HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-12-5, Page 5SMUDY geople ap ins J b;otJX* �home study de-p- ����Utment I 'Von May flnish at Vollege if you desire. Pay 4 whenever you wish. 'Thirty Experience. Largest trainIps in Canada. Rotor any day, Positions guarauteed,: If You wish to save board and `�Ploara while $,on enn, write for,�articulars, NO VAGATION, Clinton Business0ollege OEO. SPOTTON 0. F. WARD Pireisideat Principal QEN TRAL STRATFO-RO. W111 IMM11 Ink 6 Does,more for Its Isfu4ent,910 do athero similar qtEool�. Courses are up 0 -date, Iona instruetvra 'itro. -ex need., Gzaduates aie plao- 0 good pdaltionn Thet tbree ication's received to da I ic�t- rage slalary of. -$11a,23 per, an, � Ttrco ildvarrvaefttaVou- RICIA11 SHOUTRAND AND TE LEGRAP11V �V.rife for free catalogue 'at once D.A. MoVACHLAN , Principal. BUSINESS AND SHORTI-L4,ND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG� t014D01q, 01-4T. Students assisted to posi6ons. College in sebk4on. from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue ftm Enterany.time. J.W. Westervelt- J. W. Westervelt, Jr. "Acipal charteredAccomtant mum iq 6OULD 5 Im ny GROGG-ft PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light.Plaa We make a specialty of fil. ling Family Orders, The Groceries we deliver to you are the 'best to behad andthe prices we, ask. are the lowest possible. S-oo4 or bring your- naxb or- der to us and be convinced th,.b this is the Right Store -to .buy your Groceries and Pro. W PIP THU E X -E T F. R T I X Z S, 11, 1 w . . ...................... 011 . . . . . . . . . . . 'XV ROY 'Stevens k4sl metuTved �.olao: On r!,r1,.,day ieveniog Jast,a rumber oK W , ChlldrOn 'Y'for Fletcher's A home of. Mr, 0-10 Mrs, Ellatha, Oarro,Z' Cr lfr� xuodile� who Was unjurCl vmtr to theirlvavllng for their fatijn� 'Do N-Otfor ot 461,8444 in horslie 10 1rq,9qvc1 & I I, - I � Liowo 0 whinc oil Granton soorial evening. Mr, and Xrs,. 'CUrrq.1 Rov, 10i, + That we baye & Full Stock 01 1111011041� eXt 141940,04ryl 4ormons, OA the icircuit have Made WaRY k4ends Ja'tb's part + On sljndfay� and wtUatheir departure, ia rogrctt�j. T RO . The trmerhli of' fhe lr.fovt sow or 04, the best wlkb", , for their aucee.;s. gers"1847. 9� MA: d Mrs., ZA4 Prtr.�de took place ,n Orlsish Co .-Broso Mr. 111m,bia will follow them A SuAn oxr 6n' Friday Ofter3WOW ',Vl.e fur-ovAl The itollowilag a4ftess tand;,p + 4 res-entlaA + service wkich' wos private, was 'con- tion, wia$. made during the evvubpg Silverware Tlax "184711 + ducted by� the ptaator. Rev V� Ra Ir YOU wmf ker Delar Xxl, and, Mn�, i0arrolt-lfi. luteirmert tool; Zr6.1 01NINNOW Un M4r7a fee -1110R -q of e(ympiafLy -and �rej' plate thal + ttxl� GUZIUMiE; cemetery,., ----------- + AND QRX I G;14AX. Ttjs' 1,IVely bDd,La* yoan.j- we, iare asax-mbilvA here, to -Wight ba- 4 + Weai7.)7 , Qrd* fair, fare yourl 4oparture frofra' *amocnx. us The' Kind Tou Uas I Watches, Qlocks, DIaMonds, + . . 04V�6 AlWaYs 3300ght, and Oalled teate by early -doom, ItVasbec'm Impressed upon Wur raindik in ui� for Over 30 yeal:s, hars borliothe Aignature Just oametw�tow how rair aflower th4t it is our. duty to in 4,pme slig,4c and ha and everything in the 1?ogars In para<lise',would bloctru, 0 beeY3 his per - why to otow our appreciation of you. Jewellery Line. � I � I . 60111ZII 'STAPervislon sluel'q Its infAnvy. 4 Rre sw could harm 'or morpwy fade botl� ost friends; aad moigbb e orN. + De4th came with friendly onre, Ajaow no One to doceivo yoit in this., + Repairing Done Neatly And K-qiVOS9 + The, I Lave lived together these few yCars, AU Counterfeits, Imitation$ + + Just -as -good ore bnt Xperiments Mat trifle with arld enchlagel: the boulth of + AnJ0)n,lr19 bud to hehven, -cAtveYed,t wanyof ub, with tha t fedingo, Promptly. Prices Right + bad3 it blossom t1ere; or good fellowebip Lid -isve foL:rd -en + Fork.% Infants and Chu& -E + ever.rea-dri to 1�-Jnd 'a hielping bland ir- X';Xr,0rJM4eat. �+' any of our tdally' t$ils� We there. [+ WRALEN fare iask yov to accept th! A. Marchand -Apoons� etc. + is Ourse as -a What h's %-ASTORIA, sruall tokov of our eissttura apid good JEWELLER 1,ero 11ast spring �or the -wlelst� hav w3l-, Mot for, itst Imtri'nsic value4 bij� ;+ + returned home lo*j�rjg�, %4le: 1 ftstolia Is a barml6ss substitute for ca -tor -011 Warty, also Messn%. Frod. Voster On I that it, may,refreah�'fbe many plea -4 4 Orv- ,4nt memories of tLe phjr I s we h . v lgorlej� Drops gud Sootbing Syrups. It ia pleas Ib 0 � e ) wnt. Ule baar, und George: Squire. sot of a. Contains neither Opl-tua, -Mipwao noir OCIer N4T .................. .................... 4 Mr, Reary'Squires, wto wpnt'ailt for spent together. To you bots) wia-px- cotio tend our best wilistes forsoar futare.. substanee. Its age is its gud=ntee. It,desty..oys '%V,6rm4 A the harvest, have, -all 'XhAnrjie4 feel� a -ad allays Feverishzjoss. r. 02 m balipineso and prosperity xna, , also Ore tha;a tld-�ty yea3 fing rnuch. improv�ed for their irip. ' trust th4t God's Choicest hlciss.,'ng;�3 has been in constant. r -se for the relief of Constipat' &-u Don1f Torget fbe ihlo'broo,%yohelf- may be strewn? hlong' your pathvmv rilatuloncy, T-17ind Colle, -LU Teething Troubles ,Ms and, young cattle at J, V 91,gn and '40 nexL Tuesd,4y afternoon, th�j, lotb� ed or. bch��U of, liff, A., mor!alls, DiArrhGe'.1. It rcgulatGs the StoMach and Bowels, 4 Mr, am,0 Mrs, �13,. Muttle;- rcturn�d. T, 0. McLeodu, assimilates tile r4 ood, giving, healthy and JUST I WEEKS natural Bieep. R E to tter! bDfne at TIngersoll after a ------ The ChUdren?s Panacea-TIle -�.Totherls 14'riend. -ffy No, 2 USBORNE S -V oleasa:nt visit, with Xxiendh -around IL H -here, wmd also attendimg thle weddILZ 1`011OWiDA ist the correct Z""MORIA ALWAYS GENUINE CMS) of her brother Hector Millson to xis�s 110A. 01' S''s� No, 2 L fo the J . 2 �sborm r TO I MAS �eragglio Hobbs. - Mr -r, Buttler took rnontb'of- Vorvember 4 her sloter Mrs,, W. ' home with 14 right Sr IV.' Hazel I1vrk1.n'e -Texinte Ilar- Bears the Signature of This is th her for a feiV. weehs,. per, Ethel; McDonald, Elaine, Stewart 14 e Store to give you Bargains.. Goods must be I liev*, Mr, Redmond prehol;L-d here Jr, IV�Gladys Duncan �Ch:arllc Cottle .4 sold. at Right -Prices to Sun.ftyon be,'Lalf Df,miosloy ha .s and Gartleld Brown c. rlie Tnrnbull. Hai Obildren's'and Lad delivered an intv-resting and -ejaihuz�- old Jafrey Sr.. III Wi�amie g7olzhc� ies' SlipperiSoles, Berlin Wool in 2 ply, hastio '011aaloaarY di.�kconrsei. Tames Irodzerti, Violet Stewart 4 -ply and 8 -ply clearing 5 cents per Mr 'Goo, MIJIlson Is, 4*%n4! an exte ,t!, land Will' 8 TAI,llan- Xar Jr, Ili ounce. Per- siv.- bluthleM here this IN111 in the line Mulie Poll.eTk, Eddiie Poll�� V Tie fumes. Gllmes� Extra'13a.rgains in Purses, Books of poultry.. Vast Wcdaeg�fday- they SnellIs Velsory :�7.unkirl victm, Jeffrey tooktaparly 1�345-Nvorth,. All are ib.- apbliin. of Poems, G. A Henty's Books etc, less 20 1 CLarlie Jeffrey, Vaud He 14, vited to the Wh0en, eforio -wh�j, Elsie Xpight Cet.-�;lw Stowxt, ,,,Tfr,!,,, Th End You Have Alwen F.,lought 4 percent Fancy China, Fancy Boxes, they pay the hfighest �Prlces- Turnbull, Beta Pollen,. Velma Rep - Parties are now startin' g in this burn ArtLar ltandk, Ethleen Ray, Pt Shaving,Sets. Sewing Sets, Ink ays" 44 1 vtclrx�ty �%Vatch the items. mext W,�ejr C, GertieStevAart Pt B. Laura Knight In Use Fop Oveu- C30 Years 4 Stands, Etc Handkercbiefs for MmAl . rt At,­]UaDelle Kar Arabelle Runk!JS THE CENTAUR SOMPANY,77 MUFMAYSTRZZT, N1EWyCRtC C1 frcm 20 to 50 The fall' work Mi this. di Gordon MacDonald ' Numb 31: strict has er 0.1 Toll c, Xmas Cards been finished up, in '&J?1endid -shape -14 Average atte;�rk�ce 28 N. 101110 1E M�5 092921129911M and tho weather of. labe has afforded Cavirard teacher, FRESH GROCERIES, CANDIES, AND. CONFECTION- The farmers - TIAeppeop There. bLre: lots ot a i'lle orch4 EIRM EVERY WEEK. Ur4'ylct but the reason is that no boy- COLD SORDS WND UVOERS ARE A PROMISING YOUNG MAN' -ers bavet been. In V*iis'v1c1nxty,,. Edison Wax Records HEALED BY ZAX-73U GONE owing, to t1*4nteas((:T *If. ti��e rot� to clear mit the stock. Orville. 3rd -on. of Mr ilijid lqra�, Do COBBLEDICK HAY Pso there "will be a great' %scarcity of PC- Amberols 3qc Cold noreeh eha&cd ban I - n ds, uicers, W14, Smell. #asisled away to the great tatoes; next spring; -unless- �y are standards 2 ge and eczema are commoa beyoand In-Mondhy the 1;6th 1;:st at, hipped in from oe5ert plac". Lot8 troubles just no,%N1, '60d ftr Q11 those 1*2 O'clock'. Re, whq enga,ed in thet of the farmers w..ho had 25 bags -whon .11. Willis Rowe'll Zam-Buk will be found the surestand Comwerallal busincEs foir Isome sim t1tey yvere first dug blave! not fivenow Agent forVietore and Edison quickest remedy. Some�ijues toll years Of hislife and had made spleAQ sores; arise Tromchilblains w. the toes did- success of his department. So, NOW or fin?ers, !aLid in tke former- caix- wus a very- bright and ambitious Sr,.XSA1IT11 DO IT A eucmk4rul auctiom rale 61 . Ito If you, went to treae you �. Lli to a �Ivhicre colored sock-si (arfe 'worb.. there 10=1 mbno �ellxnbj:ng very ts rapidlY 4 w a danger of. blood: J)oiisvn�u�r from t-��ards, the link place im Ys'line; OTHING 131 ETTER-116111111,-, SexsmitL, oh4rch buildings and .11x- genakne %r;ai4 that Will please you the aye. Zhn-']3uk being so pow; -,r- of. warki About sit mo4ths; ag tures war., he(14 on W--dn�&sday of laac during 1913 and1for all yelr4 to cjm .1 f ully e antiseptic remGvca th'a anger as wl il 0; 'd -� e travelling 11o, the qzeat weak week-, The buildizi�-`,"'.­4­1 now bmi re- Oend a dollar to tic rainilY. 1110rald soon as! ap)plled and quickly. heahsz, bu w�as taken very III and , as, coin -i 0 moved and, used for ortev iaurpors�js and Weekly Stae of� -Mentreial for a AM d time members. are sorry to y0ara Aa Oription to that great pa,� e work hd The ol bs M-r..W. J Hallidayh of Asb Grow,. P01,d to'retim, fraim tji� &#b -Th Unt., myi; "I Iad my little finger loves so. well, am'd return to Vs hmmv� 4 an see the end of Sexsinith. Durlvg the Per and Yall -111 lalso rcceive.,a paVy frozeni, am4 it aracked. at Me 17sborm, where ho6- gr4dually' aftarnw;a a large �MibIe w" of . �'d. 'Jylo- Joint, c(au-sing a btLd rsore, w j 't'L Sen Qoetro All, t ch, dts- IvOrSO and finally Vuetumbed tic Us ted to Mr their' mew' pi'lat"re IL In all the ranRe of articles that are giveii at Christm �wo 0:, Of, tbeVO Treg$utes' $siize 23 by 29 inches charged freely an4 would not, boa] Uncss ma the, above mentioned! day as we defy Exeter a,4 a remlemberence r --A any person to ns�me a thing better tO give or receive than Furniture. � If raith- all r6ady ior frananig. It i -V the bc8�t The piain was very badv andf the whol The funerial which. tooL- place 00 4 ful work, peirformed. for tte churcr, dollars worth to be had, Wedneadfay'the 20th inst * 1%ere is goi while UvIng there of my � band became, sworfam, and in , 'was a varr, 4 V9 to be more of it given this year than ever The new picture, Mot4er's, Trca.,. badshape; large Onq the prolceaskon, exte Miss.'Aw Comber ;vto heas'.been, vLc:- Mreslg' will. beJa surprise, to you. Jr. There are solid, sensible reasons for this -reasons of earability itio;9 'WqtA Mrs, John Gould for some ?a place in the bc&t homos 11 "A frl�end ;ad-viseO me, to take Zam- for more UtLn a mile in length. Sym� nul� phtLiving f einlads tame from usefulness and appropriateness. We are inviting the early phopper time,, left for Ler home in Fark.hill on �b�OFm�ly gerald. and Weekly stt� 4 and, I qoon loumd, that Zam-Buk ar av the 1pisurely shopper. What we have to show' reflects tfie highest Thursday lasit-, , . iolmown to every one eO tbal,;9reat-- was altogether different to any pre- Z I War to pay their LIst tTibute` degree of excellencerin Furniture making. Many Mrs4 W, C. Pturce amd-family. paration 11 kail �ver fi.jed,. Th a,very Of respect to tte YOUM1. WtVai -Who had articles we Pureb4sed of Cat newspaper on; the Coxtinertj Sed away so qadd�oly fr.m,---tl;e1r �v measures up to e me doll(ar cannot be better ppent. short time it, healed the, sore pas, especially forgift giving and our stock yery Iona, v1sVed fr1cmds' here a abort ti midst. A istart servka -.vhc� field !u demand that can possibly be made upon it. Qgo� F'. I eek, it and be convinced. 'Alios, Lillije MhY, of Stoney or the home conduoted by the Revs T, A., Z& Ontl. days A' Xeiv weeks sdace iSteAd I by 014n. hwsgsted -Rev, Mr, Aat,.� several mas1ty, Aisfiguelnq,,told, iwres cber of Themes road a.,ad Rev, .1, A .4 JAMES BEVERLEY suddenly broke out on, my lips, wtich Snell, Purkhjl�;. Lmelt% ol the -deceami '41 be0ane Muoh swollen. . -Seenig iny Leading Funeral Director and' Ewbalmer and Furniture Dealer Ittoxment in the 2X'Aier, 4 metery... condtLio% 'a friend -advised me to. try Orville lval a young ma�m, 4014esterlin'r + Zam-13uk and Ichve all otl-erpre�p&Ta- quall.tie, 10, Mng a very auablo ,, posc$s 'Lions la, -dr, Tlv3- Ild;d �ZA'.%V.1f --w dimpontion And Making friends w1exe-q 00 plelased ard after. a few: a! -lork�tl trlbut,6p rplicationa ever le W�,Mt- The f THE 11A AND COPI .3TQRF UnKIP5 M . AS ORMAL" 0 of this balm to isteet everyswe bealled were silenti teskimp e t 0, th Evangelical cturch Tuead lul. a a Vs.w T WANTEDi—Choice Butter ard Crediton lay Zam,-Buk will also be fouxidl a sfur�e . Before the end came he was fully re, Fresh Eggs. an BaYpt bp Dn, ftebler 01Cleve- —AT-- Cure for eczeimla-, bloo(&-poisqn.'vari. sfgned to the will* of qod -xiya wa' I I I land proved a great success, a bIr, andAtrs, James, LWmport spent cose sores piles, scalp soxva. eing- really 'lox' tie trams,11atio'n to the bet-� YAM Sun -day with friends, In Exetert worm, inflarned patches, babies? ert;p%- ter -worldi He is, to -day. - a bright A ZUR11CU star ohining in thea bright, firmament' We tare sorry% to. repopt. that Mr, � TvIr 110khrles Wajpb-r 2 IF6 illons, and chap�ped places�, cuts. burns. nted Michelal -Hivtzel is laid., up t;)rough part of Mrs. UilizabeLh- dwellill'i + bruise -e-, and skLn mjuries generally. IA111.08 us to MeeV Lim there.. Tha lllmeaa covery ROWCUI'� Drua tu + All 1dragglats, aul store�- but we' hope Xor a speedy :re. and has moved into, it. sell jat 60% bereaved Tgrentq have thd isTmpathy'; 'Mr. Johin Frekletog,'and box, or. post frewlfrom: Tara.)3U]-, IC0.41 Of A Wt<k Circle of friendis, —com. 4 his,, aunt. -Re-v, Thompson of tGrand Pemd,,oc- Mr,% JoLta ThixTk botfi f, Toranto, apon receipt b1f, price. Re- 4 and fuse hiarraful itaVatioms -and, subatit-1 cupl.,,eld thie pulpit itwt.he MCNIOdiSt leave for Scotland on Decemder 10tk -11dren Cr -7 I'VRONTO return church alast Suaiday morningand even Mr. W*. Schroeder tand Mis! Vred 40- tutes. Ch' 9=9. Hc� delivered two excellent iser- Shop Farly and 6et the Big Choice Use alsl Zam-13uk Soap., 25o. tablet FOR FLUCHER'S Schroeder... tare bot!i under the doctol $3.85From Exeter imoas Rort, Jeffenwn. occup%,,d, the care Beat -for BabLe& tender, Gkin! OAS-rOR�A pulipit at' Gread -;W�nd Last, Monday 'evenung *Rev '71ckets good going F. U, Trains. Dec. ThoriourWo�-.me7t.'�tkthabomNidt tfaebler of Cloielandi, Ol�iq; gav 9, all-Traim Dec. 10 and It tLe Mut!ses il3ertrwa43 on Monday 8 * � EBONY Return Limit Dec. 12 1 Liz- celebrated lecture in tV, Eva,�. * CHOCOLATES eve).Qng lall repore. a ft000, tiffl% gelical churcli� tntitled Glimpse of 0 Military Sets $2.OD t"5,00 Tha ftiwar whioh was beldl ia tbv tLe Garden a hodist thurch un Wednesday Hat Brus�Aes 1,00 1.25 Account "Pat Stock Show ".Dec 10-11 '1%et IL Of GOd'Dr, Staeb. HUYLERS Is om other points. a. splendid leotar,,�-, and the 10 Bonnet Druihos.1.00 and 1.25 LOW NE YS d Propriate.rates fr provod a gr4md ouccesla. subject WU4 of ioterest to all,,,Apec. Clothes Brushes 1,50, 175, $2 Ms!m lChrriek Kuhn, Nvas in'Ldz,'dor- ially to tLe b A oys and girlap. Nail l3rushes 25 cents NYLO 35c to $3.50 a hox cone day last week. I.Ir and, A. -very 41streissinir over,s[gLt. was Misa G, Iones returned � to, St, ma Manicure SeU 13.50 to $10 GUELPH return de recently by a young Irady, dau,,7h. 50 to 10 00 Thomas after vmWing �with. the Nlis- ter Of Toilet Sets.,4. PERFUMES 6 t� who + $2 40 from Exeter sov HJU for"4 few day'R,,­ took.A larg� 4oGe of VOwcfered oalt. CUFF LINKS 4 j3utekerang is the order of the. day vetm, Qtypposing it to be Epsonealt,s Thechoiceof the market. Tiekets good going Dec, 9, 16, Ili 12 avound We pick the leading French Return Lim!V Dec. 14 ldigsa 1K, Zwlcker -teturned to L, n:. w�;Ls' itn"a0dilatelf'thken, very R.I., At Halt Price, 50a to $150 odors ajid offer you the beal, M(-diveak aidvwaa calledi but ­% 40 re. and Half Price to clear stock Ontario 9 to.13 don' lafter spc.ndjjn�-, cwav%,�al, weeka I lief wasgivbn Lqte Wk's tlent to a Lon at the vory Lowest PNces. . 0 , - French Perfumps in boxes� With. bur. brother', Charles, VAwieker' don 310SPItIal wkl�re ekhe reneivedtrtat- EYE GLASSES Froportunate rates frompther points Mr4, A,. Coughliw of �bv Wast Q�id n(emt She is now 'at home and has $1.25 $150 and up. Cana in Canada. r tow;-a.zt,vioit; onje�,-daX Mat week not reootvcredt fully The Very Latest in Pits than and American good, ou V�et The blowng Joneb- and Parker to- Mr; 'Nelson Masse �f joseph and � Monints., Once used al- 10c, 25c, 50c, $1 and lip. FallPart[bulars'and Tickets from turned to St, Thomas after opend- While cutting cabba,;e fors.-alle ways used, any0rand Trunk Agent. rkrauf., Dug oifew daystho quest of Ur and Met With a very Painful ace* Mr-�!'Augufift' HUI. shaving Aenti Tb� CANIERASL MIRRORS Pf one 0a is, �spcmding ttu.1 knif"Q Sau,fht the end. of, hi's' One of Thomas A. Edison!s new amilel 'Browift 1 ,6 takin& 4 Inirt-e fbro,­ inches 25c, 50c, 75c and -$I. sdaM,, io, Berlin, atten&y-g the lung from Us hand-. �rbe� flesh was, 0 Brownies And Xodaks $2 funeral of. her 6wale Mr; Ilik'vdev. str'YPOd trom the bone in] PlIaceo, an4' WSW. BigVapety. Ebony 2.00, 2,50, and 5, 00 UITLAND &d a-ild OARDS big VAriety P401AL T11AIN TO PO Mrs, Kennedy returned, to ker home alt ough the, wound was dretz' UAINE 111011- SAUJING S. S, PURSE Blue AmbereA Record gTr Cn Ildreton after vi,4iting, wA1'.'b 'her bound it is thixight, p.,0e(! of �kjn POST N3�TONIO -, ter Uro It' Sweet'. CARD ALBVMS 114Z x', from anio�tbex part.or, the Lady w1il yJand B 's' Coin DMEMIMR 14TH r' I Parses, Mr' 164W X 8, J; Mallott'ot t; o- LbVe to be graftc4 on 13ill Folds, Etc. was played 3,000 times rt4r'thL- hecon6ai ;�.,: guests. of the.1,riatfithre Crashed a ation' of passeogere ter were.th gaLrist the`slde of f h,.%, barn HAIR BRUSHES 00"Aa-d4ilig icl ttif" White st Tyarcuts Vir* o ndl'htre, Matthew, ro laik- WLon the wagon slowedt.,ib-bn Jeffm # -0 "To ar-Dominion I . �y *# � TOILET SOAPS # on an Edison Phonograph—and gave just as Me ine,Sfeamship tutonic" . from lynit-Inor In Sur.,day. Of the sms(tainied(a bro-kon. Rosewood and Ebony 50c, Vorfland;,' Maine. I)ecomber 10L tliq � Autolmobibos am g(Ati,ng tko a rlb kqnd rather aevem,'bruiLvcs while Beautifully Petfurned, Ioe to $2 50. The Best Value arand Firunk 11ailtivaj will Yan a' gaaree� tL!,mg, aroandl. he ret, tTt I !y.ovintz a k1cavily 11adeni wa4on. wjtt,�, to,75 cents per Cake. and no Cheap Truck. + and sweet a:reproducdon the last drne as the first *pocilal train cow�ting of. Ve'stibuled 6064, horsts not an endurance 1 tone after countless playin `1,ullman Sle( 7`VT1JJAra1;tqT"-.the are XrIAS PAPETERIeS TOILET WATERS Voaphes, Tourist aAd r1irst"'Oln � t .;� ".." � - - This was vlard I !ping A;N n gg. "140 '%routo at J,1)5 (y, in, Firldti CL 25c, 50r, 75c..and,$1 boxes. test for mere hardness. It as it is when �neW. Your 3" Dbeem. Ifty pre(paring for fte Xma�ilconccrt I An CXO.'ting runaway cocurod le 'L 13ig o $1.50 a bottle. was an endurance test for Edison doaltr will plA'y I)er JUL -running Alreet to t1he dock whi.ch they wil' 9"Ve 011" n4c' 20th I l"Ist %vlt'ok whorl the r I t Assortmenb 50 cents ..�b6rsios owned b$ At Piortland irriving there ai'�.09 DwVt 11orgei the' dipte, W. 'Moore 0xinunigbim. and bTr RAZORS ino in, Precoinber 114th 133,crth resciv.i- Mr(, lered. 11'arr!)si of. Land(m �k)cnt Brooke,F� ojt thq�ql pl 0 br Z quality of reproduc- *10138 Cie kets and rull paftioular. 0,111, SU!ojdiay -,Vjti;. friends jJ14 towt . , 'a oke TOOT" BRUSH8S some of these won - and rarx away, A' number, of tol,4c.6 Brands, Also Oatbo-f, 4� tion --to find if the derful. records for you ahtaihot from nearest GpoM 'What 4tbout'a skAtl0g) rink- thia %pre t-.'tdr, in front of Mr W. B Me, notic, King outtek.Rr.c. A t3plendid Assortment, be Ai&mt or wkito.A, J,,', Putt D. w-,,,Itc�r Surely .9om6body witl aft, l<enzlo!s ctore, The anfWa)g bLmulde, an Edison Phon- kupki T4 i A $bi6ving 13�asbes 250 to $1 &X) to ohonqp from 25 cents on I A� Jnk)n 80,at-foo Torahto, Ontario x1glixwed ond, two of them' Blue Ambetol. would t ulA f - p I wkuli. able X, J, Pore D11" 41.kld� ur-4, .111latttow tornk,beiner to t1ptAr haltor,% and,bbe yotr. # be as far superior to ograph. Ask him 14 st�tloll Ajent rix0hrr and f amjy moved- to IflSt Thurs.' an&L P6,01 -q to' w1hich the atimals .1 )"one- 10 a d We welcome ttl�m to the V11.1 Were tiod wira pulled down and only all other �ecords in to do so toddy. I �11.lrle !Ph(,;,La0es Aid ot, the.40vanijel for 4 lorge orawd ;nt men �tLat were .00rPtislu qtan,din wkar by all the horsoo -tied, 14. tbew -i Mar y Thom*ls A. 9666tk. tor... 100 I.A*44* Aim. J.'MS.A. CAST -M wRIA party ?M their,tom bome 1q. �:day �VoQlld 114VC got UUSY�, The bDT$k�`s 1,0 Tafitts Ind ChR&OIL All report, laviag 4 IX004 8�Qre ftlaght before tMy, went onr A complete litke Of Mon Monogftpho Abd Afto0twill bd found at mile 41140 riot souck durnage was doue 00 AdYea Que Always 8000�� ti,ra"M — , . a -w STOCZE I bhe harinkswu IvUs 4ett, in RU G it ureMsoll a now except t1wht OW AL.4 A clov"r" inadhm�jnlel, JA un-dontand it had Stop% W, LL. Maitt Stroetl EvetgO Th!�s is the t1lir(l time f;jnlo. +*- J. ILLI'S POWEA ak;v. VAW. 'T v v A 1., 0 VOKUnUtia. tlotto A, � I &� � OP -A— The lootuia whloh *48,zivou- in the tavo been, qwootedl, WWI, A40060 0 Si