HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-13, Page 4isonb Ixcorpoat 1$5 d ot P ogi.ess for Five Years - 0 19,f4 1906 iiolt, A ,k..0.04 44000,000 0,000 4,600,900 - , .. , ., . - ....,, . ........ ......einerete. 35,943,011 N.T.S ,4.11,N15g‘ IiCVE,STMENTS . ,W,457,0p,,, ' ' 38801 ..t. ASS E-gl,sCi ... , , 33.09410E -P.2. 4S,237.284 • • rP ,----,-:,:::•, 0.-_-;-7.,1...-7,n,.!, A oven e end Cereespon te iu all , pripeipeli (Idea in *.‘ite. World. 4U ali Bron Dickeetiee Ce et" larig Business Trans Bank Department terest allow d at HIghest Current Rates. iciters. XWON Manager ina.xpen pay,atAevtb duj Territ'xy e S$ rtr441 Over 5, And 3,Z 10 CS stOtild ORDERS, Re Ceda at top fttope and up top ent cher Posts en azears • toil:000 Ap,r tet 7 ORDERS • e 30 50 n'oo a safe, coriVement an Of money. These Orders, a‘la f,..xcept in the Yukon Stckte's, 4t 3 cents 6 ,..10 FROAD '-'-'231.4 DRAFT T BACK HAS NEVER OUBLE0 ME vac ave that ut draugh,ty aarous rind of- riv out-aredoors closet witt fltin- oor closet -which rcquixee t o eeever, x.o plu !Ong, iar.d 310 tinisLt e- ve ety convenietees irk yoar Sategu3xd l'amily health by title; a "TWEED CLOSET Sanitary 'and Odorlese "Tweedlosets can be installed, ir. tLe bathroem, cellar, or any other 'emieot place indoors; merely 're- quiring to bc epnr.ected by a, pipe for vettirotion v ,th a ohirotey hole " -"Tweed'"Liquid Chemitalq used in norinection with Tweed:Closets is hobo deodoratt and disinfectant, Alany lona:Pods of Tweed CI eset s. Lave peen ened in Car.ade. Send for elinotroted price list Wooler pr l 1912, Dear Sir; The chemical Closet 'bought from you on Wan 5th 1912 is perfect,. I 431d. not iempty it WI MOrch 29th There are ithree ix. the family and car. leave tete aid ;up azd no Particle, of odor car, be lotted .1 would not Usk for ereething better., Yours Truly 21 M Weseeis Age' TiO11011 llll Mc lile COaffilted 'Ant;- W.J. irleaman mom? Have you n splendid stock oi goods? Nare you it got in a new p lat articles? no a special ce n e s ze • o1e everybody .know ng us print Some AS Ind POSTERS IDon't knock your town! Don't refitse to advertise! Don't patronize mail Lrder houses/ Don't fail to give us yout orders for all kinds o job printing ft forget to stand by your onae paper, and it Isin you! ..c t° te in . a a.ze., gs itiftt iu Wal . logr Eidneyetn1 awaysrevetit Id in the 'kidneys and biadder. is sold ...Mt a positive give prompt relief or ii, soea box, 6 for if you, write tanical Co. of to. l4 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4. 4. ti Note, Vlbrationo Ha fie PeOe'i to 4,090 Per Second. The pitch of a musical toe can be ealculated arithmetically. While the human, veice b soog soreethinge Of an voknowe problem, the notes of a musical. Instrument are adjusted .ae, eordiag to the number of vihratiOna per seeMul Made by eaeh note. The :shorter, doer oeld teneer the plane otring the greeter the vibratory speed and higher thepitob; the louger, coare- er and less tense the stria; the plewer ribratiOnenit10Wer the pitch. The human ear beeolne$ eensible to °nod ween vibratious have a speed of -teen per second. As the olbratioos crease the pitch aecenOs untie 36.000 re attalaed. wimo. the result is imitab- le. The lemetical range on the idiom from 82 vibratiOlts toP1,0141. Thirty-two vibrittions is the munhe designated for 'the note of C, three oc- ves now eteldie 0 01) the phince Te oeet bee twiee tbe eureiher of everationo,-04-; the next tWlee that -- 12S; the elet 2Zei. beteg middle C. Dmibling egain for tee oseeuding oe- taves, the suecessive C's Vibrate. re- speotively, 512. 1.024, 2,04S and 4,096 tdtne$ Per seeerel, The piteh oe the lotervening notes is regulated prayer - any accordieg to tbe chromatic ie. These f3gnree -re opt always hem he- same. T'he eerie" leetrelineiat Male of Europe had teeny tlisfMte$ esen, t-te measurement of the tau- gs and pipes that determined, op of the "violin Elves the heetoes, Ou the pl. is th • $b O. above middle 0, arlythnes te the middle of the teeuth eeIjiuy iMs pitch note v4. ti from 317 to 445 711)1.'4th:ins per sec - pad, but 43.5 preyed to be the most ae.• ptabh) pitch. I calculations t e so that • e striviPg title ev Bot dv e,c racy The cele et er $ 9 =tura has be $opralle 9'1. There rezla 10-4art to thereby at tietd ID THE ANDKER HIER rre Wsa Time When a an UrimentionablO Artiole. The VPinilOtt of the pecket ham aa, nod ioteresnoz, Tbere e whet,it was an unmeitlon- e e., fl PERT PARASRAPHS. ONE reason nity mau can't live up to his bright future is that be can't live down Ms murky past. A. womun would rather be out at el- bows thou out of fashion. A lot more !O»ehe promises than keep them. nian may he broad minded with- out spreadiog himself at all. Ilavlog money differs in Mare than one wao with spending money. The angel a man marries doesn't al- ways dwell in parnetise. The trouble Is that a lot of expensive experieerce isn't worth what It costs. Flaviog a grouch doesn't distinguish a man, bot sometimes it extinguishee Wbeti we have enst returned from a evag outing trip we find tbis a eadteind 'weary world. 14,0444 .a.r...4-44.....4*44.4.4444444...4.4.4n•44444•,.V.. „g --art artiele to be kept ou !etand referred to only in n ln polite conversation It was cere- al-T*10, arid, us to one's beln lug a handkerchief, it vela es racism Q t things obtained up to 4rst Natudeort, when, the mpress Josephine brought H forward persona/ reason. The only defect er beauty Wes an irregularity of Iie eeth, and to hide this she lased a . !cote little handkerchief, which from thno to time she raised, to her lips. Thus she WeS enabled. to laugh ocea- stonal.,- that it was a ease of either laughter golpg, out or handker- chiefs coming into fashion, the court ladles adopted the pretty pieces of canl. brie and lace. In England the evolution of the aril- ele Which Is Bow so openly displayed by WOnlen was equally slow. There Was a time when it was forbidden to mention It on the stage or to make•use of It even hi the most tearful situation. while the people In the gallery and the pit shed their tears into their laps. Even when It was mentioned for the first tizne in one of Shneespeare's plays It was received with hisses and general Indignation by the audience. Little by littIe, however, the prejudice gave way. and a time came 'when the limadteo chief could, be flourished in broad day- /ight. Stood the Test. "So you want to marry my daugh- ter?" "Yes, sir." "Got any money saved ep?", "Yes, sir." "Could you let roe have $5,000 ou xny unsecured note?" "1 could, but I wouldn't." "1 euess you can take care of ber all riglat. She's yours, my boy, and here's a Bre cent cigar." - Washington Her- ald. Pat's Answer., An Irishman once entered into con- tersation with an Englishman. The Englesiuman, thinking to here a joke mith his companion, asked, Mai& hairs- °WO pig's ,face?" o "Begorrroo'Sir."' Said Pat. "the nexto time you shave you ean count them." - Loudon Answers. Wanted to Know. Mother --Freddie. bavee't 1 told you that if you mock at the peculiarities of others you nany- grow just like them? Freddie -Say. Ina, di, you suppose if I mocked, at the elephant long enough I'd ever get .so's I Conld pick up apples over the fence with my nose?-13oston Transcript. A Cast 3n His Eye, "What a queer look be bas e is a tbeatrival mon:Leer, and be as an an star cast In bis eye." --New York Press. Either Way Possible. "Yon should have scan r cbangn color." "With =go er r rikt g ' -Bon Trg- EXETER TIM 4uction Sale •Mr Tree' Greens sale has been TestleMed to Mon, Mar 171h 'on Lot, 6 N. R. $tellhes. Peed, Green Prep, B. S. Phillips Auctioneer. Caunind Factory Contracts We are "prepare4 to vontraet* with farmers to grow neaS and corn for the CoalingseasoO. Exeter Canning 7Cti, Auction Saie OF 100 :ACRE FARMLNSTEPHE1O have been instrUcteid to offer for sale by public ouition at Zito-, met's hotel in Dashwood on Tuesday • March IStie 1913; at UWO oedock in the efter000re Lot eztalber twisty - three to the Sixteenth concessior, of the frownship of Stephen emetaitiog 100 acres mere or less. On thie farm is a one and ote-half storey frame house With latetien. eed iluank barn 49x70 with eetoen floors in basement, eement her. eoese. 14X04 and other stna/1 boildhal's The soil is good. mostly day loanal and s$early ail drained, There are eleout eiVat acres of :hardwood leueli eteeet Poe acre of orchard aonae Ofi r.each trees cifid ' numhe.r of plUnt g trees. The fences are mostly wire t fence 'hcitt;' T.Or, MS -Teo ).-er cent ort day o aI and bel'arice in thirty days wU- Qut tervst, Aertion or the pur- MoIleY an be left 90 etnert,gege klueehaeer desires, g'ossession tn Le 3ivea by April 1st. VOr fur- tber rms and tartientars goo)r to ttae etsineti, C ms. Willer( ,jr. „Sox 0, shwood Cent - CU. Auet. Exeter, e den Sale LI) ECIINITCr eve Auetioneer 'MIS to st-il L,Y pub 1^, n o NSTILIJA)..Z TREET EXETER West. of the Commercial illotel,` o SATI:maxr ZIAII, 15 1913 At 1.39 o'clock elm*, the Allow valuable property, ' • r 01:7; chair ;21ionamJv Itedstea new; 2 mattresses: Dre$Ser I IM,ands; Olurean; Aide -Ward ; ard; 'Centre table; Fall le?at loun,r,es; Easel: Small centre dining room chairs: 15 kit- irs; 2 arm chairs; 3 rock- . 14 p','ctures; 6 mood bed- eads; 2 china bedroom sets; ClOna t or dishes; 3 kitchen teb1;4s: mous eoal heater with °rear Corti wood cookine stove; Ilvatiuil ; Clock; commode ; !Lookint. ssin; Raymond sewing machine; a ,8 biqC10; 4 set :bed. is'f-ri"-33 tin; box; Drum arid $tOrt( i.ces ra;- carpet; e I'lece of. lino!. .12x10; Piece or LinoieumI tEx9 umber of hot aio pipes; 3 Ilan; in lamps; 4 Table lamps; 7 or. lace to -tales. 7 -window blinds; {Bed oP/ Cietibes; basket; 7ron board; 2 a rt water barrels; Ilour box; ; tr hatrel; 2 Sere en doors; 6 win. o • s; 8 feather pillows; 0 wets; 2 table cloths; eiprbed e. • 1,1 pillow. covers; 2'lable covers; 6 quilts; G chair cushions., 24 eealers; 76 hunclies ilietinese 1 piano box cutter;; Fancy Tron jerate ; Lawn mower; copper kettle; etele ladder; 10ft wouden gate; Buck saw zaw horse; charcoal smoothing iron; Stove. Furniture. China. dishes. glase- ware ; Forks, spades. ohovelogarden Tools; and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. TERelS-All sums of SG and under c;ish, over that arnourit 8 months cl 'edit will be given on furnishir.g opproved joint notes. W. Atkinson r S. Phill:ps Proprieto Auctioneer House & Lot For Sale Frame house on John St. contain. - ng 8 rooms, hu rd. and soft water. a., number of eruit trees, all in leood elatc of repair, This property will be sold reasonable, aPply to B. BPhillips. -. SETTLERS' 'EXCURSIONS TO AI- J32IiTA AND sA.81KATOBIEWAN Commencing Dlareh the 11th and ,oni iuning every T CJESDAT therea f - top until APril 291,11, incluisve, the Grand Trunk Railway System will is- sue one way settlers tickets from stations in- Ontar:o, Peterboro. Port Ilope ond west to points in Alberta and Satlatchewan at exceptionally low rates. 'I'larougla coaches and Pull man iourist sleeping cars will! /cave Toronto 11.00 P, m. for WINNIPEG withoiat' chane on above dates via Chicago and St. Patti. !Berths may be secured in Tourist cars at a non- Tharchange. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quizkest route be- tween Winuipeg-Saskat000r.- Edmon- ton. Ti ains now in operation Winni- peg to fit.tgina Yorklon and Car.ora Sask., also to Carorose 1VIiroor and. Edson Alla. Tine Tables, 1.;ancl PhamPlets and full particulars relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway may be ob- tained on application to Gran.d T1 uric Agcnts or write to C. E. Horning List,iet Passenger Agent 0, T. By. 'Ice onto Ont,,, . Irsfl ears the Kind Yo ;:avo Always Boughi CASTOiA For Infants and. Children, Auction, Sale I , FA14 STOCK e; Joe. White., Auct. win sell by leule^ Ii o auction .for Joj E Creery. on LOT 12 N L0. .-USHOR.NE CRSDAY MAR; 20 Isla CommewineS elts one o'Otoek 01,er/I the lollowIng HORSES -Three :Clyde snares Strk•- poseCk to be in eeeli eoree t•aYde '•=9-tt.X rising two; three good drivers; one tient yeareing eott. VAIXLE--Une aged imported shere tiara buil; 1* xeoisteree stiormore cows supposed tie be in cart; istered, shorthorn heifers P3uPPosed be in ealt; glrhAe snotteorn eewa supposed to be AO eait; steem rise be _two; i betters xesing 2: IA calVes 5 regieeered seorchoro bulls; 2 rado heiterso a bAwd, EOWS. 2 with litter at foot, one due to farrow at time of ale; one puteoe; churn, butler wo4,-, TERMS -All sums of fe5.00 and one der, cash; over that antount, $ mou- ths -credit wit], be given oo furnish poproved joint notes or a elis- comet of 5 lier Cent .Per' enr-u4 for cash in lien.of notes. Jos, White - Jesiee.Ceeery Allot PrOP., oyo Auction Sale Fa.rrn StOeh, and ItoPlemetlIft 21 cell, 0 lday sllp, on trriguy 4th at Orten‘Clock A. P. Joyot, Prawn 'Auctioneer -5 Geo, .1 pet la JH W1I- bus, o tbe Lownsbii ne anty pZ ilsros ttler. rmu (ICCQZ1$401‘ Notiee 15 t•Mt'gi4r 17.1Vef; p2r5tlattt to tllteS it that heltAlf that all Ceedit- 4-e and others having claime agaiest state of t:11 awlViflaaP31314$ died on. or ahoot Feb, 6th 1913 equfred ea or before March 18th e$4 hyrtat, prepaid or deliver to Gia Oman & tit3obary Solicitors Executors of the estateof tbe • deceased their christian ameo, addresses and tie.s riPtio; the full particulars of the- aims.ibeotatclacot of their op, Pols PIO the nature of the se - Ries. 4:1, Orly, hold by them. And vbcr take saoliell limit tater snob nientioned date the said Execu. ors Wilt Virg,1103 to dietribote tho assets of the deceased amon3 the rues entitled thereto, haVITIA re gird only to the claims of whioh they shall Oleo have notice end that the clal,4 oxecutors wIB'not be liable for the fulin asaeto or all,' oart there. of to any per:,.011 oortiono or whoee olaima notice obeli not have been received by theta at the time of slab distribution. 1LADNIAN & STANDUR Solicitors or Executors at Exeter this 25th .Dny o E'ebruary 1913; Notice to1 Creditors tn 'the in a ter or the estato of Thomas Pybus of the Towoehlp of Haborne la the County of Huts= Gentleman derueased. IsZotice is hereby given pursuant' to Statutes in that behalZ that all credit ors and others having ciliate against, the estate of the late Thomas Pybus of the Township of lisborno who died on or about the lith day of Peb 1913 are required on or belore gar 18the to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Madman & Stenbury solicit - ars tor the executors of the estate of the said deceased their ehristien and 4stirnalnes addressanddescrip- tions the full particulars' of their claims the otatement of tlaeir account atd the nature of the securities if any 'held by them. And further take take notice that after last" snele men- tioned date the said executors weal proceed to dietribute Cite assets of the decea.sed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the, cloinas of which they phall then have notice and !hat the executors will not be liable for the said assets lor any part thereof, to any' person or per- sons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by theta at •th.. time of iob, distributRtin. GLADMAN & STANBURZ Solicitors for the, executoire Dated in Exeter the 25th day of February 1913. 1 Notice -to Creditors In the 'natter of ithe .estate of Elizabeth Pybus of the Township cT Oslo nu Coonty of Huroxt Spite ster de%eased. Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all creditors an 1 others having claims tominst the cssate of the late Eliza- beth Pybes of libsorne Township who «led on or about the 14th of Feb 1913 are required on or before the, nth of :1\1.1.7. to send by Post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman Strobuiy„ so 1,:itors for tile execu- tors of the estate of the said deceased thir ehristoin and Sur- r.ames, addresses ind descriptions, the full •particulars of tt.eir claims, the statemettef tLeir accounts and -the tature of theosecurities, if any, held by tt em Atd further take notice that a leer such last mentioned date the said Executors will eroceed to des- ' u e tte assetsot the deceased ainor.g the parties entitled thereto eavirog regard only to the chinas of wtigh they shall ther have notice and that the saerol Executors 'will not ee liable for the said assettsor ally part thereof to an, person or persons zefelot.;?,,seeeicvleia(t'mlr.otice shall not have n sucl. distiPit L; thleni. at the tir11°- Dr Lt Or.. (111,,ADIAN & STAlsi13UPY Solicitors for the' Executors, Dated in Exeter ,tite 25th day af February 1913, t. For -Sale 1 Vivgsoxr Wt..otoca Tfiat :del:Arable troperty •known as .Oowell's fruit Gardens situated on the vorner of Carling and Victoria Streets, EOeter; Is for sale, •Good, storey and a half. frame house in geed repair, stable, be house eto, 444 e"xnelient :fruit ardeu a 1 acres. Good vell and ton water. near depot, school, And churches op - '01Y to S. Powell -Exeter Farm for Sale 100aere „farm Lot 11. Coal ,Towu stip of- Hay en London Road 2 1-2 sidles from Exeter and 2 1-2 mile from Hensel]. "Apply to R: R. Rosa Iirroo Ont. For Sale •A desirable dwelling louse oi Wil Lain Strcet, large and roomy. contain in furnace pod electric lieeto. Goo oard alla soft water, ehe and eom prises three lets with large numbe of Fruit trees, BOr further eartic ulars arp to McCallum .Exe. ter or to S, rhillitS Auctioneer Exeter. DB, Of uol:TWoN D.S.DD DENTIST . Honor Graduate of Tomato Unir4T4 altY Office o'er Dickson 6c Comb. ling's Law ofice. fice Closed We'dnesili -7 day afternoons. Phone ()tame tAk Residence 5 b. .1 DE- D-Wite Honor Geaduate of TOr011tei `• • k DEN Teeth extracted without pain. lei any bad effecte. Office over Glaelo 'Mao & Stanbury's ,Office ain sg, Exeter, W. BROWNING AL B•", M. Cal lur* P. 8, Graduate Victorie Ueeilfierel sity Office aod residence BonliniOni LabrOterY-, Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron --, Di3alfrKSISteT$4. 6;SOIVicAittliraiNNttarlea Co.124 4. greatir Ate oGisoomnfaiensainoximont.l. Solicitiffi r Money tie Loan at Lowest rates of 1,* e t , . '' Obtl0E--"gAllg STREET E.leETEA o I.:11BC:dit'EC:T140g L20. AA; 7 rl. Mt" Bouse and Lot for Sale Siteeteel en 'SiMeee Street, Vranap. Louae feontainin-; ',four roorO3, 004 (foundation 4aroola, cellort a large tausber ot frolt trees eons:Asti/A; of taLlebse'rry Ilr lieqsarra' nt:14:17'ete, a very 4esirsbletroperty, 34. acre of /and end will be st414 ressovable I rine itor ftzrtl4er psrticulsrs rn- quime on the Premisee to E, $T. er or Xi, 13)005 Ra Estate €4ent Exeter • Att Barn and Stable for Sale ila 004 am lama Wil f r quiet: nous oo Lot 9 eon 4 tpir aro is 30 by 59 It, an by 30'. Post frame," arid a lot of iz,ned eed- reterahly sold tnether 0a3 Hay I);0. Maraain urchaser, Lots for Sale Two later y brick, house; very cOn veaient; I;teed stable: hard and se,ft water; (eleoealitly eittleted; an tol tou;ht very reasonable. f4ply to iTh 8, Phillips That Estate A3ent Exeter Ont., „ 4••••••••4144•4/4.4•04444/414444.•••••••••••••• Seed Grain for Sale About 600 bushels 0. 4. 0, No, 21 Barley, Price '15e cents per bushel. 500 bushels of' White Siberian Oats. Price 410e per bushel, Free from wild mita and obnoxious seeds, John Cam-. ]ay P, 0,, Lot 10, conce..ssion 2, Hay Sale by Tender Tenders 'trill be received by Thos. Cameron, Anat, Farquhar P. 0. up to April 2nd 1913 tor the rairebese of that south 'half -Lot 23, on, 12 Vie of Fulloe ton eontaining 110 acres. On this yroperty is an op-thetiate well finished brick dwelliag xith furiaace, frame barn, horse land cat- tle stables, good orchard. 3 nitres of bush 2 never failing wells; 4 tomes of fall wheat, 18 acres of grass; bnl- ance 'ready for spring crop. This pro perty is well fenced and drained and is in a first class state of cultivation conveniently situated 'to school and churches, with phone and rural mail andenost be sold as roprietor hae. to move onto his other farm. Easy terms of payment and posse-oksion' at any time. For terms and L:artic- ulars 4p1y to J. D. ',Russell Russel - /dale P. 0. or to T. Cameron Acte Farquhar, Phone by way ofExeter. tavetu-large 44101414 f ate funds to Jean oifarm s Rage proptles at lowest ij r rest. GtAlW.AN1 SUNBUti.X errieters, Soiicitors, gain Exetert G. E. 111, 13143.13174 Mu s W• 1,Jonor GraduAte o tbQ London geogete eervatory oz Music, Teacting Da4 lege of the Weetera VoiVeredt.Y1 Tenter Piano•Theory -tlarreernY• coonterPeint and l'ilusical History, l'4Q11-$ Prepared for nansicat exarast ina .116lisi)orno anoiUWrt F er's Mpuj Flu; Inur an 6011ipailll Farquhar, Conti °Mc 1restjeut Fie 1);0 1101IT AEORRIS THOS. EXA.N anooa wlL I10.5.7 AGENTS Staff* Corn/on:I; JOEIN ESSER Y. Exeter. tge,nt borne Ond .131ddtl1P11. OLIVER114.flRJ$IltunrO atlent f$1 Hibbert Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURN/4UL1; Secy.Treas, Farqui)ar G14D,& & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. p -10 OVER SS YEARS4 EXPERIENCC , PATENTS. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Anyone men dine sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether IU:S invention is protrablypatentsbto. comaannes- tIonsstrIct/yeentldentL WIND81)(1K on Patents - sent free. Oldest agency" for seournw patents. Patents taken throtrgb Munn .t Co. soCoilPIP spectra notke, without charge. lathe Scientific iimerical0 A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest el& valation of any scientific Journal. Torras for Canada, $3.7s a year, postage prersald, sold br all newsdealer& MUNN &C0.36113tcadvalh New York Bianca °race, SZSr st.,Washinsitom D. Ct.. )MEN -YOU NEED NERVE .EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early. Indiscretions and Excesses have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drainssap their vigor and vitality and they neverdevetop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles urader them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart. bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. This is the condition our New Method Treatment is We have treated Diseases of Nen for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you are curable or not; We guarantee curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, RI -00D AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unable to call wonderful Nervous s t , write for QUESTION LisT FOR HOME TREATMENT DRS, KENPIEDy& KENNEDY •' Cor. 'Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. GUARANTEED TO CURE TICEAll letters f• rom Canada must be addressed '• to our Canadian Correspondence Dpart- no.nosomamionso• tnent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our itedical Institute in Detroit as we see and treatL,' no patients itt our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and,''' Laboratory for Canadian business only. 'Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY tree KENNEDYd 0 Writo for our priVate address. '