HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-05-29, Page 14PAGE 14---GODEIZICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1985 COMMUNITY NEWS Government should have input enough foralcohol abuser on Hydro transrnission line Treatment alone is not In the last article, the services available for problem drinkers were listed. Nine different ways to help pro- blem drinkers were noted. No doubt there are other methods being pursued in Goderich to help these people, but even so, it would seem there ought to be enough help for everybody. Aftenall, how many. heavy drinkers can you have in a community of 8,000? Let us suppose that suddenly there were several hundred poisonings in Goderich. Where could that number of people be treated? The hospital, with 94 beds available, would soon be swamped. Clearly, the town would be faced with a terrible crisis. That is just how the social agencies mentioned in the last article may see the situation for problem drinkers in Goderich. . But alcohol abusers are not like ac- cidentally poisoned people. Heavy drinkers have apparently chosen to drink to excess whereas a mass poisoning can occur from tainted food, which no-one chooses to eat. At, various points in history, problem drinkers have been seen as morally blighted individuals, or as being sick and diseased or`bven just good-time fun lovers. The view today is that problem . drinkers are just like everyone else except that they drink more alcohol. Of course, the older views are still current in some circles and form other sides of the -ever present debate about the problem drinker. But all workers in the addictions' field agree that any problem drinker who is trying to cut back or quit drinking will have a hard time in our "wet" society. In this respect, think of how hard it is to cut out smoking. You look at a magazine and there is someone on a horse selling tobac- co. You go to the movies and the hero or heroine lights up. You buy candy or gum and there are the cigarettes sitting by the cash register. Even some of your best eimmorsweererwwwwwwwerwormistMemmaila ALCOHOL AND YOU friends sit around blowing smoke in your face. No wonder smokers have so many relapses! Well, it's the same for drinkers. Every time you pick up a magazine, you see a frosty bottle of vodka, or some beautiful, lusty woman telling you to get ac- quainted with vermouth or happy, pretty people busy drinking. You go to the movies and the hero lights up and takes a shot of whiskey. You turn on the TV and everybody is drinking with beer com- mercials about every ten minutes. Yeti go out for dinner with friends and the first thing the waiter/ess asks is if you would like something from . the 'bar (sometimes even before you can see the menu) . And your friends are always try- ing to give you a beer to relax or saying things like "But wine isn't alcohol, it it?" Is it any wonder people trying to cut back on drinking have so many relapses? So, even though Goderich has a lot of apparent. help for people with drinking problems, the best source of help is not always available or if it is, not used. For most problem drinkers, the best way to get help is to have a close friend or spouse give support to the drinker is using one of the prof ssional sources listed in the last article. The best help is suggesting the drinker seek assistance in the first place. Once you have persuaded your loved one to seek"help, your biggest task may be in keeping a haven where people can enjoy themselves free from the pressure to drink. Town&Country., REAL ESTATE phone 524-2614 ruimprammirmairmissimpromissrain r ANNOUNCEMENT I _ WILLI MS l I wish to express my thanks to the management and staff of Maurice Gardiner Real Estate for their support during ..our past association. Their co-operation made the two and half years together both profitable and enjoyable. While 1 regret the need to bring my association with Maurice Gardiner Real Estate to an end. I look forward with great anticipation to serving the good people of Goderich and surrounding areas in the trading of real estate through my new company Willens Real Estate Inc. Look for us in our rieW :..ode,r y cffBccs of Scot Mel! In Gederi,h, Mrs. Jayne LeBeau our receptionist will be on hand to greet you! We solicit your patronage, we are dedicated to friendly service with professionalism and integrity. We await your call! Real Estate Inc. SUNCOAST MALL BAYFIELD RD.; GODERICH r 524-2667 Ontario Hydro has been studying alter- native transmission systems within the Southwestern Ontario region for the power which is coming on stream at the Bruce Nuclear Plant. Ontario Hydro's stated pur- poses for studying these systems are threefold. 1. Connect the Bruce Power Plant into the existing system, 2. Supply a reliable electrical supply to meet the demand in Southwestern Ontario. 3. Maintain an adequate interchange capacity with Michigan. It has been stated that it is indefensible to have surplus power "bottled up" in the Bruce Nuclear Plant. There appear to be five parameters which Hydro deemed "requirements for a good system". 1. Two entirely separate 500 KV lines are re- quired to bring power to the London region. Should one line be lost the second line would be available as a back-up as the odds of both lines being lost are remote. 2. Reliability and security of the systems is important as stated previously. 3. Improvement on the "transient stability" of the northeastern American transmission system. Essentially transient ability allows for ' the adequate distribution of power surges throughout the entire northeastern American system. If these surges are not distributed and absorbed, black -outs will result as lines will "burn -out" and cease to function. The best example of such happen- ings was in 1965 when the entire Nor- theastern United States were without power as a result of the significant power surge in the Ontario system. Transient stability is a ierefererierfreseerrft QUEEN'S PARK very important consideration of system planning. 4. Although it is not part of this undertaking, a future 500 KV line must be constructed linking the London area transformer station with the Michigan system. According to On- tario Hydro the faster a system is able to get the "bottled up" energy from the Bruce Nuclear Plant into the existing system the more economically and in effect the better it proves to be. All systems are technically evaluated on their ability to handle stress or unusual cir- cumstances. The better a system can handle this stress the more preferred it is technical- ly. Hydro officials stated that their ability to .evaluate individual systems hap improved significantly since their initial studies in 1981. This is especially the case with com- puter modelling of transient instability of power system. Two major components of this evaluation are a direct result of the previous delay in the study. It has now become very impor- t tant to have the "locked up" energy out of the generation source as quickly as possible for two reasons; cost and the need -1n reduce the consumption of coal from coal thermal generating plants that cause acid rain emis sions. The Bruce to Essa transmission line PEEK FREANS BISCUITS 200 g. 9 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHIPS 200 g. FRUIT DRINKS (BEACH V8,ES GR THONGS GRAPPE,, SUNSHINE 99 DELIGHT 3 x 250m1. FAB LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 Litre Imam N in before 3 p.m Same day service _ $4 .5 DELSEY BATHROOM 7 TISSUE 2 ROLL PAK 99 1 In Store Photofinishing LES WILLEMS BROKER - REALTOR NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH, 524-2195 he GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK X r GK REALTY 0 & CT 0/WINSURANCE INC 0 SIC_x Clare Sager Don McCauley, Y. __Bro_., er_Res. salesman Res. X he Located in Standard Trust Bldg- 524-8995 524-4226 X 0 21 East Street, Goderich, Ontario 0 0 0 PHONE 524-2.11 COZY HOME PLUS INCOME In this 3 bedroom home close to the Square with income from a 2 bedroom apartment. Ready for your inspection. Call Don McCauley today. G97 UNDER CONSTRUCTION Act now. aCit ranch, all brick. Choose colour scheme inside an t. C18 8.6 ACRE LOT With hydro service in Port Albert area. HB29 DRY WHEN iT DRIZZLES, SWIM WHEN IT SIZZLES Living room, dining room, kitchen, family room, 2 baths, carport. 16 x 32 inground pool. Exclusive. Act now! G96 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING in this modern 3 bedroom • bungalow situated in Varna. Priced only $49,900.00 S16 TIRED OF PAYING RENT? COLLECT THE RENT From one of these 2 bedroom houses on large lot, 3 miles North of Goderich. C9 BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Grocery store with three bedroom apartment in centre of farm community in Huron County. Showing -good return, room for expansion_ Further._ de_taiis, please call Don McCauley. HT5 LARGE LOT 3'bedroom brick bungalow plus finished 'tardily room & garage. Close to town with country living. Phone Don McCauley 524-4226. C15 21 ACRES NEW LISTING Highway location, 3 bedroom modular home on well landscaped lot, large heated shop, barn set up for horses, 8 miles from Goderich. Phone Don McCauley 524-4226. G17 CLiNTON-COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEW LISTING Two offices on Main Street. For further details call Don McCauley. C12 GODERICH-LICENCED RESTAURANT NEW LISTING With pleasing decor will seat 54 on 1st level, 49 on lower level, includes wel,f decorated 3 bedroom apartment for owner, located on the Shopper's Square. Call Don McCauley 524-4226. G98 LISTINGS NEEDED. ALL PRICE RANGES. If you are thinking of selling; give us a call, we have customers for these homes now. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF A NEW HOME we have many choice building lots to choose from. Why not give us a call today? MEMBER OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD and MIS LISTING SERVICE 0 0) 0 0. 0 .X_ 0 7 7 0 GKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGK GK. Appliances THE INCREDI BLE APE REBATE Plus our 40th Anniversary Spec ial Discounts Ask for details and YOUR rebate claim form. at MAY 1, 1985 TO MAY 31. 1985 APPLIANCE MODEL REBATE Refrigerators ,-----est y Of e } O f/ • Side by Side, Frost Free 22 cu. ft. or larger • Si.: , Frost Free st Free $100 375 335 $20 0 C is S 'ONI 535 $25 $20 er the -range models a Countertop models • Compact 8 cu. ft. and smaller $50 $30 s20 -- Dishwashers Dishwashers 1 Ali models 530 Washers • All models $30 Dryers • A11 models $20 We Service What We Sell MAJOR. APPLIANCE DR' CENTRE LTD,. - HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario Closed Monday Our 40th year. "'ti PLACE TO fUY APPLIANCES Open Friday might till 9 p.m. • is easier to construct, shorter in length therefore, may be completed approximately tely 10 months earlier. Hydro claims that $4 to $5 million of locked up energy Is wasted a mpA- th. Therefore, this line could result in sav- ings of $40 to $50 million. One may then conclude that any system with a Bruce to Esse component will have a significant cost saving advantage over one that does not. In the 1980 system study, six transmission systems were identified as alternatives and were called Ml to M6. Alternatives have now been narrowed down to three of the original systems and the one newly in- troduced potential alternative. I will describe each alternative individually. Plan Ml - consists of one two circuit transmission line from Bruce to London and one single circuit line from Nanticoke to London. This was the preferred system in the 1980 system study. Hydro evaluation is medium cost and technically good. Plan M3 - consists of one double circuit transmission line from Bruce to Esse and two single circuit lines from Nanticoke to London. This was the system that was ap- proved by the Joint Board after the system plan hearings on the matter in 1981. Hydro evaluation is most costly and least technically acceptable. Plan' M5 - consists of two single circuit lines from Bruce to Londonand one single circuit line from Bruce to Essa. Hydro evaluation is least costly and technically good. Plan M7 - has just been introduced and consists of one single circuit transmission line from Bruce to Essa. One double 'circuit line from Bruce to London and one single circuit line from Nanticoke to London. Hydro evaluation is medium cost and technically the best. To determine the total .cost of each in- dividual system plan, three components are identified. 1. Capital cost of construction. 2. Cost of electrical losses as a result of system transmission capabilities. Major losses through resistance are a function of line length, and power loss is also affected by the- number of circuits leaving the generating source. 3. Getting "bottled up" energy out of the Bruce Plant as quickly as possible. Using these components Hydro officials have costed out the four alternative systems. The total cost of Plan Ml is $467 million; Plan M3 $513 million; M5 - $372 million; M7 - $437 million. These costs include the capital costs, the extra power losses for the first twenty years and the cost of locked up energy. These costs are approximate in 1985 dollars and relative in nature. Therefore, they should only be used for comparison purposes. As you can see Plan M5 is $65 million less ex- pensive than the nearest alternative. Hydro officials have not yet given any in- dication of their preferred system. The only conclusions one can draw at this time are that Plan M3 will not be the recommended system plan of Hydro and Plan M5 which in- cludes two single circuit lines either on the same or different right of ways from Bruce to London is a very good candidate for being Hydro's preferred system. The following is a schedule for the remain- ing portions of the.preconstruction project. June 3rd - Final input into the proposed system plans. Mid -June - Preferred alternative systems and routes within the systems will be established. July 8th - Hydro Board will make the under- taking public. August 4 - Environmental Assessment will be presented to the Ministry of the Environ- ment for their evaluation. November Ilth - Earliest start of the Joint Board hearing with respect to the undertak- ing. - Despite the efforts of Huron and- Mid- dlesex Counties Ontario Hydro has not changed a previous position that the system evaluation will not be public and the deci- sion on a preferred system will be made ad- ministratively. This is the only information that will be provided by Hydro prior to the preferred system being chosen and as you can see from the information that I have provided, arising from a third study report which was completed for the Middlesex Planniit feta lttee, system consideration- - seems to indicate that Hydro's preferred system will not be M3 as previously chosen by the Joint Board. If the Ontario Government is sincere about its preservation of farmland policy, it will surely have some input into the decision making process of Ontario Hydro. ROBERT McINTYRE reg. O.H.A.A. hearing aid specialist will be holding a HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE at 74 The Square, Goderich on WED., JUNE 5 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:601 p.m. If your present hearing aid re- quires servicing or If you're thinking of purchasing a hearing aid...pleas• call 524-7661 for an appointment. McINTYRE HEARING AID SERVICE 366 Cambria St., Stratford Serving Huron b Perth Since 1972