HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-20, Page 184�,Y+iasn:.:, • the t dle&f n c are req,ull signed fids # ftelit wlttl°`i ..under wf 0I)# ,h 404 Ula st: Str?ut, 2 , hos been qp< rl foi';the ,Ontorixa' tX12 le i1 all hei *WOW b to y pE Il+y shall not l fire haste notl �„ a Messrs •Troytul iher, .r,. raw' rates,"fast-`•seryieeT (519, 433.6666. --1 Otfair Bo rIMeirt ltrid otftf .41uCtit n sale Goderich ,Q• ritaria N7AEP Solicitors•f'or the Estate; —11.,1213. NOTICE TO w CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Estate of Harvey Milton'Johnston. Creditors,and•all others having o claim against, the Estate aLliarvey Milton Johnston, fate -of the: Town af;Gaderich, in the County of Heron, Who died an Or Ablaut ,the 9th day 'of January,,. 1985.. are required te:f ile proof of same with the under signed on or fore the 24th day;of April; 1985. . After that date the Estate will' be distributed with regard only tathe claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be. liable to any person of whose claim they shelf not then Have notice. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 7th day of March, 1985: l'Aessrs. Troyan & Fincher, Barristers and Solicitors, 1 Nelson Street, East;- Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 Solicitors for theEstate 11,12,13 1 Nekton Strada ; East NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate'pf WILFRED' DOUGLAS GILDERS, Fitter, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of March, 1985, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 6th day of April, 1985, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, 'Ontario, this 1 l th day of March, 1985. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 11,12,13 36. Announcements, notices SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO NOTICE TO KEVIN VERNE CUNNINGHAM A notice of petition for divorce, statement of financial information,. statement of property, a petition for divorce and for interim and perma-, nent custody of the child, Kristina Cunningham; born February 17, 1980, with no rights of access to you and for costs, has been filed by Barbaro Cunningham. You may obtain a copy of the notice of petition for divorce, the petition for divorce, statement of financial information and statement of property by mail from the court of- fice at One Court House Square, Goderich, On- tario N7A 1M2., If you wish to oppose the petition or seek other relief, you must do so in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. If you fail to serve and, file an answer, a divorce may be granted and judgment may be given against you in .your • absence and without further notice to you. HUNTER; PARKER & RIVERS a -_ Barristelsrs" and So 1cTlors" 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Solicitors for the Petitioner, Barbara Cunningham. 12 GIGkNTIC FARM EQUIPIU)gNTWonthly Clearance Cortsignrnent Auction. Friday March 22, 1985. 1Qa.m. sharp. Sales held fogrth Friday of each month. New and Used equipment Including"ap- preirirnately 75 tractors, some industrial equip- rpgnt,.trucks, seeding,equipment and over 200 piacns,t all types of f„arnequipment plus lawn - and ga den' tractors: Special Note: This sale features several : consignments „from area farmers plus an excellent lineup.of our own in- ventory. Terms cash or good cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Lunch booth and trucking available. Tractors to be sold inside. Auctioneer Cliff Gilbert. One of Ontario's.. fastest growing monthly farm equipment con- signment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equip - Merit. Highway NO. 6, Wiarton, Ontario, Phone (519)134-1638, or 534.2980.-0-12 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON -"482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. MARCH 23 AT 10 AM - Furniture and appliances at Richard Lobb's. barn, Clinton, for Orval Powell. N , SUNDAY, MARCH 24 AT 11 PM - A modern furniture and appliances and household effects to be held at Saltford Hall, Goderich, Ontario for /tr..s. Della McGee. THURSDAY, MARCH 28 AT 1 PM - 3 tractors, combine, modern farm machinery, forage equipment, hay and straw, 21/2 miles north of Blyth on Highway 4 for Bill Fear. SAT. MARCH 30 AT 10 AM - Antiques. Furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. II SAT. APRIL 6 AT 10 AM - Antiques., furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Glen' Lockhart. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 AT 10 AM - Beef cows, Stocker cattle, truck, combine, 5 tractors, swather, forage, harvesting and tillage equipment, feed, etc. to be held at Lot 19., Concession 5, McKillop township, 21/2 miles north of Seaforth and 11/2 miles east for Wilfred Drager. Farm is sold. SAT. APRIL 13 AT 10 AM - Airless paint sprayer, power carpentry and shop tools, power mortar mixer, job site shacks, portable heaters, portable generator, used material, etc. to be held a1 55 Birch Street, Seaforth Industrial Park, Seaforth, Ont. fsr Wayne & Harold Smith Construction Co. Ltd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 AT 10 AM — Lobb Brothers . Spring Consignment Auction of tractors & farm machinery, • Bayfield Rd., Clinton. To consign phone Richard 482-7898 or Fred482-3409. FRIDAY. APRIL '19 - JD 7700 combine, Versatile.4 wheel, drive tractor, 3 J4 tractors and full line of Cosh Crop -To -rot equipment, Lot 5, Concession 9, Tuckersrnith Township, 5,'/2 miles south of Seaforth and 1'x.1 miles east for Rieny VanLoon. Corporation of the --- OLGODERICH ATTENTION The Town of Goderich has available Federal funds as allocated by Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation specifically designed for home improvements, i.e. roofing, siding, heating, etc. Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (R.R.A.P.) is a housing renovation program with repayable and forgivable loans as determined by income available to homeowners in the designated area. (See map) Anyone interested in more information concerning the program can contact the undersigned or George Woodall at 524- 7568. Larry J. McCabe Administrator & Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N -A 2-K5 - TOWN Or GODERICH 1 4. r B 4 ••••••••,.. c.. ? r .•. 1 I DESIGNATED A`EA iyT' Iiir 9.0(1vtplment fort 44100r firms, .,faceted 6 mikes north 'of Grand eeiad en Hwy. No. 21, TUESDAY, MARCH 26 AT 1 O;30 A.M. NOTE; Refer to :last week's edition, Maieb 19, for full listing of tractors. machinery, trucks, and strawberry equipment. IIiNRY`:}. TI RATHWELL & ASSOCIATESr'INC. Hwy. No. 4, Br'ucefield, Ont. 482-7181 or 482-3120 AUCTION SALE Modern . appliances, antique furniture, piano, portable TV, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. Ont. for Orval Powell of Goderich, Ontario. SATURDAY MARCH 23 AT 10 AM Admiral fridge; Woods 12 to 15 cu. ft. chest freezer; Inglis' clothes dryer; Begtty wringer washer; Kelvinator frost free fridge 11/2 years old; Tappan 24" electric stove; Weber upright piano;. piano bench; Lloyds 20" portable TV one year old; antique dresser w/mirror and bonnet compartment"; antique washstand; antique bonnet chest; fancy old wooden extension dining table w/4 leaves; oak buffet wfmirror; flat to wall type cupboard; bottom for flat to ,wall in rough condition; old oak record cabinet; modern chesterfield & chair; 2 sets of six matching pressback chairs; washstand w/towel bar; coffee tables; small tables; table ('amps; 2 floor lamps; bridge lamp; oil lamp; wicker fern stand; step stool; treadle sewing machine; small record player; vacuum cleaner; electric broom; enamelled scrub board; toilet pitcher; toilet basin; 2 old trunks; 2 huge back trunks; crokinole board; washstand; 3 wooden picture frames; picture frames; dishes and glassware including antique pieces; 12 place setting of Alfred Meaken English Meadow pattern 18K gold Border dishes; 20 ft. extension aluminum ladder; 3 inch vise; a few hand tools; coal shuttle; plus our usual offering bf small items. TERMS: -CASH' Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 ` r.._ _._'` 1.i'�� ' - (J/J//SII ,00s.ic . Y t ti, rt,l. _ i.,,.,, la . 1 4f 11� 11 F t ,. 1 r N1,i ., � 1 r rr _... r 1r 1 rr '1j ..f 1 1 r Hif 11 I ;` t! i `ik i I tti I� j� ��1I i 1�•C I1 „-� 1 1 i `' � I Sills n i , i,i i. .1.1- 'jilt i. '44'- ESTATE AUCTION SALE M.odern.-appliances -and--furrtiture, some antiques, new lawn mower and garden tiller, Chinese and Persian rugs, household effects, to be held at the Saltford Valley Hall, Goderich, Ont. for the Estate of Della McGee. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 AT 1 PM Admiral harvest gold fridge; Admiral harvest gold 30" electric stove; Moffat harvest gold automatic clothes waher and clothes dryer; Woods apt. size chest freezer; Zenith I Space Command 26 inch floor model colour TV with remote control (one year old); floor model hi fi; chesterfield and matching chair (new); nine piece cherry dining room suite including double pedestal table with two leaves, large buffet and hutch style china cabinet; antique love seat w/matching rocker arm; choir and side chair in good condition; small modern kitchen table w/two matching wooden chairs; antique Sectional bookcase w/folding glass front; French Provincial style-siaesser teld;- Kroehler chesterfield w/pullout bed; fancy knee hole desk with drawers on each Side; matching toffee tib a andjwo end tables with inlaid leather tops; Targe fancy coffee table with matching end tables; fancy carved walnut pedestal tableunusual parlour _table; four matching dining chairs; upholstered .. swivel rocker; two large upholstered foot stools; electric sewing machine in stand w/stool; older three bedroom suite w /box spring and mattress; two wooden ice cream chairs; large oil painting by E.M. BLACK; large wall mirror; two wall mirrors; eight foot pool table; luggage; round card table 8, four choirs; wicker picnic basket; step stool; six good living room lamps; pots and pans; dishes and glassware including antique and collectable pieces; bedding; towels; fancy work; new portable radio with cassette player; carpet sweeper; floor polisher; Honda lawn mower .with bag nearly new; Honda garden tiller new; TV game; exercycle; oak shadow box; 4 piece youth bedroom suite; recliner chairs window aft conditioner; RUGS FROM MISS BESS GRIEVE of SEAFORTH; 2 Persian Homadains rugs 42" x 74" and 49" x 67"; Chinese all wool hooked rug ,approx. 9' x 12'; Iridian rug approx. 3' x 5'. f3y,:: March 21 . ' 10110 qr*I�nl. REFER. TO LAST WORK 'IS*UE FOR LISTING AUCTIONEERSr GRANT McDONALD RIPLEY 395.5353 WALLACE BALLAGH TEESWATER 392-6170 WAWA \\l�\\\\\%%A Vi aek\NR ,\\\u\\\\\\%\\\\\M.%\\ AUCTION REGISTER April 13, at 1:30 p. m. Kings Port Farms Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Knoop farm equip. May 18 Georgeand Betty Monuief, Amberfey Clearing Auction (Faint Sold) • May 19, 2 p.m. M. E. Beese, Klntaii Real Estate, Miscellaneous, Antiques May ? at 7:30 p.m. Harvey Kilpatrick, Belfast \Clearing Auction Farm Machinery CALL First Choice Auction Now for your spring sale bookings CLETUS DALTON SLS MANAGER 529-7420 Auctioneer \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"" W� 39. Educational FREE - Career Guide describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretory, Journalism, Television Servic- ing, Travel..Grartton (5A) 263 Adelaide St. West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121.-0-12 FAMILY TAX PLANNING; Learn loopholes to decrease taxes- Earn money preparing returns. For free brochure, . rife U 3 R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., - Winnipeg, /Manitoba, R3T- 266.-0-12 LEARN PIANO/ORGAN. New, Easy, Chord Method! Instruction book, 3 Cassette Tapes teach you; Keyboard styles including "By Ear" and simplified music reading. All family members can ,earn. Progress own pace. Low cost! Start chording immediately. Details free. Write: Ken's Keyboard Kourse (as advertised on Television) Box 3021, Station A, Moncton, N.B. El 9C2.-0- 12 40. Lost & Found LOST'- tie clip with Brant"t1'ectroriks engraved on it. $20.00 reward. Please call collect 846- 5167.-12 41. To give away ONE FEMALE port Chow. part gold Lab. One year old. Good with.children. Will give to good home. Phone 524-2312 after 4:00 p.m. -.11,12 .1�1jdd, n lndtOD tlorine .:itr ttr+e tirrltl rout prod S1 401 ke'iat ; V`a, lip •teir sin Ir 7to, their tide dunatio114' fl dcl` d tnelrsbers Off `+ P1 s tloltingwo>I ;h arid' General ` 0301tglai'„ reel years of sick glfl,ga+-M�� e HULATER _ 4 1 Would like to thank my family, ,n friends and the doctors and nurses of St Hospital and Alexandra Maine acid" Hospital far: the good care anrl.ktndne! toward me. A special than to Mr.. Brace Betties. Many -thank for the; OS sent by all. Murray Hunter. -...12/' P.E.P. COM 4111110 , It Is with sincere gratitude that th pr:E.PCam' mittee from Holmesville Public Schaal wishes.to thank everyone who helped with their Fashion Show "Petticoats to Punk". Year . kindhes;l, generosity and support are appreciated and we hee grateful to all who contributed, in any way to lp make our show a success. ---12 , itrar�:, ' COOK Many thanks -to friends, relatives and neighbours for the gifts, cords, visit and telepkione,calls. Special thanks to all the family for the Open House, having the hall decorated in .a Ruby theme, for the purse of rnoney, and a ibvely lunch on the occasion of our 40th Wedding An- niversary sary and also to Jack Riddell M.P.P. Joe and Edna, -12x GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB To the parents for their cooperation in costuming their children; ta;,Fran and Debb„e for a great job in the short time given them; to John, our an- nouncer; to the Signal -Star for the excellent coverage; and to all the others who helped make our exhibit osuccess, The Executive. -12' ' VINCENT We would likb'to.say Thank you” to our family, friends and rie1'§hbours . for their cards, letters and gifts to 'Leanne. They will always be ap- preciated. A special thanks to Auburn Booster Club for the baby shower and 'to the United Church Women for their thoughtfulness. It is in- deed a pleasure to Live in a• community such as Auburn. Jack, Ann and Leanne. -12 kn SOWERBY We would 'like"to thank family and friends for cards, flowers, gifts and visits received during our stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. James Rourke and the nursing staff 2nd floor East at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for their excellent care and attention. Everything was greatly appreciated. Debbie and Stacey. -12 STOLL We wish to, express our thanks and appreciation to those who visited or sent cards or flowers, or performed other acts of kindness for Allan or myself during his',final illness at St. Joseph's Hospital London. We wish also to express sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for 'canis of sympathy, floral tributes, memorial donations and other kindnesses during our re- cent bereavement. Special thanks must go to Dr. Roy Lomas; Dr. Peter Cordy and his staff;. the nurses and staff of the Renal Unit, C.A.P.D., and 60h S.E. of St. Joseph's; Rev. John D.M. Wood, Gord Lang, Sisters Monica and Mary Agnes; Ed Stiles; John DeJager; Rick Pella of Stiles Funeral Home; members of Morning.Star Lodge, Carlow. rind. of 'Tiger Dunlop W.I. Helen Stoll ,.end family„ -1'25c VANSTONE To all those who organized or in, any way con- tributed to our benefit dance, our most sincere thanks. Words alone cannot express how grateful we are to everyone for their kind sup- port. Hopefully someday, in different .cir- cumstances, we will be able to show our ap- preciation for, all that has been done for us since the fire. Everyone's kindness and thoughtfulness will never be frrgotten.'Sincerely, Brod, Lori and HI! My name is Candy. I am a small house dog and especially good with ,children. I am part dachshund and have been spayed and have all my shots. My owners can't have me any more so, I'm free to a good home with lots of love. Phone any time 524-7106.-12,13nx • 42. Death notice BALYK At her residence, cn Sunday, March 17, 1985, Marylin. Dear wife of Donald Balyk of 4 Fitzroy Crescent, London, in her 46th year. Dear mother of Scott and Susan at home. Dear daughter of Roy and Margaret McIntosh, London. Dear sister of Mrs. Sam (Sharon) Edmunds, Windsor and Jim McIntosh, Richmond, B.C. Survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass was held at St. Justin's Church on Tuesday March 19th. Inter- ment St. Peter's Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. -12 46. In memoriam ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED FROM HALL DAY OF SALE. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 HOLLAND In loving memory of o dear Aunt, Bertha Holland, who passed away two years ago, March 21, 1983. e is away, yet ever near, Her presence fills each day, Her voice and smile are everywhere, A memory away. ._.-Altheugb..sbe4s-ria-longer-seen,--..__—__._._.._._._._....__ .- By family and friends she fives for she was dearly loved, And love can never end— Lovingly —Lovingly remembered by niece, Mary. -12 ' THOMPSON In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Emma'who passed away five years ago, March 22, 1980. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day Unseen, unheard but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear. Your children, Sandra, Tom and families.-12nx McCOSH In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfather. Kenneth Mccosh, who passed away March 26, 1984.. Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent, you are ever. near Sadly missedandatways dear.... Lovingly remembered by wife Ruth, daughters Janice, Judy, Joanne and families. -12x 47'. Card of thanks SANDERSON We sincerely thank Dr. Walker, Dr. Lambert and other doctors, nurses, neighbours, relatives and friends far the kindly care while we were conffn- ed"in-ffiite'`fid p . 'ThiT” wars, . .der; feud, phone calls and visits were much appreciated. Mike and Anne Sanderson. --12x' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MAN with truck and trailer will do spring clean- ups and remove junk. Phone 524-9568.-12,13x Finlay is back in bush again ; this spring making syrup LOCHALSH N\I \A/S Kos Webster, 395-5257 Margaret Morton of Point Clark took her mother, Rhetta MacLennan and her son, Jason Morton to Harriston the first of the week where Jason played hockey and Jason's team won. While in Harriston, they had a visit with Rhetta's brother and sister- in-law, Harold and Peggy Jardine. Finlay MacDonald is in the bush again this spring making maple syrup. Finlay says there is lots of snow in the bush but the sap is running very well. If the weather hods, he will tap more trees. On Tuesday morning Marj MacLean had a Bible Study meeting in her home for the Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Donna. Zimmerman' of London was at home with herr parents, Warren and June Wylds for a couple of days. Kae Webster and son, James visited for a while in Dungannon with Jack and MArion Smith on Sunday. The community expresses sympathy on the sudden passing of Mrs. Art Smeltzer of the Pine River district. Mayn'le Wilkins and her sister and brother-in-law, Charles and Rtl4y Reacts of Woodstock visited on Monday with their mother and brother, Stella and Lloyd Irwin of Kinloss township. Those at Gordon and Nora Robb's on Sun- day for dinner were: Bob, Sandra and (leather Darling of Hanover and William and Shirley Irvin and family of Ashfield township,