HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-12-5, Page 1as 'Shopping Made Easy at Cole's DrugetQ,re,-. Never did. we Dave, such a well selected and fine assortment of handsome Xmas pre - ciente, Don't fail to visit us before purchas- ing. Now on Stock. - lI alte Best Mokpo of Box Chocalatee-- 'QIe'S onto 8i0r1 ""' SIXTY-NINTH i V1,;.A. t--Nc 2024 sii Huron. & d , osex Gazet a s Makes Useful I t rtko awoppteres • .,6o too, rasra llraab* 11' st nods -•»1,41 to tat) rats gOttlOs-4.00 04 so b (}A ir,fµ% Potrero I3aekattr--.60 to ll:bll" • no Tr&yu. -4,00 to 4+0Q VAser-°1,Q9 to San .argent Assoi trneut, Best Prlc00 Select NoW. COle'S Drugtow'+ r ins advanc EXETER, ON'T , CANADA, T JONES'S/ 1', S. ])eriarLYYLGuC Room r, V, • Exeter School Report . PHONE 32 ChristmasSo•11g An ttractive Display ofNew Xmas Novelties The Holiday. Th1s is none too ySeason 1s'only a short ydistance awn.earl to start your shopping. Good Furs A nice present for your. Girl or Wife. We hale everything that is new in the Fur line. Pursian Lamb, Sabi; Fox, Marmot and Opposom. Fancy Waists InSilks or Net in all colors. They are just new and are right up to date. Prices $3 to $5 Cash Fur Lined CoatsWJust what every Lady needs.e have the best coats for the money you can find anywhere• Be sure to see them. Sweater CoatsdFor Ladies, Misses, Girls, Men anBoys. All kinds of Combinations and colors to choose from, The very best ma es. Men's Neckwear Our usual Bg Stock of Xmas Ties are here and you will find them the best yet. All Colors in the New Styles. Handkerchiefs oo Dozen of the New Goods. All kinds and all colors in Plain, Fancy and In- italed Handkerchiefs. c to 75c each Xmas Gloves For Gents. Ladies and Children; Wool, Cashmere, Surde, Kid, Silk Lined, Wool Lined and Fur Lined. Xmas Novelties A nice assortment of Jewell Boxes,Purses, Satchels, Hat Pins, Pins, Broaches, and Fancy Combs. Stamped Linens All kinds of Stamped Linens, Doylies, Centre Pieces, Tray Covers, Table Covers, Tie and Towell lacks. Silks to match. Neck Scarfs Silk, Linen or Wool Scarfs in all col- ors or kinds. For. Young or Old5o, 75,' and $i.00 to $3.00 each Men ►uits iOvercoatsBugyour Boya Soys New Suit or Overcoat for his Xmas Present. We have a big assortment of Suits and Overcoats. The New Nifty stuff. Jones 86 May Exeter 9 ,AU Accounts -Aire Now Due Itayal Purple Stock and Poultry Foods in 50c and $1.50 pkg al Stock and Poultry Foods in 25c and 5Cc international ; ;aldwells 7ba ' Molasses Meal Fattens Stock $2 and $2.5_aL g Herbageum in 25c and 50c. Bags Sulphur, Salts and Salt Petra Mass and Hardware Complete Stock of Glass and Hard- ware for Houses, Barns and other Buildings, bought before recent ad- A • Honors Sr TV Florence Wood 80. Kuntz unt 7$ M,ithn• z ; i' ICyydd, 78 Gerald Fitton 767 ; Pass—Wive; ve; Mo110 b. Bertha Jlorney 7 Donald 71; Lula KY;usti,e lin. Gordian Ford 72; Tura Delve 69; Sesta Brick - wood 68; Wilfred Mack 63; ,Tack Mat- hews 61; Edith Davis 60; .Jr; TV Pns;s IYlSargaret Sharp, 72; Jack Hurdoh 79. George Ortwein 70; ' Earl Powell 70; Gordon. Davis 69 ; Lillie 'Walker 69 Millie' Walker '6P; Grace Carling 64, Roy Fletcher 60; Mildred; Hardy 60; No, on: roll 32' Average. attendan',+e 2(S C,. Vospeir Room V Sr, 'OIL Honors—Gladys, !L3axviey 92 Verda Hardest 8(h Irene Zue'fJe 77 Clifford 1Naliett:76; Passi—,Alvin,' Cor- nish: '69. Willie Davis66 (Czar' Harness 66; Vert' Sweet 65; Harold Boyle 64, Drew 'Knight 62; ;Deleru 'Charlton! 62, Vera '1V..arsli'all 612; Jr.,, III Hanors-- Verda Hi11'77; IYlervyn 'Carnal 77; Mil dred Mlarcha.nd 77; Eugene Doyle 75; Pass-Clarence 1ey 73; Cora -Sat."- et an dean. 69 Mary Max roll '30, A.veragcr atten:d'ansce. 28' J. S. 11Turry Mourn VI Sr„ an honors—Ma'xrice Harvey.'89; Harneas< S8 ; Mildred 'Harvey 87; Thal ma Connor 8.4; Eddie d Davis( 8d; i; Alien Vincent s84; 3; Stella Sanders 82; Paul 'Wei.dseuiLam- naer 34.; 1311anche S.erif:or 80; Past— Edw'ard Yellow 74; Paul Collins. 72. Melia Davis, 69; IP'1•:ilippa. Earnests 69 jr, la Honors Earl Russe11.78; Pans -- Lizzie Hartleib 1.3; Clifton. Davis 60, Harold Kuntz -60; No enrolled. :344 Average attend'asnce 31 II, Yt:tilsman, Room VII ' II class i:Ionars—Mable Joi'n's, 81 Verna Walker 83; 33everley Acheson 80, Marguerite Krantz, 79; Geor r,:. Hind '76; Howard ignat 73 ;' 1)orathy Balk~ .II 69; R'earlie Taylor, 66; Le v,er:ne 'Harness' 63; Pearl Sanders .60, Jr 1I elassl—Gordon P,dwe1L 88; Willie Ortw,eir. 76; Gret>4a,; Heddse,n' '75,, Ruby Davis 63; May' Eltworthy 62; P to II cl'asst, : Mat W'eiudeY.h'ammer 82'; Lyle Statham '66; Dorothy. Mallett, 64; No', on roll 434, ; Aveeraage attendance 23, Eriie! Ouackerbush; Exeter Council A speeiaal meeting of the council waa tela On the Town. Hall Monday evening the '2nd lost:. sMtenabers, all presentt. • • 'illy -law Not 11 to prohibit the solo by retail' of s,pixitnous fermented, and other Manufactured liquors i:n'' the municipality of time. Village of Exe- ter had its firs and second reading - and eadingand. was provislion'ally pas,ved on mo- tion of J`, IIt, Scott. seconded by A, Ford,—Carried 'Ford and Lovett that By-law No, 11. be prin'te'd; three times lar. t:2i Exeter 'rimees pa'per'.—Carried That I13y-1Law ;No 12 to aprioint W, T„'il3issiett •collector o Si;atute labor commutation tax w'as read' the lnecese nary number of times and( fin'aliy pas - seed on rnot'.>osu• of: Levett and stecondied by Rivers, Messrs Jeh'n. Taylor and '.A; G, Dyer waited on the council' re drabs, on Victoria and Carling Streets, The council will do. their best to relieve the situation. Ot cnotion at Levctt b.nd seco'nd'ed by A, J. Ford, that the 'clerk totify the 0,. T 1,11.• re. eotittdttio:n OE their yards and asking theta to get'gravel. and Lave yards put in a,;pa sable con-, dition ' lat once; 'Carried t • Levett that we adjourn to meet' Friday evening the 6ts inst,, fr. 1134 CARtLI'NG ;Clerk . Room VIII ? Jr, 'Pt 11 (Cyril Doyle. 93. James. Mor- ' ley 813;; (alarrie Davis 67; Sr', 1st 1. Grace fOreceb: '85 a Murray' Scott 74; 113ertba Russell 71; .Ethel 'Houlden 51 Mary Elworthy 47.;f Lorne. 13rima- combe 40; '.Ci Class Harry Seldom. Helen Dignan. Ferrol Bartlieb; Ruby Davis. Clarence Knott:: 'Lester Dav- si. iCliffor•d Webster; 431o,sisarf Pow- ell,: Stuart Sta,'nburvzr Margaret Glad - man, 'Fred Heama'n ;; Z7o'. on. Ro llltir9 39 'Average attendance, 26 _ W, S. S. Conventions The Second: Annual! Corventiiota• of th,e. Stephen('4, l5. Association. was held ;,n the. Evangel%ow1; church Dashwood on Wed:nesdsay .or last week ]'lose was a large .representation of ) del- e•rates'from the 'different: echoafs, Credi:taat being especiallyelenthus- iasm. tth e presented, The interest and - iasm marked a moat .5uccessfut con- vention, The chief` speaker. was Mr. Prieston G: _Orwib: of Toronto. sec rotary of the secondary division. of the Ontario S, S, A,ss'nr. Mr, ,Orwig dwelt upon the! impor- ttalnce. of proper arganiz'ation • and: gni:donee of the 'boys: in the teen a;ge. This age is the periods that 'the.boy discovers himself. Physically, intel= 1.ectaa.11,y, spiritually it is. the age osf- a new birth•. Their clx;l.dhood ceases and manhood begins. Put of • the materials 'Tarnished by. environn1ar.tt, training. xeredity and the habits. wl.i:ch 'h(ave been formed, th:e founda- tions of a new,' life are being laid by tl.s boy, 'and Sutday Schools shoul:dbei intereely concernedabout the perils• that Ile in fails, oath and the way to avoid and overcome: them. 3r, (Anvil; lave, a 'number of practical and: helpful sug3esitions of haw to keep in touch! with the boys activities Besides addresses both afternoonlarid evening 'by Mrr, Orw+1,4 in program was:given address' of welcome by Rev, 7c H. Grenzebact, reply by President Mr,• 3, H' Holtz- man; L:choes 'from the Provincial con ve.ntion Mises' •W,. ;Panes; "Our Text Book" Rev,. Mr. Jefferson`, 1n the evening Rev, E, Burn spoke on. the Provincital conve;ut`o:Li, and Mr. W. 0, 1N/fedi an' the aims .of the AaSociatioin, work. 'Che male ehoraus gave sev- eral fine numbers,in the evening. Locals Mrs, S, )34wden, k,as returnecx hoose: afters visiting in T'ox'onta: ' 1YTr1, Wes, reason of',S,ofn'dot is Pyir itin'g 'in, town far sevexxal days Read Howey'a advertisement” on. page ,five4 Some steel& items• • for Xmas Is1Loriper19. Mr, Horton, bllaoksmi.th" with Mr, D. Russ'ell has moved into Dr. Ilouze's resideu:oe on North Street 11l1r, T, W: Powell Lhsi -moved. lila. household effeeta•to the residence at the, rear of. 'hLs %snore To insure a change of advertielemett advertiscrsl must -get their- caProrinto the office, not later than Monday .noon b;n! Lis return. iron the. annual, Yneeti;ng of, the Aima College Tioardt That is just the thingFath- W, G. II, McAlister reports the er or Husband would thor past year to have been. thextexsst r oughly appreciate. A Library Coat! Or Smoker as Some Gall it the history of the college sive improvements are ill view,. Watchorn—•Smith-A quiet wedding took place itn Lucan. ottt 'i;J'ednesdttr November '27tL) when. Miss' Eliza Smith, of Sodoim. ivba 'has bree.n em- ployad lot the Metro'p!cllitans Hotel, was untied in marriage to Mr, Ed, Watch- orn of Winnipeg l,4r. F. 73unter h'as: recently coal - -Dieted Lis new barn. .The barn is 36 by 88i Feet and; 'is' eoua, peg.' witL. all the ',00der° improvementsd The barn is one of the .fir.est' in Us borne: ,T1.e carpenter work was done by Messrs ' Jr Bri.tnell etdr J. IIill. ' HEART;, ,HEAD. TIMID: Educate the heart to 'f ;err' train the hand to think accustom ;the :hand to act; ,;Cees of Thotaslands of' yocang Maple holding foremost; poSitlon's. in Canada and Uribed States at salaries ranguDtta from, !WO0,. fo• 101,.000 and more per year, n:ceive,d their eduea tion and their !first 'potsiitiorr from the Spotton. CLa;Cn of seven Colleges,, Hundreds of , collegeee in Canada and United States; have engaged our grad -1 nates as, teachers. 'Ambitious, young people can learn of the success of for, mer students( in their locality for the asking, The Horne Study Depart- m'ent assists{ those, who cannot eater for ra tinier, IIt nays to attend the largest or;garizatioin in (Canada with I thirty years experience. A way can be opened for you rnni matter what the obstacles. •Applicatiosris Tor; their' t+awtn and. vicnniity .should, be' tsecttlt to the Clinton businesls, College or to the famous Spotton 13us iniesis, ;College Lan- don Mr, Alf. Harmer of the t';own.Tinne wast, Mcri.11ivary..pasised away' on Nov. llth, at 'th'e age of '25 years. In- terment wa.ss•held at; Mars' Hill Gem - (tory on Nov. 13tlr,r The Missioin circle of. Main Street church !gave ani excellent entertain- ment on Friday evening ori last week The program, consisted Of drills, dia- logues sinzin; and recitations and was greatly a.p`preciated by the tgatherin The proceeds amounted to, nearly $1.T3 !At the, last regular meetin;n Taes'- day, levet-Ong of the f. 0 f. No. 67 the ifollowilgt officers were' lel:ectrid for 'thee' ensuing term. .D, P, Gr ?aro, L'. PenLGale ; .N. 0., gird., W, Stath'am; p„ G„ Bra, 13 Iiow,ald; Recy=Sec Bro R, N. Creech; Fins -Sec. Jiro, W. Johns' sTreass, I13ro, El. N,. Diginat Wm„ Leavitt is getting the rink fixed up for the %comix'eg season "Mr.. Leavitt will have 'one of _ the largest. and best equipped, rinks: Oa Ottario The waiting rooms have, been enl'ar;' ed and refitted, They: wEld. also' :be 'steam heated, :Ne`at boxes have been provided for the. ptatrols to 'keep their shoes iand, skaters' in 'safe: beeping'. James Street MYathodisit' church Exeter 'Anniv- ersary tnelebrate their xt Sabbath. randidb!nMo'nday;' Fifty years ago 1,400 persons took tea et the opening tea r'ee'ti'n.z They are making ample 'prepaxatiots for the 'fowl supper Monday evening; text, 'A quiet' wedding Was ,sbienniz .d in the Trivitt Me norial church on vVe d- nesd'ay Deet 4th' when the rector Rev. W. :Collins united ;it. . marriage Miss 'Sus'an Mat'l.iell daughter' of; Mr, and Mrs, Vale ;.'e' Mitchel'. tot Exeten, and Mr.,. n' Dew of Hurorn dale. The many frLend+s will\ join witu the Tittles in extending' congratula- tianC. A, Beautiful, Rich Coat of soft Brown Shade or different colors of Grey. A coat that will be appreciated every day in the week, as a comfort and yet a necessity - The Prices range from Miss Pearl. Isatt of Greenway; Le visiting Ler izrtndmother Mrs:, Wm.. Dearing., - 'An 'accident occured last. ;Friday' at; the Forest Basket: Factory. when in some unknown, manner Tod Bailie' an employee fell into the steaming tank and Was, very badly scalded an the right sidle or. ills, '!'a.ce; and body The burns are not all deep and atte:ndir.g physica'an.s think he will recover; The Liadies afi Caven. Priesbyteriana church celebrated the anniversary of the Scottish •.patsron saint on. Satur- day evening, by Lolidiit a. supper in the building. south of air, 3, 'Sencrora: studio•, Thee ladies, provided an excel- lent super and e!erved' a large num- ber of , people The building was, beautifully 'derora.ted' for the occasion and from. Mthe h6ghlsandsre of , of 'Scotland epro- pro- vided music on the bagpipes. The oc- casion was, a saccCE3s about $58 being realized.. @•0• 04.OtaA♦•i►•♦•4♦AAA••r: P D4< 4...0.0o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O♦•♦OAA@•• 11 FLOUR COUPON • Dance, ♦A Lock Sets as Cut 50 Cents o °F' Hockey :Club Organized—'A' meetites of ,hockey enthusi'as+tics wa+e held, in. the sample room a1 the. Central Hotel 'on Thursday evening mast. It was de- cided: to purchase Dew ;goo .rets, for the winter and. LE.possible.The d follow- ing, will be .formed. iu:g officers were e.lected for tri' season Hon, Vice Pres e t Rev .W J„ Heama;n, W, W, aad M, Doyle.;' Presdcnt T. iI3o le; Vice Press, W. J. Statham, .Secy s W, E, J3radt; Manager R. Art, Ex- ecutive cam) the officers' and. Ti p. South'^ort and; S,. E. Fishor ' $Sto$8 Do Not Leave Your Christmas Selection until the Last Moment The LTsborne and Exeter convene tion was held in Thames Road Pres- byterian church ore Thursday, Mr. Orwig being the chief attraction. The speaker t<ihowed a great interest. in the bey problems. The ;attendance of :delegates. at this. convention. was fair' Rev. C. Fletcher gave an a.d- dresr of welcome which. was reined to by Ma, W, 0., 7Vtedd Echoes from T « v the provincial convents rheF len1 Element- aryby J. M. Southcott. L- ary division was' taken no by Ort - V', Ortw,ein of TlenCall• iVIr, wciln is a .succes'- +ful ab S', worker and Ls : a thorough believer int the cradle roll and beginners departrne t. In the evening R°'v, T. A'. Steadman. spoke on `The ]:lllaee of. Nuck" and Mr, Orwig continued, his address of the afternoon. Miss. Edna Fo,llick slang two plita.Sln„ soloei in °ree'tlect voice, The ladies ofyu the cons sga- tion served a very Sup- per int the church HAI WARE . ►:,;HE mAirsST O E STOVE AND T 0 A' • N COOK SONS&Oo 9 A m A DRIFT A This Coupon isgood for 40 cants on•each bag of SNOW our Best Family Flour, giving you the privilege of taking one to five hags, providing this coupon is presented to us on or before December • I •♦ '31st 1912 A , ,i••II,•1:•II••II,?1•4'4'' : DRIFT will only cost you $2,35 for each hag. •1••1' 'II••II• k'•d'•4' • II• fr r . latest tend most m • Our regular sellingprice of our SNOW DRIFT` flour without • this Coupons $2.75, if yu resent this Coupon each bag of SNOVti • 4• O ni ed with the late modern flour,mill O Our mill 1s eq pp TAKE 'r DELAWARE L9 GS- 4. • machinery- We have oleo secured the services of a FLrst Class Miller,• l AKE NOTICE • . A y i1e lar est rn111s » C}nt,ario, w o Mr, T, 'Baker took an auto Load to Mitchell o,n Sunday, Messrs W, J. a'n,d 1.. R, Carling were •II• h ryas previously employed by one oft g ♦ .Public will take notice .1 AWA'NNA, gG WESTERN t• l Consequently previously are offering this inducement in order to Ver every Iia 'The ,General .I. • ♦ SNOW D11,II+'T flour y Ir in 'Brighton last lveek, A public meeting in the interest of hydro -electric was held in then en - own Hall last Thursday evening. gineer from the department a d an hand to address the meeting hydr any ie spookkex onnO thectgn stion hydro. HB P user, the from three phases; the heavy small user and the farmer, refhe speaker was unable to give any ence to the cost. The matter is to be furthar looked into and these will he to rm er ' e t of come later. The pric er horse - however was placed at $36 p power with a fixed overhead charge of $'21. This would include electric lighting. The band gave ar. open air concert on th,e street Saturday night, Th'e Missess hiekert of. K;ippenb v;ss- niteed with Mrs',, Mutroe tact week .A 'number of our young people took Luh the dance. at Fl:ensal@ last' Friday .a;gLt, 'Mr4 F. Willbert. orf L'on'don .,oad North: is ilii• w' -ii h n .i ara.aes: o,f ty- pho•id ;Dever, Mr, an'd Mrs, John Spcpher.d. oC St, Thomas via,ited. M.r. ,z'nd Mrs. John Wootl on Thurediay c f 1,atit week. Mrs6 Jol.in' Wettish and nrandso•r.. ur of Wa;,ninipe,;, hiavr. xcturne. c1 to ton . r after raaz extelu,decd visit in th,e nes•. 1din aCommunio'n L7crvLce will be fair Cavan I'resbyi:er au church next Sab- bath morninng. Preparatory services will'bey held; Fridbay night at eight o'•• clock t t.n1N I'ENIIA'LE--Iia 'Ex'eter• om ethtca t5' ov, ;27th, to Mr•, and Mrs', Piet Beale;, a clnugster, RUSSB1:1L2.—'In Hay on December, 3rd to Mr,• an'd M;rc", Milton Russell a daughter Gli o I tr. and Mrsd. C'yr us .Green, la daughter. arARRTED W.ATOIiOR'N—SMITH- In Lucian on Wedrtcs3iay Nov, '27th 1l.liiss .Eliza Smith, of Soddro, a'a3:. 'Edward Watchorrt of, Wir.nip,eg. DEW—MITCHELL—In the Trivitt Memorilal church Exeter,' on 'Weds Den, lthr by cthe earn Rev. c). W, Collins Miss daughter of Mr, and Mrs 1' tlen- tine 'Mitchell to' Ma', Dean. 'Dew• of Usborta • Mr, land Mrs'. E. !Carrel, of I3iddulph. speent Sunday .)Diens Mr, and, Mr , r. il3oyl,e, Mr,, a:nd Mrs, Carroll. leave shortly for Chitiwekr,.13. 'C, where i theywe will r Ch it ]l1 fc13. 0, • Tl:e ,'wilt of siprtnyi•tritu .1.a11y of the am still doing business in and a- ,t, . :o txYS •.round Eke er. ' All kinds 'of 9'AN .I'E 'woman an opportunity to try our 4. this,orchards in section x rodatced a Guarantee :g ,, . but few iarcl:ards • Weare selling Bran at $ZZ a ton and Shorts at $3 mad two »racittCed a7xarC .Y,IrnabCr' one bringW us a Sample •' du'all'y tion was• taken rxom 1.:he or- . ss of the Lbiri- • ' On 0 L ' a t •, COAL OOMPAN ♦ + Gluar , ♦ b, clop. of apples b re Large Buyers of B s chard oC leis ataken Horsehair, Rub- * e a 5 id rs also ,A, d li • Scranton Coal l kid -.south:,e l e r Mr Janina, pt eked s OOta c. from about ] I o1 ab .,.• o over 350 barrels r t, Ph la does not inelnde the cul is 'or w;,nc1falls and speaks rata for spra.y- 4' H. ! 40 ing and prnrie Mnr.y farriers, have • IiENSALL ONTARIO • tm.d iar,e. orcvo of; ar6ples but nfter ♦ t:YaC. packers ha.vr, ri,n,.l1, d ♦ A them tae pereentagr. of nutnbea' oxn . ••••••••♦♦•i.•♦•••*••9.1r••••••••••#••••A••1S•'•••••••••• ' trait 4)'aus very aniall 4' y n i0 Orf Scrap Iron, d ie , pP :Rag% Highest market prices paid. , Call at one doom south .of Telephone Ofiice. Wrxler St Co, $ i" he Best hard Coo Mine Try a torr $ W. I1 . Leverr 4' 4. • COAL MAN ,' - ♦ • COOK, SONS & CO. Make Somebody liapp) With a K A t A beautiful brown bath robe is now on exhibition in our window. Come in and let us Show YOU We carry also an. Excellent Line of MUFFLERS the Newest Thing at Reason- able Prices. NECKTIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, A UNDERWE R the Latest and Most Up to -Date Styles •y'a See Our New Soft .. r .aL.. HAI 'S HAl cher- ished ' Horne em memories tos thatare most are those of the great home day—CH 1t!ST N1AS. Bet- t in ter than there memory, though, is the pictured story of the fami- ly reunion, the happy children, the gay yo'ing folks, the grown- up and girls back home again The Pictures taken h up boy n with.. the Christmas i .odack wiiiit pleasure the whole year routed and for all the years to cuiie. Let us show you the btmplk x%odat;k wit,, which snakes pie - lure -talking so nluoh fun. We have YCradalis at $6.00, others up to 805 00. tioweys Drugstore THE NIFTY TAILOR, 4