HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-13, Page 5anITIMSDAY mitomi 13
44'.4+4-1444++++++4.-H.+1.44-:- li',J11111:11 FROM
rni i.
Thousands of ambitious young
people are instructed in their +
ICollege if yen desire Pay +
Weer - yOlt, WW1. Tlan'tY
Yeara* Experience, Largest +
4. trainers in Canada. Enter any i•
'epe, day. Positions gueranteed,e
Yon wish to seve board and
teem while yon eatn, write
for particulars. 4.'"'
ounton BeensessCollege *
4, ego. sporroN D. P. WARD
.E. President Principal
homes by our home study dep. et
artment Volt inaY finish at
ATFORD. clefr.
How Mrs., Reed of Peoria, 114
Escaped The Sur-
geon's Knife.
Peoria, wish to let every one
Compound has done,
forme, Portwoyears
I suffered. The doe -
tor said Thada tumor
and the only remedy
was the surgeremen
The Rest t)raetical trainin's •
save' in °Atari°, Three de 10:•
bartments COMMERVffAli;
ray. All courses are thorough t
and Vractical- diem are ex, Z
need mielpgraduatea Pre itp,
fte poltione. nave •
, •
inuividual attention teed stalls *
cuts may enter at any time.
Write for Der free es talosue
0 4,40400•0
Pilown 47,
pposite Electric 'Light 1ac
of M -
ling m ly Orders. The
Oroceries we deliver t.o you
are tile best, to bo had and the
prices we ask are the lowest
Send or bring your nextor-
der to us and be convinced
thst this is the Right Store to
buy 3,'our Groceries and Pro.
Miss Viola Clark has ...Tqs12[12.
ed her position as milliner „oa the F.
adtorrd cdoiCehoeobastorenbleitelaehell
inn' the Past Week with fribbdS in
Mitchell returned home on Friday.
The many friends' of Mr, Alfred
Dow will be (pleased to ,,loarn that he
is able to he Mkt 47,011. after his sere
19uMsri.itssesn'h Ross and .sox Earj 'eft
*A Thursday for Vancouvee- wbere
they will reside lenebei'f utere. Mrs.
Ross. will join thene later. We, are
sorry to loose such s-reptbeneLehboles
es they leive been"d t f
resi en oor
neighborhood for a number of years
Mr, Beecher Hanson ieft on Pride)"
to join bis brother ite Atherea„
dliee Ellen liussen who as been
under the doctore care for the past
week is gradually imProving,
l•nife. MOther visiterd atatrteGiliark and sen
b ht
149: ge p-ilEnRoeanYdd,laanEd. 113511.-01).hlatio'ey boenenfrs-7i11:act3111-nrgY *fari;encloff3gi'leAlirj::
Pinkbam'e Vegeta- Mr. and M
today I am a well and eturin.g the wi:tejraw.i.eftxhoeni: reibi
healthywoman. For for near Moos
- ' months 1 suffered aeg'nrnPanied ha' Mrusse
, Irvine IR
KrOM inflonlniatiodn •=d Yolir Sanative who 114$ been e433e51 -.th r1.1
Wash relieved me. 1 am glad to 'toll Reuss' for the
tor ethemes have done
anyone what your m
e. You can ase my testimonial irt
any way yen wish, and 1 will be glad
to answer ietters."-- Mrs. CRiffIsTWA.
REED105 Mound St Peoria,
arS. Lyeh Also AVOidAil
Jessup, Po„ -^"After the birth of ray
fourth chilt1,1 bodsevere organiuineara-
motion, Iwould have well terrible Pains
that it -did rot SeQTO as thougb 1 could
item' it.- This kept up for three long
roopths„ until two doctors decided that
an operation was rieeded,
"Then one of ray friends recenartiended
Lydia E Pirdrharree Vegetable Co
pound and after telt ire it for two months
was a well women. "-Mrs. 3OSZPII A.
LeNeris Jessup, Pa.
Women who suffer from female ills
elouid try Lydia E. Pinkbanes 'Vegeta-
bieVorepouird, one of the most success.
ful remedies the world has ever tmown,
11.efere submittieg to a eurgiesd operas
. ,
NTED-Choice Rutter AP
Fresh Eggs.
11111101:11111111111MINNI rail
Eiectric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve ha the body
to ils proper tension ; restores
and vitality. Premature decay and n11 sexual
urt«^kness averted rit-once, .rhosphonol will
arsko you a new num, Pris.e S8 a box. or two for
0g. Mailed to nny address. The 8cobol1Drug
eses St. Catharines. Ont.
is interested and should knote
about the wonderful
Marvel whirling serar
Aab• rour druggist for
St. 1.1 he cannot supply
eta MARVEL, :accept no
ether, but send Stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed. It gives
particulars and directions invaluable
General Areatte for Canada.
Dr. de Vaies Female Fills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
gala are exceedingly powerful in regulating, the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
aL cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at
n_a box..or three for VO. Mailed to any address
Scoholl Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont.
▪ "Tickets will be issued at SINGLE
WARE for round trips betweenall
stations in Canada East of Port Arth
Asir. also to Detroit and Pore '.Elurcin.
!Mich. !Buffalo, Niagara Falls Black
likOck and Suspension Bridge N. Y.
Gondgoing from March lith to
Stith valnd re hinnies,' up to and ir.- 17,
Chiding Wednesday March 26th 1913
. "Full !particulars and tickets from
Grand 'Trunk Agents.
. Wes. Brown and wife a Ray
Mich, are vieiting the former'e
r tbis week.
Mary Bertrand is visiting re-
in Detrolieit,
s Roxle Either of 'Zurich is assist-
ing Mies Link in Zwicker'stUftLnery
*Mrs. Gottfried Geiser is visiting her
daughter at Bright.
Mr. Russel ilustable or Ilamilton
who has been visiting relatives in
town has returned to his borne,
Albert illorlock attended the auto
how hi London last 'week,
Misses O'Brien and Gavin of Mount
Carmel are learning the !Millinery at
0. Zwickere.
Miss Orme is 'visiting friends in
Mr. Alvin McMurray :or Winnipeg
is visiting his uncle Mr, 3. Clark,
Mrs Shwang of .Colbourrie spent
Sunday with his sister Mrs. 0,
Zr, Watson of Drysdale visited his
sister on Sunday.
Herb Eilber is the proud father of
a baby girl.
Mr. Sueider of Zurich visited Miss
Lula Sheider en Sunday,
Mr. Dan Finkbeiner is seriously ill
with an attack of appendicitis, We
hope he will soon recover.
The 4 W's rues at the home of Miss
Clara Holtzman on Tuesday evening
and all spent a pleasant evening
A very pleasant time was spent by
the neighbors and friends ot Mrs
Wm. Yearly at her home on Wtd-
nesdny afternoon whet. an old time
nuilting bee Was enjoyAki by all.
°whys to the continuen ille.ess or
Yellancl who is teacher' ac ;the
Elva School, Miss Mary Parsons, or
Exeter has Wen engaged to teaoh
Lor a few 'weeks. •: ;
The Methodists bave decided' to
build a fine tommodious shed. Plans
are now being !prepare.'d and it is er•
pected that work wilt be connedericed
early in the .sPringe l'he present
shed will likely fbe offfeCred, for sale
Mr. Harry Motz recently met with
a painful accident while coining
down stairs he accidently fell brak-
ing jhree ribs and .recielving(a sev-
ere shaking up. Mr. Motz was carry
ine a lanip, which fortunately went
out otherwise there might have been
a selious fire. Mr. Motz will he
confined to his home for a "few, days.
We have made arrangements with
the Weekly Globe and Canada Far'-
er ancl The Dominion Poultry Gu'dc
hereby We Cala give our readers the
bove ,two !rapers for one year fon
fly five cents.The offer is
r a limited time:
I know woman's sufferinis,
baVe found the cure.
will mail, free of any charge, my home treat.
iesereenbits to any sidIerer from
wettie/estailmentse,twantteetell:tall women About,
feeder., fere yeitrisel,f,l'yours,
saugliree; Yeue,, sr:Other, or,youir,siter,, 1-wardl to
telh you how to cure yourselves' at home without
the help Of 'a doefair.. Men cannot understandwom-
en's Sulicrings. What we women know 'from ex.
ppfleffce; we know better tlthn any doctor. t knot:,
, that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for
LeneorrhoeitorWitifigh discharges, Ulceration, Di sr
placement or Falling of the Wonsib, Profuse,' Scanty,
or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian TIMM'S or
,13rowtha, also pains In the head; back and bowels, „
bearing down feelings, nes-vousness, creeping feel-
ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot
flashes, weariness, kidney and , bladder -troubles
where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex.
Lwant to send you a complete 10 days' treatment
entirely 'free to prove to you that you con, cure
yourself' sat home, easily, sestets ;and surely,
ketnetuber, that it wilt cost you ,itotifing to give the
heatntent a complete trial.; and if you should wish' to contin.ue,it wi11cost, you only about In,
ocicentsa week, or•less than two CCIltS a day, It will ,not. interfere. with your work' or occupation,
4ust Send me your name and .addreSs„.tell me how you suffer, if, yon with; and 1 'Will'Send you the
flikeatment for your case, entirely frm
ee,,plain wrapper, by return mail.. I will alio send you free
grost, Illj,b001C-'-"WOMAN'S vw,N,' MEDICAL A D'VISHRtt With explanatoryillustrations show -
%.01.4 -why women suffer; and bow they can 'easily 'care ,themselves at'home." Every woman should
Itlave it, and Icarn to, think' for herseif. Then when the dactor musthrivg Opera
Oka, you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women.have cured thenthelves,, with my -home
6:flieruedy. It cures all,,old or young. To Mothers ' of Daughters, l' Will eXplain a simple home
4.st.reatinent , which speedily and .'eftectually eure,s Ijeutorrheea, ,Green Sickness and Painful or
10.÷...regit1arMenstruetion in Youne,X,adips. Plumpness and health always rPsult from its use. -o •
Wherever you live, 1 Cali „refer , you to ,ladies of yoni, dam' locality whb,knowand will. gladly '
c*e1iinys,ifTererr' that this 'flosite Treatment realty cures:an wont -awe' diseases apd makes women
stronk, plump and robust. ...11dst send me' your 'address, and the free• -ten claySf,treatment is
Onrs,,alsathe husk. Write to -day, as you may' not see this offer again:, Address': .
s. ret. sum ivicns, Be* H. •441 WIN psoR, Ont.
inn -ILEX
The organized Bible class Pureae`a
ziving 3n entertainment about Bee -
ter holidays a ehoice prograMe
being Prenerech
Mr. and Ares. rre,ti Dabridcxe‘
Rea with her parents hore on Sunday
Atte Aineter Morley wine bas beint
home from ehe west all 'winter, re*
eeived a tei,Uraial that Ida jot> was
waiting for itIrn t",114 tO corne at once
he left 'Thursday for Torontorevhend
Ito t*Ok, the truth for Scout Seek,
stoorn tilts riveicywtitryedttoedi
4 4be0
013 Sa,tfirdOY evnin to 'Kirk tOr..,
„Alifie EdanOhi*Ai1;:a' W140 has been
A A 4A0IithS ViSir Avitla relatives at
Nortvieh returned home last !,Eirtrrs
The li/lission band held their reigUl.
ar alenthlY Meeting Setorday nt the
leeme of Mise 3Isrtier Scettire'
ldth of "Rio nellard.
LarOrippe has a number in its lgrip
atoned bete het the eiede are leopron-
Ina" nicely,
Walter Ounninst aml Delbert Mor-
se stout last week with, friends, at
rkton. *4 et
%Milo raster is t the mat.
ini home tor to ra
4 41
the contirg eummer.
hIr Wee direeks who has arxu
the.Past year been extensively Vi
mi In the vix bilNizt058 AAd has tea
a cheice lot of line young SOWS
Ceded to Jitter this mouth perpoene
<Reposing of them ell as 'soon as p41.
Rev. Steadman or Eike:mine laid
°err 511115011 Of the Zellartlul stare hero
tieeoliatee eueb a tine yo Inn driver
from ei4oridet Bre.%
Leo Ilarragan near Luenn eves take
en to St Joeephs hospital in' Lando).
last week ond operated on succese-,
fully for appendicitis by Drs Laws
and Stevenson,
dies Sicupson is vieiting hest slat
Mrs. Voir or Toronto.
.Peter Douglas and family leaveon
pie first of April, far the West.
w Shir,raY Or Detroit is the
,guest of her mother, Xs. N Shirrays
Mrs LorneScott hasreturned Iran
Blyth. where She Spbett a few cleys
visiting' friends.
Miss Creighton of Berth lias been
engaged as head inininr by Ifugb
0113 (Welling receetly as Mrs G
Brown was leavine her residence. She
slipped end fell, iter Head striking
the botto et step -with snob force as to
seriously injure the bach of hex neck
Owing to the accident shehas been
confined to her bed for over a week
and for a time it was feared Abet
ectious results would follow. She is
now, recovering howcener and 'with
acts) regain her usual health.:
Tb e following- were in Lender,/ last
week attending the auto show, A.
Hemphill, Dr. Mair and C. 'Cooke
Most People in this section have
tnail boxee nlaced in position in read-
iness for rural mail delivery.
Mr. 'Prank MIL and little son from
Port Huron Mich, have been visiting
Mr. Evan Dew, last week,
Mr. 'Blatchford is slowly recover -
I -en from his long seige of sickness.
Mr. ,Neil has moved to hear Eark-
ton and Mr. Purdy to near Hensall.
The pupils of S. S. NonnUsborne
purpose holding an Entertainment on
Wednesday afternoon Mar 19th, Par-
ents and others are cordially invited
TIME waits for no man, although 11
has been known to. loaf around a
year or two for a woman.
The„.peoPle who frequently have to
resort ,sto- expedients are those who
can't afford to, blit do.
Asa rule a lie costs all you get out
of it.
Ma.rriage brings out all there Is Ina
man, i.„seludines the loose dhange In We
An Optimist Is a person who believer
In himself when nobody Is looking
Always believe in your friends. It
will help -them to belp themselves to
your possessions more easily.
All a 'woman asks is to be allowed
to go her osvn way and take her hus-
band witb ber.
-Remember that, tbough each is the
arChiteet of his own life, yet he has
not the ordering on the material.
Causes Much Disease
44dViC0 about Stomach Troubles
and how to relieve them.
Don't neelect indigestion, for it
maylead to 41, 00rtsi pahnyci
. eminent -
*nee said that ninety-Sve per cent of
411: ehx4poxYieetnhceeviroira4igiurw:_ap:
ordered stomach.
pepstaiTabtete leads us ,tce beheve •
theiatobeoneof thernost dependable
remedies known for indignation And
end4rts,°4daere 4400sPethinPsiga. toTtlealer
mernbraneS „cf tho stomach. Rich
in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the
greatest digestive aids kaown to
medicine, the relief they afford is
rt?ve%tiZe7rieffsprta'ian sifsesedelasutsPetedirartytell:tetttSag
Resell Dyspepsia Tablets help
insure healthy appetite, aid diens,
tion, and prentote nutrition., As
evideece or ot faith in them, we esle
you to try then; et our risk. Ir they
do not give etOtire eeetisfactien. we
will return the meney you paid tee
without qemtion orfennality. Tbree
sizee, 25 cent; 50 Cents, and $1.0.
You can buy Aexell DYwpsia Tablets
Ln tine neenattmty Quip at our titere;
Exeter Ili :141Orts Ontarlo
There b a Resell Store ia rtearly eve ry town
aud eity ih the anited grates Canada Sad
Great Ori4olts, There i dikerent i'texatt
Itente4 for oesrlY 9nm orchnary hor..3r41&•14-...
**oh c'4'reeiathr amassed for rbeSseruettier
MP Rush straw ore America's Orestes*
vdtiett reeze$ndoe,"
A: number in 'this eeighbereood
rive been OP tbe sick iist,
Cars, B. O'Brein has beep indisposs
Mrs,C, Aldstvorth is oblee rp b
ant In. •
Alis F. Jainea i oviog nicety,
Mrs. .Tobn Northcott is confined to
her tome,
ATI.. W. CaroPbell is laid up,
Mr. Wm, Campbell sr, of Ray had
the naisrortune to fall and break linr
ankle last week.
013 oceount of the sternly' weather
Air., Green's Sale was pestpoired muil
the 17th,
A ,party W44 held last Wedneetlae
e.vrxing at the lame o( Mr, Geo,
Geddes, quite a number , enieyed
Mr 'Blake per zutd Miss Dor
▪ were qxdetly 3U4rre4 rec0,v
3fory _Brown. Goshen Line
who s been in Berlin for 4 rsurribisr
or weeks, has retorubd homes
Revival meetings nee Wiry; condoe
ed in the Evangeline! church,
.Rev W OlIohn of St Jambs who 7s
assisting Rev Mr Brown in hits, re-
vival meettrge nireached in the Evan -
• church last Sttzuley mor
ine and evenieg.
Mies Agnee 0herrette, who under.
went en oPeration for upper:Ala/Is
'recently le rapidly recovisSing fier
hes ith.
Mr, John, fIleaver Saeinaw Mich
son of Peter Beaver formerly of his
section is relativei in town
and vicinity,
Children Cry
CAS -1"C"11.4%)
Modern Heehends,
Lady Nevin ta here retniniseenees
talks of the decadence of the day aa
reflected in the lives of wornen. "Thu
fact is," she says. "that th n great
many eases modern woman -in Eng-
land, / mean-1poiled. Many balm
no Interests and too much time ou
their hands, with the result that they
will take up some fad. As for the
well to do, it grent number of tbern
now seem to etenpletely dominate
their husbands. This etruek the old
sbah of Persia very Unfelt, "Tt seems
to me,' said be, 'thet nn English or
American husband is, nothing better
than a aert.er Dater.'
Stock& Poultry Specifics
FREEWe will send absolutely free, for
tlae asking, postpaid; one of ouf
II large 64 -page books (with in-
ert), on the common diseases of stock and
Poultry. Tells how to feed ali kinds of heavy
and light horses, colts and snares, milch cows.
calves and fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It contains 360
recommends from all Over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should he
without it.
, You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Steak
Specific: than you could possibly do without it,
thereby saving a month's feed ,and labor and
the cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for
six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try it on this one
first and see the marvellous result which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific wilt increase
the milk flow three to live lbs. per cow per
day, while being fed in the stable. A 50e
package will last a cow or horse 70 days.*
will make your hens lay iust as. -well in tbe
winter as In the summer, and will keep them
' free from disease. These goods are -pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler
to make a large package, entirely different
fre'rn, any, on the market at the present time.
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50c pekes.; four
50c pekgs., in an air -tight tin, for $1.50.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 50c
pciccs... and $1.50 rtir-tight tins that hold
four 50e pelags.
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25e and bee tins
36e by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25e and 50c tins: 30c
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50e bottle: GOe
RobvyaIMPaUjir.piC Cough Cure, 50e tin; 60e by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25e and 50c tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; 30c by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25e, tins; 30e by
Manufactured only by
TheW.A..Tenkins Mfg. CO;
London, Canada
Royal Purple Supplies and Book-
lets may be obtained from
W. J. Heaman, Exeter,
Hanlon & O'Brien, Cen-,
tralia, Ont.
alletteenmeiblemrset,wleenreSaturday . March 1st
The fonowing have been appointed
patbmasters for the yet/n-4 diiilnee
Thos. Lange J, Patterson; Bell as
Johnston; it, Thompson; j, ltdtvp ,
A. Geddes; P. Munn; Jas, Rose; Wx
/exigent In McArthur; Oliver Petty
R. ivieole; Isaac Dunelhed; D. Aide -
worth: In, Corbett; A. •Munn: Wm,'
Diemen; Wm, Meilholland:
er Victor Fee l?iehAr44911;
Daters; A. Richert; J. WOO° ; "PhOs
le, Geo, fira,n; 3. For Jas. MeJ?pJ1 ,Lov4
LiSJxudiixe, 1, Jilaltieers'ers;-e.,3,0ziternaryi„;(10,,,Z;
3. Hartman Trucenner; Deett-
er; L, Worm; Cleusins
OE'eseb; G, Oestricher; A. WAIT;
34El.3'Zbe.lery. ;Inteiico. asi '..ifoL.e Z-47 1;eitf
IICIy1,,neSiecfn; t; re 411:1,1*':
erring- J, Gagstf.-.tter; L, Kit/bile-leen
P. •Bad'ald N. Deno, Cleynon Smith
Viteeette; A. hendeiek; /tee Seh-
eda; R. Turnbull. A. Turnieelt
lake; Writ. Pfeff; AVM, lielber;
Seide:n: R. "Raker; Lox ie Wintert;
Wm. E. Ternbnile
Roed Commissioners. Centrel. ick:3;
IMC'SSeaU. COD, Fta and. fsia
Witmer, Albert, :Heideman wae ap-
IS Maw rectetred ter time Sa
e ed. to te paid C. T. ft, even
Verne niarike gertte
veod for g.rader $$.10: Dy, emotpbgil
ex4E)/Itinz indigent iesxuxn$0,li0 I
C. liens pork on tel. addS:
1.:ente. horse hire lel /Lid; P Knob -
work telepimae daini 11,
T e„PC4.7elif ttirlf%feVeltiSa
tirdaT APril Atli at 2, p,. nt
eP. °rtlet'
b„flut-Agetlerrlie:44whrer 1.claPap41°Mlit, Rating ro
tead Pertilizer. -alt0 used the
tilizer on oats and .segor,i1
huge Yield Loth in -ram 4,r4011 4r.1
streetv. I 441 very welt eteriefied
ith the homestead
IIijixtixdVitrtailur$ are 1143Atto,
cd and maid by theUehian
Works. Detroit :Alleidgan and
free to any farmer their
aix fortilizersi witli a handsome
tenLs OelrytneoreenitttorLdr.e ":31:401",tecumtiert:.
ted„ Address NrcLigati Cal bon
Po:dottier:, liratv„ir SI Ve-
netia:In nsitine tot' Orme.
hildrea Cry
The Senior DrA2d.0
leni church are ne present very
arrarging xi. concert at the 4th of
dressm Louis, Rinker end it Gu
titer have left for Port heron ediLn.
they intend to ?mein for a team.
Night Service has commented In
the telephone office in Crleditote
The hours are from t in the 'morning
until 9 in the evenir.g. After that
bour only nrgerit calls „win be eeeein
ed, any other eitite nil/ te chargnd
„for. Subscribers ere asked not to'
call up at night unless, in ease of
neeessityne, all rules in connection
with night service will be etrieely
What might have proved a serious
accident oceured while Henry Stan -
bus and Dave watt were working in
ilatz's bush. 'They lied cut a large
tree end in falling It became lodged
n another making It mecesssary to
cut the other tree and in doing so
one of the trees fell' across henry'
tau bus pinning him -down but fort-
unefely Stabus received -no ser.
ons injury althougb he will. he /aid
If work sometime. It is a miracle
e escaped the way he did,
Miss Routiedge has taken a Posi-
ion with T;eman & Edighoffere as
Miner. Miss Routledw
ge comes ell
ceommeraded /laving two very suc
essfal eccesons in New Dundee. Mil
°ailed -go commenced work on We
esdhy, Miss England -will bo'ar. .
stant in th_e_m_il....linery idepartmelet
Bow Zam-Buk. Delivered 'him
At '215 Frazer Ave, Edmonton Alta
lives •IV, P. Melly. a former/"resit:Went
of the local fire -brigade !who has
wonderful scause to he thankful' for
the curative 'powers of Zara -3311k. die:
says; 'A serious skin disease broke;
out on my 'face and spread until
was in a terrible state. The: 'snots
and little u kers were frightfully irri-
tating', and 'when scratched or rube
bed they bled and smaeneId. Shaving
caused me agony, and sometimes I
would have to go two weeks tviIhout
a have. 1 tried home made remedies
herb salves, and various other preen
nitrations but the sore got nobetten
When Zam-Euk was mentioned 1 had
little faith that it •would be, able to
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such an obstinate one. I gave • at a
fair trial, however and the first, tox
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clear of all traces of !the terrible di-
seasewhich troubled ate for so long
Thousands Of isuff e rers from e
W.. a. blood Leoiebn ulcers chronic sores
an .1 cured as was Mr .t1 fahy, by Zun-
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druggists cc 'ares at 50a a box „ or
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Lo:' price. Refc s,,. harmful substilutt213.
41P -
Fax Infan te ind Children.
ffe Kiull You Bove Always Bough!
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You wi� want to ear more of the
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They ate MOM lifelike.
Play them once or play them 3,00 times and the
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They are musical and rneehaninal trittroPlls- Your deOer
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Trained men are wanted everywberee in fact, ti • always
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Power...Station Supt,
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Structural Engineer
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Colonist Rates
On Sale Daily
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Homeseeker Excursions
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Each Tuesday March to October
inclusive via Chicage arid St Pan)
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Tourist; Sleeping' dars,'Will
Toronto el p, se. an above datee o
Winnipeg and return...-. . $35.0
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Tickets good for 60 days. Pro.
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Nevado, Oregon, Utah, Washirlgthn etetions in Ontario. Peterboro, Port
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innipeg-Saskstoon-Ethoonton on above dates.
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