HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-21, Page 8EXETER TIME.,lxrriss ,Agrav _,+ Mi'! ^! tr"i+ rstM N rN+X1911►+NPl ►;! +►' ►'' ; 1!'# +1;;. •4$',+*,+444.40.4 r:.44.**.•!R'1+►+'!'R .,N R' . 'R'! *M**4,,*, WA. TIP • • • ♦• 44 is P • 1' 1 r• P PIiOIEli:? • WEEK aM. • ab •• • 4 ♦ • TO i +Aty With Xmas but a few' weeks away your' wants will: be many daring the next few weeks Don't leave your shopping until the 4 •• last few days. Come in and see us now. We will be glad to • •♦ . show you the Neer Good whether you buy or not, 4 • e 4'•• • • ♦+• e 44 4 • 4 •• ♦•• 041) O 4 Elite Fre nchChina 40 • • 4 , ♦♦ Fur Collar Coats For Men and Women with Curl or quilted Linings inter- lined with. Rubber, A great coat for cold weather. $16,50 to $24,00 Stamped Linens In Doilies, Pincushions, Pil- low Cases, Corset Covers, Night Gowns and many other pieces. You will have plenty of time to work them for Xmas preeents. 11.110012:010100041.1•11. AIMMIIMMIIIMMUINSO Woollen Blankets Prepare for the cold weath- er by buying a pair of our all wool Saxony Blankets, beau- tiful Quality $4, $5, and $7 Men's Overcoats Here's where your money goes a long way. You will be surprised when you see our coats at $10, $12.550, 515 40. O• O '• At*40 44 44 41.40, •'4 4•♦ 44 We haye just placed this beautiful French China in stock. Youcan buy anything from a tea cup and saucer' to a Dinner Set, Start saving it. Furs Big assortment of Throws, Stoles and Scarfs with Muffs to match_ Buy your furs navy' and get first choice while the assortment is good. o Worsted Stocking Heavy worsted stockings with double knees, This is a great wearer and is made of good strong yarn. Great val- ue at per pair at 25c and 50c. Rubber Boots For women who have out- door work to do in the wet, sloppy weather. Best quality all sizes. Combination Underwear The best makes in both Mens and Womens. If you once wear them you will want no other. $2.25 and $3.25 ° Dinner Sets Never haye we bad the as- sortment of beautiful Dinner Sets to show you as we have this year. Everything that is new is to be seen in our China department. Dinner Sets from $7.75 to $55. GROCERIES ..®,v,...., • Have you been thinking about your Xmas baking? We want to remind you that our New Raisins, Currants, Peels. Nuts • Dates, Figs, Spices—in fact everything that you will require to • make the "Goodies” for Xmas are all in stock. ,• b 4••. 4 • • • • 0 •• O• • a• 41, 4* •• 4• 44 o• 44 •• 4• 4• • • 44 • AO •4 •4 44 44 44 • • • 44 e4 •• 4 O • • •04 • • O ♦• •♦ • ♦• O • • .4 **O P;4 STEWART is O♦0• J. A. air•O♦•••••••••••♦•OOOO••••••0••••••••••••0••••••• i•0.0•••••••O••0••••••••••• ••••••.••••••••••m•••,.,4, i4v1000OAOOOOOdPOO WO0A0A000•♦0••••ON•0•••••4.000• 000 Bargains in Graniteware 4 4 All This and Next Week We Must Clean Out These Lines to Make Room for Xmas Stock ,• ,4 • • 4, • • 4 ♦ • ♦ • ,• • ♦ :• ♦ ;• .• • • ♦ • • •• •• • 4 • • 9 4 v '• • • ♦ • • e • •4 Then for Xmas. It will pay you to patronize this $ Big Store this year. Never were Toys, Fancy Goods 4 and Chinaware bought at so low price and -marked as • low as this year. The Prices this year will sell the goods. Begin buying now. Bring along your cata- o logue and compare prices. • •• • Early Xmas Shoppers may have anything laid 4 away now anytime, till Xmas, by making a sinall depos- • O it on same so choose early and get the best choice. • RARE VALUES IN—Fancy Milk Jugs, Teapots, 4 Vases, Water, Table and Berry Sets, O A big Stock of Edison and Victor •o Talking Machines to choose from. 4• Friday and Saturday Specials 4 • Clearing Sale of Handbags, 35c and up; 100 pieces of Glassware a up to 35c on Sale 15c.. All must go. Come Early. p • POWILL: S BAZAAR• O BIG VARIETY STORE •a•• O ,•.4444,b0••000••4...OaN•r•••••0•••a4••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •. ♦ • IS COMING .41 4 •4 • 4 • 41 While lookingfor XMAS;. • GIFTS be sur ad call on R. N. 4 • Rowe, and see his display of • • goods suitable for Xmas Gifts • 4 such as Rockers, Tables, Couch- 4` ea. MusicCabinets, 14 Pictures +and I. real up-to-date stuff. We have '4 a1,. the QUANTITY as well as the 4 •• QUALITY. • PhNone 20a 4, • R♦ • Rowel X AS Undertaker & Licensed4 4 Embalmer • Eketer, Ontario a` • 8>+••••••••bOSAA400•db•0+6s•O • ritisITEIHummigommislimea L GO J D S HOMY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Place 111 We make a specialty of fil- ling Family Orders. The Groceries we deliver to you are the best to'be had and the prices we ask are the lowest possible. Send orin bring your next or- der to us ande convinced b env need that this is thenight Stora to buy yank Groceries and P.m- visions, i'ovisions, i THE TEq HO COFE rt STORE WANT) D h C ores Futter ard Fresh Eggs. t •k- P r (r'ne kI l olla....v d I a 'f the E a for tet !Tinto to new isibiseribens fxona mow lentil 'the end of next 3a nuary,= .. .'Lr balance of (this year Willi be ?dlr;, !rhea, Caen and, &laughte'r Mies giver, (tree 'to new •eabacriblere who Wrote are this' welelh ln*virng inti Mrs, nay .''Sn ore'doll*, for the .Tinees for PdVid 1V1,illt';d ;'brise• dill 1 ain( Erect.. d .lett 6i , i'"=.{1ii.(„NJ..li `1 Uarket R eppast-The fo>l awin gthe rt ofie trm fke s is t.ar', rectecl up to November 21st i3l;eat Stan'd'ard 0 i (Sr-' ,t +: enc laclfnvrheat •4'S_to n0 t Peas. 00 to $1.00 Short's $25 her ton Oats 314 to 87 F'II Bray~ $22 per ton furls' 4,8 to. 60e i 1 Medea ]!soar 2.70 '11 E'eed L 1o'lr 1,56 , , " .i., c'. l-.. Eggs 800 li atter 25 Ir i rel Potatoes $1 00 a bag l (i j Chickens 10e Geese 9.0 Geese Dressad 123 Turkeys 17e ;Hens 7 , r i (ir •(, Oki t•loosters 6. , t c I Old 'Danko 8 r •§ , ; r Ducks alive llc Ducks Dressed. 14e Hogs 7.50 Ctoice Export steers, 5.,75 to 6,00 Medi:ntu Export steers, 61,40 to A‘60 Choice hatcher heifers, "5,65 5.00 I1lednun 'butckee heifers 5;50 5,60 Choice leat.eher cows 4.75 to 5,00 N'edilm 'butcher' caws 4125 to X4,50; Common, cow 12,50 to QUO; Choice Jambs 0,00 'to r0.2,3 ; Choke sheep 4,00 to .13„125 ' I 4+4,•'t►• Y>•••b0♦♦*•0••O• ••••t+4 LOCALS •4•••v., :•.••••s Mr,• 13, Quanc e sr. was' in London durig the past week. Mr. and ].airs, 11. Griff, of Loudon visited relatives in town on Sunday. Mri L', 13. Dickson returned from Edmonton o+.ri, Thursday of last week Mi.% Kathleen Stewart entertained a number of friends Tuesday cvem ;ng Mr, F. J. Wickwire returned last Friday after spending three months in tl:e West; Mr. T. H. McCallum is offering the tanners, for sale by tender, ,,See adv on page, four. Main Street Elmo: the League snil'l visit the Tames Street League' nest Tuesday evening•, Mrs, Powell left on Tuesih&y for an extended visit with her sox at Ctemainus. iI3,; C. M11, ,,.rid Mrs, Eli Snell have re- ttarned home, after spending the sum- mer in the west. - iMref, I), johns and Mins. L'. Joh'n's returned Lome last Thursday afte{r visiting in Sarnia, Mrs, R, N •Ctowe and dau'gh'ter Beta visited ;for several days in Clinton! during the past! week. Mr, and Mrs.- R. W, F Beavers, vis- ited 147x+, and Mrs, W, A, Turnbull, of 1!arqutar over Sunday. • Mrs', Reg' Elliott returned to:'NoI`r- wicL on Saturday after• visiting her brother Mil, 1, R, ;Carling;. • Rev;. T. AI, Steadman of E1imviille wilt preach in James Street' 5VAeth- adist ct,iiteli next Sunday inor4'iii;ngti WANTED AT ONOE—A good fe- male servant. No laundry work, ap- p y to Mrs, Pay1ery 300 Piccadily St+ London Ont: The' Pastor T.tev., W,. G, I3. McAlister ^''tressed Jainei Street Sunday School on the Balkan war on Sabbath afternoon last. Miss 'Alice. Flynn, or Denver, Coli. visited Mr.. and Mrs, W. `3', Statham foo- a few slay,. She left Monday to visit in Seaforthr Mrs, J-,. R. Racev after attending th'e funeral of her father, the lote. Mr1 Swinerton left;' for Ler bo'n'e in Cal. gary ,an, Saturday, , ' T,+ r. Lt. .,ulf-link that was advertise i in last weeks Times was brought into the office, lest Saturday and has, been returned to, the otvr,er., . Mrs, 'Kennedy and grandson ]:ave returned to their home in Ettrick ar- after visiting for a. couple of weeks wits:. Mr, pi.nd Mrs, T. E]liotrii, . Messrs Gordon Taylor and' [Gralnt Honer left this week font Toronto where they have secured positions with the. Russell Molter Car; co. Misses Sue Wambold and. Aldo Hartleib of Da4h•wood spent Saturday and Sunday svitL, Mrs and Mrs( F ''i Heywood returning td their homes On Monday Mr, John U3arr.. of C:ro,narVly., is mod ing into theanew house on Main Seneet recently p„rchase+] from Messrs Snell and Ivlarchandi We —• welcomo Mr, and, Mrs, 13arr to our midst. The annual bazaar of the Trivitt Memorial, cLrirck will be 'held ir. the towr_ Hall Friday December Ott. Sale of farcy articles and afternoon tee,. Admission 10 cents, Evening program,Admissior. 10 cents. Potatoes are tontfnnling to rot' in this section' and many of: thein that were pitted to fry and save; 'them rotted in the pit. Potatoes that have started to rot are hoot sate to eat and si.ould be destroyrert. ittakes money to finance a. news- pa'per same as any other business The hundreds od'dolt orascof.rc, fs >d all' ov thje 'country would come in handy. Do 'not forget your friend the editor Let us Lave that remittance . you forgot to send. The home sof Mr, John Southcott of `Grand Benda was destroyed by fire from the chimney and gained such on Saturday last'. TLC, fire eaugh;t headway that nothing could be doinn to save the building. A few belon,3 r r in s' were rsaved, o At the, Young Men's class in. Main Street Church on Sunday af;torneein last Dr, Roulston gave an. cxoe1I-,nt address that was much enjoyed, There Was( a good turn out of )mem,- tiers rnem-Fhexa Next ext Sunda • :NI - r 1 ...ta ;Tand- y Y <t of Ingersoll , ersoll will address. class, Special music will be rendered. T1 0 season for black sq tiirreifst opened last' I+'riday and a number oft nimrods are taking advantage of the" excetlenl; weather and are spet.tding e few days in the !woody!. Meeers 5, Fitton., W, Sans,. Mr, -!Beer.' and C. Xlirney shot twenty-five minerals the opening' day', Have -you oder e er thou, at to allthe' b f paPers printed' r n Ont rsa 't Lee is only once farm business paper!. That is the Weekly Sun Teront.o. .lion Sarin news, a'ri'd market reports, it is wxtk u'r r an 'equal, t .f f. yea v r+i c x 1 a a x e ant to make. rl 3 e farm payt rmax o. a isnot afford [h v e b 1 Fd i +++++++++++++++++++++ +4 + +9 4 4++4 +4+ 44 s 444 +44 +3' 3+ 40 + ++.1. + +9 + 4 4.4 440 +3++4 444 444 44 +4.d+ 4fi+II ++ + 9 4 4.9 + 44+ 43+4. +++ +4+ 44+44++++4++++++++++++++4 +44++++++4,S+4+++++++4+*+++ k+ +'1<`F'+i>++++•'r. ,€,•,g",I*,4+.,II>d„ aF.'g,"i,.l+.i..i„i,.., '+tS.:* iii+***P +++t!'t+'i+ ;+!t+ +++i++t>+63++ °1++ + ++ ++i+' ++II+++++ II+++3>nan+ +II 4 ILD 0 Having sold our Store which has to, be vacated by Jan. 1st. we are offering. for Sale our $15,000 Stock of General Merchandise which consists of Drygoods, Ladiesand Gents Furnishings, Carpets, :1-Zluge Wall Papers,China, 9 Glassware Boots and Shoes, hardware and . Groceries. We can Save you at least 25 per cent on Dress Goods, Mens Furnishings, Undrwear and Carpets, 50 per cent Discount on Wall Paper 30 per cent discount on all Crockery & China BIG SALE NOW ON W. J. Carling Produce taken at the. Sale at Cash Prices ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a.++++i +g,+ ++g++'i++l+++g+++g+yt+ ++l+'I +++++Y i' + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '4+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++.44++ +I++g'+g+++i;++':'+++•44++ ONE ZEN OE N01 MIKE R NKR Nor one line of Furniture furnishing wa we look at t therehas got to be Volumead Variety,; o s ofy kin kinds. lots of Each Kind. Suppose youare interested in Bedsteads or Mattressres, or Carpets or Pictures or Bedroom Suites or Buffets, Rockers, or Parlor Setts, or whatever it may be, it is a Good Thing to be shown a nice Assortment isn't it. .This Store Comes to YOU with this'Advan= tage as well as the other advantage of LOW PRICES which big buying always means. May we have the Pleasure of Convincing YOU JAMES BEVERLEY Leading Funeral Director and Embalmer and Furniture Dealer Me, T., McCurdy of Stratford: visited in town on ;friday • NOTICE;Having rented the pld blacksmith stand' of Wright ,& Atkin- son ion Main Street I' anal prepared to do alilkinds gf`horse shoeing and gen- eral ;repair work; Satisinethwn gear.- ante,ed, A call solicited. D., ]tiTc- Donald,: ' Rev W, M. Martin, of..Lontleit',i 'a former pastor- of Cavan Presbyterian church occupied the rulpit in. Caven church last Sunday both norni,n:g' and evening. He was giketed with good congretentions and Ltia sermons, were much: enjoyed'. rho pastor Rev, S, F, Sharp' was in St, Marys attending' the anniversary of Knox church, Mr. Harry, !Bissett son of'iMr.,"fled 03is ett was recently married in Winnipeg to Muss Verde, liolliin,s daughter of, .MIr, and Mrs, Ed, Rollins formerly of Exeter: The, wedding was performed by Rev Vir, fAs, SCo;oike at the parsonage of the Zioln Meth- odist church'. • Harry is, a graduate from 'tie. Times office and his4Knany friends will extend congratulations6. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++tr+Q++++¢+ +DE DELAWARE LACK - 4 444 AWANNA & WESTERN3 +II4 .3, COAL'COMPANYS +3+ 4 4 Scranton Goal 3+ +3+ 4.• 4 The Best Hard Coll Mined Tryscion 9 r q. W. W Ha 1.eV TT COAL M A N 4+3+ 4+• 444..+441.,444414 i ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :- ++++ +++a+ ++ ++a++a++€•+a++r;+++a+++ +>t+ t ++++14+ 4.44..1.4. + ++a++ + + ++a++rr++a++s++»+a++r ; ol+ DoNotForet J That we have a Full Stock of Rogers' 1847 .3. silverware O . —Also— + 4 Watches, Clocks, Diamonds +3+ and everything in the + ' , Jewellery Line. H 4 Repairing Done Neatly and ` Promptly. Prices Right ♦ 11: A. Marchand • JEWELLER ♦ +3+ Christmas, just five weeksmare., '.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++4;++++++++++++++++++++++ Miss, Katie 'Oent'tner of Dashwood visited Ler sister Mee, Fired Wells over Sunday; • Miss Ellen Brown of Harper Hos pital Detroit is s!pendin,g a few' weeks at ler 'torn Mrsy Arthur Francis of, Kiiktort and Mrs, George Rooke. are vu.siting in Detroit Mich. Messrs Pt, Gill and ;hats, Sanders are erecting new verandahs' to their residences. on. Huron; 'Str. cher, Te.e cow belongin;3 ,to Mr, Will "1847 Rogers Bros." "Silver Plate that TT/ears." rs." SURE Off THE "1847" Ir You WISH' TEM Gne enen AND ORIGINAL + Rogers Knives, Forks, +a+ Spoons, etc. 4.4 Sweet winch vas operated on oder a by a potato owing to being clidel xl j CUSHION TOPS Regular 50c for 40e, reg, 40c for 30e by a potato died !rile week C1,r, holteu, Anniversary of Jaynes reg. 35o fGr 25c, reg. 25c for 20e street Methodist church will be held on December lithe 'On the following MERCERTED CUSHION CORD reg. 5c a yd. Sale Price 3 yds. for 10 Monday the ladstn•5 esof the congraition Battenburg Pa have decided ' •sulker; g !terns and Braids, Roman Embroidery, Scarfs, Centre Piece to hold a fowl etc. 'at Reduced Prices Mr, TLo,si. SeIdea of Inge ersAhl spent b p t, ac veral d ays in town wn i n ikg the p as e I D ■ oBBLEDIGK iveela Mrs and Mr,Seldokleaveslorfs Sop where they wilt apend the winter' morn ties., rRuRu. FOR XM1S. Few Suggestions of Interest To The Ladies SLIPPER SOLES In large sizes for Ladies and Children Sizes 1 23 3-..7 Mr, Norman Hockey wise for some time has driven the delivery rig of Jones MayLas as'resigned nd' • ft t aloe n 1 a postitirn with the ,Jackson nMfg, yCo Mr; Reg, itnnrht has talken, Norman's: fJcciition with, Oanap '&•. May. SUNDRY I13:PRES i P"nopde Dodge eIct Dad M•eGJory as. they caracole and ,sing, tor he always Sas a dory that he's snffering, to piing; and his, tales are always: dreary so they make iiia hours ik'rear,, 3 and they wish sh hitn tn'finbexy with iia h'ie anerti5 u 'i st tn- People U I e dod e cid 9fIy Biddle when he loo ns , up their view, re for lyeltiva' s hath "a3, r' •• a y Ld dle that be iv -ants an t ns,wer to and rid'dl'es are to Lory ad they var±t' of !sis ntol;dlory Intl, fro+» Bo,stont, r,ory pcozir7 xv oasr,ra k,i:n `' ry .,:5litxol' l NAY P.O. People dodge old huckleberry as around n tLe, town f' k is they*Whiz. hz. totT Die Stories never vary, thiey are of its 'I;'eutnatie, oil he always ie complain— ing how ha millers, when its, ratetinig Low dais tortured thews. are strainisg when the, wintry blizzards blit, Pete ple dodge old Sarah Twister; Year she gives them all 'an ache; he a tire- some iresome. , stn•' Irhi r ie t, siater ba,tt9' 'onL• fly's suffrage fake; Wearing out her vocal features ahe is lectur-inb• the bleachers en ale rights of female crea ar s 1V l: l• !31117 i'halxldy t' S .d homer l and lake 1'cople dodge old Meek l?edikex Lee% esverely left: alone for be is a chr,o no meddler in affairs Which etrent own L&s dt rare old mischief maken sprradirigg gosaip by the acre Rs `0 o, bad old t scandal. a raker and his *Mate t • 5-d s peoiste groan, ant/Tait In'a net. TAKE NOTICE 1; N C The .General Public will take,noticer that I ani still doing business in and ae round Exeter. i WANTED All kinds a€' Hide,c also . Horsehair, Rub Ser, Copper, Seta r ` Iron . Rags, Highest m' arket prices' s' paid. Call at one door south. 0 Telephone f Of>tice. Wrxler &C. Co. rw obi