HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 20TER TIME 4e, 440, 4.* 4. 11. OC 4 R�►*0 044444F4 +o TIB t1RSDAY JAS? I1 Atll.Z ;%3 4. 40 We have fht have af Overcoats, placing on oar ,c - *Iiiit-Kou can save rnom,y k sile s of Suits. • ate are for q ick st and see iAff • „,, 4*: 4 ng tlleam at the ,price. They are all 3 piece suits and are ,good, wearers. eci; l Price 3 o • Boys SuIS. small sizes for and year old sy* The+e god tweeds ell acle and service- This er ice -This lot is to be 4 Special Price verco heavy wi *t1 high col, lay°s or rough wear, they cant be beat, they sold, as high as to be elea 'red this month Special Price $3, 5o adzes Skirts wher of odd .`weed Skirts. They are not this Season1s aka. We i rve 't all:. sires. They el~d Price S o Pe. Ladies Coats, All this Seasons make. We dont wand ti one over. We have a number of good coat + Thesewe will clear at a big reductio l ke advai i go oithis opportunity. A. ST.EWART 4 4444. 4 • 01 4' 44P' 4 4* 44* 0441I 0*l . 4 04• 44k 48, .4 44*' • 4 SNI LowOx ttae '\1` Leet Bac?:av'Meat 48: to 50 SLQ+l Short.3 Gats flu a ry�r $'2 per ton i arls-: °44 to CO s de. ploar ?..TO _ Fed 1'oir 445.6 'Butter 24 'Petato< s lre4 apialMs, 4c #ro'a a;tl Cto.,',k;a lsa e u` `, a ‘5.9f7+ .4 °s Iia M+edilx n I XPu t ` tecrs te.50 to 6.7 1 �1[ k.oice 'butcher he frs 6.50 to 0.75 Mediu 4 Miail.eter beafti'rs o,2..Z to 6,10, Tlest cows. 5.06 to 5.40 t•Tediotn 'zows75 to Coin no cows 400 t`o 4;20 CI• o sheep 4,75. to 5-0 Lambs 0 to $.60 -PHONE 55 BIG 5 CENT SALEs nt n be Will co x aced t11ir- w e e kfor the bene fie a f those who could not Itget We have out,e lent of China bans plenty and Gr<•anitecwrare to clear rias to make room for a big- shipment of spring goods, We want :the space and the money, so come and see what a NICs "FL will buy at our store • +o i'leres A Sample • ti 50 Clan e$. Cloth pegs for _ 10 cent Granite fry partsn5 e. 10 and 15 ..cont JugsO. and nano JC 10 cent Vases for 5 cents g m • ' Dozens of _ pretty cream3ug�, Babymu s4 Pxckiedish +: Sliavin riga $g es, L T ,�„ Cl g g . Ash trays etc. All going.far 5c, WE DON'T LET � Ori OST FIGURE at all. We want to clear the stock, • a 4.Watch Our Windows ows` for Bargains This Week m :Ye have a prize Contest on at our CANDY CONUTERS and will e, ',° give away; 3 dandy prizes in March to patrons of this etor 4 abrrut it next time you're in. e° Ask ee COME IN OFTEN AND 'LOO IC K AROUND 4e el• ® Look'for oltrDru« S ecial - 4 • g p s, 000 cans of Viclet and Rose Talcum m powder is now in stock for the Baretegain counter. a® J. 11'. • o: t T Ei EBIG °� .x 4 VARIETY ��'®1��. � o 00004®4,!iv..44,.d+.m 0b4'49dO b ®*d66A**9***** 4 ea aq. received ve a Fresh RL of Groceries o;, not fail : to SE's 4ill• 540=15 5 5cent counters 'cited ***************44.4 EQt* els A Wcilfaa iffte 'MRI(0 o eek to,. LOCALS e***44Fq e yle v fir ex~ RR �asR�Z1R�Rli1 d hol Piper ,den. 4444,,e.444444+++.+"":"++ 4444444444444444.44 4444-44444.4-44.--e-.4444 4• 44 4 44" .1 4 4 4.44 4. •1.44-' + k4:. 4 4 .1 • 4. . 4 4. 4 'x. 4. 4.; 4 4. 4,ee, ee 44 444 *.++++++++444,44444444444444 O s 41. 4., +'4 e•.°++4'44.* 4q444'4d 44 4 444444-44.44444444*. -*H-444.4 1. -4. yam, t + 4 4. +4 +4 ,.x +4 + ',4+4 +44 4++ 444 +44 +4 and V 1� Exeter Carling tetires from Business rhost("ks ayhlplaf rRs Ilerrey of I SaRaar aanettie i saale o bi aa��t,ar�a,+lt k" ard an rata a are xls€tae formt"ar';s lR ar 1R Mtaa. I#aaw#: us„ as*1R Rllu1 'Thos. #Iertoa awnoal. as at week where . %%Inv tRa the serious bra�(lter os s, 3 3,f! Molt oS hf4oe,° cook, -f =Fr. faa1 COT lr. furorr ::lrrcy b'P5t ,av .la§ t adaAt aaaa l;alb' 'Week OD n Field las of 'bra. :attezatia+aa hf "he ett by J43/1,11 ret a shotI d ^ran1 tsar hese. wne: Ras . 1R$Aetc Ch"r. n 1lI Tenant 3mast rias" faotograit rrtc<tlon bawltor held byaadaik. v. This ins to a' alagarraei a ted, by ;vide en all over. 1s ,Iles as spelldi tell#trea_lef 1io1ztlav for. % enaty'•. ay left ad lad. o11t�y taxat was a gat '~wee+k:; i a a been doeatfr .x Th� temple n ey Kvzas at [ivr do llaar hill anti Was found by ,air dray»uR:un wear. iv. Gifles- "tir vt o Ixtalzaedia i ely advertised it I`laere is Tetany za arxaan who -crank`s bare but the money bite his Rooke. wwl#11 a t.'hitckle. llirt last abl birty hday r eels br'ttlo�nwss held' at the home et Mrs. Sontlftott Ire honor allies Stelle Southeatrs birth - The occasion Twee quite uniene as Mrs, Fe .Boyle and 'Wallace flake w ere is a a •' also p &� n another mi 1~ lit n a e and y a.,. »cr esenE for 'p the occasion. ' 1 the evezlin * a surprise saort.. held at the pAT1v wags. Iaj:zle of Ai`rs, Sheere for Ctrs, Boyle v Death of D, a1io1)onaid-The inner. al of Daalican McDonald an old farm- er of the, litanies ii9t $ i?oad Vito ho died atC Sask E a aon Sash on the 6th Inst and it'ho..0 e reanairi $ reached: Clinton on, January 15th took dace in the af- ternoon from the undertakite rooms'. of Atkinson & Danford. Tt was un- der the auspices of the Ainsonic Lodge, of evbich the deceased hail' been amember. The service of. the Presbyterian church was conducted by Rev, D, Ii Grant 3. Si. Southcott addressed a, tine.' Y athcrrYn, of young meet at Mair. church on Sunday afternoon rasf. The occasion was also the annual:el- ection of officers and the members expressed appreciation of the '. ser- vices of their. leader, Air, B, W. ]i' Beavers and d re el ct e ed hian Lo r the, ea co nine year. The other officers el ected were ns follows, assistant lead er. Jas; Walker; Secretary L; Wet son; Treasurer 'Truenan .Elliott; pianist, Miss E, rollick, The class during' the year have contributed fifty dollars. the amount required to educate a native of 7ndia. Have ypu Ii.enewed-The subscrip- tion price for the Times is $1.00 per year, in advance„ to any Point in Canada to the 'United States $1,50 per year in advance, To all those who have already renewed their sub- scription :for 1913 The Times ex- tends its heartiest k tha .. n >_. Your la- bels will be marked. up in a sveek or two and we should ask that, Ley be examined, to see the !prop,elr; cred- it ,ha.s, been given. If you. ate 9 • tell ;ixi arrears, a Prompt response to our ap- peal will w' � ! be appreciated, These ac- counts are small in themselves but in the aggregate they amount to a con- siderable sum.;Lei us mark your is-' bel tip! • A. nc.v lecture .in connection tivitb the �tubiic library which would be in tileinterestsof :our citizens should the Library .Board. adopt it; bas re- cently- been adopted in t oa`eric.a. , On payment of five cents .members will hc. allowed. to rest 4e any, book, gird 'will he notified by Post ° card `that Lite `}pock 'Je in the library. Such book rnust•'`be taken out:�svithin three cheys front the issue or `!post r`a.rd, i;undat and holidays eXclud'd; This Leatrrst is in .o,u.e tut verypoaulax in thep'uulic libraxys o; traiforf Pel and many 1ar;e ` cc ptres of (;• Province i! a, member w ;apes tel r{prt.igtatr»od>r+bra meat o• �r��lw�!�,d�ed'rrthe neut,�ar�-a .rt< t1i ltiol �vY114 c ragarY+t 4. 4. • ter'% 4 1.. 4 t Y Ay .* ♦ 44 al of GOOD Sold ess N COST Ad ences aor t T.....:. nee TY DAYS u �<'0444444.4.44-4++++4.4-44.44+ ", +. 1 i", 4l'"�'4� �.'....�+ R '%"+ h {` r'a'.4 +11 i t""+ ♦ r F .. .�' �.y F k'�+'i •Ze " I" +' W arn..'M 4 4 i w 4'4.{ 4+4.��: f� a » Y 4 1� L_ a ti •A .4 4 4 ,. •y +4°'+A i +M K +1 �'4",A� �+�. 1+•�'4"i 4 t. lir, Boy Born lIn s "bane to LondoL to ta„'ce a „'oiarse at Ilse :Ftititary Col- e e. t llibbs, of Perxest visited Air. liars. S; J)Tartiu over Sunday,.. This Emily Thompson .of Torr{nto was the. guest of Miss Violet 1i;nhale for al few days last week, Mr. and Its A, Has tinea na very 1 r. n_ae ,nti entertained y main d e the Caret ac r I'resbyterittn (Their en Trilby //yen, ing iaa>at, ' Tr, J. II, Scott of town and W. G. Medd of 'Winchelsea attended the l)airy.nan's conventiot , at Woodstock last week' . Messrs CIarke and Snell will hold anuc' a Eaan sale of miTch carry CO. Exe- r on Saturday Feb °1st They,nve a choice lot on hand. Mr. Owen Atkinsonwas it Loddon a `Tuesday;. Miss W. iloward visited in London ncr Sunday+., 13 , n r In 1x er for sevtlrnl days. Mrs. J. 8, Mack of Guelph is vis - 'ling her sister, Airs, Thal, Gregory Airs. Piper sort Joh rt left Fri- day evening g to visit sis inLo>:dofor. s �f few weeks. .n lifts, (Dr Sweet sntcrtsined a Leer Oft of her friends on tirecinesday even- 1j[L her of ,last week. Monday night has been postponed j` The Carnival advertised for t ,last t until, next 14lonclay vxan r c e Airs, s # a I Vest keand Miss 5ti4 zs u - nl.in it? of the Thames Road, are visiting for several days in Stratford. Rev, Mr. Graham. chairman of the Mr, and Mrs, Theadore Sweat. and Strathroy,edistrict will Preach eau- child lett this week for VancOnver where Gational sermons in Mr, Sweet has secured a pos- Mail Street ition as''Insurance Inspector. next SabbatR�" t �4 T+4+4+fr •3:T.1.1SN'r. riN 4:. 4443 - w church VTe l save a' bead supply of feed .in'l Mrs, 'Thos, Gregory has returned stock corn, lshnrtst, bran,linseed called ton ac . Forrest `where she '. mealwas on account of the death of ,her mo ase meal , » feed' flour etc, asidJi ssl:•r-in-lav Dies, Richard Thom -nem prices' I3°ax ve°°,. ;Bros; There arca number of. younlad- , air. Roy ] mesons andEdith Mise t ies fro.n town, who are studying- r{arsons were in lia.rlin,etor on Wel- the London Conservatory of msie nesday attending the weertlir. 'oil and ,,o to the city each :we - t c their ,cousin Miss Cora, daughter of lesson. elL for DIT' and n Mrs. Louis rs z . Parsons i to bf r Dir kcrin, Albert Andrews ,wise , under- , event an operation at St,. Joseph's Masquerade atnaivas A: G hospital London,n Yxand p last:week is, xm- Masquerade and Racing Carnival, wilt proving rapidly and it is be held at The Arena' llla:eteir- on will sours he .aa.ne: expected .,te Monday January 27th 1913 WhentheA few days aeo Cal - following events will take place; y an instheExeter ender dressed lady; Best Fancy Dressed Post Office and it had 'only_. been Geln ;` Girls Comic Costume Boys there a few hours 'before eo comic. costume; Girls race. 5 'la re open stole'. it 14 was a `mal[ s tmconr One mile 'an'd a half open race. En- someone to; do. rick Lor trance fee 10c, 'Cash Prizes will En - Miss Etta Russell of t awarded; Ice reserved until afterSt; `Cixoxnls' Judging, of `ttose. iu t;osturnc, niter. Messrs Fred Sanders of Toronto and which' sk+ati!ng '4iilf J0;30 Exeter' Rand j n att'end'tnce, Geneirai,'Admis- sion 25c ' Sir, 'Fred Gould an Exeter Old !loy now ire Strathroy while passing a restuarant of that `lace on the eeven- In s or Jan 13L1i' heard 'the. screams or t:wa' 1adi.e s and saw the accu)'ant .S in ,listless, Ile called for help, kicked the door in to find. Mrs Foe' and her. ,,,a15,,chter 'who conduct' a restnarant :za 0i era Thomas Sanders of Berlin °and, fie v. C. Mr, Sanders of DrantJord• attend- ed the Bussell -Sanders -s' v it ti c .den, town: on Tuesday. Mr, Wm. 03alk}rill .was iia London on Saturday ,attending Lae fu r.c.ra 'of, the Talc iYi °a i.> Samuel ,Cerryhill T(hc deceased was in ser 80th year. Iler maiden name was 'l;,irzabeta' 4I3'lJ t•• will; beim a daugl �er. ol;;'the late. Dr. James ,Balkwill�°of Exeter. epairng Experts 11! ?If employ 2n' our watch repair department i0f1611 MY ! only first t class ssm material, a with . an exper- ience and proper technical knowledge to fully t1T derstan d a watch and . its adjustments. If our..TIT watch is not giving perfect satisfaction bring it to �lie tie us, No chargegfor examination. atlon, t« 1Alt A ! . Its ' MAIRCHANLI vs �vsI110.- o.�-4/ `--.1011111.-• �i�"'^A/1v- - --. f-as-'�� -QIP-. �s.•.-.0 --1v-•-.u_- ON ►_- r•-�rr""!e Elect Officers -The: Or„ani..>,ed 0•♦•s40010+�0*0♦O`O®*dA®d®1/*' Adult Ladies 'Bible class of 'lain St, hurch held their annual election of officers' on Monday ,evening. After the election a: social evening u,as. spent and: refreshments 'were served Following was the result of the elec- ion;. President 'Mrs, N. Hunter; Vice Pres, Mrs,,`, A; Spencer; Teacher Mrs..A J, (Ford;: Asst. teacher Aire. Wm.,_,i3agshaw; Secretary -:: Miss Brooks Treasurer Miss Houlden. Installation --District Deputy Grand Master . ;�G, :G, , McTaggart of 131yth; rid his installation' team composed, 4 'Messrs S,:DIc Vl i ie, 1i;: S. Sloan W G. netts; A. W Robertson and II. A homas, installed the officers .. ' of IJxeter lodge on :Tuesday evening. e, Af ter the rinstall ' aP1on all ° .r'eP'arred o W. J, Statha,ns 'Where oysters and; eireshr s Hent w�°'� qac pari;alccn of,; rc-: Inning again . to the lodge ,r.00ikj. 'here speeches and recitations;w'e order.-51+ollowins were the ;til Crrs installed,• J. 1. G. Bre;,aFJ enhale;. N. G.; ;Br'o, W. J. Sta'{I • •'G', Tiro. L. ,Bois a ld ; Sexy J3 It Creech; I+'in; Secy.I3ro• t'U Jqt teas,, Jiro '1;, `,. Dignan; 11.8.!1 , , ro;:' W, 4V; 'Taman; L. S. N. .Gr;13 n 0 T t t' 44 in Id eonlect:ion.ery .of that place r _: a' R1sseI -Sanders-A.; quiet but pref. ass of .' flames and carr%ed Ml s D'ce', Ly wedding Was solemnized on Tues- F r,t''. Chief Wilson and others arrivedday '.nor°Hing;'at eight'b'cIoek int V lxe rrled Mrs, line our, and others ei h. Tri vitt 3VleJnorial •;hurch when 'M.is. N d the Firer a y NI' ie L r e`,nan,3. ciui,ixinb. ! b,e ftre,_ Sanders da,u htex of lIr T d L,artruerrt irrrxediet.ely arrived an'd r incl 'i�Ir �i '1'+hes, Sander's becarrie the (f3 1" scan • � EIrld s' • r bad the fire an ilhe lauaJitirrz ()tit c, of Mr, Geai,,e 1 usCe71;,0L Norih L Mrs. and Miss Foe atter loekin; u,`p I3attictard >Sask Tlie cere nnny .....s r. for the. "iu„ht, were going ulj, stairs over the store; where"t:1acy°regi'Jed Mrs.' 'Foe was ahead - and ' 'Priya L+'oe' was lollosvixi5< with a' coal' oil lanky Mrs, lr o,s Ltd1 !racks and on lies Foe trine, n ; kit r•40 the Stairs Tile lamp exploded 8c ttin4,:the building,' and the clothes ,07 he two women,,pn fire Medical aid was sutnanoned ,ar14 every possible aid was Tendered to reiievc, the suf fcx n.; of the two 1a9 1 Mrs of (Brantford, broffitaT:„.0 -pride ti ctOr i.?;rdona'left en c17, r extended.. trip .t.q 01113S and other e return to town before:, ['heir new honie Nd" t Ps. O ele •• 4, o ra• 4, e` •° Furniture Dealer aliti ria. ts. L , I cane '20a Ont MaLr tt :Jere bite