HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-3-6, Page 5IT111711SHAY, MAWR, HE EjCETER- TIMES 480404•011/000.10044 •444:44++++++++444.14+++++.1.4. HOME STUDY *. Thousands ofambitious young 4. People are instructed in their 4. homes by our home study dein, * artment Yon may flnisla at 4. CO/leigeta:if-- you desire, - -Pay + whenever you wisb; -ThirtY Years' Experience, Largest e. trainees in Canada. Enter any + day. -Positions guaranteed, a.,If + you wish to save board and * learn while you eaan, write * * for particulars. NO VACATION 4. Clinton BusnaessOollege * OHO. SPOTFON B. F. WARD .* President Principal + CERTRAL STRATFORD; ONT. The Zest practical 'training seheel in Ontario, Three de : Partments COMMERVI'AII • KTORTITAND &,TELEGRA. RAT. All eoursee are ttr horaal* and Praetleal Tenobera aeOX.-• • erieneed and greduateS are • Jaced iTt VOSitiellS, We Rive individual attention and stela" mats may ente-i at any time,• Write fer our free catalegge at °nee. t • tk. Me1401,1r# Principal. 40 O.,* 444 •••••••••• OULD OR,06titY HONE 47. si I etrie %bt. I Crediton ,Manrist.0 yor.,edan Sd ahnedroatfer Czar atal,w0ity. R. Hill of Orediton East are speneing a couple a weeks in London and West ' * Miss El1a Link as Xeturned from Toi orrto where she, hae hetett Attend- ing tbe oaili!nriT oPeniVaa- heilare.- iSnaS4)taire:t.sevnitM!unda7 at. 'Mildred 43.rown cif Zerielt apent Sairday with her Parents. Miss Merle Preeter o zurieb spent a Tew days 'with her aunt Mrs, Mr& Bretra, We are leased to hear that Miss N. Jlear is recoriegin,g after her rserAeLleatitst:EntnhI e:s: thcott of Exeter w : as ne tguest at Miss Alma IDE an ,hliss Edna Finkb,:iner has rettirthd lananalter a Plea -Sant visit with friends hi 14ond0n. 4unte of Exeter is visiting with airs. Link, Re', Jefferson. has returned hmae ter Tooducting a series of fee tures in Tororite. The carnival held on the rink Fris 'day waning 'was a ;2;.rand succe., cgowtily Atunber er on young folks were la Costume and $ppot, a very Pleasant evening, Mr and Mrs Albert Morloek aPati thie week visiting in Hamilton firAl 4140 f tetlflirt the auto show. at Tor - WA% etia66 Zalaker Oent a few 4ay Lcmloo or, business. 4Tr. irrtlaer Mr6lVla was in Toronto a few days last week, OliarIes Finkheinen aeft or' Onelph on iNfenday where be !has =Soared a posit ion. Foist If4•Os, bave eetzmd AUtla QV" ton of 'Streelstille to take change of their IrtilhlUers dePartment, Miss S Rahn has returned home attar a visit with friends in Landon Mr. alueeel Hun:table a Hamilton itt %Wiling in town. 4•44,e,..4411144.4,44. We have made arranareillenta With, the WiteklY Globe and Canada Pato- inUThe Hominien oultry0010 ereby we eau Give our readers the 'two tapers for one year Co Ivo vents, 711e, offer is timei mako pecialty of ginUy Orders, The les we deliver to you are the be to be had and the Prices VirO ask at:e the lowest possible. Send or bring your lust or- der to us and ha convinced t hit this is the Righ Store to buy your Groceries and Pro- vistons, TIE TEA An CoFri TED -Choice Better ard Fresh Eggs, 11111•11111111MINMENNIMa Electric Restorer for Men PhoSphottol restores every nerve in the liody to its proper tension; restores Tim end vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weal:nos averted nt once, ,Phosplionol will srialies you a new num. Pri..e 18a box. or two far $5. Mailed to any address, Tha Seoboll, Drug C...bt. Callusrines, Ont, Every:Woman la interested end should know about the wonderful Marvel wh""ng sp'af Dosehla 0 ..edk pow druggist for IL If bo cannot supply to MARVEL. ttccept no other. bet send stanip for illus. , traded book—Sealed. It gives fall 3purtlen1ars and directions inralnablo %P1adies.WENDSOltSupezvC0..W1ndsor,Ont General Areuta for Canada. Dr. de Van's Female Pills J1tellable rrench regulator; never fails. These Pills are exeeedinglY powerful in regulating the generativeyortion of the female system, Refuse all cheap mutations. Dr. de Van's are sold at bor,,or three lor 610. Mailed to any address "-Ito Suakin DrugSo., St. Catharines, Ont. :Tr Our •CENTRALIA, d Emery was in Bewail Ttlati. .14t on business. Eliza drouvslough is *Pending • days with friends in Clinton. and Mrs, Wm. Elliott have re- ned clot:141'4r yisit TrIenda Z.and Arra, George Dobbs of St. ore the ;oasts et Dobb's Art\ and M'rs. John Denipsey Byron Dicks is In Toronto em, bus sq. On flgfendaylieishiPped ear load of adittle to that city. Mr. and Mrs. D. Coughlin are vis- iting trierals in -London. Mr, ;Frank Colwell is in Parkhill on business thin. week. Mrs Mame /Michell has Perebsseili threshing outfit, Mrt, 'W. ParSfills returned Tuesday from a business trip to St. Marys, The Centralia Ifeek'eY team is is et -tanning two matches for next week, one in Ex"eter and the other with Dashwood at •Creditor'. Mr, adriain Coughlin returned Monday to Wanton Alberta, after having spent the tore paxt of tht.. winter at his home, lfr, and Mrs. Warren Mitchell has moved *from nert to the parson- age to the Dr, Orm residence opposite the post office. Mr. and Airs. Norman Mitchell dc- lightfully entertained Monday ever. - inn in onor or Mr, eta Mrs. Her- bert W, Thomson of Calgary who leave 'Shortly for their njaaY home in that city. Mrs, Thompson who was formerly- Miss Ada B. Norris of Staffa is a sister of. Mrs, Mitchell; and haviri3 visited in tine vicir_ity on various occasions, is well and papule 'farly known here, :Ihn vry eine- leient host and hosteteprovided splen did entertainment for their many zuests whith included a slezhlond party of lozal neople Nv'ho extanne their welt wishles to the brlde and - groom". Mr. 'Thompson will co:Aile- en at the Real 'Estate businese in algary. Friends and'.Neighors - You know eia. You know we would wet — that we could not afford to— go back ora our word. Nor can you afford to ignore this raonev.back.if.nOt.satisfied o2fer on this spaeueld' faxative. ' We hentatly believe we have the be: bet1 remeilv ever made -the riaost plixiatit--teital,:e, 11104 per- m-Ism:nay beneariel lexittive for relief from UM tnis.t'iaa:atti daiAgers at/ilia/4' :Arena coie.tipation. Wit 'an-Jen:ea, ee,- tate; tve dicitet believe i le -tree \Ca 'N,ovItIlVt. Tisk our e euell s' 111 we ace, ani 10.10 3011 would find tlis'm tnie. taste Theyor easy fa aetion. They' do lief cause gripluv,, nausea,:purg- ing or excessive looseness. They tend to tope and strengthen ntes nerves and muscles. They promptly , relle:ve;eonstipation, and help to Per- mithently Overconasi i. 31:ey.all Orderlies promote better ' spirits and bettor health. in all of these things they are vastly supdrior 'to old-fashioned, harsh salts and ' 'we anll rofaad Your moneY tlnd -we other purgatives, which are not only will do thab on your more say-so. unpleasant to take but which usually' We don't ask you to risk a penny. leav& the bowels in' worse conaiden ,Isn't that fair? than before. We Particular/3T recaiict- r Just let ihe bowels fail in properly -nand Rexall Orderlies for childr„ en„ doing their work - just let their aged and deliete 'Persons. action be delayed and incomplete . Resell Orderlies come in vest. and ,the entire system,and every pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; q:sther organ , suffers. "Wastes that '36 tablets, 25c; 80_tablets, 50e. Oar Lti:11 ls 1,m211 both cn Octo .1011 niacin ob' cad outolamrvation af r very many sayer° cases In *Lich they , iliave proven blieir merit., Try. tb..0fin:'at Om' RE:54' If ±1203 do not abundantly prove their merit with you .eiso- it' you 310not entirely setielied th them -- should, !lave been di.ipelled remaiti to poison' the System. Ileadaches, biliousness, nervous - 11050 and other toriiienting and seri- ous ills c c -:-,anon. when tho., bolvol3 fail to, act, tinl.ty1, n:buro inboaded. All this:. :,my3,o ava',Ied, 11 you will netiopt cue utly; "41 „ 'CAUTION: -Please bear in naind that Rexall•Orderlies aro not sold by ail thug* gists. You can buy Itexall Orderlies Only at the Ilexall Stere. , You Can buy Reaall Orderlies in this conamtmity onIy'rit our store: -' , Mario; WOMAN *1' - FOR YEARS WayitsCotherWomen,tol(notO ° 'trim She NiVaLi Restored. to Fleaith,'- Hammond, Ont. - "1 am passing throngh the Change a Life and for two years had hot ilphes Yen/ bad, heade aehee, soreness in the back a head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ings, The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help nle, but have been entirely reliened, a the above sYmPtems by Lydia B. Finkha. m's Vegetable Compound, Blood l'uriAer and Liver Pills, and give you permiesion publish my testimonial.” - Mrs, Lotus BEAVEADE. Sr,3 Hannuond Ont, Canada.. New Ertiaawick, Canada. -- " I can highly recommend Lydia E• Pinkham's YegetebleCompound to any suffering WO - Man. 1 have taken t for female we,ak-. peas and paintui enstruation and it -Mrs. DgYgun BAnnoott, Barvey Bank, New rtmswiek, Canada. Lydia B. Finkham's Vegetable Com - Pound, madefrom native roots and berbs„ contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, nd to -day hokis the record of being the ost successful remedy for female ills e know of, and thousands of voluntary stimonials on 4le io the Pinkharn lab- oratory at Lynn, MIMS". seem to prove this fact. Every suffering wona, owes to herself to give Lydia E. Piekhares Vegetable Componad a trial If you want special advice write t Lydia 2, Pinkhum Xedielna Co. (conli. deutial) knudtfass. Tour letter will bo opened, read and answered br a rowan ana beld ia StrIet CartildenCO. CLANDEROYE 1 rtin Began has b a year with John Lewis, Mr. Wm. Darling has home after attending the ass st .few days in London. 0 tra, Stvinnerton of gingsville 15 isiting her niece Mrs, Darling - The Vrospeets or help in this triet doe the coaling' tieitS011 are scarce AS Most available Men lase hired already. What might have been serious accident echured at the 0, T.11, tot recently viten three freight can were derailed 'by a switch. Mrs, Will Ilardy ef Denfield spent 'Friday twith her mother Mrs.. Ilobt. Bed:gins. Mr. Ward Iledgins has rented lid acres ,irorn A. E. llodgins who is tete, in; west in a couple or weeks. ILUSSELDALE IN1r. iJohn Zlitehell, who lies been visiting Iriends here ioturned to his home in Winglutm. Mrs and ItIrs. Alex: Cole eniertaire ed a number oC their triernla to a Lost Heir tarty last Friday eve. She Misses Jamelsone who amen been konfined to this house through illness are igraclually improv:ng. Mrs and Mrs. Frank Feeney of Sta- -ffa 11114 Miss Oilmour of Coburg were the iguests at Floral bower tiering the week. • 14.1e. David. Cottle a liatratihar who has purchased the farm of the late 11.„ D, Roy took possession last week We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Cottle to bur 'midst. e Mr. and :Mrs. Wsliodgert entertain- ed a number of their friends to a musical evening in rotor oE Mr, aad Mts. D. IlaDougall of llohar• Sask and Mrs. Gleason IGill of Oak 'Raver Manitoba. ' 1.. I ' ' THE OLD WriY ":"-blenal -Sae ar„ Take Ilowey's Cure -a -Co Ide Capsule's 1.42'"eir Howeys 25 eents a Box WIT A LE N Mr, .G (-erne &lrinire and LoOtie lieuty llqijiro aro jtinZ real 3300 321 1.;t2titIlt titid hershurT4 this week. , kla la? u el cSt eve El Sell 10311 11 boo 1 I, weel: V '1 to stables. Ti ose 2111, 11.0311 22130 t. tondcid, the ,M.oclt revilement at Etiraville eViirting report a Very pleasant ti.no. d Jiihn 1Vri ,s 'rent a vleasau L. time ±it Ediv,ard Av- ('35 at Laudon this week, V. aliileon oll Ifeosalli for- - inet.dy ,af. this, pinee 1.1 eisiiiinn with 1311 eon .11e t on in W1.o11son,and fa e (i- ron this \veek. 11,1 GRAND 13,END 11,1r, Wjll (Raker has boit;rht t\lrS: f.arin for $4500, I,..vrts po.,,,ses- sien on the Ist, or October. ' 111r. and INfts, 'Alex P -risco are ;not, in Ilar.nesii 1dollard's HOUSe. Mr', John Divine is moving to the „Seutec !Line where lie 'has rented' a Mr, a nd Mrs. Harry nilton ,, :iind"ia 3.11113 of l'urigooso '; Vancouver htive returned to Grarul 'nerd They intend "to make ,thier . 0,t;e., lionneheeee s„cir the future. Barn' torVien i' -"w el I of Va n -Ott „ ot•••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . _ . . . . Rnw : a a ..,,,„e: . . . . I Furniture Dealer • • • . • • • • • • • and • • • • 4 I Funeral Director 4: • 4 . . . • . Phone 20a 4 • • • . Ontario * a 4 • -R..x0ter. • • 441•• HOW TO CONQUER RHEUMATISM AT YOUR OWN HOME ty9a orally ef year friceds suffer a' ore :lista mattsto,t;idney cloordcr or exevseef ‘M.Q causing, lameness, liackaclie, inu6sular p14123;s1i3f. P•alttial% awallea /elets. paio in the Inaba teet; clanoVa of sight. itaing skin or freaaent Pearalgte pates, 1 invite you to strut lora, ancerous Free Trial Treatment of zny welt. knawa, r.ClfablaCluonloore, wutt references and inn part;ettlarA mail. (This'AS no C, 0 D. selimauta Maar how ratt ny may hove failed !!; year easeiet „tac prove to you, free of cot, kaac•faCattlattataaana ConrocrAt4. Gli re rile u re succeeds viler* an else tees, chronieure cleanses the hioo4att4 roroovsa c.on pc. 4130 for a-A‘A:calgeneli. 111449NAR CO;401(AAA of the *Pi-4cm y(30 win end Chronleure a most satisfac., tory gencral,tento that makes yea ieelAhal life norilt living. RIeloe tell par frletith Of this liberal offer, and send triday_for large (Ka package, to MRS. AI, StilitrauitS. Box U.610.-^Wirielsor. gut. ELI -31\71141'4F setae aaeques left he nest after visiting nouthsi th Itienda here, tifge' "a• tele ar -driver torn.h4s Lu of Whalen, lie ilea Mr, It, Zki o tR:rd .st.var:eistal: voupti Peuriee has. retur lriende inMcGillirron 4orr4.1.44,...4 11.10-411•WOOD Miss ;Nora Siebert left recently for St. Thomas and Detroit thence to Ann Barlowwhere she will finish her training in the University Res- pite/. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz are aoaifor- tably settled in their new houee. AL. and Alr.s. Jos. Doerr left Wed- eneday morning for Laird Seek. ANIX/C tbey will make their future home, A 2`,Z(), USAORNE For the 01Q1Ith cif Vebi miry. Marks give comparative seandieg No on roll 59 Average 31 Millie Strang 1270; Wilfred Duogall 1193; John Dougall 1070, 4th-evelt HuL 1783: Olzyer Roweliao 1720; Elgin Ile weliffe 1591; Maggie Straug 1499 Ross Dlek 1102; Vera. Bell 1121; Katie 2auders 1053; Mira Dew 872; Harvey Nett 4% Jr - 4 -Malcolm Dougal11121 Evelyn Cann 1025; Ila Mitoheli 925; Clifford Moir 922; Clara Neil 629; 310 sr -Rosa Mem 950; Lorne Oke 013 ; Alice Dick 7334 May Neii 45S; 3i d e.--Lenwood Fur- dy 801 Thus Dougal 735; Annie Strang 724; Glady Dew 993; Wilbur Selves. 020. 2nd Sr. -Leila Linney 211; 2nd Jr. Percy Barri., 178; atti Milta1011 $S1 Ilarold Wend anfEdger Codinere ' Ada linoey 210. Pt 2 Sr,- Mob I P rd y,p2iT4 John Stacey 2133n Jr An- ow217, Pt 1 Vora Donn 200; Olte ;,30,0lai once Dawn 107; Ed- wsrd Neil .57 3 1, Robertsan leacher 'CONSCIENCF4 'Tor parties. and or creeds,!,'le sald. PT de net core at all; When 4 OA right 4go ahead And -do not tear to faill AlY vonsciance Is the law by which tillalpe COY da1lyVOlirS0,; neither Timor nor rich Nor weahlY Low to force . '‘Iat NtVnialiactItte'%'‘s-ayr°tt he 00241,4eu:ece:4tvrri1A11 atooot. llr:: tear: 14 ' lo'o 3.1y vottSeiene,; 1 s, Senenv told confidvf,t, pnd From prejudice. ,. I cos roditiou-4.$ . itate nor MN 7p.lith,." WItivturie,ttaso,bnut4;awajhaycc - . All attlecaOlpilltietil 1 1 it ,:f:Vett a lonely way* I scorn mach ille as tfiretit. et there And tools wise Liile me stay.' netvava:rt-tya tebbootncl%e,astetzLI:);fit throuzil Bpi conscience anicklY shaped his, vies, To make it lit the ease; A creed be bad ihoitglat outworn. For thabes and weaklin's lit, No longer seemed a thih, to seer 'When (gains arrived through it --Cflica:m-Reeord herald. 1flA.V1E1l GRAIN'. AvvrEit Q'JAV. ITY 0 ' C. Y. ''Thornicrott of Latub.-qh Oat. writes, Last Spring I purchased SO1M Ifotrtzstead how 111° cit. l'ertiiial er afrom 3.1r, 11. llamlyn. LarobeVai. and. used 5.05110 A:+n half a field oE oats es a result I found that the :grata 'IA as heavier and ot better traelitY it on that part. T a exceeding we41 'Pleased with the r sults. homestead b'ertilt ers are manu- factured and tIold kv.....t-lre-iciichigan Carbon Werlts, „Detroit Michigan and will send free to any farmer their book on fertilizer4 withi a handsome 0,1:1,der postage paid, Ttey -want agents lvi ere they are 21.0 mow re- oresented. Address MicLigan Carbon Works 1,ostoffice Draw.:r u14-434 De- troit Mieligan asitin.t for terms. Ti1431ES 'ROAD ie 411F;nn ii Cram, her illness very nicely. /alas 'Ruby Pasucorte very pIeaant- y /entertained a number et her Edends last Monday eveninz. Watio Oenttner s v14tio,7, sister Mrs, Frani:. Vlarke, Wedding beils are still ringing4 Don't Monkey with that Cough USE. ii0WerSCIliePliieN Tar 131g Botle for 25e. Howeys Drugstore COSEIELD Miss Maggie Lent from. near Cal- gary is visiting her. uncle Dia' 'Alex Mustard and other relatives in th"..s 'district. 1 • ' Miss May !Beattie,. Pond Allalis visttang her auntie here. Mrs. nobt. Murdock who has been ill for some time is %lowly irol)rov- ing. • Mr, Wm. Scott has dieposed of a car load of beans to on eastern buy- er rafr, Scott PaicPthe long price for the beeris and is having difficulty in leetting ata 'on them. Mr. Jas Munroe of Goderiela died last week at the age i a 73 Teals after an illness of but 2 claye. IIP bad been a resident of Goderieb for 75 years and from 19 years of age was engaged in the blacksmith business dna.' quite recently. ROYAL PURPLE Stock ez Poultry Specifics FREE W1tthetrel lc 4 -page books (with in- 1.asvili;11:ndge,noasbtsp°alludt,eloYuctrece; for ai sert), t112 2023.111011 535e23505 of stock and poultry. 'Ails itoW tO St,cti all kinds of licaYs and light horses, colts and mares, ranch cows, calves and fattening sMers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that tbey lay as well' in winter za in summer. It contains 300 recomirismiti 1(221.11311 over Canada, from people who brIVo it.A.,1 cur acoda. farrilez should he without it„ • You Car, rat tn cattle and Bogs in a month's lime by taiina oar inoyal Purni0 Stack" kinceirm titan .stu could turpibly do without 11, thcialtx r 1 mondi's Ictd and hiker and the 3111, lo 3111 ual; be incro than 11.50 for 1s10.4.(irD oc'enieifiiasitico%1. with v't*)119linl“'ar'l; fttsl.0± -n• a l'001-`, 11010 trff12, em tbip 351)4 fisot 0141 • • 13:3111 ill bo tsblat.., I. , r 3 , ptsta..e 13' ine'rso,1e the tun fc•v 301.,t t t e 3177. per cox pez f day, Fbil f,-st 20 tho stride. • A 50a pael:aga 'rill rt catt- Is•rese 50 ROYAL 1J '0"" „ will make yoer hes ity just as wen ie tie e winter es tii the zunumr, mid will keep ±30.11 tree front disease, These goods are pure and l• unadulterated. We do not uSe"-tinY cheap filler to make a largo package, entirely different t from any on the markets at 'the present time. • Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50.2. peltgs. ; four • 50e Pckgs., in an ttly-tiglit tin, for 31-5,1 0 Royal Parole Poultry Saecine, 25c and 50c a Dents.. and 31.50 r-tiglit tins that bold four 503 pekgs. • Royal Purple Lice Killer, Ole and 5'0c tins; 20c by snail. Royal Purple Gall Gure,_26e and tiOcrtins; 30e ? by mail. " Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle: 60c Royal Purple Cough' ' Cure., 50e tin; 60e by •• mail. • 1 Royal Purple lisinfeetant, 25c ami 50c tins. Royal Purple Roup Cure 26c fins; 30c by h Royal Purple Worm, Powder, 25c tins; 30c by o t Manufactured only by TheliV.A..Teriltins Mfg. Co. r London, Canada 11 10 nae aiaY Won free., w; 31103111 titiel side, HENSALL =Miss Robinson is visiting relatives inAiisisa9mlinvaiag. ,Miss EBullard m is hoe from London 'visiting her parents, Mr, Norman Cook was in Toronto last, 'week attending the auto show, James Johnston is getting ready to ship two cars of onions to the west. Geo. Bunter of Fan grene ldich, is It the guest of his uncle , Drysdaleand Blatchford who has been ill for the most of the winter IS begin- ning tot,hon signs of inept-oven:tent. Mrs, F. A, Sellery is stall makiug good improvement although it will be some time before she is fully restored has moved his house- hold cfrects into C4-, 0. Pett ye; eottage on Queen St Nvest where he will re.i•ide infuitsnlef iNlsiatalven Black -ell Who bas been visiting for the past few weeks with, Nils Haien) inctatleeu. left, for her home in Bothwell. Death' visited the Ilillcneeen section on Weal:eel:1y 131411 rate itel, U1 .1a (13Pi3 Turner a 'very inueli bought tesi- dent. was 411 his 81st year anti up to it recetlt date 1s<1en-aiyeel good health aixteing- cite eetaa eatuele had hie lot, and 301:1 15'11) re -aped, ti,: n e vat 0 wen 1331,9 lament 2221 -,held Fatally alkesticult Bay- ;elti Cemetery'. Mre. .11233.1323 17311151153' ---The igel a, lea tit hes again her d1150 311 st-t 1.101 8 Of Lb Seel ;;;S. 511S. J ;tales rn ie p31002311ay( ay on a tut day at Se mow or her deep:titer in. Inwood Leunbton Couuty. alie had attained he good old age of eighty years, De- ease,ci whose meiden name was Eliza Sturgeon. was born in the Province Quebec, but came to this section hout 1857. -et the time of her arri v- 1,1 tile Loudon road -was receiving its first toat ell ,grevel, Her husband aeiclacted,a blacksmithinf; business or some years at Fansville, vvbere he to,..nufrctured axes. Seam time later ht'y moved onto the farm near Bincefield which is now owned by ter son W. R, Smillie where they liva d until after the death cf her bus - and. The deceased was a resident fllensal. , three years, a - et. which 2123 411,t to near InWood reside with ,her daughter, The emains were brought y lain on Tuseedity and'talten tothe tilide' of her sen Robert n,ear Bruce- . , 011, from ,•which place :',the faneral pl ac last , VV edne Ilay to the -,Cerne ter ' Royal Purple Supplies and Book" ; es. xay be4 obtatie r 122 'our enjoyment o U4111grOf fteltlX40744., 301 On 4036 h. Tho Edison Blue Amheroi Record was invented on the quality ,idea,, It roduces the not der cut lifelike and beautiful tone you ever had. It will Ileirr WUXI" 913t and indifferent handling of it or dropping k on the goor won't break it. It ia taut 411 itS- ability to please. Tour' Edison dealer will be, glad to play Blue A.mberol Records for you.. 1Q0 4eake$14 Alma Omar*, IC, J., 11. S. A. 4plt* 11s g4foaPhonnalt•pha and Fte,cortio.will he found at Powell, Main Street 34 Men to Fill Good:Positions Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, 1 wanted, for the demand is greater than the supply. not for the man who is able to earn only two or thr at hard manual labor and who can work only under ta some one else, hut for the man who is able to plan, Aliti work of other ---the man whose training has quali1ied 131033 to petently hold positions of responsibility. to The Izs-TERNATIONAL ConnusroxnExcn Scntoor.s, that great institution that has done so ranch in the past and is doing so much every minute for working men and women, °Hers you an easy way to become a trained man -to secure a good position in the trade or profession that best suits your taste and ambition. The I. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where you are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without changing positions until you are ready to step into the one you desire; without obligating you to pay more than your present salary will afford, no luattter how stllnll it is. Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment tit nix this great plan. Every month an average of 300 vohmtnrjly tell us of such atIvanc,..sment. You can do the same as these men have done, If you really want a good posi- , a larger salary, and a suc- cessful life, find out how you can secure it in the surest and meie practical way in the world by inerkine ana mailing ties tem- ple. 1530 pets eem mem- nu a obligation. It is simply a re - 31310121 air further i nionn ti, Clip, mark, aud mail it rOVT. tri tl 0 0 0, * * * 0 4 • ++'-4',*.. * INTERMIT/OM CORIUSPOND8NCE SCUO liox7a4},Seranten, l'o. K•Asevxplairt. atttet LI on 4: tow 1 entk -iaatifF t..s a I, tutttt.t to the posit,, .11 1,0,14 411, 3.1 ' •4 343 223120.. Sh0.1-03,3 Trin),,ttt Orowtieritt L, 319411;4 331.13,4132 1'' 11,5*4541 tcr ' Power•;.;otiva Sap.. .1,;1.1Zt: , ...".,-. -.1-r....,,,...,,,-....t.,-r.......-.... coioist. 52 , . Elti?cli ,,'1'nesdaatlyd '11:a'erietha to Oetobe :,,,,, .... TO A . Snskfitchovi. A inclusie v.ia Chicago and St Pauiii; Thredgh, coaches and Pullioni From Exeter to ;Tourist Sleeping Cars will le,iv( Di4rOto 11 p: rii. iin abOve datee fin ' Vancouver B. C. Winnipeg,' Victorie, B. C. NO 01:1ANGIMOP OARS ' Sspeaotkiaei,ieVc,:lavsah;b. , Winnipeg and return ..,„ ,. . „ iF,:35,00 Edmonton and retuin :`.... - . 343,00 Tickets good for 00 days. Pro- LoFrancisco, Cal. 1 F3aensADe ni egCger'ilt.eyi1e s°: 9CLal xi. : -if AffziOs portunate rates to other points, 7 5 Settlers' Excursions Proportnnate low rates. to ot he To, Alberta and Saskatchewan 43 Arettittvloati ONItmttrt . •Strtelt:.Ittetveol, Itccii3t:fittiattlarrivt 21411 4331.1, , ,rn'T lt Crt:. 5444 1,60"..1,1.• • On Sale Daily Morn 15 to' 1,1pril 15 March 1 alt. oPoaiiniftoariA nniaArmnaohnB oa: xireixtiiceoli:OiilimoTtituabniaa, taiInlcitil evAelp;yrilT2119,Eths,DiAncylustihveerefarfoteral Nevado. Oregon, Utah, Weshingten etc, from alltstations in Ontatio, 8_11 alo tphi Hope :a usn gdi in La.cnertsaat re, i ,i ..,,Ro„ ,t, AI 4PTenEt ens id b,0 . . . . ,r 0 , -3010,1, particulars. ' Ask Grand Trunk Agents -for full thTehisebGorratensdt,Tarnucink,qP,a;leisctRroontiulwt,:ai,:boeiils. es:tile:up:or si e.:L.0 wocoilvtg WI tween 'IN innite , , , bil31t'it10111151±5-52*1 turei;tind ullinfortna 'rand Trunk Agent. - A 4 4 • 4 422 55/