HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-2-20, Page 1^ ett's Chocolates (Made in SweetestSEver Told" BeautifulPackages Eachpiece different Quce used always: in favor CQc half package $1.130 pound if you want the best ask for LIGGETS W,$ COLE Home of J exa:i trrauTv-N1! u YEAR—No 2035 JONES &MAY -z PHONE 32 prang We are now ready for the rush for Spring Goods. New' lots coin in every day Dress Goods ad that will Of every colex o fashionable this New ''ash oO Irintsa einbarsa Cbanlbra s iateas, estings and � €slips, tadiesWhle wear Every thing new in ' 'bite Waists, Nigh Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers and Drawers. Very New Wash Dresses "€ ladies, Musses and 'Obildre dainty colors and designs. weep Out Sale :. ll ;ter Goods All our Winter Goods to be sacrificed at Jnr Collared Coats, Ladies Coats. and Cbildrens Now l xc ' ` rlt to Get' "urs, Fur Lined Coat eek Scarfs and, t,Tderweal ew Bugs Carpets Linoieums Ali o rr New Spri dew Lace Curtains Now Tapestry Curtains New Madras Curtains mew Blinds ev Mattings New Oilcloths Damaged Fire Stock Ivo were unfortunate last- week to have a smal111111111111111111111111111111111l In�all fire in our DrY a: a d went did about $1,000 worth of damage.This Stook which consists of TubleLinen, Cottons, window Muslins, Linings, Shirts, U3dorvear and �uslins, Will beut on Sale Thus., ,, Fri. and Sat,. of this week. Missionary Anniversary ThatnThames Road The ! fissionary Anniversar .�iil p r �r y ir•' eonnectiou with ‘Tomes Street Vieth- tdist 'oiautrcka was meld on Sunday and: l The Irhafees Road Presaart;z�ri.an 1�Iortday 1 t O is cy I y n Sunday lieuiia iaocreaollenead e>eland ) h rasa lie dealt atirilr tli n d f :/;':`T'i%bso3'0..sto4zptdhitso cked to the d 17 aio ns ^nd telepho i kln o+ svltirrrorit•+n,p tier. glad tlnaiata a ornca fst idSlio' Over i000 P 011 'Whir t--sev'on zoears Alexaxe er' arabans Jell first r `rf; �a Salabat C ere held heir anniversary on {latent for a fele It lacy, tbo e iix1n ' '. �, Manning- Toronto,. asst ," ` rSU7eday `land panda _ © ti aso �: r. ;fV eldracn of Cl preached ` tl� ricnitr evc2• <3, oD F enta'x!(' rrtlSSIOa1S °ra1'L' t • _.re ss s inl ar_nonr ��;th the oe a aloth ser;';Ce,,c 'Pile ciiu ' was t i Sire- worlld ceMe when teieiahorax eaaior� oors. r, _Seldrupi anettvoemswop;neo resF orkin3aotl2ho,ni'anfore'r,azni:�hi;orfioo'3fo r1r,a1For,crr„rnfi�Id A. Pith foreignersfDo- • T, cs : b F the thousands s •e roast mike 'pre.- as lareciat;fro phi! 4 in : thetl co°D'd taration to .live theta the ospai and be bea= tinge ;from .I'hcl Ile ' -wit! lon> F 1 a million and a half of none5' 4S was ieb eve�a,n� tear ° �.an('ar L}A'Lf•, ' ZS,�. hint eeded to 'crgaziP” td is as taken front [lets ;`� a �er preachan� and teaching phtees% - diso is arseravisible a It ~;' s Toss er6 a cesu r rarz_]tozz 'the Ti^Miari(+ e.coir_,c. On `,>aaaday ry z::a; a ''' 4 day a veninrs the WV is Il Ti sio aFv ,Follow ed: Tr rim ttror'mm fan `iSEi �icpd 1 aeras ouelts�• 1 Sa iety gave 'a banquet to the �. tor..i�: txtQ ©f Ne trh two hundred o3F ' o,,; n men K sae :n * and addresca^ T+ie c#xaaro l a;Iz to the c Gher loci lay Prof li sc Steel a jlns les -hieh Were'k utii°illr decor- , aez?nstette cetleletiftg of ,Tonle a :AIWA A of€:d: 1 hot co'lt's, dinner -kr s sex- ' a�*l+e`a�•tttl"leexlr lif'dse!z` eaaa. ro tx' e tt«re�r, 1 1ir ro r t z:ilI ClInd'8 1% lat ith John Ratcliffe D xxlVha h, ofP 9a4r1 faRlltlsled: the. Sa3ftt,•:Tsac c,4rFseeoit.,�'aTleYexceiledttO,ar��iotiirerrseer cnaapht or sol- gieent.t.rr d4r04,e4 iVt1/i•set Philitis hove an yViers,eShari VP arra rtu aye a. X ir ;zzad 4,ir,: Dowel Mr. (lee, htardev t he (&rs f !,sae >r -E awl able tier! cloalucz3t .;,c' arias f011on-��rl .by ;•ova, .T. lI, A7`nran; Seal of thea ,ayirarrll'a 'Risaouary fore exit for the Meth, - diet cbnrclt, Arxmr is aryl- opt MissiQilEry7,Yaker and kis,, ad dress atirred the :aarelitaa.+ WLieia Sire- ler sinzllar occasions +v•.3, the lett st.: 'vetberina of ',ellen he had tread then rivilege -of addressing; Thesnezlc- �vFli 'wide the 1, rAau-ing tlee+ls for issionaryentetlarisr; the irade,iaz,rey Ott rearilt at tier cl.is''paasal of [lye' ls$iozzni' Voraxlitts. ^ To Meet the Sty of the ".a#`ethodist eintrela the tit-. * of ever' na^ akc�r,of :the ehureh n..ma 'tee required* There is as „great .-ihility reati a;; on the ,I'1 tlmd- urel, 'tc': .vet the deleands In.; clad foreign 'fields 4 resole 1n the a tli anon, tall' a na=zi.. tatrilnation of ter, ceftt l hex•; waren ,carrirsr votes; of ro laaS 4:,to the: Iodic tor' a5aazaotatons repast and fid' ttviai It it waaS 'pre]nar fi so Far thea cai�z*a^r ick NQI3I•:ipl Mrs. and ;Miss BaaEraa t of 1'.eaarain r - n visited °3 rae5' : r, Ueyrrood MSf Phone e 32 Jones & :May, Exeter moimmaummemsmonsimmenwrimmimmoismwomminiainasi TIN MITBINQ grid PaLJMBING CLEARING SALE OF Slightly used Stoves Seel Ranges second Hand Ranges $10 $15 ' $18 and $30 Second Hand Heaters $6 10 12 Second Hand woodand 16 Cook Stoves:at $3 and up Buy Your Tools where you can get a big stock to make a selection Agricultural and Pipe Wrenches from 45 to 1.75 -Good Hand Saws Good Hammers God' Health Sanitary Closets at 25 35 and 45 at 50 60 85 and 1.00 oval Purple Stock Food 50 to 1.:50 International " 25 to 3.50 Calf Meal 1.25 Herbageunx 25 and 50 Caldwells Xfolasses•'Meal 2.00 and” 2.25 WASHING ,[.CRINES HEAMAN SHARDWARE AND STOVE STORE [BORN -.€ltii'silv'ix—Tn 'Kirkton on 'Satur- day b'eby 15th: to a1hr, and Mrs. W, N. Gunning a sore (William ;Kea- , neth , ;i2V{11,R 7G—In 'Encan ocn . 7ar 29th: +' to Mr, and ?1Ir..s. Art iu 'C, V.raring a son[ MA'RRIIrD S�fLKE1D_DAWDEN-In London (�on tSatuiday Eebp 1511 by the Rev.` 1 W.I, 'Martin, Miss Fanny 113a.wden I of Exeter. dauYhter. of the late ,W m 1 l3 o Mr, Isaac .Salkeld, or, Getderichr ..tit15.1 i-�RODD Ori l cb''1ath 1913 at' the Methodist !parsonaifge Woodha,r3" the ''Rev C• �V Baker 73 D,i jMi t3lwey�,t elsou Amy. of. Oi tloq] ,. ask, to 111 .. :.ter of 112: Beef,Iron i1 and Wine t 11 o 'welfare of fI Vire rune discovered i T T:. follotvin,; address was read ,day ex'pressin, the kindly feeling of this eeenlnof of l' The fir shortly a class for their teacher, Mr, SLcad-, seven ac,oft The fire Marled man zbly responded. a ihr end• of the., tia•st count;ter on Mr, and Mrs. ateatlmaan--We .aorib ro,i3 or the store and was not - little the privilr ;c of cominghave iced 'lay a 'passerby who unmeciiat'ely 'nae Home this evening to s' 3znd to :Tare the alarm A !locket briigatda� little time with you, Since rend carried wafer from a fa.p u-hlrh the among las you have endea'rbYl' firm had recently connected with the 'your- wafer works system: and traa . sneerss self to us in many 'ways. We have fail in extingnisning the flamer?' Thr.' enioyed the 'good will and e:Irnesi: fellowship you have in a i'lhristian` had the were aid i an the re z' one manner shared with us. had the [hose laid in tae store ready More especially has our attention for immc?•3iatr+ :action but w.cre. not been tolled to your earnest effort or ca.lted myon: Thr. orixfo of the fire; instructing us, as Cod, hah direotedi is a mystery: 7t was fortunate that Tom We feel that by your, tai$ avb' the :Erre teas noticed at the brae ,i: have 'been 'able to obtain much Vlore'' w�a or a few minutes latex tin light 'from our Sunday ebool les- flat: a thine would have been in stns than we otherwise 'would ehavb demean` as`it was considerable of eon able to have obtained: Our ear drr;ss [goods, shirts• counter ere, t4`ere west horc is that you may sparre"•d: badly burned and the flames seorteb- o continue in 'the good work, which. foilthe ceiling': The iiamabe was ou ?have undertaken, and that we by aline oovered: by iii sur allege! s ear - our aid may be lifted to a bather anew to the' amount of 2G17Q0` is car-` .d nailer standard, of iChristair_' anhoocl. We recognize that in the aching'- of our class, you.; Place ex - a labor ion, yourself, aside from ur regular pastoral, work, but we lieve you do it for the love you' ve- in' he1!phr your [brother- in the, ays of truth, and. we earnestly !pray, at Goths richest blessing' may be owered upon 'you, end that ronizhout :the remaining Part oC ur life you may always find joy in iniz the work 'God has called you a hey- Sodholt va ate 1 in B. at week ttarr i:9 the or'tic*t' of the clra sale :a't a. Skinnerrz, corse and secure a Quite aa, Sew from here the anniversary services at Road Presbyterian church ozz .. evening Last., r Q»Thursday evening of last fleeI.Nrenb [bible 'Class of the 'Suntih ne a'rpointment. together -with their wives and hest girls,'1.'01(1 n visit to Rev. and bars,, Steadman o1 Elimville An enjoyable: evenivi trek rAfent sriielIanY matches etc; '�laoh nC tuber donated 'tta.d a sack of ' data for i.. actor's Morse, n. ir0 astof is Tllalat of Bxeter; Its3.i tirzsith of Hens or Vromart„;�aai- led each cheer fol ra lrecf ,Tlap dress of then evvrnin was xvea flee !guest; of the even#n4 I.1'ovF :Iteldrurrt'.Th dr.,tooe oieke on x`,11 lralsciences." lie earrie,al his and c (la t* to the old church anti theaxl over the 'Ia1stol•y- ot# #Q y tiII all ,were lost in ;allrairatfon :and. thatakfulness. The ly,roeeeda sof the anniversary netted $111Q, The �j, astor of telae Chorea Rev, Voila rletebilr; rvirta oecazkled the Chair has I elm in •in hn len- took. ears 0 la n transact 1` s A,4e' s with tkaraac_ �r +.7 r-' i 13 rad or ,the 'g e t 1 tihxys oat t&' :ast 0 istaxago ah thrrt. igli m:ilest'• ar'e, r That Exeter is almei Miles ei terarit+a:ry' a,ul ing' tutee these:,, "tsltb n.-ldrurtd bit*. the ezt a. au�s ata this vi,i?ianityfy. Ifia -areas �.o Exsativfr of l34, axe 1' .4 lard Yi `cta^itllai aara'rtarrnt >s: ooxa tcA _our tt*aaxrtTt aar'ry il,dela PeetirmA l deb thira4-� �a ala' 'Hz:o1» 5� yo em, nleaa ttatr reel tatx t= .lar c11rt >a r of 1aasn* Son raalnt o nit horst hav ra toy* in othei �.r3rt oC $.11a' orltl is �laa4 tea 'Pain 1aiela: to vial fieayorl :lye [pis birthlinee: There ra g to re:nrd tlaaxa, x&�tst 11a: fir 1 the congregation far I Is beloved to -day by atriinranity: at Jones & May's al s` wa t 1)4:e (Yet 'With nine nc„� lattar'«,f to eatuxr fleas year., auad the Carnegie T ibr,,,a,, i• tliart the 'citizens 'want and 'glen ipost the office that auz t to be n the a=tri- �alementnry estintaates, 1vet„r w.illi how a Boom 1rortil Tthile5 , a:n �h• oz tttl °ontFR zzlort 'e+tec Sip tr+ e a orzzt °az r • • rayts dr n ,once y�eaiis store on: Tbnr T1 a;td of this � . t i t± lalzo ' :laoo� :aa'si by no means living it, an isolated & w naunit,Y. Excellent roads. Tura! •. mail and, rural telephone tayatc.m9 iter keep thetar farmers in ron4tant^ touch and the autracic with each other t ^ • f;hc w'orls�� These eonvenit'nees Sire sul;- I rli, d at a minimal/1i of cosi' awl are a :great advantage, 0 * * r (Peptonized) b This is a delicious tonic :worth try- f flat;: We never ask anyone to buy the t second bottle—they always a it without askin y !Delicious in taste, it con ins iron to m enrich the blood, ne toni � beef to feed thep d (dig -es tissue an Dice ti wine as an appetizer, Teti feel'o worn-out, tired and run down, you be need atonic; you couldnt find a nett- ha er one titan this. We sell a great deal w of it—like all Nyal remedies it ; is of th highest quality. We can sell ' yoiz nh cheaper kinds, but you will be glad ,ii you paid $LOO for Nyal's, W S vo , [HOWDY Phan. E. d 'Chemist & Optician • ONT DISTRICT NEWT cv Twenty new letter boxes have'. fe been Put up in St. Marys. The funeral took [place at Mitchell we at Mrs. Tdary A Challenger;, relict of Je the late Wm [Challenger of God(aetrich eve She was 184 years` old and for many th years resided at Mitchell and 'Logan Se [The barn of alirs, !!Haller. of near W Xinpen was destroyed by' fire on Fri- day last.. The barn with all the sea- sons lay >.and [grain was "'burred to [.:round.; A volunteer (brigade of far- hers had the , hardest kind of work keeping the flamles from, spreading Mr, L Dennis . one of Wir.;giaarirr's oldest residents died at has home at the a;g'e of '79, He' came ,• from :Eng- land as a young' man and has,residend in , innham ever since, si.des� hi[s �Sife he"leaves four sons: and thilee faugbters: The 'f!uneral was held last `?Fr•ida. afternoon. zxoon Emmerson;stcheson' son of Mr, ar.d Mrs, 'Pireir Acheon. of Downie dropp- nd dead on , 'Wednesday evening ' of ast week at the 'home .of� Mr. and Its,, Wm, ivfoffatf. ,Malay of„ .the is i hbors had fathered to:[honor �Lb,' ost and hostess -and -fir, CAdhessoni rad taken part in the programs He eft the house and was dzscov;,'reih a ew minutes later in 'the woodshed trike» do}vn, with heart trouble. EXETER. ried on the. Stock by the .firma, CENT r ALTA theuC Creditonning. on their owr. ice hockey seam defeated the [Centralia Whirlwinds in a well contested 1arne by a score, of 5 to j2, The 'Centralia boys blame the 'envie onment. as the cans e of tbillr defeat- The flak barn with its mammoth Pil- lars reaching from. the ice as su porta to the: roof no donibt: reminded tbr..nl 0 of the architecture more common tea I to'do,r� Now the God of Peace,' that the ancient orient ar.d at the same R O iirouzht again 'from the dead our tirne !put them, at a disadvanta' e, for L,oid Jesus. that ,great ishelihieird of un.awares,ntbe `home boys:' would the sheep, through the blood !of the °oun.ce oat from behind .-the pillars erlan�ting covenant, make you per- and+run away with the j)uck. The et in every '!good work to de his Centralia toys were agaire'handicala- 1 ivorkin•�• in you that [whi:ch is 'ped throarg'h the lack . of ' proper 11 gfeasin�s in his sight,,through equipment.[ Murray Elliott the sus ;Christ to whom be !glory ;for nromisiny !goal tender, being mi:i us �t and ev'crn Signed on 'behalf of slim [pads, hut not lack'.of 'initiat:ive e. Men Bible class of Sunshine/ was 'forced to fasten a icou ale of bbath school Matthew 13outly T. roa ~alines underneath his ;, trousicr Skinne'?: 1 1 : legs as a means of managed to come'. oat nrisca thed, - Mr, and lldrs,'Ainos, of Grand Bend. ('' es Ziod,gins manages, aftHe Whirl left 'recently for their lima '; home; ands, is cauitcirst .idof his llrodilgy of Tuesday evening prior to .their in tlns,''thci.i. first siiaivin and or]y leaving' some 7e guest s: lgatiieiaz;d at i•°rre,ts that he had not �1pr[evioi sly their home to' say I-oodb'e. Llheyltltmn'1 [het Je.i' ibiLi'y, ,ro r :(Pr \v ore presented with a. itlorris 'chair A. •and. a.jardinier 'stand, *.these -4verae � Rc h 'A, '13ieh�a.rd of Port PerrY .accompanied by an address Mr, and tiaeSu dti in 'the m'iJ-iat ist: otiurch. Mrs,' Amos were ;rorninent a ori ors bn Suaa`day evelii2s last. in .,,the church and were know%. to " .7,r, .loo thauwcstc s5viond.yn hit ❑a• ` r to n i a of t �i 1. .," ala O ' TC`l er ' 11 ' y 4 s. is 'tti c ' ' aL ori fi�Ianuaiy , oY Mis. Dlargaret. Guinan aged 53 laic `Tis crels: of M1 Joseph Cxui.nan, or' -Mount Ca. r- i `ar flit" 1osL noC c official mel died last `Friday iia ,',i., ,Juse1.h'a {{ F n 143,,trd of the „Centralia giver. ev, hospital' London. .Mrs,, Guinar- h ,d l •Yr, 'W'oti•s invitation was 'alvei: .1.iev. been ill for' nearly ten week r,d re -4 latctaLar to rernain.a `third cantly underwent tit naier.i ,,on; 7ii�' real trr�iuen `.'` �.ff.a. I'Iiomas r1I Lei ,,i :T•_ >,;!place 011 oxi tla;r �]i,,y lis dautrhter' north' .oi` ,foraaf:'o-;"," The R. 1t Station is iD:.„1. n retiovat- eu',f 'I1: is high time that the cern•• ;.aay f ta•nished more conmodious' and (co nf.or table building than the tnc.. We have had he1-e sin.,' abe'i+ar., liest day of the. L,• H. 4% !Ig', MAIZSEIALL —Tn. Clinton or., Febru, Co•o'pera:tion is the Tzayt•no'Ee:that is hein?.: rounded at all the grain ;*,rowers, fruit ;rowers, and veget-'. bale (growers conventions and every other convention in connection with A4riaatlture. farmers most get to lather and study the means to "put their ,prodncfs on the market at tha3 lowest + costtoconsumer. What about a fruit ;growers Association in this district The benefits of bein,g corir.deted with the waterworks was evidenced in the 'recent tire. Dad Xones & May not 'been Connected with the water- works the damage to their stock would have teen many times greater than it was. To install thi. water- works costs very little and !gives a deal to have water handy even if it is never needeck . It 'Canada is to increase her 1:iopu- lation by the millions and the cities are to !get the majority of that lpopu- !titian imarket for farm products most he !greatly [ increasgi. This section cannot be sorPa.sned for igen- 'This means we will. have to raish„ More stock fruit and vegetables than we are at the bresent One thing the residents in' this ,conirounity arc not troubled a great deal about good water. Only those who have had to but up 'with impure water or travel long disfan' ces for it know what lots of tgOod :vater means. Mr, T., Smale the vet - ern well digger of Usborne who can relnte nearly instances of the ir,cred.- ulaus turniug rod. sat down to tount he has dug in this section and be figured out two hundred and forty- three. This does not the, large number he has cleaned or sunk deeper. Last year he repaired and, built 24 pumps: In the spring he will [be ready to go at it. aglain and anyone tenuiring. his services joist call up 44-7 'Kirkton. nan IS survived by bet husband and a family of three .,.ons and three le Mar.jolie and 3Vintd,fred, Mr, Geo, Thomas. was taken to St, Josel:la's hospital 'Wednesday evenins. to be oEerated on for apPnntlicitis. Card, of Thanks for.. their p 4t. and kind siStance store last week. JONDS MA, AMAN 9 a Bi .i� dy . ode ' a Paims C4 re educes Fro a' 25 o o1 20 to l5 rderers educed e, oa $25to X20--'' $15 z t' scci Reduced Pro n $18 to $13 12 to $8 You an Dress Well at $10 to $25 fir A full Line of Shirts Ties Neck Scarfs Suspenders Underwear Hats Caps c. always on hand