HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-03-06, Page 16ry 1r :Z. to tulattn o o......, e eI in the or division of the Zone GI to sass who a . Y ..ofltest sponsored by. tll Ro al. CCanadian Legion at Goderich fast 84 y. She will be going on to compete at abridge at a higher level the end of Mar- e)). Amita is a grade seven pupil at Hullett Central school and chose for her topic - Steae Picking. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross. Mrs. Robert Peck and Marjorie McDougall attended the London Regional Conference of Women Alive held last weekend at the Holiday Inn City Centre, London. Gary Shuttle%yorth was in charge of Knox United service last Sunday morning with Mrs. Barry Millian as the organist. The senior choir sang the anthem, God's House. Mr. Shuttleworth spoke on the Lord's Day observance. The offeringwas received by Keith Hallam and Steven Millian. The Junior congregation was surprised by Mrs. Marinus Bakker and Angela Millian. Walkerburn Club held their meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Penfound. The president, Mrs. Leonard Archambault opened the meeting with a seasonal poem. Mrs. Rick Archambault led in prayer. Secretary Mrs. Elliott Lapp and treasurer Mrs. Keith Lapp gave their reports which were accepted as read. The draw prize was won by Ethel Ball. Mrs. Elliott Lapp invited the club members to come to her home for the March meeting. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Garth McClinchey and Marion Hunk- ing and the lunch will be in charge of Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Leonard Archam- bault. There will be a bake sale at°the March meeting. It was decided to hold the craft sale in the hall beside the library on Apr. 27. Watch your Corners was an interesting reading given by Mrs. Stewart Ball. Mrs. Rick Ar- chambault demonstrated how to make totem poles out of your name. The February meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held last Tuesday in 'the Auburn Community hall with Mrs. Tom Haggitt, curator of the Tweedsmuir history book reviewing 1984 highlights which will be placed in the book. , The president, Eleanor Bradnock read the Creed of the Queensland C.W.A. in Australia. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Robert Peck. A letter was read from -the Huron County Historical Society asking Auburn W.I. to host the April meeting. It was decided to hold it on Apr. 30. The Tweedsmuir History book committee will look after the program and Mrs. Donald amoressawaseassamemessimmiamsemeessessaap Eleanor Bradnock, 51213-,59ES Haines will be convener of lunch. The presi- dent thanked Mrs. Tena Envoy and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer for buying the coffee pot and cooking dishes. An invitation to -attend Clinton W.I.'s special birthday on Mar. 27 was accepted by several and also the invitation to Blyth on May 2, Goderich Township on Mar. 20 and the Tweedsmuir Tea on May 13. Some hand-crafted articles for the Erland Lee Homestead were handed in. Mrs. Tom Jardin gave readings. Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt, Mrs. Lillian Letherland and Mrs. Gor- don McClinchey were named a committee to buy supplies for the Tweedsmuir History Book committee.. Mrs. • Oliver Anderson gave an interesting contest on Prime Ministers of Canada. A reading - The .use of cedar to the Indians was read by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Prize winners at lunch were lucky plate, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; Birthday closest, Viola Raithby and kicky number, Mrs. Donald Haines. Sorry I omitted the date of the Auburn Horticultural Society in last week's paper. It is to be hekl on Mar. 11 at 8 p.m. with the speaker being Louis Stadelmann of Goderich on bees and their importance to Horticulture. Everyone welcome. Winners at last week's euchre party spon- sored by the Auburn Sllvertops were novel- ty, Ray Hanna; high lady, Mrs. Clarence Allen; low lady, Bernice McClinchey; high man, Gordon Gross; low man, Jack Hallam. There were eight tables in play. Marion Sproul arrived home last Thursday after being a patient in Clinton Public Hospital for about a week. The World's Day of Prayer service last Friday, Mar. 1 was held in the Westfield Fellowship church with members of the Auburn church „groups assisting. Prior to the service music was played on the organ by Donald Vair with Mrs. Vair on the piano. Mrs. Vair welcomed all to theservicerand the service of song was led by Pamela Thiessen of the Auburn Missionary church. Scripture verses were read by Eleanor Bradnock of the Auburn Presbyterian Foster home program is topic HOLMESVILLE - Peggy Rivers of Huron County's Family and Children's Services was the guest speaker at the February Meeting of the Holmesviile United Church Women (UCW). She spoke about the assistance given by the county agency to children under 16 - years of age, about the foster home program and the aims of the agency to help with family difficulties. The ladies were thanked for the quilts and hand knitted articles they donated to the agency's Christmas Bureau. The theme of the meeting was love and stewardship. Leader Elaine Bechtel spoke HOLMESVILLE NEWS Blanche Deevee, 482-3383 about the ufestyles.of Korean women. President Isobel Harris chaired the businessineeting,_Members_were reminded that the World Day of Prayer will be held on March 1 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Clinton. Euchre party in Dungannon has 28 tables- in play- The Dungannon Agricultural Society held its third Euchre Tournament at the Dungan- non Hall on Saturday, February 23. Out of 28. tables, two couples tied for high '..prize with a score of 81. Millie Johnston and partner, Ila Pollock played a grudge match game of euchre with Bryce Ritchie and part- ner, Donna Powell. Bryce and Donna came out victorious, receiving the $50 prize while Millie and Ila received the $40 second prize. Third prize of $30 went to Tom Moore and Len Bowman. 1 Draws for 12 different prizes, donated by. the Agricultural Society Directors, were held with the following people winning: Murray Rourke, Glenna Pannabecker, Jean Broughton, Mary Maize, Margaret Err- ington, Tom Tobey, Kathleen Cur an, James Doherty, Suzanne Boshart, is Gautreau, Dave Million and Beth Dickso . Folks are reminded that the next Euchre Tournament, Saturday, March 23 will be the last one for this season. coNrusED7 • here k a practical solution... Insurance is a complex busi- ness. Most laymen need an inde- pendent expert who works for the buyer instead of the insurance company. An insurance broker will help you assess your insur- ance needs and then Will shop around the various companies to get you the best insurance buy. He works for you, not the insur- ance company. excerpt from Sound off London Free Press Feb. 28th, 1985 Lot us work for you NNUITIES LTD, •Investment,+ Annultios•Llio Inlluronce 53 WEST ST.. GODEPICH 524-2773 (Collect) Women'It ita or Society and a reading was even s Robert Slater of St. Malik a .I rigiicon Church. The offering was received by Mrs. Donald Haines, and Mrs. Robert Arthur of Knox United Church Women. Two beautiful solos were sung by Adeline Campbell of Blyth ac- companied on the piano by Flazel Dalrymple of Blyth. Don Vair lay -minister of the Westfield Fellowship Church gave an inspiring message on Let us have Peace within our hearts. Following the benediction by Martin Bean a lunch was served. • q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *Cystoid momenta, Railings • •Spiral Stairs 'Custom Machining OWNED AND OPERATED BY STEVE RATHWELL RR 5-G.M.B. 123 CLINTON 482-3523 k1,�i'�p raft' �t ik$A1,4*. *SERVICE: 10411114,,i. • AMC, JEEP, R BEEF B NANZA Mo t or C. 570 Huron St,, Stratforil 271-7528 oio CUT FROM CANADAGRADE "A" BEEF BLADE ROASTS 3.73/kg. FROZEN NIAGARA ORANGE JUICE UNSWEETENED 12 FL. OZ. T9 DIET COKE SPRITE OR DIET COKE CASE OF 24 - 10 OZ. TINS NAVEL ORANGES. PRODUCT OF USA $'199 • DOZ. HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 200 G. 994 cut from FreezerCanada grade 'A' beef • • 1 ' Special Branded Beef Chucks prime cut from Canada grade `A' beef Cross nn roasts 65.85 lb. avg. roasts /kg M. l b. 2 contains: blade steaks or toasts, chuck short rib 89 roasts, cross tib steaks or roasts, ground meat • or stew cuts. All bone /kg4• OC and fat included in or 39 199 • lb. steaks weight. Or steaks 7,25 3,29 /kgIh. fresh minced mediuq-iround beet /kg3.73 lb. 1.69 • • • • DIETRICH WHOLE WHEAT BREAD\ 675 G. , 694; VAN CAMP . PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA FANCY RED DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Ib. BAG $119 • • 0 ib159• /kg4?-3lb 219 . . • cut fntm Canada rade 'A' beef reef short ribs for braisin /kg 3. 6 Ib. 1.79 Maple Leaf sweet pickled cryovac cottage rolls 4.39 lb. 1.99 store sliced 'muted or regular Maple Leaf bologna /100gl •36. lb. 1.59 1 • • • store sliced Chefmaster corned beef /100g ♦64p lb. 2 .89 in at°mo"'"'d facial ape Schneiders big cheese tissue towels beef, beef steak or beef kidney Schneiders meat pies pig 39 • Schneiders pepper- oni Pkg.g 49 • Ott Swan Pronto /kg 8.50 i� h 2129 1b. 3.86 • .• Schneiders beef bologna 375 g Pkg. • bomb or scent II. Lysol spray disinfectant SCHNEIDERS 500 G. BEEF STEAKETTES $,79 • • • • • 3502 69 • - WITH PORK 14 FL. OZ. PRODUCT OF ONT. No. 1 GRADE MUSHROOMS 4.39/kg. s ■7 99 ■ • fib. PRODUCT OF USA CANADA No. 1 GRADE BRUSSELS SPROUTS 1.50/kg. 68 ,Ib. product of U.S.A. • • I20z. moi! Pk - carrots _n . 9 product of U.S.A. kl!Vb • fruit 1 lb. bag product of Ontario cote 8 oz. pkg. slaw 1 co .59 no namemt• wild 20 Ib. bag bird food PRODUCT OF USA PRODUCT OF USA PRODU- CT OF USA PRODUCT OF CHILE CAN. No. 1 GRADE CAN. No. 1 GRADE CAN. No. 1 GRADE NECTARINES •. BU?'. • 69 a .994EA. $FO.i 1 1 -aa CELERY . GREEN ONIONS STALKS CAULIFLOWER • FORTUNE FANC14 FL. oz. WESTON'S Be'CHOCOLATE 1 • FRUIT CO KTAI-r99-q!HOT J? $ , .1 1 91 AIIpq • Y7 BUNS' �• • QUAKER COOKIF OR • MUFFIN • MIX • 500 G. ;