HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-20, Page 16Art.ic le Removed PAGl "r1<l31-; 49,PERiCI Si9IoiAL,STAR, IMINE DAY, MARCH 20, 1985 !P: +Y' 1. Articles for sale ATTENTION GOURMET COOKS! We have a table just for you - overhead glass rack,,knife,block, pot hooks, butcher block, style top. This chefs table must be seen, Please call 524-8889.-9tfnx SINGER -- For authorized sales and service, sew- ing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to, all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now Located at 56 The Square, Goderilch,.524-8431:-ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar LADIES size 16, blue vinyl jacket. Never worn. Phone 482-3739 ,after 6 p.m. or any time on weekends,-45tfnx COMPUTERS Olivetti (IBM Compatible) Zeus, Multi -tech (Apple Compatible): software, peripherals, supplies and servicer Call CW Com- puters and Supplies (Kincardine) Ltd. 396- 3114.--05tf STEEL BUILDINGS, Best Prices - While steel buildings last - factory direct - 20 year Warranty - • Unlimited sizes - as low as $1.81/Square ft. for complete building. - Phone Brad - Collect (416) 678-1585.-0.12 PRESEASON sale, new and used Prowler, Golden Falcon, Starcraft, Morry's Trailer Sales 8 Rentals, Hwy. 4 between Hanover and Walkerton. 364- 3748. Closed Wednesday and Sunday.-O9tf KROEHLER high .back chesterfield and chair, finished in brown plaid. This set is in very good condition and must be seen to be appreciated. Asking $600.00. Please call, after '6 p.m. 524- 8423.-03tfnx WINTER CLEARANCE on all Steel Buildings. Dif- ferent sizes some 20 to 100 wide. First come first served. Miracle Spon Steel, Buildings toll free 1- 800-387-4910.-0-10-12 FOR SALE; 75 Olds 88. For. parts Air=Pwr. Ant. 8 track stereo. Pwr. Trunk - and more, .524- 6264.--47tfnx STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers clearance, timited quantities. Buy -Now, while supplies last. Substantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120'. Call toll „free 1-800-461-7689. (Area code 807) call (705) 335-5972.-0-12 1979 HONDA 750 Custom 10th anniversary edi- tion. Excellent condition'. Phone 524-8794 after 4:00 p.m. -12,13 FRESH Maple Syrup available, Robinson Maple Products. Phone 529.7857,-10,11,12,13x NEW ADD-ON wood boiler Jeffrey FFB-3 120,000 to.T40;000 B.T.0 Coniftects toexisting-hot-water heating system. C.F.A. approved. Qualifys for .C.O.S,P. -grant ' $1,295.00. Call 526- 7597..-11,12,13 SPECIAL SALE: cedar signs for home, cottage or business. Reg. $25, now $17.50 if ordered by March 30. House numbers $10. Blyth 523-4455 after 5 p.m. ---12 ---BRIDES! Affordable prices Pictures Albums Frames Wedding Invitations Walden Photography Blyth 523-9212 STEEL -STEEL WAREHOUSE SPECIALS A complete range ALL SIZES Check our prices - all stock inside. Toil Free 1-800-265-3053 WILKINSON KOMPASS ADMIRAL 26" colour console TV, excellent condi- tion $185.00; 20" colour portable TV, picture like new, $175.00. Phone 396-8569.-12 SPECIAL - water softener salt less 10%. Spring oil and grease 10 cents a litre. Auburn Co-op. Phone 526.7262. -12,13 - USED BIKES and parts, good selection, Gord's Cyclery; 65 Cambria Rd. S., Goderich. Phone 524- 7892.-12 1976 HONDA XL 350 single cylinder 6700 original miles. Excellent condition $400,00 firm. Phone 524-9306 after 5 p.m. -12 WEEKLY SPECIALS!" See our ed in "Focus", Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1'/4 miles south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508.-6eowtfar 1984 HONDA Shadow 750 cc certified. Low mileage. Phone 524-9231.-1;12,13 REGISTERED BURMESE Kittens, Sable or cham- pagne, Pets $175.00. Call 347-2750.-12 UPRIGHT Doherty piano in good condition asking $800.00. Please call 524-8423 after 6 p.m.-8tfnx BRAND NEW Vacuum Cleaner $100.00 off. Please call 524-8889.-11,12m CONSTRUCTION Truck Cap; 100,000 BTU Gas FA - Furnace; 34" x 80" Brown Aluminum storm door. Phone after 6 p.m. 524-4226.-12x KAWASAKI KZ1000 ST Sport/Touring motorcycle well maintained and only 18,000 km. Shaft drive, electronic ignition, mag wheels with originat tubeless tires, piexifaring windshield, backrest, guard bars, Jardine exhaust. Will safety check for $1775.00.- Phone Goderich 524-2390. Ask for Bernie. -11,12,13x • BALED hay and baled straw for' sale. Phone 482- 3340,-11,12x 1 C.B. Realistic TRC 55 Cobra 19; 1 ton Chev 30 Series Flatbed; 1 Thomas organ ..model 1120. Phone 524-6278.11,12 HOTPOINT 6,000 B.T.U. custom vertical air condi- tioner; 'twin bed; Realistic stereo receiver speakers and turntable, all in good. condition. Phone 524-8470,=11,12 WATER PROBLEMS? New technology to Canada - C.S.A. approved. Eliminates chemical con- tamination, nuisance and coliform .bacteria., staining, smell, bad taste and more - .no messy chemicals maintenance free - -tested and pro- ven in Gver 10,000 rural installations - free 30/Day trial offer - Try it out - See the results for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 -year written warranty. If you want BETTER WATER for better country living call , toll .free.1.:800-2682656 ar (4)00244344.-0-12 NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old-fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Cotalogue $1, Golden Bough Tree Farm., Marlbank, Ontario KOK 2L0. -O-12 $ QUONSETS - SACRIFICE PRICES $ Manufacturers rep selling off inventory for rock bottom prices. For example, a 46 x 70 for less than n 40 x 60. Never priced lower. All sizes. Call 416-663- - 5332 CLASSIFIED --RAS T.Ste•- DATA: -- .,. . DEAltINES: .,,. 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 4 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED:. RATES: '4 15 min. (22 words 19' ea. additional word thereafter. in Memoriam: '4115 min. plus 35c per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.15 min. 25 words plus 64I for ea. additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; 130. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number, '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Consecutive , Insertions; 10% discounts available for "word ads running 3 weeks or more with no copy change, Prompt Payment; 504t discount per week for word ods paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion. Available only on word ads running 1 or 2 weeks. Display classified; rates available on request. To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE:. MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 524 - 2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich- Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Doderich.'N7A 406 1974 PLYMOUTH Satellite. Asking $700.00. Phone.. 524.8657--11,12 1974 COUGAR XR7, large motor, air, power steering and windows, needs body work. Best of- fer. Phone 524-9906 evenings. -l2 1979 FORD PINTO good condition, Phone 524- 8846 after 6 p.m. -12 1974 CHEV Impala 350 automatic $900.00 or best offer, Phone 524.6291.-12 6. Trucks for sale 1975 DODGE VAN, 318, automatic, good body, good mechanically, new radials, exhaust and cad. Fully camperized quality materials. Many extras. $4300 certified or best offer. Phone 524- 2100.-12,13x - . [,Marine TIME SHARE - A completely equipped 26 foot sailboat from Bayfield, enjoy 40 days of soiling throughout 1985. For details -contact: Brian at Boat Share 1-519-433-9473 - Evenings 1-519.68)- 8573 or write 102 Josephine Street, London, Ont. N5Z 3P3. -07-12x 9. Automotive MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS •Filters •Tires •Batteries •Plugs •Helmets and many more We repair all makes & models & also certify motorcycles. ARGYLE E GRIINE NES& SMALL 88 Britannia Rd. E. Goderich 524-9201 1983 BLACK Yamaha Virago 500, 1700 km. showroom condition. Coll 524-4628 after 5:00 p.m. -11,12 A new BUILDING in your future. Wood frame, all steel, straight/slant, half round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For Action Value and Answers call Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends. --O- 12 WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory direct prices. No middleman. Quonset and Straight wall buildings. Won't be undersold. Guaranteed best volue on market today. • Call (416) 221- 7353. -0-12 SPRING GARDENING. Everything to start. Seeds. nutrients, heating, lighting, Germinating kits, greenhouses, solar openers. Metal Halides at best prices in Canada. Send $2 for catalogue and price list to Western Water Forms, 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B6B 3N9 (604) 682-6636.--0- 12 ALL STEEL BALE RACKS, order preferred; light and heavy grader blades; trailer bunk feeders. Owen Martin Manufacturing, RR 3, Wallenstein, M. NUB 150. (5t9)'t99.431-44•. 8600 FORD TRACTOR diesel, cob with air, dual power, 2580 hours, 18.4x38 T - roil duals, ex- . tl .nt rnnditiell. ?bone 565.5309. -12x 1983 KAWASAKI LTD. 550 shaft drive. 8300 km. Vettershield and Shoei backrest and trunk. Ask• ing $2400.00 certified. Phone 524-4132. - 12,13x WELL SEASONED firewood for sale. $120.00 a bush cord (4' x 4' x 8'). Phone 482-7594. 12tf GODERICH LIVE BAiT AND TACKLE WAl I 'Wnnn,•Minnnw •51., 1 nr, Ile% • f.r;sY11511'. 20i,$uron RoadCASH VISA ,Hwy 8 by Canadian Torr.!) GODERICH, ONT 519 524or 2350 the MUF for every NEED. We can install theft ilfler you ' want attilmostiiny price you want; too.. -- ... -- ------- Top-quality original equipment type mufflers, high-performance ", Red Line Z to economyfkoyal Scots. Every one'is built to Walker's high standards. And built to last. ' See us to get the right muffler.at the right price - Walker, And stop in soon for your free, ii.... exhaust system Inspection, Walker mufflers and pipes installed by: N1000N0001V5 .UL, L 51 NISSAN DEMO GODERICH_ AUTO SALES & SERVICE 268 sayn•Id Rd-, Goderich ` 524-2131 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! HERD REDtJC,1,TIQN,t Regietereckpelled, HEREFORDS 40 cows fared to P.R-;W25E Klipd`er 20 cow bred to Justamere 3,176 Spilus. Cows to calve Aprli.R May. 10 heiferti bred to Farriers Justo V Nero will. ' calve May. 20 open heifers, 10 service age bulls. Free -listed Harold Hawthorn, Foresters 'Falls, Ontario (613)646-7693.-0-T2. 12. Real estate for sole ®vim ESTATE FARM. 99 Acres. House and Implement Shed, Located at Lot 20, Conc. 11, Stanley Township. For more information call: 565-5343 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx TWO BEDROOM trailer for rent 1'/2 miles east of Dungannon $250 per month including hydro. Heat extra; Phone 529.7060.-11,12 FARM FOR RENT 100 acres fall ploughed. Phone 524-7560.-12 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yoursoif with Deep Steam Ext sctlon BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 17. Apta'rtments for rent SALTFORD - 4 room apartment on 2nd floor with fridge, and stove `supplied. Recently redecorated. Call 5.2111 or e9;enings 524-2036.-11 tfar DUNGANNON two-bedroom apartment • carpeted. Call 529-7888.-12,13,14 FURNISHED bachelor apartment, available May 15. Call after.6 p.m. 524.4226.-12x , - ; ! Wanted WANTED TOt B4llt between Bayfle)d and:".rlt McMichael, 929'Henllgch Str'.ret,,Sarnla ; N7S1K1,erphone 1-33'•3144. 1-337,63144.-494e11,01 y,t;; PIANO wanted: net necesiiarilyIn gt et,lndlflf h•.; Have name. make and height of p ane vl►,hgct balk, ,, ing. Phone collect (5144,669-1201 Elaraira. - O1 WANTED; Male Siamese cat. Six months to one year old. Phone 529-7382.-12tfnx REAL ESTATE - Wanted to Buy - three bedroom home in west end of town. Brick exterior and finished basement preferred. Please write Drawer No. 3, . c/o Goderich Signol-Star;" P.O:•: Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4116,-12,13 PIANOS WANTED. Give name, het9hts:;:ii))mber .i found under top lid. Have your piano refinished, restored. New low rate! Village Piano Shop, Elmira: (519) 669-2280 or 669-2211.-0-12 26. Help wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for, your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and'job placement in- ' formation contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519) 432.17261 :fA':., TUTOR required for grade one pupil to tutor phonics. Coll 524-2006 after 5:00 p.m ,-11,12nx ONE BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove in- cluded. 524-9995.-9tf SUBLEASE Vanastra Townhouses apartment. Available May 1st. Phone 482-9337,-12,13 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USEp We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even talte acs 5. Cars for sale 1972 DATSUN 510 wagon for parts - four good` tires on aluminum slotted mags.' Phone 524. 7215.-- 10tfnx 1981 Z28 350 auto, 70,000 km. power steering, power brakes, power windows, r.w.d„ delay wikrs, AM -FM cassette, blue -blue cloth interior, one year warranty, new rubber, exhaust, belts and hoses. Mint condition. $8,500.00 certified. Phone 524-7645.-11,12 1 tir • We *16-. of", IS Y -OU -- CAR.... •3' aTirng r-•7 issirrg?______-__.. •Lacking Power? •Giving Poor Os Mileage? Bring your car in for our new COMPUTER et: ENGINE ANALYSIS •Over 300 tests performed •You receive a diagnostic printout of items requiring attention or service. Reg. '29.95 INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL .ONLY 118. Houses for rer . $.'31 NEW THREE bedoom iaungalow I in Bayfield. Available immediately 236-4230.-07tf MILLION DOLLAR VIEW - three bedroom in Ben - miller overlooking river, including garage and greenhouse. Available May 1st, $350.00 per month plus utilities. References necessary. Phone 524=291r6 e�rer(vtgs only =i tf FARM HOUSE 5 miles from Goderich on paved road. Available immediately. References re- quired. Phone 524-7597.-1.2,13 19. Rooms for rent WEEKLY and off-season rates. Gardiner's Motel, 400 Bayfield Road. Phone 524-7302.-46tfar BEDROOM for rent in Goderich home with children. Kitchen privileges, will take trade for some housekeeping or babysitting. Must like children. Phone 524-6649.-12 21. Cottages for rent WANTED TO RENT - Summer home for season. No small children. Beach front, quiet and comfor- table with fireplace. Will take excellent care of home. Phone 416-884-2205 after_ 6 p.m. -11,12,13,14x 23. Commercial property for rent HURON RD; GODERiCH PHONE 524-2121 24. Wanted to rent THREE BEDROOM house wonted to rens May i st. Coll ony time after 1 p.m. 524-8660.-12 • HURON COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM requires full-time CUSTODIAN/ HANDYMAN .Present salary range 416,718-'19,006 per annum plus excellent benefit package. Preference will be given to "per(sons with Museum experience or training. Application, complete with detailed resume of experience, qualifications and education will be received •by the undersigned until 12 noon April 3, 1985. RaymaindrScOfirhrtrery Curator , 110 North St. Goderich, Ont. t'17A 719 liU*IMER STAFF GODERICH RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD Pool Staff instructor/Lifeguards. Qualificgtlons: Red Instructor's Certificate.. Minimum Cross / RLSS Beach Staff Lifeguards. Minimum- Quaiiflcotlons: Red , Cross Leader Patrol and/or National Lifeguard Service. For the above positions apply In writing stating experlonce an qua fficafrons (photocopies of all current certificates must be included with application, otherwise the application will be refume tot a sertr er)-. .. _._._ _... Playground Staff Positions are available for 9 weeks. Responsibilities include: organizing special events,bus trips, sports and cultural activities for children ages 6-13 years. Pre -School Program Positions are available for 9 weeks to run the Bert A Ernie Club - a pre-school recreational program. Responsibilities include: organizing an active program of games, music and special activities for pre-schoolers. For above positions apply in writing stating age, experience and qualifications. SUBMIT ALL APPLiCATIONS'TO: - erlch Recreation & Community' Centre Board, 166 McDonald St., Goderich Ont. N7A 3145 Application deadline: April 12th. 1985. 1