HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-12-12, Page 1i large and b aunty- i.0o to $7.50 " ea There loing uwantan� Brass Goods] SEAR-�-No 2C25 'Ha" q .ee 0 Huron, Sc. Mx, EXETER, ONT , CANADA, TIIIIRSDAY' MORNING, T)'CCEMB' EB, l2 tb 101' Locals sex Gazette YilroAUP41 Cole's Drug Store FOR XMAS CANDIES ,>.. mas Gifts What Will We Give Here is a list of the Good things we' have for ou to make a Choice.is, trouble everything you want s, here. Golden Jubilee The ;celebration of the Cobden, An- niversary of J'ames Street Methkerfst church Was commenced eon Sabbath bast arid, will Continuo next Sunday whet 'the Rev, ,A. L. 'Russell a for- mIPr ,p'astor, will, J.areact 1104t51:.morn- iing and evening lieu, pr. W. IS;. Psascoee. was the s.pea.kitr sine Sunday. Mr, ]'gasco+e WAS, Istat'ke'-' at Jana.es Street about 30r F , !area. diets soon. to nmlebriat.e lois ;diamond jubillKe the Ministry w% iwh' dates back to •Cotr)n`wvall in the old lau;d,. ii tet is still rrmentallyactiveactive acid ,hie,, spirit ,fr„„1 is as young 7's• ;ever. 1n the narnan;r �1t took as ` his text lest` Samuel' 1:12 "Hitherto Ie4as the+' L(cir)d• helped us' T the . evening, tis ,• text ws.s taken;. , ' - 't ;i from Luke I5, 1 2 ,has man. recoiveld si;t'n'ers a .td cateth with them” • He solid, we hear 'a. great deal! about tee progreees,s, ave. ere P )skin but/ in ,lame of the. moist importhatt: things we have not`chan:ge.d a bit, Wher. Jesus Christ was on earth a, great many people ;sreene . and ireijected Matz ar.d the same thing) is being, Carried out today, The. greatest ere ton od. God was not the sain; xeeit, the sitars( not. the angels, but roan, )ler. was God's, greatest .oreatioxa. and; Jesus, Christ! be- �is z • i;amee a 'man, .13£ is our ededIs.r lB tdtbcr ane reel ,our liriic+.rade will help us oiut of difficulty so wit,'Jinsu%'Christ lift us 'up and sett u;ss on new fole'ti:Jag:• It was the sininten the outcast, the down trodden that !Christ •crime td save.,and 1:s mingled; 4ivath them, and proved .or La0ies & oiris for Moil and Bolls � � Gloves anL Mitts - Collars and. Ties d Sox and Suspenders Neck Scarfs taLinen Handkerchiefs` * Hats and. Baps �• Fancy Vests � , Fancy Umbrellas co Sweater Coats 1 Fur Caps Suits and Overcoats Shoes and Slippers eves and Mitts y Hose trs and Ties and Brooches y Linens ed Linens Handkercheifs ancy Waists cy".:Aprons ancy Belts ilk Scarfs ancy Parasols Furs Xmas Furs Gift.. .'fust the thing fol, an •Xm � for the Xmas Trade.' Blue Wolfe Sets ., -. „Blue Fox. Sats Mink Marmot Sets Persian Lamb Sets Fur Lined Coats 32 We have a great Showing of New Furs See them you cannot da better. White Thibet" Sets :Alaska Sable Sets Western Sable Sets Persian Paw Sets Fur Collar Coats L•i,mslcilC„an_ritler, hrotbe,.r. Tjhies 4.ii'' cderso ilaste1 ever an h`aur. Speol'al music .was provided duffing the, day Int the ', 'mora.r.g Miss C1.owen ;sa'n;g; 'a v sola in. fhb. 2in- theem; Misses Curling end Quaceret- bulb, and 1We:s 's Goodwin. 'er t Shay - ton sang a quartette, :Inl t.ae even irg Mr, Goodwin sang. a solo and Mr's Clamnr, 'Mxssee i Chaffers. Treble. and Johrstan a quartette, The 'altar was bbeautifully decorated with ferns flowers and golden mums. On IY1'ornidlay ,evening a / hot ttowli sup- 1 per was served' is, the basement` of the !church and aafterw edse,a. • pro - grain was riven: in the auditorium Levis), John' Holiness G. UV'lAYifin, T. ,W Mllatcbsford Dr,' Pascoe' and. Mr. 7 Brooks :gave remixiscenc(ess oo'the his- tory oE' thie Church) Mr, .r' Goodwin en,d m'Liiss N, Carling' ts!ar:.e ,Olen, Mesas J'ee'rltr5ie :Freyr.e• igave an. instrumental and Miss Edmurn'de a`ri,ading One of thin 'most i.nterefstiift reatures, of U ctina£.ve7rsary eras, ;tLe playir.g' of. Mr, ID, - ' Br aurid of. Somtuner z of the. old ,whirl) he eilla1ed• att. the` °Denims! or the church ditty* years, ago. For tweerty-fi"ve years Mr Branner bap::' 1laitbfu1 service as orirariist of jamas' evening : e Street. church. On Tuesday v_n g a social was 1.eeld,_-Thr; loose cojlec-.: tions end, proceede'rro;tn .tie supper amounted to '$'3,5:09 Killed by Flying Saw. She)) right, b•wn.y. Saturday ie the last day of, Shooting Tear more eholpl(ng itlays till iChrist- Read. re A, rollicks add 1 i the sup- plemeat The ,Oarubiegl factory finished up on Friday last, Mrs, R, .C'. Sold .o:n, enter tai,ned,ou ition�dia:Y eeve;nit;g. Miss E, Broecur entertained on W n d nesdl;ty eyeful r.,g' last,, Don't Lail to eee''tke Northern de- m.onstration car at Exeter or. Dee:17th. Some• !fresh Dan-13'o+ns just arrived 10 cts• to $1)'50, All to eespecial brands W„ T,. Statham Mr, 'W, S. Cole is onena.nt+ up his store ;formerly pccupted by 6, G. r'Ci.'aw- de;n,. Dr4 Will Knight of .Necw York City visited in' .town 'couple' of days lest weeek, . Mr, 'John. )Brooks o,f: °waste Mitch. is visiting „hie brother; 1VIr, 'Cy T Brooks, i ii4'jrt Peri River: "arrived, Lome on Monday ratter spen'dird: th'e summer in W intipsg: M1�',��ss Alma Troy of Granton was the gu4% of .1YLrs, W, Dt• Yoe .over'Standee' and Monday, Miss E, Homey is Yn'Chieago attend- i,ng thn'igra,duation of her sister Mir- eretta as nurse • Mrs J, A. Greegory oll`.:+lortly 33 c ford, Bask,, is visiting Lis mailer Mrs; 'Iv Gregory Mrs, Chas, 'Binet) sir., has returned: 11onre after vieitixg for several weeks. in 'Castleton. Ont.i, ' Say Ma, where are you goici5 to buy candies. at Cheristmas3 s1Bs1LIy Statham has ;some' dandies. Mr, and 'Mrs, J•, R. h Danalde .ar.d family have moved to tower.; from' their t'ar.n fon the wirier, Mrs;, Wm, Was'';: and Mrs.'L'aneefore of GrFantoin 'ave 'beer_, visiting, Mrs, J, Bowe, for a' Lew days. Rev, D. W. Collins ';vas in St, Mary s Monday. night or his official visit as District Master: of A;, F. and A el, Mrs', Jos, P'clart wto has.been.'quitje ill for some time is in a, critical. con.- dition at her home on Horan Street. Or'ang'es-lCalidorazi'a No.vois, 15 to 50c tz`idozen. and, all kiards sif Christ: - ems .eanidLe,s, nate. etc. east. arrived W Statham., Mr., Aquina Snell ' of Wiaeipeg visited te.s i areten/ Mr. and Mee John: !Snell for a.:Lew alors the. past wteeld, Mr-,;: and IVIrs Harry E1wvorthy were in 'Chicago for Berea al[`, days attc i l- in•g theTn'terrational .L•iva!steek' Exe position • A. lecture will be ',eiverJ in Sunshine Methodist church or, Dec, 19th "Tined Far_ of Belling iar 1ri;sh,men,'' by Rev.. Snyder, of J3rtantford Adinielsion 15 ata 25 Gents er year lu edvancrq Jones 86 May, Exeter �lpfu1 Hints for Xmas Gifts ig. Stock of Cutlery ocket knives.from 1.0e to 1.25 alnd Shears 25o to 1.00 ives 15 cents pairs 1.00' % ayes 2.50 easpoons 90 cents Dessert spoons 2 Q0 "Tablespoons 2.40 ,Coffee spoons 2.00 -3erry spoons 1.00 Razors 75 cents -Safety azors 1,00 to 5.03 • Make :Somebody I-iapp3 With a CARPET SWEEPERS make a sensible practicaleepers are r oni $2.755 to. $1 ToyEissSweepers 25cbest. SKATES—Spring skates 5Uo to $1; Roekey $1 to $6; Punks 100; Sticks 10e to 75c, Straps 10 cents, FAMAN'SHARDWARE AND STOVE STORE TAKE NOTICE notice ' take. .r bli•C Will ;lie General Pu arid xt - ' in stall doing business inns sin •;hitt 1 turn Fraind Exeter. IV AN T E D - All kinds of Bides tlbeef hides, horse bides, alab all kind . be ne' ;®fur hides, .Also 7i orliair , ubi c he 0G alsper, Scrap Iron, Rags Kx g Lrivet :prices paid, ia:11 ail one deer P f Telephone Office, ler Co KODAK Horne memories thatare cher- ished most are those, of the great home .day—CHRISTMAS. Bet- ter than mere aleatory, though, is the pictured story of the fami- ly reunion, the happy children, the gay young folks, the' grown- up boysand girls back home - again. The Pictures taken . with the Christmas Kodack will give pleasure the whole year round and for all the years to cc tee: Let us show you the brmpie Kodak way which makes plc- • tare -taking so much fun. We . have Kodaks at $5.00, others up to $65,00. +4++++++++++4+4+++++-1444++ • DELAWARE LAU11 *AWANA. & WESTERN I 4,II,, 4. aCOALCoMPANYS 4. 4' Howey, Drugstore •I', ATIFLEY very sad and fatal ;accident' oc- Th Thurs- day Settees) r u cured 'to Mr,. Mar y o dray eveei'w g of last week just es they, were about tlo quit, work'. 17e was operating a !circular saw. .cutttnie rails for Mr, Josep1,: Hickey when a bolt Came loose al,lowi Wig, the saw to swing around striking Lim in, the. left •c1eek.eand left ;shoulder inflicting ade deep cut ' bothHca es killing. hi instantly. Dr, Herter; of • Parkhill uveas immediately called, by telephone and was aluick theel'sc.ere and drew several utt au t.L wUllrld>,9 b seed the P stitches iia the cheek 'to Ore.w the wound .together to , make it Dreamt-. abbe; The . Cosner Dr, 'Campbell, of Zurich, .(according to law) was noti- fied and he also made an exam:iration of the ern und.s and the scene of the acciidseut reporting; the, same. to th'e. crolav,u 'Attorney of 'Goderi.chl w.:10 cal- led for an '. inquest. A jury was em - pc ninelled and"met on Friday et` 12 o'clock; and atter viewing' the .re- mains adjonroed to meet or.: the 32tn bast at, Hanntee Hall, orShipka, Tee funeral was held on: Saturday ...to Grand !Beloit cemetery and woselargely attended ,Rev, Mr. °eerier of.ficiat- ine', 21e leaves, to mourn his untime- ly end a widow alnd two small child- ren' who 'leave. the . sympathy of the community iln. ,their sad bcrev,smert:. 'Mr, John 8herriti;• who has event some time ir. th,e, west arr4bed home Local Option DOES IT ENDANGER A.COMMUN. ITY'S BEST INTERESTS? The issue before the electors is a moral one. Is the license system right ? All Must answer "No.” No legislature and rxo parliament, either by license 'or segregation, ean.wake wrong right: With due reverence we declare that even Gnd Himself can- not make wrong rigat. Who, then, can give an individual or a eommun- ity authority to place in his brother's way that which, admittedly destroys body, .u;lnd and spirit? Me}hald the' tretnereious < x l'{•,nse Of the . traffic The iOanadiiaa.. Liquor 1i311:11 tolr.1911 was, $81.1392,069 Ilea°per mettle. for t11e •eptirc population. of 7420+1,-, T •rF t t 'ta, 5 0 evv the rota e r" ad' 0, ltr4 c t P sea �, s the home and foreign. 'Miiss4enist for the protestant i,oipulntaon of 4,665,:5.00 the same year whs 1:212113 4132 orf 1.41. cents per Oalpta. 'Strong drirlt $111•;30 neer indivudtual„ Homeland !foreign miss= slots 47 c, per individual Yet we boat of our religion' itv d• flaunt' our ;sits ecstatic with patriotism Now adds to $'81,392,969 (Qarsdas liquor b111) that which it 'engenders which Der nes mast folks/iv in its °trails. 'A Canadian Judge says 'Canada's losia in efLlci.et. this ].labor is $75,000'.000,A'd OQO. d i.;a hs Ba u per scent of 4vbiat crime costs, Add to this the, posit OE noverty.eand broken Jive's, 'Subtract ;from this, suni 'W'cal •$'2;000:000, which, is iCxa'naclla'k revenue from tLiequor. How long wx»l, the church=• trpee, natriptst in; Yvihlase veijti5 iovleiiian'L•er ibloo.d! 'flow:st,, 'Statesmet and : Publicists permit, it? ona SIura t d y evening visiting .his daughter Mrs, Roy Sher. Cliet"en or. Tuesday attending a and Mr, and, Mrs. 'Arniild Moir er.d •ve d in tow;. vie • tsa v, arrived children of S on Tuesday and will visit for a mutate of :months with' Mire and Mrs, 'Sobs.: Moir of T7sbornc A HOW LOCAL' OPTION TS WOR:Keo 2N A'LLI:8TO I' A1.Ti;ston, Ont; Nbiv, 4th 1912 -.-est, Morally the tolw.n ils'better', 2'nd il3t s- iniess i5 better. ,i4Thnb' o,P. the mer-' chants lave told- ane_ they? have made move money than under 4aeeemse and hlavee no, bad debts. etrd We /have two up-to-date hotel% which, Strictly obey the law, and 'givalfirst ernes ac- comod:ation 'to the, 'farrmelese and. the tr!a:vepd ng publ.iel One hotel war ,toad and is now, fitted up es • a'high !grade flour. mill%, !thin Defriea land Woad. - man; pead-man factory, which l cateeed herd last pear, is!, doing' a eushiing bus%tes:s and Is at prie,se(nt working extra time. They ee'mploy taboat 75 ihandis. many of thlese are' young people of the town 7t 1st n.;edlftunrlt thing to get hbeuses to rent; there are. so many lyarniliies moving into torn:, 5th The Inw has been obeyed rind strictly enforced tt smile tor three; yeesars� again January since we 'voted wa Nadal option.. and .n'o ettenpt,lh{asi been, madie. to repeal It The<, town 'ivies :never mere; prcaperou,s rand its tfntere. is the brightest, t7,; Eq. i :dd:ee 0hairanan, Citizens L agete- BUStESTESS TN?CREASED — COLL'E'C- TIONS EASTER. . • asta,xvillr•, Ont—This is to certify thfat 2 have laved in M'axvilie all my li;teetime under a L+ cease •ISyst'e'tn (cad under TJocal. Option. iar.d, In my lapin - -fen there is ina•" )comyu'sor.; between thio two system.5:. We heave two good hotels 0lereend the traveller ve lot is well ll used. My business has inereaged ar.d collecting lis e•isier'. sAtle; x H, libbert- son,,, Nofery 'Public for• Ontario Com- missioneer High Court o, Justice:, BAD DEBTS DECREASE Mr, !Chester Harvey. arrived home Saturday everng after sper.din:2' the summer at Harwell Sask. elle wassne- covxparee'd home by Messrs Lawrence and Oliver White who are visiting it tdw- Tho annlial bazaar giver: -by ;the "v tt 'memorial Ladies Guild oF. Trivitt church on, Friday, evening fast was or,c of 'toe most successful in the T is - tory eat the. Cued, The, sale; of fancy work Ictc. ;xi, the saftertnt,nrr brought; goad prices: and ready barers antd. the evstertaflrner.t in the evening was, a decided sus.+:es-. Th,; proceedsam- ounteed, to, over $1,1.1,00 Kiev. Canon Greens, late recto of the church of England Orilla willgive an address in the town Hall Exeter r'ridaay evening: next Dec, 1-`-3th! in the interest of '1oc-al option; The rever- end ;gentleman was a citizen . of' Or - ilia during the ssubmisaion of, the by- law for that thrifty townwhir/11,1A% --fia d 'such: growth in these labra years EiYDRO POWER O TOWNS O13 HURON ME ST —FOR-- sS Mr, Geo, P. PatrickPatrickof Trucan. is .Total;.;' clerk T.; i[3. CarlingCarlingw s,i 1x for tx time, fine; wddressed_by Secretary Popr. -ratG+r."•bi;ieer iCiastbr of the Ifydro Eli c- trio commission lent ,..is tie vote on th.t by-law In Jaru•ary had %t is • a likely Goderield :lfenslall on ace e Southlamptoln. Abet—There has been marked progress in oar town under J.oca1 'option, and our. 'people are bet- ter siatisfied now. than 'ever with the result:. We hlave, been in Southamp- ton (kW nearly sixteen years un- derder local option business with! ns steadily improves and. bad ftebts de- crease. (Burns Bros. 'Makers and Grocers:. TRADL NEVER II3'F.'r`"I.'r7t Paisley Ont—Local Option int Pais- ley in ny opnNot has done a great amount of good'; !ety ow tt : tezeinesiss has improved and. several: .men in other lines of busmtet3s have told me that (their trade enevee was better Drunkenness on the streetis t•sry rare, even, on Race or Fair day, and. is a striking ,centraat to towns where' eioer:ses is granted, —H. 73. Putman General Dry Goods Merobanit INCREASES Clete A13.1LLT Y. OF i -tORKMEN Southampton Ont, -For elever, y:ears I have been superinteindant of the. Southampton branch of the Kneehtel Furniture Company, 1 have rine_ty men in eemploymentt My expnriet ee. has been that from' the st'andpo•x.t of a O'N°°OaaaONNaOa4afoDoO®E P d.OrJa4te4C+Da+04°®0°O®Oao°®AA manufacturer conditions are very ay d d t r mud:, fact rove'ed di ons ar observe. - will wei,ll vote on 1tt !later, Secretary Pope are], Cas- tor, subtni,tted, facts arid, filgurc 4 to a reepresentativ,e• meeting of -citizens of the afoxexnr,rtittn,.d. toav:rs4 The four munieipalsitiie's may heave, the hy- FLOUR:COUPON —OF= t * Scranton< Coal The Reg41E1etrl1 Ceti Mined ,� Tr n tont 11 COCK, SnNS & CO • O A a a o tiro provided tLoy bortr:lot for 1.700 a horsepower, •Goderich taking' 700 C1bn- • P t a . ton. 400 'wad IL�ersa,1 and Exeter the 1♦ This Coupon is good for'40 cants on each bag of SNOW DRIFT' ` remainder between t1. an,, the exact O our Best Family Flour, giving you the privilege of taking one to five A percentage to be assumed by each: to • bags, providing this coupon is presented to us on or •before December o heC"i t errnined£eater. vrn ssi:Orr"se rcpr,as- a `31st 1912. without : emi�atives explained ;tout;) nava the °regular sella rice of our SNOW DRIFT h�tur * weer tat an ira to cost of '$1371 Mir. Our g p Mir.- ; this Coupon is $2.75, if you present this Coupon each bag of SNOW ®♦ for: tat i; I3{); and Exeter 43; the price) • DRIFT will only cost you $2.35 for eaeh bag. ♦. for :Llcr. ?39 to be:decided upon sshsorint a y amill , °`, Qur mill ie equipped with the latest and mostmoct rn flortr ,1,p,,t,.14ta;i:leard );;vete development. • machinery. We have also secured the services:of a First Class Miller, • sc1.,rrne 'it. wits pointed out ,tivou)d ret owas reviousl employed by one of the largest mills in Ontertrs. a .gone dthcad t:'ithc any time prove'dfbe h y ed li P this inducement in order to sive every the nereici r leitiese would contract for n t..i. offering t Consequently w e are 1k' O open n y �SNOW DRIFT flctur� Every lies,; s•r;rt l.orsu: iosvery eau an opportunity to'try our.00 1 + wan pp 1• nr: t•hc .•,. promptly u I d op or. r y C)' tt ton ea p I it o p 4.i+•,4.4. r.� E ETT +d+ 0At, MAN 201,+444++4444.14++++++) C3luaranteed t2 matter. At the mending of' Clinton •2Z a ton and Shorts at " 3 ° we are selling $ran at,$council .l.rae.gd�ay a, g« '' 0 l •q a night i{: Wes decided a •ors of BEA brin Y us a am +le • to subntii; et by-law to thio rate pay•+ . we are Large $uy t • tern uat: isLe January elections rallrr.,f ° for a. iota! expenditure, of $33„000, e +t o he ,e 6 C ft > iMac b to + win to :1, .. OO v: a t ., i PRESENTED 13 it . Eon I find! that mt•t. are moire regular at their work rand more oaufible el doing it, We have by far fewer'ac- cidents From this, ta,nilpoitrl it, is a matter of economy E am convireed tk'at local option is a•; good thing arc) heartily commend. it. ' 11, Graser 13A.NIK DEP0SLTE INCREASE Winchester Ont—Witho at hesitation we ,;tate tl :alaterallyt erally Winchester hall bon greatly iinlaroved� Our )attest employers Or labor are strong advoc- ates on the grc41ad 'ea of lade) option t:.hlat .vert:, are stenciler: lose less Lime ar.d at; belies wtilrk Mali 'they dlid under the license' system. We tare i.lefortneti that t.13'atnlc' <lec{og as 'r.(avo anatarially! irareas, cl during t g tke past five years. The as not ircrea: ,. taxation h to o ffa Hca r. e ra. �. tall it: herrn feet averaged lower for r; theta fo thethelive gears'of local ottt on nit. 1 several years previous end is ;a eery IOW, rate, for the preens'. t year. The above extrat"otst:+ere+ ;from }'zN ;;tate neat ,sighed by t:rvsLfy-five hies ltaiess and processional mens. `EI P ,geit,, tle 53 rf Ill signatures na lure g ' v attest- ed t rr ley :"P7 VT, T3£racki. Manager of the M•, h', 13ceeh, Co, Limited, I . itoriv 1; Ata 1�1 St Josaepto or Dec y� , ,e rd the ,re- 1%.t Tient I ti rd r •1te.a P .oc.a b , e es. ' OO O'? cod nae n laity w9;J 1000 to provide Etat t} t trabtial.trrer{ of the 'ndreessriry tr-rs ti jy�SA ,., former ONTARIO - forr st1•ai inns. We: tinder ittnrcl the a,1 lastixaa<•a{;t;s are etr t'a.x:del"ox f'hn Wan(ared eequ`tlrrn£aitt of tx.e Exeter Marie 111.t ,pats 1 Agagarat. House Coats Bath Robes es Fancy Vests Suits Overcoats Underwear UJnderwear Fancy Socks Night Shirts Shirts Scarfs Han'kerchiefs Gloves Fur Coats Braces in Fancy Boxes Neck Ties in Fancy Boxe Belts Umbrellas as Sweaters Sweater Coats Caps and Clas I.W TflNflN 1st, to °t:(1rdi M1\11'2'1\11'2' Ari:bur S,bree- t l THE NIFTY TAI pati a daughter, • 4