor was Grace Ross, sister of the groom, of London and groomsman was Earl Colwill, friend of the groom of Grand Prairie, Alberta and usher was Stuart Reed, friend of the groom, of Edmonton. The reception was held at the Terrace inn, Ed- monton. After a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the couple will reside in Edmon- ton. Bake sale held at 4-H meeting The sixth meeting of the Port Albert 4-H Pastry People was a Bake Sale at the Sun - coast Mall on Oct. 12. Dungannon I and Dungannon 11 joined the group for the sale. The third meeting of the Port Albert Pastry People was on Oct. 15 at Laurie Hayden's at 7 p.m. The group made Chicken Corn Pie and a Coconut Banana Cream Pie 'and discussed- different. fillirtgrt ,F'iftlsRll ti products were enjoyed by all. The seventh meeting of the Port Albert Pastry People was held at the home of Wen- dy Miltenburg on Oct. 22. The group discuss- ed judging tips and judged four plates of tea biscuits and two cakes. A 4-H quiz was also enjoyed. 47. Card of thanks GODERICH LADIES' SLO-PITCH LEAGUE The Goderich Lodges SIo-Pitch League would like to thank the follow/ng merchants for their dons tions for door plies for our dance- Denomme's O'Brien s Woolworth s Bedford Hotel Shanahan s. Nakamura Zillies. Ed s Shell Oscar s. The Entertainer Heads Up Hairstyling Pro Hardware Zehrs, A&P Buechler s Your thoughtfulness well always be remembered Thank You. •44 YOUNG I would like to thank the Goderich ladies Slo Pitch League for the beautiful plant I received at the donce Ench and everyone of you girls in the League is a winner to me Thank you again tar your thoughfulness Morg 44 BEIMERS The family of the late Corie Beimers wish to ex- press their thanks and appreciation for all the kindness shown to them at the time of Corte's deoth Thank you to the nurses for all the wonderful care she received during her stay in Clinton Hospital to Dr Salsbury lo all the neighbors and friends for visits flowers cords and for food sent to the home Thanks also to the Tasker Funeral Home Blyth to the Rev Riger Gelwicks for his comforting words also to the pallbearers and to the ladies of the Christian Reformed Church for the lunch served after the funerol All these things have been deeply op precioted and will be remembered always 44 • POLLOCK Many thanks to our Nile friends and neighbours for the lovely farewell gift we received Do come and visit us of our home at 50 Stanley Street in Goderich Sincerely Carmen Igo and Lorry Pollock 44nx 91le ,Aton e 1)€€ 9s & Co., Limited - REALTOR JUST SOME OF THE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE McINTEE ATRY! 1 Free Property Evaluation 2. Continual Advertising Program 3. Professional Sales Representatives 4 Over 15 Offices in Ontario and 115 Frien- dly, Courteous Representatives to serve you 5 Offices oven 6 days a week for your con- venience. 6. Huron and Bruce Real Fctate Board Mem. hers (MIS) 7 FRET consulting server es Call John Talbot 66 VICTORIA STREET N. GODERICH Business 524-2654 Residence 524-2520