HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-05-01, Page 6PAGE6 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNE ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT, FOR THE CLINTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SATURDAY, MAY 4 AT THE CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE TO 1° Terry Sumsion and tagecooch" GET YOUR TICKETS FROM WAYNE HODGES WORKMAN REAL ESTA LE 482-7042 482-3455 May is Mother's Month Mother's Day Specials Tullen Snips or AY, filAY ,1905 A COMPUTER CONSULTANT CAN assist you In COMPUTERIZING your OFFICE. -sr BEST RATES 105/8% 1 year GIC 113/4% 5 year GIC ABC ANNUITIES LTD. 33 WEST Sr • GODERICH 524-2773 0.12 .5 Give Mother a lasting gift. Sign her up for a Craft -Luncheon Wednesday May 29th (Lace -net -darning) vti, •Open loin us for lunch • Country Basket Making Classes • Stencilling • Home Decorating Accessories Watch for our upcoming Barn Burner Event NEW HOURS: Open daily 20:30 - 5:30. Closed Sundays Located on Hwy. 83, lust west of Hwy 23 Higher Interest on Your Investments Guaranteed Investment Certificates 1 ‘t-,tr turn) ipti.rest paid :mini:111N %whim( nom MSTANDARD TRUST 138 The Square. P.0, Box 205 Goderich Ont VA 3Z2 Tel 524--38; \It1ib.r I An.iii.111. ill•Ilr.1111i I .11).1'111,1i 229.6429 Short Term Deposits 4 301269 I)uys interest paid at maturity. Minimum deposit 5000. Special rates on amounts over S50,000. • 413 STANDARD TRUST . 138 The Square, P0 Boit 295 Goderich. Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone 524,7385 RA( • • Ilt)111 tti 11;1111..,1 1.11I 1111 nut , . • ...Orft.,SM114.111. , And send this wag.on, on its wa, says citizen who adores town Dear editor, It would appear that the in thing today is to make comments about the Royal Bank versus- Laird's Hot Dog wagon, so I make mine. THOWOE OF THE WEENIE WAGON (GODERICH, THE PRETTIEST TOWN LN CANADA) Silently I have applauded the renovations around the square 4 As to our theme they have added without despair All except one and that's the weenie wagon I must declare I wonder when the other merchants will take a dare And beautify their places so that we all can cheer Or are they waiting for the weenie wagon to move some year. LETTER This morning I see the town employees busi- ly cleaning the square Of paper that has blown from here to there and I am reminded that the weenie wagon has been selling its wares. Crowds of people around the corner at night I see And I'm glad competition has allowed another bank to be Down the street, where I desposit my money with relief For I truly do not want any beef. The weenie wagon as a wonderful event tip town council doth see , .• • And yet only one such enterprise doth theY let tube Which makes one wonder if a discount th4Y itceive When they entertain dignitaries who ' ever they might be. Our new tourism director, I hope, has not yet noted this woe t Or he will probably promote this tale to every Mary and Joe So let us quickly get back to our theme of the day And send this wagon on its way. James Eric Kirk A citizen who adores the prettiest town. Rental of church hall is not political endorsement Dear editor, I wish to assure our readership (as I service basis to any group, notwithstanding Recently, the local arrangements .com- would have hoped shouldn't be necessary) our right to deny access to those we might mittee of the Progressive Conservative Par- that such a decision was not, nor is, by any consider "unworthy" or otherwise ty rented the assembly ball of North Street stretch of the imagination, an endorsement detrimental to a free society. United Chinh. This was approved by the by the United -Church of Canada or Nortb. And -We still trust our committee to make Finance and ' Property Committee of the Street congregation, of any one political that decigion. make such decisions. Our facili(i@s are available on a fee for ( Rev.) Robert 0. Ball • - church, entrusted by the congregation to party over another. Thank you, Lioness Club thanks supporters of daffodil campaign in Goderich Dear readers, from the -volunteers of the Sorority Group Having completed our first attempt at and from the wives of the Lions meinbers, selling daffodils for -the Canadian Cancer was wonderful. The patience shown us by Society, the Goderich Lioness Club is most the staff at the Brewer's Retail Store, where appreciative of the help we received. the daffodils were kept in cold storage, and The response from the public was fan- the assistance we received from the tastic and made our job so much easier than Managers of Zehrs and the Suncoast Mall in we expected. The enthusiasm shown by the , providing us with tables, was also greatly members of the Goderich Lioness Club, appreciated. Again he people in Goderich and the sur- roun in area have shown that they care and the Goderich Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Goderich Lioness Club say THANKS. Sincerely, . Mary Lou Aubin The Daffodil Committee Goderich Lioness Club Wear a carnation for MS May 10 and 11 Dear editor, One of the advantages we have as Cana- dians is the opportunity to help make our communities better places to live through participation in voluntary organizations. One volunteer group that is trying to make a fundamental change is the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada which is work- ing to eradicate multiple sclerosis, a poten- tially crippling disease that strikes men and women in the prime of life. By supporting the MS Society's Carnation Day campaign on May 10 and 11, we can all help. Proceeds from the campaign help support medical research and to service programs that assist the people who have multiple sclerosis and their families. Remember on May 10 and 11, "Make a donation...wear a carnation". Chairman thanks riders in Bike-a-thon Dear editor,. • On Sunday April 28 at 2:00 p.m. the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Goderich sponsored the great bike-a-thon for cancer. , This year there were 66 riders registered with over $3,000 being pledged. These numbers would liftbably have been higher, but I'm sure that the cold breeze experienc- Bicycles should be licensed in case ed on Sunday kept some people at home. On behalf of the Kinsmen and Kinette. Clubs of Goderich I would personally like to thank all the participants and local mer- chants that contributed in making this year's ride a success. My hope is that next year we can raise -more money for this very worthwhile event. Just for comparison - Woodstock had the' same number of riders but raised $5,100,00 versus our $3,000.00. Something to think about for the next year. Yours sincerely, • Jed DeJong Chairman Bike-a-thon '$5 • • they're stolen to help police officers . Bicycle owners who want to reduce the risk of having their bicycles stolen should make Sure they are t licenced, says Goderich Police Chief Pat King. "You see an abundance of bikes around town that are. without licences. Some of . these bikes are quite expensive. We can trace them if they're stolen if we have their serial numbers," he says. lionineurarareineireirirsThr SIGH GRAN li"eviedame A $1 licence is good for the life of the bicycle and ensures that the serial number is recorded on the police computer. A great percentge of licenced bicycles that Bikes, along with any other 'Valuable are stolen are recovered, he says. items such as cameras and stereos, should In 1.984,97 bikes were stolen in Goderich. . have their serial numbers recorded by.the So far, in 1985, 11 have been stolen. owner somewhere in case they're stolen. If "When a bike is stolen, we put it on the a bike doesn't have a serial number, the computer as a stolen or lost article. In one Goderich police can stamp it with one. case, a policeman in Kingston checked a bike that had been.stolen in Goderich." • , , "Army ---.-.-EXTERIORJL. AT SPEC IAL PRI�S. SICO-TEX (260-110) ACRYLIC LATEX WHITE AND READY -MIXED COLORS $/COGLOSS (266-110) ACRYLIC LATEX GLOSS PAINT WHITE AND READY -MIXED. COLORS • to on 1..Ese FOR 4 Llin • SICOPURE (140-110) - ALKYD GLOSS PAINT WHITE AND READYMIXED _OOLORS FOR 4 LITRS4._ THIS OFFE14 NOS AUGUST 30, 1985. JOHN JEFFERY AND SON sign LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 163 ELGIN AVE. E. GODERICH PAINTS 524-8171 1 TROYmBILTe Tillers Improve Your Garden Soil! • Models from 31/2 HP to 8 HP for every size garden. • Add organic matter to build fertility. • Make perfect seedbeds. • Improve your soil in just one season! U HURON TRACTOR EXETER 235-1115 MYTH 523-4244 ior