HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-13, Page 1ij
Good ' News
Means the discovery of a medicinal rem-
• y that will relieve and finally cure this;
Reatali Rheumatic Remedy
'Where it fails We refund all money paid
res.' Nothing fairer. Try it at our expense.
Nothing to I. A1l"to gain,
W,S, COLE I$ofnu of RR3x1
Huron .
the "tinge
.*ddlasex Gazette
the agate'
Cote's r ; store
Tho Roca t e
Iciad ill#
. PHONE 32
Siring Suits and
We are -always trying to have something New In, the Suit or Ooa.t Line
will certainly lease you We
and for this Season our selections S
giant all the Ladles and Girls to see ole' Ready -to -Wears,
Ladies Coats
Three' carter or fall length in the
Navy, sh
ades of fan, Grey, ` y, Bla .
weeds. Notwo Coats alike so
til h°ve n exclusive garment -of
All n
Ladies Suits
n Tax, Navy, Black or
sn tailored and 'Io t
l] I"c very swell garments
iftr, All satin lined,.
Color Bl
s Skirts
or Tweeds
styles high
ose from.
ars and Ties
or Suits, they
,axxlel in. different
Ladies Waists
it Waists in ail s
med with a different eelar.iia
'Faits. Tailored Linen MYi`si
tbroideries and Laces
Both wide and narrow. We have
a very large assortment to offer you.
filled up with everything is the lilxe of Rel s, Carpets, Cul`taius,
Muslins, Blinds, Lmole s a,nd Oilcloths.
Mens and Boys Rudy-t4=wax
The New Goods are corning in every day
Mens New Suits
Youths New
Boys New Snits
liens Odd Pants
Youths Odd Pants
Boys Odd Pants
Jones it May, Exeter
Sap Supplies
Low Prices on
S Iles etc
Galvanized Iron and Tinwork
a Specialty,
SoleAgent ent for
Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint
Lowe Bros. Mellotone Flat Paint
Elephant Ready Mixed Paints
The C p am
Cp bells Varnish Stains
Brushes, ` Alabastine , and Glue
VALE—In Excter onThursday Mar
6 1Vale
th to Mr, and lies. Ne sons a
daugliter, ' I
&IAD GE $tT1,1TER—In New York
on Saturday March the ?I th,• Miss
Heine H. (Hunter' to Mr.;` 1Totinani
s Ti •
Cb..o Ma .
1 n e
DT ARI.NG—I Ste on Friday
n . pphen Y
March 7th Cecil Victor -soli of.
Mr. and Mrs.\tl
Tlng ageda
1:2 yrs 9 Months
and 3 days.
,T .', Satltrrla
h7 , AGIIEL,L'-7n Exeter on y
March $th John" Mitchell a;g'ed ,74
(:. yrs, and $":days:
Mrs. Wesley
M. and Stone left on
,11tondayfor the west.
&tr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner were
the guests of Mrs. T. Passmore, last
A. numb pleasantly
er of friends were
entertainedat the haine of Mrs. C.
,2axffi last, Monday evening.
Jessie. htod evt was the:guestMiss t
Miss Jean n Allison last Sabbath,
Mc, W. Taylor moved to Exeter
,las w
t eek and -Mr. Salt is taking his
lace; with. Mr. IRatcliffe,
Allison is, able to be aroand
I3tr, J. 7:,
again after an attack of quinsy.
were the ta,nd Mrs.,.. Wiseman
•;ga•uests of Mrs. ' Monteith on
aturday of last rweek.
R i
Exeter School' Board
Minutes ofcard Y sting held e x ,g ei in
the Town. Hall Monday March, 10th.
1913; Absent I Armstrong;..
The ;fallowing js the order of >bus.
mess duly submitted and ajpproeed.
Pe- chair—Minutes • oe , previous
meeting subject to the following
thatth ni
amendment e mot%0 L TL.feT-
erence to Death inspection shall
read, to enquire into tble duties of
the 1t1'tedicaI Health Officer in rera.
tion to the School.
Reports tVoms-Wood. Pour . cords
'delivered, f vc or six cords of dry on
hand. Wood deliveries unsatisfactory
Building Com—plans under eons:der-
ion with modifications odi,fioations"tposstule.
larinci`pal—Dag setts not available
until June and the,, only iu .lots of
six sets to each School.
F. W. Gladman and ill.` E Puke that
the board' be a consultive committbet.
to wait on the ;Council' -in refer'erce
to the troposed alteration in. thio
P. W. Madman and Et N. Creech
that the health committee secure
cost of Medical "insPection 0 the
school at regular intervals through-
out the year. a
Ie. Wood end A. E. Pule that 17% wV
Glarltnan be the Board's delegate to
the Trustees convention 10 be held:
in Toronto Mar, 25th 1913;
R N Ch eeeh. and I` W Gladman
that the request of the Board to all
having contagious sickness in.. the
home to withdraw .the attendance of
others ler of the Tamil until consider-
con tder-
ed 'safe by their medicalr adviser'
tc return, be printed at •thio' foot of
1.11?' future mouthy reports.
F. W. Gladrnan and A. E, Puke
that the followvin„ Payments be' ap-
A. E. Nutter consulting architect
, N 00 7expenses iz4.
Pee.:,. 0, ndcident 0
'A E.Pukeadjournment.
J, CRIGt Secy.
Only names of those wvhi
Orny na s obtained
60 1per.ccnt or over are published
Sr. IV. Percy 'Sanders 84; Lila San-
ders v"5; Jr. 'IV Amy Shapton,'69.
a to IfoT t
th 63; Charlie 1I,e
ner ''60; Mary Treibner 60; Sr.
l". l'-
Buh5' Parsons 78; Lloyd Schroeder 69
Jr. 111 Gladys Schroeder 70> and tie
Guy Jacobs Lloyd arsons SOEd-
die Preszcator 79;Norman Sanders
,A} m_ofn
Celia : tie
66; Ramer el a. Ch ' xis
Christie Edith Schroeder Frank Par -
eons Jim Willis Ida Marchand tea
elzer.l t i t...i __1 w.t_wt _i.
As the Board of Health
F View the Situation
'We wish to state facts iu tonnee-
tion with the smallpox scare ha Bxe-
m a few
ter, Prom January u S la t sof the
children have had 'what their ilareots
called thicken -lox. rn most eases no
Lthysician was called, itlt where one
was talIed in ' every ease butt one
the D. Pronounced the case chicken
and quite mild at that. Th z;
The Smallpox. Scare
This section;
;Bier is ixs xivaz•antine itraveilers It is ,lust cess
sb.ip?ed the town on the ii? st
express or democrat wagon, anything Hired help
or everything to get out in a hurray Advertising :fLe
passengers ,getting off at oudor; came Oils to :pwzn xi
iron the L. fl. & •13i, ttre unc eryoing + m n
the strictest scrutiny and vermin otta,.>v life ser ._ athe 13nn
relgos, the only thing IaekiLg is t'ttat
9 are on a re s sr ▪ wt M f rr as in
wve are not dying off by` the whole-. trice wvoul 'R, terga a for
sale; according to the city dailies. some of the :fit
Dr, But according to inside inforx'tlation,
lox tta ":o are lout a frk v' hotise igt ttt5cali T'or , cneral
uairti r3'ned, btisarlesi' k,', oP.raT, •Odl far1;77 x Texan >f b ong i".
else 'vas a .grandson or 1 x-1 ser#" in its ilur'cnal wvay, rs cdxeal' xen are gardenanb this I en r eggs a ctei;
Scam Taylor. Ixa, that case the Dr. -11 dit"%etent opinions as to most: of tlxe fanner olsr2ets. are
y xs leaa iz this t E ui but
II, C .. lie wvichheId hiss dEcision ba tia t; n„ vn r s4 crap e is nor wt,at
r"idic .lo:ur:e. s ri the rd of orae- i • t,
► #hc case 1 =_ e .lied.' in IJr- I3 11." ve, "rtrstecr lxath the citaz;arts a r
Mw;ax:u 4 asa, r>caTx ,.e;xv ata uc. smallpox, the .+,. •.,+ . ^•. Placarded
D 'hut in anvn event tie' wd y rec'atltior.; fie' g iwv a to ea xwitel kTt
IIe, rafted in Pte fl D' t ' to the azxt tlr p ci u
Provincial tr. I€, 0,. He e afa3inegl those co” --r> to town. If tt °s sit s1
riot mute yoa'z 51; 4 -et,
oaxr e <;;L*S 0114 'a-oaloratao*ed:40 $ewf- r' - 'i, ' F 11 ranch fa tib' rbt1t, C,aw.It21YL of w il?Itow' nu aIt rw vIt s ertuo tinfl+azar laardtIle+.<bstili tt;a;ctt5 h;e ofx.3oaneoi'l etheirway.rnainiathaiisozaPor severltwwccl:SWb 1twzsdigr.,ziascraickenliox and'71stchickenlanailial gray 5:i
. p rest cflazzw it pthin . ►t-aS pit ct en;
going, ..aylor is irni rovilr ev.sy 4443 been lrretaa1 zt i1 tow
The local 'Board
of Health air oxi a ratraol3 the small children, Sar1t'i
l?roreede< to gtataraaltatarte disinfect fox wwaa hest srspecild in the ca
and clean salt rise town pi!4S. eva:a'.y` art: of .s nslir d xalor to ri•-old t ease
son of Ms', Johu I`aelor. Afr; ?
km. Tax(als. i a .far :s tilt'.► Near 11a1i1I, a! 'Qwven. Sound, dirt;let ileal
is colacAr:ned, sa wast as saafe 'to cysts , ificer, vas called in but he arol'use
sod leave as it is as, l'ilca`Q to til aroitasyaxzace the ease as le tt?ea-'
no chigger Whatever.ovorn :o? the s•s e:ziotems et smallaJox
were I ,+tkiz . Tlr, 'Te a1.1y in tarn.
iwr. TR E 'kT4' Reeve. aeaxt fOr H 'Bt?l1, 1?rov nMial'• lieaaltb
1? tit is a. µfile, ' ell vi$ite+il Corse homtns
^d it smallpox. , ,Stens
p your c,rehaa n_ this silting?
We hear ,a, r til gw>'
11zgh erwst L1E i*vl lag haat xt $!alma!
11joy`ert the:. «a gip: kLdld
its •a ;tats'
41'ltea'e zee r lrtny 'ncr s its Lbs cl
A. IQ .`Qti;lxt, tai at
regi ort;ell1e f+x'il r; e wsaay v,24.ssn
cat, place them*
to maim afaCti
to. llreir l nl* iceoo t.
anrpbiet iEur
svili heat;a ny-
gther_ Cotlnkl:eta.
vet he hest
'er he told..
the pally'
Q 174c :nuS1t M. I . M 3I
allots Ta
of myter
with the r'Clinton lt, sal option a.l
was lifted last 1?'iri41,'ly WI1Grl l4lr.
n, Stanton of Toronto a r expem-.
rave evident., to the effect
that several of the ballot:; had Wen
pampered with, and ballots with*
were originally marked for the by-
law bad been clanged . to h,ppsaar a;
against the by-law, Judge Holt o
Goderieh had adjourned the eart
nntil ].+onlay. ;Mr, James, ITtaversoa
'1C, C. took charge of the case tea" thtf
botelkee" ca'g and was assisted by Ur.
Carroty, of Goderich; ISTr.w4!. I'aroud
foot IwV. i'. I;, I c appeared for the
loom oiition people, A," mandamus
had been Seoalrbd 'from the; high,
Court ordering the kounty Judge, to
take the evideld> i„, tenderw^rl Previous-
ly as regards 'certain talleged'irregn-
larities In St. J'ohn's lwi';•ard, and it
was for this the Court, was w Zeld on
'b'rido v,
1►tr, Ii, L: 1l'oPIaerson 'tile' 'Town
Clerk was the .frost 'wrtne:(;, Tits'
stated that be had f'it the ballots
end Papers in their 'resliective boxes
land had placed them in: a cell at. 'tliei
rear of the hall the kris oC each box
being Jett hanging to the box. Orli
cheap lock provided by the constablirl
was used to lock the cell door: aT-
though there Were places for lour
Padlocks. Ire stated that it had been
the custom for severalyears to :rat
the boxes away ix the same tmttnner
and also that the building. was a( -
ways open day and night.
Constable R. Welsh. upon being ex-
amined stated that be was doing day'
duty the time
t o of the electin
o and
the following week. so that there
was no night watchman for several
days. Deputy 'Returning Officer J.
C. McMath Poll Clerk , II. n.'lexandei
and scrutineers C. Street and'• W.
Cochrane were all examined and
cros i -Examined. While none of these
officers were charged with any
wrong doing. the Court stated that
abet) tax. 5S tall lattlaaes
pox bad '• been treated
t Th xil t y 3i'•eaal th
ra] was called crud' it
t alas every' orerarition
nectars,' sl;atin- rink'.
4twiti alley were closed up.
Roar d gist I fealth are 'wise h ta--
g these Ai'4S tL3 It kxasureS;° elf ty
only to our tetir tIpeoirld' hula
loose wrbe •ora cantina, into torn.
Th Eiger tlrtLt all homes where that
been 'Suspected is Tidal
disinfected and ewry i're-.
xetta taken ersuxes safe -
The disease has L',wi
childrenand ricrac cls, g
tracked, back for prat
all: have had `tot undergo
of fustigation'. The (talar-
most of the daces.'wili be
s vaccinatwvoa.
ion iia being .held at
owvn 1 alt and all behest child
t bc' vaccinated, Olde r sc'r
who have, not been vaccir.cled
me time are recoinnendetlt to
self by
build u
theses wv
id° f ; ''ilia
are =kin!' o nr
calla Ade,
ar ,
tiger sit that o
r cls(* lar stw drattt
e% lea canton cattle frt
tw tf E d nearly a
atrsttfted iltoatti marls laatrses
Sts ion xoilmir,% A W than
quail lira.on' ;orsws
+yang the gel
News of the District
E. Mender a Prominent (Cr.eraf
merchant or Blyth was Seised with a
weak spell while at .his store, but
li'ridaay noon and had to be taken to
his home, where bo is now in a ire -
carious condition.
has t.l e 11
11 aid nottbe ieft Tor itta w&'en mx
lone. Everyonw,,ww';nd : r,»:.
Facts and figures have
g11t in leaving an laws
Jlic h rrices .for horses or cattle,
yield«i of (;rain and roots are VW
mon, occurances in this section,>x.t
are Passed over without much', ALtd
tion but they 'would wake some far-
meamers sections up
's 111 atilt, Qn4 1
take notice. Send us in thei figure;-
f some clloic? an -
Mr. W. R. Veale. of the Seaforth when Sow. 4ieleaea
News, has purchased the Ingersoll
Tribune. Mr. Veale has published
the Seaforth News for about' four
years and previously
was connected
with The Detroit News. Ifs avilli
cove his fstrni,ly* to Ingersoll as koon
as he disposes of the Seaforth paper..
Apparently "h
t star ins
,aver Cl n ' *-
boye vicinity cannot be discouraged
in the bean business. The Put. sea
son being of such a wet' ,nature, the
crop was badly damaged and few'.
were salable. Nevertheless 1 those
who have been igrowing thelml and
several other new even, are ;oin in-
o ft nit a heavier scale than avec;,
and there will be is lar ;e acreage
they should have been more: .careful ; in this district./
in the manner : of emitting the bat- Goderich exipects 'to have hydro -
lots. All a'Sreed: that the original ret electric current by 'Aug. lst. Engin-
turn as" -given by the de-uty was err Caster of the Ontario Commis -
ern' rect.
ommis-correct. sion has ,• been several times lately do
:The sensation of the day was 'the` 1 ina" lox eparatory work in connection
evidence given by O. 13. S.tantor. of with the advent of Niagara Power
Toronto. a paper and hand -writing watch will be distributed ,from the
esrert who made a careful examin- present building at the harbor. Olin-
ation of the ballots with strong; ;alas- " fon also on the Seaforth extension of
ses and iiinve evidence to the fact: the transmission line, will have the,
that eleven ballots were undoubtedly current turned on about the' same
tamipered with and the crosses which time. w
had been placed opposite the •space Avera sudden death occure;d, Mon-
the by-law rubbed out and uncial-- day of last tiweek near Mt Carmel.
er cross put opposite and also that I when Mrs Mahonney.:beloved wife of
i:he -new crosses ware clearly; the yl,, Pat Mahonney tiled very sixddenly
work of one hand; also that the two'.a cd a04 years. The deceased had in-
marked both
which er Le 'for tended ballotsv
x rn3 to Mt Carmel and had.
and against had crosses which indi- just sot into the ,cutter• when she,
sated that they were not both made by complained of not feeling very well
the one person. Ile suggested that if She was at once taken back to rho',
these .ballots were 'photographed and house where she died a few .ninutes
enlariged,it would be clicaxl to all as later. Besides the sorrowing huts -
to the era:cing. and he' thud no'hiesita- band there remain -'two ,cls sorrowing
tion in sayintg that .enou.ghi•ballots hers Jos Ziler: of. the 15 of tiny and
had been changed •to'account for ,.thcE Julia at home, and four boys -Drills...
difference in the returns. Mr. Proud Jos and William and one soz; in the
Cut should
gu d that the 'Court) foot argued 'vest_ Tie funeral took pl •tr{'e on
hold that the a wulencc reduced
Thursda;y, morning for, interiaaer.t In that, the original (return; I :
the Mt
Carmel c ln
should 'be accepted and this by-law
London Advertiser—With his co
lotsid ornamented rnamentcd with artificial
•roses and his face ,painted• a bright
blue to heighten the Contrast
Y..edman was brought to, the police
station on 'Wednesday froth. or.e t of
1,., f• - i-
wilt of each ballnrt, a, „< t:.ulr the... cissa I iz _..^,at I e .ic to
., .gni. ca;' ; n1Y, •i'
t I I o tulle iia and d
(Jiere' was so much confident. ,plat- 5 eci.dsk
eft in bim i:hat little ar, no care' had' to have` a little cfr&enation tot mark
licca taken i.oace that lie hid door the event. bonne friends whom ;be
'L' '>C1: U Ylt
1 i,c the lloi;e thou.
,lit {,h3: {'
p D i
regarded the
' i correctly. 'Ile re . I
Ins pard c°I a little artistic decorat;oais would'
tcsttmony Of er.il)erl.s liiclraly, Si a
add '1:o his 'ti' a
;joke,but in this. case there -vas no 4 Joy pot a and so ,,got
T usi with +patnf: find rose Iliis
doubt that, certain ballots had taecri
l,r. TP
din a . e
1 a•tcne attracted mach
changed. `but the espicp:€ ww tv 'ajnabl11e a,.a..:.<,.acau and 1'1r.a1L-;- resulted in. tris
to state when anti hot these, ,c -fan! cs
)01i, bro16bt to the (police station '
bad taken place.'
where he 'vas `se,hewed of tlxeo _a ori -
r S
Jut3,se, ,Holl: said that: to c3eLiiieraUu :,gents. The 'paint was•a "' .diffcri^at
interfere wwii.h the will of the leo
1y. 1 zntltter',and 'ellen he :Caecd ;The mai;-
1 n .
agar by changing their b,i ,n.s was s .w astrate tIns-morning he had, the ap-
del:ostable trim',, and %lic :-ii/clad lilac Yat arh.rce of a duan who had: been
10500'1:he Oove,rnmcnl. coudu'ct at: in -r murderousl assaulted: His e
.Yf< cc
7 io b ,case: It w° by
vesitg, 1 n 1 'the se.las the looked through it had been, beaten
most un''leadant case, he.h'at5''bad in' to ii;pulp. He 'promised to ire(ur-
twelve iC'15 •ndww0Fld adjourn '
iat-once to Centralia
c®urt a11
ia, oh ;d atOQderzehati
declared tarried; '= . It !doges not. even
need the eye of an, expert to show
the ballots had -been tanl+p!4red, with
°'1 •ca d
•'Mr,. James I3aver.an said the
It ledl7lYc]Y Ut1
all whether t
1 the
p1all b
al properly rlY
read out the ref
Residents of this dtstrirt' al t4 just
P We
to its o5 billt'iGB.
awvalcenin, s ,P si
are just beginning to realizei the
immense resources that surround us
on every side. Back to 'tile'' land is
ferny e,nphasizcd and for
every branch of
Se -tam-
ing, this district cannot be surjaesed
We have the attractions for settlers
wr hether from the Old. Country or
the •United, States.
x l,.- town.
Me. V. Day. stair dealer. a r rel'
has a fine herd of dairy tows includ-
ing some choice Holsteins. Mr. 1)way
recently gave a particularly fine Holme ,I
stein a seven days test During that
tine the cow '?produced 495 ,1 pounds
of 'milk testin 3.4 per cent maklil
19.44 Vas butter fat or 19 3-4 lbs butt
ter. Mr. Day alio kept tract of the
feed -which was as follows via pound
or roughage and bay; 40 pounds of
roets. six pounds each or bran chop
and oil cake amounting to 40e. .Tx ,
eight and a belt weeks this' cow
i,ave 3,950 1-2 lbs' of milk.
Mr.; and Mrs. Alvey 'Amy have
turned after visiting friends ar.d
latives at Eastern +points.
'Mr. and altos. Moses Amy myof Exeter
spent Sunday with Mr and liars Het.-
ry Rodd.
Mr. William Rodd met with an ac-
cident one day last week being kick-
ed by a horse. The injury while not
dangerous, may confine biro to .the
house for several days.
The W. M. S. Society: had char e
of the Senior League Service on Sab-
bath evening. A very profitable
T spent.
-was aS
An entertaintnert will be (given in
the ba
basement t
the chtT
ch on altars
day . evening• under the auspices' lot
the W. M. S. Society
Mr, Samuel Thomas who suffered
a si:roke some time ago was-.:por;-
ed not So well
last C
NLiss ?e•. w,r ,,
'vert: to takenat a position as `urse 1
the Byron Sanitoritzm.
Pringle is Isufferin,g1 froth
Miss B. ng
i c. S:
`p .
Mi; Harry Payneret
from England.
n .Yla
r o
New Blue
Dixie Grey
These are some of thenew'
color tones for Spring Salt -
bags They come in the wor-
steds and tweed effects, some
are twits in fine a. d const
weaves. f This is what the sty-
lish dressers in the cities, are
wearing, We're showing a
wide variety of these popular
weaves. Made by W. W.
Taman. We return every
dollar it not satisfactory.
Come in and
Iiave a look
"David Livingstone" will be
theme for n
Sabbath h LvenIt tr,-
eYt ti
g 7'
i 17th
`nlr. 1Tarch x,
Monday ::eve
On on y tht) ahs auxiliary will
(Si;. T at t.hs ni
hold a e
ri ,e:ntri choro•4ses by
ro,.t. .
the choir and
the -childt•cn: lrnisic by
'by NellieT ud 'on'
l i
- is
an, addz es
n cots -
g l th
tt c
ou h
nt tw
hr, n5
' tri
t ,
hex It
trocar, Sanw tabes cake a d coLfee'.
wall be served, 2tl and IJ;to
Hatss _ai got hold
.i- would `:cure me,.
See our Easter
We are showing
Sa? m l3
hln ' ` in up-to-date Neck-
things .,
wear, Caps, Shifts etc.
,l'1 0 i d
the first-