HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 104e.c , t t „f ' 1 : -- atlers, are depressing., 4L'd ‘ 1"1"3-.,j1)3:`,,,')zetU°(':',.,ar4 bP4Ot -,vorci'cy their tit.le of the r2ic a ''°'-i.e e'' -1-4r. .1,x Wres -.“.'rwaY.F4c# .,..5) 0,%e,,- t„ "-lerds of creatiOn.." So a re70114- SYruP- After takir% briilt of it 1 rell -- - - 4- '-, -, - , ,..„ - T ......, ,,, - • bctt 1 o el n IS 1.-Ota..,W , ..*tf. the 'h;ttil "..1,- V.A16 " "r-ra t QT p and Comics te : p5D, 1.8. 10. riecveme4t, ik,3 gr., IL Dznais lirad- h41 1 Ain well to-doy and able t* thl 11474, Pi the London Mo-nlaIrd) tallor- All bcgg? N0-0,:'ii-, . I q$011;at say too re•2.b -------.1.-- ." - bag )40114P Of 1"11Q Wad Ilra(71.1'z'' Ile ill its praise or d 1. Fhlit-lw--,0 kt-q4 i.- I, 04. ,r.,,..riettt, he that ie isr;NR-T.: li„ Ft*AaiXil. )13A kyery boo a gTing a :!c,e. El/ th 1, =I. the dish pan. Sa:d nnto the woman -The ser- beaten in the forge of toil and, pov„ tile black or 4,ark e4.Aat will be rf,- k ;a7Ps 411,/Le '112'''14 liciiii.-'g Iiinu Vf 'flf • `t 41111) Wiati that aw. 60itirelll ijegia by addressing tlte wo- ertY and t* ga‘ int° thc Ore of dis, gjected ta etty 09Qtn)„, furtc,„ ,4aliteue - \PTW4,Y 1149 frgg 104.1.01174akt It ee .1Yelv ., , e capful' vinegar.before using and dry in alheard the prohibition. This haa 'a eui0e, %,hier, ,,,,,i,,,,e4 .. . . . . , ,4, t eulpEkli V/ hotter. one Ilvery cool oven. Thla Is ill° surc'tribren 'e'en to Adam •awe* (cow ed the $tandard oil 1,0[4113841Ya gt)• Ottpfll .0i out'' milk, one t-easpoon- Lway to obtain a go041 light witholuclPare (xen. 2. 16). This prohibition is now repute<1 to il,e' 157Ortt; *N50- 4 ' 1141 of disselwd baiting soda, and',,smolte. tlie serpent tlierefore arfit dist-orts, 000,00.0, ,otte beaten. egg and t,,vo and oue-1; A firs is soon caused bv the over- "Yea bath God said re shall TIOt . Fiagrer, who, in addition to ha- ., -•lx. la eveq 444I"Ila, "'S 1 IMit cups cf flour, ,t'i..n a tonspoon.t turning of. a heron ne lamp, whieh,vat of arty tree fmartg,tio, all ?the ling a power in the oil induotry 4 $ Pwel• a4td 11:011$t he„ conducted . maenizal difft:,,rooca te, ..th,,,,,t, ,7,...t.th tpi iter at intervals to marble -It- I burnt, a tic,zet o sNN s •ou el as thus distorted. Doubts and sus, bora 1*, a ,,,,a;11 village, a few mile 1 b An CC.itv II epli te, 10, a . • . , - . t:hc 1)evil an : ectl'Il• decair' Renry ,}5, Fiaglei.' was 000 oi four Eogland 741 INtIt'h., tnela, wilt p,,,,,t, be, 1 D, .i.',,,n a, ,,,,,,,, . re ts no er of the whole world," ' remarkablo AgUri--s deatined to ho' ashamed to. wear colors, and wicen ' ' C.;r5'Y Pir4.' S.YP i sely woven ; soak these in i Mart -sa,Ito luafl, not herself aetuallv ' t r' r tl'S o id he' Welded. ii4t0' . "(1;546 feal.,,,4 wai ii,I, is ki, beoll.,,, .1, c.1„,.„114-7:eartfdba17,khPrig,JaPjaar41417/444.1';:t''.1.--0141t/Ite.111 '4:4;:c:04T.::Brt:4110Q:g11. :1: ::::: ..1:/otall,te'ip,:(447:e;.:2•4:15::::Pcroi. Vi4"'when , , I tug 46 taste for brighter eotios, It is ' .].`...lu as% for. it. Thera ' are nl'aCrx 'itrAitein, • 1 , .. . form 'until brighter ideas are ie -1, :eiteig.41t:Illogi4:s1:6lialir.“ViellilSOK;crns;41hcOtA; ' c:Lt1:4ted !Ilige23;;I:::-;:-;1::;..01;":4.' '4will bp prepared to $oe radical inhanges a form, and cash ,changes Ti would vert'slolY follow na tame on ' t th ad ,p of mote cliverto • vol. N11;14 Ilklt-138 A,.600B• TALIKRit 414,„ trot, of vox it'll of cocoa in a, tablespoon of the, water has Po power to eNtIngututt.tree0 garden?, and then t the couotry, tbeFA.,.*ffigialTomato Soup -Pat into a sauee-11-:vilt in a raw eeeesst t* *11 '001 pitions ere &own in the hem -tot tlxe f t Att, .14 Which place be awed with a of the poi,ple, subject to the goal- 14411Arr end %Intl] blended- And, lirK"ed, :,t„;:fmcsrl t„,,e144, Pter- „, „ franc pleco-repre'sentiag about triads of .who repgratealv and,' three cuptuls of stewed tomatoes mlAt nr-t 1, 2. 1310 woman saut-ohe corrects 41,enfor ATtwricap. morie,y-,14 nirke aariero feat,ataid add to tile Contents. Ptat in a` and then rubbed with benzine. Tur-ii the erpent in 0, way, 40wins that awl lour peuniet, To ibis cm r''1?"s w 144 e a"I's o! a boil stirring c.onstantiv, A little To remove mediclne stains from. 3 Neither AtaIT vs touch it -Eve store a 815 a month and board - batter ill, *ee, and dot the bat.'111 every lioatae where kera5eue is'. feigns sarp-rise et the prebibitionlb is one Pt the greates Onezi. egi Oert-Pr.4,1i, The foinda--1 4 b ) t. b •• • otel-keeper's in the world. N44 „,41" nera,,,,,ely„ the, Ivo eaataill 0,42,1pt.ra .c.)tre tah,espoonfiii of lantter, xn,raate• e '4111 Irt,..t.ard elluetnan„ an she 15 read$ ado t, t ..ty ule weti v?orle. white in Gerni4u- tb ipteeb, of ,elt and da0b of red -pep. tinguisit burning oil, later to hear without protest dm ?IsIt')r,cruit '" bra di. ors. ir Tat% CARCP at veut pink as a - tt*Inl:r,eic.foorx)44;31att-tatilltvevut,ctrhzey4rvwinlolit ina ' Doctor Jtitillutestoino7ti;tat7Adrrto,nr fteilOt• n•l'i tititable garment for tht-• croplo,y.. • , , ,..,,,,,, _,,,, I, relent of pink, ad will tiaerctiviro .•4 'EP" u13.71* llart 4.4e t'44't 144 g9"'' Y( adopt some other form of vetiver n'llulut. lleing a gon'll tocUmr, Of covering, this order tC49. Macaulay, who had no. restful opaeea ot oilestee, S' , Change MreallY -Begun* "I, wish,'" said Sydney Staiith, e "I ttlink that there is no doubt who ould listen as. well ar.. talk - 1 . that within the next few Years our "I wish that, illacaulay would net ta•dress will undergo coosiderablo the, differenee between eollognY anil 0. ,14,1'0,tia.081P.hstliftartentilIllea,etvuorick,irrii eanrtel 41::nitrcar: ,,14t11,1441Yri-e'' another eveas;on ; iscal u tliCtie tr+ the idea,, and alreatly irro. yes, me. both talked a good deal; 1 duce matee'alf. in Iteautiftil colors but I don't believe MaeaulaY oVee a, Whellft only fault is that they lure a, ,did bear tr* voice, fi(mtetitncs I, little in adVanee of lite Courage ef when 1. ltaVe told a good 15tOrY I.. 1 ' c..14 perm!" ,a,re tho sovernora I per, Astlr dd two tablespoonfuls of Paint ctauk when freRk can he re -1 bokl denial of Clotr4s command ' ciatine lerv often leum mart:. t ision ;a frolit God and not from tbe Innell surr and 'ulle au ten . • . she is' fo ly n,ware the xletness Flaglec has the fl franc Plow. t not toe stain llnitOrm, and the i.-learers a these onion iniee or bacon wiles a lln.e nr1 , „„,;th suds could ha,ve known Of this probibi-,some of which money be saved. Et Imitorrps are almost afraid to leug,,_h, flavor. rat.4,41,41tiP 41(141;h147.141, eb71,01.• fois‘skin. Viola oPY througr,14 ll•Adalll• who had I i5 killatie)t authority for tlte state • ,mouId oonsider taerilege un.r. Bread pudding.--Seften owe 1.1 1..11poss/my vsaggeNteN. tie command meat he never earned more tha 4.44ry breadcruralls in one (part Ali mu% 1444°."lng's In'en"e" ""' lie). ;al -kiting it stricter thut it • • . • 0 romp. Th. 1, 1 -oPtgaiful )aking soda, Bring t allg , • • ;of the prohibition, He, went 'It* 1,c0TIT in AR county Caution IS a ery pluoy , 111 41 a'sS On a5 breakfast things t Peet ad ea 4.11 4. OILS tatin ;It h teal y T e counuand as given one elSe. Illagier moved to Belle InpralHy, "Re that *hserveth the ;4lf ,filres eggs and tbe stiffl,Y beaten Pare , .1kkdarn said Imitliing about. not Vue Where he entered the gral Fibajl net ;Few; and he that ;',wInte of ono; then two tablesPon. 44- ,4" it A, later Sewn* b buffineos' regardeth the eioudF shall not - di tlied e°a• 8weet 11M legend exi)lains that in cOrrecting Jetta Rockefeller VMS then • e reaP." It is as true politivally as' taate Haver Nvith tessPo'u'll'ul Tin?, BET,f4. the serpeut's nii?re-,ore,ontatiOn " • ' rtion of it eiwese his I Parts of laticzahtre. iaceourt,. ec'n• the capacity of asti,t. Flagler al . rr?, " p.an a it .1 'tale top ‘vitli, incringue mule watt) -' t 0 ' of-grunts:1ton inerchant in Clevelanc . *E Welt. Whitt. we want is pioneers, in- ., have tit•4ight Ati, raytielf : 'Poor ii dividnal with a little courage uho 3,1ataultty: lie will he yen eorry . t, .,) will not shrink at tile idea ot wear- )r.ottle +day tO intv0 missed nearing furldittiymthhttorst tzthoe 43.1111,e;2,c,iiii,,,,,ei oanneyiltIlLier. i iltli ,ei rilowd•reirlieta 8:::adr ;abla.own Plisbt, c oneorping. emu, a b11e s, . . tvilnIstitxeesti: he" r'ilielarnolguOgnalvf8Itte thtleertPleoelt teowIthb ninteir.est tit of driller 1 i ti e • n ;Frank Hird, 1.11 .it reluarlt.able serial , , , . , . W te gaVel U1111 An out et or co tatiOn."' trhUS writes Johit Stuart i .Y n 1 °se • ; . Pile tOtlette* tti. and. 01 c0tirno- sideral)le grairb, hut lte had scritpl * Mili, and what elcr. eau be eald of Originid Reelly for llread.-Pare Publicati°n. which he ls editing. thing happened, SCO.''saiti lie tlie political activities of tbe tIcAr- ° and slice .'re small ur till.P Incdlurnlealk'd Lanvasiur* sti)ries" tens 01 tl d of other spheres of lite tani,t "he (.1.1°f the woraan could not refrain from t, ,kla Flaglee sen I m 3na eat ds ill extract Bake tri slOw • 1‘,1,07, lets th(„ world ,or his cm.111 °Vett Until tlie.pudding set..,..01.,,er 7.zonr..., nu .9•hrove Tuesday In Soute. a, slight exargeration her own v„,heat whieh Roeketellec sold i • 1 I ,. lug a gteen waistcoat siimply be. ; that!' The difference betAvecn the +Cantle it IS green. Pi011eM aro al.;two men wn.. that between the ele. wars bard to find a court+ but,' ver talker and the brilliant bore es . ., , _.„ „, ,. thy ;tre cormatir There bat been Ilut the elements of success in ,,f . an enormous change toward bright- -votiversation %ill be 'car' I -de tolls y - , ness in the last ten or Ifteen •ea s , fit 1 I? 3 1 .flf .11' , i 1, r , let , . r. o iir on who TOUti- ,,a,-01 H you orib think of it. Take suehl rank NI:1th the forealog, of the I. things as socks and underclothing, I world's great talkers, had his OWt ' the garments that are hidden, Ten theories on the subject. 1 Tears ago they NVQ•re all a the -4131. "There must, in the first pinx. wool" variety, without color of any be knowledge."' he Nth); "filet kind. ZiOw look at seeks and tin -1 mnst be matorials; in the vecond , dergarments-.-they are proCamed in i place, there tuw,t be, command ot . . , . . . the most beautiful colors. Go into / words.; in the third plane; Alert% the elminbers of any well-W.41e i mist be imagination to place things bachelor, and you will fold that i as they' are not emmaionly cc -von, and his bath gowns and dresbing gowns! in the fourth place there inwt he are (4 the most deliEthtful ooler 1 ne:enee• of mind, and a resolution 1 tpheMes. Men are fond of color that it is not to be overcome by just as -much as women, but they failures; thi.., lost is essential, for do not. like to show it to the world. want of it man:,,, people do not excel in C`On r :al ion." --London Caroni- wi.tich aro h you iave Iv ten the comman not -- mant.;? :What journallst NVIXatil SiZed 1)4)ta•WeS b')ii in one and quaint Ilt°111.14 patmot Indeed can take seriously half pints of water. f'ook them', observed in Seine Of the parishes. in -St'111.* t("1w41' and P'n l'ave died; --.-ln-g-tt that has uo power; 'What 1 $10W/21' until ,Sly.k xe....spft cnoughthe Countv Palatine. ineaufweiyoenatt:atiliebiervisittlrfthat you can Peolirc ein kcal itLelf free to whom 1 tO.PVrtarIugh the ricer. By then c Before the Itefermation the greati its rulers are not re4)-irasible; Tho ' l b 1 ) 11 - li 1 fhere ,s tonld e three pita ,,:enIzav,:thell of the in • sh church was rung , Lest ye di---'Th,N eonu on Social Democrats, at the moineitt ;.of the liquid, potatoes and all. If c On Shrove Tuesday to call the pen- 1 natiOn of Jehovah's word, "For in of writing, have wn up ,eat„ in !yoll have not as ronelt as that, make . Plc together for the confcisitin of II the, clay that thou eatest thereof the Reicirtag, hut cho army and : uP witii enough cold water t,c fill their sins, or to be "shriven" ; ' thOU SlUat •surely die" (Gen. zl, 17) navy esti,nat.e;- nr" beYond their ;till(' throe cups. Then lueasure an- lienef the name of the day, 4.Thisl,is, that thia exPressien is :titended reach, the taxt-- are cmture.s, a eon. other pint. of cold water, in which', bell, ' ay Mr. 1-iird. "is still rung t* 'Mean "become mortal"; per- stitation is a dream, and if they aro soak two Cakes of compressed yeast,lin SOtne parts of Lancashire, and is ,haPs in the sense of not beittp 0,-,i.. cantankerous or truenintc the! To the potato water add two table -1 etill called the 'Pancake Bell,* be, imitted after his ter,..a.;gresmon to Reichstag. will be disarLsed by a sP°°ufuls °I 'nelted lard, half a, log now regarded .0nly .a. a sigmtl to at (.4 "'the tree of life." The or - Wave of the hand. Say what ort, cuP oi Sugar, and a smtd1 handful , tile PeoPie to begin frying their thodox Sewish explana.tion gtvc.n will. they are a many -Ataxy ppQ 1 Of salt. Lastly flour enou Er ,,b for a Pancakes. in thir` TallUUcl iS that with God one 7..) e . . politically, and the g.rongest ri. ,. . tbick batter. Beat hard with a ' “In sone YillageS a bell •-i rung daY is, as a thousand year, aril which the YeaA has been thorough. This is known as the pudding and thirty yearn old, the threat its intended, meaning. flour and beat again for a ft4 r0,7 many generations that it rung i t nd add flour gracInally until, to warn those at home to get the! 5. Ye shall be as God, knowing f th ood and evil -The tempter b.ilds in the Reichstag in metely eiv,r, wooden Spoon until light and , ;LS the congregatton is leaving the ,that since Adam actual y did the ly dissolved; mix in a little more; Bell.' havnig been firmly believed was carried out consistently with *bubbly.' ..Next comes the water in church after the morning service. Nchen he was olly nine hundred getic Ina rigonel. Their leaders moult opinions. they do not mould them, and could not trans. • late them into action if they did. Life 121 der Pressure. The bed of the Arctic seas is -very and plaose, whiLo in the other zones of the Atlantic the becicis'l covered with reddish mud 0..4 an a.ccuinula.tion of the relp,.1471.S. of ani- mals that lived in the' surface wa- tars, died, azy..1 --Slowly sank. The pressure of- tlic sea, increases about :.i.,Dmosphere to every ten me- „-.1-ers, so every additional hundred meters -adds the pressure of ten atmospheres. When deep-sea fishes are brought to the eurfac,e they lose their scales, their teguments be- come brittle, and they are so in- . flated by internal distension cause( by the leseened -pressure that in niany cas-es they burst a -sunder. Suffered gith the doughis dry. -k -th the :dinner ready, The origino eg ti es, a wooden spoon,..,7,s--,fong as you ean,1 ringing 'of this bell is not known, out the hope of a great boon to be k it with the hands long ba. like many other °Id eUstoms, Secured by disobedience. "The irn- then ne - ion you should get it too stiff, 1 village that the service is over and out of sight the remoter penalty." • te reward adroitly though • tdiy, stiff. if, by some false eaten_ of the country, announcing to the fallaciously put. forward, thus sets and eing carefulg it lingers in the remoter parts met a ,t1 , 11Ir. 'Henry M. Finger. soften it with a little cold water, 1 that 'Pudding time has come.' We note also the suggestion of * When you have finished kneading it I "So Late a, 1870 the curfew bell jealousy or envy on the part of God against the business, which he rub a little lard or butter over the was rung at Burnley, Collie, Black- contained in the tempnr's .,vords. ally abandoned with a bank bottom and the sides of the pan to burn, Padihani, and in many other 8. jehovah God walking in The count of $50,000. prevent sticking and to do away towns and villages. This, perhaps, garden -Both the name and thc With this small fortune Fla With the -necessity of using more is the most remarkable instance of anthropomorphism are character - jug.. Set it to rise and let it gain centuries after it has ceased to have which 'olir lesson passage forms a flour for kneading for the final ris- the persistence Of au old mist= istic of the primitive narrative f , 0 about twice or even three times the art In the irnagery of the writer any reason.'' original bulk before kneading it down again. Set for a second ris- ing. and when it is light again make int -o lotive6 and put into the pans in -whole process silo -laid not take over tion of the great traveller, Mine. d ” she write "they have mar - fin- ac- gler went to Saginaw, where he atte ted the manufacture of salt. the end of three years' time he not only lost his $50,000, but the garden is the home of Jehovah, gone 850,000 in debt. From his Splendid Teelamlic Ponies, ana, like some wealthy land -hold- latives by marriage and a half Icelandic ponies, which are being cr, he strolls in his garden to en- ther he borrowed enough mone impressed into the service of the, joy the cooling; breeze of 'Choc even- 10 per cent. to pay his debts, a which it is to be baked. The SNVIS Arrny, aroused the admira- lnp- At had had re- bro- y at fter which hc went to Cleveland, where five hours from.start to finish if the Ida Pfeiffer, "In spite of scanty dough is eared for right. It shou , be kept warm, but never hot'? Bet- vellouS powers of endurance. They ter too cool than too hot. The yeast can tra,vel from 35 to 40 miles per should be ,crarnbly when broken, diern for several consecutive days. They It111.0W in.s.tinct the dal -icier - A Lame 13 but not hard crunihs, Never use ing hour. The man ant woman this imagery are Jehovah's serv- ants, appointed to care, for his garden. did not know where Adana was is when it was apparent „that t he engaged in the grain and produce commission business. The 'Rockefellers had started a, 9. The suggestion that, Jehovah small oil refinery ,at this time, in keeping with the general anthro- business waS.destined to grow,- porhorphism„ of the narrative. , In phen Harkness, Flagler's fathe law, invested $100,000 for him ck tough or 'rubbery' looking yeast. ous spots in the stony wastes and an the deeper' religious significance of .donn NOT sTRAIGHTEgi The, above recipe will make six the moors and swamps. On ap the narrative . Sehovah's questio-n . 'large loaves. If fewer are desired, proaching these place,s the bend ill v f M any people fail to understand the ' °lee 0 c°11elenee i,,ni„neance0 01, „chir, Ot3e less 'ci,atee and yeast in pro- their heads -toward the earth and which, after every sin, challenges P Lt1 ail nuroner neede . look sharply round on a I sides. If the. man -iyho seek,S 1_.0 deceive him- to the t. 'When. the bildt aches or bciconies thicY • c-",anllot, discover a Erin resting self. ancl othe,i's , concerning' nis t is a. warnino She kidneys • are :place for their feat they cstop at i',;.iiffected in sonic way. llonschold once, cannot be urged, forward the warning, cure the back and . , niarne blows, ., Of any chances Of aeriolis kidney Unsightty firigei'-niarlts on pa.inte•d doors 'are a great. ,itranoyance to the O, (...lraceHaillton, Ont., writes: tidy 11,orise wife anc-if, sla ottlel k)e re- , 31'7gYlit to gilleer- P ' '1 ' have cost suffering with a lame bask, and moved -with a soir tia,nnel wruncr 'out, The ht au111 to dam and other irri- ClOtbes.Recame Utintaria n. "From an artistic point of view t eighteentle-eentury fashions were almost perfect. To what they degenerated during the Vietorian Egyptian Burial Customs. era we know (nay too well. Lecky The Egyptians hale many curious in the 'History of England' ascribes Vrstoms in connection with the bur - the e.,hange to sombreness to the In- fluences of the Republican move- 'al °I the' dead and the healing eral, for instance, there are hired ' that the great industrial and cola - mourners, varying in number ac- cording to the wealth of the de- ceased. These funerals are always headed by old blind men, carrying - long staffs in their hands and wail- ing loudly. They are followod by the relatives and friends of the de- ceased, and then comes the coffin. This is succeeded by two or three of the native flat carts common to Cairo, filled with woman -mourners. Mourning, in fact, is quite a pro- fession among the women. EverY day the ground outside the hospi- tal at Cairo is the place where wo- men wait to be hired for a, funeral. ment in France. Personally think ef the sick' At every MOsiera' fan- mercial development-, the tenting of the age of steam and thininey stacks, had more to do with it. Silks and satins and laces had to go, as they were not practicable for a business life, and something more utilitarian had to take their place. But the change was far more sweep- ing than it need have been, and we are only just beginning:to recover. Should Express Temperament. "The pendulum bas started wing in the right direction, but there still. remains a dullness in European men's fashions which and does not truly indicate the tempera - heir ment of the people, and the lack of Ste_ individuality in all classes readers the mode of to -day characteristic anti only of the commercial mind. And he was taken into partnership in Pre'selit 'kg') i8 '°11")iller- , the conce'in that has since develop- ic,l.tatir'it'n,issonteliitell,c°132ay is ahnost rnisp(il.e I into the Standard Oil Company. TROUSANDS OF PEOPLE SUFFER UfelTOLRitai FR ct " The stuy of.Fiagier,s , .1:)r_ogre,ses faop.r.lteliveer eevhoeletlitfi.,Ton.•cT ,,,,,,,,,),,,),,,epai,,,,itrade_, , , .,........._ , , fr€1111 this .LPI°.milltt',0°Enili.,,S.)-Pekl'eafc:illcearl,137 tobn 'Give garb I -Ilan the -vegii° of‘ tile It is one of the most prevalent trouble; .,,, wrong,d.oing. s' I/ion-lent compels us to adopt- We of civilized life, and the poor dy,„ -ptic .1' are only wai t in g for the bold man cannot, e -0 -en enoy a inealiwi,thout di toss - t ilip,e wil° will l'''ink 7,, t=1 t' -e 0 n s elo a sn ess and inf,:, after effects, for nearly eve ry thir hat ,u1s array hin-,,,:eif in the brigiltor, and .ern,ers a weak dys-peptie, stomach ac ii.ti tclirianYt. more, , a yl ti,stri,ct; .It(s)-nne ti, iNvt-c,f.it,,,,I,Ii th, p., w.(10 I - ranguiliratl?;nt'bile 13snorte-neatifi.:131.fc,i".-lixcni tif3..1,ailt.,ielitiseevvriel:i I ,,.,,,,, ien. „tn.:, ,tex ni,c. s /t, ,..1,1. 1.1(,t111 el ''', ean tion, of illo .s..,,,A.07a, and gaitrin in,n,,,e tc. ''''-',"' nois: prc-citiet0 0'..st,-e-i inan 1", 11-1,Y 1)- e- fitoilitate digestion, remoi7e acidity, aria aY. 'lc ceding ago, if 011-1Y they conici i5e .tone up the entire system; i r'd '', sold. ' iVirti. IDennis Belert, St. Boniface.. f .tite ''',And, above all contlrideol 3...1 ', BMTioanecBwirtitt:is5".----,w"Iithitagvree,ait,i,ate0t,111ceBeisisr:loicatcv ience Bra.dley "let it be iitidtirstoopti that ntrilaeisi,_; ttobi,,:isi. tri'hoot ,nalop.rsliel:rt:baanc71)..svalfla.,t,,,,is tin.„„.0e\ar dyspepsia, indigestion and sour sternachi, ,,,,,,,r 1. was terribly trocibied with My stolnach,i4' for months and spent a lot of muzley ,,' - call0'111`f,' 1111t.' \V o vri'll' .ec)1°'' a3ld 1 without. 'tzet'tin^g anv relief, antil 1 ii4v;r0-- - §1°.; . ''jpi,f6;en;;* '''.I'''4 '4.14‘.....tnni'unc..?.; refieVeCia, ,,foin)(Oubgria)!tAl,e,a0Or7insan8ti'. ,, vi.„, It.,-)aro,i,ir"tr.t1:11itn' 'e!s1Sa'nicbit,',,' ''‘'''" e't?..'\V a l'it it all ill 'I aPTIerdledhetro- Y8rece)4;''Ib:u6CeP;neWd°intiaiert lbi:mingeteji -11 ne ,-- .7 Ptiave talten theni,Ipql,pon 0 a --_,, ;-.. - , , t'aal t . 1.0. was afraid,' ljee,ause was a sinaller scale- • naked.--Tht-;, man- tells • only • 'a' hall • Flagler made mach Of his' .for truth in his con-tip:tied, attemPt. to in ;the hotel husinesS,' Since .hide ,his disobedience,- the , chief yoioh Ileth.ad s0rn6 cause of his fear. . _ °wiling a hotel. He realized ,2rt i.'-pfiins iti nii, back4 hips, ,-,nd le„gs„ ' . i ... n in i,..c..; , and ten{ 3. )3 ., . _ , d di r . a‘rrt,inoilia ,12ave hoe. i d f tl , : b•( -i t $1.53 000 000 but tlis increase answo\r\71,1bc'o-if.,;reidd ,L4bat, 1 -le T),ossess,o'd dtirciauhleil_lilafclalever hoap-eed. :20-d' Alit; tatpdOit,a.aly able to ,,it, ,,, Na„,,:tv ,n whic,“ a , eW C)../'nps 0 t t.,c1 1,,t1 .. , -1 11 , - .. , ,ihee, r/ The man s ' gre 1,, I P1.01101 atile tc) strargl,tcm 1 i, , 4 ; 1, , 11.§.- t a9 6-I.!' kic'te of Pills,. 1)1as- ! 1, el b,ert 'c ilh anal). H.111'1i3.1c,"" reilloI.- 11n thc' value of, land in iNlicidin and new knowl_ed,ge, Buell, as co -111.d only 'et''' ns twenty -ave lioteils in Flo .a medleinee, without ! e,r1 tne stains, Cho lia,int should he ' Lowel' EgViri anr-1 the Fa urn Pr°- have 0°Thcl 17° 11.1111 f -r°111 eating of and it is ellicl be owl's nlest 0 cif, 'ioy. I reaci:ablOut Do.,,In'E , virasthlid Tivlthd. el C'al' Water and iilior- 1 -Virc-eP•S has been from $055,000,000 the forbidden tree. State hesic16. Fol Lae C. errvort to.$2,,,440000,000, The total rent &sf 12. The woman „lei, thou ga,,,,,,est, of his patrons he has built _a q 4 ' ati,11 road with a trackahgies ohfett3e010s,. I Y t . 1.1." and, land. llas' froni $67-,00°,- i.mplicatiorc ,is the , ( s is what (insiders Jehovah 'himself to tilarne, wn4en vee otliS if • be • ver 11t416 1.°1-1 Win g. 11114'4,',4,11'szsi s for .1,17pt: tvoon. e.xinisanin• still ;blames, - sir.'411 Prjri'1114;''. 16,ss, cloca(12.s. th " r` g '01'd;er SCe;ti,48 ' " #effeet- h • 110 coinin s That leport, ••,'• things' for ,.1,,stler ,i3 j • . a '0 '''4ress.0q,.„ Is ov,c4,4 9"' • PC 11 `,451‘ 114 ta_ 44,v