HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-28, Page 1air Brash Sale $peciat this Week $olid back genuine 33bony, eleven rows "of the need, French bristles, An !deal. Xneres present; Regular price $1,255. While they last .-•72ceeits•- ceie'S Drug. soere towledctoos, r<'aurrY-KINTIi vEAB,--•-Ilo 203 To Advertise Huron JONES & NAY A i4ystseri2atic nam tg > tilog to Lot us 4:11 i oar Xm1 0 017er hada bettor assok'trelegb gifts, Lomat at oar large st' templeee our epode are right and,aO Make an early choice Cole's 'Drug Sto r ale 4 Horan Se ladalosez Gazette (liorpe of The'Rearhllle EXR+TBR, ONT , CANADA, TFLUBSDAY MORNING w NOVEMBEI3 Co. Exeter Council PlIONE pa n to advertise she liandand products a Huron noun- ty was urged at the,Publicity eae,e.ti,n hind in Clintons on Th re:ray oP, last awesk :That Moron 1County has the best and cheapc. t land in the Dom- inion wl:ien, climate; railway facilities roads, tsooial, edema:lion'ci1 and Ireli:gieas life are taken. into consideration wee expressed, lit the racketing', ft, • ':;'his is true why 'should we not receive our share o at"an that, t is c omtne m f the g e r rr to Canada?Iiiecausc, Huron County L'ae. not been brought to the front ,i) thee parts of t.he, Dora lei on have 'advertised 'to goad advant'ag'e sin ci Harare' evilT ra C1hiV eLeGr example p le T1,escheme, is 'to have several, than - &and pamadilct'st irinted a.ed •placecl'rn the bands of the Canadian lmmie;ri.- lien agsent:e' ire the olid land and dile tributed to those who' are interested in Canada and contemplate coming to Canada. ' Mr, John Ransford•, president, of :Jae Clinton Board. of, Trade, presid'r3 a u;t the :nee tine, no stated that' dur- ing the past ten. years, Huron county had lost nearly' 1.0.0001 in population His idea was that the courty council should iape.nd, four o'r five thousand doll:ars a year for three years,. God erieh. could, be 'rlep-nded on• far a. e•oe- tributatiore for $500 and the !Clinton Council had promised to 'pay their sham.: Mr. Joseph .Elliott. of Godcriche who represented the immigration de`part- nment in; the old Land, tolyl• how he had handed out thousands of copies of booklets. 'advertising Lambton comi- ty and itending immigrants. had' bold him they were goiniz to istottle ea Lambton 'the choice having been made through the literature that had been banded thein; He said Ontar.'.o had many creinpetitors bidding for 13ritish. immigrants•; !Australia is puttin, utp a bigger fight' tuan Ontario'_ The liand in. 'Huron county cannot, he beat- en anywhere.. ,He empsasizetd McKil- lop and rruekersaa.itht(for mixed farm:-• i.ng and. the townships bordering the lake, could do much more in fruit far ming. tBr.itish• emigrants, want snail fruit, poultry or+ truck farms, Reeve (Leckie, of tBrusse]s. Who had moved in the county cou'neirfor• $2000; pointed out that the rural reprsese.nta- tives: had not expressed. theme Ives against the sfcheme,bat desired time for consider',ation. Farms, in lturo;!t like i"n n tL',n, t County ,arc not sellri ,g a y t their prodtective aarue. Farms that ere selling for .$$000 our -eta' to be sel- line for $10.000 Art, James, Mitelea'L of Goderich„ urged t1Jat a phamplet should be drawn up and. presented to, the ee fin- er with. an estiinate alt the cast, so as to let the ceuncil know exactly what is' 'intended to be done. The gover.nreet will- eupplerreent the county grant, by retire third, alr, Canbelon, of Clinton.: was hi favor of publicity Doubt was ,expressed about much sue/Port from the county 'council but Many present believed that when the county council was next. au'proachnd they woad be ready to eueport the seg sae e• The followinig officers were elected President, aIdiayor J. C. Greig Stiaforth vise -president Reeve, Leckie (Bross. is secretary ldr, James Mitebell. Goder- ich;, treasurer Reeve, 73. 1),' 14Tunni'ngs Goderich; executive committee, Reeve Govenlock McKillop Township Mayor Spotton, WingLam.. Mr;, John Ransford Clinton. Mr. W. J; Beaman Exeter,, Reeve Livingstone of Grey Township and Warden Strothers: • Parlimentary representatives of 'the ,.ounty itee 11. Musgrove M' P. P. W P noneenoe, 14L P. re H. Either M P. P. F, N. Lewis, M P J J Merrier M, P, and J. Bowman MP we're a:uu- ed honory vice-presidents, h1n�",cam'Christfllas 1 S t An Attraciv Display Xmas Novelties New snails only a short distance away. Honda lea , The...., y This ise • rl to start your shopping. This none too early Good Furs A nice present for your Girl or Wife. We have everything that is new in the Fur line. Pursian Lamb, Sable, Fox, Marmot and Opposom. Fay nc Waists t In Silks or Net in all colors They are just new and are right up to date. Prices $3 to $5 Cash Fur Lined Coats Just what every Lady needs We have the best coats for the honey yo ca find anywhere. Be iure to see them. Sweater Coats Men and For Ladies, Misses, Girls, Boys. All kinds of Combinations and col -- ors to choose from. The very best makes. Men's Neckwear Our usual Big Stock of Xmas Ties are here and you will find them the best yet. All Colors in the New Styles. Handkerchiefs 500 Dozen of the New Goods. All kinds and all colors in Plain, Fancy and In- italed Handkerchiefs. 5C to 75c each Xmas Gloves For Gents. Ladies and Children; Wool,. Cashmere, Surds, Kid, Silk Lined, Wool Lined and Fur Lined. Xmas Novelties A niceassortment of Jewell . Boxes, Purses, Satchels, Hat Pins, Pins, Broaches, and Fancy Combs. Stamped Linens All kinds of Stamped'Linens, Doylies, Centre Pieces, Tray Covers, Table Covers, Tie and Towel Backs. Silks to match, Neck Scarfs 7)Iseetin,e, bf the (Coattail held in the 'Poen Hall Friday cavelnipig' the 22'nd 1Vleaa.bet,`s present 1r'ir, J, Il.eaman J. Scott Wm, Rivers and Al, Fora Cvuneillar 'Llevett being ebsenti. Ilivers--Scott that accounts' be pas- sed as. ready., x.,20 ; jag, Grigg acct stationery; Jones 'de May 1.00•, Jas, Taylor do 1.00; 0'. 0.3rookist :express 75; Freight 2,54 David Rueselli jr Robert Gelie' ,grtavel 106.00 D,elte;ate to Ch' ton 0,00; i re e ch llabo x l5 - 5 Silas 1Iandford11,20 w V0 + „re do 4OU; W' Wescottdo Davie, deo t2,t10; -Sad ,Sander• do J6.00 Me, Wm, Martin! of the 110th aa'a Sortie Ca it Geo 'Atkhrson do 01.00 T. Hoixldon' do cessLon of Stephen', has related the Sian ll' f M s Tl Oke' an James; a ,r ' '23,751 � n , Thee, dwelling Locals Only ,Pour more weeks, fill tJ .'rist- xnas, Mae Mack Vinve*at is visiting in town, Dave yqu started, any advertislY:.g. to catckt the holiday 'tr'ade,. Toys, Delis' etc. 5, 10, 15, 21 and 49c anp tap, FoweIl's Bazaar. Mrs, ECislap. llominio�r Qrgan,lzer of tL�e ,;ueatt of the lames St, Parsone.g.e�'this week., r as Mr, Thos. $rock Jr. has purchased the residence on Simeoe street recently + Dr Sm andis s se Mr ho Oa b Thos, occupied y. moving' in this week. ♦ 'HAT' Library Coat' t v g' • do r i No Y • :Tani. ,tow -n.1' `;•00 Gi11es1p' da I 25 • Street land, will shortly move to That is just the t111n;� lE+'ath dors d 2'!. DO W.rl. er or Husband „ ouglily appreciate. Silk, Linen or Wool Scarfs in all col- ors or kinds. For Young or Old, 50, 75, and $i.00 to $3.00 each Overcoats and Boys SulsMen Bogy our Boy a New Suit or Overcoat for his Xmas -Present. We have a big assortment of Suits and Overcoats. The New Nifty stuff. 8C Mn Exeter hones y� Phone 32 Ali Accounts. Are Now Due USE_ 1,toyal Purple le Stock and Poultry Foods in 50c and $1.50 pkg International Stock and Poultry Foods in 25c and 5Cc A:':'• •aldvvell's Molasses Meal Fattens Stock $2 and $2.25 a. bag Herbageum in 25c and 50c Bags Sulphur, Salts and Salt.Petre Mass and o." , to , Geo ie Olcr e do 50 ,�;total $339.69 ound n ri }P.O. b d would th01` 1C a o ea til. that fie between th The Glcr P , the ff. 1 the requisite nnn'ibar ofr,ames on e local option petition an,d, same were banat•idte voters. Scott.-Ford—'Tliat the council ere c.ept the +petition of thee, rate -mere and that a by-law be Pretpated eon firming game and la vta. at the vote be tak- en on• the said by-• Municipal elections• at t dtheVifo low= Daces within the e of ing i ) Exeter by the following Deputy re- turning ofilters' and Poll 'Clerks, polling subdivision Nb, 1. at Siles Han�dford'5 Res�an0e. T.re a.om. es Beer le, Officer! land 2. at' Town l .Clerk. Toiling subdivision Nut, Officer Wm Hall Sestet -it Davis, ]ll, R', Murray Poll! Clerk at Truxin .Polling subdivision' No �. Mit•eLsetl's office, I3:', .E. Huston D. 11 Ottiee:r, and le. G.•D'yee Poll Clerk'. Ptallin; •sabdivislon No, tith tend ,fire Hall R., GG, Selden 1). 1e, Offi- cer .and Mex McP Eerson. Poli Clerk. Lovett that we adjourn LOST—On Friday, Nov. 22nd some- wheree Thames _Road and the Exeter bridge a far mu Finder will please leave at the Times Office. T. D. CARIANG,CLerk- • Mr, and Mrs, T; Er Handford of, Ingersoll visited in town e few, ahs during the. J ast week, Mx. Rand - ford addressed the Young Ment's Class in Main Street, church' ton Sun- day afternoonb, ' i , '' Mrs, Hyslop, Dominion organizer for the W.O.T.'U., addressed a parlor meeting of ladies in Senior's Hall on l yet necessity. Monday evening. On Tuesday M. Hyslop addressed sc scholars o a PiiceS range from rooms at the school. The Those who are bringing eggs to town at this time of the year are warned against bringing in stale eggs 5to$8 News of the District P reparations are under way to in- A Beautiful, Rich Coat of soft Brown Shade or different colors of Grey. A coat that will be appreciated every day in the week, as. a comfort and stall water works system at, Parkhill On :November 122nd: M'r, 3. IloseLe Thompson of .Mitchell was, ante$ :lar marriage to Miss Tuna ?tAe G e chard Way daughter of Ma, Greenway'. While. Picking t eiel et one d iy recently Mr, ilugh, Currie of Crone - arty a a arty fell from a tree and p his wriest,. broke 'orae rib Lind, eut hie 1;ead requiring several •sttitches., theh l f two for fresh ones. There is a heavy pen- alty for this offence and the consumer who pays the high price that fresh protected, eggs bring must bep , The annual bazaar df the Trivitt Memorial ehurch;•.will be held in the town Ball Friday' December • 6th Sale of fancy articles, and'•'afteraoo'n tea, Admission 10 cents ; Eve'aing program 'Admission '10' cents Hockey :fleeting -'A meetint • oe Lockey enthuss'asts will. be ;held in the satnple i;oome of the Central Hotel this (Thursdlay) evening _Novo IZSf:h. A good attendance is requested. 'A hock cy league Tor the town. will be eonsid-: ered•. The many frie'nds' of Revs; E. G. Pow ell;, pastor of the Main Street M(eth'o odist church; will regret to' learn that; he is 1'aid ups with: blood ipoialon which is Or:usiing him considerable pain; Some time ago he vas :struck in the leg joist! below the, knee with a pitch fork and :for several weeks it has giv- en him much `trouble tAlthou.g.h not in condition for, hist wort M. Paw- ,ell. bass undertaken' his, 'pastoral'd'at- ies and in addition has been very ac - 1 tine in 'the local option campaign. Af- Iter surae, at' the- Elerviees .hie has had to make Lis way to his (ronin otn his kande• o.nd knees.' but this was •conceal ed frau kis congreiarat'io.n,., He con- e Mrs,, W, LarkwortLY'' of, ]1litchcll, died toil November 17th at tl's age of 31 yearn The deceased had been in frail health for some years, tehe, .is survived by, six sons and two daugh- ters'. Mr1. '.Alex Wilson ;attended the W. F•, M, S. meeting, in Clinton on Tues- day: afternoon afterwards ggo'unla' , to Thames Road to visit her friends l rse (Rev;, Fletcher for a week or. soy.- Seaforth `Neese Good Salaries—The Stratford T3ua- inese College is the 'School for the am- bitious young man or wotnaa, ale term it re:ceivesd twenty applications for every student graduating. Sever- al of: these, applications, offered $10001 ar more. ' t , .1 ON Tuesday evening last the Ep- worth League of Main Street church visited the James Street League and a very enjoyable time was spent. The visitors furnished an excellent pro- gram of addresses and music, Miss W. Howard occupied the chair. After the program refreshments were served inS Street: cLur ch ducted services in Mia last Sunday, morning and at Bethany in tee afternoon, but he was unable to f ' / a..:, Hardware re do so in the ,evening. Rev Mre Y'el- I land taking the services: Complete Stock of Glass and Hard- ware for Houses, Barns and other Buildings, bought before recent ad-• ®U COUPON van ce. o --- OF-- • IlEAMANS Sets as Cut 50 Cents • 11, GooK,SONS HARDWARE e & Go, ♦ This Coupon is good for 40 cants on eachof SNO on D a five IFTs TVvlr STORE �P our Beet Family Flour, giving yon the priv g a of AND �" con is presented to us on or before December et las s, providing this coop e zlst 1912. — regular selling price of our SNOW DRIFT hour w thou Our is 2 75 if you present this Coupon each bag of S this.Coupon $ , 2,35 for each bag. NOW 4 ,y1,•t•�• ' O DRIFT .will only cost you $2.35 modern flour mill c +4++++++++444.4444444++++++ 1 IIII1'"1 II 1 1't"�` «t o is equipped with the latest and most Our inial '`' DELAWARE LACK- * , machinery. We have,aleo secured tale services of a First plass Miller, ee 4 t who was previously emplaned by one of the largest mills in Ontario 'II'4. 6 offering this inducement in order to give every .00 '1' NNA & WESTERN l Consequently weoare off g DRIFT flour, Every Bag �' AWA woman an opportunity to try our SNOW L COMPANY d O COAL Falling in the celiac, while' fixing a 'furnace '.1' L Rogers•, mans:;er of the branch of the Rank of Commerce'; sustained a broken nose. briresece and swollen eyes and two severely sprain- ed wrists on Monday lass; Several C,. P. R. ofeiciale were in St Marys Last week looking over.property matteris„ It was reported that they have chosen a property: on Water Street, not iflar from the C P !R feet- ereet shed., for the ear'pase. of pa,ss- gamer "station etc. A Full Game Bag -The local nim - rods made good use of the excellent weather prevailing last week and the black squirrels suffered heavily. The largest bag reported for a number of vears,was brought home by Messrs. Thos. and Saxon Fitton. W, Beer rand Torn Carling who shot 52 bleak squir- ,'eis and three grey ones. in one day. Do Not Leave Your Christmas Selection until the Last Moment 14irsi, Hugh Norria of Seaffa r is- oeived word, Inst week that her sister Mrs, Edgar Miller. of :Winnipeg, bad Hassled away atter an illness +af" four days, with ]heart . trouble., Her hus- ldand is, a seri ot Mab J. J, Mtille,r two miles .cash of. Strafe. Despondent .for some •time:, arargar- Our Gold and Silver Fish. Two smart Fish and Globe 25c. Powell's Bazaar. The ladies of .Caven church will ser- ve a supper on Sti, !Andrews Eve Sat- urday nest ;from 5 to 9 , ottoiock in the building one dooresoutle o4' 6eniar'o stubs, 'Admission 25c Drop in a'ad 1 Lave a ood. Scotch sniper before ro- ing home: r • i • Next Sabbath Dec. Ise by arra'nge- rnent o;: the District meeting oe the Exeter district there Swill be an exch- ange of Ministers in all the M'ethodi�st pulpits. The day is to be occupied by Mi�ss,ionary .:tents, Ip, Jame�sr St, Rev T T George of Lucan preaches in the morning and Bev, II, J. Uren, of Parkhill in the. 'evening. I%n. Main; Street the order is reversred.• Rev W, Cr, If,. McAlister preaches in Lucan Jackson Factory Enlarging — The Tackson Mfg CJompany which have been running to capacity and yet un- able to meet the increasing demand for their goods, have decided to en- large the Exeter branch and have par- churased a new gasoline engine. About 15 more machines will be put in. Those who are acquainted with the Jackson factory in town realize what an excellent place of employment this affords for the young ladies awl we are informed that the highest wages being paid by any of the Jackson fac- tories are being made in Exeter. The average wages of some of the ladies running from eight to twelve dollars a week. The pay roll of the factory et Iianesborougl., daughter m leers, For Dog Owne.rs•-Here, is some-, Jame•', Landesjroroughr of thing th'ttt' may be of interest to dog smith .committed snide on Wedne- owners. A .recent Supreme Court de- ,day oft last week by drowning herself '"sion outlines r.espon,sabilites of own- in a barrel of water. An inquest Wee e The decision 'w'ee a case dieeme3 •unecessary by coroner Z. G. �r:TB or: do�6s, ' where action had been brought' to re- Scott, cover damages from the- owner niha G der: Harry Rutsore an .send• of gee o the. dog that barged 'and. tri,liti was rather eieverely injured last m - plaintiff's 1,oreis, The �alaintifC•` was pany, s thrown and injured and broughe suit Wednesday afternoon being struck by tor $1,500 dianagetis. The eery gave a spout on. the cider of' the head and knocked insensible tor' eeme• time. him a verdict for that amount and Droner of the doThe Supreme 'Couto rt sus,- first aide sup- he wa5 zetered to offic r Jobe Stratton,Voases- iemr. court, ' i tion•, da oases - Veined the verdict and .said words at the owners, of barking: and vicious: doge tree responsible ,for all .damages caused by suck dogs. and owners keep than at their own peril. •, manager, • ma � tint g The t� a 1 :.UO a month. _.�,.._---•- amounts to shale t $ , nds and y i4lrs G. W. Davis is 111 af. Ler home have employment factory fos 43 ramany moreit on William Street, I can be secured. At the present St'. , then Her, W, G. II, McAllister itis in -e t• time they are turning out about 2 000 thous is attending lite annual meet - garments a week, which requires 170,- '' m Another of the old eesidentstof Exe- 000 yards of thread, 04+00400@p904000009400040t i+®44Qa4004004404040®b400@O®®•, trip of Alma College Beare. TAKE NOTICE FV 1V .d �.,.,✓ male servant, No laundry work, Ap my to Mee, Bayley London Ont. Op i 13 1 300 y work, aly St. t es n A beautiful brown bath robe is now on exhibition in Our window. Come in and let us Show YOU ter passed away on Saturday last in I s Sus .e. age of 83 years 'arnd, nine months Mr Esslery had been ailing for a num- ber of menthe. gradually reroivinz weaker until he passed away on Sat- urday last A ;general briakine up of the' eonstitub•,on being the e:au' of Ile death The dectast d hid tree a resident of Exeter for 28 yefarsr moa - Ing 'here from a farm: near :Centralia Ile was born in Devonshire., tne:land. coming to ,Gonads with bie parents when about 8 years of age. ani was one of the pioneers. wha helped to. clear the bush land end build what is now knownas: tee Lc -eider: Road Mil Rseery was a.Methodis,t le re- iigiori being a constant attendant at Tames street church, iv hen his health would permit, Tn polet.:s• ht' www a Libex+ai 13e,sldes his• -,sorrowing \vitlo'ty °:ohne^ iw&don name was Grace Rieke he le survived by two sons Wm of C.cntrolia and Robert alt Crediton rind amt. daughter Mee, TA (3rsne d of Brantford; Mr, 'S, Eawry ofendo:n Toseph ot Chicago harry of .rvnta•l s of f din ontatt City„ Man; soar! C has, , are brothers. while Mrs, levans of Centralia; Mr 5, . Greenway of 'Crystal alalic}: City, and iVlrst ias+tratt .ofi are -getters; The funeral was 'held e g place iineseday ?the Afternoon interment tart erYw - ing L A the person of Mr, John I'• cry at the O he General Public will take notice at •that 1, ani still doing business lin and a- . round FAeter. WANTED All kinds of eha it ' es also Horsehair, rs , ' �iC� , Copper, ScrapIron, Rub- ber, lap market rices `St B 1 h e �'a'g'�'' Bighest Call at one door sae 'paid. hone Office. Wrxler & C,o� Scranton Coal �1. The Best Hard Cot Mined W. ti, LEWETT COAL, 14[A1N 4.14+++44444+44+44444444014 .114++•�44444�r +4•~c� 44;+14 Guarantee , * a W e are selling Bran at $2'Z a ton and Shorts at $23 A .: e ANS bring us a Sample a Z We are Large Buyers of BEANS, g o O. PRESENTED B St'... • • • • • ... e COOK, SONS oS 'C). . � 'J HENSALL., ONTARIO 0 A • ••i t Among those who attended the fun- eral of the late JohnC Esst rnP Bon ones- dray were Mr, S'. Esscry ondbit Chas of Edmonton,, Alta rend Mr. Percy 0.3raand of I tford,. ,eu'LtN bTAR1TEN—Rn Exeter on 'Thun;diay NoveMber 21st to Mr send Mrs, Wil- bur . bur Martin a da. r,", x KENNEDY—In l3lanshard on 'Novem- ber ov `m- ber '141,1' to, Mr., said, /:Ural. tVileou t <'nncdy a sem McCelLt,otrG1:I--'n Hensa11 an Nov- ember 1;St1, o Ibla'. end ,airs. Jae. McCullough Oro (leu g•htex. 'NSA BileE.D MUSSER--MUSSER—At Grund Bend en Tuesdab, Nov., 12111 Miss Clara Musser of 1').aebwood, to Mr. Wna, Musser, by Ilea, Mr. Carrier. t* *44®md•..44400Q+Od0'�••AOd'�;Od11`Pf�''OOO•••••*OiO•a+•4•• e We carry also an Excellent Line of MUFFLERS the Newest Thing at Reason- able Prices. Mall) ES•S1iRY .i'n Exeter on Saturday Nov '23rd John 'Essery ei ed 83 years 9 tn•one s - tvf.cROtl3It;12!CS—I>t; 'Granton et Nov, elet M4arth,'i Jana. beloved :wife of W illt'tasn Lig 'Mellobertee STT Colli --1'.n Lansing Mice en Friday 'November '21.134.1.f. ,tae eafreel the in- tent ytaut. San, nC tete', turd letrr 'Actlirilla Saaeree NECKTIES, GLOVES, HOSIR, UNDERWEAR. In the Latest and Most Up to -Date Styles See Our New Soft FELT HALS W TflMfl(� THE NIFTY TAILOR,