HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-27, Page 381; Ca i.Y li llv', Joseph F, Hardy, SE Peter's Church Gioderich Ontario 1 - In the last .:few ;months a new liberation movement MO core ta our attention. The Medial/a0 bell filled With reports about the, deeds of. ' e Anil Li be ration Movement. ment . mFor exa',Awe was the "Mars Bar scare ln g nd 'Where candy bars were supposedtobpoisoned in o.rder to stop the candy compan supporting ex- periments on Aima s: it turned out to be a . hoax and a very expensive one at that. Nearer hoaffle, of course,;was the break; in on New Year's. Day at the University of Western Ontario lab. On this occasion a number of animals were stolen or liberated depending upon your point of view. In the light of these groups advocating animal rights, I would like to shed some light from the scriptures. It strikes me that the basic issue when one gets past sentiment and emotion is the ques- tion, .is there a radical difference between humans and aniinailc? The animal rights groups to say the least, blur this distinction by what they say and do. Some of them wonder who is man that he dare to dominate other creatures, The Jew- and the Christian will point out that'in the First Book of the Bible, God gave man "Doihinion over the fish of the sea, and ov.pr tike fowl of the air, and over the cattle . N MINIt T"ek' 'S PTUDY and over ail the earthy and over every creed', ing thing that cree th upQn the earth (Genesis1::26)• Don ion�is'translated also as "Rule" or. `Be.Masters- The 'same idea is repeated in Verse 28 of ' having dominion "over every living thing that inoveth upon the earth". We are also told in Verse 26 and 27 thatGod created man in his own image. Scripture- scholars inform us that this means that humans are, God's represen- tative here on earth. Just as God rules the universe, so mankind rules the earth. Therefore the Christian (and Jew) sees man as the crowning glory of this planet, with responsibilities to God for the well be- ing of this planet. We also hold that there is a radical dif- ference between humans and animals. In Psalm 8, we read that humans are made "A little lower than the angels" and have domi- nion over' all creatures. God has "Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul". Humans have the power to think and choose, and these gifts of intellect and will make the difference between mankind and the animal wnrlrl Yea Yet algae with file c ll+orid body° tut 'We We frons` • O �o soul. For tllie�'Ghr'lstian, no amoi lit o fai 1(4.. '044 eeliitg towards cuddlycats or. 'adorw�le 6i can #e allowed t o blurca t : dif- ference. - , By now •yot. Might have decided that real= ly The Animal L4 °ration Front is just a f> Inge group andAhouk7't be taken seripley._ I think they are a Pring,. ?roup biit,when ,yoarealirte the great expenst� k• • at labs are laying out for security, you have .-'take them seriously. ,When you realize that all the money Steve Fonyo is raising for cancer research plus much more will now have to be spent to kee . the lapis safe from this group, you can't just ignore them. • Also, when you realize that most animal ls. , used in lab experiments are rats .or mice (and I certajlnly do want them liberated in' my house), you are left wondering about how much reason and logic motivate those people. They do bring about some good when they cause us to reflect upon our biblical roots and ask the question who we are. Perhaps many of the scientists who feel they are under siege from this movement, will also reflect upon who man is, where he comes from and why he is different. God gave us this -world and all in it to?use not abuse, but he did give it to us. . hears about Family Services benefits The Dungannon Women's Institute held their March meeting at the home of Myrtle Kerr in Goderich. Bessie McNee vice- president, presided. After opening exercises, Norma Martin convener of Family Affairs introduced guest speaker, Kim Wilmont. Kim works ton. Plans were finalized for the dessert with Family and Children's Services of card party: A bus trip to the Erland Lee Huron County. She was thanked by Willetta Hoene was discussed. McWhinney and presented with a gift. Each member gave seven cents for every It was announced that Summary Day for radio and TV in their home to the Pennies the Smocking Course will be Apr. lh.ln Clin- for Friendship Fund. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED BY ABC ANNUITIES LTD. 53 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-2773 GO -3000-1 Friday, Saturday, Sundays Only Starting Friday, March 29/85 Fresh Lake Huron Perch & Chips Dinner TO II .I,ti'y0fy, Fish Store Now Open Fresh Fish When Available 524-9211 An invitation is extended to attend the 'Goderich Township Sesquicentennial Faster Celebration Easter'Sunday, April 7 at2:00pm • at the Goderich Township Community Centre Holmesville Music will accompany a visual presentation which reminds us of the joy and promise of Easter. A coffee hour follows. Church Directory � �BEREA-BY-THE-WATER .� � LUTHERAN CHURCH ±3 Suncoast Drive, 1 Block West of Hwy. 21 Rev. Chris Wicher'. Pastor Office 524-2235: Home 524.4134 March 27, LENTENSttuvILE 7.30 P.M "Trials of Jesus" series . March 31, Palm Sunday 9.15 Sunday School - TO'30-Crivtne Warship (Nursery available) "Hosanna to the Son of David!" Calvary Baptist Church ! .BAYW ELD ROAD AT -BLAME STREET 10:00 a.m. - Bible School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Wed. Eve. 6 30 p.m Olympians for boys and girls ages 6 to 12 7 p.m. ' Mid -week Service Nursery Facilities .available WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church � t ! i THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A , M DIV. MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT LORNE H. DOTTERER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE Palm Sunday, March 31 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Cantata No. 4 J S Bar h Sermon: "IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE MASTER" 01 (Nursery Facilities) Commemorating 150 years of Service 1835 1985 Enter to Worship Deport to Serve t i First Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH ] 1 Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING -WORSHIP S! TOPIC: Strength through Weakness' ' j Thursday 7100 p.m. • PRAYER a BIBLE STUDY 1 PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KID° i 524.9130 You earl find a acceptaaue.$urp_ase,„toy A. peace.in. Christ_ 1-._ NArth_StreetUnl-fed-Church 56 NORTH STREET 524-7631 PALM SUNDAY: March 31 , 1985 *414714,, Arra:-;,c WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. SPECIAL MUSIC BY JUNIOR and SENIOR CHOIRS NURSERY AND TOT CARE (For transportation call the Church Office) ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH i} I - The Sunday of the Pasi son -PALM SUNDAY - ptarch 3131 j/ 8 30 a m Holy Communion - 1 Blessing and distribution 9f Palms 1 1 00 o m Liturgy for the Blessing and Distribution of Palms. Sermon "Palm Crosses" Church School. age 10 and under Nursery 7.00 p.m. Youth Bible Study. _ b 7 30 p.m. Board of Monogement. Holy Week Services: Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Hnly Communion Good Friday, 11:00 a.m. Washing and Stripping of the Altar 'Service of Prayer and SO toff/re, You 0(9 always welcome 1 ....J Anglican Episcopal North, and Nelson Strslets. Goderich Rector The Reverend Robert J Crocker InterimOrgar,isl: William^Cameron - 0. offal ��' B ll ft R ofClintona din Marc1,25 He a Mr. Maly; Ballet • Te, 414W-1 nn;E;He *Obs married to Beatrice McTavish, to'rmerlyao Drtonbo. lir. Mann worked: as.a-farmer and was a m-eifpber.of ;Ontario:Street United Church in Cllr ton. • Along ry th'hio ywife;•Mr. Mann is survived -by his st.p-.daughter,• Mrs. Murray (Ella May): Bourne • of Red” Deer, Alberta; dauglter-in-law. LOW Mann of Wingham son-in-law Uorirddtamont of Goderich. AISO surviving are four•grandchildren Larry I4amont:ot.London, MO. Bill (Connie) Taws and Harvey Man ,th , of Midland, 'and Mrs. Robert (Julie) Lantinza of Vancouver. Three. great;. graridlehildren, Crystal and. Scott Lamont sand Anthonyy' Lantinza also survive. '; ' . Mr. Mann. a a5 pred':t'eased by his first -wife Margaret Riley, a daughter Doris l,amontand son Ross. Funeral services were held at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home in Clinton on March 27. Rev. Names Bechtel from Wesley Willis United Church officiated. Interment 'was held in Clinton Cemetery. 4 010 native, Johnt'G: Mann, u 1 ot1F blie:lgsp11ta1 on ITUAR l ikon March 22, I898 in e reals the son of Sarah She was an active member - of $t4 drew's Presbyterian Church and ,showed one of her many talents through her,craft work. Surviving besides her husband, Hector are a sister Madeline McDonald, London; a sister-in-law, Jean Johnston, Kitchener, three nieces and two nephews, She was predeceased by a brother;Keith. Funeral and committal services were held at St. Andrews . Presbyterian Church Chapel, Wednesday, March 20, 1985 at 2:00 p.m. - CATHERINE PRIG HAYS Catherine Price Hays, formerly-. of Goderich, of Southampton Nursing Horne, Southampton, died Wednesday, Mar. 20, 1985. Daughter of the late Robert Cockburn Hays and Hattie Maria Price, she was born in ' Goderich. She was a member of St. George's Anglican Church. Surviving is one sister, Doris Wallace; of Montreal. She was predeceased by three sisters, Eleanor Mills, Claire Evans and Adelaide Lucas and one brother, R. Cockburn Hays. Funeral and committal services were held on Friday, Mar. 22 at McCallum Funeral Home with Rev, Robert J. Crocker, of St. George's Anglican Church officiating. Cremation Woodland Crematorium, Lon-' don. EDITH (JOHNSTON) COOIKE Edith Cooke of Kitchener passed away 'Sunday March 17; 1985 at her home. , The daughter of the late J. Franklin .. Johnston and Emily Atkinson, she lived on the tenth concession of Ashfield Township and later moved to Goderich. She married Hector Cooke and moved to Kitchener where they resided. - Mrs. Clayton Edward is w newP resident of Pre-sbyterial BY MRS. E. BOGIE - Mrs. Robert McAllister, president of Knox W.M.S., opened the nieeting with a spring poem. The hymn "Take Up Thy Cross' was sung followed by prayer. - The president announced that a few members had accompanied Mrs. Clayton Edward to Mitchell where she was being installed as president of the Stratford -Huron Presbyterial. Mrs: Edward has always used her talents,. --capably, unsparingly and actively working in 'the W.M.S. - As we congratulate her she can be assured she will always have the interest and prayers of Knox W.M.S. On May 8th, Mary Jane Bisset, deaconess of London . will be our guest speaker. The Synodical meets in London April 23rd and 24th. Mrs Armac of Toronto, a former member who has always retained a great interest in our society presented a book entitled "God In All Churches" to the library. The minutes were read and adopted. The treasurer's and corresponding secretary's reports were given. Mrs. Gertrude Kaitting and Mrs. Harold MacPhee took the devotion period. • The topic was taken by Mrs. Pollock, who gave an informative talk on our missionary work in Korea, taken from the Glad Tidings. A number of Korean students go out to get educated, then return to their homeland to work and help christianize their country. The hymn "Forth In Thy Name Oh Lord I Go", was sung. The meeting closed with the nett and Mrs. Jov -e Garrick Lord's Prayer and a social half-hour. . Nile UCW prepares for ham supper and bake sale The March meeting of Nile U.C.W. began with the serving of dessert and tea and coffee by the hostess Mrs. Karen Roberts. • Following the singing of Amazing Grace and Do Lord, Ann Feagan read the scripture. Many interesting replies were given for the rollcall whirth was answered by differences in the church from years ago. Mrs. Winnifred Girvin gave the Hyland \, seed/ CERTIF-IED SEED GRAIN BIRKA AND RODEO BARLEY in stock now. Top yielders in Clinton -criren—Alse--averliehie in -mixes -...with popular oat varieties. CERTIFIED SOYBEAN SEED Hyland's APACHE, ACE, CRUSADER and HAWK. Also most public varieties. Order now it's supplie$ are limited. DURST FARM CENTRE 275 HURON ST. (HWY. 8 WEST) CLINTON 482-7706 treasurer's report and reported on the sale of the birthday calendars. Some of the business included a discussion on the upcoming ham supper and. plans for providing a bake table at the garage sale to be held at the church Saturday, April 13th. Mrs. Roberts read a piece from The Guide Post. called. I Alwdys • Wanted Curly Hair. She closed the meeting with a prayer for Michael Scott. INVESTORS! REAL ESTATE COULD 13E THE 131ST INVESTMENT FOR Y(11 (let Start.td'1"0(10 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 1 1 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 ( Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH- STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 1685 JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH 1985 THE COMBINED CHOIRS of Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford and Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich PRESENT J.S. Bach's CANTATA No. 4 in Knox Church, Goderich (835-1985) at7:30P.M. - SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1985 EVERYONE WELCOME e Earl Clark .1. Angus Sinclair Knox, Stratford Lorne H. Dofterer St. Andrew's, Stratford Knox, Godarilh DIRECTORS OF PRAISE