HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-06, Page 26WAWA TA t, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1945 Toronto theatre ttroupe portrays John A. MaclJo..naid in play Prime MInitter John Ma cdonald came to Goderich Wednesda, l+?eb;. 7 ,�in the form Alexander Gray an aeto f Toronto. Graan to t.>v . wi Gray ht b @ ' 0 t . r' rtorrin rs put on a play -at Robertson sebool for the seven and eights. The play depicted the Riel Rebellions and haw our first prime minister dealt with Riels' disobedience. "The play is a good way to teach Canadian history to, the pupils. The acting and the dialogue have a more personal effect on them," one teachercommented at the end of the performance. After the play was over the children were given a chance to ask questions. The ques- tions ranged from "How old are you?," to `Is that gun you used in the play real?" The acting troupe is called Tokachin and they are' touring the area schools. In this play the part of Gabriel Dumont is played by Kevin Fox. Fox is the originator and he is also responsible for writing the play. The play took Fox two years to write and his brother, Steven Fox, is in the play but has a limited role. Steven handles the musical and narrative role. The troupe performs at elementary schools throughout Canada four months a year. Bob Marshall of the Goderich Recrea- tion department is responsible for bringing this play to Goderich. He co-ordinates the differ-ent plays through, Prologue to the, Per- forming 'Arts, a Toronto-based marketing company for actors. Marshall attended a conference at the end of September entitled CONTACT. Here, Marshall sr.eened dif- ferent plays and he has booked some of them to come and perform in Goderich. These plays are coming here as a part of the Childrens' Cultural Activities program. The groups cost anywhere from $300 to $500 for one performance. This cost is shared between the recreation department and the various schools. The schools pay $1 for every child in attendance at each perfor- mance and the recreation department puts up the rest. The recreation department gets funds for this particular project through the cash back program sponsored by Wintario. The program consists of people giving their old Wintario stubs to the department and they cash them in. Tokachin performs their play four months out of the year. The rest of the year they go their separate ways. Kevin, the founder of the group, has done some work en GHt's hit series. the Beachcombers as the character of Ace, for six epiisodes. Almada I'_.Gray perkaro in_ Che troupe and acts in Toronto in various proaditctlons. "His latest job was in Marat-Sade a play that ran in Toronto for seven weeks. Acting is a tough, but wonderful business that requires a lot of energy and stamina. According to Gray it is essential to get a good training if you are considering acting as a profession. "An actor without some process or techni- que is lost. Sooner or later you have to rely on both of these to get work." said Gray. He also recommends that an aspiring ac- tor do as much theater as possible. Gray warns that if you take a part and your not enjoying it, don't do it. You may think you are getting experience, but your discontent with the part will show through in the per- formance. "Acting is a creative profession therefor you must enojoy the creative process in order to be successful. "said Gray. Tokachin, will be leaving this area to per; form in Oshawa and NewCastle for the next two weeks. Parents for French hold meeting here The Huron County Chapter of ' Canadian Parents for French (CPF) held its first general meeting at the Livery on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1985. The present, executive including presi- dent, Joanne Jasper, area representative Nicky Sully and secretary -treasurer Judy BIRTHDAY CLUB mmitma Hi, My name is Ian Dekker and I will be one year old on March 8th. I live an Krrhmer Drive with my Mom and Dad, Janet and Al, and, my big sister Amanda: A special hi to my Gramma Ritchie in Lucknow who is coming to our house on my birthday. Hi; My name L, Lindsay Kikkconnell.-i will be 2 years old on March 11. I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta with my Mom, Dad, Don and Dawn and my baby sister, Jenna. I would like to say hi to all My frieiids and relatives. Lindsay Hi My name is Melissa Standen. I will be four years old on the 8th of March. 1 am having a party with my friends today and one on Fri- day at my Grandma's. 1 have a little baby sister, Ashley to help me celebrate my birth- day this year. Bye for now, see you next year. Love, Melissa. P.S. Say Happy Birthday to my friend Elmer. 'Burns was introduced. CPF in Huron Coun- ty will function as a support group and an information -sharing resource for parents, educators, and the public in core and im- mersion French programs. The Chapter will also be engaging itself in various social and fund-raising events in an effort to assist financially towards the ex- panding French programs now being of- fered in the county. Martin Van Den Berg presented a report on the Separate School Syrtem which has set up total French immersion for Kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2 at St. Michael's School in Stratford and St. Mary's School in Goderich. These classes are now open to public school supporters and the registration date moved to March 29, 1985. 'A TransportaLLion Sub Committee of Barry Buchanan and Martin Van Den. Berg was established to look into the bus routes between Clinton and Goderich and will look for solutions to possible transportation pro- blems for those students travelling into Goderich to participate in the immersion program at St. Mary's this fall. CPF will be holding its first annual meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd, at 8 p.m. in the Livery. Director of CPF Ontario, Pat Webster will .be addressing many issues concerning the French programs in which children are enrolled, including what parents can do to help and what parents should be prepared for in the initial weeks and months of their child being in an'immer- sion program. CPF membership forms will be available at this meeting for anyone who is interested. Student employment program launched by federal government The local Employment Development Branch (EDB) of Employment and Im- ' migration Canada, is now accepting ap- plications for Student Employlinent- Experience Development "SEED", a stu- dent employment program recently an- nounced by the Honourable Flora Mac- Donald, Minister of Employment and Im- migration. Shirley Burton local EDB representative says that funds have been allocated to the area served by the London office. Businesses, municipalities and non-profit groups are eligible to apply. The program will contribute a wage subsidy for new jobs created for students. The level of subsidy will vary depending on the applicant. Businessescould, be eligible for up, to 511 per - • cent of . student wages while Non-profit groups may be eligible for up to 100 percent of wages plus some overhead costs. Ms. Burton says funds will generally be approved on a "first come , first served" basis. The program's priority is to create jobs which will provide career related ex- perience for students. Employers interested in this program or other Federal and Pro- vincial student wage subsidy programs should contact EDB at 519-679-4030, or the provincial hotline at 1-800-268-7595 as soon as possible. An Open House will be held at Employment Development Branch, Suite 301, 451 Talbot Street, Thursday, March 7, 1985 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., to acquaint potential employers with the new program. 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