Exeter Times, 1912-11-21, Page 3tiffROM COASI .01IAT TIIE WESTERN !EO>t']h>y ARI: D OIN G. Proeress of the Great West Toff ut ci_ od Pew Pointed .l a Te in , Paragraphs. Ii. •'-" has been seen at, .4 'white .crow Pendleton, B.C. Beef settle are being shipped f from 1110 -hail to Seattle. ori;taut , P. Burns &' Co. bring into Ferriesby the oaaloed be " Irunning is will `la a year ax tr an between OrovzllP and Chicago. ca go . hauled from l' Supplies are being 1 Hedley to the Golden Zone Fmine. e This year $405 shave been Bee t d or do taxes in Bh irmore, f g at the port of �' u r !lots The tour i for their Viotorza received $17,000 services last year. Over 2,000,000 feet of lumber are being shipped from Hardsorabblel to New Hazleton. e municipal street railway oaf onton will build 10 miles of track next year. rice lit promise to be higher in p winter than ever before in Bri Columbia. batbought 24,800 Lord Joicey.acres'of land near' Fort George, for whioh he paid $450,000. B. Clifford of Scotch; Creek Flats recently killed five grizzly bears, while hunting around Shusway Lake. Stewart has a nine hour electric light service: After midnight the night hawks have to use candle and kerosene' lamps. was recently A five pound potato rained in Summerland. It was over a foot in length and would make a sensation in Ireland. Mons• 0. W. Palmer of Butte, , has the contract for moving the business buildings of Frank to the new .site near the Sanitarium. This season 586 whales were cap- tured on the west coast of Vancou- ver Island, sixteen of them being sperm whales. • ' The catch was smaller than last year. The Canadian Pacific Railway's steel bridge over the South hbcok River, east of Cowley, has n completed. It is 1,900 feet long, --^^ -' arid''25d-teet above the river r bed. The cost was about $1,500, 00. The Keystone Cement Company has secured a . site at Blairmore and will build a plant this winter. The new plant will. employ 200 men t when completed, and turn out 1,500 tons of cement daily. Recently a blue grouse killed it- self by flying with great force against a window in the Central hotel at Prince Rupert. It evident- ly mistook the flowers in the win- dow for in-dow.for the entrance to a forest. The shack of Charles McKinnon, miner, Was burned down in Hai- el:ton. The Dad miner was aeleep out t the time and had'to be pulled t by nei-ghbors. In the fire he lost all he had made in forty years pros- pecting. A survey is being made of the up- per Columbia River to determine the feasibility of opening up a wa- ter route from Robson to the' sea, via the '.Columbia River. , The Do- minion Government has set aside $3,000 for the purposeof making ANAEMIC GIRLS SEEM EVERYWHERE Nine Out of Every Ten Stow Symptoms of This Serious Trouble. WJIEN 1014)a)$ KAY BEG. Nine Oases in Which One Mai Be a Mendicant, .n n f a The Hindle Shastrar (say's the Times' of India) consider that beg- ging is allowable and "virtuous" in erne oases, namely : Where a men wants to merry and is unable to defray the expenses of marriage, or wishes to ,per- form a costly sacrifice, or to travel; Where lieha a given away all his. wealth to priests,. or seeks wealth for his Guru, or for the maintenance of his father, or his mother; r his Where he seeks wealth for own st utl Y or is ill, So steadily does anaemia under- mine the health of young, growing girls and young 'women that it is lzg y ' htly. regarded as one of the Ni pe greatest duenesss of her sex. Nne l women out of ten are bloo dess , more or less,. and in many cases P neglect has allowed anaemia to veto into hopeless deoline, There is a security and new strength for weak tired girls and women in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. le. They actually make the new, good blood of health that banishes the "always tired" weakness, and the continual backaches of anae- mia, They drive away headaches, the low spirits, the palpitation of the overworked heart and the fits of nervousness that mark the wo- men whose weak blood is unable to nourish their wasting frames. Dr. Willams' Pink ' Pillss have given health to unhappy anaemics in cas- es too numerous to record. Here is one example. Miss Hattie B. White, Whitehall, Ont., says :— "Some two years ago ' I became very much run down. I consulted. a doctor who told me that it was a bad case of anaemia and nervous- ness. I had most of the symptoms that accompany this trouble, such as headaches, a tired feeling, poor appetite, an pallor. The doctor's me help did not seemto medicine and then I began changing from one medicine to another, but with no better results. Finally at the suggestion of my mother I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got two boxes and by the time I had taken thein I began to feel bet- ter. This cheered me very much, and I continued using the Pills un- til I had taken nine or ten boxes. When I was again enjoying the very best of health, and had gained in weight as well. I have proved in my case that Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a cure for anaemia, and can recommend: them to similar suf- ferers." Soldby all medicine dealers or ARS YOUR 141!<NAS CIIA.PPEO tIt vile l4ao a large estates. two in. Will •Cure Thera. peasants are eetrernoly .o rnserva ,sill-uicle theirmethodsmethodsa# agruLtlture, The particular danger of ellapped lave a hands, and cold Xerac is (spare alto- and oxen and rbaffelopurpirseenerdl-,, gether' from the pain) is thee the lyttr sed oce is, cozrlpulsory, , Mill - cold cold is likely ii e,fepenetrate end set tltieslens are •permitted. to buy ins animation, fesioxing, themselves off if se they wish. blood-poi5OZL. Directly xes di i s broken by a out,; a or chaffed and cracked by the ac- tion of the cold winds and water,. the one necessary precaution is to apply Zan1-Buk freely.. h The pure herbal juices from whie. Zam-Buk is prepared are 50 per. feetly combined and refined that ram - teas immediate effect of tle 1�se G Buk dressings is soothing, antisep- tic, and healing, Mrs. O. M. Pboen, Neuchatel, j down which the horses Dan M s. how pleasedl :—"I1 must tell uk, i walk in four stalls, where they will e 6 2 feet . uk„about f a` B Z m within amthemselves se hem t how:find _ di tan onf husband had an old frostbite ano',inohesoyF waren brine. After e Yyears, and ; . his footdfos many -{ ing in this for the number of hours lead tried almost every known rene,1 ordered by a veterinary surgeOny s d. ct but the brought out,dried, anyZa , withoutwill be they e 4 e. Y ed y, 's first application of Zam Buk stella properly bandaged, to avoid all risk The ascetic may beg; having given up .all concern with the wor.ld,. his case may be placed on a par with that of the person who has made over all his wealth• to priests. for an able-bodied It is degrading person who does not fall - under any of the nine categories mentioned to throw himself on the charities of others. A person in' distress, as for example during a famine, may be treated as one who is ill, The Buddhist and Jain ascetics may beg like their Brahmin brethren; and a multiplication of the ascetic orders has led to 1a multiplication of men- dicants. BRINE CURE FOR UOl2SES. Bath Experinlerlt rtt Breit, Bak Novel . witch for Afflicted �,.nilnels. t in which four horses A brine bath, an stand in hot brine, is now in I 0 existence tit Droitwiteh,. England. The has beep built at the rear bath. St, of 1�1r, Everett'. "garafaQ, in S 1 or e's Square, with• a eloping Ge g; wp .;submit to a headache •ts to wt to To stop It at e:*Ce *Imply take ki.ORV *GO Headache Waters onori . ti xrag" srtd crtxo1� Druggist will cottferri our stetement that they de not eta ltd,lt anything NATIONAL P.1111�+ ANO CHEMICAL co. - • NADA, LIMITED+ tO4 Your rug s that can harm heart or nervous slam. 25e, s. boa. In many cases the asceticism is nominal and' is a cloak for avoiding 1 work. and the'anxieties connected with it. But such dishonest mendi- cancy finds no support in the Shas- tras. In the permissible cases certain rules are to be observed. the ex- penses Thus a man. may beg , which of his first marriage, is enjoined as a duty, but not for his second marriage during the lifetime of the first wife. If he begs in the latter case„ he is told, somewhat coarsely, that he must look upon the offspring by the second wife as if it belonged to the donors of the expenses. Similarly the Hindu ascetic should not go out on his begging round early in the day ; he must b ers have eaten, when the household and the dishes have been removed. If he gets no alms, he should not despair, and when he does get food he should not unduly rejoice. He should barely support life, and not indulge his palate. SCOFFERS ed to help him so much that he.; of catching cold. severed and the sore ,is, nrizv ' Droitwitch brine is twelve times p cured:' 'We would not be without. Zam-Bok in the house." Zam-Bok is also a sure cure for by mail at 50 cents a box, or six piles, 'eczema, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores, blood -poison, bad leg, years used the brine, bandages n eruptions, etc. Its purely herbal lame horses, by dipping composition' makes it the ideal ; it and .,applying them to the legs. balm for babies and young chill He has found the cure successful for dren All druggists and stores sell tstrains bangs, and rheumatism. as strong as ordinary sea water, and the euro is intended for 'race horses, polo ponies, , and hunters. Mr. Everett says that he has for Zam-Buk 50e, box or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for r25price. t e Try also Zam-Buk Soap, let. • BULGARIA'S KING. Bulgaria's success in her great struggle for freedom is almost en- tirely- due to her ruler, King Fer- dinand, who four years ago as- sumed the title of Tsar. He is re- puted to be the most autocratic ruler in Europe, for virtually the feudal system prevails in Bulgaria, Y and the monarch is recognized as owner of the soil: That King Ferdinand has not abused his power is evident from his record. .He has extended the railway system in a very enlighten- ed. manner, and has adapted his principal ports to modern shipping, 't He also found it` very good who e e' looked after his father's stud farm at Finstall Park for foals and year- lings who were weak in the legs. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR T YOUNG CifILDREN. boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •r What to Avoid. The Tourist—"Which is the best hotel in this towni" The Native—"There ain't no best. I kin only tell yot which is the worst." A New Way to Mahe Money. I am making fortune selling Pure Fruit Candy. Any brainy Often Make the Staunchest Converts. The man who scoffs at an idea or doctrine which he does not fully understand has at least the courage to 'show where he stands. The gospel of Health has many converts who formerly laughed at, the idea that tea and coffee, for ex - itialleirataiere ore rue person can do likewise ; so it You ample, ever hurt"anyone. pon want to make more money than you ('looking into the matter seriously, ever possessed send ninety -$1x. often at the suggestion of a friend, d th t Pos- the survey'rnsworth proposes to W. L. Fa. start a large sheep ranch along the White River in the northern part of British Columbia. If the Govern- ment will widen the trail this fall he will put up buildings d gsithis ng i-` wintertr and next spring sheep.. TRICKS YOU DO. cents in Canadian stamps to cover the expense of mailing Seventy- seven Pure Food Candy Formulas, and the moulds to make the candy. I will send them prepaid, and help you start in business. I am glad to help others, who, like myself, need money. People say "they candy is the best they ever tasted" --therein lies the beauty of the business— the candy is eaten immediately and more ordered.' You don't have to canvas ; you sell right from your own home. I made $12.00 the first day ; so can you. Isabelle legI Inez, Block L Negley, Flow Very Easily a Person May Be Outwitted. Ask a man if; he thinks he can etaand still for five minutes, blindd- folded, without moving his feet. sounds easy, but it is fairly -safe to wage? 'that he will move his'feet be- fore the time is 'half up. It is neces-. • r 'nary to be •sure that the blindfolding ie. properly done. If the. performer does not move his feet, it is p obas ble that he will topple over. A little trick. with the fingers which is possible but very rarely ac- complished is to place'. the tips of the first and third fingers together, and then try to draw the middle finger between them without dis- jointing the tips, and without sup- port from any other fingers. Lie flat on your back, bend your leg back on to your body, and then try: to straighten your knee. You. will find it Impossible, the reason being that you are already using the necessary =soles for the first action, the lower; part of the leg be- Itig worked by the same muscles as control the upper part. If you were to ask an"average cigar -smoker if he could smoke a . cigar right tll:roatgh ata steady, eon- secutive puffs without onee.taking ft fronthis mouth, he would probe- biy smile at the simplicity` of the feat. You are fairly 'safe to wager do it, Half a t that h ec stn no 11 him t self cigar ` generally consumes itself whilst held in the fingers of ' the • gtr oket, o placed er en ash -tray. such persons have fours a tuna and a friend's advice have been their salvation. Io ed in an "My sister was emp y eastern city where she had to do calculating," writes a Western girl. "She suffered with headache until she was almost unfitted for duty. "Her,landlady persuaded her to quit coffee and use Postum, and in a few days she was entirely free from headache." (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because. it con- tains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "She told her employer about it, and on trying it, he had the same experience. "My father and I have both suf- fered much from nervous headache since I can remember, but we scoffed at the idea. advanced by my sister, that coffee was the cense of our trouble. "However, we finally quit coffee and began using Postum. Father to he now headache has had but one four years, due to a severe cold, and I have lost my headaches and sour stomach which I ann now con- vincer' came from coffee. "A cup of good, hot Postum, is satisfying to me when I do not care t,o eat a meal. Circumstances caused me to locate in a new coun- try and I feared I would not obe able to get my favorite drink, poo - 'bin, 'tum, but I was relieved to find that a full supply is kept here with i given heavy demand for it." Name by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason.• ever 'read the above letter? A new ons appears from ,tints to time. ThSY ars genuine, true, and tun of flumen interest.. When a man 'buys a new hat.he wants one somewhat like the one lie had before—hut it's different with a woman. iaijus' CUBES OF KIN ENUPTfCN CO� Sa;r;p,in�te Four Children Nearl Tore Limbs Off fared is Nearly by Cuticura Soap . and Ointment e'Two of my daughters and two of my sena were suffering Irma v4r7 heal l beads, the doc- tor ordering my daughters to have all their ]pair cut off so a.:tq prem tlt Bng alt ever their beads, and to get to the seat of the trouble in order to bo able to r u b some oint- ment, Which he gave them, well tato the sores. These sores started In eat aid i n 1K wothee • hlch a g b t larger and larger and then burst And spread all over their eads, and in some cases down' their backs and bodies. The doctor said It wasceczema, but they seemed to be daily boils,t$then sfilledltvithrm Conned looked like abscesses. They became all inflamed and irritated, canning therm to be constantly scrata. This made the sorea burst Bing tthe sluts. buret; and tete !Better ;Ho'wed all aver their beads, We bad Oa eathent finger ban liS and at tttnes torp gloves the tr'ritatton `crag so bad, to creep theta from dt91 ing into the flesh, and at fright tete ,tied Clearly teat their" limbs o f. The" bolsters would be literally covered with blood. "The teachers would not let them attend school tot fear of infec ton s,reading'arnahS the araarltems:d oe, wixlel resolved so I spreading bedew Uut[cu my duralrn tpreatly. I iei!ti Ointment for one mo ,ap And ll result I arvelbits 9a m result n re rad the a -onto n til ,use rad It s one (Signed) George Arthu't Ito 87, cure." $t., Flo laird Common, lir. 33a9nsldl, Yonas'., Eng„ Jan. 3 1911, Although Cttticttra Son F1nr1 Ofaitment aro said tbrnugholat;, the world. liberalthe skit wilIphe The atverago girl is mighty .°aro., iss t4 drop her hints ealrelt ssly,.` of each, With '.12 r lroolt o tent free,'On a t,l,clattotr to Potter D,4D. sent 98 Colulnbtis Men :v Ring Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Makes Clew GiveVlore Rich Milk.` conaaered 0 Food e Stock airy o IJ ImternatlonalSt raving to the Canadyti and the Vatted Stases, tk producer And btxtaW . I d3 lust as it dC n afi r n asps >f � ad 4 Experts tbat .itis the greatest, mi D restorer In the world. The W.11a atsemade ontLrred , Eogt Ch irmauof dairy herd use Yank liar ederr ttoa of Daily Farmers, Quantity acid gplitY of milk w % tested for a svgs Lionel a erp Int. ter - Mita dine—data added to the reeater feed. and I,xt 1 TER1atAT1OttA.. $TOCK rod owed .w it 4ncraa� in tyYgilr, of 14.2 pates „,,ouch• of irnht,rr daily- , Food, od'ded This proves that International stock to the regslar feed will increase of every antitY and lus- tv of Bill r diva. ve Che goal! . aids � s batlntoromkioraal5ttavlr Food it and ke p cows lu better condition. It proves thea int is a money-maker for t intern shoes! Stever y#aarmer who owns one, for the farmer—that every or a h.tudred, cows d�9 old feed Iaternationa3 devery Foo tackmak ou Stock the y. ltidake the test yourself—weigh th are hind now—iheafeed you'll seeal f how Inter. again. stat, and weighiii snake money for you. stational tgok fro p,r Inte.^ytallonal On aoXe Brea on. request. latentuto Sunk Food is sold by dealers hr cv Ronal Stock lord w Food Limned! .! eal eour $3,0an Sdxk ng , e e Mrs. Ulderic Roberge, , Lao Long, Que., writes :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby who suf- fered from stomach trouble and vomiting, also from constipation and they completely cured him. I can recommend them to all mothers as the very best medicine for young children. The 'Tablets are super- ior to all other medicines, not only because they promptly cure sto- mach trouble, constipation, coag, etc., but because they are teed to be absolutely safe and free from all harmful drugs. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 614 Necessary. "Do you believe in divorce V' "No. "Then you are in favor of abol- ishing It 1" "Oh, no, I don't believe in wet weather, but it seems to be neces- sary sometimes." If You Value Your Eyesight reading table with a Lamp You will equip your p is the for Authorities agree that a good kerosene Boil lamhe result oft for reading. The Rayo is the best oilof years of scientific study. It gives a steady, white light, clear-- Made of solid brass, nickel plated. Cann be alidghted without roe moving chimney or shade. Easy to At Dealers Everywhere. E, IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited ire ifulnlev i Fg EG sAilOct4T° HALIFAX ST.410a151 TnTia9=at. Minard'e Liniment Co., Ltd. - Gentlemen,—In July, 1905, I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was obliged to use a crutch for 14 montbs. In S n g, 1906, Ute Wm. Ou rtdee, of Lachnte, try 5IINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did, with the most satisfactory results, and to -day I am as well as ever Inemlylife. Yourhis MATTHEW murkAINES. thusopening up the commerce of his country. Moreover, he has reor- ganized the Bulgarian army. of King Ferdinand is a grandson Louis Philippe of France. elected "Where'll I get age of twenty-- da1 Prince of Bulgaria, and since that dHere s the saw. Just saw some time hise sole object in and hasibeen I that cordwood into stove lengths. to increase the power an deuce of the country over which he of can have all the sawdust you Au Artful Approach. "Son why don't you play circusl It's great fun. First you make a sawdust ring. You move and those"`EZE" cords slide. Shoulders free, shirt . smooth, but. tons secure. xaeh Pair Irt- se,:oat Against SFras:Stage ro: gas 7Ssn:Cs. G-nnine atarrrpral ••5Lf•r' ea hnektes- 5ec. At d,al.r'a or pod. p,.idlor 50 cents. The King Suspender Co. TORONTO Canada FARMS FOR SALE. It W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. UNDRED ACRES—COUNTY , FULTO +; 11...111 Good House; Cheap and on easy terms. GOOD �EVENTY-SIS ACRES WITH buildings and apple orchard; about five miles from Hamilton. 1,1 w, DAWSON, Toronto, any sawdust, rules. He has been married twl and possesses a family of two sons and two daughters. The union with his second wife, who was the Prin- cess Eleanor of Reuss Kostrich,h M bulk tea in Papel bags the pair were young the nature of romance. ,for selling there was some' as "Salada'' Tea. Genuine if a union between them, but I "SALADA" is `sold only in sealed) lead packets. At the accession of Queen Vic- toria, the amount of the British Na- tional Debt while at at nearlyd 788,- 0,00,000, last year the net amount of the Debt was about £678,000,000. make." The "SALAD rt" Tea Co. have issued a writ for $5,000.00 against W. Brittain, Grocer, of Toronto, r 1VE se: - CREOSOTE e; MIL 0-t00;14312t. protect Preserve—Beautify Sanaple3 and Booklets' on .Application AMS LANGMUIR er OD., 'lulled Rrret.t 'r r)R.ONTO 1:374,73,'tthn.rs' _....-. Careless of liim RICK FLOU1 MILL—IN A THRIV- ing village in Western Ontario; big local trade; situated en the beat farming district in Ontario. iiY or Toronto exchange'property. for nt- TheYarm, radon, Ont. The Western Real Estate, Lo MALE HELP WANTED. eQ 1XTY TO ONE g ' ITND DOL n as .• monthly waiting for yovXn5 after Telegraphers and Station Agents, aft e - me month.. Day and llere'urses. Rail- roading. rate Advance- ment rapid. lth6 Dae and 14'[ail Courses. Write for free Rook 18. Dominion roadiToronto. atiSQEta eoUS T1 MORS. LC hi PS, etc. In• V CER. Welts ne � -terns:, and eSCernal, cured wit horst vein by our home treltment'Olediclt Co., before too late. Dr" l.imitral. cnit,r¢«•nnd fent WANDANTED- BLACK, SILVER les, Marten, Fisher and Mink, .live Blake Vannatter, halitus fad, Ontario. DYGING I CLEANING I For the Tory best, sand your work to the • bttQA, Ur �. A. talk negotiations fell through. .Che Princess remained single, and rad when King Ferdinand found himself a widower his thoughts turned to the woman who had attracted him in his youth. They were married four years ago, both being well' on the way to fifty. which n i over wh zc g Fer- dinand country dinand exercises sway has a total population rather less n that of f Ireland, though it slightly the latter country in area. The Zadruga, or house -community, is still popular in Bulgaria, and is ruled by a house -father and house- mother, who organize the work and lay down the law as was the custom with primitive communities. Pea- sant proprietorship is universal throughout the country, and only The 'total police force of England and Wales is now nearly 31,000. One must be a genius to be a sue- cessful. barber. One is reminded of the tonsorial artist who operatednn the same village' for fifty years never made a mistake. In his early date; ahandsome boy ssat tl t t i t chair. Shave, sir V'a bar- ber. "You flatter me," laughed the youth. "You flatter me, No, I can only use a hair -cut." ears passed. In fact, thirty years it. The salve man came to the ' same barber. rIIslr.ct, air1asce the barber, "Pot flatter me lr sighed the man, "No ---only s► Shave.' a hoard's M. torment Curet Cold$, 14a Newlywed — "Before I married you I used to save $2,000 a year;!" Wife—"Oh, indeed! So you've beeu holding enha t bak on me; have you" Hand Cure For Consumption.—For consump- tion. weak longs, lingering coughs, leap). tribe and bronchitis. N a e and dd r Qt clce0 only t adato e by specialistand doctors, taking cure are alive n dwcl1 will be sent on rventct.I• Copeland, 511 Pape A. Toroo Ont. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Cargot In cows. Irate Father—"I'll teach you to kiss my daughter i Young .Man— "Not M n"Not necessary, air; I have just learnt!" Minard's Liniment Cures Distotnper. Little Bessie's Prayers. Little Bessie was visiting her grandmother, who was very devout. Calling Bessie to her, the old lady asked: "Has your mother taught you to say your prayers, dear 1'" "Oh, yes, ma'am," replied' the little girl. "And to whom do you pray, dear, and ask to forgive your haughty little ways 1" "Why, " said Bessie, "sometimes I pray to mother's knees and some- times to the bed." "What caused the coolness be- tween you and that young doctor'{; I thought you were illegible, He "Itis writing' is rattier g e Some people have automobiles who.•ought to have babies. "BRITISH a58f1;l!AN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or send direst. Montreal. Toronto. O taws Quebec. TOMOS WORTH KIR .�'IIHO ABOUT cHRiSTMAS BATT 1B Write to-dy for Catalogue. It's FREE. . The LeRoy In -sport Go., To onto. I3 Io' -,r St. E. - - ,.�3.'�'�•frsis®I 1tEZZ-f.w Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. present there are at In Europe over 7,000 living centenarians, of whom the great majority hail from the Balkan region. Bulgaria can . lay C=laim . to nearly 4,000, Servia more than 1,700; but in England, according to recent statistics, andth in are fewer than a bundred, Denmark only two. To lead a dissipated life may be called a kind of death, CHAMPION EVAPORATOR MAKES TILE ~- BESTT er SYRUP NOW is the time to give your 141aple Syrup business serious attention. Order now and have your Evapo- rator in place before the celd weather sets in. This insures care of your first—and most profitable —runs°Ism). Write for booklet. THE CRlhhltd GO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., filfltiTRt=l1L,"13E, l Ir, e a note calling for 10 00 �. 1.. t m .� sen � t „ it It tl rt thought b a It o ,f g fN e l ,yt l r, l a '` s 5. W fi p s k V to Gil .o 0 CY4 etrt it t ,... .. .. , rad � 1 n tt ,. to { L 1 �,..„ wits a ptcscr p . 1 Toronte. YS; I.Iid 4' —'t2. be filled. 'r , Ell: 7a` If Drug tR. ati t write N of Canada, 1.11icited. --I74Q1" N1W SEI IES, ;{inlT3 vrl l`l, ONT, �a 'EI,,X Iflt