HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-20, Page 8.ax ,40 TBA,C1ORS , T1 „ACS. HARVESTING, PI li INO, ACCESSORIES ave , ou r4 . 38 n these Repair FREE CATALOGUE packed with parts, accessories and exciting items you'9l need for spring. For your copy call or mail coupon... arts 1 1 1 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED Box 189, Seaforth, Ont, .NQH 1•'Wo Name Address 1 Town L. gm lits Nip lluao 1•• 0 Prov Code �`.#'`'��`"y.;3: >,:'�,s�:•`:x::'#ice>",`�.�;s: ;:i>>`��>:a��� CLOVERLEAF RED PACIFIC SOCKEYE SALMON $219 220 G. HOSTESS SNACKS $1119 150 G. CHEER 2 6L. SUNLIGHTGUARDIAN yo COTTON TIP $199SwABs $ 49 • 400'S II O DISHWASHING LIQUID 1 L. h7 PHOt0 In Store Photofinishing n before 3 p.m Same day service NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALI, GODERICH, 524-2195 McA g !n t e colotws''Legion to open of the ties'• President c1j bro 'ght' the meeting to -order merni ra in etten ancer Comrades 'Leona Pennington and Gladys .Cha , ! were initiated, and • wale"omed to he Auxiliary. Five appltca- ions for membership were received and accepted namely: Margaret 11. Stoddard, G. Moira McMahon, .Dorothy L. Brindley, B. Jacqueline Miller and Mildred Johnston. meeting, the February executive -meeting and, co -executive . meeeting of Mar. lith were accepted as read by Comrade Marg Young. " At Honours and Awards ceremonies March 9th The Palm Leaf with accompa- nying citation was awarded to Evelyn Car- roll. This is the highest award bestowed on any member of the Auxiliary. Comrade Evelyn is second vice-president of the On- tario Provincial Command Ladies' Legion Auxiliary. Presentations were made at the meeting to members unable to attend Honours and Awards Ceremonies. Comrade Marg McMillan received her 30 year pin. Others receiving gifts of appreciation were Vera Chambers, Helen Russell, and Irene Sparks. 4 landing, ovatinn areeted the Legion honours members I lar," for thew, enol u .donati WO to the elevator und.. A letterr. fromr zone c imand e' Hawn con cel . her ottie . Tait !ii r . Comrade' Mary also sent ; ortnetisitcc cecthe sone conven to helix Exe t' Sunday, n May 5. Registration;;:at 12:30,, , the Parade is at 1 p.m. and Me; meeting begins at 2 PP. A letter was received from Ontario Pro, vincial Command concerning the Bursary Fund. A motion by L. Jones to send $500,00 and seconded by Irene Sparks was carried. Two letters from the Goderich Recrea tion Board were received, one for inform,: : tion to be included in the Spring and Sum- riser Leisure Activities' Booklet and one about the volunteer training workshop. A motion that, the auxiliary support the Tulip Tea and Bake Sale, planned by the Diamond Jubilee 'Committee April 18th .was carried. This was in response to a let- ter from the committee asking support from both Branch and Auxiliary members. A rummage sale convened by Comrade Iris Sampson will be held in the Vimy Lounge May 4th. On a motion by Marg McMillan and L. Jones the proceeds are to Art Incept done acket to be•Blven to Mat fHo ne.. comrade AO. yak . report, noted tt althoughthe, e changed ownership, the nurh visits would continue. Wath oda. Comrade Audrey askede.z�, plat s on their; ,Easter Bonnet a n . along on the next visit to the nursing• r, ComradesppGrace Mugford gave the report and reminded members prizes we e• needed for bingo tables, door pees and grocery baskets for the Invitational Bows • ing Tournament April 20th. Also donation of wrapping paper would be appreciated: A donation of $20 to Interbranch Bowling was made. It was noted that the Annual Chiu'eli Farade has been changed to June 9th. Sero vice to be at Victoria St. United at 10 a.m,• Tag Days are June 14 and 15th with Com-; rade M. Lightfoot and Comrade S. Scruton. convening. Auxiliary members were invited to sub- mit names for the Special, Diamond Jubilee Awards soon as time i out. _ s running Mystery Prize was donated by Esther Blackwell and won by Gladys Evans. • BY NEIL SHAWlapel pins were issued to members who Duckworth and Clayton Larder received a; The annual joint Honours and Awards have attained anywhere from 10 to 35 eh rtificate of Appreciation from the Bran: Night of Legion Branch 109 and the Ladies years of service in the Legion. Auxiliary of Branch 109 was held in the The Ladies Auxiliary presented personal The Ladies Auxiliary honoured Jubilee room on Saturday, March 9.gifts to Irene Sparks, Helen Sparks, Margaret Young and Alice Anstay with a On this occasion the Legion recognizes Dorothy Barker, Vera Chambers and Ed- Life Membership in the Legion Auxiliary. and honours some of the members who na Doak. The Pahn Leaf to the Meritorious Ser have in the past made a significant con- • Receiving Past Office Medal and Bars vice Award was presented to Ladies Aux - tri num to the Branch and the Auxiliary. were Branch President John A. Mac - The opening ceremonies were conducted Donald, First Vice -President Alvin by Branch President John A. MacDonald. Blackwell and Past President Claire .The presentations were made by Auxiliary Bedard. A Past President's Medal and Bar President Laura McLarty, Auxiliary was awarded to Sharon Scruton. members Sharon Scruton, Auleen Certificates of Merit were awarded to Theriault, Dorothy Clements, Kay Phyllis Million of the Auxiliary and to the McAstocker and Branch members Neil Rev. G.L. Royal, the Rev. Robert J. Shaw and Harold Chambers. Crocker, Branch 109 Padres, and toDun- Year pins signifying continuous years of- can MacKay, Ernest Cra*ford,Carolyn The closing ceremony was" conducted by membership were presented to members Holborn,Alvin Blackwell Garnet The President Laura 1VIcLarty and of both the Branch and Auxiliary. These Mathesoland Murray Sheardown. Rick the evening concluded with dancing. Branch 109 donatesto man ' i y �a.ct�v�t�es The regular monthly meeting ` of Goderich Legion Branch 109 was held in the Jubilee Room of the Branch on .Tues- day, March 2, with President John A. Mac- Donald in the chair. Ordinary members Jerome Rumig, Lionel Arbour and Richard Huisser and September at various locations.in the com- Leadership chairman Bob Chapman Will associate members Gwen Moller, Charles munity, to mark. the Diamond Jubilee of hold a seminar for new members and 6E - Shand, Evelyn Shand and Marlene the Legion. ficers in May. Williams were initiated into the Legion -by A motion was passed to -donate $100 in e(t; Glia' uI $ori ! a a o comrades Les Riley and Harold support of Districts Commander Lloyd% �� Y Ar wsl� oc Chambers.. Motions were passed "approving the following donations: $250 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, $100 to the Ladies In- vitational Bowling on April 20,1100 to the Seaforth Band Booster Club, $200 to the iliary third Vice -President, OntarioCont. mand Evelyn Carroll who is also a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 109. The Palm Leaf is the highest award that a member can receive in the Legion. A special presentation of $2000 was made by Auxiliary President Laura McLarty to the Branch to reduce the loan used to build the elevator -in the Branch. First Goderich Guide Company and $200 for a sweater for the Junior "C" Hockey Club. . The Branch will purchase 3000 tulip bulbs for donation to the Children of .. Grades 2 and 3 and for planting next Sports chairman Al Fisher reported that one team came in second in the darts com- petition at Owen Sound, and that members interested in an in -Branch bowling com- petition on March 30 are to sign up in the canteen. Anderson who is to'run for third Vice- elif"'n'' 'a *Yard s 'tit b President of Ontario Command at the con- sale on May 4 and members -will yo -'asked vention in May. to donate items to this sale. Property chairman reported that a new The Zone secretary,. Carolyn f lolborn battery costs $315 for emergency light in reported that Jack Tufford of Kincardine the lower lounge and a charger is $81,00. Branch is the new Zone Commander tKes••• Thomas -- Cook LTD. ROUND-TRIP FARES FOR FLIGHTS WITHIN CANADA 1 MPR i 1 NI,}} 30 APR I 31 %LAY" $289 - HALIFAX - HMS EDMONTON' 1 JUNE 13 JLLY 10 SEP - 12 JULY 9 SEP :31 OCT 349 '369 $289 1 539 1 599 289 349 I 369 479 . 289 AVE PTO 446 ?Pco� o �o0°,ka,4\ a� S4,4444;04°,7 rOrRo TO - 1_RQNzo 4. - lE mono Alm CALGARY 239 289 539 1599 479 •229-• J —249 229 299 309 ., .'. 259 349W 369 289 EDMONTON 289 349 369 289 HALIFAX SA.SKAT( )ON VANCOUVER 299 349 399 429 349 WINNIG'E(; — 169 199 209 179 BETWEEN VANt' tNER AND TORorrro [ 299 l 349 399 ( 429 349 1 99 239 229 249 299 .309 229 259 BETWEEN WINNIPEG AN TOFU INTO ) Aft ing IGHTSA V fLIGHTS Deduct 525.00 for travel on any flights departing after 9:30 pe rr1. 1 169 199 209 179 PRICES SHR )WN PER PERSON, RI )UNI) -TRIP ELI( ;•ftr'; MAY N4) 'r Fit S('11F:I)ULEI) FROM ALL POINTS T() All I)FtirINArl(►NS FI)R AI.I. I)XrEs till )WN ANI) SUMF: moil's MAY BE S4)1.1) OUT • All. Pkil i SURJF:CT T() CIIAN(;E. DI PAR WJ$RE TAX MIT INcI.upED. For more information call Joan or Laurie 524-8307 out of town collect Thomas Cook Travel Ltd. • 59A HamiitorrSt., GOde ich N7A 3Y5 Thomas Cook LTD