HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-05-29, Page 3GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1985 -PAGE 3, PEOPLE with Lifestyle Award " Goderich woman who established a sup - poor ive and titre care service for the . . terminally ill Hospital received deserved, recognition for her dedication as a volunteer worker on 111Iay 15 in Ottawa. A Lifestyle Award and Certificate of Honor was presented to Connie Osborn by Health and Welfare Minister Jake Epp. She and 26 other Canadians were rewarded for making remarkable and continuing con- tributions in promoting health and social services in their communities on a volun- tary basis. The banquet held in honor of these volunteers was an emotional event for Osborn. She was honored to have been nominated for the award by Goderich Legion and thrilled to gather with Cana- dians like her who are involved in various volunteer organizations across the country. Osborn is enthusiastic with all the volunteer work that goes on and she con- siders the Royal Canadian Legion "an ex- ample of volunteerism at its best." Osborn's concern for the needs of this community and efforts to meet those needs made her a deserving candidate for the award. She expressed her excitement at having been recognized nationally. "You take one day at a time and suddenly it adds up," she said. Osborn's, dedication to volunteerism has grown over the years. She first became a volunteer on the board of directors for the Huron County Children's Aid Society and over the past 15 years has been involved in various organizations, in various capacities, focusing particularly on promoting volunteerism in the Goderich community. Osborn was recommended for the prestigious Lifestyle Award by Goderich Legion member Carolyn Holborn who for- warded the nomination to the Department of National Health and Welfare. Goderich Legion commended Osborn's voluntary ef- forts on behalf of the community with special reference to her latest project.' Three years ago she organized and coor- dinated a palliative care service at Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital in CONNIE OSBORN of Goderich was in Ottawa recently to receive the Lifestyle Award from Health and Welfare Minister Jake Epp. The Lifestyle Award is given each year to in- dividuals who have made, on a voluntary basis, a remarkable contribution in promoting health and social services in their communiUieS. Goderich. The volunteer program she set up is part of a team effort to provide care for the terminally ill ,and the long term disabl- eidTogether with hospital staff, Osborn and other palliative care volunteers work to meet the needs of patients by combining the skills of medical, nursing, volunteers, and other disciplines as the need arises. Osborn herself trains volunteers for the palliative care unit through an eight-week training program. She said the volunteers aim to "enhance the quality of life for pa- tients and bring the outside world to them." The volunteer supplements the existing quality of care that the patient is receiving from health care professionals and Osborn is pleased with the cooperation between hospital staff and palliative care volunteers. The palliative care unit works to ease the situation for patients and families through difficult times by providing the most relax- ing and homelike environment possible. The service extends to include a bereave - Couple gets citation for bravery GODERICH TWP. - Many people may believe they would have second thoughts about rescuing a man from a burning truck but Bill Townshend of Goderich Township didn't take time for those thoughts. "I didn't have time to think about it. It was after that I thought about it," he said after he and his wife Bessie received a citation commending them for their selfless bravery. The couple was travelling to Exeter on Highway 4 on the afternoon of October 4 when they noticed a flash of dust drifting aci oss the road. "It was just far enough back that we couldn't tell what happened," said Mrs. Townshend. Darryl Johnston, London, had just lost control of his vehicle for an undetermined reason, crossed the highway and smashed into a tree. The ntan was unconscious with a huge gash down the middle of his forehead. The old truck he was driving, loaded with welding equipment, was on fire. Only the engine had caught and Bill' had enough time to drag out the unconscious young man out and grab his wallet. At the same time Bessie had run to the nearest house and told the residents there was a truck on fire. Russ Faber grabbed a fire extinguisher, pushed past the Goderich Township woman andeput the fire out. His. wife phoned police and an ambulance. Mr. Johnston was coming to, passing out again and mumbling incoherently, "that was the shock," said Bessie. They wonder how he recovered after his accident but the two parties -haven't been in contact since that fall day. Bill later talked to a police officer and asked about the possibility of the truck exploding. He thought about exaggerated television car crashes and wondered if Darryl Johnston's truck could have blown up. The officer said some cars do go up. The Townshend's guessed the truck didn't explode because the older style truck has its 1 1 CREATIVE MIRRORS Unique Mirrors With A Difference A_ GREAT GIFT IDEA -FOR, ANY OCCASION DOUG CHAMNEY AUBURNN. 526-7714 1Mr. and Mrs. William Townshend of Goderich Township received an OPP Commissioner's citation recently in recognition of life-saving efforts after an auto accident. On October 4, 1984, the car of Darryl Johnston left Highway 4, struck a tree and caught fire. William Townshend pulled the victim from the car without regard for his own safety and his wife went to a nearby home for help. gas tank up high and the constant dripping of gas kept the fire from travelling up the • gas line to the tank. Six months after the accident the couple were rewarded for their part with a citation received from the police commissioner at a dinner honoring several civilians for bravery and police officers for various FLOWERS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER 166 THE SQUARE. CODE RI( H PHONE 524-8761 E_temngti and.Sunda%'phone ;29-721.i. DON'T LOOK NOW but one of the world's most desirable cars is also one of the most affordable cars and our new Mazda 626 stock has almost disappeared. ONLY ONE ... MAZDA 626 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY However we do have more iunits on the way, so don't hesitate to visit us about securing your 628. It's one investment that will serve you well for many, many years down the road. P.S.: We have been able to offer very speedy delivery on units not in stock. M -W MOTORS LTD ■ Sales and Service 184 EAST ST. GODERICH PH. 524.2113 reasons. The Townshend trait for se'.fless bravery seems to run in the family. Although he ' didn't receive the same recognition, Bill and Bessie's grandson also pulled a woman from a burning car. "I hope it's a once in a lifetime thing," said Bessie. nant program for the family up to a year after the death o` a family member or longer if the need exists. Over the past three years Osborn believes the the success of the program as expressed by participants is a case for its continuing existence. Osborn's . own full-time comrnit- ment to piloting the project convinces her that in order for the program to remain and gain recognition as an integral part of hospital care, the hospital should make the job of coordinator a paid position. At present the palliative carte service is on hold. The problem Ls money. Originally Osborn made a one-year com- mitment to the program and continued for three yars4okeep it going. Osborn resign- ed her volunteer position of coordinator as of Mar' h 31. 'If a volunteer coordinator is not found she hopes her proposal to hospital administrators to pay a palliative care coot= dinator will be approved when the budget comes through. In the meanwhile she and the 15 other volunteers have continued to visit the hospital informally because. of their commitment to the patients. Osborn said, "I will feel badly if the service is discon- tinued because a lot of work has gone into that program." Osborn said support from her family and friends has let her participate in volunteer organizations over the years and she is thankful that she is able to make contribu- tions toward the .. betterment of the com- munity. In his speech to Lifestyle Award reci- pients Epp commented on the ac- complishments of each individual. Referr- ing to Osborn's volunteer service to the ter- minally ill in Goderich Epp said, "The im- pact of her work is beyond measure because of her compassion and her commitment to a high ideal. She has helped so many who would otherwise be dark and lonely during certain times in their lives." Osborn hopes Canadians will become aware of this honor available to outstanding citizens so that more volunteers will be recognized for their contributions to com- munity and society. II CIVIC CORNER The Utility Co-ordinating Committee will meet on Thurs., May 30 at 11:00 a.m. in the council chambers. The Landfill Site Committee will meet at Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville on Thurs„ May 30 at 7:30 p.m. A Recreation Board meeting will take place Thurs., May 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ron Feagan Memorial Grandstand. . Goderich Town Council will meet on Mon., June 3 at 7:30 p.m. m the council chambers. Huron County Council will meet Thurs., June 6 at 10:00 a.m. in the council chambers. 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