Exeter Times, 1912-11-21, Page 1. oryytice ��af �j Removal) ry7�
' U1MONY SPDA/..At�•1�.I1'}T TOOT/IPA r�.+;'
4 The new Po/AO with the Spearmint flayor,)
Will positively remove tartars, cleanse
and whiten the teeth aid keep them in err-.
sect .condition, Large tubes 2,5e,
mom's Imo storm via exat. um,
ES &
PHONE 32 :.
Another bunch of New Coats are here again to meet
tn. Big Demand. Some Real New Styles and Cloths are
shown. Not to late yet to buy a swell New Coat for
Ladies' Misses and Children
For Ladies or Gents. The Best Cloths with No. 1
Rat. Lining and the best Jur Collars. We have a Big
Stock to show yen. Prices the very lowest.
Either Ladies or Gents with,' first class Fur Collars,
lined.with Heavy Curl or Quilted Linings. Good, large
and long. Prices from $1.5 to $25
of all Kinds in Ruffs, Muffs and Stoles from $5 to
$2,5. A nice lot of Children's Furs.
Only 41eft in Blank and Blue. Regular $19 Suits to
clear for $12.60, Do Not Miss This.
We have a Big Stock with the Prices' Right
Overcoats Suits
The mostSwaggerCoats we have ever shown A big lot of the Real Nifty Suits we are noted.
No other firm can show you, the range we have. for. Every suit NEW and Up -to -Date; Have a
try on.
Our Milliners are still. real busy and have a
real swell lot of New Winter Hats. Just call and
see them.
House Furnishings
A good time to buy your Rugs, Carpets, Lin
oleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, Madras.
Phone 32
still continues to hold its position
as the leading Baseburner of its
'.class. Powerfylheatersand will
give more heat with less fuel,
than any baseburn.er made
-Complete Line of Heaters from
$13.00 to $45.00
-Ranges from $25 to $55
•^Oil Heaters $4.50
•tove ,Pipes 10 cents
Elbows 20 cents
Move Boards
' Stove Mats 50 cents
Weatherstrip, Etc:
'Everything for Cold Weather
Jones May, Exeter
Mrs. Alin and daughter of Cromar
.are moving into the residence on HOP
1 on street recently vacated by Mr, Jas
Mr, John efine leet Wedines4ay oa zt
faitabees,e trip to Loa4e* and, ,Woo
etuek •
Mr, and Mrs. Amy visited Mr. and
Mrs. Trevethick at Brinsley on Tues-
Mr. and 111rs. Carter of Olandeboye,
visited Mr, and ,Mrs. D, Cobbledick on
Sunday jt
� a 's G
, ddi , f Mornicgton Tp
attended the funeral of the late Mrs
Westlake on Monday.
the t rub
«,wapts,' E^i~arytlaing in 4itbber soldf,4G ti s
ol~ox �-trot Water idettlee,
succi $1,50)
Cole's Drug Sterol
(aOine of The Iteitall Remedies.
NOVEMBER 21st, 1912.
li'ke late Orville $ne'l1' • After. ' ti
d Lrigerizn3 1�ness,+Mr,.'t trvl.11e Wy i~,f. 'rail
Set I1 soon of 'Mr+ airnrd, Mrs,. Wnat. snGll
passed ttway,at the biome of hisi'par-
ents on the `7th concession of Clsborne
ne on Monday Nov„ 118tL,.at the age olf,
26 yerars 1' month! artM 26. dears, The
deceased bad not 'been v ell ',tor seine
time although able to be around, Ur,
Snellfor zu number of veers was a tra''-
eller out of London later going to Win-
• nipeg, lie has been re6idin At his
hAu►e. fpr the past few mono S. The
ty was held Q nesday to the
E eter eemetery.TheWebereav have
the sympathy of all in their affliction,
The late Mrs Westlakt'e:-9n rriaa5'
ze November i+lth 'Mist ;Wm: Westlake
nY. Mr. H. Horton, of Goderich, who '
blas mith'
Its in$• with Mr. A. Russelli
moving his family to town this week
and will occupy the residence recently
vacated by Dr; Hone,
6 dozereLadiesand Boys heavy
wool Hose, regular 25e for 15c a
30 dozen Ladies' and n ghildrens
heavy worsted hose 30e, 25c, and
30e per pair.
• Ladies' Combination Under -
rear:, fleece lined worth $1.25,
for 85 ments a suit.
21 Lades Sweater Coats to go
at off regular price. •
saole es cle - .
25 Fur Ruii nd. -�tsrt c ar
at a pride where all can buy,
Don't forget our Mee's Wear
department. Try us foe a speci-
al order Suit or Overcoat, Rub-
bt.srs and $hoes,
B. w. P. 11118A,VIGIRS
One Door North of Post Offiee
LIR•AlllYs •
The Library" Institute of Stratford
dietriet wLich comprises the countless
of Perth, Huron, :and• !$'ruses met sla
Stratford on November 14 and. 15th!
There were: '31 ..out sites, possible. 45
llibrairies represelated at the
ing?. Mr, H, E euaten
r CSe:Qtod
e r
our free' library at Exeter. ilii clause
in .the Pubine Library's 'A.ot, states
that' the Minister of Education" may
wii bold a sums not exceeding $5:00
from the nest governmelat ,grant from
the Library not represented at the
Institute, hence the importance of be-
ing in atte'ndance,.$evet•al of, the rep-
resentatives came from town axed vil-
lages in posse/es/km of a'Caiiae;ie
Ntibrary all of whom speak highly of
the advantages derived from .'ilia
gifts. Exeter seems, to be somewhat
behind in this matter;. There est at
the present, time a Carnegie Library
being built at SeafortL The places
that have. these Libraries got them
by simply asking for then: Shall we
Now is the times to send the, Exe-
ter Mimes to year friends or rela-
tioves at a distance'e We giving the
balance, of 'tL,is year free 'to new ash.
scribers. Relatives at' a !dietacce will
y'`p.Freoiate the home news.
The rnaeainery breaking down after
they zed' gone but eon 'miles, ant their.
tvay to fort Huron on Saturday after-
noon George ,W, Smith, proprietor of
the summer ' hotel at Ebette Pollee.
.t[t a Pont
Huron bus ,
man who was visain.t the former sne
Doss L7
s intron and employee of, Smite;
were udrif't in a motor beak for 15
tours on Lake Huron being pie cel up
in a desperate asondiitian: by Iiatittle
E'eint hideous Sunday morning and
almost ,dead; freak, exposure Although
in a bad conditions the three will sur-
ipneumonia does not set in
en #lad a terrible experienee,
With: the breaking down of the ,)ache
in :r the b
Ksat was yblown
upthe l
by a eouthweat wine];, aixd eery effort
to get the 'enginets igoing was, fruit.
lest', The steres Crew were•s, and
huddled togetherin the boat hi ora
effort tri ,keep treat freezing to
death,, the three were tossed about
alb night a heavy snowstorm the
while adding tis their exposes/We,
The wind shifting later, the boat was
drifted back tot'aards the shore and
about 0 !o'clock We boat was dasiligd
ore &t • reef off I:Iettlteroan, where it
was seen by s corterie at .2ndua,tgs,
Who with the' acid. et rowboarts effected
the rescue aghortly ;affterwards.,
Mri, !flea, 1 ewell' was -called;`' to
Stratford Tuesday morning owing to
he Aierious nieces bf Ibis brotbftir AiLf
He drove .to Lucan, to ealtehl the early
train, prise, 'Annie Newell left. ,for
Stratford:. on Monday,
A novel and unique entertainmeet
will be given in the schoolroom of the
Main Street Methodist Church on Fri-
day evening, Nov. 29th under the aus-
pices of: the Mission 'Circle, A choice
program of drills and music will be
given. A.dmfesion 15c, children 10e.
Three horses belonging to Wm. Rob-
inson of Fairfield recently strayed
away- from, his property and when.
found they . were filled with small
shot. e of
On the horses was seriously.
injured. It; is not known whether the
shooting was accidental or intentional.
Two White Squirrels—On Tuesday
while S. Sweet and W Sal'kwiil were
out shooting they shot two white
squirrels. White squirrels are rare
and i'iktlown to many of our readers
but occasionally a shooter runs across
one. Messrs Sweet and, Balkwill bag-
ged 22 squirrels during the day.
t A' nut, er of *alephatae mein: leave
been working in town during the past
week putting' in, a Inew cable as ;far
north as( the bridge end aks,o pu1%tisnt,
ono sin north and Jelhins, Streets,
They are get tint; xea:dy Cor new e1-
gitiprnent at tCentri„..,•eaznd a' new
switch boards *i11' be. put in to the
Stole Turnips,: One of they meanest
and most .contsmlftable acts of sneak;
thieving was perpetrated last week
when some person or persons entered
the premises of Mrs; E. Brooks neer
the river and (stole about ,half of; her
tuxenipst Mrs, J3reoke ie a widow
womaite She had gathered her crop
of turnips and: ?piled there In a•beap
and during the night some one (stoic
the biggest part of them.
Sunday School Cnnyentioxr The Sun
day ,school Assoeiarbibn of ' Visboroo
and Exeter will hold a convention in
TIzxrees Road Presbyterian church oln
Thursday December 28th the. sessiors
will be field both afternoon and even-
ing Me Pireeto,n G, Twig' Of Tor-
wild he, the Cl,principal
s eak a4
the occasion, The Sunday Schoole of
the Township .and of 'tlie! town Should
be represented at the meeting', .
What are Bargaix. H•antres--Tbere
was a tisiz whey_ people imagined
that the so-called bargair. hinter was
a Ti.ta subject for the joke writer, But
that idea Inas lost vogue. The wore
ar.1 Who, Dry reading the ads, and this
tr,teiligentiy and economically is able
to (give/ to every dollar of Loesehatd
exper.tses an additional baying power
is ,sol mare.a si abject of jest • than ds
We wage) earr.er who is intel'Eeeaernt,ly
trying' to increase .bias ia_rning powertr • v d •s a in ea n dAI a ,n sae i rp ep y yLearn, economy-wi•edoande•, watct
tee 'store ads i¢ the• Tmes
Mr, 'Jol:;n Dtimart of Berlin. called
on old friends this weer:..
Mrd, Irwitek,et of L edoin is spend-
ing at 'few weeks visiting fir town
Mr, and Mrs, John Nadiger trona
P egeon were en town last week et -
tending the wod.ding of his, bxotjatetr
Edward • '• `•
Miss (Clara Kraft of Thodferd, at
tended the Nadiger and Nanshwen-
ger weddinee
Afro, J, letterman has . returned
home atter being in Toronto a few
Mr., and Mrs, 1Iendorsan and family
of F raston,eat:tended the Nadiger and
Naushw'an,;er wedding.
Mifi,ere-M:ill:er—A very pretty wwe,01.-
ing was solemnized at; St, B1otnifioe
Catholic church, Zurich, on: Tuesday.
November teeth when Miss, Laura Mi-
ter .daughter of Mrs and Mrs, Henry.
'Miller of Daskwoodl, was united, hi
:narriage to Mr, August Mii1Ler' a+tiros
n :farmer. o f y.
serous young
ceremony was perfornietd by J.3ev,
Fr, Stro,edcr at nine ct'block a, m, in
the presence of ]anger , nutnbc r of
i;ucats. The bride was beau t'ifull7
awn of
ed f;
'n a wedding g
ares e
white silk with net trimmings,„ sot
•J Miss
tc or'r t i c customary bridal 1lJi.
Pearl Meter, of Lonnde'nwas. brides-
maid and Mr. MilfredMoTsaacof Dash-
wood, Desisted. the( greett32., tA't four Os'
clock in the aiternadu a sumptuous
wedding repast was, served at etL:e
home of the, brides, parents, which was
tastefully ,decorated for tee' oecaeire
The bride was the rctc'tpient of many,
beautiful, wedding ,presents(, ,`J'L•.e
, 1 t' in
nt � n.
as: v9
evening' was plc a y, 10 .
game* and amusements' Mr, and Mrs,
Milker will reside in tiny, The Statues
joins with their many frieinds, in ex-
tending eeurgratiulations.
Last 'Wednesday evening tele yeenie
vaaple of iTiethaany Epworth League
,spent .'x very enjoyable time. at the
home of • Mr:G atria Mrs. ,rofin, Clan,
,n inter Deneneinatioeal. S, S, eon
v,t,nt(on will bC, kelek in-t:aa, :cre!sLrq•
t•ef:ixn. i~I<urelti on Thursday Nov, 28th
duad.epeldenly .of tl:e'Bowpel of her son.
Harry ion the 4th. concession: of 'Us-
borne txti the uge ofr72.yntttrs 6 tnontl:h,s
and !11daysh .Mrs(, Westlake kad'beiern
up and around diming' the. ceorrane
assisting wild' the, work when esdie
was suddenly stricken with: heart
trouble and died 'in ,a reeve rninutee of
terwards( ;The decieasted hrtd beeln. a
resident of Usborne for .a great
many year. f'Ter Lnaband predeoeas
her a number ,of years, agog The. de
aeased'ts maiden; name was Meryl :Alen
Inernest. She was been in, 'the! atat 's
moving with her parents Lc. Darlifnl5-
ton !Comae', later coming to Usboree
$he is survived by four sons, John
and Harry of Usborne, James of Hib-
bert and Win in North Dakota also
two daughters Mrs T. S. Hays and
Mrs E, Perrier of North Dakota. The
funeral was held: Monday to the cemetery.Bxe-
t r
The late Mrs Mitt,tart-The r"e�
mains oft tee late Mrs, Jane Muttart
widow of George Muttart, who pre-
deceased h r about 20 years. 7 ago
were brought to Exeter on Monday
last and interred it the Exeter cem-
etery', The diseased' lady was in' her
94th year and saccumbed. to an it -
ward stroke: after a weleks illness, on
Saturday Nov, 16th Mrs, Mu (:tart'
was born in Bifsshiret, Scotland Dee..
27th 1$lii and rveauoved to this country
with her parents when a child The,
family were among the pioneers lois'
the Huron tract: The deceiase•3t
helped to clean a farm on the 7th
concession of fishernef,. Later they
moved into Exeter and' from Lclre to
London, The decea:od was the moth-
er of eleven •children", seven of whom'
survive', Mrs, Muttaxt was an ad-
herent of the P'reebyterlan church(,
She was active and retaipetd. all; her
faculties ttntiI one week ago when:
she was stricken with paralyhis•:
Funeral services were conducted at
Ler ]atei residence in London on. Sun-
day afternoon and the remains, aveee
brought to Exeter Monday:. 'Among
those who: accompanied the corpse to
town were one son and two daughters
Robert E, of God/Jells, Mich, 'Mrs,;
A. M. Connor, of Norwich, Conn. and
Miss Janet' of Lenderne •.;.
Mn, G eosge !case who 'rot many
years was, one of the prominint Teal
estate men of rroron(to 'died suddenly
from I;Kort failure ea.rly Sunday morn
ing at his residence 613 Ave'nna'Road
Mr Case's,
death eame •is a'. e,r..at
shock 'to his. many friends as be was
apparently enjoying fair Len:lth', he
was seized with a heart' attack and
aitbough medical aid was..sunxmoned
immediately nothing could! be done for
him and he passed away within a few
minutes Mr; Kase was an excellent
horseman and had been riding all Sat- a i t)
E r
urday afternoon He was axe enthna
iastie member of the Toronto Hunt
club end other organizations'. In pol-
itics Mr, Care was a trstrong support-
uppor t-
ger of the eonservative panty and was
intexested iin th(e atfai:rs of 'the ,oily
a tL•,ahe never held a petite of-
h e r ell
aninfluential m bt
flee Be tivas infl ie t wra r
of the •congregation of St.Thomasr titn-
gelican church -and was 53 years. of
agee., He is survived by Mre, Cate'
a son Mri Allan .baso), of the Derain -1..
Brewing Company and a, daughter
Mrs Van Straubenzie wife of Major ;a
Straubenzie:—Teronta Mail and :Em-
pire.—Mr Case was, a former rc's dent
of Hay and was a brother, of Mrs.' 0
Virtu, t,, .foil of the London Road e
News of 11'e- 3i5tvietflAT?
Air o si eotai rtieetin af the #Iay
Caunoi.l tbie• atgm-ieultural sreoiet,y Wazst
granted $760 towards buildittt ?xew
celverte, under the race track. iiMr, A', J; Bowes. of Mite,Lell bras
been aplittinte L as�sastant to Ctietein'e it.
O ficer Cull. There will be no, ads
vancemeut in, esalary as tJa't paid Dr,
Guli will he• divide I
The marriage of Mies *q 'Winifred At .
dot r
daughter C
t ro M A
+� f r: CT, �aatlw/n, CEP,
tan to Mr, , Samu:cl E. McMath was eel
ebrated in 'Chntont on Non 1`.3th the
eeretiiony being performed by' Rev,
T, .E. Ford Mr. and 11fre Moittatl�) will as
reside in feederiee.,
Following .an Operation' for oppcn-( one Call
diaitia', Sohn, the youngest sole of Mic.l
and Mrs+i Andrew 'Eireskopf ,of Me-
Ifiilofr died at a'tiouspitai in I?cies That is just. the .thing Fath.
roil TI a deceas(ud was, twenty yeaisrs
olid, Resides leis parents( two broi- er or J IIS an would thol*-.
thers and four .sisters survive.
rs', Jol•,n stet, of 3 mondvjlte °lighlY appreciat
met With ..a seriousg
Ivtre, 'Steel:, while vesiIFing ber,danj-
ter .was, overoome with a feiel ng
spelt and fell fracturing o. rib' :and
',njuriin.g iter Iegt ,fd.rs, Sleet - is
about (eighty years old,
;$ r.CO per year 1n adv
A young Englishman named Silk em-
ployed at the Goderich Furniture fac-
tory, met with. a serious accident
Monday afternoon, wtile en/lithe; a
saw wI en' ne :go. t his Line:ere of the
t'ft hand caught, and they were so
haely lacerated that four efineers,
had to. be ampute:ted, r
Mr, Samuel Davis. of Fullerton /eft.
for Iram'lt ,
a o
n Ise ei ,
ap an a
g a of fox
tunete ones to secure the trip given
by the Frost 'ire Fence Co„ to those
who Sold a certain amoiunt 02 wire
Brom Hamilton they ga td New York
PLilndelph:ia. Washington .and. other
Points of interest do the, Ampirican
sidle', Id l ; , t
he House oftr
ofTMitokellewas,�entereidlait en early Until the Last Moment
hour on Thursday and after ra!nsaek-
xng 'the ,plane the tilled d succeeded 'in i 4e
getting away with $40 in cash The
inmates of the hnuae werea'erakened by
the maruader end they gave` chase
to lime but he was, tea rreet-fooeue
for them anft made ,''oQkL hist escape
The remains of the late 'Wen Giv-
ens were recently brought from Det-
roit to Dublin' fee burial Tne .det:eased
was for Many years a resident in the
neighborhood of :Dublin but lately
has been living (with his daughter
n D•etratt••: His, wife predeeeeeed
him Some years ago, He is survived
by two; sons and three daughters.
A :ea -horse power traction engines
awned by Wm Kalfass went through
the bridge an the Zurich road tear
IZurick, on Thursday night last' wreck-
ing 'the' structure and throwine, Mr,
iaaifass and kis alwitetant into the
water', The engine is badly demaee
,ed, It:took ea scare of met, to 'pull
the en.grine dnt et' thret tv deck: The
ace/dent will necessitate.tli,t building'
of a new bridge which win., cost' ap-
proximately $500 A temporary bridge
is being put up;
Mrs, , Raber
t M.'ontei tL a farmer re-
spected resident of trsborne sired at
ter home :in Killarney Man; an Oct,
loth The ,deceased hod not been
well for some years, Mrs, Monteith
whose maiden name was Mary Kit-
patrick was born in Ontario ecu the
4tb of April, 1838; of Scotch par-'
e 3 ,�
b n tee later sixties she be
cane the beide of Robert ',ti'Tonteith
and lived sueeessively on the Tliezmrs
Road, Crediton and Exeter. In 1852
with their Family of five small •ehil,d-
ren they went went: She is survived
by her husband three ,She
and two
d lettere.,
LossRe t.o.I.ztr�ntof .$3,500—A
Saturday c.•rarning smoke wa
pouring from David Brown's
tore at Goderich. The
was sona
sounded, and the firemen
a quick response,. Very lit(
g'e was done by the, fire be
o tire. tli1Aiculty in locating
f the. fire grca ter 'darnaye 't
d by water, The stack was ,or'errd
A Beautiful, Rich Coat of
soft Brown Shade or different
colors of Grey'. A coat that
will be appreciated day
in the week, and
yet a
a comfort
Do Not Leave Your
C b r i s t m a s Selection
bout lege
t Iaatint':!
n made
le da m-
at owin z
the seat
vac nau;s-
+y 6,500 insurance. which will likely
over all. damages, The cause of the
ire was a ,defective stove., A • very
Ugh wind .was blowing at the time
nd if. thn fire had broken through
is whole block c'o'uld likely have
Mrs and Mrs!. harry rriff Sof Lon- a
don visited Mr. end Mrs, Wilbur 1
Hunter on Sunday last.
Miss Mills of Woodham Ls Visiting'
ber consi.n M ss Mcda ('oultis.
`Ainniv,ersary services will be heid
in the Methodist church; next Sunday
13ev, 'Mr, ;McAlister will rpeaeki in tsae.
rnclrning at ton and ere nester Rev.(
Steadman in the eventing' at 76 a lib-
eral icffrring is askted for
Mrs Greason and children left Tues-
day for their new home in St Marys.
Mrs, Earl is visiting tin Soafortt,
Mrse, Chas, Godboit was an Exeter
visitor Monday;
The W, M, S. met on T;rursday last'
short brief pa'pere. were given by Mies
Upstawl and Mrs, Eli 'Ceoultt:s and
others, Teo December meeting will
Lela be Yd id at the. parsonage: rill ad-
les will also serve .lunch. Mr's,, 1;;,
Skinner tv%zl'I have cbarge of the lYMit-
snon wtudy, 'ar.e
isasked for
in aid of the rets( fund.
Rev, Steadman was in. RCentsall ou
Mn, and Mrs.. Robert klialkwill vis!-
ittsd Mr, Robert, Sellesry'st on pu;nda,*T
Mr, Robert` Woods ies, yisiti,ng.
daughter in Robert,
CENI'.tlec A
The Ladies Aid served a most gen-
erous and .excellent luncheon on Mon-
day last, and the leeture delivered by
Rev. W. G. R. McAlister M. A. WITS
intensely interesting and eminently
practical, The singing of the hus-
bands was much appreciated. The
only feature to be regretted was the
tuieaf;re attendance.
Miss Jenner' of Tiingsville is visiting
Mrs. r, Colwill. 6
Mrs Geo. Wescott, of t7sborne, vis-
"rted her parents rvtr•. and Mrs John
Itepburn for several cloys,
BA.TZ—.Ln Fullerton Nov. 8th to
Ittr,, and Mrs, .john Rate a daugh-
d'lIlCBD—It.t Znrict. on tit' 8th leet,
to Afro end Mrs, George Thiel jr a
EEAb"T--At .Deehwcod• on th'e. 8th
Inst to Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Kraft
f.evia Moya.
DUTIAN:D —At the Bauble Line Stan-
i on the 13th ins ,o• and
y Mrr,
Mrs, Louise Durand a daughter.
R M At Ila,h cad o
� 'w n
Tuesday Y Laura
u ,, a NovEmsbe lett, M's�s
y z# a
tr T
it L au. I:t x of Mr, aaa �•1:
e r d S
Henry Miller ttelYtr, August Miller.
TSS1':TT—liteLLTNS In Vv`inni peg'.
on Oct 30th by Bery •Cokuke ef. Zion
'church 'Mri Harry tl3isset eldest sola
of Mr•, G 1II l'Sissetd formerly of Hee.
ter to ftt/taw N erda l o1lin a, dnugi tier
of :Mr, Ed,, Rollins of Ur.'ata1 City
Man, ?formerly of Exeter.
W RSTI;AIKE—Tn tThbornei o.�r T o, ', 15
Mary Ann Eorn�ey widow of the late
Willis, Westlake 2.
Wi maged7 years ar
months end 11 dente,
MU'I�TAR"I'--fn London, ort November
16tk• Mxee, Muttart, widow. of Mee
late George 'Mut'tart in licr 0lth
t , e
CA,,57.. n Toronto c�zt S,znda; Nnsv izx
lrer 17th• 1Geergo' All(e;n itlas,e in :hns
oStil year, •
I 'RLV-.1n Usbarne, o,n, lbk'ondag, 1`Tov.
78th, tOrvillre W, 0, ,A', Snell, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Wen. Snell /lied. 25
years,, 1 month and 20 days,
�Zr11 cep. '
thbes' ;:
AAbeautiful brown bath robe
1s exhibition on now n in cu
O e� 1 t O l'
Come hi and let us
Show YOU
We carry also an Excellent
Line of
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