HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-2-6, Page 6FACE ANS TROUBLE FOR Y EAR Ihandl when it is held about this f* ='s in themaas:elves «re moot a daugerou; t �'bw „ ma as stil�k, at the me ti ge are v� p'a 't hey ar, an to getr„d of rl*r n it is absolutely iie e a'y to pit the b.o d into good csrsr- dg oA h 4 d'' � rg 9 brl there i, a°fe `? ” to -1 (hat aad bh)rad 3.5 a reapoaboe�'a a-ar l. L, Sask. `��'^` c ntv face 33, `r4 boowy, a d 1 ;? every- ...h 1 could. ti iVP, of. My neighbors #Lad .� P 8AT dpi water ,of of sr 'coria Meal,is+rt I kept getting worse uphill one tla „a w tR °dart in t(R'k�ma :"ed ra c I didn't try kk :dark Blood dieters, 1Lw husband gest me twO, bottles« and re wee was gone pray beaks ;Marl all e?'s a 3s d I£r^ek ilk& a diff& weaat an't teal ;pm law tbatak'u 1 mo m �'ne, I win recommend miner,,, mr 'h 1 aAmmk e T"t lipmarum m, ,titft. used t i nay by bath bitted, -a?l u g e ' 'd m arai ;t 't 1'41;01 ti es Setae e'leon to Direetaarris f r inches below the. surfane .of the water looks sky blue There is We danger of streaky bluing water if: the blue ball is , drays rept in a ` bit, of canton flannel, Three or four shirtwaists could be t th romte lm fihi oa trw nn:g and bluing process in, fifteen New Iaee ease's, nminares at. the most, They 'rill: . the=m. have thew hole day to dry, pu s p... g and rias - u 3-llrketi � apll ►t , . gra the evening the s a3st sh k 1' Pr""" � s Brotr�i t,ablesmao; latam o,_ bu tM .r' .be st reties? with aaneooked estareh azmr 4[r t" i°a.£�Lr tine sl?" -ed, E. < �. tT ¢„ partly dried., . `l De aniohnt of d: 'e^ft, 4 04,ave •Qi gariic 'enol) AM stardi heeded el w; ll &v hd f T fie fine; :atir and ("004ftn. three %-"@m1 weight of Ole w ai`St4 era et•'lo Res, add am; teaAspoomafn {If e a, `,Qw'de r wlamemli la44,1 e )n sdoh d 3 d a: „a�` 9 desired... tea_;w 3i w, A ,a r,=M a erJ so it n star eh as a to l}'.F M1^'IFT+M*:u 44 1111--k, axax Li 'e'41,,1� t .G. '4 x� � '$i F 'fJyie+. L After the waists aro star hey can. be hung in ,front c f a ar near a milt art>a- so that they w d@"' slue ekly._ When they are abo oda , dry a sail relied clothes real :. ern in little packages used begin 3mmiug, mm th sleeves i,rst with a oae to frdSG9x Wax, Par31#14 n, catrme4e mad salt' all eIe rn aimake ai s ea.*ante sand n k*x14 r ._, �__a 5:pafw& r the iron, ammad if the ire 4''401 x xc x ear.r_,aae�na��a trn:e air z_n l-_ n_n o tlm right. '"t2 letpee the wwalsii Pnr ,�z•,'cicw.�' :'ltemm ort ,;•lm9g4d 4a rl tis thw >?E1 ]i*d1 k'#"tkaw the sa rel x 1 three =mites longer, stirring a"► th€.' than. Md imaaf a, poarri,fl oa nszell, chopped perk teznderiofr. and A"y,t?li 9ver a slow fire fifteen - mmmnmt'es. add three camps of well eooke4 ' as xoenaiil salt, a guar - 'OUP' o uam:A-'GUp- o wy;efi reacryt s„ue .W#m hal xw h Edi 1 ummsattaamn e it 0 II faa beat= to ea �atltaal Ylt@t$ at 4Cf CA PTI'. cup'mRi with aliner -guar-. ;mth a With on i I. LESS °iaita Ilse t'm lmtxsmopils Tinge, las tatlt t,1 tel.:° tar 115fs edea tori am'#am_v.. adlat,«°"ems a aid Frani m stat n paha ofl€ilra, es box to keep ilia« uutt polishing shoe s. 'ellrie pepper sprinkled shelf and in every crevice to drive mice 4way. . Ther water, in .wh eh t mmsaited ri gas been boiled make; an excellc trach for lingerie waists. Open shelves should be avoided fm the kitchen, as it is almost .iTn- ossiblo to :keep them free from ust. Do not tm low am„wway Clio coarse, peen oolcm.leaves, l.,)ry them; hey' 'nuke;.Very good 11.a^a; rine;, ,Lo i ups. ... w,,,A .. «.... i y',�2. errs en n „ eat e. � bottle ilei+ b t mammmnumw shot on the siink shelf fish when cleammiag bottles or ass jars. I:f a Uttie salt is Sprinkled in the r fr'ing pan before putting the ofat oral the stove will. not be splashed with the grease. ° After cutting a Aire off a ham, rub the ,tut side ,with cornmeal, as this keeps the ham ;frombecoming rancid. If windows are wiped once a week rsed dates. sat mne. Fold in reefaally the whites (beaten stiff) of eight eggs last + f ;all. Bake in s or in layers. _vco butter or Bret Thoma produce :peetxy `t iaatrast tory is eertainl„4 e ; Theft, in the claay e of 1<li mmmen were counted -oh. sank to valetudinarianisnm Igo. Now they retain tlie: and strength and are ,rcaaam This odoes not suggest tan, vigor in the race, has fit ec "ailies, hem . — One ]:iFmemnfu! tmf butter, one anti, limps t f sugar, two eggs, �m;mlf emtpa cif sour mail cilve a teatspoonfmi1 4 tar' a uliafan 'l, azaers, more teas;ki,retain of vt lira, 'Bake in tw", Sola ~Cracker t'ake.t.c getlir, e yolks of eight eggs, amore and ltreaters cups of smagar, rind ef,one lemomm. doll soda crackers M-clamamrt >i ► it» And a a a in which ate tlm:aa iaaltl t 9i (stw japan {'greet New Y ar. Japan the lewv Year is `iwe3 with far more energy Horan in this e'ountry. Let a man's be ever so defective, he is expected to rice at 4 axm. and doom new clothes to meet the aaespicious morning. Then, with his gala gar- ments in due order, he worships the gcsds, performs ubeisanee to the spirits of his ancestors. and pays ;h,ayr.ate to all relations older than h nmself. No ordinary viands are -eel-lean-ilea at breakfast. The tea must be made from wa ter drawn from the well as the first rays of the New Year's sun strikes it. On every table figures a red lacquer tray, covered with evergreen leaves, and 'supporting a rice dump- ling, a Lobster, oranges, persirn_ mons, chestnuts, dried sardines and herring root; all these dishes pos- sessing an allegoriral sit nification.. This meal is the start of the festivi- ties, which are continued for six- teen days, business being almost entirely suspended for the first "-eek 'of the year. Doctored For Three Veen Without tiny Benefit. Through one cause or another a large majority of people are troubled more or less with some, form of heart trouble. Littleta,ttention is paid to the slight weaknee, but when it starts to heat ireeeelairly, and every once in a while, ain seems to shoot through it, then it atases great anxiety and alarni. - Milburn's lieart and Nerve Pills will sufteizig from._ any_ weak-..-,ess of the -Mrs. M. Shea, 193 Holland Ave., Dtta,wa, Ont., writes:—" write you these fines to let you know that 1 have used ilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. After oetoring for the last three weals with al] tints of med_eints and pills for weak adart„, I heard el your Heart and Nervc so thirdcirese.1 had rtever used any - that did me so much good, kept it using them., and I had caily used four rice by ilburn C d to two rs of ,swa net- Chocolate, two tea surafuls elf einnanwn, one tea ionful of eloves, half a pound o it Pota.tu i'_ta,-e.—One cup of butter two cups of sugar, for eggs, hal a cupful •of'sour milk in which dis solve half a teaspoonful of soda, two cups of flour, one cupful of grated raw potatoes; two ounces' of choco- late, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove with a cloth dipped in alcohol, they will not become frosted in cold weather, When garbage is burned, it should first be dried, otherwise steam is created, and the moisture is in- s jurious to the firebox. I'amt silver in a pan and cover it. with thick, sour sulk. Let it stand for half an hour and it will come out bright as a new dollar. s Paint brushes can be kept from to taste, say about half a teaspoon ful of each. Bake in loaves or in layers. `,1'o Launder a Shirtwaist. A clean hot iron, a box of the sort of starch which does not need cooking, pure soap which is strong enough to remove grime but does not roughen or redden the hands, two balls of bluing tied in a square of canton flannel and plenty of warm water, these are the things needed by the girt who would laun- i drying out by putting them in water, over wyhich'thtie is a lithe kerosene oil or turpentine poured. 'When roasting meat, , put a pan of ',water in the oven ; the steam which arises from the water will aid' in making ` the 'meat tender. When water has spilled on a valu- able "book, lay a blotter on each side of the worst wet leaf and iron until dry with a medium hot iron. , USE F011 LIVE Wi'II :I1ES. der her own shirtwaists ..,after the clay's work is done. . If, `she goes lla?nstaers llcllming i asl.ermticam Oh about the work in the right way it Ce,east of Prince need not be arduous, and if she works carefully she can soon' prove herself a goad laundress, and save money and tornclothes besides. It is a good idea to soak the soiled clothes for ten or twelve hours be-. rrionia tit a has -into] of .-water whiten tile clothes, . ' '§hirtyvaists might be ,soaked in this , way over night. The:, nekt morning' 'they. shohld be rubbed -be, tWeete the bandse or 013 one of the email -rubbing boards',..about a foot': lens' that' corne'' fof.' this sort Five ',Minutes,. will . Sem:4, to.; over - CY From ,Prince Rupert comes the' re- port that two huge whales- have been engage.d to -herd the shoals of herring into that pdrt for tile bene- fit of. the fishermen, and the plan whales are to lie used hereafter as the "sheep -dogs" of the sea '.at the, northern terminal. The two whales displa,Y •a lordly herring, with the result that. big catches aro 'being made. Messrs. 11-013 are said to have :firs( observed the elforts of ie levlat nails to our- ner the 'het -Tin"' Market. in a. rocky Cove near Prince Rupert,. The whales• drove thci "herring their mouth's to a wide angle ey -.Went '• through -the -Shoal of high speed. wito 1,11,': result that ""y, of the herring, were missing the shoal. The guile flying, s he whales locate the levia- catch • IN! MNAlliaN Tlilµl.nl 1 et,, Cin 1+ua't*�tatt►l ►sx1 Olden. (el!ed the to ire csf b ii bd: his tamatily me diaately, upon mmmaa, c 0 tiny pats vh baaifds rs laur»t .a,ffpr'umg� xecaaf;mmition of his Qmm Atmel a>Ktorcy. Jetio:T►tn, tmm'mm, ais: represented as phaa .ati with t•lae saterifmce and as detennie- ins in his *wiz mind newer again to "curse alta' Ili i P curse the ground any more fo magi';; sake"," nor to "smite an more everytb.a,►g living,” as he had (haze. Then follows the beautiful pm:isnmise, M 4While the earth remain- eth, se'edtimo and harrest, and cloud and heat, acid summer and winter, end day and night shall not oerwee. 1 mY a ernes 1.7 of chapter t JereapeTie,aalzeopaecetling, the priu:te portion of our ‘l eson passage, th hlessing'whish God pronounced up atm Noah is givem , Noah become the .founder of a new race, and to him, as to Atlamn ` and Eve, is in trusted elomnieion over the low e forms of life;. A new emphasis i also placed upon time sanetity of hu nian life, based on chem divine ,in'►ag in which moo was originally ere '.111.44 Lt,R'.t_j Ii$ 0It TilE ,l'lr"IlKS. e n sents of the few in taarmccs ir. wwlmich the priestly tkarraa•- ttrribmmtes to Uod the olraraac� trrsties and frailties of man, lex h verlasting covenant—An ex-- pression ;t-pression occurring frequently (compare 17, 7, 13, 19 ; ENO. 31. 1(i; Lev, «t, 8; Num, 18. l9), in verse 18 and 17 the thought of :nixes 13 to la is d+molt upon and ” ll repeated, am. familiar forma 1?1m�SiS, 1 1 N Mint, mmmaloDeeidedly Wattled Lest St. POW'S Collapse., The onditioe of the dame of St. Paul's Cathedral is arousing the liveliest interest and concern. Ae- corcling to Sir Francis Toy., one of the most eminent engineers of the day, who has just made .1 Queen' examination in view of the von r struction of a tram subway, the . famous dome is cracking and, Wren's maasterpievo is already in such a condition as• to evoke the. nation's sympathy with the protest made • by the dean and obaaptor against any subt'aS, schemes that can possibly place the historisx edi- fice in further peril. In his report d- 'Francis Fob: says: e -The eathed al is overloaded; _ it is actuallY moving and cracking, s and now as proposal, is brought for- ward u+hieh can in no way coati- _ bute to its safety, but xiay at no e distant date bring about serious s injury. The eight great piers on which the dome rests have moved e and sunk from four to six inches, bringing undue cross .strains unto Verse 8. God spike unto Noah— Immediately ahImn'me.diately following the blessin and exhortation contained in th preceding verses. And to his sons with him—It i with Noah and his descendant that God,"noww' enters into covenan relationship. 9. I establish my covenant --Ac cording to the promise given in Gen, G. 18. The thought of God' covenant relation to lits people is o central importance in the Old Tes tament. In its original form,, how ever, as here represented,' this cow enant.'is not, as "in • later times, coneeived of as -a definiteagree- ment or compact between tWo par-' ties, but rather as a declaration or promise aton the , part of Gocl, set- ting forth his purpose' toward.- his Yuir Seed—Descendants, here referring to all mankind.' 10:' And with every `living -crea- ture-The divine promise wh"oli fol-. lon>s' expresses God's purpose that never again shall all animal life be blotted out by a flood, and: there- fore his promise is in a sense to the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the. earth, as well as to Noah and his descendants. 1.1.' I will establish my coveri,ant —Seal its,terans with a. specific sign or token. 12. 'This is the'.token=The exter- nal sign or seal by which nian is, to be. perpetuaily reminded of God's promise, Compare • Gen: 17.. 11, where the "token". is. something to be done by ;:man, whereas here it is something appointedby..Goa. For „perpetual .,generations --For all generations to. come. 13.., I do set -The Hebrew perfect tense is amnb"a„guous,' and may signi- fy either I have set (that is, loog ago, from tlie beginning), • or I have. just set, I set now. The rainbow,, which is heed ,by the reaction and reflection of light, mint k>ave been ,seen befo e 'the time ata f 'oah. I f the writer hneww th>1ri� 1)ro liable;meaning rsilat ti%zrarnbo•vd should ,thereafter ,pe grvennew sig i n ticance ymbdl of,mero ,Ma,130,7 ,in t' efe`, ence the structure, resulting in serious) cracks. `r9Tow serious the creeks are wvas e made plain by an. inspection, which revealed' the extent and depth of s the .fissures. It is quite true that s these cracks reveal no new danger, for they have long been knoVaz to exist. Some of them, in fact, are believed to date back as far as period immediately following- the s completion of the cathedral.” But the latest investigations .have shown conclusively that,, hot ' only have these cracks become worse -'mut that new splits are:taking place in the fabric of St. Paul's. One, ap- parently'of recent date, has only just been found in the 'northeast. cornerof the choir, and this is at- tributed, to the vibration of motor buses passing along the east end -of the ;•cathedral. This danger , is emphasized, as a matter of fact, by Sir :Francis Fox, who asserts that "the introduction of the heavy ty,pe'of motor omnibus; with its consequently increased vi= bration, in such close proximity eto the building is .a serious evil. and ought to 'demand` and secure pro: tection on the °,part of the authori- ties." • . With this point of the peril clue to traffic vibration the dean andchap- ter are not yet dealing, though some steps will a.lmost'certainly ebe taken to minimize, if not to remove, heavy automobile traffic from the -church yard. ter 'The ern,lihasis lard by Srr Fran- cis Fox on the condition of the the T Pro Pziragazi fitted C AST lairmore has a population Kamloops lay?, a ref a tor faetory. The C.P.R. has built a iew B. C.‘apples are finding a ready market in Australia. first-elass hotel will be opened in South flazelten tide spring. Lost Yehr the mineral output of Q, Was werth over $30,000,000 The ellipping of coal from, Prince: ton is hampered through lack of Put uP 4i1- Public banding in Port During the last year there were '2ii7e1tocnal.es in the police court at Pen- At 'Merritt the postofliee has moved to miw quariers in the Bank of Montreal In Ifedley, for supplying liquor to an interdict, Walter Mel)onalti Was fined $100 and costs. In Saskatchewan mOving picture shows arc limited to one for every 5;000 inhabitaets. The grading cif the C.N.R. be- tween Yale and ICalilleops is almost finished. A few bridges have yet to be built.' A new formation showing gold in every bucket has recently been struck in Conklin's gulch near Bar - A large poultry farm will be es- tablished near Pepticton, It will be largely stocked vith birds from want the_freieht rates reduced from points on the G.T.P. to Prince Ru - Last year the 'Kootenay Jam Company of: Mission City put up eighty-five carloads of eartrted goods. Of this amount there were, 32,900 gallons 6f apples. ThJeorn- pany arso put up thirty-five -car- loads of jams, jellies and chocolate. During the past year a coMpany has been drilling for oil on the -Pitt Meadows, net many miles from Vancouver.' The hole is down 1,600 feet.' The last 500 feet was drilled through white granite.' No oil has yet been struck, but the experts think it will yet be found. Lew Roberts, well-known along the - Cariboo Road, was recently killed at Bear Lake. He as lift- ing, a gun from a sleigh w,ith the Roberts lived only a shert time f - being taken to the, hotel. TD te oi Pc k 111'131:i:se reetCY 0°0111,1•1'sleeare° ida le‘f eHe $43e,,,under his pillow.. He Was ,sick o he put his clothes containing dome has led"' to the chapte'r taking 1 imMediatel- measu'res ,to repair the has given instruetien9 tO 31,1031117, put in hand at onee. . Dean 'In s'e 8aid that- no stone. -won) d be left unearned 'to 'stop the Paul's; and , the Lord elY,I,aybei David Burnett) "h big one 01 the trusteees'eare di -are has annOuneed hiss\ witl.draw the so ilorrApific Como LEFT it NASTY, .DRY COUGH. Doctors Could Do No COOL writes...—"ffeel it my duty CO write an tell you the good your Dr. Wood's. Nor,. Ile had Whooping c,ciiigh, which left MO with a nasty., dry hard cough I took him to several doctors, but they did Min no good, and collid see my ilttle 144 failing day by day, I was advised otak him to another aocter, which did, an he told me he was going into a deelic I was telling a neighbour about it, an Norway Pine yritti,,, and give 11/40 regulerly. She -then got to tell me boy much good it did her children, so if got . bot tie,. and gave it to my little boy, and was so pleased with the result that bought another one, and 6y the time Ikad flislieci it be bad na cough. Ile now fat and 4tl'oeg, and 1 would nut be xvitliaet a bottle in the heuse ea omelet!. cold, accompenied with cougiv• It is, 454 rule, more of 4 atild'$ troe134 but else affeets adulte. Dr, Wood'e Norway Pine Syrup sere preventative if talceo in time, mai le also fe'peeltive elm for any nf after "Dr, Woetl'a" is put up YkliQW unPPer, three pine treee the trade mark price 2a and 50 eeuis, Menufactured only by 'Ile T. I‘Iliburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Oat, Preeerved After ars of Burial. the olden dayK *Tap. loafer embalmers were ,suce u Xtr4Ordinary amount, of preserve, i071 in „the bodies on which -they operated. qbe. Japan Chronicle draws attention to a ease of this nature whieh has recently roma to light in Kobe during the operations for laying out a public park at Any-. ojiyatna, around the statue of the late Pririce Ito: The operations, which are being condueted by the inimicipalityoin- eluded the removal of some gt4V00 the rear of the Aryop'temple. work was being done by FOL110 0001 - `es in the presence of a representaa tive of 'Viscount AOya3214, 114:1W Tokyo, and under the direction of officers of the Afoibashi Two graves vvere *Lamed belonging to old daiinyo who were buried about two hundred:years ago. The graves were of very elaborate con- struetion, consisting of stone cells with large cedlins actuantolti) On the spaces between the eon walls and the wooden coffins being opened those present were much surprised .see that the bodies were in a state. of perfe.et preserve, tion, having all the appearanto wax figures. The old Arnagasaki lords lay in almost lifelike fresh- ness; dressed in -the picturesque costume ef an earlier day. Severa,1 -valuable personal .belongings were also found in the graves, including two lone swords, women's -hair or- nainents., boxes for pock'et ink - stones, gold family seitlz 'writing brushes, etc. The bodie.s wenn sub - 'sequently interred in - temporary grayesoin the temple grounds pend- ing the coApletion of permanent graves, which 'are under cOnStr110- tion close by. The Aoyama, family have -consented to the persona,i rel- ics being kePt ai curiosities in the Somebody Had to Say It. "The Pullinan Company an - nounces that, it made $40,000,000 last ;Wear," said the Old Fogy. "If that's -the case the ,Fullinan, 000," commented' "the Grouch. A married Dian is never at a loss kriow what to do with his money': Ond Pail's in lier Liver 1)octors Only Relieved Her pertnieatekt. the Ing, Specks: befores-, of the' 8,totriach; etc.'