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Exeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 14
ttQ A denpet h ' 51 xttrr C or 3 Srelt. en were d,lrTle eked into ?llt. itrblrlr� ittla fit ,C'blf 1 i:r V ,sue by kd bi , ire hours, been e ^GlR1t. letmuch- found Jt-•fo u i �nilatn,pciS i� �1v f mists of grlt u t ea piety irprilazfltatat 1"or Il^coil It re; teditie di1 "That it as orcil diebb to pro, ltta 11- e m eyt a e7 dizi t n that .aro sum 7t th �' d an be lis , st"t ra" fat4#d 1 r�il� Lon doll tr,I+p paid out t e'f lhfa t:Cfnlltldi�'s d re's 1 during the e fund of anadat g eau i ten, beginning with rigid Q � , t� 3 the year endin -March 31, 1,314 , for •n- uaid ..,ci -e af. oidia �.z� s g ther �' c- tr by 'instre in the fA�rmlia industry ', including the Iltatre g �- u , 4 , . earl A ttgtl veterinary sneer l- wor carried on by �' leges," Her IIeaarliag Good. Gibbs -So your wife quarrelled with you. I thought you said she was blind to your faults. D'ihbs—She; was blind to them all right, but she wasn't deaf, and the neighbors posted her. andy Breakfast .eddy to Serve Direct From Package astie and cream A dainty dish of toast- ed Indian Corn. briinf ul of sweet flavor onset si bstans- tia l nourishment. 0 t oast 1ti. the pantry nears. , n % deli- '4.t a k % C1ptLS Direst to your table an ± r tight . ppa�e � , iia byre er ery- G 9` . lE • v71'se&trh to 7a ur+ !i. taxa ors ' r ufi y a est' arrznedv >res:e�lfrh atoll r tan 'ill- aar^kd to ie li liO." e1fCi➢0aitu b4Wr. be tar.* e cly .#and ltc sea,"o the waxy t'1 Ne~l t dine esu .r i * .a e01 "1t�e r ro haAvet ;tts�d x r aeratseJb <aarvsa uudrn atl xsaancnd it to every mall their x ins; etcelt:„ A • 1li:n rep 'aa ar rat nae a �raait 5-t i , collt• a� colds, ase ent iU rx ra so ef3icaci- aalsle e a: rvilfno al>� �izt ilea stas N fir man o 'beast, for in- ternal it r, or eternal u Wherever there is pain, leer yiline will ours it. ie r e size 'Muse substitutes. g bottles, 50e. trial Bine, 95e., at all dealers, or the C.atarrliazon© Co., Buffalo, tY.,` and Kingston, , Ont. nt, • blew Q • o* t •age eggs. t?ia tTeR t� it eggs att'a *Qin t man if Add sit 3.0 lz , new, 14 3+4ot. . . ''it o. ett4 at :t t 2st old clttepase, twiata 1 larg,t 1550. uao prints..31* to 424# stir, t d airy p r 's tcp «70 mad in tins,or bow. g11- itTh 1.a3«0in IC.. i lis f ltttd anal carrell f Sam 4 taI extra. ; 3 Asa. .+ der tleA 1 t� e+llielSz,no. tv➢raslesala, ;Oo 20 ar a „ds fi,wl, tsi I4tax dpusab0 Iia t 1sT r I ah �..1 _ SAI tm alio a. 47.0 tw y rss ;.c11tµ i•a a� ae�a twma »,.&`d1Ili C�Utt• 450 • tl� tel clattattry 1*rarattaa, unilaee»d Sita t Choicest orentnera', bar 2,91 echude, 1150 to 21o. 5, r,alei+ted, 3o to 3Ret P©tatae*--rer baG, t;a lane. 4 eau to £fle. -Bran; S19 to $19.3t3« 1"l0 xa.�A ti i telt x�'atn. wl.- " 2 xsrsrilrertl E 9s3ta bias 3 i stip Stock Markets. i dnsy. 21.--,r113. best 'steers sold 6 ett#ret :.,5 to A$Gfl scud the lower ttrndas from down to 54, while good butches and bulbs brought $525 tO $5.50 mar txeaan $4 to $5, and common13 to nfor bt0 pounds. Gadd. -dcxna spa tat ip7'~5 to $7.00. and Sheep sold at. n Sd ley 45.25 per ias pounds. Calves ap 5-3 to ipi8 earth, las to size and qu#tjitY. ter IgD lbs. for select- eurs. e ect aura. t�Jipr 1 atve cO1ap1 rsk4pa=Re� � csttenauct- fi �eSctlt �o �t�r 04 o resldeaca is nmrr tdit74 bete ilea n f ti ei site l5-. t tbOt* e�saat 4te'a1 slarilxitp� a3"r P'a;+otR aaaaa aatr tool: tato > ties hcaIa. Aan swm3s a»arse# witl�t [ uatineas auel lAaliia' ;Asa to ,w uIa cl 3parath..s• It± exAdsi in ilea t<JJ*� thea o�t o t oaal xt+xaaaa a s 5-i atM saastlall". rho �«'9�Ialr�+�iraa�°J 4atp�aapi+ntlota. t,taNT ved- attar➢tott4rtia sf re➢ church dealt areaot r. �v a •t rr�,>al➢� , _ate, . n _ nriaxiske tato Iv lb. Oh,a. ea ace antis -ear 0r a t#tlenot sotto tie a A 1A a ash tions town 'leGprOaxt0 glJtr fey : woos jf," rear atald wire uttat 16104y 0 o ntrs u Mor ood SP ; rt tiv,a0 a possibly 490a.0 10 rltti4letat, 5%ar all tlacet. »afir. 114c.*Teii pro stac+rws8fta1 tfaitdt3" #a b rfa a rina7#tI wlite*1.t � taaata; ,a, hew Un lit of :'Tartx 1 e is ter trots xaiiat o_ a Is 4 hzsT atxtt. �br�oai�zl ie,sn: i+proute, Jan. 21,--4:tattle-Choice butcher The virtual Scotch verdict of "'rota .0 to $5;'f0 good medium, $5.15 to :5,4a0Q guilty* but don't do it.again, rendered roman. $2.75 to $3.7d# cows. $4,70 to'6.6St b the jury its the prosecution of P. W. y tc +,-. 7b theatre. o burlesque th , 2 t 2. Yes n s to $ baa c- ca Her as a za � . contra to ,. `a,.a, who Is, M� Stair. e -Good veal, 57 to 55-# oammen, 53 on a charge of tpernsitting an indecent $toa3xcxs sand Teeaers- St e'r • ?Afl " erforznzaneo liter winter, lives litticp Batts- `ou-ii s X5z- trp $5,5-07 fesetung Salle, 94'3 to f?9 5 weighed .r • UV td at i40tit CO tto friar sormone ➢axalxoa Ot fh . Int it bo 1noks this tc preacher It is baR yet displayed thong of of b a imagination attract acquainted vitas to Toronto au fust au ho may be seen on `xt etreote sattn:toring i• utl5* nettteg tofu burr- ci huildff0 and attl Y- s tt zo can read it on the etoyd. IIIA own Tamed ono face aro sufficient to Is. lie has already doubt- the oubt stet the truth of bis ra• step lea scan in Liverpool Ise tlb* Get the people of. Liver - onto npeae to ileo p� pn1. London.. Glass -ow and a. neratioit, anti 10,(10 ler construction. All told way mileage of Canada is ►aw over 30,050t, ea elusive of s:d- iags, dota'cie-tr'aelring, eta. Eli tire a trieg, Governwent sabres, the t,Qt4 capitol liability of Canadian rail- ways on Suaxe SO last was: Sloe', s, £377¢,4a,.a ,aa3., bonds, $$18,473,175, it total of $1,58.5,037,520, or $59,832 per renis, Qn this c:al?ital invest-, went di-tidal:4s rear, red last neat tottalling31.,1 ,721, equalling -Um4,t11 per cent. on h0 totlll stoop n sue. The rapidgrow lr,' n net a ruler ,y ba glue, same itis teat, that 3rr 1 .a-7 divicl nda iotr�',lnd suly $14,, 0 4 750,05. to* G10Aiaroulf rub!!ai no generGu$ ;mell$UI'0 id to .railway construct tads is shown by tha fay 1*otal Federal,. Provincial xticiaa:l cash ai , now Q1 $2Q0,1#t➢Q,Qoo, wh to laud g: tail Quer 8Ei,0t1Q,QOQ ams. tial, Provi><baial horst guarar 13 to $245,070,045, of wwlela abc 7 liiltAlfll�l2l1 a share is $91,tr33.5t 1. drts pledged its credit t9r the drat dfaei$0,001'i, Britishco- .632.; - 3 ,oto. 2.; Sass aatehew,au,, �,vilQ, Q41, !Manitoba, $ Q,Fs94,, GQ, ar*d,: Ontario, $7,800,000. Cosi► railway totalled. $5,€02]610 twelve mouths. 1 chidirt I0 10 the Grand Trunk Pa for the "implement" ala me 4 a i1 Gain In WADI. Trot as e alllowo a xeco n the Yx:rftis Wes. "rho arwo itIIcNc11S, cizrinui that there ohomd eosno to aLlmost sisnultaneouelg to import. aslasttcal positions, two 3So- etla, Liverpool. the other from;Van. rebbishopltc:3aif, the new head 01 sloe woman Catholic Diocese, is also .. __ ,__ , sa>cdisag down his roots into t1u life of autumn. is being assumed, and it .rule' orouto. Except in the Inner circle, how- not be surprising i,f,.lie *rweire shade the T le has boon leagued of leis nor- target of attack before long.Some vauni- oonality e: s r3. x~ees the belief that ho vonalitp, . fur y has declined re tab may shorn ". t strong mayor or iuterviowed by any newspaper paper repr ort- may not prove to be a r g successful administrator, but a8- yet flier tattle.have little to base their opinion on. When Is a Show indecent? 0 unaiettn�tulaha it, o pa 11I food, semis t+t` tieCQ7 s� Hogs of Toronto and jeer txnaartn7clAgv, 3' cltdms ao far filed, Mrs. May Fu Ralph tzr afore 'will be iw another g mor guar 'm , �' , 'marries, the theatrical roanMi;e>•, f 40 minutes' length rehearsed the great* rc d Already a somewhat more oritical atti• Iii 7my Stomal i. 5citliate ;tSass , aa,ks X30, r rid a P;C,}. Y trello of , f © b oA,s o Nw O e , her: .3' 5-a f l � lo.los ba, t t- ....,.i....,.,. since nw ,,w assumed nlncn ]ntAY, iQ f o sat n 000 cora n nu e' ,, Inaugural This is ,he heaviest of the X79 llooltau, n an Fee than price in Toronto than New 'Lemmata butter does an Vancouver, The nineteen cadets just gradin ated from the Naval:College are t4 be trained aboard H.M.S. Barwiel;r, The annual. militia report saw #hat the geuerai scheme of mobili.- zation when needed is progressing €savetrably. . Postmaster -General Pelletier, ins m the Oetereons, promised early - tion : n the matter of ` intr^od retl pensee las amoun -e"cl. to $150,730,540, or l9,f91,494 mnote than in 1911. Net earnings were $62,677,213, an in- crease of. $10,9`78,504 over the pre- ceding year. Net earnings per mile of line last year were $2,570, ass compared with $2,272 in 1911. Equipment Improvement. The equipment reported ill ttsej ost June 30th last shows substantial improvement during the year. l`+1ew locomotives totalled 265, passenger ears 438 and freight Gars !1,76.0.1 These *Awes will "he greatly bet' i red by the NIA et the present lis - c sl year. Oil 1lppe.ar'n for the firsb titz€e in the oiliesa.l reports as it;el ror locomotives, the consinupticJax last year being 1,729,577 gal:lont. rd Rs ; .i,'b'iti$Iits 'storm Railway tteeide r is also fiarieloroblo increase dart a. The fatalities, t�atti�lle create of 73, and the Puan'bor '31 red totalled 3,788Q, an increase of;' 1, One passenger ;:n every $73,- 5 vas killed, and alae in every 54,- w 2 an ure& »Of the total killed on r ilway during the year 47 Were baa it ,crs, s:1fa employees and 2 rcexdt lir t3lrasa ra.Passengers au- titl#abrlabeerl and ernployee9 1,000. Celli baler for eighteen rld 73 injured, were .iraaured. tion were killed alltn of# trains. Iffiest+ ailtiarat ±employees breve etri�atra 141,2 of parcels postR n barn r �eAn. "�horaas A�lib Ira Fredericton, N.B., euece ds to to title and estates of his f<,ther, the Fart +af ,shburlihrirxt, who has ti1 b died. Wre, 0a ntblet•, a faartir.or^, „.gcai 05 years, inflicted terrible injuries up oil his wife And then committed sui- tide at Orient, Russell county, ars its Titley the asctr 11lle. was f,35 AJ ad Co 0 like ,rind 1)axat�aat #ttxd tsage de1lnt{aat : who did trot heaitato to tepll n1n tt a. t rho incident s s sl ori the 41Riottattes tba snoa7tsl tea averrrrraaaa, IC a+ o lrrs thorn !o natUrully Caine >at ab tbo result of 110 on GAiicoring theatrical per. JJa 15 nota :tab the polies aro far,: bcenuso it Is apt to Inaba Peat los whatever they do. i+iow they are, s t rli4v©ci of .the duty, , Wm. lianbe, a n paper reportov! 4t tunny yearn 0 Pr rip ill ton azid 4ny who Gnu Wi sill rho mewF Coold 011s Two atllked, ndigestioi `little flint S'iek 9 a Week. tllr;9pia .pills. 'rltarl +ei IP not s#omachs e Q:cep- ment is You emit - work eercd by pr. iter a , Glemnfons' of 1. New -a -day OW' censor. Ile bus eau„ _ thele sur him the tarts. tion. But the proper t of Off to Goad Start, sure to male, t#. quick kkit e her aeorito�'tn can :a:1S}rt s depend' on ham e7rxsluaii o .-ram uucl other rc3atisos of s ton's Pit s, they xoaaoh the lm till demon area wit)) "ftowaa;r; wind palms, at once 8fi right to buairie 3 ko la Ware of glory. Good revolts- while y p t,inar t. sae, but there era not afire m01+e ill City Connell of '1913 started out in tome - 1 you. �sloo •o,nd h 7 tinrta+ were In the :air. V hat the perform. in,* better if loot cored lit.. ep til Great Britain, Thomson ►f t atsJbriclgo 1quneed the discovery o relate Tb, . A Dur Cantdi lie. The irttaa9 Isere the tea The Ozarp of the:_.. count: of hi , ratorg, 1tc, Getter tr -w ole toed Pros reach llt�irubli.ca. +Jf i";siCea (114th sial liy the ,rebels, larothel� Wag depriv- nglesey •tva sit the 11 ' l rd Victor Oa"y*y iso Wing rete' 9ettle� tUIJ�x`.iY ', Flood of tlp 1.7L iIv' LOS, ions for Dais -sages in,c;eltt A deapa� ties 'New York saes: A flood petitions For damage througe loss of the steamer Ti-, tnnie , a<A }vii on Vi etlnesday, inel>,td- c�cl rarA:':f;rain Mrs. Irene Wallach claims 1000,000 for ;�€ ` ' who la , 1i ss of her husband, Henry B. banboon than Worship an o d ]rig a a ud reser uv to 60 iiO3 pounds ', 75' to $4.85; Yearlings, 5.50. 'Mutters and. Springers -- .x, .., coxa 49} to S80. Sheep and 'L,ambe— Ligbt ewes, $4.75 to $5151 heavy e'en$3 to $5.501 Iambs, $8 to 5$.75, go58.50 fed and watered and $8.15 f.o.b. CROWN PRINCE ALEXANDER OF SEEVIA. King Peter's second son, who was the nominal head of the victorious army. 807 NEES OF NEW C.P.R. LINES Big l3nsert pltings for Western Canada are Entered Into A despatch from Winnipeg says Contracts were awarded on Friday morning by the Canadian Pacific Railway :for, 807 miles of new lines to be constructed 'in the west dur- in, . the .present year. The men to ;v,sm these contracts ;have been awarded will not consider the pag,enxents binding until they have lam' :ferxnatly ratified by the Pre- ent, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. s but little doubt, hoever, ey will receive the Preei- ignaturo. .IIER HEARING =STORED. Astonishing Deliverance of Woman Thought to be 'hopelessly Deaf. NEW YORK. (,Special• Despatch). :Fully convinced that her hearing has been permanently restored af- ter years of torture with head ri*ises and almost total deafness, Mrs. B. A. Barry of 555 W. 170th St., N. Y. City, has now been per - swirled to, tell t.i:e stony of her won- derful deliverance. After having spent hundreds of dollars on mechanical devices, medi- cines cines and doctors' fees, she decided that this Iatest discovery, however. simple and inexpensive, should be the last she would try before re- signing herself to the hopelessness of permanent and total deafness. Those interested in Mrs, Barry's 'case and the hope it holds out for;. them may write; to her in confidence; for fall details, whish she offers to send gratuitously. action to the moral reformers. Ilse per- formance under attack was the one which Rev. R. D, St. Clair attended and described, is a pamphlet which he circulated among fellow *workers, thereby incurring a pro- secution on a charge of circulating im- the moral also, result wasanomalous, for JudgeDnton found lir. 8t. Clair guilty, but suspended sentence, and found that she performance itself was indecent, a declaration which had the inevitable eifeot of stirring up the aproseoution of the theatre, which: haat Just ended in the unsatisfactory -manner de- scribed. It le difficult to a000nnt for the Stair te view MOO and Twudge Lenton. etween the l rt uiny said that eleven of the twelve good men and true favored an absolute acquittal, and it was due only to the pertinacity Of the twelfth "that the innocuous rider Mild1Y censuring such performances was added. Some of the jurymen said they had them- selves witnessed the performance, and Pre- sumably approved of it,: or they would not have boon there. In any naso at is ev*idont,they felt less responsibility than ip G.I3.a Ia 'J O St9 C1E'.i.` ''. Man Gets Six Months' Hard Labor for Neglecting iisChildren. A despatch from Montreal says: Emery Longpre was sentenced on Wednesday to six months in jail with hard labor for neglecting to support his ebildreu: Three little tots were found lying 'On' straw in'' an empty house, on Dufferi-n street. In pronouncing sentence the ;judge'; told •the' accused that he "was a dis- E grace to society. TWO LIVES WERE LOST. Crushed in house to a Bad Fire at 'Edmonton. A des ateh from Edmonton, Al- berta, berta, says ]Fire in the wholesale district on Thursday night took the lives ofseveral Italiana. The blaze started after midnight from an unknown cause in the five -story brink block of the Canada Rubber Oompany,, which -was completely destroyed in less than an hour. Two bodies have been recovered from the ruins of an Italian board- ing-house, ; which was crushed by falling walls. One is that of a wo- man, probably the wife of the pro- prietor; and the other that of a child It is believed that there are 'lied a stomach that failed in some way to perforin its work. Diges- tion. seemed more or less arrested I grew thin ellow, nervous d y balbbnnd, Jacques Futrelle, author. The claim of Mrs. Lily B. Millet, .. D. Millet the art - The widow of Francis , Th g'r , ,rite is .victim, is $100,000, stomach became distended and 1st, a T 6 n TheU res Judge bandy ex- __�_z,_. ��... ..,.s.�an of.United State.s . . tended the time for filing petitions the heatst, for often at night it would do great stunts. At times my head ached most terribly. A a. friend who had been cured of similar °audition, advised mo tip take. Dr. Hamilton's Pills regular- $1b0,©Oir, the value o$ re - case which I `did, The result in; my • less than y, recordsand passage money- s Dr. covered . marvelous. l a was simply 7n case p y on claims to February Ii. The claims amount to more than $10, 000 White Star Line A 1 0 contends the Ys that its liability is limited" under the *United States statues to Hamilton's Pills removed the cause, strengthened the- stomach, excited the liver to norraal action, the kid- neys neys were ` released of excessive work. Health soon grew within me. I can now eat, sleep and live like a live man," Be advised—use Dr. Hamilton's Pills—they are sure to do you good. 25c. per box, five for $1.00, at all druggists' -and storekeepers or by mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Gan - two more bodies in the ruins. oda. INIEfESTRIENT VS, PEG LATIO Speculation means . risking or gambling your money, while ty of prinalpal, combiner, with: a fair 'interest yield. ...When we try to interest `you in bends, we offer you the highest class of investment, where safety of principal is assured— and 6% earned on your money• tiVe. lifer bonds in 5100, $500, ,anti $1,000 denonaliaations. inv,erstmentlta A4fiLl ct by,: MONTREAL ':;;;.TORONTO Of These 145;S59 Were ,. ritish and 140,143 Were From the United States . , A 'despatch from Ottawa SaYs: States, as against 10,624 for Decena- During' the nine months, April 1 to ber.last year, 045 0 whom were DeCoinber 31 1912 334 083 immi- at °cean Ports) 5)679 fr''''m grants arrived in banada, 113,798 varying the compai,kon, we have FEWER LABOR DISPIIIES. December Record Shows lubsstrial Unrest Diminishing,. A despatch from Ottawa says: There was a marked decrea,se in the number of labor disputes in exis- tence in Canada during December as compared with the preceding month. The department of labor's record. of strikes' and lookouts shows there were thirteen disputes in De- cember, and, Willis the number is greater by five than that of the cor- responding peried ef last year, ib represeets only about half as many as were in existence in November, the department. when twenty-five were reported to DEFENCE IN 31E110E11 cliARGE Brutalities of It Plsband Drove Wife to Desperation. A despatch from Paris, France; says : A wife's right to shoot her being from the lIntted States,' the for the same nine ' months : British, hushand in self-:doh:moo after be had, remainder ,coming iu' by ocean, 127,875; tIni.ted States, 113,798; all ;made berlife tortu-re. was B4CCOSS- ports, from' Britain and all other other countries 52 410' 'total, '334 - fully raised Qn 71,e,st-; ay as , t,he d'e- countries. 088. CorreiTpSinfiing -Mouths' 'o -f. th"..I•zcti•-e0 in the Some AsSitfe 'Court to These figures show an increase preceding fiscal year : British, 120, - of 14 per cent. as compared with1137; United States, 107,385 ; 'the number of arrivals in the cor-lother countries, 65,014; total, 292,- i...responding ,..months of 1911, which 516. were _ 151 and 107 365 from the Comparinw the calendar 'yea/ -united siitt.e4„. inakino: a total for 191.2 wibh 1911 irnmiuration firures the nine months ijeri<>ci, last Year) are -,as follows: 1912—B.ritish, 145, - of 292,5,1,6 'persons. _ .pu0; American, 140,143; other coun- 262 of them b:aving bberi at 'ocean 114 '1 tOttniries'. 70.184. total the charge of murder brought against 'Madame Lheste,,,a hand- eeme woman, who 'described her 'mai-Tied existence in bitter 7,vor,c1 to the jury. Daily brutalities, E..aid Madame Tehos.be 'were followed by his proposal to ,give herself up fo a shameful life ',.,The jury acquit- ted her in spite40 4; o' of the public preseen r weeean possesses the rig her hush d whatever, 1