HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-12-5, Page 2EFOR WIIII AGUE1PRICE3 OF FARM PROOLICTS wog strum ens eeeettne Tweean. neternes DP snosiinch,. al came, orate, cnosso *tor etner Promo* at ranee Ana miasma groat:stmts. erlln Phy dna Islas Given to the World Destroyer of Tuberculosis despatch fxsom Berlin ;A but the youeg man was mired in r. lereitterith Franz Friedmaa lees than three months by the usf3Qe rlin physieian, after a, decade of <if the zerura, according to state- experimentiag, has finally ;solved raents made by hunself and his mo - the problem where Dr. Koch failed, ther, ad has given to the world a de- The correspondent also talked atroyer of the white scourge which with the father of two children, asuch men as Profes.sor aeleleiela 'of both of whom had been suffering the Virehow Hospital, deelare will from boxxe tuberculosis. One was mark one of the greatest epoehs in eured by Dr. Friedman in six the histeay o raedichae. weeks. The ether has beet under A newspaper eorrespondent vis- treatment iby one of Berth's most ited and interrogated numerous pa- famous specialists for seven Cents Who had been treated for months. The speeialiet has now tuberculosis, includive pulmonary asked Dr, Friedman to. take the throat erouble and grandular and case. • knee bone tuberculosis. These, pa- Nnmeroua physicians and tuber- tients all •asserted that they had culosi.s specialists are on the way been cured after one to three in- to Berlin from Australia, the feetione of the serum. Several of United States, South America, and these eases of bone tuberculosis other countries to study and in - were of long standing, whioli show- vestigate the new discovery. Au - ed sears where once there had been stralia is said to be sending a Gov - running sores, whicii healed up in ereraent commissioner. English a few weeks. In two of these cas- physicians are already here, es amputatiou had failed to cure. Dr. Friedman is so deluged with In the course of the investigation letters and pathetic pleas for treat - the eorresponclent visited a poor menand by telegraphic and °able working family, whose child had requests from physieians for the net walked in four months, owing serum, and offers to buy the rights, to tuleereulesis of the -knee, and al- that .for the moment his work has so of the lungs. The child receiv- almost stopped. Dr. Friedman ed an injection of the serum seven will not distribute the serum until weeks ago, and is now able to run he is properly protected in the end dance. Another case was that principal countries, but will par- e:xi a youna man whom amputation sonally treat oases here. He will tt, ef a, limb had failed to cure. The spen an institute in Berlin next doctors declared that amputation week. Up to the present he has ref the leg at the hip was necessary, treated about 1,100 cases. LUNACY DUE TO DRINK. French Statistics Have Just Been Made Public. A despatch, from Paris says: Some idea of the appalling ravages :made by the drink scourge in pres- ent-day Frauee may be formed by the terrible aeries of statistics allowing the relation between alco- hol and madness 'which specialists attached to the principal Paris lunatic asyluins have just made public. These figures reveal that ranee 1868, when exact reeords were started, the proportion a male lu- natics whose loss of reason is caused by drink has increased from 14 per oent. to 47 per cent.; while on the female side the percentage has risen from less than 2 to 20. "Most cif these unfortunates," say the au- thors of the report, "are psycho- paths deseended from other alco- holics." COUNT ALVARO DE ROMANONES. TOROITO CORRESPONDENgf lelerEleaSTIND itint$ OF 00$81F Flettia THE QUEEN eery. aril:Opal Hagerty and the tiniVersityee attorney -000010 Foa-Sig Nine !Setae -Michael Fraser eaSe-Taa Now 'reroute, Dee. 4.-F1our-alinety Per arctibiehop. oath patents, $4.10 to $4,20. seanstabes- Firet pateata, Iti lute betas. gala :second Principal llageirtY's flahtieg Xrisa blood pateats. in jute bags, KW: stroug ba4:- has get him lute hot we with the To. exsa la jute baps, $4.60. route university studonte. 'rho trouble Manitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern, 90a, seem) the °taw night. When Barbera Col- S3ay ports; No. 2 itt 67 1.20, and No. 4 et legiate „Cu/ataxia?, of wish Mr. Hagerty, 8e1-20, Bay ports, Feed west, 05 to 67o, is head, was givtna a dailee, Two cir three Bay ports, old boys maze to 'the fLuietion without Ositarie Wheat -No. 2 new white and analtatiou, waereutain the Frinethal asked red wheat, 96 to 97e, outside, alth sareua them to leave. In resentraent, the boys ed. 85 to 90c, eutside. - emt about two hundred Varsity etudente, ()us -Ontario oats, 34 to 35c, outside, who bad aeon at.ending 4 tlleabrer to nOnio and 37 to 37 1-20, en 'break, Teronto. 'Weet, ua tes the Collegiate, break th the doom era Carieda, oats, 40o lar No. 2, and iit and geneeally "romsh hense" the thane. 394 for feed. Bay ports. After about ten instautala uaroariouenees Peas-Tbere are buyers ontMde for No,, LW departed. 2 at 8115 la $1:25, but offeringe are nil, Prinoinal Hagar1Y. wrote a hot letter Baeloy-Forty.aightea. barley of good te the nowspapere, In velach he said* ua1Ity, 65 to 70e, oatsale. keed, 45 to•50e. among a.,her things. that the students aot. Corn -No. 2 old Anieriean, 66o, all -rail, ed. aa 11 they were drunk. ' Vaxeity," the 1 Toronto, and No. 3 at 604, all -rail. Near Ocillege paame hotly denied the Prinethara corn, December ctelivery. 65e, Toronto. allegations. The Priaoipal retorted wath a Bye -No. 2' at 03 to 05c, outside. throat af a libel action. '''V arsity" came Buckwheat -61 to 52o. outside. I beak with more denials, The verbal me- _• Bran-aismitoba brans $22 to $2.2.50,, in lee meanwhile was enlivened with a threat bags, Torouto freight. Sivarts are not. trom Dr. Orr, ore of the TIttiversity Go. ed at 525.50 to 527. Country. Produce. 33utter-B.4ns. choice, 26 to 27o; bekeas.. Inferior. 22 to 24o; (stoke dairy, tube, 260; el'eamorY, 31 to 32o tor roils and 290 for solids. Eggs --Case lots of fresh, 37.0 PM' dozen, and of oold storage, 27 to 7,8o; strictly new - laid, 40 to 45o per dozen. Meese -14 1.10 for large and 14 1-2o for twins. Beans -.Ea ad -nicked, 53 . per buthel I Primes, $2 90. In a jobbiug way. lioney-Foitracted in tins, 12 to 12 1.2o per pound for No. 1, wholesale; combs, 52.50 to 63 per dozen for No. 1, and. 52.40 for Na. 2. Potatry-Well-fatted. ()lean, dry -picked stook was emoted as follows:-Chiolrens, 13 to 154 per lb; fowl, 10 to 120; &mks, 14 to 16o; geeee, 12 to 14o; turkeys, 18 to 210 - Live poultry, about 20 lower than the above. Potatoes -Good stock quoted at 80 to 85o Per bag, on track, and New 33runsw1ek 95e per bag. geeting less and less objeetionalle, --- Priucipal Hagerty is impulsive aucl did Baled Hay and straw. not handle his case againet the boy's as a track, Toronto; No. 2. 512 ta Slim dixed l'hae*ies Inueotderaaatemnatiln nidaingghetrhoafvellsTe' but OUBaled Bay -No. 1 at 514 to 514.50 ou job, nor are the boys in much danger of hay, 510 to 511 a ton, on track, gaing to jail for libel. Mr. RagaTtY le Baled Straw -$10, on track, Toronto. ono of the prominent edueationists of On- tario. In his younger days he was in the Montroai Markets. staff as elaseioal master of Aylmer and Montreal, Deo. 3.-0ats, Canadian West- of Seaforeh High Schools, and later was ern, No. 2, 444.2 to 45o; extra No. 1 feed, headmaster of Meant Forest High School. 44 to 44 1-2a; No. 2 local white, 42o.; No. 3 Ile has been at Ifarbord Street Collegiate local white, 41e; No, 4 local eante 40e for twenty-one yeara, during which period Barley. Man. feed, 61 to 62c; 'malting, 80 to the xnetitutian has tette': a place in tne 82o. Buckwheat, No. 2, 56 to 57c. Flour I front rank. Some of his bo-oks are used Man. Spring wbeat patents, firsts, 55,40; I as Latin text books throughout the Prov - seconds, 54.90: strong bateersa 54.70; Win: thee. Mr. Hagerty is an ardent Impera ter patents, ohotoe, 55.35; straight rollers, . 84.95 to 65; straight rollers, beets. 52.35 to 52.40. Rolled oats. barrels. $5.45; do., bags, 90 lbs, 52.40. Bran. 521. Sherts, $25 to 526. Afiddliuge, $28 to 530 Mountie, $30 to $35. Ithy. N. 2. per ton car lots, 513 to 813.60. Cheese, finest westerns, 12 1-4 to 721-20- finest easterns, /1 1-2 to 12o. But- ter. ohoMest creamery. 30 14 to 30 1-2o; :seconds. 283.4 to 29o. Eggs, selected, 30 to 31e: N. 2 stock, 21 to 22o. Potatoes, Per bag. oar lots, 70 to 850. ---- .. , traors, to bave Prinothal Hagarta dia. missed, and by letters from pia:outs and eitizeus telling the Principal to etand lselr Ill8 KUnti• Autrian Government Preparing for .Any Develop The druakeuness allegation is the thing the students resent most, But tar. Hag- erty replies that he didn't say they were merit in the Balkan Crisis drunk, but merely that they noted as if they erere, and that, if they wortet, their 7 conduct eras all the mare repreliensibM. A despatch froni London says :the Ministers'. determination to he A P ore n n I I Controversy. The Servians, ignoring the proola- , fully prepared for any development tieliteilethieueielternetnithitel soeurtvbiciaaltets borfintghete slime: mation of Albanian independence, lin the 13alkan erisis. The Paella. dents and the cantroversy they a1WaY8 have occupied -the port of Durazzo I mentary leaders met on Thursday arouse. 11 may he said that tinetst per . , cent. of Public opinion le solidly aga,inst Witactent resistance. This informa- night and decided to allow the the boys and their -l'arilts. Nob oay ob- ten eomes in a. direet despatch from Premier's three bills ,dealing with ajeeltiettlnie nail:118.°e oar 1}sienTitg,btatGiteln:11wYorattlyd that town on Thursday night. No matters connected With the mobil - citizens will not stand Jostling on the resistance was offered to the entry izatiou to ge to committee without the destruction or invaaion of private ar-0- siaewalks or nulling trolley. poles off, or of the Servian troops. e- the customary first reading. gorse, oityanlyere,etos hde,ove their rr idimut)ivt,atio:nad. And so tb.o police are =seed mora aud for perpetuity," is the telegram "We have now occupied Durazzo year by year the student outbreaks are more strongly which General jankovitch, the Ser- Turkish Force Captured. ' , • vises. commander, has sient sto the A 'despatch from Sofit says: Two Belgrade Government. entire divisions ef Turkish reserves The'-faet that the Belgrade Gov- surrendered on Friday to the Bul- eminent has made public this tele- garian troops near the village of gram, says the Vienna eorrespon- Narhamli, between the port of De - dent of The Daily Telegraph, is re- deabhach and Demotiea acearding gareled as proving Servia's irrecon- to an announcement m'ade by the enable attitude. official news aeency here. A very Budapest papers assert that Ser- fierce fight between the Turks and via is mobilizing against Austria, Bulgarians preceded the capitula - and intends to form a new army, tion of the two divisions of Turkish Is , and 38 greatly interested in the armed with the weapons captured reserves. The -Turkish force Was cadet moyament, his son being a orack from the Turks. shot. He m a.otive in the -propaganda tor comraanded by Yader Pasha. Two a ereat extension of military training Generals, 252 Turkish officers and throughout the country. • The Acting Premier, • Warlike Peeling in Vienna. 8,879 men surrendered. The -loot There have been repeated rumors that ca,ptured by the Bulgarians inelud- Atterney.eleneral Foy, wile is AOSing Pre- • A elespateh II from Vienna, says: ed eight mountain guns, two ma- nlier in sir James Witney's absence, wee Mneh excitement has been occasion- chine. guns, 1,000 horses and large paeboopuite tso.i.oneeateirrewfryneeeohnatsictotenciclonmeasney. ed by the action of the Government quantities of munitions. The Turk - The answer probably is became: he doesn't want to, and because air James/ whitney in arranging for the mobilization of isle prisoners have been sent to doesn't want him to. the Austrian army, which ptereesi Demotioa. asMuraityveTtalgsnegi athseint"theeolfaurrnlyaTbuT of p-olitics. He is in -xnanner and appear- ance and manner of epeeth much more the lawyer than he is the pelitioian. He Is also a roan of considerable wealth, pro- bably a millionaire. For many years he has had an exceedittgly lucrative practice and. is connected with many itheateial in. While ho does not give the lin- areasion lhat he is very enthusiastio about Polities. there is no doubt he, enjoys the gaene and that he gives freely of his un- doubted leaol abilities to • the a:Imitate tration of his dormatinent. Crake he has, ate charge him with indolence, but to these he rarely pays any attention. Mr. Fay's 008' nix he first lieutenant to Sir Zamee dates bath to the .cold days of mrpositian. Iia. former times Oliver Mowat had secured a. pretay eolid support from the Irish aopulatien of Ontario. When Sataafaa • .1.r4 •.c.A.Ni".0 :CO.N1rAIN ALUM. CONFORMSTO: TH HIGH: STANDARD...OF -Gi...L.L.errs oporys..•.. .1,.. 11)1111111111111111111011111011111111111011111M111.1111M111111111110 $1111014 14111111110llt SERVIANS OCCUPY URAllO Live Stock Markets. Monteeal, Deo. 3. -Steers sold from 56.00 to 54.00. Cows from .8250 to 56.26, and bulls at 82.50 to 53.25 per cwt. Oannang stock from $1.50 to 52.50 per cwt. Lambs, 56.25 to 56.50, while sheen brought 54.00 Per owt. Selected lots of bogs 59.25 Per cwt., weighed off oars. Calves 'from 53.00 to 81200 each. as to size and Quanta'. Toronto, Deo. 3.--Cattle-Ohoice butcher, 85.75 to 56.25: export, 56 to 56.25: good medium, 55.25 to 85.75: common, 52.75 to 53.78; cows, $3 to 54: bulls. 53 to eitariers. $1.50 to 52. Calves -Good veal, $7 to 59; common, 53 to 53.25. Stockers and feeders -Steers. 550 to 750 youncler, at $5.75 to 54.25; feeding bulls, 600 to 1,200 pound, at 8276 to 84.25. Milkere and aririagers-Steady demand for goad statik, ONLY CHILDREN DROW.NED. Count Alvaro de Romanones, the at from $50 to 580. Sheep and lambs-- -____ Light ewes, 54 to 54.50; heavy ewes, 53 to President' of the Spanish Chamber $3.5.0; lambs, $6 to 56.86. Hon -Market The Sad Bereavement of an Ottawa ef Deputies, has been selected by and 58 to ems f.o.b. . _,... into this Mr. Per began te melte inroads arm at 18.35 to $3.50, fed and watered, Family. King Alfonso to form a new Span • - United States Markets. there oame one day an offer of a -nage- ish Cabinet in 'consequence of the , she), but he was loyal to his thief, and A despatch from Ottawa says: assassination of Premier Canalejas. Minneapolis. Deo. 3. -Wheat --December, to him he has remained loyal ever since. Harold, aged five years, and Al- It was announced that Count de setae; No. 1 Northern, 81 1-2 to 83o; No has many warm friende on the el:mop-its 801•4o; May, 065-8 to 861-2o; No. 1 hard, He is by to means' a bitter partisan. and bert, aged three, the two only chil- Romanones had decided to retain 2 do, 7914 ta 81o. Corn -No. 3 yellow. 44 party, one of whom as the nreseat Lieu - to 46c. Oats -No. 3 white, 291.2 to 29 3-4c. :tenant Governor. Sir John Gibson. Shoula dren of Lewis J. Turner, a Grand all the Ministers belonging to the Ree -No. 2, 55 to 57a Bran -$18 to 518.50. he decide to 'retire any day, lthwever, the Trunk Railway engineer, residing Ca,binet of the Iate Preraier Oana- Flotir-First patents, 54.15 to 54.45; sec - end patents, $4 to 54.25; erne olears, $3 surprise. Hon. W. J. Hanna is regarded announcement would not occasion. great at 69 Waverley street, broke leas. to 55.30: second clears, 52.20 to 32 50 nothing is ever certain as as his logical Rawest/or, butn po, liticof course,. through th.e ice and were drowned ---_,..1 .__ Duluth, Dee. 3. -Linseed -On traok, 81.- s 28 1-2; to arrive, 51.28 1-2; November, $1.30 New Hotels Promised. in the Rideau Canal. Saturday a- • bid: December, 81.271-2 bid; january,Every few daya a, rumor is published ed ASSAULT ON JAIL MATRON. 28 1-2 bid; May. 51.52 bid. Wheat -No. 1 • hard, 825-8e; No. 1 Northern, 813-8a; No. about a new big hotel going up in To- ternoon. They had been allow Ott to play by their mother, who 2 do., 79 3.8c; December, 80 3-8 to 80 1-2o; relate. One day it is the 0. P. R. that is _ A Colored Woman Prisoner Beats May, 86 1-8e bid. going to add. to its chain of hotels in was engaged with her housework,- Quebee, Montreal, Winnipeg, Banff ana and wandered down to the 'canal, a Her Insensible, . elsewhere, by a fittleg palace in the Queen short elistanee away from home, City. Next it is the 0. N. R„ with °cue A despatch from Owen Sound ....____........a sienally the G. T. Be ea a variation. Then it is the O Their absenee was not noticed un- sa,ye: Mrs. Percy Marto a, colored •MAN' FOUND DEAD. • Charles, a moderate sized restaurant on 'Neil's, proarictors of the St. fel an hour later, when search was prisoner made a murderous attack, .._........• Tonga street, whose property has been immedhately made, the finding of upon the county jail matron Miss Gas , , Purchased by the Dominion Bank and Treater in Ris Room in Torone who will have to eneve somewhere to save a hole in the thin iee near the bank Jennie McNeil, on. Wednesday, andto was Turned on Pull. big hotel syndicate. nd the latest their license, who are going to head a se of the eanal oonfirming the mother's the matron lies in a precarious • ..Werst fears. nouneement as to the effect that E. G. A:tea cooditiom as a result of the beating A despatch from Toronto says: McConkey, of the King street restaurant q•of that name. is to put up a $3 000 000 she received. Her assailant, Mrs. Andrew Latta of Belleville, aged hostelry not far from Ian preeeta site CARNEGIE TO DIE POOR. .Ringo, will be cent to an asylum, as sixty-seven she has latterly developed :maniac phyxiated in his bedroom at 83 Itv'eaii•Ide ceetes aIon i years, was found as- proa,ching '19,f.:zititolln88:L.Vnagackcill-. And every time an - g t a statement that ____. tendencies, which culminated in the Re it is goaag to double it capaenty. Ann street, on Friday morning. had arrived in the eity the night laleirOlfAad teat any of theer:Tat.Af • Will Turn Over all Ills Wealth but brutal assault on Miss McNeil, net likely 1 e, the city is suff ering from a Beggarly $25,000,000. Mrs. Ringo, who had been aeting only anlivotleivh In Toronto. Bleeerally :lig klig before from Manitoba, aeid intend - queerly, had, among other hallucie ed visiting relatives in the city for =vete eetererise has uot_ pro - A despatch from New York says: nations, the idea that Miss McNeil a few days before returning to vote hieerolek-omgee tonmst train° with high - Andrew Carnegie annoances that was trying to poison her, and her Belleville. e us eke, distrait. None of the others g..11 but $25,000,000 of. his fortune, insane attack rev be attributed qq...•••....*... \•./... can nut up the oath necessary without I .c °dation. as in Ottawa or which will be disposed of under bis partly to this belief. The matron ed diffieult, they say, by tho uncertainty assistance, And tae financing is render - Will, will be left to the Carnegie as to the lieenee situation But; it looks Was reseued by County Jailer John Vaillable Hors c Fayed •. though now some one ' getting ready will carry on his educational and Corporation .of New York, which Miller after she had been thrown ouneements are to move. The latest asownaa down and beaten, kicked and BIT 6 /Arable miteasielinite as to both likeCeenaey and elharitahla work. • choked into insensibility. --_, 01 MIMI? seems -to require actione 8 ease on their part as ging Edward, and the its N a Sore and Lame to Work Was Too S wen. to know, 'whether Mr. Roweire "Aber A lot of people In Toronto would like • It 1.1%,..-fr,,ei.fe3r33.18.it*laski,liogt Pr'agm"Ihn quickly Cux.ed by Nerviline, merely tete Provincial issue the ht s1 keepers are 'cl have had 1 'keeping their weather ye 00. a long experience in tchese days there will be a laoal One ef treating. horses, and I can semi a option Say -bleat • • Y ceere'ealge irnesurir ;Ai &elf' and, when it tbe Reminisce/leen cif Sir. I know of no liniment for worth watobing Straitta sprains, and swelling rtLic114)36.earrtin Act and simIrghtetra,nnciong the Scott stable as Nerviline." Thus that is so useful around •the has beipne oceasionina :mite eoomieraent.tien h Case of Michael Fraser, writes Mr. J. E. Murchison,. wftil aa 0.ignavnerwssilitilnXairgifithieiatbi%r day A despathh from Ottawa says: been completed on parole, Of this from his home, ,Crofts Hill P.O. 11 - esort8saniatichAinteeti with a 11,4e =di. Statistics respeeting Canada's number only 237 may be character- had a fine young mare that ,017,„ . criminal population are eet forth in ized as delinquents. The percent- ;erencheel her right foreleg, and i= smees theaete41‘19$'71111 'e:Ilrei* he the annual report of the penitenti- age of failures is 5.17, Last year rom the. shoulder down she was once 'lmathte aalve° Rd 001 8" 11811811 448Irci. states, but there l Ades "" 'll the milted *riots tabled in the House by the Minister of Justice, Hon, 0, J, To the penitentiary population of erviline,and • it worked like a 1 . • 848 prisoners were thus released, , stiffs seep, and s woltene-I applied k et is a ciuetrittil* the are adminietered, f..leanada's erii- ege daily population was shown to most an Ottawe the fewest. Theentice la the a mlettY big dif- roe the eccentric old bathelor DOherter, on Wednesday. Theeriver- the year, Montreal contributed the charm; in fad, 'that mare was in t shapo fio work a day aftor 1 used igitifitLinf.r.v enebeel Fraser onsegnichweioli viable reptitation il‘t's eit,illifsr have been 1,853 last year, as eern- fignree iroM the principal centres Non/Zito. Pared with 1,834 int the year previ- are ;--liifontreal, 293; Vancouver, "We have esed Nerviline on our lirce,°1}clevi Mr. tobortson, of Dundas. ivt 88 says; In the 'present year the near Midland who when nearly eighty Yeate old married a young woman, thaisili- A despatch freno Washington ous. 174; Winnipeg, 114; Tororito, 96; farm for twenty -Ave years, and etaiii-ti's'alt416othgt Li'lfgge''' tint world's international business will The actual .population ut the end Quebee, 51; Victoria 42; Edmore- never found it wanting. For man gar tith't 13 -at 11114" W" cl aafaTonfl reach the enormous total of uo,- a the financsal year was 1,895, di- ton, 89; Hamilton 35'; Sydney, 3e4vi! woratiote.fist it is a •wonderful Ifni- 0itsi.et Pirtfiere. 04500-7 atagiat" bTeelig 00M00,000, UM:ding to a, report eicled as followe r ---Kingston, 494; Halifax, 83; .Ca'lga,ry, 31; l'T • „,,„„ issuer' on Friday by the Bureau of SteVineent de Paul, 442; Neches- Westenineter, 27; Regina, 21; Ot- Five thonsand letters recommend rs'errit‘g.Z,g. sAilfrixr 01(1Michaellgig:r Yeeilre'4 Foreign and Domestic Commerce. ter, 229; Manitoba, 183; Britisrh Co- taws., 19. Nerviline..as a general household ''''' °Ih°r thtir tila 00" wa' a'S f" fmm The estimate is made on official re- t jurobia, 8$1; •Alberta, 167; Sas- 1.'y dreeela the penitentiary popu- • thasnens, as an anseenan cure ear rgitiIig:tta:e0valiia,M6St igt,(11,T.: 'Z'r: turnm of exports and isupovts frotel - ent wnen it kat/chew:in, 68, • lotion eomprises 934 Catholics, 925 aches and pains. Try it yourself. "'s '"600 " beeare $20,000 being the foraunt eetiniate virtually every commercial conntry I The parol sydtern works admiral)... Protestants, 36 RebreWS and 30 Large size bottle, 50c., or eample cd ea the laiste whin bave already pikd in the world. Nearly every nation i se:cording to W. P. Arohibelde• Badclhiete. The total test of main- size 25e. ; Wel by all dealere, or eu in the fiat for nu $80,000 estate, aeg, ee a e minima Parole Offioer. Sites the terial100 Wati $565,472, or 54 cents The catheeheeekee ce'e, Klageataal of contantretat elements on both Siam bat eairanocliteee The catee 50, of couree, cno with plenty '''-'1"-'`)'"e‘.„`„. ''''' greater excLArkg° <)i ' a paused 8,780 sentences have por head per day. Ont. • • waioh the adesinistretion of juAice is been kaowie, le wield have added ta the respeet in than ever before 1111<1 ' OUR CRIMINAL IMES Population of the Canadian Penitentiaries Increased Slightly During the Year held if some way had been found to have settled it one way or the other speedily CHRISTMAS STAMPS. and cheaply. The New prat:1318We% National Sanitarium Association .. aroessishoe of Toronto with'a the next The arrival of the new BOIXL8411 Catholic win Issue 3000,000. week or two is anticipated with interest. The appointment of Arcabishop McNeil of Every person in Ontario will be vene,ouver to the vacant Toronto See ere- given an opportunity of assisting in ated some eurprise, because of the fact that he has not had dirt relations with a small but practical way the WOalc inee. But for all that be has made a the aativities of the Church in this Pray- carried on by the National Sanibar- name for himself as one of the• stalwarts during the past two ,yeers has brought ium Association for the cure aaeci of -the Church and his work in Vancouver prevention of tuberculosis. Three Idrialtiloailinee aPnlVdOtinheertrclirefbtegr:tattihree Reconmtinan- mariellion little red Chriaanas stamps eat:. On his removal to Vancouver he being placed on sale at one ooagt. Tanc;ohver he described as the 130- WIAlliabturZlef3: inatopurredovrtWilith tole rehemepnadeox tocentt:_r efuhn, dasnalavtahileatbaipeoetoprdScovemilblag; mteanttulie4edNeawn JoserokuroefathteheWesataoptinodn hoer ting the white plague in Ontario. Catholic Church there, sthich promise im- •These attractive little stickers are Walls fee the exterision of the Roman pments. Among other odfesigned to be affixed to all classes ortant develop things he advocated arid has oarried into mail during the holiday season, eet a plan 04' which in many dietricts and serve 40 remand the recipient the Roman Catholics will be to a eerbein of the needs of the sick and suf- .:d. Irt:Iiitl!biellinligalnoweili isyeaarNsovenlege:°. litieanwbays through Tiviaeyrio4urse bbeuinsignedsiss,tribilteid . . social, eduoated in Rome and served as a priest eanndd laaniwspeioirefacraantitiaatteda.e pozepeeromati pzeeezrs se el le: religious and philanthropic organiz- °Mae a'ared 90, is a Fraud father of which he is egtrernelY fond, with an rt,tions,' or may be purchased direct ()nee again. His wife es ae. the Association secretary, af, senting the engineers of as many acted as editor of a neeaspaper in Nova Scotia. Curiously he oombieee sir expert from The 52 general' chairmets repre- larowledge of Inahematics and astronosaY. InritensdnoeeiraliEnrzilaiileisthie, ecilu'll'erizioehn, t' Ititaiakminganads mail? 8 ebiCeisentgaqTlpseaS bawl. ililWestille::: caarlTrly°-;:hriaetns°31e. fern"' ed a Pernaan&lt °r.g4/3.1241°11 railroads east of Chicago have ney paternal ancestors. To these and his Oselto- which he inherits from his Orla stamps,j, is the legend on the en_ to be kn.own as the "Eastern, Goner- . . owes a One ahveierue. Irish forbears on his raother's side he 'elope- its Which the stamps are al Chaiernen Association, Brother- drettener of dreams, but also a raan of ae. Archbishop McNeil is described fas a • sold. hood of Loeomotive Eogineers." -, tion. •Typicelly a men of tho Clarroh, he 'EvicInce that a jail delivery Was is quiet, humble and retired,. The dio- tbe Church. on this Continent and the am- nortance and infieence tu the affairs of eese of Toronto as rapidly growing in im- reorOLLLEanGdE planned by prisoners 0:hteing the raintment to it of a man like Archbishop $1:9;607. stilmneofJoTtneoSdeoirue'anonkotoweevuteiltiawsteaffaoosans_- ileNee is not without significance. :sleplIiiikoRprDi7ed the fined in Milwaukee, was revealed Railway. hwidhedneutivueuldveer satemelusttarwose svv. ere, found A dTersap7techiltifIrieonmtalOttawa says: Albert Patrick, lawyer, condemn- - MINIM Ineceques sasesAmas Judgment was given by Mr. Justice ed in New York eity in wog, the --s -___..... Anclette in the Exchequer Court on sentence later ' being commuted to He Suddenly Attacks Two Fellow- Wednesday; awarding the College life imprisonment for poisoning • . Workmen... •of St. Boniface, ,Marlitoba, 139,607, Wm. Riee, an aged mfrliOnatiee, has A despatch 27003 south Porcupine with intere,st and costs, for forty been pardoned. He made eaveral says: A French-Canadian eteddenlY acres of land expropriated by the leg -al fights for freedom. It' was on Wednesday afternoon and at- National Transcontinental Rai give poison. went crazy in the Dome bunk-houee • lwaY. charged he bribed Woe's valet to tacked two Austrian miners with a he drew a knife and slashed one PgraFrrirr Skour:c737t1 fowilars 3768:111.Btafn:redbilla.-t knife and an iron bar, They were lying quietly in their bunks when man in the face and struck another savagely with an iron bar, Both ously injured. The Frenchman was mammas men are severely hurt, but not seri- All1hree men had come to work ' and will be medically examined. y Talks arrested by the Provincial Police, but a few days ago at the Dome, A despatch from Ottawa /Says ; and are unknown. except by num- ber. 1 i HE first tionsideration, when in- That ceneea is edeeeteeig tyie high, vesting surehis binds, is the est elass oe immigrearbs, though a 014 Investment In 'First Mortgage ' security of the money ineested. smaller number of free homeetead- ers were located last year Than the WORLDS BUSINESS BOOMED, bonds, guaraiseees ereouaita al prin- cipal and at the soros time seeds year before, is stated In the annual THE NEWS IN A PARR ilAPPTNINGS FROM ALL 0 TUB G1.011S IN A IPTS FpLDs Canada, t o Empire and 016 WO in General Before Yefee aEnTtetd260,,, The Catedian Northern Railway will erect a large office building in Toronto. The Cobalt post -o, oe will be re- moved to the Royal 11o:hangs inzlielva ing. ' George W. Vale -of Waterioo sue - climbed to blood-poiemeing from a scratch on the finger. • A Montreal department store le for ifniasur,40roatefonatlalo meigvhito-yhoosix,r daY Berlin has been netified by the Provincial Board of vide additional sewaealtheltiosporsal beds. Mr. James M. Shanlys o e of the lbest-known engirmerit I Calla ada, died at Montreal on FidaYr agTedhet etYvv-fidveeP•artmerital. etere P "I- ned for Scroggies, Limited, Mo t real, will include restaurants, thea tre and roof garden. Miss Looise Moore of Elizabeth- town walked out -while asleep into * snowy field in her night -ds and perished from exposure. • Wm. L. Beatty, head of the firm of M. Beatty lizr Son, Welland, manufacturers, died on Thaday, the age of seventy-one. A baby in Montreal in oonvuision was put by its frightened mother into a bath of boiling water with' fatal result. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sweeney of Point Anne, near Belleville, .were drowned on Friday, when their mo- tor boat was pierced by itee and ---eseagSnakev n iya the polio° didn't discover authorities are investigate the fire in a hub and epeke factory, the first alarm being telephoned frriveemr.Perit Minhe aoross the • Alphonse Raney, of Newfonnd-,e, land, and John Carter of Nova Scotia, students at the College of Propaganda Fide, in • Rome, were injured when a runaway auto atrud< them. The Grand Trunk Pacific and the Grand Trunk have each appliescl Parliament for authority to issue $25,000,000 four pee cent, deben- ture stock, or $50,000,000- ie all for the purchase of equipmerrt. Great Britain, Three suffragettes were arrested at a Lloyd George meeting,. Great Britain has arranged with the Sultan of Oman to step the gun-runaing, whereby the harder tribes of the northewestern peat of India get arms. Feanee is squeez- ing the Sultan to caneel the ar- rangement because it &fleets a, French industry. Ullited States. Wm. Castlebury, Bartlesville, General. Five hundred Armenian :notabill- tiee have signed 'a petitien to the , OZar of Russia involdng Russian protection. IMMIGRATION BEST CLASS. Canada Receiving the Finest, Min- ister of Interior Reports. • the Investor from 8 to 6 per cent, report of the Minister of the In - Grand Total for'Present irea,r Will n teor jest out, • The rartlway ooni- Reach $35,000,000s000. We can offer al:eh-eaten bends in denominations of 5100, 5500, Wed $1,000 tech, so that the small in. vester has the sasnei opportalnity of inyostment 40 have Banka, TrUtit Comnanles Mid large invostors. We shall be glad te enbanit parta oulttre of eortain ieeueu wheob we now have oa 31000, panies disposed of more land lait, year than ever hefore_, thole receipts, from a,ctual 1104t14275 toeing '1618,200,- 000. The average iyke paid Was: $13.70 per acre-. Tins is taken at ited.ipating that the newoomere are possessed of coesiele,rable mea,es. , The year's homeetead eetelea were 39,151, representing a p,optilestion of 93,372, as. compared with44,479 en- tries,' and. 107,884 souls in the pre - J. A. MACKAY & COMPANY v_ons. year. Immigration figures in LIMITED the report have already been pub. Suardian hays! flank 81dg, liehed,, The )(liken) goed prodaction eleNTIZEAL TORONTO-• 'was $4,024,2361 a falling off a $2,500, •