HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 164- W 1Q.1 4 r C, D X c Ttore�, a -Act a i state A--sociate �Qroner of Iftrp,4 I , AAIf bou in, o - R T4 t 30 of xeplab% Front of 1ouse 18zp��t kit_ ties ell- cl�em I$X20 woodshed 4, d ro.-ard onl y to k gummer D jcxc-oiz s-, a4_Tiiau;G iteLem hard ­oe�d .she shall then 11�4 otawe,,. A Z�uinber of lar,ge a�4 sr aAdthoitsaidx Admiri A -all Barristena, IiQlJoltors No , tri4t�, trees. For fur Colo rti-ler- V4,rt7C,,J1r$ vev-ancers 0�tojj 4 ba? I aUle tor tbe said� as- apply, to William tkinsba oz, ASAI '011 , _, t I her part (hereof It 4 A S..* far the aojzoct� J34lik eto, A �s S, Q any PW* 11 s Pa IF T e rsz -ops, of wLI)se 0alms, FQ� 0-4ey to Lpaa at ;qwest rabzs ot iaji- St., JO�Alr_ in We have been r",-�Fed by, 4111, t FI:!�1301M of sg(.�Ij & $TAIN1131113M I- PC- Carkao B. A,,� V� H-* Rqterborol Farm for Sal 0"Flor'N"'N sTu Efe, win, j It Ad niuistratrix I LLZ� Sth �'day of ';sa Ii titles Ln 100acre farm Lot.. 11 Com I �rqwr, I ,, I , � 11 -: -� !m 'ROa cluad'a Re states that h ahip of Iffay ou' LPrAGY4 - ,4 4 1 `4 ca et eansider4 oary 1. suchl distinctions ar�, llaqor�istcatl miles imm , 1�,Xeter grA, 2, 1�'� MM4 Vgq. ,;kt. gg 11 race, nuinIxi; wita the 11'rilapipl(.�* of deraporacly� Re4*;40� Apviy to- 14' AQ -s-4, -ory galld qjo Ja4tiary. 13, ev 41 R.Frou Out. wn Me smmoth I t t, lout pimpvrtieg at folye-5t ratei of 1rA borr uron C to par- coo -wood, llt�is is a rulght - ents us-tived 11 --- y g9od ax ban i uder ta" $tqte sohempz 'Will brinx tao parents a bounty of TLI�11 cou�403 or voj��AiDn,� or MADMAN & 5TANRUZ� "Nei, it, repiled 1�rpole IgItc at M, 7.50 T,.a LT14 Tileet iz� selli*vri, 314A 54, AIL once. "I can malze good It t inedical le! luoth4'r is ppp(Metl also to 0;,e; cou=ttv of .14 aDdles, bu, ben.e(its 4urifi- a.er 1.11ne5s, . councif Owl, OT For Sale t,4v . qVambor, m, � A that Ono 7011'Ve got is lbe L'Ind pooplo 11, coil-fleptior, wita In ex, 00d'Arlo4f on rXqesd4,V 't 4 da y t, Tile lonsiv" XW4A;aJ AcCcunts A 04,r4blo dwON'Laa . ....... ,�h of The Canadian y tloix,lt 1,poly no betterr, 50aenig for the PA.largeniQlit Qf , �7. $tn�qtt jorgo 4,-W To0ii1j. bar of $t, John N. R� it is Is �14 A1085 01 B." 'lit. U49ZPT A AIVA ;N1.4 ated of tho �01,gp a% antI Nvill receive the ""a V-ncIP la Ave trented the Cori, It4tt4 qkd, 5, 4 �be"wr "or Toll, t 1,10, cold lvit4 OAQ 'trio that 18.10sxs Cammell. Laird and -lard Ilumll, Q&Otu It p4p-st to. �4ardlnws� cracliers, and ebeeso. 4nd'&_: - - it" -Loadan ful'AftenUD11 a$ 15 given to all other departments I ta alinent British s1ifib aft I&M-ex;-, Mo bad, Qoxuv� 94wato"ry a 'youtil,4 li? , 'LAON1411 -0- L . . t musig, T4�MaIkVai of the Z pr�_ 4, tl;rQo� Aotg IvikiiA, jjrA0l;R4M Aave, decided to lay dolyn 1)ated, Jawbiry 41 fruit trc� c Or th"o W?Atl�xfi VrA business,, Money, m4y be deposited, or witbdrawn in this, Plant (ok the construction q, �, the Ttoo tmuer y svill be or I 4est war and merchant ships k" tou'410TV SMALL SAVINGS. amt x4,4Zwical tisfaCtoTll� ;�$ %Y'a P"Sonal Visit to t1le BMIL &4 sMilar lacitities are al,%.o to be, -et IL pro g9ld iq of �XvvqJC04 'for"Xilk nd jvo VX or b, led by 1�ritjsh syndicate. at Sy rAu xl-1 Xanagei� -comomy That Mar)c 'L W -4M A, Lecture an E -vatratt ZR"CR ALSO 4kT; CREJ)J�ro-q, Hzuim3, Deliverod to oinqley� The, Grand Trwak M,4rk 114una did many thing's 14 a Aakvo 56, now on,�-inm 14 C-94 , Imis-giol Ilarp W, eivertbolesis r he 1ws not on t djyl� X h k� midij �'.0g'wJtb1ll tile lex avgwe to gly'log hj,4. "dws afteaucin to two 'NvoQks� Aflob rarm, for Sale TA W ir a 10, c -cost S 10 0 0 Porty-one of thc JcA4iRcA r littlo things 4)", occa"dou" seuldorla"w- I I a COAL, OYAT, PURf IL 0a *U0 afteruoQn Ill Washington, board- W (0� lh4ulllaz fa5t Irel0t, the T&t a,RQV, D TOIN'r-stip of XQUat Tim Jusurr Speelfie$ ed a trolley Q�Ir, $ettlug RepivW Lrest lor switobl'o'- 90 ft.rQg. � utatjya Istolcu, 4& ]POW frly 60MRODO YOU Cztuaot dc wittout'll 01091ev-lie of tile Inda I-aw-P.5t en- JMPHY BOY A: CUNNOL� Wo W411 "Ad ubsol4w fftlk ft Jering the flcant door, Rgunll aralked, Qfflep1l Farqutlar', Out Vo.,11 alld we have the witt Mtq, ",*, en 041* forward ;and took,,A seat, beqlde bhu" in a �$Ppcph the oth, T140 ...... Urol Okvw,�,t boolm J�Oltwp in� �rnd eaCh (,,r I ab t1!11R41V4ftr 11ino IX L, aud W Isuicu, Ana Tbo conductor approagtc4 lay� 4000 au VXtensive sollgrl)o #.�* 4 for the iml)-rovemout or lijiblia -40,40 P -A t"W1 otbar 3540 7710t-,V;0�6 Rolm. 0.44-VINZA ,a of Toulz paldbls ftparate varfam, Dingley tion in tlic� ullitcd 4 Rch COWA, vith a Avo Amat piece# anana Vill, 4 '40M., at, lomot und drivo 0""XO4� 2.5,%J0 C ranton 'Plan is to link the pri.aary echool DIREMOU6 I '1 1* "a `,� Ucket ot all' 'A s"d ;aaw Pr troiufx aid, A �aa wol NY, I th the 'Univoralty -,a tuat in fut. W )ROUT X018JUIS, MO$& 060 T110 conversation. feil aloug tbo Uuv� I urc (110 ',Child a( filly, 'nall, oven of d THOS. ATAZ in e of �bvslliess, 110port's. t1ley agreed, In., zoo Coal V-00r0st 110144Y climb to tbo, top of lth�; 403 V 4 1 44 aAd Mr� AROICE", ........... dicated that �averr glass of -busluess and eduCational lnddor. Whel it 1, t, L;s 5 r -MA (roit 0 Q, 0 apros ola" red; wu, gov, Oet It while it our 1A4NtryWR5 prospering. 110 -Avery one," oalled that aanon,- 11 I , '409d; 'ORN,, 91. culthfatlor. 10 acleacos in the lqading-& P-0141 1"urA10 -$400k Said 11alina, "seemq to be lmakixiggo6a tato ir4titu of busUl'aud jpbhtura 30 acr,�,4 I= t1n, by wivir our 4 SOC41740 than z -au could owsz-h4rdo willbout It. tions and in, t.h(,hj�jlost public Offlec -k a Yra 0uXVby ftirg X =01%kWS JC14 land, JA money." dod to laraos" aawaot fall 'tvtVat J04,US BSS_U1J!C RX0 many, of ttlie leaders have come 0 pla"041a 1A 40tie, Varm ia (or. a g*,nt Us+ the tar or t e, h tho'culik to you will not bo �Zom Mligloy. prote4ed. mrw or at M It Smallor vill oad Jaidda 111 Ox rlsp or M.00 for on"U"m-' It -'will *040 least one man 17,th a Ivgs 403 und' It 14-AderdV3it Q 444 h�444S� in; good 01" "Out Itoma in ah�w coullitum with oravxs,� W.t-hlmself, have be011 reared, In. h!IM414 homies rcpttir 136*01r 4�xoipa stir1r.T. ULOLIV'suaAam We lalsolb', me a c1tro, livato 490int for jfft�& If :Von linve a Topa, Imiscroble-lo*- It's very sliliPlep Olnglcq� Yery"t re- Any Jegislation that willtend us lbbert Irallar .0 *A �-Fotir PIM00 tr.V it �OAL to ;;ji� ru acra,, to Xarin Xiiist, is ton, and 10's, SUZ aliA thlO �0`10 1410d Bawn. IT,04 va-7 'your carfare the poorer classes the opportunit t, de.41.,abla `p� c*pertyt bejutl: sit- 40, 1. of 'red CHDA y a Farm for Sale Mr. A. TTIANIXULT4 P STrs,#flt""A""'M"*Z'�irve"oultrt.%t'twhg'$,W"' W 4tibtalrm'L Oar Stodil *Pdtfm -AFIP Jnmvoo With a nickel, ther ful1lbundred itents on �'Ot An OdUcation and Ita,rt Jrto life w? Aakles,trout the thriv- . xv,01 _1ou may tb4"vo noticed that thaA 110w thl"'114 Aft 11114. VOr cow Pei: the-do))4r. N fuiltIL 00 3111M NVU4011t being, bandicapped. tor Want Conaistin; of that choice 60 acra Ina to$`M 40; from The Pests;are- '01, 4-A Vile 1*1na,rel, ut thtr �at'41jlp_ Of 'tu eav-eation, will 1!00 4 400 1 -paid, my Ure twlth,a ttle M*94 a ltorwur;j jot, South halt QE,13. Con. '4L* UliVn, UQUd 0 CoL gr;t�� Z(Kjd.lj�, & STA'NIDURY AnCLIM. win last a cow �= 110luo 170 ays-0 ket I buy , I This step,in 411 brantillos -6t 100trnlr.:C And ship of llay,l Oil tht� premities Is A, -prallo ty I le". rtorm, rumm's rm-mim '01'sCIFIC them six for I Save jndustry�' �NTd 'doubt 'there has be W ( ed selling at J�'5,z ea on It" 00 m e iltivr bezo lay 11 In,oc Ju.91; 20per ceat1or myseM That's the mare talent 3y1n-,;dorajarrtbgcausco comfortable frani(i tiNvellin.v. in ,good ;va as,,, I ter IAL tile, =0111jet. � �It 'X� I! ooaxly new barn 112 UN- 1ri101*r4S(1U11r11tttQ0r�1 pit I'loula vj.,� tu 11. V. tep'.1hem Secret, Dingley� Q_1baVs4be,1)ilng,,you1vo the inrLbility to secure an cd4cation ja lott of �vhioii is on brick and 0, I j .,g W ratc& 'We do potm UnyahCSVffiik,X got to leara-bow to -mvp illo 20 por thAll bas ever boon. devoI001-ld by stone foulida ON '1111"110 In a a tiola u#11 comert 110 0, or to, ee;, hr.- ZAC talt, Ly d stablbx4 Exeter On borses; :tood hag Und hat V,1111,3ivO the poortirclAsse., 1pp thouso; small orobard (it ;004 frkviu ges And any loalsla. RUM cort for yourself. a?baVs �:rour trouble, 0c,11001SAIld colle lor /Sale by Tender Pgley; Ton (Ionttsave w1len, Ton bgv� e 1,1 the opportmAity to TiSo to th(I %l:C)j. GIZANTON, royrl pamle sto* spee"t- moc "fe"r tj)o opportunity. rA, 'lot moro people We rekto, .. In sin ;&Aift 4cm, Ifor sixo. �sr run' of the 1addor,.q1oA;t inter frult; li Acres of Alfalfa; *2 '200 aer'4 fQZf4',1A0t0. I anit c,'% �ld be rl h V,they,.would only learn goros in 1ay and grass andthe bai-" rd, potcmion Stephen �kn(),Wur RSI Voral rurph� 4fig, Z.4 ;ana X4a illoa will be fill mward us -thut 0 hN to Per cont in national ]!to, PcItirs.. wo.l $L50 mrtr�2,6y_l di hC4_1 P tbatoasy made 20 antio all double eJo­,,;Jjn4 and reatl th". ITUAGU property Is ofrer�d tog - tour :54a polum. for crop; S good spri113 w0ls' with Sala br tend6r, T411ml reepiv.'d Up - [r, V.Wra maral Ptir�% Lico =4cr, =t mall r5*c!UA:= on e credit Instead of r1liC,debitsIdd 'Now Work tWorld ASK $10,000'000, FOR rm is tborouglily un. Ilumps, xhig fit Ito bk:b Ist, 16h, Z(lc 1�ir mail. of theIr Accounts*,"" :Royall Pur.010 �0�t 0=v. � . .. ., 11. 1. - ­ ­'. TRATANING 041" FARMERS tiorankined with tile. well, fence The hiatit'st'nor 'InI, tond�!rUnot no 11y, mail. Mai ne?z Mcedle Rook. and, in a 1irst Onss istate at oulti- easarly accepted. Aplily, to �;a, Callffl)=* 3�0c`btittlq";Gki 11n Blue 13ill Abay, -me., thera Is a tict Or' the following resof�tion. H* k,*, HUSTPIf Ex ex, 641 .0* vation,; is convoniott to school ;.in* llon� Martin *'Burwell has given T ­Tha,t it is expedie Royal Purpla Cot,* cum, zrk. qin., �lsllc.qw iplilancle rock- o6lysixtfeetila diameter nt to provMv churOxes belu; 2 1-2 miles i ta 11'�` =CTL still And Ilve miles Irom .11,;00,tn0r1�tt1, Juiral At Its top which �plrojects do witbln thut .1 sum not exceeding $1 900'.000 aluat be sold. 11 Act sok Mexl* 0 seven feet of tile �sarfaee of, the, water. be OPPItopriated And paid out of the Putvle Roll;� C=g, 1!k �so* iw. ork or before the 15th day or Velir I -and ris-s hearly perpendicularly out colabolidated revenue faxid of Carad,-. arx 1913 the farm und chattels wil 1W ,W0 ait rexii�d and %bow %evlenty�ejght,feet.. 2be zinnW9 wifn year ending March 31st 1.11bl-11-1111thowandertrul I**- - Florida 3 Zl�-1 Parlile Worm pbwaor� 2rze dins'-"sDe by of, a depth of during the,ficriod of ten 'years 'be- be sold by public, auction all Ehe vre .431 D Manufacimm'd �Oalyljir 0XIStc-nee of this trock is an -evidence ujises oil 'Tuesday March 4th 1013.n. 1914. Jor the 'purpose of nidiuli; and o'clock. Easy terms at paymen whirilao NO of tht d1fliculty. -even In well -known adytincin- the larming Industry by one , y" The Sunny Sbuth 1'heW. A. Jenldns Wft.,0D. n A, Lear torms and Doubbb wafer.4. of deinonstratt"githat-no ]so- instruction 1 -particulars apply London Cen-ada ca . � -, U. ae, I s O'Drein on 11Lpreiiii4es, Ife The Grand Trank Ruilway is the Jxted rorks nre Wlllnin 'wait ifor,heed. tho'Work- rried on by i1he �etinenrs- , a me Mostdirect, roum from all points2Past Royal Putple Supplies and Book- cotleges." all 1,. 0. or to Tho8. Carnoron Auc. ough Canada via Chicago Detroit lets may be obtained Sconi The sum is especially intended to ionLer Varjuhar. or Buiralo, The Good lKe Mid. t­omolu -,dlicational WIDrk. T I ie- wor1l: will lirocced alonji; the lines Ont Double Track Route W. J. Heaman, Exeter, "00 You really believe, doctor, t4at wbichl6ve- li�een laid down byTNIr. -0 y '.$Our -Old medioines areally 1-eep anyast C. James, as j., result at hia sarvey ot Round trip tourist tickets Hanlon & O'Brien, C -en- lwdxallive?� a,51. -ed the -skeptic. tze industry , -over the entire, Domin- Auction- Sale �Choice of all the best routes. ;o9ziT11N1 tralla, Ont. rehiruell tlhe,doctor. -1,Nfy ion. - I Ji. is understood that Mr, %Jurxell with full iDf formation may, be obtained Pre-Serti)lflons Inure lcol7t ithree -druggists L--OF,--4 : ORSE from any Grand Trunk Agenti. anil lftfdr failiMes, nlin;e An Ibis town nn d Ali-, James have wtirked out a 0110WE In �S & CATTLU The`ijad�rslgned auctioneer hos re- COr 4.,zeme for the L.NI)enditure of t!b.L AT NIG.11T money on prautical lines. Too dis- ceived instructions to -sell by 1public, N, J. I)ORE AZ�crc A% tributiou of �.Aac grant -V�ill be large- auction on P.1 I. one d5z, y baiy comes whistlin., home at Pretty Long Rsin, ' I LOT rOkSOUTil THAMES ROAD US- ni,,bt llfily�tql 'Hamlet �5 on V2e basis of !popufation. .13013NE Axd swin-�ID3 his tix_ 0 Mbat Another puts his --.ONL- TUT!.SDAY FEB. 4 3913 lu-nehes 1r, Ff'EJVO 01tV Aud jUmPs the cr,?akih.,1, rail D'It4`31 Coulludian-About 11ir", Children Or at one O'Cloolc the followinz valuable 6 -7; _E,-� r7t, P" Ou ipur bazk fence he shouts Ratio ri! look,,good to me! FOR FLETCHEWS ROB -SES -1, brood mare, 7 years 11nG`d1_suh-ere�s Your mo7ther, little som Not tbe botI5,.4mf tilf. colL 0Tf*k*W,,1lnL- Id old. dratt; 1. brood mare 4 yrs. o1q imiles all twinklunly Now Jj k, 171"11 U1 VIt'l(kry.- Ahlt B-CpLIce tLat pe&- And ewaft; 1. gk.neral Pur�,pose mare 3 vrs- tilent, 'drailbIlItY Then, after ',La he says Come on old. 1 mare 3 years ql�io: :1I; J -nerous and of- And twve our heart to heart; -,1I ;dam, and reliable- 2 tillie3 rising. 2 year.-, fersive out -o4 -doors I tell b� all. about the day 4 a=icultux,��; - 21, �zeldings rising 2 yrs 1111L Right lnwn the very start a�zri�; 3 Co tS lisin;,, I year !izrlo; �door clos-A Vy'kich And he*a as pleased la�s he can be requires Lo sc!wer, As if I :wg.7'a man I Clydv,si-chin, colt. ?0 CATTLE -20 Cows due at titne FLOUR COUPON r -O Plumbing, 4rt,'d Ifis own s.17�e talkinl;serusly sale; 2 rcr(:%ved c6lirs, 3 colv� due ill In —OF— March & covy.,s fte in 'Aj�iil; I far- -DO 1i Lq11X-;9 Vls- About some p.ortant plan! tem. Uave o J y conveniel, ces i q your row --cow. I steers rising,3 years, IT,' L;Dme,, Safeg4ard Fami)y health t) And mother list(:ns with bl&r, eyeq o IS y steers rising, 2 'iris.; 5 heifers ri-,- And dries tht� dishes too; Y-P� 1. L. 11 � ing 2 Yearsr G calvgs- - And �)aw he saj;3 Vip fee [in It. :ROG�_,, SOJV �-TWB VI) CLOSFtT job H GOO, Ky SON C 0- 's d 13 � e I n March, and 13t!C.111se I've fzol; ��olx too -0 And then wn J 0 Ap r U. f;,jy raost: everything This Coupon IR good for 40 catits on..each bag of SNOW DR Positively,fito reserve . : our Dek t Fimily,'Flour, giving y Terins�!) inorillis credit on furnish- -ed" 01' s&j-� ­re,!Iest fun 0 _5, can And have the D 9 071p, f 0 JI + bathroDa-1, T,'111,111. or arl'y' lather 'I'M 1)aw t! n the privilege,of taki 40, al,'(�s wat-oh and 0 bagF,. providmg tbit coupon is presented t6us on or before JANUAR"Y'r 0 In:g;apprO"%,t:,l­.oint; notes. 4 per eel -t: Place ltadovits� weTely "'t- SaY8 :�Ist 1913. 'per, arnum oft for cash. to to Nty bow this ev�,injjj,s gon(!, cpnr.epted by a 1.6:pa for 0 Our -re�,ulfw �s- -ice of'our,SiV0*­ Andrew GlibE�on ii v'r'ese i N� f S N 0 "A 0 P'rop ve�Ltahtma with a: Pahimr-Qy it, 0 1 1 ineron Aiiel thcrl wo get th� Mblc 4mvIA tyo nt, D194,10111PO-1i Arlet evieb ba 9 M' Arld Javo oi1&i-_' "DRIFT will'only�&�You'$2.35 for Tw,,!�d Clo&cts Is bo plp�'er& - q Ln J11hep jjavv h(� li� Our mill ie- equipped,i mill 0 yts j ­f.' I v4h4he laf�st n d Most Tood"r", J1 , �llr LIQ rltnp * n ith rnc,dp�,f�tlir, erv. servkeq ot a Fi rst, -0a E,!� Ali I ler, A ad comcs, �0.. machir Goderich has sijrned 1,"Ee li�dro el- - I � vhi6h - ivill t L And fji(,,n he, kiis�,_- ine Irns prf-vrou-,ly mills D. brurio 0 "P trio confVtct IV r. a dD S-nd. kar ith l. o 4 - 4 the town 700� horsepower. Tlb� coun- e sto)i%�(!st Ivay ;llle ctfering this� infloce6"Pnt in 91 d' r 1, eiv 15t.� I . �, 1, 1 11 �. �, I , Y f -1 1 d I'lizons of that t, Olvn %roD(all �O). opporl,111i y to,try 61q N ell�yBk g, i, I.n. Co�� hydro"and iYartial oli ri RIM DRIFr flour 0 1 1Z. TLe, 10"7; , U., I �_ _*� : By, I . -11L1rDM you 0-1 li,:ed fD,� I I uai an eEd. a, t y h6 town -by tbe:MaYor i f d id, not e AIT SefliTlg B i'� n at'$22 -a toll and Shorts nt $23 th e, hydro on,-irleet-s tilet ' b an A,fny 13 0junpbell: wit 6h '29tb Ther� ar Ing results. Gode e r C I Wants X -A t o 1 -0, more! i n d I I s We Are Larc,le 131--,yer' qfBEj'_',',8'Jnpg A- r,(M. �rl Uloj lkond �ar. i"t'a"r b ns a a 4� a thf,�' sect I ries. "-2 f � vaEUal,�toc 0 d� Clan -emale P! I I.S Dr, de:,-Vanls F oun or �-;3 d 1:NJ A e,c;!�ab]L Frepidl�nggdlat:r)r; naverfai1g, 'These tric Resi6r6r 16r Men� I�Ii8 met; es�cecdju& �n regulating tile B 16C ��Ie system. xeflf�e P bonol restores,evrtry, nerve ift, tlle'bod V:' h6sp its properjension; j6 -MV t"'Riled to Illyadd, �redecayilrlda; File M=�S� are eo, 1,10,141t, a P I � 1 0 1 'n1And:vitdhty. Pr� t 0 N /TA R 10 'akGess,,.,,,t,d k P 4 j2ra n0v mmi. Pri,:t: 13 a 0i. 0 Tho 1 _,�Lcq yjlmy additess.'Tho ,sg 91 Al -*-�4*,*A 4*1*4 0 o, A-1 "Pzi General _,I _,T, 4; ­ —** --nudc) rin torCa"dr, M Aftwe 0MtN,MyUU 'NEED N ERVE EARLY INDISCkETIONS AN9J EXCESSES 'HAVE UNDER - M , Web YdUR SYSTEM The nerves bontrol all action I g0fthabodysotbatauy. thing that debllitat�es the. Will vr6ken an organs of th6 system. Eady' Indiscretions and Fxcessex have ruined thousandg of PrOmising young men, , Unn&tlzraj Drains SaPtheir vigorand vitality and they never develop, toa proper condition of manhood. Theyremainweak. lings, njeutt!111Y� Physically and sexually. H .. �'yen feel? Are'you neryous and Ivenk, despondent ind-globilik, aPeldkst before tije CYes With dark circles Urider theiji,! weakba*,'L�idneys irritable. Ph.pitation of the as ul, debilitating on the face, eyes suli tresslon, j�oor Maine: 4nd stre�,gtb luo S, tired r able re�nal;u This isIthavonditio) GUAJL We have' treated Dh time, auld do not. FREI !mud Nve will tell you we NEWVOUS DEBIUT , I I - 1 7 ------ I 1�_ Ar New Mai6a ti,,atw ' ' ' ent is FEED TO CURE Ul'- CHARGE IqUlleryoa arecetalifoor not, -0 CU 0, casea of rabi 'AND � SKIN DISFEASES., G MET. 13LADDER UPINARY AND kII)NEy, COMPLA10TS Belo6et oa Diseases of- Men. if Unable -to"I"Call write for ", � le 111", urlswolcl, zkt. 6 t A Rleiters fitom .(�anacla L, to our, Canadian"Corresp In lVind or,, Onf�.