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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-04-03, Page 27
Legion awards presented Among those who received awards at the recent Honours and Awards Night o Legion Branch 109 were (left to right) Rev. G.L. Royal, Certificate of Merit; Clayton der, Cer- tificate of Appreciation; Rev. R.J. Crocker, Certificate of Merit; Carolyn Holborn, Cer- tificate of Merit; Rick Duckworth, Certificate of Appreciation; Garnet Mathieson, Cer- tificate of Merit; and Alvin Blackwell, ¶ertificate of Merit. (Photo by Fred Bisset) Filter ween "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN YARNA" 482-7103 GODENCH SIGINAL4 STAR, WF)NJS1,?AY, Professional Salesman First Choice Auction 11 X. , .1,95-•-1?AW,W 7,A C..>< - 'J'J LER 's DUBLIN STORE FULL DF BEAUTIFAUL FJRNITUffE On the Main Street of Dublin 345-2250 Free Delivery LADIES' ONE SIZE PANTY HOSE Assorted Fashionable Colors arge assortment • GIRLS' UNDERWEAR ar VESTS Sizes'8 to 14 Your Choice Limit 2 boxes per shopper and HAIR SPRAY 9 99 300 MI. Reg. 3.99 PEOPLE'S LOW PRICE 10 2.4 7� EACH ARS Large Assortment of LADIES' PULLOVERS & TOPS Legion Ladies Auxiliary awards Among the members of the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 109 who,received an award at the re- cent Honours alnd Awards Night at Legion Branch 109 were (left to right) Evelyn Carroll, the Palm Leaf to the Meritorious Service Award; Alice Anstay, An Auxiliary Life Member- ship; Phyliss Million, a Certificate of Merit; Margaret -Young, an Auxiliary Life Member- ship; Sharon Scruton, Auxiliary Past President's Medal and Bar and Edna Doak, a Gift of. Appreciation. (Photo by Fred Bisset) Door-to-door canvass for enumeration began April 1 for May 2 election To compile lists of eligible electors for On- tario's 33rd general election, approximately 50,000 enumerators will conduct a door-to- door canvass between April 1 and April 4. Election day is May 2. - Returning Officers in the Province's 125 electoral districts are authorized to appoint enumerators from lists that are submitted by political parties. Enumerators, working in pairs and presenting formal identification, will visit each household to secure the names of all qualifed electors residing there. Each qualified elector who is enumerated will receive form 301, an enumeration receipt listing the voter's name, electoral district and poll number. It also indicates the loca- tion of the polling place.. The office of the Returning Officer will send cards to each household, notifying the recipients of those eligible electors who were enumerated- and confirming the poll- ing place location. From the enumeration, a preliminary list of electors is compiled for each polling divi- sion within the electoral district. Persons eligible to vote in this election must be 18 years of age on election day, a Canadian citizen or British subject at the time of voting, and a resident of Ontario for at least the 12 months prior to election day. wil.l as}c pnly_rquestinns relating to qualification requirements. No information is requested concerning an electors marital status or employment. Fliaihln nlacterc nr1iy choose to regJ tPr their initials in place of given names. They are not required to indicate Mr., Mrs.. or Miss prefixes. es- t ha t enumerators must have free access to apartments and other mufti -household buildings. Special . enumeration notices ( Form 302) will be issued for apartment buildings, specifying the dates and times of door-to-door visits, and also the times when the enumerators will be available at some location within the building to accept the names of qualified electors. Election officials emphasize that it is Don't think twice before checking out the savings in the Classifieds. ultimately the responsibility of electors to ensure that their names are on the list of electors. LET'S SEE YOU DO IT... OUTDOORS! nannL7pa1r7ll Large Assortment Queen Size PILLOWS Various Styles Wooden CLOTHES PEGS In Ceramic Vase An Ideal'Easter Gift for Morn NNW Large Assortment BABY BLANKETS 7frpf *:‘,4:1„,* PERMA-WALL FIBERGLASS WALUSURROUND FOR BATHTUBS OM -SPI ROC$ White and Bone White 5215.95 Pastel Colours 0231.25 Solve your (11b/Surround mamlenence problems once and for all all 58 S9 openings S.ipphed by Emco Limited PLUMBING PIPE /: "x 12' Typem Copper Pipe (/2 x32 ABS Pipe 2 x12' ABS Pipe 3" x12 ABS Pipe 4 x 12' ABS Pipe camp e e men standard,copper and ABS 1RUngs at budget.pleasrn,n paces cAna01a14 0.o91.0, 9Bath Enclosures NEW VISTA SERIES #1800 BYPASS TUB DOORS, 56" HIGH 41800 60S Silver 4.71,,/mirror -5249.99 ea. 01800 60G Gold w/mrrror 5272.99 ea. (-4 11305 606 Goid w/lrnted stupe 5302.99 ea. VISTA SERIES N1700 TRI PANEL MIRROR DOOR, 56" HIGH n 1 700-605 Silver natural pebble 5241.99 ea. 51700.60B Bronze tint w/slnpi' 5369.99 ea. • VISTA•P1VOT SHOWER DOOR: 66 - HIGH • 111541.; 7G GoI d {'n1 wisiffpft 5231.99 ea. n 1500275 Silver natural pehhle 5161.99 ea. ALL YOU'VE EVER LOOKED FOR IN A HVI'A',S IUII ENCLOSURE AND MORE FTOM C G, C CONSUMER PRO!)• D& 5 -PIECE WHITE TUB WALL KIT BY NOVI FINAL CLEARANCE - EASILY INSTALLED Wh,(r, LAlmond 529.95 533.95 CRANE BATHROOM FIXTURES 1 RADCLIFFE TOILET 1 wn'te '105 95 w/(1)tank coloured 5131 95 ��- CHATEAU TUB '169 95 nlnurBCj 0189 95 . J•CORONETTE VANITY BASIN L .th7e '3995 16 not e.acIly as ilhntrareo 7 045.95 Aftirli ' Ineti,i,•,'6, Cr .'', 1,',', bd LYCOR IMPORT-EXPORT LTD. 6.55 • 7.80 9.06 10.30 11.55 ' "h.'',•7'. Riser Kik .11,11 14,J, s 1 iJiy 14 X. 'd lh,- fallr-,i rrdr�R I •,"Y'n.r.. with Iiph ,i, h,',, vt.itnr „qv." 4.''.?! ), '139 95 'of •'4 ' Singh• 1 avec Kr(, hen 1 a ,,f 354 35 "1N"r Srnglr' I,iv,tn,y 1,41nr, '52 95 "1 -"'', ',,,,g7. 1 "vr't 7,471 dart Shr'wr' '65 45 WASHE 11 I RF E 5 VI- AR 1 /MITE F) WARRANTY J 5.16 5.85 6.10 6.65 7.10 8.05 8.05 9.20 9.05 10.30 7.25 8.60 10.00 11.35 12.75 Mao discount oft above prices Available from 6 to 11 in width and 16 to 48 in height Prtees are for each 4 panel hardware '1 991set P"RICES IN EFFECT UNTIL APRIL 13 1985 j • 7 Yards To Serve You oo©EniC#'i, EXETER, MITCHELL, LONDON, STRATHROY, WATFORD, TILE SCNBURQ lig