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Exeter Times, 1913-1-23, Page 6
eavy ub , The azzs 'd w d high h els, e e likes t,l elz4 2.50 to $2.15 •q ts wool I�laut made deft „n wool, Welt -o- cure and t odor* o 1,00 A. STEWART •a • * 4# 9 AV •fid 44 x POWELL'S BAZAR —PHONE 66— We hada 33ig'12. We sunt a Bigger '13 and will sstriye to merit We have a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT to make. As most everyone knows we Reil Toilet Articles, Flavorirgta a and Perfumes, Wholesale and Retail, " We have tried various ways to m create a larger ,sate for these preparations in time past and have not .been satisfied. We hake decided for 1943 to place the price of all out.. • Toilet .Articles and Flavorings at 15 Cents • thus giving our customers a superior article at a very low price. We 4 expect to double our business at these prices and if we do so we will ,g make more profit than holding them at 25e and s ending the difference in premiums ate. We askeveryone who reads this to give our prepar- ens a trial and we are sure you ill be pleased. �a have ToothZ, e,. Foot Ease, Skin Foods, Faee Creams, Shaving Sticks, Lennon • awning Powder, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Wintergreen, Pep- errnint. We guarrantee the quality of the above. 41, • 411 • 470, • SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO DEALERS EVERYWEiEBE. ire It. Pays to Shop at This Store 'w W we tire gSpecials all i nd, As a January Special a offeringinChinaware a Cilasswsre. Drop in often and look Around.' WI I LIS POWELL TUE BIG VARIETY STORE. • • *:*44444.4.444444.4 444 4444.4444.4444.44.4444444+44.444444.(# :al la �� Aauraael aty of 0 {ktbc,r Xre rt I" aI Cryet tae of her otiler ast�an� roe xxx� Fd'aat, xla tela r, , C1ubnh las tl;t7r a "tr�ktTord ue t attee :Vary o `therett Ilex „"i' rt`at rnza axrr our ,s ealerti Te 1 t. nxet t haat ta, let of r; ibS Tiber , hay Id f or lac! Tice for :4 t3.- Are y -tree anel A41vertisfng Itemsi;o tianlii adver t'sers eliare the pea of tint ad+t3* Which are meted out to the half teksartedl in every Walk k of life.' i fz 3 S. fa taarth at the Golfee 'neer Institute i.11itellton with two satr a t and 113ert Veld ifs .olt1 (biane m Len a .short visit° during the hol6i4zss. 1x1)--toad young rat"au to farme by the y+ear, folral ��u9 tw tti th * right Ma4i. idt'p1`y to Toh,n i.+:ary Loft Ill' eon. Th: Kibbert Cromarty A Long distally. Piero iguddinec--- Tb re was TorwArdedi from Reveter o `Toronto to Mss, 3.'el..:11fertroe. a plum puddleg that was s4nt :from Clovelly Deversirire England hir, R 3`.. -15xurray of Exalter Was lex town this♦ week,Mrs.13, leidemcn of rgeter Spent New Years visiting Lrr daughter Mrs,Masan'- 1< Y :bitoat :New Era Ft7hr?D-A Sum of money on Mon- day San fitL()weer will receive va same by npplyit; to the Exeter i, Times !proving property and paying for advertisemen t Mrs, IPl,etc:-.er and Mrs, Stone and Mass Curwick of Exeter and' Mr, Woes.. Stone of; Saskatchewan were 'guests ref ime, and Mrs, ieitkint lint over Sunday—:Clinton News Record: Mr. and Mrs/ A. McTavish' and children of Nulford.Sask.. are spend- ing az few weeksi with Mrs fend Mrs. N. -J, Howard the lattcr'is oa.rents before leaving for Stratford where they will reside in the future. amates Remembered -Mr, Hugh Spackman of -'Exeter and Ex -Warden, of the County Presented the ,inmatas of the House of Refuget With a crate of oranges wLicix Were anuche'nyoyedi by them on, Coristmas Day Keepier Muteb w&shes'to thank. the donor ,for Lis , ki'ndeess—Clinton New Era Rev.. Dr, D, 11,, Fletcher; a pro, mfr ant 1?resbyterian clergyman of Hamilton died Dee, 26 in his 40th year. He was :for many years ices - tor ot. MaeNalr St:, :church Iiamiltrtn and as beet,Modertaor of the Gen- eral Assembly,.' lie was born in Islay Scotland; and came to Canada in Lis ISth. year. He was one of t1.13),?: highest retarded men of Lis church and, time Mr, Fletcher was a brother of Rev,_ Colic. :letcLer Thames Road,. Boys ran away—Two Exeter lads aged J.i and 13, w'1.o nad decided, to run away front '.Lorw. „of rss far as. Ij n£icld on the` evening ,passeneee tr as a. When t;ae train !ulled into D n: ield they ;jump ed off - and Sec- tion I orenaan r Oleg Lora wlao' Sp r4* 1 oa made inquiries, He and Sta �i 2Vi llsir l arned of. rho rein. aw ys plans and amen peretiaded, them that they had bet$er Tse=tun nom.% Thr boys agree i arid!. they wu, e sent back on 1L,a first � north- tiu d fw agLt—Londa r • r, atr eu,forial conere1n41or_, cher offer,;.d t ht follo�yaii to, J " ratan etlfad. ", o .r� ark tYtt " _ � ,l ".. eere:�'"^d�"ee ikon!" c ,ed ' off`, Groccries 2 co 40 clods Must Be o As the building has been sold an has to bevacated BY FE BIG „SALE N()W ON Iii'. Produce taken the ate Case Prices '� •,5, h'h, �•, iM.w"'b T•a ,! ak *k" •ib•3+•2"'f"'•l" :..; S a �+'^+*� :, ..i •+' ++14+4'44. Mrsa, B, +el.7d is OS the kaiokt fist. errs, J,, Nallettx is trxtale,r Char doo- tors care. fir, Pugsley has refitrned eta lsti* from Detroit r a r School re -everted eed otn� Monday after two weeks holidays; Mr, Thos Cann' is eorsintdl ata his Lone i hrongh zXiness� stir., fired M 1iallott was in iSteett- lord over New Years. M'ss Pearl 'Le'avitt iy vieitin`'gt Miss M i "T I2os.. '1lTarrr,ang. in Dttioitti 14Tr. W, Beaman, of Londet, visited soe W, ,7 an I�ionday Mr, PIJI Tiowciiffe of Lion vis- ited town on inn Monday. McEvoy, O ' T U..tO .tires Clifford t otr ir- town over New Years; i�ir, Harry Sweet 'Las rtturh�;d; `t:o business college at Lander., Mr. Fred Brock spent the holidays visiting tis Mister in Chatham.; C d fieJd end ,$ou Ned Mr, Cies '1+4a�..em rc were its Parkhill ou New Ywaris. Te3la.way, ee Killarney Melte; is visitiI g Mr, and Mna, 'John "Pedder Mr, 'laird Mrs,} T. 11,, McCallum fend ales Douglas rat New; Years in 'Loci don: , Miss Violet Pawel:ale has returned; after visiting, Miss!Thomsason.,ir. Tor- osaip Mrs,, T, J; Wilson and 'daughters visited. in London for a few plays labt wreck:, , Mrs,: 1?. Sweet cir11 Miele . SaraLi Sweet visited in 'liel:roit over "New �C ears; C p di Poland d Miss Stella Gregory Laic returned to Chatham to resume her duties ! as teaiLer were x $ 1> elester Cleft 'and Miss iDdroth'y a h f' k e d Mallett: are visiting with relatives in l 1 other t Sarnia, arcus to eta The bridal eaaxple:. Miss 'V, J', Miners "Las retained ,to Left or_ yesterday: morni`n,gs boar ox. GoderiaL� to resume her duties as a .r. extended trip, six .nenths or:: ap t.�saeher•,, nroved joint notees. -lour: per x Jnr off for`easL; Miss iillx fork visited in, London aver New. Years( ATiss 'Alcnie Seeders bras .returned to Jarvis attar tisiti�:;d Tor et. week ��� asdth. relatives, , , Hit Mr i¢nid itra, R,..,E, Packard and i fa ni1.y Uwe sreturned, home , `from a l� robesh'er Sask. 1 Owen Atkinson has been a•u;�aaed, 1t1, with W. j`;; freemen in. his ttrsrra.ith- irg ale iartment; Crediton Jockey team will be " taut' net Tuesday to play a, game with the Exeter teamt --" Very Badly Mixed--TLe make-up ina:a". In a rural, weekly newspaper offjae got full of hard eider a: fort- nighto end mixed oi3items report- ing up p i.ng auction sake and a wedding cr "• mope* . The ,description raves Moll. ows Wm. Blank the only sora of Mr. find Mrs, Jos, ,J. Blank wins dis- posed of lay °Publio �iuetiotx to ll:iarg ar- e t` Dashi. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thmadore !Alexander Dash of Lot 11 '0th, .concession' in the 1preser-ce. of In e :d;hty guests including two ;mules and `nine head of horned battle. ' Rev, 3. Pinks tied ,the nuptial' knot; aver- a.ginee 1.200 Mounds on the hoot, The beautiful home of the bride wens taste fully decorated' ivttL cute sets of double Laxness. nearly new; before, the ceremony Mendelssohn?s weddir.g march wta.sgiven softly'by twenty-one five-ecareold mace.:"cowf5;',lnpki.'i,g; )qr fe ctly ct,a eiirri e • , ,. top buggy, opera bui3y and whcelbar-, row;:; The groom is a well known 1. your; man popular in society ciecles. of about thirty-eight, Berkshire hors while the bride is an' accomplished' teacher ot a..s 1endi drove of ,can °Lice shoats pedigrees furnished if desired, !Among the many presents v. r one 'hundred bushels of ' etatods or.ie ,drag h rrow, ay -.or rope an pulleys also o er' articles oo r.um- •l. i <" • i• itt L employ © in our watch repair alp P cleal till era only'1 vv first l, - C aSS in e E +& Tal with and 9.. an exper- ience ce proper technical knowledge to fall un- derstand derstand a watch and its - ad3ustuaents. If your watch c is not givinperfect satisfaction bringit us' No charge for examination. III .� MARCHANLI lit Mrs, R, Packard •' has returned Lome 'after visitingi;'iLaer. daWthber- ire, 33raaii'fordL, Mr, and Mrs S, Swaet and daugh- ter v'siteci tor. several dt'ys, .near Mr. and Mrs, Lutten of London fee******o**004.00,e. 4 v, itad ' Mr. and a1ir�, T,Darton over, 4„w Years. j Mr, `Wf1bar'r.iLinj �E i1, bile ,Wcst.is gar�e�st ai'tbr"OLu12, ands M 4 ,; r1 A1'ttateCb!rdf;i t Wr Mr:;1i :. . int ra Pkok os Lain' b li Seee -.:. wpm---.*. --* .7p, --®es -wd.- ®.- N►-•atlr �- o»o7,-�e�``--�'°uan�--- �e�v "Witt o• --erre ,. memessommestmeavemnommommaria aminasarigs h;1;ose lasses that a ecoIitg. to 0 e . choice.'' that is' made` easy ` by the good . ties and attractive appearanceof �, Y: vulture' L.l SFr decadedi aecc,;, ahswhen ccsa tect adjusted .dive ci33.:c11 a en tm tlae hIleather 4 dnogra s amps SO: qty