HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-06-12, Page 13e To��t&Countr GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, i PAGE 13 CLASSIFIED ANT ADS 1. Articles for sale SINGER - Forglpthorized sales and service, sew- ing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, 9oderich, 524-8431.-ltfar AUT01/1A1le".i.difet'Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner eff your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar COMPUTERS Olivetti (IBM Compatible) Zeus, Multi -tech (Apple Compatible): software, peripherals, Supplies and service. Call CW Com- puters and Supplies (Kincardine) Ltd. 396- 3114.-05tf STANDING HAY - Alfalfa and Timothy. Farrowing crates with built-in feeders. Old fashioned claw footed bathtub. Phone 482-3217,-24 26" COLOUR console TV; 9 foot homemade swing set - 2 swings, i glider; 10 h.p. Johnson outboard motor; garden tiller, Phone 524-8840.-24x ONE NEARLY new White's coin detector. Cost $785.00, Best cash offer. Phone 524-8850 after 7:00 p.m. -.-•24x RCA 26. inch color cpnsole TV excellent condition $185,00. Sanyo 19 inch color portable TV $165.00. Phone 396-8569. -24 ALUMINUM screen doors - sizes 321/2 x 821/2 and 343'8 x 801/4, $40.00 each. Glass tub shower enclosure - $50.00. White aluminum and vinyl window with screen, size 21" x 42" - $30.00. Call 524-7827, after 5 p.m.-24tfnx MASTERCRAFT 5000 air conditioner; set of brocke maple bunk beds, must sell. Best offer 524- 6857.---24,25nx FIVE PIECE of 3/16" plate gloss 45" x 75"; 'Beatty dual piston water pressure pump. Phone 524- 4141. -24-26 ONE UTILITY trailer with fiberglass top $275.00. Call 524-9338 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx 1982 GS650 Suzuki Vetter Fairing, engine guards, tuned up, $1,995.00. Phone Peter 524-9381.-24 RENOVATING? We hove six older style wooden porch pillars for sale, one in questionable condi- tion, the rest good. $25.00 each or six for $125.00. Call 524-9338 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx CAN'T AFFORD a video movie camera? Don't let that stop you. Use this Chinon sound movie camera and projector with movie light, boom mike and regular mike to capture those moments. Entire package for only $500.00, negotiable. Call 524-9338 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx KITCHEN CABINETS, upper and lower units, L shaped counter top, sink and taps, like new con- dition. About fifteen feet total length. Raywall brand name. $1100.00. Call 524-2111..-24tf FROST FREE Refrigerator 30" Westinghouse, 5275.00 Moffatt 30" gas range, 5150.00. Call 524- 2111 24t1 1980 SUZUKI S. 250 Enduro 5,000 km A-1 condi• tion 5995.00. Phone 524-2766. 24 C 8 E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south. on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades SELINGER WOOD LTD. FIREWOOD NOW AVAILABLE 524-2651 CLASSIFIED RATES .DA -TA; T.... 'DEADLINES: 12 NOON TUESDAY Too late to classify; ods will be accepted until 2 p m Tuesday for Wednesday publication ..... WORD CLASSIFIED T RATE: - '4 15 min 22 words 19' ea additional word thereafter In Memoriam; '4 15 min. plus 352 per line of rhymed verser.. card of Thanks; 14,15 min 25 words plus 6d for eo. additional word Public Notice; .'20 for 3 insertions Notice to Creditors; '30 for 3 insertions '25 for 2 insertions '20. for 1 insertion Drawer Number; '3 first week. '1 each additional week Consecutive Insertions; 10°° discounts available for word ads running 3 weeks or more with rib copy change Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion Available only on word ads running 1 or 2 weeks. Display classified; rates available on reauest. UMMNIMINIIMINIMII To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 5 2 4 - 2 6 1 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED PfEPT., The a erish Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Goderich. N7A 486 PM 4 Signe!- Park, 1. Articles for sale BOY'S GREY 3 piece suit size 16 $50.00. 1 set of bunk beds. Pone 524-6885 after 5 p.m. 24 WOODS CAVALIER MK' IV tent trailer, pulls great, new cover, sleeps 4r in very good condi- tion, must be seen. $350.00. Phone 524- 8529.-24nx DRY HARD MAPLE and beochwood, split 540.00 per unit (4' x 8' x 12") Delivered. 1-5 unit lots. Phone after 5 p.m. 395-3585. --24,25 GAS RANGE, good condition, harvest gold, dual ovens asking $150.00. Phone 524-8725 during noon hour or after 5:00. • 23,24 CREAM QUOTA FOR SALE. Used and unused. Phone 529-7438.- 2312 HAY WAGON, 16 x 8 feet, new deck, racks, bearings and tires. Phone 524-8096. 23,24,25 ELEVEN ACRES of Alfolfa Timothy Hay,' located at Port Albert. Phone 529.77175. - 23tf KROEHLER Colonial chesterfield and chair finish- ed in light plaid. Like new. Please call after 6 p.m. 524.8423.- 13tfnx BICYCLES 10 speeds, 5 speeds, coaster bikes, 2 seater bikes. All reconditioned. Will repair or trade bikes. Phone 529-7771. -23-26 HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4 Londesboro 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Garden Equipment, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Ser- vice to all small engines.-20tfar TRAILERS 8 CAPS, Best Prices. Prowler, Golden Falcon, new and used, we buy, sell, rent, and repair. Morry's Trailer Sales. Hwy. No. 4 between Hanover and Walkerton 364-3748. Clos- ed Sundays and Wednesdays.--l4tf SEDGWICK Electric stair chair, compact, good condition. Easy to install. Phone 482- 3388._ 19tfnx - - 1981 HONDA GL500 with windjammer AM/FM radio cassette, 2 Nova helmets included. Asking 52,000.00. Phone 524-9458 after 5 p.m.- 23,24nx BABY CRIB with quilt, matching pillow and drapes asking 525.00. Phone 524-9458 after 5 p.m.-23,24nx FOR SALE - Registered American Saddle bred mare - 7 years old; also year old filly, Arabian colour. Must sell, best offer. 524-7078 or 524. 2032. --23,24x POOL SALES • Leading manufacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular $2,095 reduced to 51,295.• Call any time 1-800- 265-8142.--0-18-35 STEEL BUILDINGS, inventory Clearance. Example 32 x 50 complete with door 54,929. Sizes available up to 120' wide. Limited quantities. Act Now. Call toll free 1-800-387.8130 (Area code ' 807 call 416-828-6262.) -0.24 AIRTIGHT COOKSTOVE, large firebox holds fire 24 hours. Efficient downdroft burn is easy to con• trol. We have stoves in every province in Canada -• selling direct from the manufacturer to you. Cook your meals, bake your bread, and heat your home._ Information kit 51.00 Suppertime Stoves, RR 4, Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2R3. 024 '.e'.c-'.�''.c'�.�-"t-r<-".r-,-,-,_'•� rte,-'r,•',-"•-'•�•✓,�'Y� GODERICH LIVE BAIT AND TACKLE WATT •Worms •Minnows •Spawn• Leeches • Crayfish 201 Huron Road CASH or VISA ]Hwy 8 by Canadian Tire) GODERICH, ONT 519-524-2360 TE -EM FARM 11 here Quality Counts" LAST WEEK FOR ASPARAGUS FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL All 8" 8 10" Hanging Baskets Sunday, June 16 Only 1/2 PRICE " G15od Selection of op qualify illeZ{zJTng Plants, Nursery Stock, & Garden Supplies still available. PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES (..,(CHILDREN WELCOME) For Crop information call: R.R. 1 BAYFIELD ° 482-302_J CLOSING OUT SALE STORE LEASED MUST CLEAR No Reasonable Offer Refused Used Furniture and Appliances Many small items to see. Come in and look around. JUNE 13thond 14th 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 49 South St. Goderich Gardiner Building 1. Articles for sale ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. All steel, wood frame, straight/slant, half round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers. Coll Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends.0-24 MARY MOORE COOKBOOK, 10th printing, hard- cover over 1,100 tested recipes, $17. Prepaid from: Marianne Moore Pitts. RR 1, Lombardy, Ontario KOG 110. 0-24 THE AUCTIONEER MAGAZINE, Photo's of past auctions, tips on bidding, auctioneer profiles. The subscription is $12 for 12 monthly issues. Box 415, Renfrew, Ont. K7V 4A6. - 0.24 WATER PROBLEMS, New Technology to Canada C.S.A. Approved - Eliminate chemical con- tamination, nuisance and coliform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron, bod taste and more - no messy chemicals - maintenance free - tested and proved in over 10,000 rural in- stallations. Eliminate the need for liquid chlorinators and water distillers - Free 30 -Day trial offer - Try It Out - See the results for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 -year written warranty - If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUNTRY LIVING Call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 624- 4344 or write Water Purification Systems, 203 - 1030 Kamato Rd., Mississauga L4W 486. -0-24 TRI -CHEM isn't just liquid embroidery. Find out, book a class today. Call Deb 524.4757,-23-26 41 ACRES of mixed hay, alfalfa and timothy. West Wawanosh area. Phone 524-6973 after 5 p.m. -.24 FOR, SALE: 27 acres of standing hay. Phone 524- 2586 or 524-9115, 529-7639 after 5 p.m. -24x WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "Focus", Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 11/4 miles south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. Call collect 524-9508.--6eowtfar ELECTROLUX Shampooer like new, Can be seen at 150 Keays Street. Phone 524.9051.-24x BRIDAL ROSE dishes, not a complete set, will sell separate pieces. Phone 524-9448--23,24 ABOVE GROUND POOL, 4 feet deep, six years old, with new vinyl liner last year. '/4 h.p. pump with pool. Phone 524-9391 or 524-2232.-24x DINING - room light fixture 3 globe $20.00. Phone 524-2289. - 24 KROEHLER side by side double recliner in good condition. Asking $100.00. Phone 524-6817 after 5 p.m. --24 LARGE QUANTITY of wainscoting. Phone 524- 2462. -24 TRAILERS Travel, Hardtop, Luggage, Golden Falcon, Prowler,Lionel. New and Used, Hitches, Truck Caps, Campers. Running boards, Sales, Rentals, Repairs, Camp Out Hwy. 8, 1 mi. w. of Stratford, 393-5938. - 15-28x 1980 HONDA 400E 4,000 km, asking 51,150.00. Phone 524-9092 after 5 p.m. ----24 HARDWOOD for sale - beech, maple. cherry, ash. Phone Blyth 523-9277. -24 BABY STROLLER with storm cover and parcel car- rier: infant bicycle seat with spoke protector. Phone 524-6005 after 6 p.m. 24 TWELVE ACRES standing hay: 333 Massey Harris tractor, WD 45 Allis Chalmers tractor with loader and plough. 529 7190 24 2. Yard Sale - YARD SALE • Saturday, June 15th, 8:00 a.m. at 1,2 Victoria Street North (across from Knox Church), Lawnmowers bicycles. Kerosene heater with tan, 30" gas stove, yard goods and yarn, luggage. hammock. books, kitchen utensils, boys clothing sizes 10 and up and numerous other items. 24 GIANT YARD and bake sale Saturday June 15th 8 a m 1 p m Lown Bowling Clubhouse Picton Street 24. GIANT YARD SALE, Saturday June 15th. 137 Palmerson St 8 30 12 00 Items include sofa and chairs stoves. toys, sporting goods, baked goods etc Help support Mar s Milk Ladies' Slo- pitch team 24 r- T r YARD SALE 72 Comox Cres Saturday June 15th 10 00 am • 4 pm Ornaments stereo. jewellery etc 24 YARD SALE Saturday June 15th at 121 Rich Street Goderi h 24 CENTURY HEIGHTS Subdivision Saltford Saturday June 151h 9 a '0 Several ramifies household and yard articles children's Mems c.b s sewing machine plus numerous other items, 24 LARGE YARD Sole Saturday lune 15th 174 Well mgton St South g a m 5 pm Children's ar• titles some antiques and numerous miscellaneous articles 24 SATURDAY JUNE 15th, 80 P•cton Street East Goderich 10 a m to f p m Doors ladders afghans other handcrafted articles 24 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE • starting at 9 00 a m Saturday June 15th 123 Elgin Avenue West,. Goderich Many household items - 24x GAAGE SALE Saturday, June 22 10 a rn St Joseph's School Kingsbridge -Vendors welcome to set up their own table and sell their own goods wjth a fee of 10°. of sales Large baking table a 'd produce booth. Coffee hot dogs etc ovc loble Phone 529.7151 529 7346 or 529 7405 for more information. ---24,25 YARD SALE V.L.A. SUBDIVISION NAIRN DR. SATURDAY, JUNE 1S 8 a.m. - noon RAIN OR SHINE 3. Garage sale CARPORT SALE • June 15, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., 93 Britannia Rd, W. Tools, toy boxes, Fisher Price toys, etc. --24nx 5. Cars for sale 1979 MERCURY CAPRI, lady driven, just over 50,000 miles, 53900.00 or best offer. Phone 482. 3,90 24x 1975 PONTIAC, as is. Can be seen at 114 Picton Street West. Phone 524-9051. 24x 1973 DATSUN 610 station wagon, 4 new tires, new gas tank, and new exhaust system. Reliable tronsportation. Selling as is or will certify. Reason for selling bought new car. Phone 524- 2471 any time oc 524.9222 after 6. 24-26nx 1976 PLYMOUTH Fury as is 5300.00 or best offer. Phone 524=6676. 24 1980 BUICK LeSabre LTD, loaded with options. Excellent condition. $6800.00, certified. Call 529- 7253 evenings. 24,25 1980 FORD COUGAR XR7 certified, 2 door, Iandeau roof; gold and black exterior with mat- ching interior, p.s., p.b., 'automatic, AM/FM pioneer cassette with booster and equalizer. Ex- cellent condition. Asking $5,500,00. Coll 524-9019 after 5:30 p.m.-23tfnx 7. R.V.'s for sale VENTURE CAMPER, sleeps six, fridge with elec- tric or propane, stove, excellent condition. Phone 523-4456 after 6 p.m. -- 24 1979 27' Holiday Cabin trailer. 18' awning. Sleeps. 6. In excellent condition. Never been on the road. Phone 524-7160. -21.24 1966 GOLDEN Falcon 16' with awning, good con- dition. Asking $1350. Phone 524-4579 after 6 p,m.-23,24 8. Marine 25 h.p. ELGIN electric start, short shaft remote controls. Phone 524.4615"-24 FIVE FOOT Glastron ski boat with 65 h.p. Mer- cury outboard, excellent condition, includes ski tripod,, skis life jackets, stereo and other ac- cessories, Phone 524-7520.--24,25 ST. LAWRENCE ROWING SKIFF 161/2 feet long, 44" wide, fiberglass with flotation, oars and life jacket. Traditional easy rowing skiff for fun! or fishing. Goderich 524-6658. -24,25,26 9. Automotive DAILY •CAR RENTAL Best rates, best cars available. McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK-CADILLAC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 If your car is... - •Stalling? •Missing? •Lacking Power? •Giving Poor Gas Mileage? Bring it in for a COMPUTER ENGINE ANALYSIS •Over 300 tests performed •Diagnostic printout supplied 2, • HURON RD. GODERICH PHONE 524-2121 the MUF for every NES. We can install the muffler you want at almost any price you want too Too-auaIdy original eauipmenl typr: mufflers high-performance Red L,ne Z t0 economy Royal SCOTS Every one ,s built to Walkers high standards And built to last See us to get the right muffler at • the right once Walker And Stop ,0 soon for your free e=haus) system inspection Walker mufflers and pipes installed by: low GODERICH AUT SALES & SERVICE 964 SOytlstd Rd.. God.rlch 324-2131 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED German 5343 24,25 shepherd pups for sale 565- 10. Pets for sale FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL. Registered Pomeranian puppies, $150.00 to $185.00 depending on age. One male Poodle puppy, $185.00. Jay -Why Ken- nels - 523-9210:-24 11. Livestock for sale PUREBRED Charolais bulls and heifers for sale. Avignon breeding. Contact Fergus Kelly 345-2197 Dublin. -22.25 FILLY one -year-old, half Arabian Registered Chestnut with white blaze. Ph. 529- 7571, -22,23,24 130 HEAD of Simmental Females will sell at the Ontario Livestock Exchange Saturday, June 15th at 1:00 p.m. Many cow/calf pairs. Open and bred heifers; cows brucellosis tested. Many from Free listed herds. For more information, call Jim Wideman (519) 884-2082--0-24 QUARTER HORSE Gelding 4 years old 15-2 hands. Call 524.2377,-24 ON REGISTERED 1/4 Arabian dappled -grey mare 10 y' ars old, around 1100 pounds. Sired by Arabi Gaibra. Broke to ride and drive single or double and has raised two foals, both fillies. Sound and priced to sell. Phone 524-2286--24,25 12. Real estate for sale COUNTRY CORNER Lot 2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86. '/4 acres treed lot reduced from $7,900.00 to $6,900.00. Phone 357-3712 or 357- 3591. -21 tf PRIVATE SALE • well kept older brick hontlp, 4 bedrooms, dining room, living room and play room. Phone 524-9385,-22,23,24 SERVICED BUILDING LOTS in Bayfield, walking distance to downtown and lake. 565-2899.-22tf THREE-BEDROOM ranch home on one-third acre in Port Albert rec room partially finished, full basement, low taxes, and many more features. Asking 547,900.00. Phone 529-7098--22-25 1800 SQUARE FT, 3 bedroom, 2 kitchen home with large loft on 4 acres, complete with- 35 beautiful mature trees. Minutes from Bayfield Marina. $105,000.00. Phone 482.3895.-23-26 POINT CLARK - 3 bedroom winterized cottage 10% down 9% financing. Phone 395-5667.-24tf POINT CLARK - 4 bedroom bungalow with finish- ed basement. 10% ,down, 9% financing. Phone 395-5667.-24tf FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER Location: 3 miles North and 3 miles East , of Ripley; Ont. Parcel 1 Legal Desc.: Lot 4, Con. 11, N -'/z of 3, Con. 10, Huron Twp-, Bruce Cty. Land: 150 acres with 140 workable, stone free Perth silt leam. Buildings: Attractive stone house partially renovated, timber frame loose housing for beef. Parcel 2 Legal Desc: Lot 1, Con. 11, Huron Twp., Bruce Cty. Land,: 100 acres with 93 workable, Perth silt loam. Buildings: 3 bedroom frame house. NOTES: 1. Tenders may be submitted on above parcels individually or in any combination. 2. Approximately $8,000, 7% mortgage owed to F.C.C. calling for payments of $1,227.11 annually may be assumed as part of the purchase price. 3. The land is leased for '85 crop year. A certified deposit of 45,000. must accompany the offer. Offers to purchase must be received by July 5, 1965. For further information contact: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION ATTN: A. McGahey Box 428 WALKERTON, Ontario NOG 2V0 Telephone (519) 881-1490 Please refer to file number: 26547-5A3 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE two bedroom, 12 x 60 MOBILE HOME located in Meneset Pork, RR 5, Goderich. Will take mortgage. Phone 524-7612 or Seaforth 527- 0702 - 23,24x FOR SALE - in mobile pork 68' x 12' mobile two bedrooms each with own bathroom, kitchen, liv- ing room, propane stove, Targe utility shed. Ask- tng $t 3, 500.00. Cult 524-2787. -24 FOR RENT Two, bedroom on large lot with garage near Homesville on Maitland river. 5200.00 plus utilities. Phone 1.262.2939.---24,25 14A. Vacations ONTARIO WATERWAY Cruises on Rideau Canal and Trent•Severn Waterway: Private cabins and all meals on board, 2-6 days; June 1 to Oct. 14, brochure. Box 1540 Peterborough, K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3606.-0-24-26 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, 530.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524.4877 after 6 p.m.--33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Da It yourself with DNp Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 521-6231 17. Apartments for rent LOVELY one -bedroom apartment in the country located 10 minutes north of Goderich at Port Albert. Satellite TV included. Phone 529- 7775.--2241 ONE BEDROOM apartment available July 1st. 524.9445,-23tf