Exeter Times, 1913-2-6, Page 5TBUBSDAT VE}WilLALRY 6 1913, HE E XE TER T: 144 HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious young * People Ebre instructed in their +, berries by our bome study den- artoaeiat You may finish at + 4 College if you desire., Pay whenever yon 'Xhirty 4.'N'eArs'" ExPOrionce, Largest 4, trainer's in Canada, Enter any dt daY. Positions guaranteed, If 4, you wish to save board and et learn while you pain write ,4* • for particulars. NO VACATION 4. 4, 4. Clinton BusineesCollege4. ele GE,O. sporrroN B. F. WAR 4° President Principal el+ " The 'Best P actleal eclutol in Ontario. Titre keartments COMMERVIlATI • sEIORTIIAND XKLEGBA PXY. All courses are thortneelf • and etrectical Teachers are ex. Perienced end geadeetes ere ,41, laced z poeitione. We give dit indienbial attentien amd ents may enter at stny tetne. Write toe our free eAtalogne at once. • i t • D. A. hieLACIILAN. Principal. ******************** C editon Mrs Fasterbroek of Crystal City Man, spent a few. days last week the guest of Mr, and Mes.„ James Hill Quarterly meetine services evere held in the Methodist seburch on Sun- day 'morning last. - We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wm, Lewis Is ill bet we hope lot a needy l•broYer.Y. "' `7, , Mr*, and- Mrs.oChris Fahner were in Dashwood one day last weeke. bliss 4)ella Reown visited- friends Washwood And Zeriett for few - days., A number from here attended the Carnival at Recker last eveek, Mrs, Chas Brown returned home atter visiting friends in Her.sall for A few dense Miss almvinan of Denfield is the etest of her uncle Mr, Wm, Bowman for a few citys.r We are sorry to report that Mrs. James lIodgins is ill but We hope tor speedy recovery. Mr, 'Nerdlington Row returned to Toronto after ee,encling ,a few days around here withhis parents Mr, and t•frs, 'Chris Rower Revive' meetings haVe eallee to 4 eiht,se In the Ilvangetiord eintrein They preyed .-ereat success'. Miss eitoady Vinkbeiner isenterelion a lee, days with her eieter fare, J. eeenott of Exeter.'" Mise Alma Bill setent Sunday with friends in liehorne.„ 'Miss eNora Siebert „returned her borne in Besinveod after visit' etr. and Alta, Samnel Brown : - Air, end 2,r1.s, Levi Snider who b Vinitine lrleeneL Goderielt ependin i iew elaye with the la tines 'mother Mrs, .44, Mies Treibner returned to her home in Exeter after visiting with her sister Mee, Albert Feltner." - The Tonne People are anxiousle molting foravard for a Skate ft is to be hoped that tbe iveether man wilt furnien void weather for a week r two. bPPQ4 0111,D 61i06tRY HONE 47. Elettrie Light Floc We make a specialty of til- ling Family Order. The Groceries we deliver to you are the best to be had anti tbe pricewe ask are the loweat possible. Seed or brio yorn. next ore der to us an bo coovineed tint this is thelligbt Store to buy your rocortes ancl-Pro, visions. THE TEA ARO NVANTED-Ohoice Batter ard Fresh Snot. DASIIWOOD Mr. Gordon lGoets of Sarnia spent Sunday at his home hem. Mr, Leslie Goetz at North Day is ekending this holidays with par- ents Mr, and Mrs, je, K. Goetz Mrs, Geo, MerneX of the Bronson line who has been seriously ill is lin- troving. Dev..and :Mrs. nun and Devi EX- igers left Monday morning for Strat- lord 'where they will visit for a f ew days. ' Pdr, NV, T. Amos of the Bend. who it well known to our readere has Eck' out his Igeneral store to Messrs Ra- ven and Ross. who take poskasion en Feb 1st Mr, Amos intends moving 'tack to his farm, in west McGillivray MeOlL7.4IVRAY n death oteured day 'o lourth concession GiIIiray when Mr, 4leo, Lewis ped dend, Mr. Lowie bed Oa to the barn to ele the thotees. About 15 minutes his boys went on help him end they Sound 'hire leine on the barn lloor dead. Mart fail- ure is **posed to be the ,eattleg of his death. Mr Lewla had been in tee best or health all alone A brother or elm deceased dropped dead Jest July while entwine* hay. Xr. Lewis was ne years of age und is nurvived by gliS Wile two sons and one tend all at borne., The funeral took plare Tuesday to St. Marys centetery;Tirims- eye DANGER PERIOD OF WOMANS' LIFE FROM 45 to 5 inteiistingExpeTienceof Ttivo Women-Theii Stateifeii- Werth Reading. White Oak, Ont. -"At Change of Life when doctors could do no more and I was given up by my • ------neene- ,,,,,, Lydia "Inkhorn's Vegeta., ble Compound came ..„4 t he front and dad Nwonderi for me. I 'e had been having fe. male troubles for Years, tnY head trou- bled SeVerely al dales. I bad> bearing dewnpainsandbaeln ache and 1 was very anomie frorn excessive flowingfree- ortuneliel spur Copound highly end do sill canto advertise it as a genuine Wo- trian's medicine." --- Mrs. SYLIMUEll ZdeoNeinin, White Oak, Ontario. ' .Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore?, Have you "cold cracks" which open and bleed when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold 'sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" piece, which at times makes it agony. for ,you to go about your household duties? If so, you • and will heal the iVOst-datnaebd • Aimint the sore places at night,. Zarn-l3eWs rich healing essenees will sinleintO the wounds, end the Smart -- mg, and will heal quickly. Yellen, of Portland, says te "My ends were to SOTO .and cracked tUtt it ewes agony,:eo put them neer 'water. nerlaen,e did so they -would a fern as if l calOecl, ' t A` Pr eine negere pnt on: ;theta,. ant tel nd it nueeeed6ct..wliepc alt. eb It eicised the big cVia;,, eate, sooth`.ecl the iriflamparitien,ein trle, .irery :shore tii.p4 CaSn ctireor nfingi.v ;yields, ,yan .6izsna'fes ter trtg, setcgo.....4,are he #4,4acku,; ainspo3e.!1; yintples, rd,refftpuse ,vvirk„. !nil' us, bruen,' .sed1d6,,.epfAti illlifi.Oggixt$ and itoicer. s, 05060.17.9P.onitheZli Pardato Prdker'400t . , ST. niAltys Mr, el.„v'"W„, Ford; barrister o t. Marys on behalf or Mr. William Wier of -the firm of Wier & Wier issued a writ on Thursday teat in the sup- reme 000rt againet John SV'. Eedy, editor mid ktroprietor- of the St _Marys Journal for libel, by ,reason alleged statementa contained In; a series of letters published In, the Journal' on Jan a ,few day S before the ;mayoralty". contest,. Mr Wier was a candidate for that office.* Miss Ada Creighton doughter of Mr, mod Mrs Jas,. Oreinhton who is attending St, Marys Collegiate Instil,- tute had the inistertune to fracture her leg while skating recently. Vete Cnele of 3Irs. 01110.-"i ean tinthfolly say that I never had anything.do me so much good. during Change a lefe as 1.y, dia V. Pinitham's Vegetable Compound, "Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I begun to feel better, and I have eontinued taking it. lily health is better ^ rnAlmEs ROAD The Rev, G, W Sperling D. D. will Preach in Bethany church on Sunday Web 9th at 11 aklock a, m and (7 cnelock P, 141 and will alio givea ieetuee the forowing Monday evening k'ele 10th at 7,30. Musk will be furnished Suo-ay eveniegby Klinaville *choir. Mond: y evening by the Rev, T. A. Steedetan of _Slim- ville'tdaln'eQuartetteeaomission Mon- day evening Adiults."40e ehildren 10c. KIRKTON kikroolVersarY,SerYires -ei I be held in the ,KirItten nin.thettiet enereb. ender the auspices of the Epwo th League on Sunday ifeb 1,6th 191.3 when ser- mons twill be Preached at 10.30 a, in and 7 P. ro, by Mr, Geo, Stanley- Lu - cane Special Music Will be turn,sti- ed by the '<bitten Choir -.i Monday Webruary 17th an oyster supper evill be served from 6 to S In lota- after which, a splendid Liter- ary and Lelneical Programme wile be given consisting, or addreeeeS by "ler, We B. Millson, Stratford; Bev a. Baker Woodhare and Ito-, T, A. Steadman Blimviile. Solos win he eiVen by Mr, Will Mills Wcedbams, fleV. W; Ke Milltenne Leader Of tbe Ministers Oltedr el 1 the °London Methodiet Conferenee and !Mr, T, A ,Steadmen. !rho ohOlZ of the tlbterelt will gen cOreteiblete 1-e4 the Musical Part 0:1. llte Prepeetettneee Peiseiell edleite 30 eentne children 4 cents... .. , s. ... ;,.. ak C INREASED CROP THREE VOLD Clareure uf Orwell, Ontariu 'writes. One of my erops the past season was °hems,. it growing which learned something. bought, some Romestead Fertilizer from their agent Chas Alinard„, and used it on part of the crop Where this "was done r had three tithes the crop Lhat I had .shore no fertilizer was aprli,d and ( got equally as good results on . „ my corn:** Horn$Stead Fertilizers are menu - lectured and :mid- by the Michigan Carbon Works. Detroit Michigan ar.d will send tree to any farmer their book 011 Lt!T al 1Z C1', witte a handsome Ch I: i.der posnige paid. They want agents wiere they are not now re- presented. Address Michigan Carbon Worirs Poetoffice 1)r:IlV r 814-A De- troit 'Michigan ane skifor ternia. Lt.- CAN Tbe oterrteee ot Celianhin. of Staffe to Mr, W, Stepleten. of Dublin was solemnized at .it Patriek'n church I)Itblin et 1Q.39 rt. Rt. ott Wed, nesday January 29th The bride Was aeeisted by her sister Mina Kate Gal- taeller. 'while Mr, Joseph Shea Erlutonten supported the eereeen. Only the iunnediete friendof butle nettle* Were preeent. The beepe than At has been for several years. Jf eouple ^ left on tbe 0.44 tram oil women would take it they woold ee. for tbe Eastern Statee and on their caie nal(gd. Paul and uneery at this tina of life." -Mrs. ALICE Nintell, $58 W. hlill St.,. Circleville, Ohice Tbe Change of Life is one of the m critical periods Of a WQMOZI'S existen AtsticletiraesevomennveyrelyuponLydi 'a Vegetable Compound. 'Wdl reelde in inthitn, iAt Rome' of tho Women% In. ate was held on Wedneedey the lust, and WAS 41110tdidi $ntic" em every point of view. Tb- van ell that could be ,desir- p prawn taxed the old hall lt capacity and etklos bore oy to the liberality and he rare cull ry aeoeropliehmentet nI Inetitote ladles. The chairman 11140100er; was at his beet. Tho :tram nonaletinn of recitations al and Instrumental must* and brief addresaes was choice and thor- oughly enjoyed by ail present. Mr, and are., le, Feeney n x-4 Mr. Ban nottgell nave selections MI the violins and elano. Little Borotby 'Hatch- inson and Rata Kerslake played a duet very sweetly., The Stella quar- tette Jeffrey, ellre. ,51eVOY Mr Tonne and Mr, Smith were well re- ceived au was miss Rhoda Barbour wbo Mau sairy.c Ilecitations wore given by Miss*Itheit Sadler and Inas A. ll. Livingstone. The abort addres- ses were good and were delivered by Ur. RilltellinSOn trom the Commercial ranks, lelr. Colettleoun trout tbe Agriculturfti en'd Mr Couzens leatia the ettofesSioual „reeks: Communication W110 IS RESPONSIBLE Dear Mr, Editor- On Monday last a large deputation of Temper- ance ;men -from various parts of the Township of Stephen waited on the council and neged the duty of licerse reduction to the lioait nixed by the iaw, viz. one; 'It ,,vas pointed out that despite corrupt practices ot . the part of friends Of the liquor interese including the influer.eing of Toting - men, by moneY bribes en the 6th Of January, a majority of 133 was poll- ed in :favor of cutting off every eee of the four licenses now egrented it. the 'Township; teat irt three out of the tfour po1iin tib-divons in which tile four licensed bars are uate a majority of votes exceeding, the three-fifths renuirement had been cast in completely e'vieine the liemor traffic out of our fnunicivanty, and. that therefore the tide of temper enee "sentiment was eefficieetly etreelen 'be warerent the council tat- ing, immediate action to eurtail the inieuitous business to the tell eeteat oE their power; yet after delibe-raf in; for about an hoar end a half the council edjourPed Wititend tekinn •- tietin The linnet^ treffie anee beth to the eeeteeiel C,knd MOM Weeets ot every oantleeteity wh.er,t; exists.," ho then, I ask, will 'D' usible for the injory done by °Pen bars tba t vc,, been elased Pe end atter the first of May it the Ceupell had eeceeded to ttie sretteeSt at the temperence de- tietil is true et etninella as of tha t -sow Kre in obaces- ale oat ;fatefully remote- tneeuee ;treat opportunitiea Caine their way, but the Step,' ▪ et 1914.erill it leenA0 ✓ ettleMbeeneel-e*hOW ne"t1 tol the fact thet n'reatepeer, f morel uplift Wee plaeeel be- ern and they falni to vetimate vity of the eitnation and owe - 10 the reeponsibility lent uo, perilainent and by the the Towneltiefe tuber* of the eanuteil, onerated by the statemen tion pledees tie their me an ehould rew- nolves at the feet Ile elt Youra Sincerely T,„ 'W., Bleteb( rd ODERJCH 141 l a °Pity recently ilitna on icy sidewolk and telt wit such torce as to break one or Jof. tkizhs bamy spraing us lett wriat and euttine bie lace. tile condltion is critical,. A load ot eleven persona while driving ',trout Goderieb to tite$ Meth, whet nhurob Demeanor, met with what might hive been a serious eceident when bi-it a short distance tram tbeir destination were piled it a heap in the ditch by their rig turn- ing over. The team ran away and it .1.aicatne necessary to finish the leurney on foot. The 0. A. Executive of Toronto decided the protot entered by the Seaforth hockey team aeftinst kb for the lgenie played in the for- mer town a short time ago in favor ot Godericli: Tennant Drennan ot Go:leech me; with on accident Saturday thet might have resulted 'Vlore seriously While werking in the Goderich ele- vator on the rground iloor; a beeVY cold ohisel fell from the first floor a •distance of nearly IOU feet strikir.g him. upon the head knocking hlin senselese Luckily the toot struck erojection on the way down lessen- ing the foroe or the fall otherwise his skull might have been fractured BR CEFIELD Miss Iltizel Bleoat, who went to Toronto some three Weeks ago to !study ,tor a specialists certificate came home on Tuesday night , sick what ;afterwards proved to be the mtJa measles elou.gh the doztor in Tor- onto suspended it Was typhoid fever There is a ereat deal of sickness in the neiglaborhood at the present time due no doubt to the thangeable weather. This has been a bad season for etetting in saw. logs and iE. consequ- ence there is only a,few in the yard while this time last year it was nearly filled. " • A very kiretty wed,ding was -solemn ized St Paeeiok'soeburch Reeldul- `ph on Wedne'SdaelJanttahr 2.91h when Mary- Veronicej* **second 'younzest daughter OE Mr, John McLaughlin became ;the beide of Me, Thos. .Ryder The ,Cere`inony waS Performed by Rev Father Gleason, who also celebrated high mass. The bride looked charm - in; in a gown ,ot white embroider- ed net over white satin and wore the customary bridal wreath and veil. She was a ttended by her sister Mies C therine who Wa.S dressed in pink HE CAME TO CANADA AND FOUND_A CURE New York Engineer Praises Canada's GIN PILLS. You never can tell when you are going to have a Kidney attack. It may be during a visit, on a journey, -any time. 11 is wise always to have GIN PILLS with you, at hand..They arehandy to slip into your travelling bag. Splendid for Kidney and Bladder Troubles, silk with black velvet hat, trimmed , Nvith jnk ostrich- wreath The -groom iwas supported by his brother elr:'.1eao Ryder Margaret McLaugh- lin'of' London eiece of the brie e dress ed in.nolaite Iineerm with a- Juliet eat) Ima,09 .charmirog. ilOwer carrying .the bridal entequet of ew trite carnatiops and ma ider,:he ferns. Af- ter theo'caee.nony the bridal party. ond :r,eletives droveto the 'nome of the briefe;s' .tather Where a , dainty , . ‘v e dd j.rys. , Jar es a Itt a sl; was served./ Thee Itable:4-as ,deCorated,with smilax and datfodi.4s.." ' The 'bait -1;y convict left on fOr Detroit and other i..esternt 'points the bride travelling in a neyy bitte "tailor,:d,suit with, a 1.1.4e..1c.,11,pwith 4 wilit1;6 Feeneli plume the ' It Ircst0 ;,.!art ei.' 0 i 'bri a cJOS' altit cliain, 10 thti lr,idetntid. dr'� -v-'- it l', eon! here''Cal'Ats and e :-. golii.etankotti Au the egreolneseta LI.' ' f,l, I' .)(: tt Of. Alice:Sireet Inman ye Cy; narrow., escafe re om 6e. - e (i, to ,{teatn •early' on ;Jar. lied 11,1r, :Stei,cod \ V be lives UV .1,... `fir .11.01 eel) L he- fire as it 1Va3 i.i .,. very ,good start Mrs, Gar - kit. ‘vollil : in, ell '`in 0 be bill' tY ' have --il itt th lei es' "B • .. the aid 4 eparteeeilt X.,1( .41* ° 1. . 044 tegele le Rheumatisni and Lumbago. 29 Ilneadway. New York. ..1 bought, someof your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your remedy I find: at 6o years of age, to give perfect relief 'from the Kidney and Bladder Troubles incident to one of my CLANDEllOYE • Mrs. Sharp of Mount Forest who bas been visiting her Mater Mite V. Williams hes leturned home. . Spencer the lit tie eon of Mr. W. Kil- mer who has been seriously ill is some hat improved. Mr. Thos Simplon who teas taken to Victoria florpital inl oudon suffer- ing from cancer remains just, about (ne same, Mr. Wm Abbott left for tbe West last Thursdsy. * Mrs Mose Rodgins still remains nod. er the Doctor's care. Mr. E. Williams spent Saturday in London. Mr, E. Bice has sold aline Syr. °old colt to Mr. A. Neil. Quite a number fr here attended the ball in Lucan eity evening. Mr. Wes Neil and M. it id of Sask. spent a few, days in I.ondial Mrs W. flodgins ib quite ill, Mrs Taylor of Parkhill spent a few days with her mother Mrs R Iloagins Mr B McKenzie was in Londoo on Monday on business:, - Miss Nettie Neil is under Dr. Orme care of Credit on. " Morgan is ill with pneumonia Miss Clara Morgan intends leaving for London where She will remain for a time. WOODUAM atulatione to 'Mr, awl Mrs. s on the birth of a daugh el Thomae nay saffered a paralytic, str ly iniprovdd. Mr, ilarold Jemeson wh ilas heap, ine Si.St. ielaris able to be home 0. Yonne' people have been e ioying the excellent skating. Evangelistic servirce will he held in the Methodist church commerce, ing next Sabbath at )(lee() a, in. and Airs, S, Spearin of. , St. Marys visited the Littera pareuta here over Sunday. leraeaed men are Wanted everywheee; in fact, the e amays 4uteci, fee tree demand is lerree,tee t4en the 'supply. This•demead ie for the Man Who is able to one; oaly two ov three dollare (la at hard manoel labor and W-",-; can Work Only Under am elineellece, eellan One else, but ter the met; Who is able to Men end dirt tite mark of oitersentite Mee wiCeee training has (114.114e"1 petently hold positions of respoesibility, n Tim INreanaxemenn CoennseontenNen Settooje. t institetion tbet nue done eo muchi the past and le eh every =haute for WOrilieg leen amid, WOriMPf Offern '�U ut easy way to becerne a trained meeeete, :were a goad position in the trade or *profession that beet seite your taste and ambition The I. C. plan enables you to help yourSelf sigbt where you are iltilont lesing an boor of work irm t dO114,r ,of pay; without ebangin4 !Nettie= „until you L1e ready to ettp into the'one you desire e Without obligatingyo to pay mere than, your present salary will afford, no retter how small it is. Thoueattne of Men have secured lifedeng bet he Name en theee ;nen have : ** • *,.**' *we us.- ,4„4 tennent gebiLt11.4413s - eteneetetnere met plan. Every' month an average of $.050 yoluntarily of euch edvaneement. Yen ,zaa ton, 14. re414YIVI:rYlattmth'414::!ival;t1:1:11111.411::::::;:r * 'PralP414' 411:44Cel I seem* e aglow ;Ousts 4.4141 vessnl le ling thiscon- eqb(41:ikgalt1 furtbe informetioo. e nen under no rm. ' eimply a re - Clip, .ntarin anti mail it VOW. . NO 3 STBDIIEN 0111Y i)ames ot those wire -obtained 60 {per cent or over are publiatual dren OR FLETCHER'S ASTOR! =won 3.G. Greeebach or. Dattlexao remelted a Mitring sermon to A "Oren orgrenation, in the Evangelical hurch last Sundey. Airs. F left on Sonar. day to visit ber +laughter Mrs, Mor- row at Beetoo. She was aecompan, led by Mr, and Mrs., A. Swett= who lAc„,nefew Sr 4V Bezel Preszeator 74; Lila tam- ore - dera GS; Percy Sanders 65; Jr. tIV Mr. And Nark Peter Durand ot tear Charlie Treibiter 67, Marie Trelbner Drysdale celebrated their golden 67; Milton Jacob Mt; Toal WilliS 1i2 ; Wedding last Weeker Emalie elogorth 60; Atuy Shantou, 00 The ladies Aid of tile Eveneelint Sr, "Ruby Pursoue Etle Lloyd Sao churoh, will hold their monthly meet- ' °atter 19; Louise 131 Ike 10; Lawmacte ign in the church on Tuesday the 4th Hill 531; dr 1,111Cliadys Schroeder 80; Feb 1013 at 2:30 p. tn. ' Irwin Jacob 17; Vivian litonrth 60- The Christain TeMper- t.. r , 11 Guy Jacob 65; Eddie Preszent- mice Union met leSt WedtesdnY et - r t65; 'Norman Sanders 641 TdoYd Par ternoon tat the home of Mrs. 0.1Frite sons $32. ; reinter -Aylmer Christie, We. utter Which the President Mrs, ilfer. cella Christie. Edith Sehroctlet, jim nor took change of the business. The Willis. 'Ida tul, Marchand teacher educationil halt hour wits taken ,by Mr, %V, 3. Carter of Detroit is vie- Ring- friends and relatives in this district. Mrs, Patrick Farrell is very at 'present. • Lloyd Lynn had a lively runnaway while .Visiting at Wes, Neil's After slipping off the bridle the • horse dammeed the buggy to the extent of ten dollars. The Methodist choir and frients 'with Rev, and Mrs. George about 33 in all spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, E. Ilodgins on Wednesday'., After a dainty lunch 'games were played till a late hour. Mr. Harry, Shoff formerly of Clan- deboye is in a very critical condi- tem at Winnipeg. Mr, Shoff was principal 'of one ot.the largest pub- lic Schoold in Toronto untilta abort tiani aeo when he had to retire on eccount of. Poor beanie./ age: urgently recommentdGIN PILLS to friends as being thenene thing that doesuie good." E. G. WOODFOR'D. ' It is worth a tripacs oss the Continent to find GIN PILLS and to be of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. But don't wait till you_ are sixty, before you 'learn by experien ce the great good GIN :PILLS will do yon., If you have the -‘...54,eiates, swollen Joints or ,ankles, praini4"the back, black' specks •floating itilemit'of the eyes, take GIN PILLS atiii bee Theyleeillefree'yo*•0 lbesO' XIS," ' 'se of da16,4gaii,-" IBAYFIDeD One oe Ilayfields most ires'peeeed reeidcnits Wm King died al the age 01 69 lyears, Deceased was born in Clark York 1C000t3 in 1844 but come ' fin lenld. when quite youit-e and hes lived tlieie and in Stanley Tp. lesie.,,e,l'etniotetio otoir artd p.ractically, had ever sine& 18A7'.',14o ,was married 1. e,On deeensed was the youneest son mr,, and „siemurtrie atter Motherwell the pers 011 of raliss Mrs, EPaulin of I:legion'. who gave DISTRICT NEWS a very instructive talk on temper - mace iwork in the westi The meet - The county council of ,Bruce has in closed by singing the ;Cowper - passed a resolution rerommending ance illooloeye the appoiutment to the Senate of A 'Box social under the auepicies Canada of Alexander McNeil ex- M. of *the W iC„ 1)", was given in the P. ot North 'Bruce in consideratioa of Town -Ball ,Friday evening last- A his Services to Canada and. the Em- good 'anske' and Literary Pre - gramme was given, alter which the a et ees ee en boxes of refreshments 'Provided by )3everleY Ymins°° of Grantor- everr lady present -were sold. The Y coffee was suPplie free4 tnctt h -1 cid t recenti d He was skatine, arid accidently cattle ,,, ldre FOR FLO1C ER'S S rtDRA na it' 101 11 Cin VOT 1 1sere St-att8 r, flUyard lc I W iCzn°o"InvctUor ,tha t 117; r the been improving lo n no will hope that the still nontinue. Mro diarry AtcArthur Spent Su at tits home in London. Miss Frances Ileynolds 'who n bt-en511)OndbVIT 1 ov weeks with. ltc rarn1s Mr, nod Mrs, W. IL Ileyi Ids has returned to Toronto., , 'Mrs Robert Ross of -Byron was id the 'village on Wednesday. last week. .Misstwellic,:,,,,:ctty of 'London Ives, bome over Sunday. ial hotel was Jo .durie.g the' , W. J, Perkins cifit Mrs•Green of Peterborough is here visiting relattVes, Quite a number of our pooltry acinedrssnaent dAvidtehal:Orosd1;:nereleeetaSin ra7etitleiltriibetil torse et, in "cOntaet with 'err, McIlween bringing the latter down or top of hint and breaking his leg just above the ankle joint. The direetoils of the Aringbana General ilospital were pleasantly surprised recently v. hen th:y received checks from several Winghain Pld Boys to be used in connection witn the Proposed ne'w wing as follows Dr P. McDonald of London S25 Dr. Mc- Kenzie Cbicago $5 J. D. Burns Galt $5; eeD, Campbell lehesley 5,0e It. is understood teat a rural raail route evill be served out of Bruce - field 'as follows. 1 1-4 miles eouth west to 2nd concession:, 3 3-4 mile.; northeast to Liindon road. 1 1-1 .miles south east to 2nd on I2outh tel Mill llioad, I let miles east, the seine distance south and then wtet 1 11-4 Mlles nornh andwest toeBrue Katie the tow year-old daughter. of Mr Neil MeGreetor second coil -cession Stanley Township 'underweet,aevery critical operatioe in the Clinfet'los- Intel on Tuesday' evening-- of last week As Dr, Gunn was away at Belleville Dr, Wishert of London per- formed the operation/ assisted by Drs Sandeis and Eggers.At last re- eot ti sht., is ,doine as Well as can no. expeceede„,„ Chas, lielcKay Nairn, ore:Motherwell died on January 24th in his elst year to survive, -1.vitit tour of 'thee 11 ill C,, c..ht..1,d-1,1aari'l:s1, 1.2'1:vt'll.:11,dtiiTr.ehreiisi,hdeuriocti! „. Cor,,t reri born to then'. remainder, 0 ely, life. ..: , ' ' ' ' 1 tit • ' " e '. Ilene.a,11: ,where .they evil' spend `the .N‘v,:itesd;j-ia,.,(1.1.... ----------- 1 -al Y'S e(-'11°t,61Yi.: °I.1 itea;3:11;rt.. k.);:iritti.ic...:pili)ri..0)esprierhoa,ivse ,et`ri:e„oetaireocin t1.1,00 .i."LI.0', ,it.:1;?GI i:r.:,. ,N,Tuziii_:.a.dTcali:c.,,,eia:1:tu:ii.ilej,,,Oac.. • Recently death, claimed another of A elesPatch to the Glob - the etioneers" of. 'StateleY TownshiP it-, l)cPete -returnene- otli:;er of S1., Johns the eperson . et Robert El 1011. ef • the I \Vie- d, Clinten vehich ie senposcd Goshen 'line: who lpaSied a:SV,dy. 1;:udden t o Ivoie , caused all the . tf•otible 'ly'' Ire e' ' nte.tailt of anopleenvoY., e" . ,,:leocal 1)1 111 'cent:est:, has 1(1101 .11 ' 'that he -Made a tweeng retlIrn in the -4 ,past,,tpe„ exod?Onnotlitar Fred ' ;era VO What kind of music do you like best ---opera,, concert or vaudeville' The Edison PhOniPgr pwloayrisisecearreadstecstovaertirinstsg. every phage, of music -records ma A sapphire reproducing Point that won't scratch, a smooth running motor -every detail contributes in bring- ing out just the right volume of tone, clearly and sweetly, Ask Your Edison dealer to i)lay sortie of the new Blue -Amberol Records on an Edison Phonograph for, ,yo.o, and you'll...not be satisfied until you OW31 an Edison 'outfit, The entertainment in...your home is greater tha you ever tlyeamed of. • ..-Thisim,so A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., S. A. Ain. of Edison Phonographs and Records will be u rl