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Exeter Times, 1913-1-30, Page 1
Water Bottle 3n Hearth --A Comft»t Iz; Stole ass --A iNeresOltY Special Salle Thi, Week 0111Y20 Pl J CRINT .JEFF AU. GOODSfirm.„ Now is the thrid''.o hay a Rot Water Bogle And sang e ran ev ry doliaar, •`s$ CSL; Romp of Rex41 az P O l ¶3 Clearing Prices Al Stock Taking We have us 1 , u o our Wm 0 MAY Taking and r> . 11 new Farmers hist 'J'itc r€+tl t# meaty of true . t Ildarnn 'Farmers- J`n'tti0rzte was' a€ s:hc :rovrrt .ilal 1ci tri lv,eck T1eali4,�iiP',eoresdalseof Iasi ),ere G- S, Peart' ml R`a t13_ clay W. Scartt of Des- , rlinatost arzd �,,b red, 'Flak after ✓Soon etin.� Was Jar e- Jy wttended raid .r,3u'�ny 1>ractierl e% rf4 � 1 P t 3 L'at dfl € Tarlpe at Clinton g aPpe. sl irx it ,e ` or i clnta Mail and Empire sncl Londoaa dR} 'ra <d xrtcs o , h°ree Press on `;'CTedne,cdsay lsararning- i , ter i ra serutirty qf the votescast.s surround -Option 'fvtas co,r-dcreted bee toda, local stma ndmisx: co r zx aizt true• 3 y addytal t,, �4lidxcisr ~Sita.; f talc, of Gociericlx. 1 J3ry < bz xi .ra of rti rd or intensive f`, done. of Clinton, acted ns egnneal for:'; n can l e wor,knd i„ € )r the muniet ' ,fro Wort; €ullcatviorses �r .4 # �,� 4ar 1 rn) r farm improved a e d nuc trtl �� S were I. ii P ere taka4n av,as. r 1\ . Y, rt)", and a '0 or :',ant Ye �, , Peart S'pa,ke on rtilizers, �at�yrlr ts?rioelfor option Part)", rs Charles '0 zc S [re ;?oto air' fa4 and: ©4rcrrrXcai naazz^ re Jai Farrow- for tis Irtiatz"-e g � i,oaxdilz?d . � s vs°here epees Tax fib h • YrA ••" 1 c•1^ tci d J It an #o R{r'pi, theca. _her•, an • .A Sa'A Ward, wlacla ust�sFly gives the Cala a>7' 'se St p'3 oar t o •cthec and 1 d ;Scarff largest te;n plamnee vote the deputy I hr €t e i. .,Mita. CCE? r= 4 a Feeding or retur€aittgCp r4r rept.rtecl to the Clens e 4a_3 :M�t lI'' 11 1 bo Jar en Thurs., rsY. a$ c h.4 C'A r - tsvvere=ood rz��,e- r ITarr, d their c � a R�7tr3t�33fQrlgcal Qptaan, 1)ui; f-arrA and afi ass erect? Ikiv sets e' l Ch beef C and , handle ▪ e L, In to the as rm t";fke ercnin ',Ir, J' zit sena �tticzso of Case court: tci+~a��aFaCpo�,al or lir:, t©,1,: bo F').�cer 'urict df iPaae and M , Scarff ori -,e on wizen the .allots where taker? nu otl horses realized ter him by- lleI, edar.�, c t € Tarn?. SroRs -4.t-,.3-, Fora Cite box and oouoted the nia3�e izty .Cath Tics s €1e=.4 as Tam€ e _�t3,a:t Lirk� n?. -4 e aa�b.t Alfalfa.' , Arc,. #teer> redneed to s. i7d-r, Prone foot. zn , tL,r farmer , s t ,,-4 aJa 3 a• s } r os4ed ?Vii -V€ 14 pt'r✓titice the ez<iderace oft txr ®t fae azzi��lata , ca s a dataaxa caulyy sf he € -:,h tr; ;.alert■ tar tlepitvy returning a lr,;er ind 1 ° hti poll g Tet' 7l Yitai3l n sn�i� can ��`r�'e�4` ✓mita So b' ineetbwf disc iu order to s tf sr that the ballots 'i c;sslr. -Ilii,. cal "' f+ Sheep tt?m cte+I b U /militate d; yen tampered with durisrfi the 'with n few tea nits iltteai � �; x �hcc�r and rfi�� x�r ,ti rF1 ?Ir• cziah ft s are this t sect tt a xnfier verging since the eteetaa ' o .ei< ra twe 17,;..,7,440.1.# a , 9 fare aL�1 !} u` �a� rf# �, st. fr• Alitria Jir. re crtteatin 11t is 1v�• apt i;r .lid not APeept the ec i ar net tieing canrioced tht t he t �atsti sright tai der se, The deputy! tars e to ter has the nnbountled zaakCr .fsttf thea citttieRa., and thtW' oaxtl narlt al: the aripare;nt effort,o sic l v that. hada, ' Qt'iw tett tt rsattFtrod three>iiftim otrEil lx?�li nth;,, *a , Ittrrst, if e fd $alt ;k 4 Tin nitil tt 1 p4pler: pots titri Jett' is ttAzlaa>, llalf data sai fitaaa t fa s:hie Jr, tree`r'>ey tinttrorl chat bin dtotg at or kti ,r. 0 big Cleariug of at „ om for our Spring Rugs Swap down Curtains off gsz Carpet Car ets Qilelophs <, Eats way dd u at the lowest Coats Stoves Phony 32 Exe anges We have a large number of ` secon Iia id Baseburners Heaters and Wood Oak Heaters, Wood OOc Conks to sell at clear- ing out prices. Wood Cooks $3.00 n Wood 'P Heaters $3.00 up Oak Heaters $10.00 u p Baseournera 15.00 up tove Boards Stove Pipes, Elbows Dampers etc. Now is the; Time for 'Feedin Feeding Stock and PoultryFoods Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Foods 50 and L50 international -Stock and PouItty Foods 25 Pnd 50 I�e that the Society had a sueeessful ed us Col lo\ vs President at d en t D 1st .D' viceeG Pres Walter tiyiallro aurr23' Vice, Pres Geoe a r illebrkrlh't "S" y.. Trews, A. D. Caateroa. Directors -1V. A, LlIvEenzie and D, Doat;,ias Legal Geor g l emp and Mr„ Jacobs 1t Slay llar- ton; Robert Norris,. Rob -rt llocizson Sind James :Malcolm, Ilibbol•t; T. tti Roney' and Geoar •arid' T. cbelI; Auditors C ,e Parrish, I4Iit-� Babb. , 'tVoodt;es and W 'It was decided to ho)d the sprint fair on kp1iI Silk and ,t t fair en September 16th acrid 17 he hili The season's operationstit over at t'ht b.ly stab estimateofitsS Poultry 9ta.ti j:azade. The season output can nno i over three months didn't ran J time the 'tollotvi r but put t„ the Clinton were nut the lilens 4� Plant, C3iiekcr: 1 ,200; Turkeys 3,500 Gce: Clinton News Record. 5 On Tuesday: martin. ;i quiet pretty y weddin: took peace ,at Si.Church Drysdale whey. illi,s A 1)enomrbie was united ill triari'sa.y Mr. Georze Boucher of i ; ilk neremony took i `ii in clock and was 'place at ride FathFather Schroeder rlor.xied by : 1 was of %Sit ie. I. The assisted by her •ii't:<:r 141ias Laura Deno mmie. 'he Assisted by Mr, , ,iocinto ovue iii ; the ceremonythe i i Moro. 1= Salary- t4trned tlic bit ICI 7afty re - to the home of the br itlos Ipar, encs Mr, and _Mrs, li varri nem -min. -lie where a dainty tveddin breakfast was served Mr, and Airs, .itoi)clhor will leave shortly for their future i home in Car sonvillc. The Moron Poultry show was held ani ,Goderic iz last week. 'L'o say it was a 'rand success is 'nutting it mildly Never was such a�,collection of -birds placed t o„ 'etir'c)•. Over ` 90 entries were made and nearly GOO birds were Ihqe1zi, In fact the large room in town hall'was idled to its -art: t capacity, Every I av� Y i m rid i' ri C t h as cz'avv'ded by the citizens os - ally ally on Wednesday night when Das,•son of. 'Brantl`ord delivered dd r ass on "flo1! to Prepare Fowl exhibition Purposes. She showed she was familiar with the sub - and her; audience listened tvif.h alteration !for;• nearly- ar. hour a. hril!t' This part of the cxhibi- a` as very er5 hcl£)G�'ui to the exhibit - rid and was shown by the' numerous ions she yeas asked The routside buoys and principal e win- 'were tw c e liovey o!' Clinton;ti Orf err. •n ou,h or ironsaii and IPow-nay ti -tial Other cretries were i eca�v- Orin brussels. l5 We,i hl�iontraise.. ant<oxd irrantshy,,� Wzn�hlarr„ Con,: stance and i3ayfaeld„ `.the Jud �e Mr.' I'aatlo expressed thempiolon,; that the aCsocia�taon I;txaeted as � eod ar cot lectibe,a drtts caul liAR713 8rt RML'WA, '� _ No, -s9 :rim -4,101m A as, d anc9rinesve,fico lror , r0, contains saaltl�� lvvn, mat t elouttitn rs the corn ny+ tet fia�= from Barran toto late. surd res 'fl0 Ari nfOr u art ttltlyda\at' tato aariedfctiof xrinlon in hixt der tared to; `tefitC"lx itrltfid3rttu'r k natal Jar F x'-- 4r ot. I ria Com #rt *" ar+rt :litre. f1 A rltay'rouitiro, Ott Stat lay n i►roltrFatFurt otsd clisgatttlu of rlreta owl other )Sari+ai r f<ner k` Fat e, forret, and dispose at te'Frrlhl la krercat, subject to ,raft trfrlrtroy by the hoard of railway corn (Ts. was! ilea bchn t p \LY7 t theownership Ar thJn`rntaota steam bort serriec ttn osrra business or \vnre'hou e<,mezr a.r ii trips and forwarders consfrator operate tele+znrth and teJerlitpzte Fir and express service, n rad l' ' o K t.t t tr to althese life ramifications will ;ttendrtrsxtla sand include trotcls restuaranls trt Parks ;tlonx its xstil\vizy, and may, out and tonnage if wits and mtininet and Ialeasnre resorts and .vtly 'erarry on r,nch tinsinrsi .in ro„ tleeiinn there. with as tends fo the comfort and convenience of nee travellir.x 'ltztlitia Thio petitioners for the hill are I<tessrts Iv, R tourery Ari;?mrTer- tux B. B. Dillon and rrhvard Piarrr. sr, Montreal; J. J1', Parks Ottraty z. :'art tI THE LATE SIRS IJ IVRINS On n Sunday d ria J � January � L ar 3' _Gt k 7aTr s Zahn Hawkins died at her home on the London Road north at the a,ye c( 48 years and 3 months, The deceas- ed had been ailing or some time Her maiden name was Jane C pm,r She was n member Memorial elttzrch of tit T hi hest esteem y n ir. etly lived in this district rind Clara- Lys community v hors and friends. Besides her tvitid any we :are not rowing husband hen sax`- sho is survived by one 'son Ralph and her mother i4frs. William Chapndan, of iensall 'Tree , funeral was held on Tuesday* to the 0 At the aasrt Barte9 r, taf Parrs SA#' *i sYlo'D?�t 1: 'lf ta; ttte Tartu qtr �,tliiy" :et� t; � J Ir 0 Ta SLR rw r ,rare.. A. tai CCr.s. The '(irsi es r le held at: tine Ar n ass ►iosaita; ti;Jrt and was si r�d�azd suee"a, ''lr aesatl19r leas dine an tare Ice in i Cao+ o rd. . r rte ate and there y enacre ryas ar r.,,agd ttzr; treat f l9'or eTaney dr drend ssed axdy, ou r :'nisi aaYli>tira !awe dressed, in 5re,nf;ant;C, Coote iitstat prize; ',icon Treble as ax Rttstrr1 prinec toot; first for ' (o*b For lsa ll�a comic costume Miss xa'taa+ Divers "took ;first end tor' klertrxs cod hoc costume Gerald Burden .Salk the prize, 41n the oaten rate J•d, 'An- derson w -as as easy winner wit1,t W. Jsirney second Ths;, ladies race did not tanutes'iali e. The band whit ` in attendaltCL', f' 0 r c r Ia west t' e csc ., n a adn �, t d North ,ra t Jens on of >;rand'c `Fjal,ota�� has been in town for a few clays this week and on Tuesday made the 4pur- eh se of Mr, Samuel Brown's one - hundred acre farm an the 2nd cot._ a, 17ullntt, the purchase price bein five. thousand dollars. Mr, robnston has s+. t 'es arta rite* elmt lie ,nano he hid taaari d V1 to0 kta t;s «J; d t gyp. kkfalw n .'rad "Iter SU allay Sheep. yrartt dati a bi I ighSr i2r` fa f ia; :dS ;O �e tis a n -gin 40.0 ar�rdA�'t`>1 ;}r dOlfiars Ft3 RIRis ee, iC19,rt .✓tyre. s eii rae.4ll t e in TO Alt 0 rano dollars stxld sea' or them., Sanely t Land for tia t size a, rarraq,rs ahel try to art /4)r their r er, ✓ort, omersitpasid nty-alre cents fte farmers cents ltitr; 'vary lot t, easy.✓ oud 0scoa tho nutter out tt is At an t (Aad ho gt't rora5ter a ; ir'L`Y� a artot ha ,an snor• rune er I I,x1G know it, Ai 4 4i pack dy /Ude Su ercoats Pantings e , 11' Ordered loth ing ',ed lcee Fix» $25to $20 $23 to$18r $20 o$15 Exeter 0t� That is It yeolt qn 'who i11or'k}t[ p'rodztoe tht�tl et' itasli�v1 rye fruits, and � v$ zeetables, ;slay; tee them on sa r ltiltlas, ttn zt�# urna .: rat, 1'a Ir rto ,t tiarztrizr a areal aurora thesd or" us e taotrltse; r flex x315. "irti" irrii,„l.s, ...'✓Carl tl}ttt J ae, rrarlfrols� y dieitn'ttt rt• ,i,,r.1. to +rr't<f drat .rear„ lz}il MsttrgrII fruit-* ria c serif: itch a man rrlryd Won in' astre iou,tas nr�tn 'tTr w Pronat hos ersrnn.iind murk la{tzs n \Title \��; 4ce and e #.rata abut lir list. tnzade bi,: !ii` aatl c T n u* shdttican tlhliv_ 15 W errc 37 .a onroads/ s ai r h "r a ,rtxat deal about/ s:he Colorable condition or; the roads and around Exetar and ,vet on trams other hand aLnrnne Who has teriVelltid tiver many miles of road will tell s. that .'xeter is surrounded :by Sanaa of +~ rdritt the best roads they have evttv'r 't~r. - and was held in tate been,. in Dakota many years but lora- t+lied. What's the ditfxr,e,n ti? ar by her man CaOC is Sia t tt 'J'ht+ ton was his market town. ate came east to •visit relatives near Znritfb and 'htas finally - made up his -mind tLbat he much ureters Ontario to Exeter cemetery. about • ons aIa av °be Mss d'rene Rivers has, taken a cS- much ition as bookkeeper wcth the ,Ta,cl-Son that Mft lCo: our;h Reeve Jas, 11411 of Mitchell. was 1.x00 chosen • warden for Perth County e 600 Tuesday, but Reeve ,ter, D, Sanders and Deputy 1,ett Reeve ?John Bove of Ste ihz u are at Goderich this week attending County lice Council. c to The oyster yster sot fper and catertain- m,, •ment lash`ld 'l? by the 'I, O. F, at rarlub- 'Friday evening wits -a 'decid- ed 'success.; The hall \v ase .inert to overflowing but.provisions was made for all The rurpper was a most Sum- ptuous one. Alter supper an excell- ent Program was given. Some of: the outside 'talent arranged for disaa- pointed the committee, but 1ocaI tal- ent ',;riled in and a splendid time was spent. rbageum Stock and Poultry Foods — d 50 L �c, Sulphur 101bs. for 2' Caldwells Molasses Meal 2 00 and 2.25 an Salts IOlbs. for �," , Salt Petre albs. for 25c; Oystershell and Grit•` ; 191EA ANyo HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE �ro _RECLAIM 1IA Y SWAMP Tho ;r&lairnin.g of the bids i4 ny •5t vamp is nowengaging,• t` (h e =hf t minds' S he dist,ria� boosl;exs 'There are e.000 acres of the swamp in ITay own: ,rd irincip�ally by tie Canada Com. piny wan, h it alai nod esauld add' ,aihch to ' the reventta of Township in taxes,- The swanp has been surveya err into 100 acre tar ns,; and sells. at '20 to ?5, l,ei acre_' The company is anxi t oa. to sell its T`• hOldin,.� 17U !prenaa renal -it -1g to make thio nroperty ear sornet'hr.ng. The ; company is selling 'tam wood ',in sections iia .the tree and lin thts till�'cl,canu will be ,made ;T! , aI1 ' eeded1' d convOrketd, i,b tiiK '.'.Che -- _� DISTRICT NEW - 1 cbe • Teventy-five, death , tVvie' rnos. e t i5 n f b'• y ., t' lrths •' . h e ansa thirty-ttvo nnarxiittiss waswas Clue MLIitctirejl's statistical: record' Tor 10'1'2 peer Death s.h I ane ,. I x II s fell eL ..tome: at 'Mr, `Donald ,ifcN,•iig hton Od'F fo a Ailsa` Craig on 'I,bursday`last. '1'tvo 'Lor deaths. mocureti in the one day, ff. ri (hat ilia elornin' ,;Mr,.. ble�.'au�• ietp etimbed to ai brief attack, -of afore sue" and nonia andlin.;fhc� evening ` s sister and Catharine also =p'ased away.,, Altstei` tion er sisteroo . lu `?V'• s , far . ,ice, Y. ., a x . c ez r a t .r vt �: t l ,+ c with grief and: exhaustion. I1r Cues. MR 3, IIarnikon is attending tiers .r. AfcNau titan was in his SGtia nems vena and °hi r sa tea in het 13th & !Be Tfhev had larr,e rhtor Year aC l31 Arai a•Ii'�'!te „I°''• >,t � her ,an �izlsa,� ed i) td. t sl, w,13 h \'tare un4;. 13 m,�,'. ���i m 1 6r; • Oitar • nr•al $4h' Qlh'e: ENTERING UPON A NEW Agit We are clearly enterini noon'a ✓Cyte are, I don't mean niearly tv . the United Stat -es I mean. turat, the world is (actn, the _future wi111 a'titudc, and :neer mil:look upon` the opportunities of life. Tt is sirc- rulnr how the drama, of`the' cast each' world is , as :�i@ cac h century iia' the e tc a. act x - i?Jar ria and in these a, .tray ;ears or. t ie '2011) eentu art• we :ar a afire ass , assuming 1 he ai:tttia,rfe which zve; assumed in fhb be3inntxrg of the nineteenth oer_011-y. The nineteenth centuryy l for- ward lo an a-0 • looked too-' title rank and 'fileof "lien haul -be ' should ld served' and honestly sez'vecl h tt institutions of il0 oveinnic.r ,, On eS•e,. ria ericans �l -sd sof; u3i Y1ris harm:✓ lC etting the l ' Iaait ti Crest save money in the end let ylrs,have st it "We have ttve omd :•carts when comparing any rain e state or Ttrgvaxee, 34fat, some others .but they can Jcth(nstOAA .jays talar` ialaii to Selli>;'al hest acao bflttc -ani no hire, yatt the fust as r.+l)eat in Ontario as in titer naei I ih-e tTernalad of %est, alt;4ouah it Is Shiite as 'fertile and ,bis the added advantage Of' n milder clilziate and nearness to the munity tike that arounds a- Coni There is no town in Gauml,. that Can be reached Fr every direction over i2r•�r. ^sntres of o anI jbetter 'roads r} 1 ation and -00t.-. surrotzndin- an are to btbat ns sequently thie best markets. Mr = = oto town and 5d is sequettl added that many Dakota Orin oL t;he reasons \ct: Jnr,: trade Lor Ro, m n a fanners -, y mil . ✓✓Says are contemplating Just such toes. Any'lrlaing That. hal es better traffic1. conditions ,helps a community. Let us 'hs;ve roads tint are canal to the best * a step as he has t<il.en—CIanton Newts •IYecord, ! Reduced rrcrl r. $25 $20 Reduce.4 From $18 to $13 You Can Dress 5:;"2;1111::3:1:Nrice:13:.:13::41A.:-.);104-1:sarriorlirl_ntLf.`.4.1A;T:Ifir:rri:7Y,:ilt:'11:N:r1b;s:1133::::;\:::(1:::::::::::,t )G112:1:1°5:rtE1:1 ' t,t)Av:reilnset ite:toff: au014,e:e:ra:t11.1rotry 1:thl:s:e jc;o:,:ss:-:10.,:se:i A hill Line of Shirts 4 presence of moral' actestions. POLITICS AND MORALS . Tnt administration of !public al- lur world in this first decade oi! the " 1 MI t1-1" I.". Inst t.° Mr' an' )rrs*Izaging tlife attention of eabir.ets iis ' S-1 Ist e!..11—Nr Y. ntSe I It 0.1‘.,:ilmri h,,IL al etc °I:11d . aaCts,(i-Filailkinint°er tillbreeeGii°tvhchrni3rnaellIzatlitoSttahtees4saTildesT7isr,11::; Miss Olive Wescott) a son.' MARRIED have been, tbis time -Greta t Britain is moral. Whittever the past may C 0 WA R D -- Il 0 IV IC TN --A t t h e Thin m e s ?Po-roLoinl scniacisiRlis tslolzeba3al'ut eld ifeebrmiaaa itn.talstt:11 cciter,.. a 3.0"R:litir,Ittl,litzr: 1\3Ifara. danlVdra.1,11714es,arinlho''s';','(‘Idliilic;kdin to Mr.,' flous t.h6 oc“rerrolle•ra ehilnY.Pions- the ,F:idatatilia. II-44;1'141s.,.s CC1:';:;dic. ' bEy. J:.::::,Cght:Crolif;:i rcnaeur5a01 °,11.1.,,,,isnidiei'vr,i.duirailm,r11-11,,la't,,s,‘ ta ,131,1,rific,,,17., an parsona,c 1)%shwoocl on jai..) 41:00g11111: 1.0 the Presiden-y af chain CM -010%07H acni:crMST','n elirY')Iltlf!-;:i (II P1:11(.10\ii D;(!('111:C‘CIS -1' b(11%1111:14s11:111 1 '''13.1 :Tr: airr-rcho-irll:e:re:r atali'ed I Dash»-oed, inici Miss Elizabeth En 4.,;i. busines ', hi) v,-ould exploit' the nr. pc) talent in a ,country so. bundant- (.)'.E`L 1(1..E-71rt' "Exc't'''l ,aturfin,5 In 'Canada the sathe' moi-ai -note is ly nish1,2,1 o„Ith .w.e,,/th\ so ,xtra.. 23011 Etech rollick in his 77,111 h,t'a740., Ten dollars. is to be cr./laid provided Ivitir ovOorturiii)4 - , I get aside f or kik?. benefit: ,of ,f itr - non - tor all CJ conditiookiir 4'-'143)4R▪ 444. t 1,1 ; iner 4.Vho forms the* Ties NeckScarfs Suspenders Underiveal