HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-20, Page 13l ' � RODMAN- daWyslt, i u►ethcootmugtsof longerand wanner Over severarnmotwa,rwddse wing 430, plan getti i read3",. for sprint . of ani th M1 a gr w f, This will, include preps seedbed for our crops, and the act! F " these crops. Over the foil' • a ' I we Will do our best to nuttit t,et'o to a. bountiful harvest ,r � gives young people a chalice' 'flour fps, members develop self- confid c aA gain leadership skills. Hower. , it is necessary that the initial seed is plan ,;' d,,; so that the member can grow persona y. This initial; step is the "joining of the 4-11 program". When you join 4-I1, you become part ofla local club with other 4-Hmembers and volunteer leaders. 4-11 clubs have regular meetings to handle club business and to learn more about specific topics. 4-11 certainly does offer a lot - be it recrea- tion or just talking with others following the working part of the meeting. Also, there will be tours, exchanges, fairs and conferences to look forward to in future years. These are all part of the growing process, I referred to earlier,, PROJECTS AVAILABLE 441 members can choose their own pro- jects. A. quick scan of projects available reveals something for every interest. There is the veterinary club for those in- terested in caring for their livestock. This year there will be a club in the Seaforth area, and also one in the Blyth-Wingham area. Members will have an opportunity to learn abotit respiratory diseases in animals this year. For those interested in crops you could join the 4-H field crop club. There are several clubs in different areas of the Coun- try. This year memberswill learn about weed and pest control in their crops. For the avid or novice plowman, there is the 4-H sodbuster club. No experience need- ' ed for this one. If you are mechanically minded or are in- terested in learning how to maintain your equipment, you might wish to join the 4-H agricultural machinery .club. For those interested in conservation, we have a 4-H club for you as well. Of course, if you would like to have a livestock 4-H project we have lots of choice for you. There are beef, dairy, swine, sheep and horse and pony clubs. There is one in your area. If you would liketo try something dif- ferent, you might consider joining the 4-H goat project or a 4-11 poultry club. Also, if you are interested, in Iearning mole about safety, there are two clubs you might be interested in - the farm safety club and score with safety. The latter is a per- sonal and home safety project. urori HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS MOMENTS The Huron County 4-H leaders' association recently elected its executive. In: the photo, from 'left to right are, front row - past president Les Falconer of RR 5, Clinton, and president Terry. Smith of RR 1, Walton, back row - Adrian Brand of RR 2, Crediton, Ken Ramsey of RR 3, Blyth, Donna Hayden of RR 3, Goderich and Al Powe of RR 1, Exeter. As well for senior members (those over 16 years), you might enjoy joining the leader- ship project. This club will help develop communication skills and will- look at per- sonal needs assessment. Anyone who is between the ages of 12 and 21 years as of January 1, 1985 can join 4-H. HOW DO I GROW? A me%nber grows or more accurately develops as he learns by listening, studying and seeing; but mostly he learns by doing. Leaders and parents help, but the members practice the skills taught. Some of the skills developed in 4-1-1 such as self-confidence, responsibility, leadership and communica- tion are things we allhave need to practice. • Members are in complete charge of their own project. This is how they grow. The 4-H motto is "Learn to do by Doing". This does not mean sitting on the sidelines. Rather, it means getting involved. If you are interested in getting involved in the H -TEAM - the 4-H program in Huron County contact Karen Rodman, at the Clin- ton Agricultural Office at 482-3428 or 1-800- -265-5170. You will be joining 944 other 4-1-1 members in the County who are already having a good time while developing new skills and gain- ing'self-confidence, self -responsibility and leadership skills. Teachers, board resume talks Representatives of the Huron county Board of Education and its secondary school teachers met on Wednesday, March 13 to negotiate further without a mediator. At the March 6 school board meeting, the board withdrew three items from the terms of employment set up earlier this year. These three items, said teacher negotiator Shirley Weary, were withdrawn at the re- quest of the teachers because they had not been discussed at the negotiatinetable. Stag & Doe in honour of Larry Doer • and Mireille Raby iriduy, March 29 8:00 -pea to_1:00 cam Goderich Community Centre Call 524-7138 for tickets. We'll. take care of all the nuts and belts. `1f fi mil That's us! PARTS SERVICE SALES �3F3�111 I 'Special annual Spring parts stock order booklet available now - pick yours up and Save, Save. Save. 'Complete service p your Case IH tractors, combines and equipment. Book now. 'Special 8.8°•o financing on major tractor repairs. 'Low fixed rate of 8.8°i° up to 5 years on new tractors, Combines or equipment. 'Special low rate leases available. •Low, low 10 rate on used tractors,..combines and equipment (Subject to approved credit) A fresh team fo today's farmer FARM EQUIPMENT LI'''MITED 27-0120 Mrs. Weary, said the board agreed to . amend the three items and the teachers agreed to drop charges of negotiating in bad faith. The changes mean teachers don't have an - individual choice to participate in their federation levy, the administrator on the staff improvement plan doesn't get a vote and the joint workload committee is able to assign the number of staff to teach schools. 777777'; 7771-2' 000011IlONA N• , 20,19i> ,logy upas Rrr1y four when Ow to h w s riding slid Intra the path of an Cfggomtrl trtxirl, 'C,hr�ebtrg9an was Moving so' tort kie. • tpuld 't stop tt dr Jump, off, in time. 'atm Was severed below the eibone. Joey, a member of The War Atltp CIAO Ga Amputeg Program, doesn't think his adiflciill, arm works as well as his real arra rf id. PLAYSAFE. 11: Don't Let It Happen 1r 'Yftu,Js.an-awardOwinning, flim featuring' Joey 404 Champs from across Canirdp. )n a kids tr).k_tds approach to safety awareness, the young amputees describe in detail how thenaccidentshappened, In order to avoid danger, ch(idfen must first learn 10 recognize it Joey and his friends warn all children to PLAYSAFEI PLAYSAFE 11 is available on film or videocassette, free of charge. Contact The War Amputations of Canada for further information Wish to call ua7 Dial toll free: Metro Toronto residents: (416)488-0600. Ara Codes 519, 613. 705: 1-800-268.8821. All other codes: 1-800-268.8917. The War Amputatioffit of Canada is a regis- tered charitable organisation operated on a non-profit basis, under the control and direction entlrely;pf our own members. Charitable Institution Registration number. 0286831 0910. The War Amputations of Canada, Natipnal Headquailters, 2277 Riverside Drive (Suite 207). Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X6. Hapin NewYeart 0. My "servants! ft behoveth. you to refresh and revive your souls through the gracious favors which, in this Divine, this soul -stirring Springtime, are being showered upon yoy. The Day Star of His great glory hath shed its radiance upon you, and the:clouds of His limitless grace have overshadowed you. How high the reward of him that hath not deprived himself of so great a bounty, nor failed to recognize the beauty of his Best -Beloved in this, His new attire. For more 1nformallon write Baha'i P.O. Box 1250 CLINTON, Ontario Mardi' The First Day For more information write Baha'i P.O. Box 212 GODERICH, Ontario /214 - of Spring . and the first day of the Baha'i Nr'w Year! ED HAGEL 04t 9.0.de,red nwireet :i Top Quality USED CARS We Have An Excellent Selection of Used Vehicles To Choose From DON HAGEL KEN TREITZ GARY BAXTER Which have been generated from our Thank You Goderich 84 District New Vehicle Sales 1984 CHRYSLER LEBARON 2 Door, a luxury compact car, equipped with'many options & features with just over 9800 Km. STK: No. 85208-1 REDUCED $105794. 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON SIE 5 Door H/back sedan. This was an executive driven car that is a highly equipped sub -compact with balance of new car warranty PLUS 5 year 80,000 Km. powertrain warranty. STK. No. 20548 REDUCED $7,488. 1983 DODGE ARIES SEDAN Sold & servi'ced by us with only 16,000 Km. on this well equipped K -Car. STK. No. 85235-1 SPECIAL Plymouth 1IIK',ILK Dodge dodgy l .•, SN f',SE rMCE 1981 PONTIAC GRAND LEMANS 2 Door, V6 engine; auto.matic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, radio, plus many other features on this locally owned car. STK. No. 84165-1 SPECIAL $6,895. 1981 MAZDA GLC 2 Door. A one owner car, must be seen to be appreciated. STK. No. 84154-1 SPECIAL 4,295. 1977 PONTIAC VENTURA SJ 2 -Door. Here is a highly equipped locally owned car. V6 engine, automatic, power steering, power —ur-a-ke:s;—radio,tyled -rerad—w-herefs PLUS many other deluxe features' with only 48,800 miles. STK. No. 84125.4 3-,59:5. lided %uucl¢� 1983 DODGE D150 Pickup. 318 V8, automa'"c power steering, power brakes. AM/FM radio, 2 tone paint, and complemented with a Royal trim package including cloth seats. Heavy duty suspension. Sold and serviced by us. STK. No. 85,1101 SPECIAL 357695. 1981 FORD EXPLORER -kup. 302 V8, automatic, pc,Jer steering, .power brakes, ' '1/Fr.1 music, 6100 G.V.W. gra d grew tires. See this truck ext alue. STK. No. 85120-1 t,r '6,595. 1981 DODGE ROYAL S/E Pickup with a deluxe capper. 6 cylinder engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes, plus many other features & options on this truck which was used only as a car. STK. No. 84258-1 # SPECIAL 37, 1 95. GODERICH PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD.. Located 414 Huron Road Goderich 524-7aa PETER NOIREL