HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-04-03, Page 50PAGE I2-- 09DE GNNAI,S1i BIBLE OLLEGE'i.. CHOIR 23 ploest -natio College Choir from Rock bland, illinoIi. Sunday* April 1411415 .1:00 p.m. 4 9:00 p.m. Also Men's quarto( R Ladlu' trio Ana IIOR RIALS Dail/ .i YEARS For more Information confect: • PASTOR BRAD HENSHAW 51ble Missionary Church Huron Rd. at Walnut $t.. Goderich 5242705 Goderich Arno ROBEItt kicC�1LLl1M ' i 1 CAMSRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HiGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 , l Children. & Youth �� Cultural festival to be held during the month of April The purpose of such a festival is: -Tat arouse and promote interest in cultural &Woofs and activities by exposing children and youth of this community to varied aspects oil cultural activities. -To promote locally established cultural attivltfoss and groups. and to create new cultural activities if the need is *s'pressed. The following activities hove been arranged for your un(oyment and participation: APRIL 20 LIONESS "TALENT SHOW" The Lioness "Talent Show" will be held at 2 pm at the Mackey Centre. '3. adults, •1. APRIL 13. 20 children'° Everyone Is welcome to attend and to see some of Goderich's fine local talent! NATIONAL BOOK WEEK Goderich Branch Library Special Activities have boon arranged for your enjoyment. Call the Library at 524-9261 for more information. Everyone Welcome! APRIL 17 DEBORAH DUNLEAVY will be performing "Swinging Together" at St. Mary's School at 10 am and Victoria School at 1:30 pm for children from Kindergarten to Gr. 3. All parents are welcome to attend! APRIL 18 CANADIAN CHAMBER ENSEMBLE will be visiting the students of G.D.C.1. for a workshop! This event is for those students only. APRIL 19 "ART KIDS" OPEN HOUSE Goderich Branch Library from 6:30 to fl per. Como and see the art work produced by the children involved in Mona Mulhern's "Art Kids" program. Everyone Welcome! The Show will be on display for the following two weeks. APRIL 19 T.G.I.F. PLAY IN BLYTH The RecreationDept. will be taking a bus load to this p3ay leaving the Arena at 7:30 pm. '5. p- person. Please pre - register at th Rec. Office by April 12. Everyone Wei me! Suitable for all ages. APRIL 20 "THEATRE `CIRCLE" WORKSHOP i A Theatre Workshop for children will be held from 9:30 am to 12 noon at Robertson School. Actors from Blyth Theatre will conduct a partkipatory workshop. •1. per person, Please pro• register at the Rec. Office. All children welcome. FOR MORE INiFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE PROGRAMS, PLEASE CALL THE REC. OFFICE AT 524-2125! - • APRIL 20 LONDON SYMPHONY The Rotary Club of Goderich presents the London Symphony on April 20. For more Information on tickets and cost contact any member of the Goderich Rotary Club. APRIL 22 SOUND OF GODERICH '85 The Sound of Goderich 'B5 will be held on Monday, April 22 at a pm at the Knox Presbyterian Church. This year the groups featured are: Craigellon Singers, MacKay Choristers, Laketown Band and the Harbouraires. Tickets '3. per person available from group members. APRiL 22 EDUCATION WEEK Education Week begins and some special cultural activities have been arranged to take place in the local elementary schools during school times. These events Include a "What's It" display by the Huron County Pioneer Museum. APRIL 27 MUSIC BOOSTER CLUB PUBLIC DANCE Music will be provided by the G.D.C.I. Student. for a dance from 9 pm to 1 am. G.D.C.I. (East Gym). Tickets aro available from music students. Everyone Welcome! APRIL 27 FOGHORNS OF GODERICH- CHILDREN'S WORKSHOP The "Foghorns" of Goderich will be offering a Children's Workshop free to all Goderich children in Grades 1 & 2 on Saturday, April 27 from 10 to 11:30 am at St. Mary's School. The workshop will feature the Musk Box Kit from the London Regional Children's Museum. This Is a great fun opportunity for your child to learn about how music is made and each child will have the chance to make their own music from the simplest instruments. if your child its interested in participating, please call the Recreation Office and leave your name. Pre- registration is necessary for this workshop. Call 524-2125. .ReUoIoN Rev. returns for service The Reverend Robert G. MacMillan of Burlington, Ontario, returns to Knox Chur- ch, hunch, Goderich( for the Service on Sunday, April 14, at 11 o'clock. Prior to the service a Presbyterian Men's Breakfast will be serv- ed at 9:30, hosted and served by the men of Knox. This is appropriate as a Men's Club flourished at Knox during Dr. Mac Millan's ministry( 19480. Dr. MacMillan's topic at the Morning Ser- vice will be, "Here's To The Future." Robert McMillan was inducted at Knox Church on April 2, 1948, coming from a pastorate in Quebec, and resigned in September, 19601 to become the Director of the Children's Aid in Huron County. In 1961 he was called . to Knox Church, Oakville, where he ministered until 1975. In 1975 the General Assembly appointed him General Manager of The Presbyterian Church Building Corporation, a position he still holds. It was during Dr. MacMillan's ministry at Knox Church that tragedy struck in September 1950 when the church building was destroyed by fire. Dr. MacMillan •y ,. chaired the building coriinittee.and the new edifice was dedicated in September 9504Y the then Moderator of the ..General Assembly, Dr. John A. Macinni&QE Qrlllia, followed by a series of special services,. ' The mortgage was retired in 1908, Oni Sun- day, January,, 1953, the first ''Church of the Air" Se was broadcast from Pox Church, Goderich, over the -CIBC cross - Canada network. During Dr. IVIacMillan's ministry Miss Ida White volunteered for ser- vice in India, and a number of young then were ordained to the Ministry. The Reverend Robert Bisset, Forest, The Reverend Peter Walter, Hamilton, The Reverend Alex S. MacDonald, Aurora, and The Reverend Brown Milne, Calgary. In 1971 Knox College, Toronto, conferred on him the Doctor of Divinity deg>;eey(At pre- sent he is Worship Assistant at Knox Chur- ch, Burlington. The Congregation at Knox very much looks forward to the return of Beth and Bob MacMillan. After service at the luncheon Dr. MacMillan will reminisce about his years in Goderich. Resurrection gives us hope beyond HERBERT A. McLEOD The 1985 Easter weekend is now history. We have been reminded again of the Love that drew Salvation's Plan: of. the Grace. that brought it down to man; and of the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary. We have thought anew of the price of our redemption. We have not been bought with silver or gold, but with the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder the song writer has written, "I long to be worthy of Calvary Love". We have also thought about `the Resurrection of our Lord, its proofs, and its personal meaning to us. Without that fact of MINISTER'S STUDY It history, we have no hope beyond the grave. But because He lives, the grave isnot the goal, neither does death have the last word. When He lives within us, then, even though we die, physically, we shall live eternally with Him. It is most refreshing to see that which has seemed to be so cold and dead in nature, spring forth into New Life all around us. • How much more wonderful it is to be able to identify with Paul's letter to the Ephesians where he said, "And you hath He quickened (brought to life) who were dead in your trespasses and sins." New life in Nature is beautiful, but new life in Christ is even more beautiful. Let us not allow these great facts of history to fade back into the mothballs of our mind for another year. But rather, let us lay hold on their meaningful provisions for our lives, and apply them to everyday living. Then when this life is over, we shall enjoy the blessed reality of eternity with the Lord and all the saints of the centuries. Retired Goderich resident dies at home MURRAY ALBERT DAER Murray Albert Daer, 65, of 109 Homes, Goderich, died Thursday, Mar. 28 at his residence. Son of the late William Daer and Mary Elva Vodden, he was born Sept. 2, 1919 in Goderich. He was a retired construction worker and a member of the Victoria Street United Church and the Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Branch 109, Goderich. Surviving are one sister Lucille, Mrs. James Martin, of Goderich and six brothers, Benson and Ralph, of Goderich, Allan, of Meaford, Clarence, of Vancouver, B.C., Joseph, of Clinton and Ernest, of Toronto. He was predeceased by one brother Henry. Funeral services were held at Stiles Funeral Home on Monday, Apr. 1 with Rev. John D.M.'Wood of Victoria Street. United officiating. Interment Maitland Cemetery. The Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Branch 109 held a service at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Mar. 31 at Stiles Funeral Home. 11.41 in. J. PARSONS Hattie J. (Gram) Parsons, 99, formerly of Goderich, of Owen Sound, died Wednesday, Mar. 27, 1985 at the General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound. The daughter of the late Benjamin J. and Mary Saults, she was born in Goderich. She was predeceased by her husband, Lionel G. Parsons, a son, John L., of Perth, Australia and two sisters, Etta Saults and Irene, Mrs. A.F. Sturdy. She was a member of the I.O.D.E. and the Hospital Auxiliary. Surviving are two daughters, Mary C., Mrs. W.P. Telford, of Owen Sound and Clunick Director BEREA-BY-TH=VVATIR LUTHERAN • • HUNCH Suncoast Drive, 1 Block of Hwy. 21 Rev, Chris Wich ' , Pastor Office 524.2235; Home 524-4134 2nd Sunday of Easffr April 14. 1005 9:15 Sunday School i.w..•a..-w..�...e�..a..-�..•>..v+.'w+.�...rw.+,i.,a�V,.�+v..►d,s.+s.er....•.s..i ps.1..-'e.rs..^.u.^�l.seesaw.-Oa..es+Y'0.T^ivs.'0..'4.Y�ir..�..1as•w.s1..'R.v 1/!,7 First Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH Sunday 9:45 a.m. •MOR$NNNG WO*tHIP } TOPIC: A Fact of History 11:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL Thursday 7:30 p.m. • PRAYER B BIBLE STUDY SATURDAY CLUB 2:00-4:00 p.m*: (Ages 5-11 years) Saturday 7-9 p.m. - YOUTH GROUP (Ages 12 plus) PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDO 524-0130 ORGANIST 8 CHOIR DIRECTOR: JILL WHEATLEY You con find acceptance, purpose, (oy & peace in Christ Knox Church THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M -A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT LORNE H. DOTTERER, DIRECTOR OFPRRAISE Sunday, April 14 9:30 a.m. Men's Breakfast 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:30 p.m. Luncheon Sermon; "HERE'S TO THE FUTURE!" (Nursery Facilities) The Reverend Robert G. MdeMlllorf,'D.t9., Burlington ' (Minister of Knox Church, Goderich, 1948-60) Continuous Service to the Cd1'ntnunity lime 1835 Enter to Worship tlliPOrt fo Serve «,.emss,�....•,�e+.�n�m.emm..,e"a...•wsw.r�,.e.+ores..Awd�e.e.ti.,»We..�nrM�eae�,,.da.1 1 Calvary Baptist Church BAYF'I ELB ROAD AT BLAKE STREET WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 10:00 a,m; - Bible School 11:00 a,m, - Worship Service -7,C9p.m: Even, ngervice Wed. Eve: 6:30 p.m. Olympians'" for boys and girls ages 6 to 12 7 p_m_• Mid -week Service Nursery Facilities . available North Street United Church j 56 North Street 524-7631 ® TY/ iti �y�Q110140 mss. APRiL 14, 1985 WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1:00 A.M. NURSERY AND TOT CARE (For transportation roll the Church Office) ST. GEORGE'S -CHURCH Anglican Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker interim Orgor.ist William Cameron i LSUNDAY AFTER EASTER April 14th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion i Anglican Church Women corporate Communion and breakfast. 1 1 :00 o.m, Morning Prayer, Sermon "New Life in Christ`. Church School, age 10 and under. Nursery. 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study •You ate always welcome- OBITUARIES. imisiememassiermenersesesserrami Peggy, Mrs. J.E. Cuninghame, of Wiarton, two sons, James B., of Owen Sound and George G., of Goderich, 17 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and one -great great grandchild. Funeral services were held at the Breckenridge -Ashcroft Funeral Home on Saturday, Mar. 30. Spring interment Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. OLIVE JANE GOLDTHORPE Olive Jane Goldthorpe, of Toronto died Thursday, Apr. 4, 1985 at Women's College Hospital, Toronto. Daughter of the late Joseph Thomas Goldthorpe and Mary Elizabeth Straughan, she was born in Goderich. She retired after working as a secretary for 40 years at the YMCANational Council. She was a member of St. aul s Anglican Church; Toronto. Surviving are two sisters, Alrna, Mrs. W.G. MacEwan, of Goderich and Ella, Mrs. D.A. McCarten, of West Vancouver, B.C. She was predeceased by one brother, Joseph Albert. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Apr. 6 at St. George's Anglican Church with Rev. Robert J. Crocker of St. George's of- ficiating. Interment Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were William McManus, Peter McManus, Raymond Paprocki, Michael Edwards, Donald MacEwan and Bruce Erskine. MARY MAY BEAN Mary May Bean, 93, of Huronview Home for the Aged, Clinton, died Sunday, Mar. 31, 1985 at Alexandra Marine - and General Hospital. Daughter of the late John Westlake, of Devonshire, England and Mary Slack, of Stanley Township, she was born Dec. 5, 1891 in Goderich." 'She was married to the late George Frederick Bean on Dec. 5, 1927 in Goderich. She was a member of the Knox Presbyterian Church. Surviving is one niece, Mildred Dempsey, RR3 Clinton. She was predeceased by two brothers, Samuel and William Westlake. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Apr. 3 at 2p.m. at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. G.L. Royal of Knox Presbyterian of- ficiating. Interment Colborne Cemetery. Huronview choir provides - musical hour for second floor HURONVIEW - The Huronview choir and interested residents provided a musical hour for the ladies on 2nd Floor on April 1. Betty Rogers led in the singing and Frank Bissett accompanied at the piano. This hour of pleasure is enjoyed by the ladies, and it is rewarding to hear them singing along with the rest. Many of them still remember the words to some of the old gospel tunes: Ceramic classes were held on Tuesday afternoon for the people who are interested in this craft. Bissett. Mid -week Bible study was held April 4 in the chapel with Mrs. Prouty in charge. Elsie Henderson was at the organ and played for the hymns. Mike Botermans sang a solo. raditional music was part of the theme at the Easter Sunday morning worship. Rev. Norman Pick was in charge, and for his message he spoke on Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection. During the service, the choir sang. Mike Botermans sang in fine tenor voice. Another -popular singalong took place Huronview welcomes Mrs. Elizabeth Wednesday afternoon, and there was a very. Plants from Goderich, and Mrs. Margaret good attendance. Mike Botermans led in the - Case Case from Seaforth who have come to live at singing of sacred songs as well as some Huronview. To the family of the late Mr. Or - standard balladcompanied by Frank val Powell, sympathy is expressed. WI views slides of Iffeori Baffin----isiand lager Diuilop -icor 1 r s-f1Tsl,ituter-heid-its- March meeting in Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, April 4th. The meeting opened with the members singing the Opening Ode, ary wa ect and 0 Canada wi Mrs. Kaitting as pianist. Roll call "A current event relating to World Affairs" brought many answers from the 19 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and cor- respondence was given special attention. The cancer drive will be held this month and Mrs. R. Buchanan had arranged for can- vassers in this district. Cards of thanks were received from Mrs. R. Buchanan, Mrs. Helen Stoll and a card was signed by the members to send to Eleanor Bradnock of Auburn, now in the hospital. Members unanimously agreed to sending a donation to thelund for Michael Scott. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 24th with potluck luncheon at 12:30 noon. It is the annual meeting with con- veners and secretaries reports and officers --€a Mr. Eric Reaburn gave the members a treat, as with the aid of slides; we visi far north, Lake Harbour, on Baffin Is ill---which-.is.about a half hour_ _flight _.fro Frobisher Bay. The landscape featured hills and lakes and the rocks which looked like sand. Sculpturingihe rock into carvings of local artifacts, sometimes depicting birds, humans, animals -find scenes affords an in- come for some residents of the North. They have hydro from a generator system and there is a nursing station. Planes and boats bring in supplies and there is mail twice a week. It was an interesting geography lesson and showed where two young men Mark Markoosee and Amagoolick, came from when they visited Sky Harbour Airport over 15 years ago to learn to fly aeroplanes. Mrs. Margaret Jewell thanked Mr. teaburn for the interesting trip by slides to `the far north. - WI holds annual meeting The April meeting of poderich Women's Institute was held at McKay Centre with 16 members present, and was opened with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The president read an Easter poem. Elizabeth Sitter, acting secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting. An Invitation was announced from the Blyth Women's Institute to attend their anniversary, The district annual of the West Huron Institutes will be held at Wingham oil May 27th in the Wi'ngham United Church. A motion to have the remainder of the group's history books microfilmed was passed by the members. This was the annual meeting for 1984-1985 and the standing committees presented their reports. These will be forwarded to the convenors of the West Huron district. The next regular meeting will be held on May 2nd and will be conducted by Jean Schram first vice-president of Goderich Women's Institute.