Exeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 17a - , write jr -‘*c'e YI• 7.4,3 •I
ere sorry to reinert toot 'Miss
part gta arSA 4, Oarriea,Kitan is laid uP With Lit
NO VACATION le Grit)Pe. We nope to see her out be-
rtr fore
6 t 'Clinton BastionSseollege Mr, Lewis „nee returned to his
WARD ...at twine ire alanitoba after .ependir,q; WO. sporrozi 6. WA,-
PresidenPrincipal any amattee with ate peewits tar. aro
* The pest praetleel trainine
* settee/ in Ontario. Three de
Vartments E07„.`.131,tER411,41.1:
PNLY„ LUIcenrsen Are therou'ili ;
ttad Preetical Teanhera ere exe
* petieeeed and, aeadaetee ere
Viaced positione, We akive
individual atteinien end stukl- •
ants Amy enter et any time, *
Write for our free tette/orate
at °nee..
Principal. *
14011▪ 04.444444.4444.4434.44.4.4
Sbjt Daught by expert instructors
at 0 -en.
* isor,
Y KC. A. Bane.
ptotiftroto ostiuto4 to po5-itiom couogo
' nession from SCPt C'ttliaatt°
five. Enter may time.
41r.W.T.Vederfelt JWeeitJ
Ptliaciral canttredatecesiatest
Ito Metaric Light Plac
Wo-iiitiktla't40.04,1aity of fil-
ling. Family Orden% 1.'ne
(let:merles sve deliver you
Are the best to be bad 4T3 the
prima] we ask are tbe 10 est
Send or bring yoor next "-
der to us and be convinced
thlt, this is the Right Store to
buy your Grocerlos and Pro.
/ANTED -Choice )3utter Ara
Fresh Eggs.
She funeral or th2. ..„„ariagt A10,x
flaws" rormeely of iiirk
ton Intik
t;tece'ori Monday Sate 13th,
1116 Eirkton Preebyterian remet-
eiy service being held in the church.
11r, and litrsi, ,Ponnety of Calzary
are visiting, at the horne of Mr, Wtte,
Mr, Wesley ilazIewool Mad son Ed-
watd at liamiota ate visiting ttt the
Ionic ot Mr, Waiter rlazlavood.
Miss Ms Copeland has returned to
ter school after bin e home for •a
'week on account ot the death of ilibr
hits. D., rfaziewood and family from
•;ME tviat are visiting her sister Istcs..
Walter riazIewood.
" Ilarr3r Tuer, who was ,-"zotri u rn
r 'ire at the St. Marys -Mitchell hapka
tey match on Tuesdriy evening ilast
,..naet with a nasty accident. Ile was
it by the 'puck and End several.
teeth knocked ant and his Ii p Tre-
mAred six stitehes.
Children Cr7
,C As r OR
.t . '
Jas, INT.eflobertsen the nee,
tea.elakero S, S, Ncr, 1 tre-borne-spent.
:near Ansa Oraia. . '
artSaturday visitina his Mother
• Perey Mair. of Detroit, who
tki ti5„. Wm, Lewis
Sae Ceeditien hoekey team drove
put to _Exeter last. TtleadaY evenina.
and planed a friendly tentute wit
teat team. The boys were defeated
by a score of 5 •to ,
ReviviAt 4neetin'rs Are being 7ne1t1
In the livanaelimat - church every
gr. 1,104",e returned to Tavisteak
after sPendinZ few days )vita his
brother Mr, Henan' Rawer*
Zitrs, 0.2ar1es prown is Apendin;.
few neys wit a friends in Rensall,
Mr. Saue Finkbeiner left for eaata
AaM lest Week where 'he will, attend
inteitrese" c011ege.
Mee, ey Mote. spent ze few days
lent WOle, w-fth feitarea irk Lonaea,
aro It :Motley is den -rater nee..
otha^ 'ot 1-44The,44 visited with 4:delt1s
tor a few 0.)-'S last week.
Man Alice limiter of ustarni was
the guest of Oktisa Aiwa 44u 1y
Ian Week,
'Mrs, Youll:gs manY friends Are
'pleaeed to hewn t,4it ,she improv-
rie from ae 4tttao1; of pneemorne
mik-Rf.er.x.x ,
Aiiss mortot Venire apent the Wctl
hiessrs P. A„ reeve and Bight Webb
Paid et flying visit to taelr cousins
at, liillsitrecu last week, , •
Miss BIN 'Cartero Egasontivith•
who has spent A few woke ot Afte„,
Taylors returned feeMe 144 we.
itOre Aro., are buyitq trp a load ,
horsen to ship Wog. tt'
The Tbraislae t
time of writirr-",
bliss Motiel illayter who has aPatt
a month with reletives end frieids
tt an returned home 310(Jay
Her Achict.,
Scott/Bin, Mich, --."1, want to tell
haw inuelagoodLydiaPinkliam'eVe
'1,",',4i,„ etaanbalev:MPOjililled
S ti -W V
no mo. 11.11,703 a
very hardt/I an
forty-five yam tilde
and am ti; mother
of thirteen'tildren.
lalany peopleak
it strange that
not heoken r
with hard We
tile care of .
Tout 1 tell them of my goe. end,
Lydia B. Pinicham's VegetAe Cem-
1:067-netr bd,AtiArinat;,:onvounn Vrivaiiillo' rnPopeg,trite
they Will take. it aSliaave...I Ewa Scarcely
ever Withont it la the brf-lile.
*Twill say' Rig, that. thlATC there. la
no 1ttoigiLyrdisic. % el!:4°.:gVII:t:e4ertitAhlbaset:318CQ'Quikign-
pound for ' eriods and irre,gular-
ity, and t ha,1 !Aped ben
am aims .relaly and willing to
speak a gorreWord for Lydia E, Pink-
hant's Vegetole Compound., 1 tall every
one 1, Uwe that 1 owe ray health and
happiness:0 yourevonderful medicine."
-llarti,J.„4-..10DN$ON, Scottville, Mein,
Lye.f.' V. tharn's Vegetable Come
pear4artadefroln nativerootsandberbe,
teneerna nia Pareertica or harmful drags,
- . /I •,11,-, 1' '... le,,, 04.41.4 "I
today holdS the record of being the
t sUecieSattil Xerneal$ for Wernall'a ilia
are in. mar burS1
Mr. and "ars. nome.,1 (ionli return-
ed home fa ono Mu nest a Wart time
There al'e 13,0W 201( inntotea in the
blouse of Ileftt;e at Cliaton, tbe
fereatest number on record.
Sohn `Maxwell a lendinea citizen of
St Marys died on Monday iter VIA
,siev;zral weeks. Ile weI
53 years old..
A. Geddes. le Ipreittritq, to A recoont or the Local Option bal.
ku ,un on at St. Thomas to take Wace Feby 21st.
Alr, john. Oftril intends ram, Arse McDonald te woman of about
41,,,,; his wart and olturv; Ntopto..•80, lista; just north of Luekpowv was
er t next SU 4r; ea( n er ()use, She had
ete, awl aaan Arniaron lea been liVing' elone for years and it is
build neW hentoe ne smuttier, lots vaet in the recent election `r
Alr d „No '0 I
vr . ran t s vas tutz Lonr owushap has beer. igrantea
tri it I d d • •
this meek. .
on Saturday r thTjtomoo to, believed she had been dertsi for two
tend the. ftin I OE laIrs, Arinstroug's arP•lit,
sister late of tha, place.
and hi33 Cann left or. Setup,
day last - tet, AttrYs after sPend-
111:1:3fe,„„arlys with friends in this
'a Nortlacott' aspenalinT
he wee, EXQter.
The members of. the laresbyterian
chat% have decided to have an old
liar tea meetira; about the middle of
Rev, W, *Graham is expected to
till the pulpit: in Dethany nettle:el
next Sabbath.
Miss Iltagnie Clark ja Yiaiting
friends in tnis neighbolltbod,
Tne 0. F. intend havin; az, 03%,e.
ter Sattlen at h'squhar on Friday
Ili ;ht.
The Mises CaWard taOtt 7, party
Tuesday night in, boy,••,0r 0( their
guest Miss ot IlenSall
numba'r trOsT1 here took in the
Kays church opening. and Fowl Sup -
Otir Reputatiot and zreeney is back of
?This Offer
We !pay 'for all the medicite 'used
-durir.g the 'trial. )if our aernedy. fails
to completely „relieve yoa of constipa-
tion., 'We take all the. risk, You are
r.ot obligated 'to is in any way what-
ever if you accept our offer. 'Could
ar.y. ?thing be - more fair .to yon? Is
there ;any reason why yol should
hestiate to pat our claims, to actual
test?' '
The most kscitnlific, conamon
tree tater.t-is Orderliest, whteh
are eaten like candy, 'Tiny are very
pronounced g,entle'and pleasant in
action, and particularly agreeable in
every way, 'They do r.ot case diar-
rhoea nausea, flatulence earipine or
any ine o nve nie nue whatever, Re xa 11
Orderlies are particelarly good tor
ctildrea aged and delicate persons
We iurge you to try Rexall; Order-
• Iles at, our riak Two slzes- 10 and 25
•cents- Remember yo a can get
Rexall Rerriedies ir. communitY
only at our etore-The Rexall Store -
W, S, Cole
Now that the local olition 14Itt, Is
finished tor the next Wree years the
members or the Sarnia Temperance
Alliance are larepariu; to start a
eaurpan Mr the reduction or a
number of licenses ;ranted to Lae, ho-
tels in the town.
At a myelin; ct the chilliteres Aid
Soilety in tioderieb bat week several
matters. of importance were (lealt
with the most important one bein;
advisability et providing it shelter
in the conntr. W440 thonzeht that
owma. to the ;growing amount of
work being done it shelter would
prove it .great aid. It was decidefd
that td committee Mole over the ore -1
sent "aospital which will be vacant
equietime early next year.,
Children Cry
A disasterons lire occured at Con-
stance, bttween rive and six o'clock
Monday morning when the large
&wanner, house and contents of Wil-
liam Cook blacksmith, was entirela
consumed. When discovered the fire
had gained such °headway that it was
with rareat diffieulty Mr, Cook -got
out. Mrs, Cook and son 'frank ;were
forced to jump from the up -stair
window The entire contents were
destroyed. The son Frank who is on
a visit from the svest lost all hitt
clothes. The fire is thought to have
started frona the furnace.
Mrs. llem. Davis noted 85 years who
resides alone at Grantor), was found,
nearly frozen at her home as a result
of 'being stricken with paralysis. The
old lady tell to the floor and flay 1.111 -
conscious for many hours. When elle
recovered she was unable to move.
and as all the tire went out she
nearly Perished with the cold. Noll -
was known or the matter urdil it
child named Jamieson a neighbor
broug-ht some mail. Mrs, Davis auf-
tered ;greatly from a very severe
Georae Carter son of William Car-
ter living at Constance sever- miles
trout Clinton, bad a,remarkable ea -
cape trod) death when it eon) he just
fired exploded. Cat -ter was trying
- •t idae- he had `parches-
sonee new cal
ed at Clinton ant; stood ir. the 'them -
way and fired at antarael in the
vard. As soon as he pulled the trier
kook ill at Chi istfrees eirkie "kvirle. on a , -
e'er there Ns -kis tet-iffic ereish. And
asielt. to bis i'parents. Mr. and - Aire,
Isbn Molt- hes , ficieritly recovered
' to be ,ible to 'tenet -rt. tioraeakerfe
so ,„
' '
_ ,
• To, 'A11,. yiromeu sende-tree,
-with full mstructions, my'honae t e
gaunt ;which positively. ,Cures Leueorr...r
Ineeration, Displacements, Fall
- tribe Wonala Paenful.or'Irragular
.eriods, Ilterin'o and Ovarlarn Tumors
✓ growths; also Hot Flashes,.Nerve
s• nesse Melancholy, Pains tho
. Back, "'towels, Kidney and
'adder troultlea where caused by
'Oakieness peculiar to our sex.- You
,',continud'ireatment at liorae"atTet,
f' only about 12 cents a week.
1'12 ora,',:reuuu:s.j.1
:Miss Gnirdys Dation and .111,es L.
Elarding are viertine at \Om, eloeleys
abiseeeveci•a.,,, e
lh dance ?-,iverx nti-e, 'Lanertdret
on the ei0the-Conceeeion rf„ 3-1,iddinph
of tire r'esident's •of this vie,
iriit have beeri laid up with colds
and sore throats.
,Silver .Wtitldine-Oet Friday 'even-
"- J' '17tb, Mr. and. ntrs. 'Albert.
'11" ‘Preteti'their 25th wed-
t_ilenina,, „
eee,a e3-., about-, 70, guests were Pre -
seri tareane place,e, brineiriee
,ette rarqi ,a yaknet.y ,ikt beautiful sil-
narteare- very siarnateforis avedde
in -a, sapper was, served and after
wards all kinds' of laiiines,and einte3e-
iteele.s \vCae'perticipated in • The :It as-
1 °H, t halt and ether
• 'able si n
• eci.,iieedleset,oeayte .
ineery tietze/ '
piCee $
Forest, Bro,ter, of the God
erieh Star, exarlayer Diennan Of the
Stratford Herald and Wed", Elliott or
fnner.oll are among the number tolmt
were trt„ated to Ald4rmanie, :_104ors
We doubt not t.lat the members of
tae Fourth Estate do hhnor to
their respective offices- - Broaaria
takiae aneireaaoc,
1913. They are
aid of the hoodo 13
erS were Editor Cli
gertnere re-elected
Rditor to
end H, dr Petty -
the first ehair
e tent, van were•
deleeetee to ettend the meeting to be
held OD the' 14th, lont in county
Counerri chamber s /merlon "to take etana
to Boost the 'County and take ms -
to make its ,.tariabilitles known•
is nt Ta• ace: treasurers o saerLdd, poTot hnh ode r cv terLr :i4ae t
s in
streeted to keep a ledzer aecount of
the expendittire and place the same
under their proper heading--
Tise lollossioe are the )1unielpal
Orrefers for 1013. Steele)" Clerk
John Fox Treasurer. R. In Ilatlair.fe
Aaseaear, Richard Course", Co/lector
W. Sovereign, Liman Sea frewasbiP
p, inner,
kl RON COVNTY 'IS- GOING DRY, lek,j3ETItar,rdile° jalietClittic-nsaA."lICIvialn,(3.dVe-5
O f -the On municipalities in Huron iv M. H. 0. A
ICVF41114et:Gi; ad4 r4e rhdi ave c olsVexeienut Ehd11-11 od:tabi eS°17TPetotil:A51T; (.4.ecti° e'xl) ''Fi`2.',S...,.:LITICP•213,tir.,24.
-741:viVens 0.Seben
113r.b., jeapTitztirse(51
444, ttat.io, 1as
;at the, necess.aryth
rittlis to seeure option.
t There will likely be catrinm5 title
verir in Seaforth Elyth and ltrussels
dso t„aiL pilanyeerfotl$1;u4stigsivpulanvdottehrrTAnreireh:zi
The town •of Podericb can vote in
1915 and will likeb? do so. After
fttEay iiurou County will be over half
ZA„At.litiK IS 1:114 IJEST
An inustration of the way ill which
z4a1-13eir, cures even the Mont eerioes
and chronic cases 0( ulcers. ere'Plions
sot Le Provided bY
Barker. QC Olencairn Out, Ile says.
9 would not have believed that
an)," remedy could cure so quickly
and at the same time so eliectively
Zant-illuk •curqd
"Ily lace became covered with a
Rind or rash, which itah'ed at & izzi-
tated. This rash then turned to
sores which discharged freely and
ficlan to spread, first tried ow.
thing and then the other but x.eth-
seemed to do me any goad erd
the eruption got 'worse and worse.
until my lace was JO:A, e0Yered wit
runtime sorest t
van trout join which was very
bad, my foCe 'Was suca it terrible
s,1t, that 0 Was Wit ft to ;Teo out
This was •my State when some one ad -
lased me -to try Zam-Iletk. I got a
StITPIY. and marvellous as it may
sound, within little underA it mouth
every sore on my face was healed
was so amazed that .1 havc told the
tats to several rpersons, and have
no objection to your stating m; ex-
perience for the benefit of other suf..
terers." .
Zam-,Unk is /purely herbal in com-
position and is the idea t balm for
babied and youna• children, (or whase
tender akin coarse ointiner.ts are so
dan;erotts. Zant-ibik is a sure eure
!or cold sores chapped hands. frost
bite blood-Tuison varicose, sorest.
piles scalp sores rumvorm intlaearnel
patches, babies' eruptions and chapp-
ed places, cuts, horns, bruises and
elcin injuries generally. dru;
a•ists and stores sell at 50c a. box or
post lace from Zam-Dtile Co, Toronto
upon receipt of price. Befuse harm -
Cul substitutes.
Treat That Gives Light.
Among, freaks of 'nature in trees
there stands conspit-tinps one known as
the Asiatic star tree. It is enOrmons-
ly tall, grovrIng to it height of from
sixty feet to eighty feet, At 4:le from
the ground up to it distance of about
forty feet tbe trunk le perfectly bare.
From that point there spring it num-
ber of tangled limbs, which shoot out
clusters of long, pointed leaves. and tt
Is these, grouped together. that emit
M neht a clear, phosphorescent light.
This gives the tree a spectral appear..
ance and is very deceiving to travel-
ers, who frequently mistake the glow
for an illuminated window of a house.
The light is not brilliant, but is of
sufficient strength to allow of a news-
paper being read by it. It does not
flicker, but glows steadily from sun-
set to daybreak..
On the slopes of Vesuvius.
1)espite the danger to which they are
exposed. from 80.000 to 100.000 peel:tee
live upon the slopes of Vesuvius. be-
sides the 500.000 inhabitants crowded
into Naples. The reason is that the
fertility of the soil is perennial, the
peril only 'Occasional. • The volcanic
ejecta are rich in alum na, at mag
nesia, lime, potash and Iron, which by
their decompositon go to make splen-
did land. Some of the best Tines in
Italy grow on the skirts of Vesuvius.
11 the volcano 'were away not one-
tenth of the many cultivators could
subsist In the some areal.
C it g
Noun.; Clititer lay sensless the For the first time Ethel cbanced to
.:11111 stock clasped. -in his, bandit. 'A.
pantinal 9E the barrel flew back over
ehineslio,urnereeentl, strikaire 'the wall
`ri't;fo.,:d',''.i.i en' 1r ..e.fe i , off, Car ter lay
unconsciau.1r un
s :•O ,5011141 nutea. 'die
.... „ , , .
nad -pureloseel the cartrides in Clin-
ton end while t bee Is er e t10,t the lead
he wanted he was'eo ree „to tryeanel
menee theta do, „ , . .. .
. __ea. ........,
Por infauts and Children,
rdnii You HavP Always BougM
Bears the
see her father preplifi»g to shnee.
fltinnitig into the kitchen. stre,exelkiiin-
e.d.. 0brn1tttta,, teisbat papa,
don't know, dear. What is he
"fle'a malii,ng a. cake out of his face"
rejrRed Ethel. "He's praline, the tetra.
, on It nown"--Chicago
1-loperein '
;-hailever har(i.egtkhilreendbleis,is.bearleault!adnantit,yonde'veri
°Ike or.thein either went crazy or, turn-
• ed out tO he. woethlosa. Yet 7 you are
'thinking on -marrying Fair Cli-,
g'17 Sane
,orit-aYes, err. I vra t safe and
.t ,• ••,
, .
rkr 4
was paid. As Vs, tell:9rd Return
inn Officer Int'
Sick- childreas 1/05Pitel Teroote 5,00
end other S0,45 tituoitiitla; to ki19,00
. ,; so, kiL-4.4t"
•eollector or 014 ';,i,55,00
The touneil adjourned to caasq,
wean) the eseeenn Mende"' in. Fehru-
„y at 10
W. I), STANLEY Clerk
• Yoe 'rue no lnish when ,y011 uae his
We proonse aol that, if your imir
falEing wet and yott helve not tet
it go to far, yen eau repair the dam-
age already tleae by Paine' ReXeLl '94'
Mafr Teeict with peeeisteaey end Te.
40latUsi for -4,rwzr,Able /tenth of
time, lt is A saientifie gleausittis. 44-
tiseptic, preparetieta that
destroys mierobes ead etiarelatee,
oad ti,)r‘Oround the hair 4 -eels
promotes nourishment!, removes
deralreff artd art to reetore
health, It is as pleasant to 'ase as
perei watert gad delieattly per-
tureed, It is a Teal to:let necew.ty
W watt you to try flegall 0.4 itair
Tonto with, our promIse that it will
cost yeex r.ottiittiT unless you are per-
fectly rsatis.flea 'vitt; ItO Use. 2-fr
COMO two sizes 80 cents, and $1-00
Beteember, you car, *Wahl Itexall
Remedies only at oar Wore the Revell
Store -W. Li, Cole
en to Fill Good
wanertreadi,ne7o'Ir ieelldeaMreauldvainstegreaetle'etTlaheltleh;eilsepif;t: t T
not or the man who re able ram only two thrto
at bard MarTitat labor and who eau work only mid -en the
some one ere, but for the men es-lio is able to p:lan and d
woric of onaemn-rne man whose training has on:alibied hint t
potently lhold positions of responsibitity.
much evero niinete for worn -time men, mod Avoraein etferS you 03.1
Cray way to Litg"Ottltt tt traateil mai-to secure VA gP0/1 position in
the trade or profeesion that heat noits your Mete mad ea**
The 1. C. S. plan enables you to Lein YoltreniVrighte
you 4re• without losing ao ltour of work or a 41011ar
without elisugiug positioos tmtil yekta arn ready to stet
tlla one yap desire; rviniout obligekting you to oay 440r0 t
your present salary will afferd, rite matter how amen ir
Thansande of men imaae secured ilfe-long betterment through titi,
great plan. Every month an average of 300 voluntarily tell as
ecl!C• 7{:uk n.uatethra-711C11-11-stf; roYeonullAcavrto *le:TEgatelIen+07.an4 C*11.P.R.4f.e*NO*F17OE.474:001.37 •
UyoareallYlvAot lg'-ood P051" • h'414=1;4nalriAr4liarjr'%helirof‘a,':::'47i
s - , • ,
#39Xner Seraetomea,,
.104, A larger salary, 444 SItc-
=if 1. lit ind out how you. can men,
iamptia,rtoLaItitii:::41,11:4.4:pitanatunults.da3tim,,rtennasgittuatinhrtii:lermovt:3::: ••
133:uusIlitiPtgera"fatar'rillar41:r115i:a71:171:1" re -
ormatien. lirt•E'lL'14A;1'4"
Streil wift:-- ,4
DASIIWOOD Air. Wm 13elL ot this villne who has
been in the wgst tor p number of
Xesrs was here for it few days on a
vista. f • .1),
Mr. Alexparler Forrest is also here
troin Sasbeiteliewan and is spendinz
Mr. 'Wetzel, "W:34 has been vis-
trtends in Detroit and New
Coilliiiun eat oil e 7 5 e 4*
- Mr; It lb a Gael i ited r
Ilarolt4rx hos returned home.
ter Dirs.. 1/, iturable at Sarnia for
17teotcetrylo'ulwr tt!Ise,an L ut town for
liavine had the privie
lae or beirtan
ver twenty years and at bei.4'4'
constant reader at the Times for ever
thirty Jive years. I thouelit etie
reieht allow rne a little or your val-
uable space to set before your read -
ors re lew facts In connectior. with
what we are accomplishinz by way of
development in the City of my aidop-
lion viz "Cal;ary, Alta.
The year jinst -closed has been a,
;mei one Mr Cal;ary. At 40 time
since Cataary occupied a place on the
map ha 3 the proerese 01 the City
been of more substantiel or perman-
ent nature. The activity in 19.12 bee
been very pronounced in buildirie cir-
cles. The city cen have no healthier
sign. The investor who buys *pro-
perty and builds a' house or 'bus•
iness bloelt lans permanent ir-ter-
csnt-elltliti ni'mpci.°TriuTra ritiseenntsierietitindtiewiraErb:-
eault is that in buntline- activity Cal-
zary to -day yields Place to no city
the'CoIncfa"tieyncneLar just enard
in.; permits of Calgary reached. a
total of ,O20,304,220, an inr,rease of fifi
Per Cent over t.ae previous year which
up to thnt time was the high water
mark. This fizure means an exptin.
dilure on buildings alone of $272 for
every. man ,woman •and child in the
city, basina, the calculation no a pop-
ulation or 75,000 to which it is now
-generally conceded that Calgary baa
attained. It the population is less
the _figures is more remarkable still,
as they meen nn expenditure of SIfOlt)
for every faintly in the city, and
would be sufficient to afford an in-
come of $100 per atontli to every
head of a family in the city.
Tee buntline activity of 21 Cana-
dian and AtlICTiCall cities which heed-
ed the list for the months of Septem-
ber and Oelober seosvs the buntline,
aeliviey in Cal:airy s greater per head
of population than any of the cities
mentioned and that it no city of less
• than 150..000 people shows a totai
as ireat as the Alberta Metropolis
New York, (Mimeo and Philadelphia
atone • of all cities on the contir.ent
exceed Ca I eery in the amount of build
in; permits iesued during the months
of September and October; and tee
building per:head irk these cities in to
case exceeds $7.80, Waite in Calgary
it was $76,87 per capita. '
A summary'ot foe operation within
the eity in 1012 is equally gratifying
More than 15,000,000 was spent in
factories Shops and warehouses.
With one quarter of the total expen-
diture going into industrial channels
there is no occasion to view the fat-
kareThleNriethwaler;;,efar2e1,14ein6sinaenI.N. rcsiclences
built durina the year. stiffielent in
'themselves to house 'Over 10,000 peor
plc. and probably in no other city ot
the continent is 'the avers ae family
1113yt.ivit equal evidence of
zrowth ia lend it] 01134:r
Our bank ker -s increased train
$21.8.881,.921 itt11 to 275.4t12.303.00 in
'12 ruslorns 0010 1479 (307 to 6G2
e35, in 1912: And the City assess -
ray 150,
01110eall.010 tsote°1
conoectiork With ouy City tail:nice
that would ithow even ,greater never.
Opment. het I do not wish to take un
too 'much of your space at this time.
Wising:a you and your peoolta
Exeter a happy. and orosn"eraues ne'w
leer. I aran Yours Sincerely
A -quiet ''weildinere took pla^.e on
Timeday aieht at the laitheren er-
... \ l'
ona.-.1.. When Mitts Matilda vil ert
;.luantiltek:hdterin ouir 0:A4.1rri:u.rJeolitho 1.181Vril,lert ,r0,,,,,iletn.,,
.. ,
Kraft. The ceremony was performed
by Rev ,Air, Tilton. The bride leek.
ad charmin; in her wedding Ow.;
The ;room was assisted by Arr. Lotkie
„aro • a assiated liz,' Mr, Louis
Wel ,
ter of the bride. The
tmlice(taein7))?!). ,fa:;aeltl:teil esn clev iiisitilt:orthr,21116;i(ImTazfl:ey.'lly;.?elaci:res;
or wedded luippiness.
WELL TO, -(1)
John Kirkby of Stratford Ont.,
'writes. "1 used the Homestead nigh
Grade 'Garden and 'Pe:eatable Fertil-
izer on my root crops and must say I
had the best crop of roots .' ever
zrolVn on my farm. 'I was certainly
well Paid for the money 31 invested
in this fertilizer."
nomestead -Fertilizers are manu-
factured arid eold by the Mich -reran
Carbon Works, Detroit Michigan ar.d
will aend free to any fernier their
book tin fertilizers/ 'with l it handsome
Ceir ader postage paid. They want
agents wnere they are not now re -
Works Poatoffice Drawar 814-A. De- I
presented. Address Michigan Carban
trait Allan:gen asking for terms.
Remelt I. O. 0, had their in-
stallation of officers on Friday even-
ing when Distriet Deputy ,Grand
Master E. lacTaggart and his install.
ine team from Blyth officiated; G.
W„ 'Gardiner (1. M., Salone; G.
R. S. A,Rohertson; G, ZS. Mo.
Vittie; G, ,Chala IL Thomas and the
tollowine- were installed -P. N. G. E.
McQueen; G, W. Perkins; V. ri
A, Clark.; R. S. G. Petty; I' W,
McKay; Trees G, Prows); Ward P,
Clark; Con, V4 Douaall; B. S, N. na
Dr. McDiarmidt. L, SN. G; 3. Steen)
R. S. V. G. D. h'isher. L, S,
G. E. McLean; 11 -S. S. L, S, Ikee
G. We Latta; 0, 0,. G. Glenn Chap
G. Sutherland. After the installa-
tion and lodge work was completed
addresses were delivered by the vis-
iting brethren. Then the members
and visitoes adjourned to Palmers
restaurant where it banquet was ser-
vell lollowed y songs readings and a
Sster of Sudbury ,who has
been here for several wke,eks viatteag
his relatives IYIrs, Scott and Miss
Minnie Sinclair returned last week.
Miss Edith 'Forrest is in London
sending a week with relatives and
ri ends.
We are 'pleased to report that
Councillor R, ro, Bell is still holdirez
his own and we trust may noon lecela
to nivel (SVC rapidly. p
Mies 0, Rose is at *present sur,ply-
ina as school teacher for Aliso :enable
Sparks, evho has not been very -trail
(luting the past few weeks and is at
the same lime yisitIng her relatives
inr, and Mrs, ,Tames 2, Rose.
Tee Young People of St. Paul's
chin eh are preparing a laughable
farce called "Paddy's Mizenien for
Laeir eroeriacie.rt in the Opera Rousve on
Friday evenina ,31st and •pro.nise
rare i
Miss EMina Jahnsten returned
Iran- Weadstocli where she hes been
risitina her sister Mes., 3, B, Shortt
• klr, Charles Menne e.f Probisher
Sask is visiting his mother and other
relatives and freends.
g3 II 'peurevest
it while with his many relatives and
friends in ilensall and vicinity. Air
tforreet makes annual %lilts here and
eowhints business with pleasure in
the way of baying horses to take nut'
cut to the ',vest.
Mr, Mexauder AleMurtrie ot near
Kipeen le now romfortably settled In
the tine buildir“ Nvhieli he purchased.
trow 3. MeArthur. We are always
pleased to wee:cane eood residents
like Mr, MeMurtrie and family and
tr vet they may be In spared to en-
deYathe -eritafotets aitf. their fine bogie,
'We regret to state that Mrs. Rs
liorsely sliJJ continuos very
The annual conarezetior.n1 meeting
et Carmel Presbyterian Church will
he bad on Wednesday evenir.; Jen.
Mr. Geo, Case returned home from
Toronto last week where he has be"zi
for some days, and was accompanied
home by his eon Garnet the latter,
havine had the misfortune to .:e.et ems
urm broken wlien in Toroeto with
his father and while crankin; „an
auto which they were going to use.
A number of our Toune. ladies of
our 'Rebecca Lodge accompanied by
District Deputy Grand Master R.
Morrison of this lodge drove over to
Seaforth on Monday evenite?r
week for the purpose of Installin
the Officers in the mister lodge of
Seatorth, and were most cordially ree
caved and entertained.
8, vein help those who have
Kidne and Bladder Trouble.
There are other "old enemies"
similar to the one mentioned in this
testimonial. Kidney and Bladder
Troubles are always enemies to good
health. As soon as you start to take
GIN PILLS theso ailinents begin to
disappear. It is the sante in cases of
Lumbago, Sciatica and like complaints.
This letter illustrates the benefit of
Winnipeg Jan. 6th
7 •
"I have 'been a sufferer from Lumbago
for some years past and duringeluistmas
week had a very acute attack which
confined me to the house. About the
latter part of Aprilel met your Mr. Hill
and mentioned my complaint to him.
He advised rae to take GIN PILLS.
bave been taking thera at intervals
during the early part of the present
winter, and up to date have had no
return of my old trouble -in fact,
feel better than I have for years and
think that my old enemy has vanished
forgood and. all." H. A. JUIrES.
1 `
, e
seeer.aee.ser-emoneY .
it 11L6oecroo - .a- •g
if notfres ay,reaitt,
andnatiS40, `' , Sample cheniiest
r, .
, ket?Itt1t. ,f1s9r0,14.