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Exeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 8
lQ t etagiltioRall ze and ktUa fy, r Ibicw a cow,, 2 cows �x 1 row=s 4,1-Uin Tlar-. 1. 1i orou;hbred Je- fix) 1 I, Grade ' r"se r;sing ytrani. old t k3 Il,�ll~' :1 era alta', bred lilts! sus: t Ewes. xlla:s se rte 4 l"tt Tit it t!i 401 oI And v ti D. L. u(INV. 11.0 rat^ Baal et it lea Ou Ire 'es•uy " CERA POSTS.,, �g e w „...104..."..e1.11.tig. at . ul Yost taunt art tet ill ok 1.9A 7Co tc+azz hors Iat nbana 'ft t It xowt loose as trrMasA imx I nO xtrxllra*! oraaoz Illuer tlx #t xan: tkalix on tTxrwi ttxad oto rias guar dlo us rrnwtlt weak iwll 3aza olatrwlt;+ 0tax° Stoslt sl:fllc well 'Insect Clove fir ltooav tlitvww tax tivs 1'«sa r calwwr drove wrohile 1tc81wsSI tax t wtt st ,info.w Q ackO4tR will last * canw w aa~ lsoltro ' ii t , 41t: 1 X+al. 1'ffl"ar'4. 'I'O1J TltY SX'E l It +wdrf lascltsn nrownto .rattan Tay j*t aa,wwe Ila #It rwlzstr aw fn tlstw taomswtr. ,sant 'rwl! 1aeep alt dist c. 1'ht 'tried, sJ ,'ialbtlt al0 swell! llbil Xal otwd Drak � 2SIw�i�a t arlrta otos. It " is ttdralic Icrl, lw!o d 0 l ,cleat 'atlRrttnio Salt t►�errtw�r» �c'al1 ft teary l''. WO Mild 'au t ova � i Orfla exico Florida ) 1111. The Sunny South 'I... C r�,ra€1 �`rixnla Railway is lite afnost a`iirect route from all points East through Canada via Chicago Detroit or Buffalo. } OnlyDouble Track itClw. RQlit6 Round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the best routes, together a:t11e r with full information may be obtained: trout any Grand Trunk Agent, ' l I' , J. 1) Agent Phone 9ssi leve ,lav g(11111eilleCP,8 Replace that.1zes-1 draughty - dangerous antiof- - fer.s:.ve out -of. -doors masa with aL.; in- door closet which fro -quires: n:o sewer„ ,r..o plumbing, ar.•d no 1,nis1 ir.g ssq's- orzveatences io your 'I .._ rnl '-health ' by Y ale try'm*il Bond �Po to Coug Cj re.; Gtic tin: 6 c b vail Ito Cal k°uwtde 31Fslot el:°akat. nod Ss titixs: 1 Bumf Boon Cute. bars: Er maIL Boyar Porpne Worvra 1"o%aaic .24e tiro; a5c 1z Youth r -t9 6l¢r. c uzad artccrar. i c 9aotiie "eW.A.Je Mfg. Cts: London,C. narla. Royal Purple Supplies and Book- lets maybe obtained frc lkl W. J. feama Ix r y Exeter � Hanlon & O'Brien, 1 i4TD t.en9 tralia, Ont,, I 4i?' ILLx. I y,i-Y 1 ma1re. t LIs day y wv ortln While 1 ww i i drop the past, re:n,'tnbe rug. it only as a, valuablin path t'hrou:Yh which. 1 have walked into the- Now 1 will take up the ;work of -.the day a 'persona/ pledge' to, do any best iw a.irh interest :and enthusiasm. S will alto the' thinlgs1 :h a.ve failed •to do b'eforct 1 will attempt ntit things that I'knowv now that T car. do 1 will ,o aLeaa_ - 1 will (pray the ,game today witch a, rearm tpartefind ,aa, cool head, . I will ww;l;en I tell 11ks• frowning J will s t ! lr: patient when) frac-' •t•i•tnpted to: scold .1 will take; perspzial' com- mand of m3 -self;. T svil i be 1-vyal to tLe , tas:crn ,for wwLchIS to:1 I will be faithful: to ,a.11 my' trusts. .1 w.I[ master iLe smallest.. det:a«l,,'w i L l)00 St n t• o knock. 7' wvjl:i do—{not intend, I. will get. 't�an•rs- daa;.e• • t1 wv,i11 a work. because 'I lilts to •I will be Pair and. •t? tn 1 5 because tl,zre: is no other Way --to win: 1. a %till do- right because itiszigrht f will •drian% kl;cfC4tt seine at .tunes as, good ;rl:eirace '1 w�i.l.i meat ty ort--z1e crrn'anid to ;;a tceisdr,ati all t lx_n c,r�Lu •, I oC• my truer;; eons' of rev tr slip jealous al ro5, 1' helve o ,1;;c -7..t -se day" one. ww i t whear l Corn i will work for tk'.•2'peo-. serw-r1 with a(l my iia art ✓- trr rd' ';Yr I with t11 or tea the 71oti ' of; n'c t e l ; l acids I;: th- of toy- aww.ta worth whr V. b d11rL Sahel 11�S1tG �a tea a w1 ai wv e; ,i euro a -s olfl. i~Sliilll ROCS l lion 1 y'‘eRr: r as t toot; tl tt'tilrllt : 6kwwwaaa t c3 rlr wt Yttt eolocultita' k, rttriailti' r cblare. afI: Corcoran 'nut tla.ax ;!tree of lite: ri tthar tw nod Zr ;'&latent Q'arrlltet wast; Varna. tom 1E lactt� Alien `ttllrse. axtd ili'twy, Robert hilts ta,nites ill m trrto e.,f llLr Allatx A«•. slayr, 1w gmotroe,"u:w,e ota zxo1:arltlt r' of llatlil lr ask.,;arW sort of air, wrte'. TX of. J31i'17ze, laa 7lewt» 'ID ret.,lstoa The !!appy 3'out3 eoujllp lett oli the eveii xs• train to tutelr k+oln in the West,, The of liters of the ;Cl'ia"ton'C. are AS follows Chief. Vs, T. 3. 1A u - tagl; in I rOst LIMA II,, Nry 3. liorlent7 .T,ico G. Co2i:1133 �?in.lxa.iul, Secretory I. ShrPherd >Iwapl:ttal 1. Dood; ltd.: red qutcf:. ,7, W, fi. Young; 1, Il. 11, tltstiund; And tore t Dodd 3t, S, 137 rtti told roar, Satter• 1 o1 owl-tti . � recent storllts G'od r' l ILir exdeww�alkw were, wry •slipper•} -causing max1T ;aceidents Mr, Job:, Breclen- rt�tt :fell :tIsel broke his ••li.g- Mr, lzdm PP'ondfoot M., P, P. tri, frail n� siaxa$eeal his wrist, and sevea'nt, lad- s suffered minor•injura.x,,, The r.e ." ainhalation has been; very. busy since itsnrrival in town. loving !r.•en called to the country snotty times to bring raat:e is to tLe Royal Alexandra and ^tsar, nue Ilvspitai+„ �1 ceerlons ,.ru:titwway took place at COtT, r •CL "' a, a• Jest ` Friday, While 20i t•s, Flick. of Colborne j'gtrnslili, was 'sitt- ing; Ili her cotter it front of Shar- mar- :1w shoe store, 'waiting :toy ner xasla d the horse, bolted, down avast :✓'treat;'tnrr..mg suddenly at, Viocori. Stsacti Mr, Flick was ttrowc: out as wail as 10 .doze'r: of ea,e-s. 2•a.s- •s rsby: picked 'Mrs.Trial, up all took i..to adoctors office- ac a but beyond a her. bad, shine ng up .she was unhurt Mea,rxivl;cle the horse continued u , Victoria Street to IIant ilta • S � t treat . \store lit tutted.. and.' back ;ort+o tiirN square, abaiz xunnin; Madly arourd the s :S are, it dashed towards ik- qtr's shop ciicd then- if collided with another rig .badly smashing -it. Dam -- age was dote to the runtaway J ors is - harness R a.. l." tart' ltl a aiwtw e l salts wad «4, ` V' Gta�i t t loo. to ort ww4 ich to toot vellee awtd a half ,holm.1lw tlraatl urtutca alwlr, Front et louse 111 wl 11tr441' woodshed mut uttlos'tol� tabcn 2tl i,Q� t•lood bard water. • tl We.. ,A nu€aber' at !nide mud solasii irec , fiat' turaor purtiaelara to Valllttre Attunsbn ox I`J, sw lin' Auctioneer A'A jallf er ice Co. An Meeting Tiee iSevechtx4 anr.x.tal meeting of l,. sobers of t>ra lLurou We taer I'r, urrhnee "aAT.ut,urtt• ,Co:lip;an Cull! 1 t lAcDauorll's. Opera Mouse in age af: tUcu:.11 otw 'W,wdtciclny I alaruttryw friar 301 •at one orciioart'1it, alt, !for tl.tt.,:xer:epieuoar the :Yllreetolrn ztn(1 tAitclLtors 'reports, 14e election OE of fira:rsaxwd any , otter busiresi for rd wtIlltare of t,hl-. •+Garza.• .at i tCse 0po ally- Tie rettriog lwireetors are Jacob Rollerntan Boger 'Nortbca(tt snlld 'Charles Monteith all of .tivtxora: sari .ligiblc for r:-a:ittatko Jacob iitlleranaa P;residcni a sSniltie Secretary. Mats :1G 30: x TLtw:Ott'awa evening 3aatarnal: (Con- servative) made a strong editorial: at- tack upon Sir James Whitney and :his .stand upon the tax reform irpiestiot It says in part. 'If Sir Juane, Whitney is going to 'maintain his present 'attitude against tax .rc1or,ai www. think that the prosi4ce "etas: fa - ford to ,retire. Sir dames "Whitney from power Only in the .minds of tn' re tmrti stns as tiny mar. or party n(ecessary iLo the progress of eiviliz-- ataoaa The conservative Darty of °a - tan, ;t tired be car get.a.ioor without Sir :James but if it couldn't Ontario. anyway, can get alonr;...without the. Y , •R » vat - t �r , Gens party lr. tLe . Conservative a Y Gan: i 1 C_n. n ty - !g n to stand' it the way of 'ilotLy coanmoca sense • rand rt'vio Ci i1dren Cry FDg FLETC E t'S. s -rC FLOUR ®« • • ♦, sto --CF•— toOK SO N. ,„ G • tts - •o • Z'h's, t Qn Qn' `9 Ota! f0 r o n Fn g , 40 c nuts on: each brig ' .. 10 47• I o ® ,mxr' l3rtit atanlly 3alotxr, giving: you tine priyiie e of tai:in -mi tt :s. �+ t.11t" bags, nrovnding tFais'cotipotl is presented to us on or br'srn.J;z�N�'�;1$`�;.,� lyt 191:1: . IDaat• re ®,. talar g selling - rices of on - , . _ � . I � p ur £�lw]'fi� I3�1:�'1'�Io'4at^;,� tl�ntxk ,..�• 4. l)a s. Coupon is $2.75. of yen present tai Cotipen;;each. hsg �i,:S!4t3 i., o • D21F1' will only cost yon l2.35 for each hag- , 9 f3'nr avll` 311471 aB o-, ei;uiptl a�aitln the !attest.find ,Itiost an®ixeern Por rx _„ ..ia �nar ined'3`. - 174Tc h,aya;-alpoeecrsred' the aerviGes Ui .: f+'irsZ ia�» .stir, who was ire. noel' l'. F sl erxa Iorretx nue; ..y p tx o of. theIar •eat l�nrlln,t`}nirrax €lorasFtfnentTy v,oe are otieringails inducesne f;irnorder -e , wvone:a n ;ill crppartalnaty'te try our SNOW,.. RIFT flour x@ 'ver,; P., We are: selling I3,, 'a:11 r`4 brio o: 2 ton a id Thein ,s is13t,, TS1, 1IS 4 o. ,u' 1 1t 4: 4 `oraa , 1 tan tt* lel s Ifttrrowv1 Jr l lel" vlowr 2 w•w';l;lila, ptfwwklt tarrowaw; lnlscl° ollcr ori2Uyrae 2 CLS .l ro i IOW; atiln.ttt Sltlt- acts tlraa oto rrsima loot siesta Irlctt,i a errs acalca '21 Kt. {b 1; filas 91131.9e itrl� Ittr' taww^t wheelhzrro vw ceklolaaya` cllttilaa' fort,,y z rr tot of lir t offs_ rats coilasi� ;•st, al add bar- nd Ir oo ethyl.50th lltr boilstwat olu,d' 't i,�a atx �fftatrt 0 out of 810• 2uowtxtlC fR irrutl u ars (umiak tall a tl, A disco* t' €rr.sum ort 1G+os*, rcyts tie .I roprietor lits tisane Xriarvey. Proiariwttor lturon Arl u M _l Soc ety it r ;_ A;\ NUAL /ABET -MG The Atrnual Inectitir ot the rnem- !xis of. t'xc Sout,n Iluron 1al,gricuitural Society will 'be held in WALKER'S HALL, 131iDf1EFIELD ON MONDAY JANUAEY•' 0 1914 at 1 o'clock p. nn ' For 'the purpose of receivi11 ' tat :ELanual Reports the e!ectiat of Dir- ectors and the transactiot. of any oth- er business. required:, A meeting of the Directors 'will foe held et the same kolas,, on the same. day et 10 o'clockM. Y. Afelican Secretary LV m, ,Sw•rry 1'resideln't Notice to Creditors in The matter of the estate of Eliza J. Parkinson of the : Township. of t_tsborne County of Hato,. Widow deceased Notice' is hereby given, pursuant to. It. a O. IS .kr chap: I2l,., ,that • null creditors and others having, claims« ai ainst the estate of Eliza J, Parkin son of the Towwynsh`!p of Usbornc • who died an or "about tLe•L9t h .August b uYt 1912 are required_ d'ti ms or. it : before: the 28th of January 1913 to send toy post prepaid or deliver 1:o 1lessrs Madman t Stanbury, yf kfhr- Village df Exeter, Sotcitors far.,,4iiiai+nistra-- trixwof,tLesaid dereasedittetr .iJhrist-' atri and suer rm_€s., addressol. ;and") de-" ser,ptions, tL full particulars of their claims, the 5t,i.taai ent of thLix . ac •counts•and the nature of the secnri-, ries,°•if ani f , d t w thcrgi ' And, stir-' t31ei take .not ice . tliat'after'such last ne'ntioned,dat.e the said Admir.isa erre-,i is wilitprocced to destribttte the assets of the dceeaitd among thz parties en- titled thereto, having' regard only to the.elairns et which she shall: then Lays•pot.ice.ancl trb•wtsaid Admiaistrat- riz,sta,t,l Zqt b•,ti: ble Ion the said' _as- sets .or any other part thereof: to any S t.¢ w� person orc. persons of Whosec1 `" ;inns rn- tire sf.a'Il;,,not brave been received by sat c. `rz;c:f );e,_ •.li1n,.. t� o such distribution. GLAD1113-N & S'eAN}:CJRY. Snlie1tOis Lci Ad ninlstratraac • Dated, at ,1:x ter this ' -81b`.ria 5 • ref-` January," 1914 Ur'®:• Coit Inc 1l eotioc,,l, of the. ecl,tlor-xt:o7, ~r, County' of 1Euroxa ; will , meet ‘r. she count ,l ch'ambelits the Tow*, o ire frl'h 'sd'ay`•'the 28th day : of anu•ar',r Accounts for scttleancgt +rrjacu stb'e lrlaeed gvath, t11e el erkxbefor,41. 61 Nr 1131 gatlaif t rcaniYgtdSe $lire tx% es ®rery''for is br) n overynervp en t1le b: i£„st itteoper a ensaon ;�', ti ae ri a"luitr ecay andfi as 7Plttwepithl tcc ,l $itOXiti"nl ®emils' to. two snitly Wes Sa%I! 3 -F._ Farm for Sale 1OOacre farm Lot :11 Cen 1 °l'0WR Uhiix o:£ lIay oat Lor$on 110ad 211.1411 flrwatn tlthl as"l. ;APply to E. 11, Bio ,l w'rsn Ont. ,4 desixeble I�,T43t Stroct, lu.;, 4tttr l ur'A4op- o xl 014 and 'Ha u rtgg,a arae riots 'A trait tree, t-$ t1th00` ,y tlo, 1lutlStlo tilre i d ~Ik>wee acro 3, tw'tilbo Cerate. For iwtrtler 7n, 1y° to T. Il, McCallum. Sale Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Qdy, ,+,, Ve aahcers G011a ai~siout:rs, li for the Mois9n3 Bunk eta, tit AIopey to Ls?nn at lowest rete,, of % sr, TB car car MoNE TQ LOA, have at large anaxaulst ani ttri 'a to ,tuts to 1944 OA tgrto. nnti af± - arc: prolaertles at. ialwY t sats a IA% Ot at. w. GLAT4N STANDOWIC c, 1lttrristors. Solicitors, Ma1t1 ;Ste tlr Grade t'vahtory o '1J tt 3 S, 3 Toww wells ci. ola i5 a uott eriek .01Wz with 01etat roof, cou0olnlzil 10 rteu;ll with- l;iitclitll, wootlslrctlp pan - room, 'lard, and sort wat :r Go d tn;l.'ar, is zoo 1+•rt Ile' other 351cou font, ifnldeuav`at lord drivta 41'44 3&x90 3ttth twill sal. Loud ;.tate or r tun' :tna taever tttilinj well rt lnlirn: one. Clore oC load orchard cote] ,tits of good, oyllla�s cherries pluuts and may quay- "'. 110.11 duet. 00 acres cleared -rood state ot cultivt:tiol:. 10 acres of bush. aatcf ltti3ture. iU ocre3 aineded to utas, 7a ace'.ot of tall aw.be tt, serf! litoual wire uu. dont+, 1''urtu is wvttlf underct,t;atned and Lewes, fn good ,Cute of xelastir never tabling sharing eretfa runs ocros1, the tarot Thist iy as very tiesi,rahte . xoperty _.bein3 sit - ted only two wiles trout this tb,riv ill l;otvtl of Exeter, , aT t_tc.i l-.. utslt. from Good ScLoo1 good 3ravel ruadi.; This property will be sold real alible, Sattasfuctory a'euso:as Iciven for t~llina• For further particulars .apply Cru 11. Iley nolid9 on tLe fpre,iaisas or "Lissy 1'.' 0, or to 11, S, 11,ti11i1,s ,Auctionrety Exeter tl1 Notice to Contractors. The n'n1lcr4igned will receive:, ce- ders for tLei metal coveriEg ot the Elio:wale Methodist church. sheds 'to co,ttsist of corrugated 28 ,gauge the saute to be 'mune at least. four inzhet coal !loop, ,1 corrugation and' :L;alf side lei) and trio ridge roll ot isufficienb sers the pinning of ."three: ;ventila- tors midge,. rcontractotri to Tar', nish lois maifn;w "th,- Rout 122 feet ir, Ili th;' and ww,i:ll xe uire four• ierygthb cal a It Iron, on eacL, side The mat- erial will a 1 be 'drawn from‘ the orlon for the.:contractbr. Tenders to ;be in: byJ?ebruary lst 19131 S .1,, i-yrn' 1 Yimvillei I sift . t A kMa:S W v t £ LQ7rd0z . Tc.telt,143.:+►. y ( �}+�y6r9 �yy�.1 , VLITert It l3tatory e1lrt. rat.: us7«to ttl+1 ead Office, President ,7 Yice-I?ues, o flO,131,' MORRIS TUOs. Hx 1N' W tt. BROCK WILL; 1301”' Iiubil inn k1tt1sse; oxsnhel a AGE TS JOHN ESSE11Y ;Exeter. all'nt `Ifs. time and Aiddiilph. OL1V 1E 114111;;Z1S muttso agea l fur lbbert b`ullarttort oust Lo y +war rt x'Tµ,i,M1A.T1 VJL1i./ SeTroa5. "argtllaair CLAUlIt 11 STANDUR"Y" Solicitors. rix t eAr« Sale by Tender The 200 sere -'forret .Lots. at and Third Concession Stephen known, n.s, the iiuston property i; 'offered for sale br 'tender: !enders reeejvy d uil to Feb 1st; 1913, The highest nor any tenderinot nano e.s5arly ,accepted. Apply to 11, 1: 1! USTD.t'�I Ex , • eter''Ont, very a .. '!s Interested acid should know - about the'tyonderlhl Marvel .Whiailnp ,snug Douche „Ask porn. druggist for It. "If he curot supply tho Iriayst, accept no' ether but send stamp' for illus• tratea "book—seated: It gives full particulars and directions invaluable tol odics.iw'YIVDS0It5(iPPLXCo..wiaeiaor,'r?751 t General ,Ai enta for Canada. YOU -PAY WHEN _-O-U- Drs. IEn.B� K. TAIt ALL lt9� Cure -a by the'New Method i°resatt tent .. I rzb.rm i s•oli rzioTos .UU1D Tal®Ut. wiiiTTEN CONsErlr'•' ER ,.l.i..,.r,.o•Tuh.&o'h.u...stt dgof yorngeand middles ged me n aro annu ally .s e 6 to tt rem.a u t0 fiRv ., the �r9 lndixetton..Erecae. and Bledd Daaosoca ` 7tyouane any of foi-lottin synpreens coaauflt usbetozoiae too 1ato.::'Aro.you�[ervoua and venk;-der,pon-dentand gloomy, specks'before the, eyes;with -dark! under weak baak.kidne sirritable,palpitationoftheheart;'bashful; heamaandlosses+ sediniort lenettle,impleouthetaco,-• eyes sunken .hollowYroheeLs carewor.n,,e_c5siou'oot.mematy, .a- .- .steles,distrastfand strength" tiredmornis ,,!.rstides:nights,"C,ad;4veAsnAn�w6d' 0n4nro decoy . .bone pen .; 10050 sore,&aroat eto::: Y, Cy ,. .,..., ... "a� � cDrtS l4lmw iUleticPd a'rentete�'+can care eta sods mace'fsriui ol" ';.. . . � aotiv©, tt►e bloody 1lratied'so''t7r3t 4111 liialpl "tilo`tohaas•�}' pttCe h brattl;;becilm p ai pater. th®;nerbos :. .Yji%O'wbrte,coe strong'1steel»,s.:o t ha2_ :;nera..vcyolgu« sbe.rts<B.s. -g»J_ldso .t.oln vamp's dieO. 0mcoatesbrrgbt.:14f 1ti n1eiliHin�1,6ysicalapi,,sunseYe ttiwYastefromsYLesstenu�AVoifn ,l[ re esu O •-l.l.-1�,v.;�s� DrR7fT Ey7 ii1DI G l�f�iznsltte 1tdl�adte$ nr, 1,1101MT:1 (: as 5 ii ?;r. ,t lr A,