HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-2-13, Page 5! TUESDAY VER./WARY 1Z 1013 HE EXETER +++++1.4-1444.144-1,-1÷1.÷++4.4.i. HOME STUDY 4-* 4' Thousands of ambitions young e. people are instructed in their -.1* homes by our ho ie study dep, artroont you may finish at, e. College if you desire. Pay henever you EXnenience. F Argest. tranigs in Canada. Enter any 1: "A. day. Positions guaranteed, If 4:- Yen wish to SaVe board and e - ie. 'learn while you eaen, write 4, for particulars. NO VACATION Clinton 13iieinessCoilege SPOTTON B. F. WARD 14. President Principal rielelee-144.÷.-ereelee.-3•444++.3.4-41 CENTRAL (diffa, _ artam.ToPw4 ONT. The rkU training sibool In Ontario. Three de t OartmentS romATER:10f,ATI,';," f.r.fORTHAND iee NE1.4013A RAN-, An etairSee AXO tlItgori3U • end VraetIcal Tdaottero an elz,, ertmced oiI ates ore 4' ed in V We v'tive _ tier; azd sttO4- "16' Y time. free cotatozue 1 01.1144N. Principal. • .04411P41P414144I.11r411111-.0 t oote, OULD oRogity osito IsTE 47, tre LighI pr poselbl a Seed or briog Your 0.1 a. to us orol*rho *Ortvi that this is the Right Store to Iiy you Greceriee and Pro. VISIOnff. Illi 1E1 AND 00ir4. 1•VANTF.D--Cho1ee Butter a Fresh Eggs., floman 6 Interested anti should itzunr about the 'wonderful Marvel wm"hv strq Douch tlregglat for be cannot euP1117 lEARPRIs, accept no *that bat send atatop for Illus- trated book -scaled. It giros Dill rLIc1iTh and directions invaluable ladlett•WINDSORSUrrLYCO,WhIdelorp Gestural Ar..1141 for Crediton Miss Delta Brown has i-eturnad.after visit nr:th friends in 'Zurich utl Dashwood. Miss Mabel Wenzel has left for De- troit svhere she has secured a position Mr, Lee Horn -nail of Zurich spent 8PndaY in town, '‘ Miss Elbe Link 1S---visifing friends in Ee-eter. " HerhEilber who hae been on t sick list is able to he out again. Mildeed Brown ot7.oricit,sotnat lane day at her home. ' Mr. and 31rs. Sneider of Radisorl Sask. who have been visithag the lat- ter's mother. Mrs, L. Wem have re- turned to their bonne Ur- Bor.. Geiger of Zarich . Will preach in the Eveogelical church in Lin- morning and evening next SnodaY The pastor IIev. Burn will be absent, conducting 44.,,I1Di srereary Services for bis hrOther vr•- 9 is pastor in Hamilton The skating oo our rink has been greatly eel -eyed by the Young neon/e. Dille Are oat for a carnival to be held on Fele 14th. Me. Alvin Johns of Exeter Snout Stinday At 0. }nn 'e. Sylveeter Wuertle has returned ome after spending a few weeks with friends ila Michigan. *WIN*GBAM 1 "The 17fingitam, ;Baptist elotrch was; tire oWednesday Mr, Thes. Challabees reeently eeiyed the nev-re tbk. death 9 bia Iittk1)1044, 4allg1t.4,1s or Mr. nrol INIrs., John Chambers or Ar- den tsfAll.., Slie n Very brIglit and Attractive 'little Child of four yeorti. The orents ore rtVarlY ores- 1re ted .3 -rid over the loss • or ihi-r little one, owl 1011 have. tho VatIty Of frlerala IlerPs Mr, dee, -Edwards just eentb ot Crediter; leeta VAinilbla horse tly. The horse got 1405P 010 PiZilt And in IVAlklf.g Dbout tekiled OD 4 fork the handl:a VU!LJUIIz ir.t0 its bowels ttvo feet two s. The OniftAll lived until Nor. - ay erel was `a heavy dranght 1;104 Ethvarcl,5 bad only recently re used•l% for Ite Alonee UeddeD o VrctlitQl3 •ry $ainfully njuredr AloDAO tk'dden 'Met With It Tory oairtbai A6- ileut while tLQ toiput on a belt the roller Inill at Mr, 11,„Sweitner, Iletidier; 'telt' something polliog at, and turned to loosen it. ehatt sillich won turning slow'.y sought biro ond threw biro t) 111C floor, When Itelp tettehed VAS 1,01.4134 Ithlti 1141E14 lareken erne between the lathe*" Ana aIde. ECtliCal 'WAS 4 onsl the broken memblar Mr, Iletlaeu wlit ttuay be r thee,. .44144•mr4.• WOODII.A31 Swelizer hes ilia; Ale Our s oi Ailder$tilk worth Lengue Anniverseiry eervies•el IflL 'Sander loot, • Mr. Wm girk who tittA tO tooO4 lot aovotot dityo Ittl„4 Ampowitat -untroved. At the 1Februrtry CAparierly our pastor Rev. C.` tiff.iDolter °select:1 and accoldeti no antar.iturota vitatioo to romplo or. tileclIcuit e'econP, yeeree IOIS youn stcw 'KIEL DRIEt) 20,14114 yott have not been taking roper sore; oC your skin.; 4t needs L:ziitirwIlaitjlrs! 00 33414 US, your teeth or your vouttl live jliSt AS nature la- nd we should we wooldn't neSti to..worry about our hodiuS and would ot-old age. But if we would repair the soya; Sincidental to the artitical lite We dU1.we suaa1ea1. the regular use ot soiiji such dainty emollient as Nyals n4 Crone It ecollies out the 4 ra W I I lid uncolurortable fueI • in Irom vind. sun or berdwater: Leaves ti Act sation cot „sort andagrtaue Litt comfort. Costs only a miarier end see- leoar ntee you will like it,- • *Mr, IS, •2 °IVEY Phm: 03, Cheat St & OM:10bn t' ExV;TER WITA11.10 rnAkK.Fos EQAT4 MrsJI voN RoDEN ‘rcetr,;:ivoituv:toixagtelh.:woayt LYNDON KY Recommends Lydia E. Fiuk- ailes,WgetabieCoctelpow4 for Bacia,ithe, Nervous. IWO* kteadAthes*. Tuaon,. Keneer `4I have beer tAlgio,g 1.Ydig.B.Pinlchain's-siregetableCompouP4 ferheadaehesnenrelginpains,baelfache. leerVensiMe and &general run demt, tone d/tion of the sYStem, And am entirelY re- lieved Of these troubles- 1 recommeed your renlediee to my friends and give you permission te publish whnt write. saturday fo the Exeter eelneleg. -Mr. H. vox RODEN$ I.rttiolt, KY-. When a woman Ke Mrs- Yen Foden;0-1,E,RATIDN 7011, 1I1E;-3 FAILED is generous enough to write such a let- Zttia-gak was .tried Au4 Worke4 Vern Of last Iweelr.t Only the traits Tes• t '' • tonoined "standiog. The new organ that was, installed about two years lige was brolly damaged but may be 'repaired. A. new piano vett in the Iday ;before at a cost ot 442G was *destroyed. he 1005 ialeoveneld. by in- surance and is estimated at about *7000'. The doss is 'believed to have Started fro111 over heated furnnee ipes. Dr. .Jobn 'Wilson, Vt, S. Mlle, Jur 27; years has 'practised in Winehaen stied last Thu t's day a er 'an iflnss or only two weeks with an inteeeell scaneet„ 'Ex -141a;) Sou t on has imrchased tile IN 1110 -tam Ad v'tt nce and will take" Massession on Ma r ch. 1, The Advalide iconsideract 'oiie of. 1.11c bil h Cast 'Weekly Papers in Ontario and haq large 'circulation. 'It is Practically the- only 'Conservative lpapar in thc, vidings or North and Fast Huron. tbe -.paper 'was 'founded 1870. For the VIIALEN Mr. and Mi-. Ileetoe spent Sunday with:ber pitrents af, Derixes. . Miss Eduti, Gunning isyisiting her cotisins"Mie and Mrtse. Not -min Sem at 'Norwich: A number of choice cattle were de- livered by the farmers around here and Zi011 on ItIonday aud ;received, a high figure. - iliose who are e ce us towed to put - ti ng away ice are linisy'rtelt this week. Mr. Geo. Millspn „sold to 'driver 10 *Mr. 3 no. Andrew's kt.%ViflebLde1 lira n (home figinfe. ;ILO The badnen s ivaiihedliere onMon- tday of the sudden death of Jtle 'Greet who was emnloyeel iii 3 train 'hand on the G. Te .116- Was /meld- ently killed' near WYoming. He Nil:es a brother , „of Collier Grant a former public School 'teltellet here. Les,s 1 Wan tn o years tlgo he maxi ied MieS Sophia .1,1 111 of neat - ti, thernrell aved saire then have littide there home iu Sarnia. riburstcday Feb 6th at the age of 14 Years and two meet:es; The news "of his death Oalne as a surprise to the neiehherhoed a.e PYOus had been ill only three days, with emee aorde. Ile was born ie -Yorkshire Fneland on NOV, Ile came to Caud iia 2.85/ and r.esided or. the 5th -n ot trete: no- nr.tir 1888, when he 1-n:wed to the dtli and 7th concession where he has mace. resided Ile. was elealfter of. V.4. church for over forty ,).e.ers is survived by three brothere cue eieter, Mr. John pylins oc Mani - ton Men; Afr, tly, Pyhlte o the'ltlifs concesekee of Toolotramitb, Miss Elizabeth Pelane an Themas Pylets of the •Aith VOneeSsien oE trehorne The latter 'cwo are "high sick with pneumonia. The funerel was held OL tar as the &pm for poloheution, sha silookl At /east be given credit, for olu- oorocleolto Whelp ether slIfTerieg.WOMM Awe assnre you there is no other rm.-- son Why eha sleauld court such publieitY. Canadiant Expnrieree0; Wilellteer*Ont--,'"Thebirtil9tfigly &St - lett RIC ArWeck With terdleheWeek Apollo, 1)41 an gbul, to toll you tbutI ot have 0064 week wits and 1 feel rrg illWQ14TraillInbe A rilalibatlen 'Vegeta, blACOMP9444, 1m17 '40Wll -eawl otron wad con 4o toy 61714 11,01.1 'Werke 140 t take tedieLne any kind. It vas 0 Own. It11.-"ee Parc least 15 year it has been conducted ie 1--ve neee ee'siet.Grantort levethe sp- by Mr,e'..Cheo 3 (all, "'in) lias' 1 brought epathry .1„,th.4.40itimiteity ha their 1.0,4 . . luele state of efficiency, and beieavelerente'. :Mr., Grant has been eia,S niade it a very populee Journal. railreesdine-fer Several years., limn FREE TO Ytlat, AND Fvenv•StsTEn e- UFFER- MK' TO yo-twilWOMCNS I have foiital the, Wilif.11/1/11: lreo of any' elinilt.e, my borne treat- scient With • full iristructions'to any sufferer from Worudn's ailmeitS. 1 waiit,t6 Lell all Women ahlint this &are reader;- for' yourscIfi, yur daughter, your loonier, oi your sister„Livant"lp tell yplt 1,ow 10 cure-,Fyourselxes at-lhome .WititoUt the help of a doctor. Men eannot niideistand:WOot, .en's Sufferings, We Women knew:from ex- perience, we know better than any doctor. ,I know that My honteitreatnientis a -safe eend Sure cure for e drilweacittWhitislid tile ration, nis- i 1,,YIFTP:P ie ogiitetr." E. Pin Oat res RRISCAT RAIEWAWit Wirsisorg, Ontario. Wfillt opeols1 Advloo lt Rialtowu Xo4loloo Co, OA ItlasAt, Tour lotlertuti, AO =wend by a strlot outtdruea, b Itadly 'gutted by ne opt luroluou 1,Yritio-4! Vopiar B. 0.Ursa, 'C Lionson et the preprieter at Cominereial hotel seYe- I Surf(' or years *with bleedinx !piles, 4 T iaia:4VO-S SO liad ar tialeS I Coal ly and OrdinlrF reeeedie 1.11Dlible le atly ase ly I de.*ie t loader:To arttq it and went to kb, Saered IleUr at Sookone, There tte, •ou operittielt and did al II for Met. rtIr a time inly better but withlo rooble started iIes ealne ntlinful 03(3.. 134 VtAllti;tS. mI indeed oveothitt; 14 to liheTy tootill X coutime4 b hoolin;„ tun& tbe dull. utilize, Au reollu; that tb ease aues corttnotA ag ba4 County Council Notes 'Rev, D., W. roithisf towe Appointed tbe reme.eentative tor 0,14orea;tite5;119Dirtilltieve8restilta3,t,...e Haar -d of ti Mr, 'kV, McKay of lieneall athersoipetaerd, County examner i The *Executive Committee recoln- t)nrrn, :ant the 43.1s' o the O'at'..d Battalion for eaeh des- ef ele : tbat be ...granted to e Sid; 'ClgildroDfsi100sPittli Toront tilt/ e-Zratoted to the Prison trs ASSociatiTtan; tbat ;:e109 bt,t, .?;ra a the three tea.Spitais tile -Coen :c divided an Ibe uc. t0.--rii'Leflt rail -s ar bthe e. a.S r ale° that tbe t-gratut *273o Parmer's InStiTet es I, that be ,3r-al.Ated to the Poeltry Aseeeiation instead ot eekee roe Lb-4na°•i°.5 LI me-arSant.12terdtb4r.etei'la°SiTe:i44 $15 the Dee Keeper's Aseoc, atien 2U oqr flowers and s -Ls aroand the -court house; also tba s-cn t'raAtt ;to lest year he sat "ClatetilatliatilP0IQ 1* CIOSS sehcatt'S henI10d (8i 13417crel: tIrk41:11 ,4471410.' $40e. h°, 71-1:17:191. ei:114 h that the matt 14 8 s Wauflutstiltiv ault th est of Trf lfga"rrlhv the)- 14bLtobe Coottani 'At Sgeg'agar:::: Brc,tc'e- r at Vaal the necessary a, A$ gitil47/14141: cr.11r,lr at t *trait nn 1,Vont A ltet Slater 41 in gs •low You v t y a Liuilci nut op rano ea Viols. etery -nt1y oe Ibe vette:Igoe 'tlIiifttIt. 1tiLII1l xjee. One at night for a %t•hile o tn OAC occoslooally will keen your ow1s awl slomn:11 in a healthy omfortoble venation. Cost oillY a 4 t' ZAC b3rt of to itlgos db iii -t roiary the 43110 oteotinz aye/content is cots otay neot t tender or Hear vtiou or th er the mile coo Stephet bang the .Ir:krCt;111011011 manes pap P14- I owl t4 that ti .44,4 e following ts the aot'rect 10 .0 •2111tbOrtm for the month or Januory 1913. Sr. IV-liozel arunkin. ;Connie liar - per, Elaine Stdwort, Ethel McDonald. ar IV Gladys Duncan Charlie 'Cot tei ; Charlie Turnbull. Garfield • Brown.. john rottel Harold Jeffrey. Sr 9-14 WinnieMnht Violet Stewart Tames Hodgert Roland 'Williams. ar, Millie Pollen, Xtbleen Kay; Cotoil Stewart Arthur Rurdle; Wilfred Turnbull :Madge Doupe Xvi "Wil/ituns lst elass Gertrude Stewart Dorothy, Aratstrotg; ;Gorman Doupc. C. class Anna aetfroy Laura Knight; 13 class Cordon McDonald La Belle Noy Arabelle llunkirt; A. class Marie Cot. tle'INtimber on reit 39. Averaze at- tendance 33; M.. L„ Coward Anit Was. ',Carom, ewnifdelingb;-fteiveinsitoiSi,ti(iping feel. toe up seine, melancholy,' desire to cry. bot [ Ilasha,-wearictess kidney and 'bIcidder trooete , want to send you a -complete 10 days' treatutgni A Cif A 'LITTLE SO JZ, ant is a bi:"; bottle :or -stive Tonic.' lc test coritplaini we hear is -fire-III of eettine'enough ' to The tol1oWitt3 is the report or S. S, r.No. 8 Stephen tor the month ot a -armory. • The rintnes 0Z the tour hiehest in.each class are e'llren. -names appearing, it. order of merit. Sr. 1V-Itlyrta Ilavelle. llish- arel Georee Stebbins. Ella Cameron. Sr, "PeKa.thleen Pellotk; Sr HI Nelson Station Welland flay. elle and 'Catharine Dewey equal. Ar- nold BaveLte. Sr 111 Freeman Clark Garnet Patterson, Ella BaY Down. Kenneth Patterson. Sr, 11- Made- line 'Pollock. Sesepbine Allister, Fan- ny- !Baird, EJIa Disjardine. 3r. 11 Hew y Green 'Oiraldine Ravelle, Ross Disjareline, lFoyl Meson., Part - -Ida liaveIle, Verde Pare) Pearl Stone, Willie Down. Sr.l. Gordon Polloek. Winona Eavelle, Olive Lovie Gordon Allister. C-Ilarry iBossen- berry. Sesstortl Lovie; B--- Esther Green Ella Gill. James Down, Brul? Tiederman Alason, Boland' Elliott -V. Kerr Teacher. ' S. S. NO, 6 STEPHEN Sr tIV-350 marks --Irene Mawhin- ney. 1208; Veronica Hanover 198; Pet- er .11agier 194; Wilbert ITartruan 112 Arthur Hanover 72; III class 309 marks -Bertha Hartman 187; Edgar Mawhinney 172; Catharine illeDheald 146; tHerbert Willert 93. 11 -,class 250 marks John Hanover 151 Tillie lIaecher 113; 1st class 209 marks EdWard Hartelan, 58; Mph= Hart- nian. 125 Ptimter class 150 marks Alice Neeb 71 Vera Mawhinnay Florcete 'Ma-whin/ley 36 Ethel Wild 33.c JUST 'A LITITZ, OFF • 'Not sick by any means No, , but tr t Imre. Moore told% 11 Vest. being cilia sot rsrtdeportment at !M Ila McPherson hatt Hamilton where she la 4 lor a couple of weelts, ides the numerous other r bikfl by a, Ortwein at. the tryitbow, nt Goderich;le received the Assofintion eup tor the Ilnest disploy at Itlusle %stand Reds onit exhibition Whitesides went to Detroit last week in reponse to i tele:mot it lormitt; LIM that tbe mon answerir.; the description wonted in cor.nection tvith the bloglary at 'Brussels was beinz, `held there, together Wq11 :goods anstvering the description or those taken. h.'•i*ery; tutfortitn-; te accident hap- pened to Colin Had 'on wecer,tly. which will ttrobahlY t ontine Ihite to the boost, tor some time. `In welkin z "en art icy ;pot bd slippel and Telt fracturinz his hip. Ills many Wends hope for a :speedy recovery: io ROYAL PURPLE stoat& 1.:Nrstitiary- Specifies FICIEE vr. will send absolutely free. lo the asking, PestPaidone of our largo 64. -page books (with 4 seit), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed ail kinds of heavy and light borses, colts and mares, ranch cows. calves and fattening steers. also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as Well In winter, as in summer: lt contains 360 recommtnds from all over Canada. from people who have used dor goods. No fahosex should be 'without it. e o, mot 73 , te, for 'you Ben't 'fl'4et'ilitsflHi - 4"V 01 k ell ho. 13.0 R ft AT'S YOUlt, 1)11.GES1'101\T IN 'OH 1.51`0,M- AVItert Caused by weaknesses...peculiar to our s entirely free to prove i to Yon that you eau mire sLiGify TuLE,NcE elf) at home ebaily gniekly and solely. ' Remember' tliatlt wilt-costve ' you to-githe 3..katinefit a cptaptete trial; andif You snould *isn't°, colitiiii*, lt,: ',Will cost: you only about. ite 31,, - it :will notinterfere waft your work -or occupotton. scent4tWeek, or iess them IVA?. eedats a, 4 toss teritne-howyon stiffer, ily6u.tvislt,'endl *ill send you the sxc461.41:44:atitt..nefSet,),Yoatiai•rcillaitne,9eapntge,64.,.ific-Ait plain wrapper;',b3,rettirci mail.' I will S,i1s4 -Seed you 'free , St4.iit4Y1'P4)°1-'-,WOMAP1*,414rN MEDICAL ADYISER")witn,explanatOrYlllustmtunts sho*- cafl easily cure -themselves' at home. • Every woinan ,should. *".:144Vrucirit• ,le'a-Al!,1 teof.fit'habiCl. rteelrraelf-' 'Tliett'When'llte'd'aelOr S,s,Ys-.--"Yoll 0111s.thave ail apera-,. koli.earideciae4ox.,youe1f.,,,,rxhoil,san' d,s. of woMen liatin'eured 'themselves with .MY :home hie' •i,-r-wellielir):S. - -11Y-0,1",..4.4*PiTh 9?i-FT.1"1lfF,Ast PIL , Daughters, I win..esOlobt a.,Stinple,,nothe ulttr,ld "'envoys restutarolmtt ,, - ',' To, Mothers 0f,' it extreg,.iiiki:70 1 OliWviliO*ao,w,,ao , J. ilitS4i4iaft0tIcilliallV# V litUtlie4eS? 01443r,Ote et,(11e,, A/Vh1.1 Nya Ps, Th the "cl at 1 , Lkin itk Nyals- to -a cif o .it-t.c just: a lit;t1e, ' ' S, ',LIONVE't nisi; _t. L11 " igestive tonic is ot You can fatten.cattlik aid hag in a month's less lirne Wing eUX Royal „Purple Stock Specificthan you could,PoisiblY do without ilk therilby saving a moatlfs'fecd and labor and the cost te you will not be snore than 31.50 for six pigs or 61.00 for.isne, steer. It -will kcliP, your horses in show condition with, ordinary feed. It 'yon have a,..poor, zniscrable-look- ing animal on *your place try it on this one first and see the inareellons reehlt which will be obtained. Our Stock .8tiocilic will increase the milk flow tbree to ilve lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the stable.' A 60c Package will last a eta? or -.horse 70 days. a ROY41. isOttratur SPECIFIC will make your hens !ay Just 'as" well in the winter as in the sarnmer, and will keep them free '.frorn „disease. " These goods are pinV and nnochilterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific. 50e peltgs.; four 50c micas., in an air -tight tin. -far $1.50. Royal Purple Poultri, Spefie, 26c and 50e pckgs.. and $1.50 aw.tight tins -that hold loin 50e pekes. , Royal Purple Lice Rifler, 25e and 50c tins; 30c by mail. - Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 50c tins; 300 by inail. Liaimenth ,50ebottlej.SSe- by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50e 11n; 50e by mail. Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26e arid 50e tins. Royal Purple Rom) Cure,. 25e lino; SOe by Royal Purple' Worm PONVder. 25,3` tins; 30c by Manufactured only ,by TheW.A.JenkinsMfmen,-, Leroilop„Catitadot 11 4n-ttter ror ISl»l1i reSent kI rid te ; it d I t tt nte ts. t" lerelta t I zing that. oised to R1300 " .1 d ID -00 4 or a e lioii It is tmesttiot that the twitter *be to the *Abate council,. It was V*d011 ,ty the 'Council to leave the pr sent by-law aS it 'The County Treasurer reported th,t total receipts for the past year to ba liRiS.341; the total expenditurre for the. Year was $1,45'54,0: .otrat on band at the close ot the year. :•-;,13.901.; La - is ievied and -raised in excess, of ospenditure. $11,635. 'The debenture debt is •S1i3s0o0 and the sinking ,fur,d amotuds to 0,54C Six towns and villages hod not !paid their rates at P a Or t o3atiou o red with petition ounty of, al Licenses u of hors ier 1030b; euutry Id a - weated deM0404 s gerar- tot for who is sbte to earc, at hal74 Maizai labor nod w sae etto 01.5e., Lca fOr the a w it of -ii.e moo, whose trail eentty boll posiliepot responsibility. Th 1rsiM. ContteSVONPF,„Ne tittion that has 4oua o much in 0 pas nne * zPUpte fer w king men end WO/Meth, ow ei 2400-4o Atom A fxMi PC tite or pressia14 *Lt best snits your toSte and a help yoersel unt ar witbtrig or Adotar in e. pastiesreody to ou tl to pay bow solo aJcwe curcdt tbro ny 1 o FIJI Good Posi men: 'AM we of V S '44 the close of the year, but Godts,rieb ctud Win -glom alone rentair.. now ne- pa.igl, SHIP1CA The Shipka sicaters were mekine rood use ot the ice last week and are looking ifor colder weather. Miss rrillie Finktatiner is borne on a visit this week. Rutz illros of Spiplet lost a valua ble horse receetty. The animal fell on the ice and died almost cysptptte. but et yot; Royal 'Purple' Supplies a.nd little oft anti' , a 't lets titay be-obtainei Irorn r t tit' ' ,N yit gr ea J. atnan, Exeter, ni O'Firten„ CASTOR IA • For Infants and Children. file Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ef TE SCARCITY OF 'MEAT FOODS 03 , 9 277.0 24 101,01 .0 33,000 u in the fp nets ixertUit 513810 story. 'fit1}0b s exported amountut t 090.in 1909 to jti 99. anl in 1J1 to01,f1Db0iL It - 00¼ notfor treadstuf v Is 4.i. .- loin t vn]ue ninounted to 7.0111.1100. th *907 to 1i3Wtt101i and in 3912 lo 001,000. It ia interesfln;I 1 on lndntiv 1itnpse oL tbe E 'progress over a atilt It ei PE tittle told range ot arti:1r. r(er of, a eentury ago !products tondo up eibty4ouc cent of the total exports or tbi-, ited Lutes., in 1899 sixty Ver sent 1907 fifty seven Itersent it, 1912 only ;forty-seven tter cent. Moat...- while the population of the United shad been increasing with ,Zrest ,rapidity: but. the sonsnmers of ng e been increasiever. more rapidly thou. the producers. The e is /or "Canada As loci'. as for he United States; raise more agric, oral produce ot all sorts, and es e jelly beef cattle Toronto Gl Heba 1 • . . ' The st.aple meat eiood an beet, d there_orc, it is the most trustwori lay indicator tn. the 83)5 and .downs ir. the ,general meat food market. Price cc on supply in beefSS 1. 3' thing. else AvIlich 1, conic buy and se01 in open 'competition ar,„t1 :for all ,pra- ctical Purposes there is a very cIlh rela,tion betsveen Canada andehe Un- ited 'States in Ilia catiscs that r lai e till! SI/11)1)1y anti nrice o C becif each country'. At 'present the price' ot lbeef. is high, anti for reasons not 'pit.' to ,seek it is not likely to bo low again ;C0t. 300 14 iC ever4 Thte, most potent of these r csoil- is thet r owing scarcity of: beeZ cattle in tile ttld Stoics, asisi this cause is con -f, tieously: ro' ;"'"1 usinotliztallyt operative' The tgrott,i.t • trity oE rattle is due (0 the increatt.; in the ti;nittbe!r of' cot.- :tamers comPared Avith 4 he nu inbor c)( ocittters, and the consequent tis• oarity is certain to beconut intensi- led ;is yen rrS o , The United' States becn for a 011:2; time n heef exPorting, counts-3'- 11nd ,it is interestitig l Lotet8 1 tori'l. 11.S,::'e X por t.;', 01 Ca ,( tie and their ttr 0d 11 s , do rin , th e ' past. ve y's; The )following table xbihits .yet;Y, clearly thie tet reeo f . the beef' in • Ameil4ie; ' C$ •t 431t t0 - 1otejattof it en entd bAve wilrlit 011172 bliacz ileviittelur y 31 good and el ete Tele 1510, Crtr Lanobogo dat itiebristmas ttt lttat it which About the Mr.Hill t .T.S. t at iitttVlt1S of the ptoutt te have tf c I feel ;nni t1tin1 .111 • 6; I. ltot ;aye for Lenesuy .s. GIN ?XtLSwifl pr et yourNidu 043(1 Bhultit ogaiust the =ages ot wutcr No toot ter how tnuch you may dread cold -weather, because you have bee.uswthieet to RheutnatismorLutabago, you will be free of pais& f you take GIN PILLS. see. a box, 6 for$2.50. Sample free if you write National Drag anti Chemical Co.. of Caooda. Limited, Toronto., 136 In tone production liesithe'real•testoP.any,reearcl. Arnberol is the cieliest;' sweetest, inost lifelike record that has yet.been made. ,But ,it is more. It is pra.ctically tinbreaka.ble. fall from the table wol't smash it. And it i; so sturdy that' the results of the thousandth ti.rne you , play it are as perfect as the first. Ask your dealer to Inc you hear th Thomas A. Edison, ice., 100 Lakeside Ave)... oeseee, A coraplete lime of ECR -4011 Phonographs and Recor 052,31 ,tt 4