HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-05-29, Page 9intliegailisaamismaisagenemanisioaliztiELIGION We are victims of ourselves REV ROBERT 0. BALL NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH How surely and how frequently we are the victims of ourselves. This is most evident in the selfish way we take the gifts of life for - granted. Not until we are bereft of any one Of life's blessings, do we become acutely aware of this truth. I have a friend, who for medical and therapeutic reasons must be silent for several weeks. This is a necessary process to protect and heal some vocal chords. I have never had to do that. I take for granted my ability to speak and communicate my thoughts whenever I want. And, I can only imagine, though not very realistically, how desperately lonely such an experience must be; how frustrating to hear a telephone ring, and not be able to answer it; to have so- meone speak to you and be unable to reply; Kenyan missionary speaks to Arthur Circie President Sandi Davidson welcomed everyohe 'to the Arthur Circle Auxiliary meeting held May 13 in Knox Church. Lisa Steckle, classical guitarist, played Suite in D minor and Lagrima. ' Betty Helesic read the roll . call and minutes of the past meeting, followed by the treasurer's report by Hazel McCreath. She reported that the 150th anniversary plates are quickly being sold, but there are many mugs available. Lisa again delighted her audience when she pldyed Saltarello. She was thanked by Leona Jermyn. Jean Carruthers played for a sing song led by Grace Cameron. Davidson thanked everyone who took part in the anniversary meeting of Huron Presbyterial that was held at Knox Church May 8. Over 125 women were present for the Anniversary cake cutting. Margaret Creamer and her group took charge of the remainder of. the meeting. "Happy the Home" was sung and Margaret read a poem "Let's Preserve Family Life" and "Silver Threads of Patience.'. Margaret introduced Rev. Dr. Paul Vaughan, a missionary who was a teacher in Kenya, Africa and who is a Bible teacher and counsellor. He talked on family life (past, present and future) in Kenya and sang some Kenyan songs and taught the group a song. Several' curios were passed around. Rev. Vaughan closed with prayer. The next meeting will be held June 17 at Grace Cameron's cottage. GLOUSHER-DEVEAU Stewart Glousher and Sharon Deveau both of Goderich were married on May 25 at LoIndesboro United Church. Rev. Dave Snihur officiated. The groom is the son of Wilmer and Norma Glousher of Londesboro and the bride is the daughter of Eugene and Florence Deveau of Mayflower, Nova Scotik, Matron of honor was the groom's sister, Barbara Hodgins of Vanastra. Glenyce McClinchey of Auburn was the bridesmaid. Soloist was Bill Jewitt of Londesboro and organist was Lisa Duizer of t rrnd+~srhoro. Ptarray modd>rgetGoderter was the best man and Kim Hodgins of Vanastra, a brother-in-law of the groom, was the usher. A wedding reception was held amara Recreation Centre.T'be' newlyweds honeymooned in eastern Ontario and will make their home in Goderich. (Frank Phillips photo) 1 Applications now being accepted for the CLINTON RETIREMENT HOME (formerly Holiday Lodge) 108 Ontario Street Proprietor: Isabel BrezinskI - 482-5208 It you're NEW IN id TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the Wcan?oni Lia hostess at 524-7165 or 524-2544 MINISTER'S STUDY to receive a gift, and suppress the natural response of joy and gratitude: When this experience happens to one who daily and consistently reaches out to bring joy and happiness to others, it raises again in my mind that nagging notion that in life; too many things are unfair. This notion is heightened by the reality of life in the sounds we do hear from others around us. Indeed, when we are honest about it, dreadful sounds often come from our own lips, How unfair it seems when those who speak graciously and speak good words to the world around them are silenced, while th9rs use the same gift of speech to hurt, to s�ppreead rumour, or to slander friends. What a waste of God's gifts to hear youth (who learn from adults) trying to out -vulgar each other through loud obscenities in our public streets. What a waste too, when husband ande, parent and child, employer and employ. 'e, withhold words of affirmation, praise, caring, and love, in favour of ridicule, criticism, or complaint. It's the abuse of one of God's gifts to us that makes necessary the ancient prayer of confession, .( paraphrased) "we have left un- said those things which we ought to have said, we have said those things which we ought not to have said, .. Lord have mer- cy.,, The Book of Proverbs leaves us with a classic line: A W RD FITLY SPOKEN IS LIKE APPLES F GOLD IN A SETTING OF SILVER. -Two sesquicentennial trees were planted on the grounds of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich on Sunday. Taking part in the ceremony were, left to right, Knox's minister, the Reverend G.L. Royal; guest minister, the Reverend Richard Stewart; and, representing the congregation, two 50 -year plus members,; Robert Bisset and Pearl Straiton. Local church plants trees Knox Presbyterian Church is in the midst of its 150th anniversary year and so, it was most appropriate that a former minister was welcomed back to the pulpit as a guest last Sunday. The Reverend Richard Stewart, D.D., of London was the minister at Knox Church (the old edifice) in Goderich from 1942-47. He preached Sunday's sermon entitled, "The Way It Is". During the- service, certificates were presented to elders who have served for 25 years or more on the session, and to members of the congregation who have been a part of the church for 50 years or more. W M S meeting held ti Mrs. R. McAllister, Knox WMS president, opened the May meeting with a responsive reading of the Beatitudes followed by prayer. In taking the devotion, Mrs. G. Henderson emphasized the beauty of nature and read a poem entitled "God in His Garden". Agnes MacEwan read the scriptur* and during the offering the hymn, We Give Thee but Thine Own, was sung. Mrs. B. Sanderson read the minutes and corresponding secretary, Mrs. 0. Falkiner, gave her report. A card of congratulations and best wishes was signed by all members and sent to Vic- toria Crook in recognition of her 100th birth- day. Julia Carruthers was congratulated on her graduation. Many members attended the 100th an- niversary -of St. Andrews in Stratford. Mrs. C. F,elw dd--ceportecLop the Sy Qdical. W_l .n- don and Gertrude Kaitting spoke on The ' Least Coin, its purpose and work and closed with a poem. The exxec''tivP metMay_2.9.Lb_and Blessing. Boxes will be received at the June meeting's pot luck dinner. The meeting closed with benediction. Goderich Township Recreation SWIMMING PROGRAM Registration at the Community Hall HOLMESVILLE Sat., June 1, 10 am --1 pm 525.00 per child or S65.O0 per family Phone 482-9820 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLIS ED OVER 50 YEARS C Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 1 1 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH, 524-7345. � Clinton Area _MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON _ 48.2-9441. After the service, two sesquicentennial trees were planted on the church grounds by the Reverend G.L. Royal; the Reverend ,e,nrt• nnri, representinrr the congregation, two 50 -year plus members, Mrs. Pearl Straiton and Robert Bisset. One tree, a beech, is a gift from the Town of Goderich. The other, a Crimson Red Maple, is a gift from Mrs. Peter Green of Sarnia, a former member of the church whose husband was responsible for the planting of the centennial tree in 1935. Following the tree planting ceremony, a luncheon was held for the congregation in the church hall. It was chaired by John Schaefer of the 150th anniversary committee. The Reverend Stewart and the Reverend Royal each spoke of their association with Knox. Mr. Royal was presented, with a birthday cake and Mr. :Stewart received a special Knox Church anniversary plate. O ODEftlal S GiNA TAR, W1 PNESDAY, MAY 29,1985—PAGE COMPUTER SPECIALISTS IN CONSULTING, TRAINING, AUTOMATION GLEN MACI4AN 324-9320 Psssst... Listen...this coming Mon. Tues. & Wed. June 3, 4, & 5 When you buy any one of our delicious pizzas... You receive a 26 oz BOTTLE OF POP FREE or With the purchase of one of our delectable subs receive a... 10 oz CAN OF POP FREE Se care your hunger am! quench your thirst too at... /1' 4141/ W. yC .wM Frark,i & Gu ¶iz ii 50 WEST ST., GOD*EDICi1 S 24-4:14- 5 "WE DELIVER" OPEN 11:30 am THURS., FRI. & SAT. THE CHILDREN'S LITTLE THEATRE Presents "THE THREE JACKS AND THE MAGIC BEANS" Plus a dramatic presentation of one of T.S. Eliot's Poems on cats SATURDAY, JUNE 8th 2PM at THE LIVERY ADULTS: $2.°o CHILDREN: $1.°O Tickets for this 2 hour production on sale now at the Recreation Department 166 McDonald St., from the Children's Little Theatre Members, or at the door until sold out. Church Directory � EIERE�►-�Y,-THE-WATER 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH Suncr ost Drive 1 Block West of Hwy. Rev Chris Wicher. Pastor O+ircr-514--22.,:,; 1-errre- 24.4-f ,v PENTECOST SEASON No Sunday School 3 00 Divine Worship 4-00 Farewell Dinner for Pastor Wicher and His Family Celebrating Christ's Presence Today .._.� ._.__.._.. ._,._,•••••.••—••...11,..../•••••••,,....41,••••••.••,..• Calvary !Baptist Church 11 BATTIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 10:00 a.m. - Bible School 11:00 a.m. - Wo,ship Service . 7:00 p.4°I. Evening Service Wed. Eve: 6:30 p.m. "Olympians" for boys and girls ages 6 to 12 1 ' 1 r p-.1-m-.Midw Mid-week-Service—___L Nursery Facilities...available f WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 Knox Presbyteri an Church THE REV. G L ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT LORNE H. DOTTERER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE Sunday, June 2 t 10 00 a.m. Communicant's Class 1 11 00 a.m. Divipe Worship } ( 1 1 •00 a.m. Sunday School 9 Sermon AN URGENCY FOR MISSION:. j 1 (Nursery Facilities) (� } Celebrating 150 Years of Witness i 7 Enter to Worship Depart to Serve `I ,1.411._. ..�._..._..�.�.�.. _ . 5y North Street United Church 56 North Street 524-7631 SPECIAL NOTICE FOR JUNE 2, 1985 Annual Camp Service, picnic, and Fellowship day will be held at Camp Menesotung, beginning at 1 1 a:m. (North Street Church will be closed) 1..-,.a.�..-.�..-s..-s.,-....�..-,�...e..-,....-._..-m..,....-„1.411.-q...-�....,...�..,.-®.:.� rare.. v.._.._..-s..e..._..-,.._.._..--41 41.—_..-,.1.1.41. rBaptist Cburdi i MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH Sunday 9:45 a.rn.-MORNING WORSHIP TOPIC: The Fruit of the Spirit C) 11:00 o. m, - SUNDAY SCHOOL i Thursday 7:30 p.m. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY }i} _ i t You can find acceptance, purpose, ley A peace in Christ PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDD 524-9130 ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR: JILL WHEATLEY ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 3 Anglican -Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Interim Organist: Grace F. Datemp Trinity Sunday June 2nd 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion -° 11:00 o.m. Holy Communion Nursery available The Rev. Douglas S. Pitts in charge of services 2:00 p.m. Evening Prayer at Christ Church, Port Albert The Rev. William Craven -You are alvwc ys welcome - )4141... �. �..-.. �., 4141, 4141.. ►., ....�.,. ®. .