Exeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 4I 0.1e.e 4e per Rdy '1`la:•rA� gra altaar+ � tcA wla€tt: ��kAi' tt^Iii 4iv14m mei XF fop a•: eld. rood• ori to Lipa bot it Oa;f Tei ltitGd#t'a"'t H'ttria 0 tl fe v ria t$ tiX1St'1 O It'it#'tfiti'e'r ,j tl.O ti1q frnttt llil tt it 'ITesfit;e espaitt�h falt><r,tralu ve:.Tite Callnczl of rise l*nlpi t2 eta 11dS ;t. �'� hell the resl'ri; elzlan patf iu Iv;2s i$$U d art S8l Cxtttcatisus gists excel)tc frit zy tr ult10nFai na4*aasatres were tztatatutecd iatld.'pe•lding' the adoption of the most ss suitable lzaet>hod for ,givingtl4at serf's thei free This r daxn, .l'i're tram.. York tsaara3t tictbal stage now after half as ce ay of Jaanles guhieh iaatreial faits! ate li ospital, at x.16 la.y morning.. follow - al ora: Thursday for el I the end coming e.2llya, although it had that has condition a+ S A 0 11 IDeteniber, 1912, Below That of the Same Month a Year Ago. 3: patch from Torontosays: S meessiou duties for the month of December show a considerable faal.l lalg off as ecalnpared .with the sena mouth of ' $11. The amount cor- responding cot- r Iect.1�'l' d was $ 9 (}Q? and for ther- responding monthin 1911 "$75,555. For the first two months of ,the cur rent fiscal year the duty amounts to $97,131, °as against $227,417 a year is go. tea, has been terminated, the4 h- ' there was still opposition to its be- ing abolished. Premier Io i r tff personally appeased before. the Council of the Empire to urge tlit3 adoption of the new lane. It al- ready has ed the' D: in .. Passu a MEF REPENTS HIS CBIAI . Brftigs Loot ;Back to Halifax Ex. ress Office p ffA a start is Arrested. A despatch from Halifax says: John Little,, an 18,yea.r old elerk in the office of the Canadian, Express Company at Halifax, is alleged. to' have entered the office early on Wednesday morning, opened the sine and taken a package contaaii .ng $1w000, Be'left, for Truro, but. on the wary repented, ret irned to Halifax, and getting into the office put the money behind the safe, In the meantime the loss of the money bad been discovered. Little was arrested and is said to have con- fessed. Gft COST OF HEN FRLIT of ;he Cheap American Egg Alar is the Canadian Egg J r� despatch. from Ottawa says : lie ne;tTest thing in trade troubled 7 3 she conduct of the egg; more 1-r" -the United States egg,' . rodJi the prolific American, �.. It i! coming into Canada. il3i]Gsentations made LG< G:tile Gov - tent i.ndittate that the "advynt tates egg under ex - flees h viewed . with i`iL2 l a, interests. e ross the border :-hat ',dissor- emingly due el,.,eepers' this side of the line have a, winter's supply, ,procured at pricey several cents hi li�k than those now being aclrarged at t;lh.e horsier, The stiggE;sik n 'bas leen made that s t 3i` dumping t'' dlIt in 'the to Cana- dian o'naa�r�t�a.,ih'bc.a.p appliedther�.rJ]ei'A= can erg, or'that the Canadian ai d merican egg teriffs be 'tempos';as ily eqt alized the Canadian ,dui; being two cents lower. it does nofa appsa,r: that the importation of the drearier eggs could ` e clismtr°a,ged even is such ,a roursle;tahouglat d sirable, Salle,„ der pin j € 95�•7Z9 rs s Sri bull: ec r ��&PAdd�,:Elk traAl�; 4'a Rtdd Motes t'alarkirte, is., xR,la14. 'ttrat-,•tfn d q11 -re; 3 i'o We. 2 north pie »70, �_ Rlt�tk 3 to ort aer44. r4si(n ii2 is"n Silt; A cant Qbeta. ',Maine; `OR to to .14v aevat; $3 to t canners, $D too S. T cad vetalk 87 to S9; oomt mon, 131 lea ttnd lieedora -Steens, Ander. mt 3.23 to 53,50: feeding lks 3.1 At $:.74 to $4.25. 00, Will .sn$ sfiterraitra -xi t t+ssc* to $£3 Sheep ©weft, ,43 to '$3.5Q;' iambi', t 7 tot4 $5. being paid for these. Ted Sind nud` $8.10 to 40.15 f.o.b. z• I.Ia 5 ilrll.ECK ] rn,DING. rel Gall Employees Iia, orae Reporte Ruins.' A despatch from Philadelphia, saps: Heavy* winds on Friday after - wrecked .a three-story build-. fag* in this city used for naaanufa.c- tlxrizlg, azrd several girl employees are missing and reported to be in. the ruins. Men cragged from the wreckage were taken to a hospital. About, fifty. persons were employed in the building. ubstantial Breakfast R of it eyef package Post k'luasti ,ae, ih. :rise, sweet bits +of toasted' Indian Corn. to be served with creme. or iika , Vii. a s Ready ,r irE�iil� Dire From G st, �: •:m:. Aldo &Awl 6tkF� fi Ar444A"d a �a'�tztleto,ntt� Ager ratio��Ialti forA IiIAi, T2s ak. ve to b♦,�ayy„. o4tt eIo?At t.o4 int �i ! A MEka,eik X1111 U can t3 otA for en4rMenefee c4r i i41�at, it eatsaa4iuotA count:Inl a trA at SviAfd that le not pet or it ria «AtiO11. es for vie ar ors} Thud : t1i1 Ci4ACt9 wjAr,Fi arta kliath m$ .Ci1D col toffiatA. lit Tvrata na' thto ct Art a tAti tt w t e nd rrorkacre of bot the physicatl ort th nxte and, Nth ns rare an eitJ tttda. Divorce Cogrt Proposed. Mr is P. D. Jnhnat:ean, LC,.. by 12ta ad tresti xtt the liar Ass elation, has' etartcd: 1 U tIto discussion as to whether Cao.. �ads aahould have a Divorce Court. lir., 'ctlznston argues tbna under the prhient, tS�lltut on only the rich can soeure diVeree, b li.eh is unfair. its ongtsestion, for the establishment of a court which, like other courts for the settlement of property disputes, would Bowe to the people rather than melte the peorile aquae to it. has canoed aonewidurahlo: eorement, particularly among Church sonic, who do not wish to see the breal;- ing of marriage macre any"+sasier. The praper char"-, In the law Is to make it harder to get married. they eav, One of the greatest harriers against :4n,Y Increase In the facilities for getting di. Forces is Canada 'lies in the Attitude of the Ifnraun Catholic et sen 40 al u ray 04'O at4t4aaxton i4xn_ as �raa n tr nTo ole o£ ao fol ph e dicorers ere rante_Church._ by te C nsedinri, Fensate. o£ whtrh;'Ont of the 67 membmre.: 36 are Boman Catholics. These 36, with 81 others, can therefore at any time throw out ans' divorce 1t8plicat1on. Canadians Co Abroad.. In recent years there has been some In-' crease In the number of divorces granted. The average is, however. but 19 a vear. Since Confederation only some 200 divorces all told have been grranted, by , Barba,-'. rent. Pour of the 't naller provinces have Divorce Courts of their owe, and It is sig- utheant that one of them • Prince Edward Island, has never greeted a divorce. "Nova Scotia averages 8 a year, New Brunewiek 6 a year, and British Columbia 8 a year. Of the divorces wanted by the Canadian, Parliament' more have been secured from Toronto than from all the' rest of the country int together. As rw matter of feet these figures do not give much in- dication of; the real number of divorces granted Canadians because a greater por- tion of them who seek divorces' go to the United States. re 01,Kty< per Den t� baunigra o' D udniolttk 'rho r the twelve rot' fe• t, oge R Apra, ;ti4t, t i hhh , fOWI4 eiilt:4lbet,41611,;0e fAR"a3a1X 441A"y P.50111;. ladai, fh X E a �bI ALL , Belaarai l::ost,r Teta ud De acl by aa: cc, a s 't trade by Illation, ;ars it will Don 1' wl have been digs r,#wil ttel lean to grain -six' lir llalr to market. l<A FOR &L13 b 104 'I'litaa weal fUd. Tl °Lll Iuwe wrW, T11 1 Synilleate n Annalre Large Areas In Spring. A despatch £rasxn ladxno.iAteri, Alta,, nays;: That a; syndieaate of wealthy South Africans icaps i ll, Dorn nlencing next spring, establish set- tlements of Dutch farmers in Northern Alberta is tic statement spade by Hairdos Snyn2an, who is in the city investigating conditions, Mr. Snynrnn is a Boer, and - farmed in South Africa, before going to New Mexico to engage in ranching n fest= year ago. THEIR: BOOST IN OIL. Crude Product Raised Five Threes Latey—Now $1.65 a Barrel. A despatch from Sarnia saeys: The price of crude oil has been again boosted -at the headquarters of the Imperial Oil Refinery here by the sum of three Bents. The ioaaal fl gets all la ring It coli it ean ire= the local Canadian fields about Petro lea, a.nd Oil Springs. The refinery at I'etrolea has been paying over $2 is barrel. The price paid by the Jim - penal bays been raised five tunes lately, bringing it up to $1.65 a •4 1st°If11,' i or lnjory cor by at 6 Potl it+a:re3 Fad,,. Daoro, eillf; a.ccidentallya shot year-old boy <who waas a f;un. eY s Pial w 1)1t$ldin 0 In, iit9� G:I by Great iitlrstA,i;A The Duke o£ &.b:rcorn died; in London. Several amendments to he home rule bill veno negatived. Mr. :Senor Law stated that if submitted to the country and en- dorsed, he would advise Ulster Unionists not to resist the home rule hill, Thi4'te al "il:ttes. The New York garment trike continues. Mr. Bruen Ismaay has res from the Chairmanship. of the White Star Line. The United States Steel Corpora- tion orpora-tion has decidedto build a. twenty - million -doll r plant at Sandwich, Ont. . , A stay of execution of sentenbes was orderedthe ease of the dy- namite o s In v namite prisoners, and heavy bonds sere., fixed by the court. The United /States tates. Attorne3 r -a; en- eral declared the act passed au- thorizing the Long Seniit dam pro- ject over the St, Lawrenee to be barrel. unconstitutional. ere Own an interest In some good Corporation, by buying the Fia•at Mortgage ?4e els ofthe a.rastctu., beta. dlVc ear iv eH secured, hl it -grade minds et established corapanles, tta,"yle d 8 per seat. vVa gist, hast some tractive Preferred etc B�£al eaiaer per aeaentt., ersr; P SCALES AULT The Ro al Oorniss'011 Finds this .Reacts to the Detriment of the Farmer A es a:teh ,ir a' d � m Mentis e t ��, 's li ay s: there has been a demand ` for cheap weighing scales, and that this. iii, C'b:a to i has l.. ,u0 %1f' piecing 9 o f a r Glr roar Izet a s n� h 1 a •;f . )a. �� � a.l? ,� zaasl fa -114V LYttL-•�: Chilies. reacting to the detriment of the Farmer when selling liis ro du ;r.ns tho chief oimt biouF ht 4 ut en '.L'hursday aftiornoon before+ e ;l oyal C`othm ssio , which fol e time na,st has hien invsstigat- g certain comniai;wll, .•. s as t,o;'weigh- t,, and payment ;methods made ainst Montreal merchants, '1'iae" stimeny was iven;by 1 anry 3 tiler ;President ,of thy-: Canv4isn is ten years .Mr, Fuller told the Com- ruissitn, t-ltcte ,had been a;_growing <den7atcl tor cheaper scales st-ri.•v_- 4n'n lent regulations wer not ,iontly rigid, lie said, Arhet Cas w4Lnt4'4l :ll U17U5_. .Sealy; t 5, durability and rel.tabilily Mr Fuller expressed the opinion that inspectors 'should he more fully in- €tructed as to. their'dutiss. inspec- ,ors were appointed, he alleged, for political reasons, nien,°-who hadne- ver bandied' a scale before. As to how the cheaper grade scales might I e banished he advocated that Go�v- rnment should'481:01•144811,,- rteto i fori itt r4 1,...v. .....+ ..X �?�rsgt9l . lie €,', iitt v or 17 fi ► f.41OE POB 1. St. ltaa tt a r l� iia? 0 5I? as recei� e k4 said on Tuesdfay�, "tli2rlt loo asolft ial where he now %s, Mist as ha svaays worked here, fog' mt d tcf ei i, 3eing untrammeled by a pby:siea hod ,, atnd at liberty to ge her rile 'na tl the other place at ] ho is working and influencing fo1� , peace by impression. Thee is heavy work front. lz in T?o not fm� amine that the Turk has left Duro yet," was his last meesa a e said. STREET ACCIDENTS. reople .Hillevi.' in Nei oris Last Year. A despatch from Now York set t Y+o Street accidents in New York city during the year 1912 caused the' death of 532 perac us. Statistic madeubiio a u i? a2 Thursday. , by , the National Highway ' Piot a x3(4 'is 9t? Sod- ety show that 230' 4'4 these victims were children, of whom 103 were run over by automobiles. Of the total deaths 221 were due to auto- mobiles, 134 to trolley ears &ma 1 to wagon's. During the sameler- icd'2,363 persons' were injured. The deaths from these aeeideents in :19U numbered, 423. Ninety-one drivers of motor car's ran away afar` th accidents. AI%0'S SON NEXT TO I,:.vr. Standing of Frliiee iia l xa iaatlon Sign of In ai tialitya A despatch from London say Prince Albert, son" o, fRing Geor steed sixty-fourth in o2'dor of 34ie in a list of ' sixty•-fi.vc persona w ,underwent an examination for.: naval c,ideLs, • la,s't salotlth Tree movies: seers Ste'. coalinenc On the standing of i;ll Prince as- evidence ; t _ � e _five of the oazrepl�,o r ti x e 3 of h!?:e 't-' - .yamS>raeraa.. 0' n l •- EAC1 i Port II-1,r0At stein SaertiAab H aayors of Same 14itta e A " de o s, atcri 1,o11 , Sarnia sari, coincidence has ooeu7red lie, that Port Huron and S vi"n,i posing -sides of the ititrei haae both under the Y tips xa'pane of