HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-12-5, Page 4+I; +++++++++++ ++ t, dasevmatenclosss,,,,,, ReCdrd of Progress for Five Years i9od.tam. .* „ , „ .19.045 x911— 4. CAPITAL . 3,000.000 $ 4,000,000 + O• 11-ESERVE, • ••• •••••• • • •• on • •• • .• • e e,00e 000 4,eue,000 Dordsl . .. . . . 23,4377,7so 85,042,311 Te0ANS AND INVEN.TAIUN'Td 27,457,000.4834,801 TOTAL ASSETS ..... • 3$,000,192 48,237:284 Has 83 Branches in Oanada, and .Agents. and Correspondents in all the principal Cities in the 'World. A. General Banking Business Transacted Savings Bank Department ,r, *I* 1 At all Bvches, Interest allow d at Highest Current Hates. „plop/um& carung, Solicitors. N. 0, 1.1 UR DON Manager * 4414+++++++444444,144•444;di•Odelonien+4.1•44+4,4•44,144•444,4eInalefee•S THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR ErnrfuND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD JOHN A1RD Generaflefanager Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the. current rate is allowed on all denosits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every a, mall accounts are 'welcomed. Accounts may be opened and Ls' mail. Accounts may be opened in the nar. ,noro perscros, withdrawals to be made by any one c‘f then Exeter Branch—G. L. WAUGH_ Manager TRANCE' ALSO AT CREDITON COAL 1 inimmimanguelammustum You cannot dc- without Coal and we have •the Gen. nine D. L, and W. Scranton Coal Get it while it lasts, Our coal is screaned • We also have a car of red CEDAR POSTS. The Posts are Peel- ed selling at 15c each. ft J. odtwortlifl, GRANTON. Have City C ()Mill:CM I MIXED FARMING The Western. farmers.. have edly been told by inane or lens intentioned Triende of prof that they •should 'go 'in fro/. farming. This leads/ us to co what hap:pens_ to the; n'an who beet 'cattle tor, market, :Eat•u pose that two formers? 1,n the v of Winniing an.d IChileano wish t chase a gas tractor: and that were to pay nee it with 4100 beef isteere. The tractor Would S2,000 at 'Chicago would, cost 2, "ft, Innipege Ther steersi would worth. $6.00. ,per. hundredweight Winnipeg .an.d 40.00 Per Ion weight at lChieasso at present but we. will figure them at $9, Chicago. The •Canadian fa would need, to drive 1-hirty-e(oc to market to get hie tractor, the American farmer wouth 'name tractor in, ekchange, Toe 20 tsteense This grim 'joke Ss o the beauties o 'f the preiteetive ift. It is nvixed farming with. a geance. Other.s of our gone freinds aesure.d us that the Western far oe today rolling in wealtOO their prosiperiity ifs nothing. sho amazing. The binder sTeri fel article, in !Canada , Let us sup that a -Minnesota and ce Marti farmer weee about to purchase. binder OS N.evenaber 9, She grain ce,s. for which day we, happen to before use Wheat' St Winnipeg worth 1861..2 mats landit Minn Y8S 1- eeute. wrcile tee .soot price of the- binder i n Mirneap a s ai 40 and Winnipeg fennel/a farmer would hand over ustele or 1 Norte:tern wheat for ight-tfoot -binder, WW1, thll in- ota farmer me would get the sobind 1 r for 158 bushels: Thi - . an: o - ha Tertnex sacritice.o 29 bushels of gond wheat on the. altar Of bhe pro- tective tariff. Oa the Sane 'clay the top prices, for barley in Winnipeg was -54t .cents; airal Olineeepolie 60 cents., thus dine same binder w Id s e inerstobte farm - 360 ebuenels of: barley, :bat WOUM 300 bushels, of barley4' but; violin]. et the Initenesota farmer only 203 epeet- is' well faction, 'mixed resider raise.s istip- icinity C Pur - pound Cost 410 at be o t deed - Prices 00 at rmer ?beers while fAir HELP IIEJ1 GISCOntf° Pitt like 114'4114 town hest:. OR so, Yotlkl blve hen lead‘ the rostS, . Help '1,erhen there'e. auything to do Let the fellows nonnt on. 1-Cekt Youdil AO, bully., when .14 through; Don't you knew 1 • If. you whnt to inake eSlentn !, t If the other, fanne•d* ite . Who's to blame: Spend your money in. your towns Where you pull the" shackles down Give the mail cOocern a fro:dew-- f i• That's the game!' If tour used to going knocka •'Change the etyie. Throw bet:gnats instead of sock% f For a while.' Lers Let the othe' delluiva roast:, Shun 'him as you Owed',• Meet hie harmer with a hdaelt; • • And a ' • When a !stranger from efaxt• 'Comes along TIl lim who and what you are Make it etronie; Needn't 'lettere never bluff ;) Tell the truth that'e enough,' Join tin. boosterse they're' the Stuff, We belong. HAIRPLEY Mr, Ws II, 'ayter Las treated hio family to a Gourley pieno. Xmas tree practise. is the order of day.. • Mr. and Mrs); Those Handfeed of Ingersoll accompamed by Mr, 'Andy Robinson of n toospett Mon- day last at Mr, George Sherritsse - Mies E, Berle Rayner spent a few days laeit, week with zner _friend Mese Lottie Eagleson: erf Suadown. The Presbyterians' of Grand :Bend church have enigaged anexperitenced elocutionist and expect a treat Come one, one all., Everybody welcome Mr, Thompson still 'continuers very poorly , Mr, 'Dolph' Anon' returned. from the west on Saturday evening'. Mies Graee, Murray left on dfrider tor St, Marys and Stratford for a visit witle relatives and triendS Mrs. John, Love, and eon. spent a couple' of 'clays *with relatives near Sprintgbank Ott, VARNA Mr. John, McKenzi.e,,,son or Mr ;and Mrs. Roderick ideKenzie„ in JIL ir. the hospital at Moosiejaw, with typhoini Lever. , Mr. John' Joihrsion waskicked on the leg by one of his eows, recently and so badly injuried that he will be laki u for. some time. Mr. William Clarke was'eeized with a hemorrhage of the nose recernry, Dr. Smith of illayfield was hastily s: nu:coned and it was with much diff- iculty the bleeding Was :stopped. Mr. 'Clarke is very -weak from the loss. of so much blood. Mesa Florence Clarke is reedverling lowly from A severe lamest. Jannis Mr. 'Esker, who was very 1,11 is reCovering. onlY; The Presbyterian. Sabbath •school ne-0 ' Las decided to hold a iChriStnaas tee'e. ter- and er.tertainment -ozn° Monday even- yeing Decemberi 23rd. , The anniversary eerviees of the n -'ave Methodist 'church were held' •on rners Sabbath last Rev, Me Birkes, •of and Staforth preached at both servionS rt dhe E Tannual 'fowl; supper artd, enter- tainment were held and were a 'dti- Pose cided :nieces. . tabu a e pr i- ' MITCHELL( have The funeral oC Mrs.. Martha Wilk- weno inson, Wife on John Wilkineo.re held eapa from the faintly resideoce. tn. Logan mete on Tuesday Nove, 2Q, to Woodland .elits. Cemetery. was a very large o .ne. The Mrs, Wilkin'sen 'deed very suddealy 167 1,Vhile sitting in a chair, her dew:h- etes ter noticed that 'ter head had fallen e to one side, anshe, had gone. to Replace the pesti $„ lent, draughty dan 1' gerous and offen sive out -of doors clo set with an indoor closet. which requir- es no sewer no plumbing, and no tinashIng system. Have city conveniences in your home, er -Safeguard family bealth by installing a1 .“Tweed" Closet bu Sanitary and Odorless ft. the bathroone, cellar, o te "Tweed" Closets can be installed in 11) r any other convenient place indoors, merely re- quiring to be connected by a pipe far ventilation with a chimney hole. "Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used in connection with Tweed Closets is both a deodoraot and atlisinfectant. Many hundreds of Tweed closets have been Mid in Canada. •*Send for illustrated price list. ` Wooler Anir. g, 1012. Dear Sir; The Chemical Closet 1 bought. from yon on Jan. 5th, 1012 is perfect. I did not empty it until Mar. 29th. There is three in the family and can leave the lid. up aad no partide of odor can befouled I would not ask for anythbag better. Yours teoly, E. M. Wessels. The Steel Troilfli4 111E11111G Co 1101110d Agent: -W. J. liearnati.. Here 'is where the Manitoba rneer 'clumps 67 :bteelhels ofb arley to the bottomiesa maw bf 'the pro-' ete el interests. I3ut let us nee La much, the situaw- tion woold be improved by omesidn ering flax, which ant this; day was worth $1,27- in Winnipeg and- in Minneapolis. The binder would cost the 'Maniteba far-ner 1127 buelbels or flan but would cost the Minnesota farmer only 100 hustelse -Of flax. Thies the Canadian farmer would yield as a • tribute 27 bur, of- govt.! flex for the pleasure or•creating protected milli- intaires in Canada. the proteetionist trice to f righ no us by tailing us .about the terrible con- ditiou in the United States, Where the termer gets low prices, for his produce and 3sc tru.sts aregal,vays et Jele throat, 'These figures we have' just given eannoo be disputed: We would be pit -seed to Lear from any Termer who e ould oot be pleased to get inn& - anas of the America': Imple- I remit Trust AM/ esuve these heavy los- 'inch we have just act forth. Ens receion nrade yowl rich ? nonit rot Le ,ncirAL Tg FRM O'TORONTO lovPlY be' thue "protectecii` SAILING -Grain Grow -ern Guide FOR, ,S„ "SCANDINAVEAN" P01.131,,Aenje ,IVOASENE • iDECEIV.I3E1t 12TIL ' 10 1C-OXLOOction with IChristraes. &sail- ing of Allan Line ateaniehin Seandine /avian trout Portland Maines to G.10.8 - v on Thersclay Dedeolher 12th; a almairal Grand l'runk train ceneletitsg of •Veetileuled Coaches arid Pullman itenrist Sleeping: Oats will Inane; Tor- onto at 1,130 p.0 Wrodoeeday Debater - bet• 11-th and will run direct •to' tile tdeteic at Portland, arriving there at XIS n, m.Deeetnber )21.h ttgerth renervations, tickete and full Particelara antlY heoh,talood nearest Grand ffirtnek Agent, eirt w rite L Duff D., P, A. tInfon StatioA Tor- 'otk ' Eerie Stater Aa`cot lixeter WIC PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you 'suffer froth bleeding' itching, blind or protruding Piles, send sale your 'address, alid will tell you beiw t� cure your- self, at home by' the absorption treatment ; and will also send some of 'this litoine treatment free for trial with references from your own locality if re- titieated. Immediate relief and permalienE cure assured. Send no '' motley, 'bit tell others ..of this offer., Write t 0 -day to, 11/40.,! TVT.,'%1 *Mt outi Zdx? sleep. On •goiene over :to Ler eth.e 'at once saw that esernetbitg was wrong Calling her Itueband they aucceeded in arousing the. elleepea, 'when she ark - ed what they were doing saying that .she did not know that cite was eeleep4 and .that she waseneti- sick and e had no Pain But in a few minutes eke Lapsed into, unecinsciousness end. was dead a tow minutes. rater. Deceased was a native; of Oxford County 'and, tame from near; Wotol- stoplc 43 yeers, ego.' .tlfeeinets her hus- band she i,e.survived by two daughterie. Mrs.andes.l.s.m3easjeWL,,atrd,,,,,Lloafir„ Ww.h000dismteacdke her home with her. SEAFORTH 'One workmeit ore busyputting ion the root oE ,the. Carnegie. ;Library. at Seafertle, and the slate ehingles ,will be put, on at 01100 The contractors Lav e but the chimneys' and cornices to finish. to 'complete•till the outside ork. The. library i a.hantleTh3le building and in keeping with the new post office, also on frobt etreet• one 'daya. ago it deleeatoin .from a Northern town visited ISsafortlin to see ;Le library building, and cora- Plimented the arabiteet, Mr. John nintayson., "I'Le structure they said was the fineet they bade ver viewed tho.t cost $10,000. L UCAN A. quiet tint pretty wedding was soleinized by Rev. Father Arnold, of St, l'etrickin Church, WednatleeY Novo '27, when Mr.. leatrick Casey WAS united in marriege to Mins Katie lieenao Teete bride Alan, eattirndie ikt.L'Annegv pretty 'ion 'IrgYe1lfr.g555o large tan hat with tan phimes: The bride was attended by her aistsr, Prism* Nora Heenan, who worn a very Pretty tailored black stet with 1,at to match The groom was ettended by Mr. Dennis ifeetone; brother of the bride After the marriage ocremonv, the eouple 'drove to the; brides mother's hornet, whore a very suniptuous break- fast waa served' . Mr, and tire. Casey Pda take Op • their home on the first concesnicire of MeG'illiv'ary. TI:ea High School concert whs ado - aided st1ceess and 11/13;ss Alexander made a very fine impress:on. Th'e other feat:erten ,of thin concert 't;Vtlit the Ve :Octet 'twenty of the ,kehmohool and t tY Pretty iflag. 4iven bjtL y bre scl gireb bytMiss • , gOaderecO, &led Of the .'ilt1.40;1106). A HENSALV Misa Margaret Thompso# Mika re - red :from the Wes.4.,0y.bere she went isooakolotntho • VoLO'reoeutly 'mewed to, town, ,Trona, We regret to learn the ti James Retes pruoefiektli; 1)04alr health. Arth.ar,MoArthur, wbo has been on oths, G., T. R. staff for the pent year Left on, Monday °venial& for IngersOli L, join the. station staff there. Mr, Mitheen rioborne, ,la mitring pinetno.pthresorueSalgdee.ntn knohon as the Kip.. A very pretty wedding_ took bila,,e At that home of and. Mose James. Agnew of Wapella, when their second youngest 'dau,ater, Maud Marion. was united kin Lair bonds of matrla mony to Mr, 3'ames Loren. MoTagzart of Hensall; Ont, nfre MeTangart is the employee, of: the, C.11 R an operas. tor fat Oak Laket, ',where ther will make their home, , Mr. Alex raurdock;, one of our pion.. eer husinese men, in the boot end Shoe and readsi made celotlaing, ,busineso;, has received the a'pPointraent ofr tick- et agent or the C P B. at Iiirantroftd and has( entered upon his new duties lir, Murdockf was; ago.nt for the P 11 there far sometime. met. and whis also tax collector. Mr. Hy. Ches.ney, son of. Mr ^J'ames Chesney V, S. of this, village and who was recently' happily married has(reln- ted the neat :cottage recently occup- ied ley MA Go.C...Petty and has moved into it. Their many Erienda wish them all hapPinesn in their Lew home; A fowl super and 'concert under the auspices, of tho Ladles' Aid ot the Carina Presbyterian church) will be held on Friday evening of: this wkleki, Decernber 6, and pronuses to be the event- or the skaasnxa' Mr, Dt B McLean hos' a reined home from the West, where he eiaitred rel- atives and friends in WineOpe.g, Foam Lu'nakitey,.. Saskatoon. prince. Albert' ad Mr. James' Bell L I; D !eft ' here last week for Harrisburg, Pa.; to re- sume winter pr'actise: Mr. 0 Geiger was in 13Jythodurine the pest week looking after his' inter- ests is the flax leanness. . Miss Martha Hunter, has returned from a plea.sant visit with. her friend' Mrs. 'Cowerd •forrnerly Miss rulton tear Elia:villa, • Mr, X. H 10'Neil,•Formerly of Hen - sail who left here a ehort lime, 'ago tee necured, a responsible position the 'courthouse at Mooaejawt, ,Saskg, ale( a.sSistant to Jo Ae Mutroer clerk of the Supreme Courn'anel alsolocal reg- istrar for /Vfoonejaw 'district. „ Mr. A. Scruton ;erecting' 'a fine large coal shed dadjoinina, the new east awitch of the. a T R and wen Lawe good acconamodation for his, coal business. •YOU ITAHE NO RISK Our Reputation and //ferny is back of This Offer We Pay for all 'the ontedieire need 'during the tria/alilf our ireenedn, fails to 'completely ;relieve you. ;of coratipa- Corn We take all. the risk', You are tot _Obligated fto fn any way "vhat- ever if yon accept "our- offer. .Could any Sthing be more ' fair ,to you? Is there laty reason why yoe Should hestiate to pet our elairas„ to actual tes t? ; ' The most eciet)inc common seism tr'ee bra et t Rexallrbrderlies, whi h are eater i like eandge- They are very pronounaed •gentle. and pleasant in action, and narbicolarly agreeable be every way. 'They.o not .cause, diar- rhidea rareseee flatulence gripins or any ineonvenience. :whatever., Rexall Orderlies 'are particularly good for childrer. aged and delicate persons We lunge you to try Rexall) Order- lies .at„ our risk TWo -sizes. la and 25 cern& Remember -Yoe • ' can got Resell Itemedies thea community' ode,: at .aer store -The Resell Store - Se Cole • THE TELE;IONE It is indeed n nvendrous,• thing, this modern telephoto thet will across the cliatence bring a speaker's, lightest tone. Sometime.s I sit and 'contemn Plate its werid. Surnideing, plan an bless the scientist sodgreat who leave this boon to man. And then again. I rant and howl about its many faults and tear the blemed thing from the wall, and on the OfCCOS WaftS...-Votir mirthful .lips are atrickene dumb, sealed are. the fOiinterr'of• ecinge when central (busyLewing num) .gets all the numbers wrong. I anmetimee wonder "era t "ve'd° tl we sounof les: our pLones. Wend' be a hopeless helpless crew! We'd. fill the world; with groans t To gen bade to or - father's ways would fill our soule, with. aches! A rnensage, then tvou'd take three days, that noon e minute takes! And then again it seemsr mg tLat life woad be more gay if all the telephones were burned or shi,Pp- ed Iowan For when jr.o 'haste Pd. use the phone to gosain 'with my frau; r Lear the stern cen trent:: mono tone ; The line is busy, now,' It is a nubs- eance and a boon, a blessing and p. curse; perhaps they will' improve it soon, perhe ps •they will, make it worse. --Walt. -Mason ° FOR !FALLING HAIR Yoe run Risreinmwen,deey,nyou use this • We promise ,yon 'that, if your hair L e falling out and yote,have not let it go ;to !far, you cat repair the dem- age already done by ualna Itexall Hair Tocin with persiebency and re- gularity, tiOr ak reasonable. jaag,th of tittle. ;It inn scientific ckansing, an- tiseptic,' rmicidal preparations that deetroyes Microbes atd eblinelates god cirealatior around (IQ liair toots promotes hair nourishinenil, remove* dandreff and act to restore Ineir health. It Is as pleasant to else sis purer water, ar.d delicately` per.. famed, It IS a real toilet .tecesnity W yott to try Bexall 1/3 Hair °LW With our promiati that it Will poet you_ nothing armless you are pet- feetly satisfied with; . its Alen,. It comes it tWo siaes (teats' and $1.0) iliteenarheedMiebseiair.13;alt collar; :tbottliebithe ea 'rag G, Cole Ch,tidron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S la 0 Sale by Tender The 200 acre Tarn: Pato. 4 and •6 Third ,Concession Stephen; know ni as the. Huatoa prOperty in offered for sole •bvi tender). j'endens, ro,epivA up to Peb ; The big belt nor any tencle,rinot nes- ense.rly accepted.. 'Apply bot .E, IBTISTON '. Exeter Ont, NOT1CF 4 • dames Street IChurch 'Med Exeter • There are a largo number' 01 '1)001910 with Use 'this 'Shed, who do not con- tribute in any way- to the oupPort Of the church. The TrUStees. of She church think that auch: „should contribute in some Ivey to -the lairds of 'tie church ,for /the first Preen ac- eomodation Which, they avail them selves of and would intimate th• at any Wishing to do so should, remit Or band •same to their secretors'', etnealsurer Mr Martin • , Exeter Nov, 26th 6912 • • Auction Sale (OH,OICE liOLSTELN CA/TILE. The undersigned auctioneer 'has re - calved instructiona to eell ,by public auction. at,. METROPOLITAN HOIET.I • ' EXETER on-- • SAT DEC, 7. .1912 , At one o'clock sharp the roLlowbv property •viz. 20 Head of' ;able° Holstein cows, to ealf ; lA few Springers:L.6 Head of Darla al Cow's,. The public can relay on this being one of the best Toradeof, cattle, that were ever sold on :the _Exeter Mlarket The cattle: will be Wruarranteed as re-" iaresented, TEEMS -9 months' credit will be given an furnishing apProved. ' joint imbeds 5 per cent pk..c annum allow- ed for oast'. 94, 5, ' W. J, Act Prop, A BY-LAW Tc proh i bit the saleby retail of spirituous fermented or other manufactured Liq- uors in the municipality of • the -Village of Exeter. The Municipal Council of t.he 'Vil- lage of .Exeter hereby enacts as follows; 1', That the Gale by retail of Sprit - nous Term.ented; or' lckher manufact- ured liquors, is; and ;s1.all•be prohibit. ed in every eavern, inn or other house or place of public entertainment M the s'aiei municipality', and the sale thereof, except by wholesale; is and shall be prohibited in.' every shon or place other than. a houer. orpublic en- tertainment in the 'said 'municipality. 2, Thht The vote of the electors or the Said Village of Exeter wilt be tak- en on Ihts by-law by the Deputy -re- turning officers hereinafter named on Nonday the* -sixth' or' 'January 0110 thousand nine, hundred and thirteen commencing at Nine O'clock in the morning and continning Five o'clock in the afternoon at the under- mentioned plains; Sub division' Na 1 at Silao lend turtle! reside n cee •by JoraeP Reer Deputy Returning Officer. And Ed reble Poll :Cleric! Polling subdivision No, 2 at Town ill, by joseph, Davis, Deputy Return - ng Officer and Wine Murray Poll Lerk. • subcliriaiono Nee 3 at John 'Retells otricek,. by II. E. Huston eputy Returning Officer. land. A, G. ner Poll Clerk, ,Polling sub 'divie.ion No, 4 'Iat, North: nd Fire Halle by R, G. 'Seldom Dep- ty Returning Officer and Alex Mc - hereon Poll Clerk, 3, That on Mond'ay COS `30th div December tk;„ D. 1912 at the Clerk's floe in the Town Hon in. the Village Exeter, at the hour or two o'clock the afterroon the Reeve shall ap- int in writing, Signed by Litneelf: o persons to attend at me. rine; mrning up of the votes, by the clerk d one person to attend at each poi - g place on belalf of the per.sons ested in and deedrous of ,promotts the, Paesling• of this By-lawl, and a O :number on' behalf. on the persons, crested in ond tlesErous of sonde - the, pass1ing of this, By -la -w • That the Clerk or the' said' 1Vlitn., pal Council of tha Village, of Exetnr a attend at Ida f2ic in the Town 11 in the eeid Village of Exeter at Jour of Ten orlock ire the Tore- n, on tlae; Seventh day or jarruary 1), 3913 to sum sip the number of ee given for and Arai/tat this by -. v Tine Rye:Low/ shalt come into e and take effect as from tte t day of May next after the final sfe(aerrIg,1s9t.1.1.i2ereof.: outsell Chamber Exeter, 2nd. /Dec. W. HEAMAN,. Reevet., T,U3 CBIiflNG. Clerk 1 ro! of of of po tw eu an lin ter ing lik int nig 4 fee she Ha the noo At. La von 5, (ore pas' , C crab ,voraCE Take notice that the above iS; a true COPY of a proposjed bylaw which .has 1.keen taken into kconsideration. by .r.he lVlunicipat ;Coundit Or 1;3.0 %tillage r.,t. _Exeter and which i1l he. Cnavy pas- sed by the ;mid .cotiocil 10 the crept of the assent, of the electorp.t. bW4rte ob- tained thereto es provided' be' the ifsiquor„ Licenso and tinaentle earents thereto after one ;friontle fro,vo Exeter TimPapr t es ehe date of which this first publication thereol! in the! first publication, was; l'hursday the 5th of' December Ao p..:1911 and that t the; hour day and plaee thenein fined for thking the votes of 'the eta** tin% the polls will be held. . (14 S) tVe rr3At C.Asar-411'0 Clerk Children. Cry FOR FLEIVIIEW'S 1 Farm for Sale Dz't DENT 100acre farm /sot con,:a Iowa ship iof Itay os London Road 2 14.2 in es. fSoln Exeter and 21-4 mile% front' lIensall.• Apply to 13, Rose UX4'014,1•09113.4 .• Farm for Sale That ramble propertY 100217 4 irtit con i 1 Uaborne, containing 100 no. r9s On the properliy la a brick hoase . brick bark barb, horse atable: drive - shed and cow stable all brick". lAboaii two acres of orchard of good frail' foar good wallet.; well fenced and un- klerdrained with tile, 11arge piece or hxsh; soil well adopted -for grair', hay roots, or paaturee Situated one and a hall mules torth of E xett.tr. reties front Hensall For farther in- formation, apply to 3. W, Welsh, Lot sboallo /1` Usbatilak rttefa9. Phil- lips Auctioneer Exetia, • Houses for Sale Messrs Snell and Marchand are of- fering for sale two fine new brick residences on the old Mansion lloteste property.; They are ageipped with furnace, electric Ran toilet, (bath and closet: They are papered and grained and will be•rearely to occupy in two or three' 'week's lApply to Wes, Snell: Exeter. ; House for Sale or Rent A comfortable brick cottage, with good sized parlor, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed and - Stable and some fruit treas. I ey Corner Albert and Huron streets, al choice location. Terms to suit. S. M. SANDERq Honor 'Graduate of Toron sity, Office ovaoks4inon. & 4w office. Closed Wedeea day afternoons, Ellone Offiot 1.3esidello ,5 PI i tnr.•a,' ' DM A. IL KINSMAN Ti.D,E', II,Dilio Lonor 'Graduate of Toronto TIOokgs t„ ersity I ; DENTIST . ' , Teeth extracted without pain,. any bad effects. Office OVer ir31 imart & Stanteury'a •,Office Main S Exeter, ,...t t 1 ,.5t BnowNING D. M. %Ye P. S. Graduate Victoria 1:Tnivep) sity Office and residence Dominion; Labra,fory., Exeter. ., [Associate Coroner of Baron [1 D zoKsori & CARDING • t. Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Caoi veyancers Commissioners, tSolieltaq for the Molsona Bank etc. kreorensety. to Loan at lowest rates of ju • OFFICE -MAIN STBEE'll EXETER4 I. R. Carling B. As U. B). Dioknoti MONEY TO LOAN We bave a large amount of pit/ ate funds to loan on farm tind lage properties at lowest rat terest, GLADMAN 8c STANI3lai Barristers, Solicitors, Main Exeter, For Sale by Tender Idel desirable dwelling house on Will- iam street, .large and roomy, ;contain- ing ftroace and electric lints. Good Lard and soft water, the land name orisee three Icks with a large number lof .fruit . trees. The tannery will be offered for sale by tender. .Tenders will be rcceived, up to December 14th Tor the building tin machinery etc, and the fiend. in bulk or separate. - Tbs. iowest ,or any teaden not 'nec- essary accepted l'Or further par - tie, larS apply to T,,,H, McCallum. . • For Sale Ten 'Acres an the inorth iside of the Lake Road in Exeter, Good land small frame. tons,e and stable. Ap- ply at °note to 'CLADMAN & STANRURY Exeter, • Farm for Sale Being 'composed of Lot 18 concession Tp of Usborte containing 100 acres On the prenaisea is a good brick hoee heated by furrace. Hard and soft ewatere."L' shaped bark barn 'as& ; atd 00x50e. finished for hmeeea, cattle I hogs ar_d term; good. drive house, cone ett (silo 12z33 feet: Large ,seepply ceraer.t water tank &applied from •Ele never failing well la lthwinrjn,jL1rat- tached. Cement water tank Tor LISS G. E. AL 13ISETT A Mus Wig /Honor Graduate of the London Rote iservatory of Music, Teaching, Dot!) lege of the Wasteen; Ur.irprsity! Teacher Piano -Theory -.Hermann counterpcint and Musical HietorY, P aerie prepared for musical eXatitk4 in a tiok.,s. ; ..4, The Usborne and Hilbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur— ance 60111Pallll ead Office, Farquhar; OM President J. L'. RUSSEL/II Yioe-Rres. RoHT. GARDINER r1,44 DIRECTORS R0131 MORRIS -stafflii. THOS. RYAN WM. )3ROCK WInchelseffe WM. ROY • AGENTS JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Usq borne and 13iddulph. • • OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent for - Hibbert Fullerton and Loon. • W. A. TURNRULE SOCY. Treas. Farquhar- , GLADMAN & STANI3URY. So lici tors. Exeter. ctric Restorer for Merit threshitge .125 treea i • choice ap- vim a pies; also good !garden of plums and -relk email fruits; 2 Sante of •hardwood! busk; 45 acres ploughee for .winter'l coet3 spbonoI ith prope tension; restore,s;" rtrtores every nerve in the hiicly nd vitality. Premature drecay and all sextet ness averted at once. Plicesphonol *la e you a new man. Pris.e $3 a box. or twolor Mailed to any address. Wile Scobell Drag' t. Catharines. Ont. ance in grass. This pro- perty is well unclerdrainedi, well lan- ced and in good stete of cultivation Convenient to churches, school, and I nearket, A beautiful horne in good teighborhood hnd must be sold to witd up an estate. Easy terms of paymett, For Teri es and partici-,ars apply to Mrsi, F. Wilson on the pre- , liaises or to Thos. Cameron Auctioneer 1 Dr. de Van's Female Pills ills are exceedingly powerful in regulating tho A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pj generative. poetion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Pr. do Vales are sold at 55 a box..or three for $10. Mailed to any address I he sceben Drug co., st. Catharines, Oak vory4Womailli is interested and should knovi- about the wonting ivehtifruil Marvel Douchw • 0 Ask your druggist for It. If he ea_epot supply the NEARvnte accept pa other, but sand stamp for Illus. tmtect book—sealed. It 'gives Dill particulars and directions invaluable to Iadies.weternsonsurrte. CO..Wind Gser. eneral arente for Canada. I NERVOUS DEBILITY- . OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of you. under i shilluence the brain becomes active, the blood punned so that all - pimples, blotches and 'ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face fulLandolear, energy returos to the body, and the moral, physical and mental. , systems are imicoratedi all drawl cease -no more vital waste nom the system. * . You feel yoursora num and know marriage cannot be a failtlre. Don't let quacks; and fakirs rob you of your bard earned dollars. Or NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates lifs experience: "1 was troubled with Nervous Debility formany years. Inyit to indiscretion and excesses in youth. 1 became' very despondent and didn't care whether I 'worked or not. 1 imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had pains in the bask of ray head, bands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair lOose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set bland the doctor told mo be feared paralysis. 1 toolc all kind a of medicines and tried many arst-class physicians, wore nucleonic belt for three tomtits, but received little benefit. • "groat Tournmerrr witesnnineddurce. tdhtoougchonisubiatdDlorsa EitanfisseittliT amen eaceemoir •doctere. Likcia drowningman 1 constr./weed the Nawn'teertoe Tann/Atm and it ' saved rny life. The hnprovement was like magic --I could feol the algorgoing through l• ..., and continue to do so. the nerves. rwasteirecfmentanyandphyeicany. I, have sent them Many patieute • CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY 71, ipeciialum.. Vim?* 411',y; mcattipil.1111Ausrrellrei lars.AKIDRICNOESirE VEINANDSkADNERDVEI,t0USDIDsEAEntEralantd anOODDiscAtekases CoNSULTAT1ON FREE, ROOKS' PREZ. tE unable to ean Iola, fora Qaciuloo Blankfottlomo Tteatmeet. tDRs.KENNEDY&KE11)1EDY tor. AtiehiganAve. and Griswold St., Detroit, Midi. ti• OTICE Alloulerttrarsufrona Canada must be addressed ) ttfient NVKaidastotr,e'llal,P°11d3,:t edes71-1,:utt3' see us personally eall at our Medical Institute itt 1)etroit cts we see and treat into patients lit our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Ortnadian business only. Address all letters aa writotototutz!..t.LEATNEDy KENNElykr, Windsori Ont• ,